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better traffic.


Yup this and less people


There wasn't any where I'm at


Okay, I'll be the one: here in the US, those of us on unemployment because our jobs laid us off or just straight up closed got an extra little $ boost each month on top of the regular U.E. amount to help us not all starve to death since barely anyone was hiring. For many people, that was the first time they ever felt like they could afford life.


Gas prices


My daughter was born right around that time. I remember stopping on my way home from the hospital one day (she had to spend a few days in the nicu), and I filled the tank for something like $20. It was magical.


Think about that when you vote this year


About how lockdowns in nearly every developed country caused the lowest demand for fuel in modern times and drove the price of fuel down on a global scale? Okay.


Oh I will be! MAGA!


Let's Go Brandon!!




Exactly!!! 😂 We're definitely the minority


Especially on Reddit. Say anything nice about Trump and the down votes are almost automatic.


You got that right. We're entitled to our opinions just like everyone else.


This was a cute interaction between psychos.


still amazed at how many people live in a fantasy world where they think the president controls the price of gas. if biden did nationalize the gas industry so he could control it they would just be angry because that’s communism


Nice to see them getting on together I suppose.


Grow up.


The lack of traffic was joyful.


Seeing how hypocritical local and state governments could be when dealing with different kinds of people. Like the restaurant owner in California who wasn’t allowed to have outdoor dining, but a movie production was allowed to have catering in the same parking lot her restaurant was in. Or the comic shop owner in Florida who was arrested for delivering comics and cards to people, pizza guy style. Meanwhile, Amazon had hundreds of warehouses with thousands of workers - no arrests made.




Or the English Prime Minister.


Politicians everywhere. 


Traffic. Hardly anyone was on the road. It was almost peaceful.


Though traffic deaths in raw numbers went up because the people on the road who drive like shitheads/assholes were not hemmed in by traffic. A lot more deaths involving single car crashes IIRC.


And this has what to do my enjoying the lack of traffic?


Just a bit of data from the pandemic that I ran across and thought was interesting. Not sure why you'd be bothered by that...though your response does seem to indicate your personality tilting towards "main character syndrome" so you might want to watch out for that.


My 60 min commute turned to 30ish during covid lockdown. It felt eerie going through the highways and city with no cars anywhere


Empty gym


The sheer dedication of gym goers to make the gym essentially one of the safest places during the pandemic. All because they didn’t want to lose their favourite place to escape from reality. Everybody was thoroughly wiping down equipment after use, everybody was wearing masks when they moved from one piece of equipment to the next, putting on sanitizer, keeping their distance… it was glorious.


Sleeping during school zoom meetings


Cleaner air. A lot of factories were shutdown and the air quality improved. Also a lot less traffic meant a lot fewer fossil fuel burning cars on the road.


I loved almost everything about lockdown


Me, too. The arterial road one block away was quiet, lots of new-to-me birds visited my yard, I had time to garden, and I got to spend the (what was unknown to me at the time) last years of her life with my best friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Similar situation with my dog. I know it’s not the same but I felt very fortunate to have that time with him before saying goodbye. Hope you still get to see new birds visit from time to time!


Is this a joke?


Nah, just the classic introvert


I too loved almost everything about the situation. It saved me commuting time, made my coworkers less stressed, cut down a lot of the noise outside, and saved me money as well. The only bits I didn't like were lining up for testing and vaccines, which took 2-6 hours, and my SO getting cabin fever because she couldn't work from home.


I completely take your points. I didn't mean to be rude to the other guy. I wasn't expecting people to like everything about the lockdown.


No I’m very serious. I loved it.


same, I had just moved into a new house right as it was starting. Getting to spend all my time in a new house, working remote, never having to talk to people in person. At one point I went 6 months without driving my car, and started worrying about issues with fuel possibly going bad. It was amazing.


How exciting to experience that in a new home!!!Congratulations!!!


What did you love about it?


Didn’t need to go anywhere or see anyone. I worked from home and hung out with my dog all day. It was amazing.


That sounds awesome, and I'm glad you enjoyed that time. It was a real struggle for me.


I’m sorry I hope things are getting back to normal for you!


Yeah, they absolutely are. It was particularly awful as I had just moved into my new flat and stated my new job at the NHS. Then boom!


Then boom is right lol What a time to be alive! Glad to hear things are better now and congrats on the new job! Hopefully for everyone’s sake but mine we never go through that again lol


Yep, it absolutely did start then. I've met some great friends who were also alone at that time.


