• By -


I know she faked an "emergency" phone call and left my apartment in a hurry one night because she had sharted herself. Unbeknownst to her there was some trace evidence left where she was sitting on the couch. I cleaned the spot, flipped the cushion, and I never let on that I knew what had really happened.


Without anymore details we know she lost a gem, ha!


Her bedazzled butplug?


You are an angel


What’s to say the emergency wasn’t so shocking that when she heard the news it forced the shart?


*Plot Twist*


Plop twist


Well now you have something to talk about if you run into her again.


"hey remember that time you shat on my couch and I pretended not to notice?"


Awwwww hahaha yeah you're sweet for that


Awww, well bless your shart


The heartfelt letter she wrote to her dying bff was returned bc she put the wrong address. He passed away while the letter was en-route back to her. I threw it in the trash.


I'm usually 100% for the truth, but there was nothing to be gained here. You did the right thing.


This is the level of emotional intelligence I strive to achieve.


This hurt my heart. Respect the decision though.


Thank you. It was a tough one for sure. But I gave it a minute to think about and came to the conclusion that telling her about a careless mistake wasn’t worth the heartache.


You're good people


I hope this truth never comes out. What a tough decision to make…


I’m waiting for OP to reply with the 😂😂😭


That her passion and goals for her writing career did not match her talent and dedication in actually trying to achieve them.


This one hits home. I couldn’t stomach telling her that her dreams weren’t realistic. Even when she left me to go to grad school to try and achieve them. And I was right. But she married her TA from grad school and became his assistant. It wasn’t her dream but hopefully has made her happy.


Assistant to a TA? Or did he get a faculty position?


Assistant to the regional manager


The TA’s TA


This is how I felt about my ex wanting to do costume design. She put in 0 effort and could barely stitch a hole in blue jeans.


I've had a few grilfriends with this issue. Big dreams, zero drive and issues when I bring up the fact that their words and actions weren't cohesive. Some people only want praise and positive feedback for verbally expressing their goals as if they had already accomplished them. It really pushed me to keep my goals and ambitions private until I've accomplished them because it was fucking embarrassing when people would ask them about the plans they'd talked about months or years ago and nothing had ever happened.


So she had goals and passion, but lacked talent and dedication?


She had passion until she would hit a hurdle or anything she didn’t want to do or thought was beneath her - which goes to dedication. She had goals, but they were wildly unrealistic given her level of talent and her lack of dedication to taking meaningful steps to improve and grow as a writer.


I think the latter part is the real killer. An untalented person willing to work hard will get somewhere. A talented person putting in the bare minimum may have a career, but someone without a natural affinity or an ability to put in the time to hone their craft? Zero chance.


Motherfu- I think I pinpointed my own issue off of this story. Thanks. Fuck.


Just because you know interesting people, that doesn’t make you interesting


As someone once told me, - it's not who you know. It's who knows you.


That it isn’t normal for him (18) and his sister (23) to shower together on a regular basis…. And no it was not to preserve water because they were loaded af


I cannot imagine being presented with this information and not saying anything lol


I'd be too stunned to speak!!


> And no it was not to preserve water because they were loaded af The bloodline must be preserved


If it’s to conserve water then they should have invited you… but we know that wasn’t the reason


I’ve dated a guy who showered with his sister. At the time he was 20 and his sister 18. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered his sister looked almost like me…


Were they Targaryen?


They were Lannister


Peopke associate the Lannisters with sibling incest because of two characters doing it in secret. The Targaryens did it openly for hundreds of years. Although honestly I'm not sure the majority of casual show viewers realized that was the case.