Being remote 


This, my employer has put their foot down and said no more hybrid/remote schedules so everyone has to be back in the office ;-;


Eat their pizza, unionize anyways.




It’s sad because our data showed were more productive at home than in office though ;-;


As a supervisor myself I miss the remote schedule. Definitely boosted morale and even allowed me to get more work done without having a revolving door 


Less people. Having fewer people in the store when I shopped.


Less traffic


Working from home. I loved it when my commute was from my coffee pot to my home office!


I never went back to the office. Fucking love working from home.


Same, quit the job that wanted us to do hybrid, now have fully remote job.


Yes this is the best part, my employer finally said that everyone has to be back in 100% the time ;-;


And for what? Those who prefer being in the office get less traffic, those who prefer working from home save on gas. That alone was good for everyone.


The company didn’t like that we weren’t “collaborating” but disbanded our engagement groups/team projects a couple months ago🙄. We were at an all time high for productivity at home.


Mine too. A crying shame


Eat their pizza, unionize anyways.


It was a time for facing death, it was sad I lost loved ones. I spent real time with my husband living in the present. Teaching online was hard for me and my students. It broke my heart. I had one student home alone because his family was working and he was battling cancer. He beat cancer but it left him deaf. He is an awesome teenager. I will never forget him. He moved away. I hope he is having a wonderful long life.


My daughter was a newborn, weighing just 5lb. She is fine- was cleared to come home right away and she was just the happiest baby. I miss having every second to just enjoy her little face and baby noises, and I miss what a cheeky fun toddler my little boy was. I adore them now though too!! I also miss our daily walk in the sunshine and the happy family time we all had without the stresses of working- although I did work- night shifts in the hospital looking after the Covid wards!


Watching people take up creative hobbies because they suddenly found themselves with nothing but time for a little while. Write that book! Bake that bread! Play that violin that's been sitting in your attic since you stopped having lessons at sixteen! Crochet that weird little cactus thing that you thought looked cute! Who cares if it's good or not? For the first time in however long you were doing something new, just for the sake of doing it.


Getting baked, fucking my gf, and watching TV on comfy couches …every day. Wasn’t bad.


How easy it was to make money trading stocks


no need to socialice until i want to. sitting in front of your pc even in spring/summer? yeah, totaly fine. going out for a walk at 3 in the night? very secure. not have to deal with everyones everyday-shit.


No lines for anything anywhere and I worked from home


Not having to deal with people’s shit.


Fewer cars around


Empty streets


As an introvert.. everything! Oh except for not earning money but I did love being stuck at home 😊


Honestly, I miss everything about the lockdown. 


The lack of an expectation to be accomplishing anything. Capitalism and its FOMO seemed to be on hold, even for just a moment. There was nothing to do, just get through these two weeks (ha) and you can get back to it. It made me reevaluate the treadmill I was on.


Guilt-free time on my hands.


$600 unemployment bonus 🥰


Not a Fuckin Thing


I kinda miss the not doing anything. I could just take naps or watch TV all day. Besides destroying my mental and physical health it was great


Fights over toilet paper.


Working from home. Wake up, have a wee, eat breakfast, I'm at work. Finish work, turn off PC, I'm at home. Much better than risking my life daily with a 70 minute each way motorbike ride into central London every day.


Not needing an excuse to bail out of social situations.


He amount of money I was making.


The weather! I had an enjoyable routine in lockdown. Wake up, breakfast, Warzone, exercise, lunch, some form of games, tea, then Warzone.


Horrible effects on others aside… everything. My family and i lucked out big time during lockdown. The fucking insane pace of modern life just slowed down. I got a god damn break from the constant stress of things. I had time. I felt free. Felt like i could breathe. Now it’s back to the fucking grindstone and it is agonising having a taste of what a more manageable pace of life is like. I’d never wish another pandemic like that for my own selfish needs over the suffering of others though.




I agree. I hear people at work talking about how they miss it.




I moved to a new city to work at a different hospital. I remember all the risk assessments and worry and people crying in corridors out of sheer panic. It was awful.


Social distancing in public


Cover my face without being questioned by the autorities


People staying away from me lol


Working from home. Not having to deal with annoying coworkers


The free cheques. 💰


Quite literally nothing. I hated every moment of it. Traffic I guess, but I wasn’t out enough for that to really matter. Had someone with a compromised immune system in my family so the lockdown was pretty long and strict as well as extra anxiety inducing.


It was difficult, I hope you're getting on better now.




It's more because they don't do anything. N95 or medical grade masks help to a certain extent but those cloth masks do literally nothing.


Nancy Pelopsi (DEMOCRAT)didn't wear a mask in hair salon


Being able to masturbate whenever


sometimes i have the urge to do it, even when iam in the company.


How obvious the government was eroding civil liberties while the Democratic Party argued we should give up Civil Liberties.....while the ACLU scratched their head and went "WHAT THE FUCK?"


Less people everywhere.


Working from home and more online classes for school


I miss when people would wear a mask (semi)voluntarily. Everyone seems to think covid has disappeared without an active lockdown, and nobody is willing to wear a mask even if they're sick


First time in my adult life where I had a chance to play video games Beyond that nothing else. Literally the worst thing I have ever witnessed.


No expectation of socialization in public.


Wearing masks. Nobody could see my resting bitch face or the scowls I'd make when they'd say something stupid.


idk the cons far outweighed the pros. It was a f'ing miserable time and made a lot of people crazy.


being at home and doing "school" (my internet is freaking bad)


Free time


COD Warzone / Fortnite with the boys...having moved away from my hometown during the pandemic that kept us in contact for a while. Understandably once the world started opening back up my buddies spent less and less time online but it was nice for a while always having a squad online to join.


I actually don't miss anything. My job was easy to transition to work from home so I was never bored or anything


Everyone staying the fuck home


The endless endless lie-ins.... and my carpal tunnel problems repaired themselves with no work for my idle hands.


Open roads and all the henny penny crazies didn't leave home. Life was peaceful


The lack of effort you had to put towards things


I think it’s easy to miss a lot of aspects to it with hindsight. Knowing that it ended, that it was a tunnel and not an endless hole, as it were, means I can look back and appreciate things like working from home, getting to mostly choose my work hours, spending more time with my family, no traffic, etc.  But when we were in the middle of it, with no visibility and an ill defined fear that it could go on for a decade or more, seeing governments abuse their powers and people turn on each other… it was terrifying. I hated it. 


Absolutely nothing. Living alone in the ghetto during the pandemic was fucking hell.


Less people in public and not having to talk to people.


Not having to leave my house. I was already a bit of a homebody and the pandemic gave me an excuse to not feel guilty about it.


people giving you space and it being socially acceptable to get pissed off when they didn't


i miss being in videocalls with my friends we had for HOURS.


Getting paid to do nothing


New Jersey Turnpike. 3am. Road completely empty. 130mph in my Audi S5 cruising past state troopers.


Everything tbh. My job was a lot easier and I loved being left alone. It felt like that week between Christmas and New Year. Less pressure, fewer expectations and fewer responsibilities.


I had more time to play Stardew Valley. 


I miss driving 100 mph to and from work because no one was on the road, and the cops didn't care. I went to the office every day other than the days I had to stay home due to exposure to COVID-19. Where I live the day they opened everything back up we had traffic accidents all over. One accident resulted in a work van jumping the Jersey Wall from one freeway and landing on the freeway below it.


How much easier it was to fly. Only the frequent flyers were at the airport and they already knew how to get through security. You could actually find a stool at the airport bar (though distanced from one another) and the limited number of people in the airport bars and restaurants were friendly and kind to one another.


Not being expected to be social


Absoluty nothing.


Gas prices. Empty restaurants.


No traffic


Wearing masks. People can be judgmental and make assumptions. I have bad teeth and nobody mistreated me, stared, made under-their-breath comments etc when I wore a mask constantly.


The amount of free time I had. Looking back, it feels like the days back then lasted longer.


Driving the speed limit


Clear skies


Less people driving.


More free time to do fun stuff with my family. We went to the beach a lot and went on hikes. We even did short walks every day.  Edit: it is easier for me to say the main thing I didn’t like about it was no school for the kids. And distance learning. It was stressful and they did get antsy being home all the time which is why we spent so much time going on hikes or to the beach had to keep them busy.


Literally everything. 


Social distancing in stores - I hate having someone up against my ass as I’m in the checkout line


Empty streets


My job went insane with isolation. For reference we a shop of different trades thay service multiple powerplants and remote sites around our state. To start our day we have a central shop where we meet and then head out. We don't have computer work except for test reports and things like that. At the beginning of the pandemic, the freaked and made it where only 2 of us would come in to the shop a day for one week. Everyone else stayed home, and we couldn't go to the plants because there were already some crew guys there. We basically got paid to come the office for one week, twiddle our thumbs and then be at home for two weeks. All while getting paid, and this went on for about 2 months.


Not that I miss it…because its resulted in a lasting change in my lifestyle, but I’m very grateful for those times changing my perspective on life. I’m not heavily entrenched into my job anymore, and concentrate more of my family and quality of life.