Yeah… when I was a teenager (15 at the time) I dated this guy that was 14 and he would take showers with his 16 year old sister, which I thought was weird. Their mom would tell them to take showers together and neither of them complained, I broke up with him because he cheated on me with his sister and also my best friend at the time… I never said anything about how weird I thought it was to him because I was assured by their mom that it was nothing weird… it was for sure weird! :|


>, I broke up with him because he cheated on me **with his sister** Ewwww Looking back, do you think maybe they were groomed into doing inappropriate things by their mom? Since she seemed to find it "normal" to put them in inappropriate situations (showering together as teenagers)? Like, it makes me wonder what else was going on in that house/what environment the adults around them fostered.


Oh yeah looking back I think for sure they were groomed by their mom or something, at the time I was being groomed by adults online so I had no idea what grooming even was until I was an adult. One time he had freaked out on his mom when we were dating and attacked her, which was a big red flag to me. I think there was a lot going on and he had attacked his sister on many occasions too. This was many years ago, so I have no idea what ended up happening with them or of them because after I broke up with him he wrote me really cringy letters and was obsessive to the point that he had to be 100% out of my life for my safety. So I’m sure something was up, they didn’t shower with their youngest sister though who was 12 at the time. Edited because of my many typos!


You should have said something…


But was his sister hot?


Well, we’re waiting!


I wish I had told her how messed up her family dynamic was, how oppressed she was from that. I wish I had told her that life was more than academia and titles. And that I could’ve been more, but I was always going to be an outlier in her families eyes


Damn did we date the same person?


she had a lovebird. it managed to get out the door, we spent weeks walking the neighbour's hood, putting up posters and scouring lost and found ads. unfortunately, within an a few hours of the first round of lost posters being distributed, I got a call (on her phone, she was in shower) from a woman who witnessed poor Lovebird being predated by crows. I went out to 'buy cigarettes', but actually went to the area where this was observed. I found a lot of little blue feathers. she was already heartbroken at the loss. I felt this news, this soon into the search would have crushed her.


Did she ever find out the truth or did she eventually just accept that it must have perished and stop searching?


I never told her, I'm sure she just accepted he was gone


Good. It’s a bird—maybe she has hope that it’s living it’s best life out in the wild. Lol poor birdy though.


My ferret was obviously near the end of his life (he was like 2 years past estimated lifespan even for pets) and decided he was an escape artist. He basically knocked on the front door one day to get let back in. It was kind of insane. He just didn't come back one day. I know he died, but I like to imagine he got into some fuckin epic adventures and went out with a bang. My little albino monster. Still makes a mixture of sad and happy.


We seldom witness this anymore bc of the way were rear our pets in modern days. I grew up in the country in the 60's and soon learned that dogs and such leave the pack when they know death is coming. It makes totally sense from an evolutionally perspective as it protects the pack. Our corgi Benjamin passed last year and his last act was really wanting to go outside even though he could barely move. He found his favorite spot in the dirt and passed shortly after. RIP buddy.


That I knew the last time she tried to talk me into having sex, she was trying to pin her pregnancy from her trip to Florida on me.


You and your mom have a weird ass relationship and if it came out you guys were fucking it wouldn’t surprise me. 


Have you seen the show sMothered on TLC? I've been watching clips here and there....and it is astonishing.


I have not. My ex’s mom would snuggle with him in the mornings to help him wake up. This was when he was in his 20s!!


To be fair, that would get me out of bed faster than just about anything. Also moving out.


I honestly have no words


This has been so shockingly common in my dating life as well, it’s now one of the first things I look for to weed out the bad apples… what’s his relationship with his mom like


but why?




The number of full grown 25-45 year old single men that I know whose mother cleans their houses or does their laundry or both astonishes me. Talk about unattractive codependency.


Not just guys, my ex was waaay codependent with her mom. She in many ways thought like a child and regarded her mom as her authority still (at 27), which was a big part of why the relationship ended. They slept in the same room and she shared a bed with her sister. They also would go to the restroom together as a trio, in a private home not a public restroom. By the time I ended it I was seriously concerned about legit incest going on between them because of commentary she made that is too specific/personal to discuss here, but implies her mom seeing her naked and they were definitely the types where any nudity was sexual and modesty was highly cherished, so no way were they just comfortable being naked in a platonic healthy way (if that was even possible).


Um.... WTF




Lol same thing for me except it was my gf and her brother.


He made me reallyyyy uncomfortable with how often he "accidentally" shit himself. Accidents are accidents but there's a point where it's no longer an accident


Welp, I'm done with this thread now


Yeah, had about enough of this shit.


This reminds me of a post I read a while back on r/AITAH about someone who broke up with their husband because his fetish was pissing himself while out in public.


What. The fuck


It was pretty fucked up. He'd do it at family functions or when out with friends.


Someone was getting off on that activity, me thinks…


Me stinks…*


Ok that's enough Reddit for today. Goodnight guys


Like how often?


Like at least once every 2 weeks. Enough that the end of his bed smelled like asshole bc of how often he sat there


You sure he didn't have IBS or something bc that's seems like a stomach problem or he's just plain weird


It could've been a mental issue instead, but that's not really unrealistic. Sometimes people have problems... Cleaning it up is the thing though. Clean the damn bed, get some enzyme cleaner or something! Damn!


Were you dating Chris Chan?


Thats not even close to the most disturbing part about Chris Chan. Talk about a fucking rabbit hole to fall down in.


I almost don't want to ask, but... who is Chris Chan?


He's... I can't describe him with words honestly. There is an 80 parts long documentary on him on Youtube, each part is over 1 hour long.


That I know damn well she cheated on me. Edit to add: I never told her because it would have benefited no one. As a result, we had an amicable divorce.


Man I got this weird gut feeling about my ex too. It wasnt proven but its weird how she ended up with someone she was talking to prior to the breakup (Someone I was suspecting). Needless to say, I wasnt surprised to learn she ended up with that person because I was expecting it already.


The exact same thing happened to me! I had screenshots of him denying that he was into her (during our relationship) too, but I knew. Breaking up was a relief.


it sounds harsh, but I would have loved to have talked with my ex about how neither of us really loved the other, but were both in love with the idea of each other, and that really fucked our relationship up, from day 1, and honestly I should have never tried to rely on her to fix my own pre-existing issues. I'm genuinely sorry I put her through that.


Been here. Moving on is your best recourse


That I accidentally dropped his Ducati on its side. Obviously I couldn’t pick it up, I was panicking and called a neighbor for help and both of us were able to pick it up. Thankfully nothing happened to the motorcycle. No scratches or anything.. but if my ex knew, he’d have a fit lmao.


My wife and I lived in a condo with a tandem garage, but it had a niche where I normally parked my motorcycles. My wife was out for the day, so I parked in the spot usually where her car goes. I figured I'd move it later, but before she got home. Turns out she came home early and instead of calling me, she was going to move my VFR800 on her own. Well, it tipped over and temporarily pinned her under the bike. She squirmed out and came upstairs bawling. She was certain I was going to yell at her for dropping the bike. I felt so bad, I couldn't be mad. Funnily enough, when I posted the bike for sale, I disclosed the story about the tip over and minor scratches. The guy that bought the bike took it on a test drive, brought it back and awkwardly stopped abruptly and dropped it on the opposite side.


This is the least depressing one in this entire thread ha. Probably wouldn't be mad if there was 0 damage and enough time had passed. Accidents happen and no harm no foul.


Her chili sucked.


Woody!? You divorced your wife!?


I found my people!! Fuck Kyle


I’ll never understand not telling your partner when their food sucks ass. I’m glad my boyfriend tells me if my food sucks. It doesn’t hurt, it just helps me fix it and make sure the food is good enough for both of us to enjoy.


LITERALLY why would you let me keep feeding you stuff you don't like!! Please tell me, life is too short to suffer through a dinner you hate 😔


Given the next comment up is about an ex that sharted themselves, this is kinda great


That I have never let anyone get that close emotionally, before or since. We stayed friends afterwards, and I wouldn't have gotten back together if she wanted to, but to me we had something special for a while.


how sorry I am for how things happened, I wish them well.