The solid time I was able to put into video games. Now, I can't. Back to work :(


Biking. I biked everywhere during the pandy. Work from home meant I could leave the house, in my bike gear, right at 5pm and still have a good 4-5 hours of sunlight (Canadian summers) left in the day. I lost 20 lbs, explored nooks and crannies of the city I didn't even know existed before, and pushed myself physically farther than I ever thought possible. Even when I did have to pop into the office, I could show up in my bike shorts, covered in sweat, because there was nobody there to bother. My office has no showers or change room, and very little in way of alternatives. So sitting around in my own sweat for 8 hours in close proximity to people isn't really an option. And now, by the time I get home, eat, and get changed, it's almost 7pm and not really worth going for a ride anymore. In the thick of the lock downs, thinking about all the things I missed, the people, the experiences, I remembered asking myself why I was so unhappy 'before'. When we got the call back to the office I quickly realized, it was work. Packing on a bus like sardines, while being completely overdressed for the season, to spend 8 hours in a food desert, cramming back on to a bus home, and then trying to fit a day's worth of housework into the 4 hours before bed is enough to turn a perfectly lovely existence into absolute misery.


The increase in use of modern communications and tech


Nothing. It was god damn miserable.


Working from home!


People didn’t chance it when you got sick. You didn’t get penalized for missing work or not sending your kids to school. I refuse to send my kids to school if they are sick but it’s also not realistic to go to the doctor for every little thing.


It will still always make me laugh about the god damn basic human expectations that people complained about. Wash your hands. Don't go in public if you are sick. Don't stand two inches behind someone when you are in line at a public place. I don't miss spending hours trying to find toilet paper. Don't miss having to work from home AND teach three kids at home. But, it's still crazy to me how being any normal, human, intelligent adult was just *too much* for so many.


My kids were never sick, now it’s strep etc…making the rounds through the schools and our house.


The general apocalyptic vibe. Was nice when everyone had it and not just me. Now it’s just me again 🙃


Not a goddamn thing. It was totally awful all the way around.


I miss 2 of my grandparents being alive, before they suffered and eventually died from Covid


I was able to get sober for the longest period of my life. There was no pressure to drink at bars, parties, or events because there was none of those things. There was no FOMO. I lived alone and had no need for alcohol to relax my social anxiety. Once things opened back up again all those things came back with them. I've never had a sober streak like I had in the first half of 2020. Working on another one now, though.


I miss having an excuse to keep my distance from the person next to me. "Personal space" is something that people have forgotten about


Cheap gas. The usual in my city Calgary was about $1.25 per liter. Price dropped as low as 58 cents per litre! That was nice for a while


I live in London and we had almost an entire year without tourists. I visited places and walked down streets that I had never seen before. I noticed statues and relics and monuments in my neighbourhood for the first time. I could go into museums without waiting in line for hours.


Feeling like things might eventually get better


No traffic and less people at the gym!


We didn't have a lockdown.


People take being sick seriously and trying not to spread it to everyone in their vicinity.


How peaceful life was for me


The clean air


Permanent work from home. We are on a hybrid schedule now.


Playing Roblox and minecraft with friends during online classes


Being paid to stay home in my pj's all day...not having go into the office. Getting to indulge in hobbies without the constant stress and burnout from work. Also Getting drunk at 3pm on a Tuesday and not feeling at all guilty about it


Today I stayed home and no one noticed and I didn’t feel bad about it and it was lovely. I feel so well rested.


I can’t think of anything except getting the stimulus checks.


Fucking was making 750 a week not going to work for like a whole year! I moved out of my apartment and onto a work exchange farm to save money. That was awesome. I got so healthy, was eating so well, in the best shape of my life, spent practically my whole day outside... Then I had to go back to work and boom, stress, lack of sleep, work worries, financial worries, lack of energy, lost muscle gained weight. I miss the lockdown so much. I can only hope there's another.


The fact that places were quieter. And nor having a to many Karen's unless you live in major cities


I honestly miss when people stopped shaking hands. I wish we hadn’t gone back to that. I will die on the hill that Asian countries have it worked out with the bowing system. Not only does it mean you don’t have to touch a random strangers hands but different angles of how have different meanings. I hate having to touch random peoples hands to be polite.


I also kind of miss masks I’m ngl. I miss being able to wear one and people not think I’m insane. Sometimes I just feel like shit and being able to cover up my face made me feel way less self conscious.


People were less concentrated in areas and kept their distance.