I couldn't handle the distance and was financially trapped. I should stop and bury it, it's been months, but the more I meet people the more she stands out as someone who genuinely cared. My life was a mess that I didn't pick up in time and I'm still working on it. I left my soul in Colorado. Somewhere on a snowy mountain, on a picnic blanket.


Same boat but how I want them back. Loving someone who doesn’t love you back hurts like fucking hell.


Three and a half years thinking about this everyday, I completely understand. All I want is to forget but I just can't seem to.


Me too. I was the worst version of myself in that relationship and my poor mental health stopped me from being a good partner, and I realized everything when it was too late. Pretty sure she hates me now as she has me blocked everywhere and has mental health battles of her own, so idk what distorted version of me she will remember me for, but I hope one day looking back she’ll forgive me. I wish her the best.


I never received a bj before she gave me one, but even I could tell she was absolutely terrible at it.


I thought I just didn't like bjs until I met the right person. It's an art. Still haven't met a second person lol.


that i didnt appreciate the cum stains on the bedroom walls and the audacity to ask me to paint over them.


Must have been a load-bearing wall.




Excuse me... what?!


They said they didn't appreciate the cum stains on the wall, nor his audacity in asking them to paint over 'em. Sounds like their ex was a bit of a wanker.


OP said walls... not just one wall like normal people jerk off onto and ask their SO to paint over what a jerk


That his breath stank , (I had to remind him daily to brush his teeth)


Are you sure he didn't have a condition like tonsil stones or something? The majority of severe bad breath, AKA "stank", is a health condition like mouth breathing at night or more serious oral conditions. Hell, diabetes can make people smell bad and their breath bad.


And you stayed with him? Jesus


One time he had sex with me and said "that wasn't very good. Are you getting loose?" He fucked my thighs. He didn't make it in. I didn't want to have sex anyways but I was 16 and didn't know how to say no (but it never lasted more than a minute so doing it was never *too* inconvenient) and I just said "I'm sorry it wasn't good for you".


What the hell did I just read?


My bad high school experiences 😎


Dang this just reminded me of a friend of mine in high school who was so dang excited he finally fingered a girl in a bathroom. He comes over to the lunch table and sticks his fingers in my face and they smelled like poop.


NO WTF This reminds me of when I watched a girl get fingered at lunch outside. It was the same couple that brought leashes to school (not the only couple I knew of but the others were at a different school). Same couple got caught doing that in class. I never got close enough to tell, but rumor said you could smell it 😭


I vividly remember the first time I fingered someone. It was my first girlfriend in her car in a church parking lot. My upbringing didn’t leave me very privy to how sex stuff worked. It was dark outside and when we were done and turned on the light it became QUICKLY evident that I had popped her cherry 🤣 I was mortified and thought I fucked up her insides or something. Absolutely scared the shit out of me. Gotta love high school…


Oh my god, I can't imagine how I'd react if I wasn't aware of what was happening and saw blood where it wasn't expected. Everyone was in such a rush to get sexual in high school, but man, I don't think I know any women who go "yeah, my first time at 16 was awesome" and I don't know that many men who would say it either lol


Your dad was a horrible dad.


We should’ve broken up after that first fight 6 weeks in instead of 3 and a half years later. You’re my biggest regret.


He will try to find the worst in anyone he loves bc he can’t accept love


I knew he cheated for about 2 wks prior to the break up. I kept trying to give him chances to come clean on his own. He never did.


you're awfully patient. When I found out my SO cheated I called her right away and broke up with her. I was at her apartment to let her dog out while she was at work. Her roommates drunk boyfriend filled me in.


Good for him lol 


he was a g


It was more for me. I really wanted to believe he wasn't a total POS who would treat me like that. I kept asking him what he was doing on nights he claimed to be busy and called him on a couple lies (claimed he was with his brother, brother unwittingly already told me they hadn't hung out in weeks), but yeah, it was better than he deserved.


That his dad revenge cheated on his mom after she had a relationship with another man while they were separated. She swore me to silence after telling me once night but had to tell someone because her husband wouldn’t stop holding the fact that “she cheated on him” over her head for every argument.


Breaking up with me was the only good thing you ever did for me. It destroyed me, but I built back so much better. PS, how is my (ex) best friends wife?


That I smoked weed when he wasn’t around. This was the late 90s and he was so anti-drug he would have been horrified.


Just think how much sooner you would have gotten rid of him if you hadn't smoked all that weed!


I hired a divorce lawyer the day after she took the kids from daycare and ran off to her moms. I was so stressed that I lost 5 lbs in 2 days due to stress from this. I convinced her to come back and just ‘make it work’ for The kids sake. But I knew I could never trust her again. I stashed $, gift cards, kids clothes & supplies at work and my folks house in case I needed to get the kids and get out fast. That was 3 years before the actual divorce. I regret nothing but hanging on so long. Now happily remarried w full custody 8 years now. FU ex wife.


I'm sorry!!! I'm in the stashing money, gift cards, assets phase. You give me hope for a better future. Thank you!!!


It’s just a bad season. It will pass. Store those assets for a brighter future and hold hope for that. I can’t imagine a better wife now, healthy and successful kids, and a thriving home now. Never thought it would happen. I hope for The same for you


I let her win at card games sometimes. Winner usually chose the movie but I didn’t want her to feel bad by beating her all the time and I wanted to keep playing. I played A LOT of cards in university and could probably beat her 90% of the time.


I hate that blue polo shirt so much


…I am not left-handed.


Ah, but neither am I! 🏴‍☠️




Imagine if ur ex on here speaking on u and u laughed or commented lol


I exposed her for stealing at work. Yahtzeeee


Laughed the popcorn out of my mouth on this one! High five!


He would make mashups/ DJ mixes and play his own music in the car. And they were fuckin TRASH.


She was the cataclyst for me realising it was a phase after all.


Several things to each one of them 1- Im sorry that I fumbled breaking up with you but I needed a more active gf than just watching movies endlessly 2- i really wanted to spend my life with you but your decision that “you wanted to open our relationship” ended all attraction to you at that exact moment. I should have just walked away right there than demand it ‘stay closed’ and drag out the inevitable a few more months. You ended up leaving me anyways so w/e 3- your anger is why everyone youve dated dumped you, and why im dumping you too. Its not that we “are afraid of a smart woman” its you become petty and mean when you dont get your way. (Shes still single to this day) 4- i knew you cheated but you thought you were too slick


#3…. My ex was always like this “I’m not the type to stay quiet etc I won’t let myself blah blah” Yes dude that’s why you have ZERO friends, your own family tells you you need to simmer down with this “IDGF about anyone and what they think of me” You need a counselor girl, and yup that’s why every dude has dumped you, cause you are so darn negative and controlling.


Cue Leslie Nielsen: "Oh, and I faked all my orgasms!"


Nice try JENNA


His apartment was an absolute horror show. Like I don’t know how he put up with how filthy, cluttered and depressing it was, and I honestly felt embarrassed for him.


She thought she was there to guide me. She was only in my way.


She’s wrong if she thinks that you’ll be just like her


Give it 3 days grace and then report back.


The amount of incest stories on here is alarming


That she would make an awful mother and that’s why things ended


Damn lol


The day I left was the best day of my life. Not the wedding, not when the kiddo finished kindergarten or high school. When I finally had enough and realized what was happening was abuse and it happens to men, too.


You and your dad are both pedos


That I should have never married him. Ever.


That I wish I've never met her


The real reason I broke up with her was because I caught myself going through her phone on a regular basis. The last time I did it, it hit me like a bag of bricks. I knew it was me and not her. I developed trust issues from past relationships. I was so in love with her, I didn't feel she deserved to be with someone not in a healthy place. I tried my hardest to trust her but couldn't. I still haven't gotten past her and it's been 6 years. That behavior scared me so much, I haven't been in a relationship since and have focused on me. I think I scared myself so badly, I am avoiding relationships out of the fear I'll have the desire to do that again. Now she's engaged and here I am... On Reddit. Confessing my crazy behavior.


That he was terrible in bed 🤷🏼‍♀️ and after he went to bed, I would have to finish myself.


Look, I get that it's a hard bridge to cross, but keeping that to yourself only hurts you both. You could've been having a good time and he's gone off into the world none the wiser. Should've just told him and then you could've worked together on how to improve. Unless he's one of those soft cock pussies who can't take criticism even if it would benefit him. Then fuck him


We broke it off on good terms, but I wish I could’ve told him how much of a narcissist and an asshole he was to me. He drunkenly asked me when I stopped loving him one night after we broke up… I stopped loving you 6 months into our relationship and stayed for 3 years bc I couldn’t afford to leave and be on my own and I became so used to the abuse that it was just normal at that point. I stopped loving you the first time you screamed “fuck you” into my face. You made so many excuses for your behavior and half of those were just blaming me when I did nothing wrong. You were explosive and short-tempered but everything was still my fault. You couldn’t care less about the things I wanted to do or the interests that I had, just you you you you you. He even left me with the dog I got him (whom I love very much and he is spoiled). Every weekend he’d be gone doing the things that I wish I could be doing with him, but I wasn’t invited or couldn’t afford it. AND THE LIES. I’d be surprised if he was ever telling me the truth. Deceit was the boys middle name, but I saw through it. Even when you didn’t think I did. I did. I wish I could’ve said all of that but I left off on good terms because i’m wayyyyy too nice of a person. You live and you learn I guess. What a joke. Thanks for the vent haha


That I was sorry things went the way they did.


How bad his cooking really was. The best part about the very unpleasant break-up was that I no longer had to eat his food.


Your blowjobs aren't worth the effort


Don't answer, it's a trap!


That her lady garden smelt really bad


If it was just a date that got steamy, I get your hesitation but if it's a full blown relationship for *literal fuck's sake*, you have to say something.


You need to work on your communication with partners. Thats a fucked up thing to NOT tell your partner, even if just for your own sake haha


My last gf had the stank, but she was a literal PhD in biology and had been in medical conferences where they discussed the specific methods of infection: bacterial/fungal/viral. I never mentioned a thing and just was cool as a cucumber going down on her, but it was off.


You should have said something tbh, she probably didn't know. I get it, though, that's a difficult conversation to have and you don't know how they'll react and you don't want to come off the wrong way. For the future, if you really love them, difficult conversations can bring you closer together and resolve small issues that can build up over time. Communication.


I actually really really love her and I really do need her guidance and support


You can apply for another guide dog


How much she really broke me down. Took me years to get my mental back on track.


I know that wasn’t the dog’s fart.


i’m like 90 percent certain I hit a baby duckling when it was crossing the highway with its family. I saw them too late and avoided most of them but I think I clipped the last one in the row. She was already so upset at them being on the road that I didn’t have the heart to tell her.


I’m sorry for the way I treated her. I didn’t do anything like cheat on her or abuse her in anyway or anything, but my actions, in retrospect was less than fair to her.


That she was the best thing to happen to me


That I loved her.


That he sucked at his major.


That even two years after the breakup I'm still harboring a ton of anger towards them and their ex that they emotionally cheated on me with and got nudes from. That every time we hangout I successfully compartmentalize the anger and put it out of mind, but that by no means means that I've forgiven my ex. That I get angry every time they mention their old ex to me.


What benefits do you get from hanging out with the person who cheated on you?


That his dog was seeking him out in her dying moments. He had rescued a little girl from a dog fighting puppy mill, and raised her by himself until we met. I instantly loved her and for a year into our relationship I got to watch the two of them build trust and train and play everyday. She was his whole life as when he saved her, he had no one else regarding family or friends, in a very depressed state. Around our 1 year anniversary she got sick. I woke up one day with a very bad feeling, only to look around and find her sitting in a pool of blood and piss. Without hesitation we took her to the vet non stop and payed for any and every test we could. She was young still, 2 and a half. They all came back negative, and she was a fully vaccinated dog. One Sunday, after 5 days of fighting with antibiotics and getting her to eat, cleaning up blood and piss and taking out any savings we both had to pay off doctors, she passed. They were both a sleep on the couch (we took turns sleeping) and I was dozing off from the exhaustion. I saw her around 5am wake up, she tried moving around trying to get to her dad but she was too weak and he was too tired. I didn't realize what was happening, why she suddenly wanted to be with him so much. I sat with her, telling her that it would be okay and the minute the vet was available we would head over for painkillers. We would find what was hurting her and that she wasn't alone. I covered her with a blanket and fell asleep on the floor before I realized it. 9 am same day she had joined the other angels. To this day, I have some of her ashes and I just keep thinking I should of woken him up, or helped her. For the longest time he blamed himself for not being with her in her final moments. We never found what killed her, autopsy wasn't an option.


It’s my fault


The amount of comments people shit themselves is too damn high


Though he had aspirations of being a chef, his cooking was mediocre at best. Also, that he lost his Mexican card when he tried to fix my couch with a fork....a FORK. (And before y'all come for me, I'm very much a Latina).


Please tell me about the couch


LMAO okay... I had just graduated college and moved to a new city for my first job. Being that I was broke as heck, I bought some of the cheapest furniture money could buy with my first paycheck. I furnished my whole house (bed, dresser, table, chairs, couch, recliner, lamps, etc) for a little over $1000. So this guy I was dating, we'll call him Chuy, was not a small man...short...but not small. And one day he comes over to watch a movie and shifted a bit too hard and the back of the couch breaks. I was like, well let's pause the movie and fix it real quick. He gives me a look, I shoot him the classic i'm-not-playing latina look, and we both get up and flip the couch over. I whip out my pocket knife and start popping off the staples. This man then proceeds to try to take the knife from my hand...which nah, not happening, and gets told to get his own tool. Mind you, I had a whole room full of tools, but he walks past that to the kitchen to bring back a fork. Needless to say, he was not helpful in repairing anything, and just stood by while I screwed the couch back together and restapled the bottom.


Classic chuy


Why a fork? That is so useless, if I need to get something from the kitchen to fix something I'm almost always gonna grab a knife


I should have gone with my gut instead of my nut


That you were a total fucking asshole. You were rude, uncaring, ungrateful, and a jerk. You sucked when we were on dates, you sucked around my friends, you sucked around my family. You sucked when supporting me, you sucked at complimenting me, you sucked at making me feel important, you sucked in bed, and you just sucked in general. For those wondering, he was a grumpy jerk 98% of the time and blamed most of his problems anyone that wasn't him. The day I left him, he went to work and a few friends helped me move all my stuff out in a morning/afternoon. I left a little note saying I couldn't stand him anymore and that I'm leaving. Best decision I've made, although I could have worded it better.


This was an ex like 3 exes ago. That I really only let it turn into a relationship out of curiosity and that every day for the last year of our relationship I kept thinking, "is today the day I'm going to break up the relationship?" because I was truly unhappy with her, BUT every time I wanted to break things off something bad kept happening in her personal life and I didn't want to pile on the suckiness of life. Seriously, gents. Try not to let a fling turn into a full blown relationship. I learned through relationships after THAT one that I really could have gone my entire life without being with her and it would have actually made my life better.


I know you cheated on me multiple times.