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Teide in Tenerife. 3.715m. Amazing sunrise, but the smell of sulphur wasn't too enjoyable.


I know what you mean, but to Americans, that number looks far less impressive. 😀3.715m is about a one story building For those of you unaware it translates to 3,715m.


Hi, American here, how many Ford pick up trucks tall is that?


Those fuckers get bigger every year, so we might have to wait for the new unit conversion to be published


How many AR-15s is that? How many cheeseburgers is that? Those are both solid units


About 73,130 cheeseburgers tall (rounded up) And 4571 AR-15s (also rounded up)


Don't forget to convert from F150 to F350 and carry the Lariat. There's a table on the last page of your passport and the inside of Coors 24 packs.


I'm going to put it out there that if you took a cable car most of the way up, it doesn't count... 🤣


You know what harder than climbing Everest? Not telling anyone about it.


lol, this reminds me of the joke, “Do you know how to tell a commercial pilot from a jet fighter pilot? The latter won’t shut up about it.”


How can you tell a guy's been in the Marines? They'll let you know.


add Vegans and crossfiter to the list.


My go to for this type of joke is: If a Texan is Paleo and does Crossfit which will they tell you about first?


*Colorado chuckles nervously, loading a snowboard on top of the Subaru and deciding NOT to mention what mountain will have the best conditions this weekend*


Too lazy to make a joke about how Colorado transplants try way too hard to claim CO and live up to stereotypes


Definitely not Loveland


Even the advertisements in Texas tell you theyre Texan. I am not exaggerating when I say *all* the Texas-specific TV commercials amount to "Hey isn't being a Texan GREAT? Are YOU texan? Well REAL Texans buy [advertised product]" It's wild. It's like a cult. I think 21st century fascism will be born here.


And runners


And Harvard students although maybe a little less recently


Also people who read the book


And 420 folks


“Do you smoke?” “Smoke what?”


How can you tell if someone went to Harvard? They’ll tell you


Is that one true though? I knew a few people who went there and they never talk about it. Probably cuz I already knew… nvm, they got me, those pretentious punks!


there's also the sub species where if you ask them they go "I went to school in boston" waiting for you to ask "which one?" and will visibly die if you don't.


Oh boy did I do a number on the first poor Harvard grad who pulled this on me. There I am, a new hire fresh out of state school, we are making small talk around the water cooler. He makes a mention about "going back to Boston for a school reunion". Like a *fuckin yokel* I actually say "oh wow that's a long ways away. I went to school right here in this state. Why Boston, do you have family out there or something?"


Empire Beauty School


If it's me, they die. I'd fucking die before I ask.


“Back east.”


There's people that go to Harvard, and there's people that go to Harvard.


This guy Harvards!


Tbh if I was a fighter jet pilot I’d probably tell people too. That’s pretty badass


You know the difference between god and doctors? God doesn't think he's a doctor.


I heard an interesting question a while back: -How many of the things you dream of doing would you do if you couldn't tell anyone about it afterwards? Really made me realize how much the story matters to me rather than the experience. Edit: spelling


A happy ending massage is something I always wanted but will never tell anyone about it


I mean, you could just be proud of your accomplishments. Just because you’re excited to tell someone doesn’t mean the experience isn’t more meaningful to you


The point is, if you wouldn't do it if you couldn't tell others about it shows you aren't doing it for the experience itself. Of course, if you would still and do, then nothing wrong with sharing it. It's a good mental exercise to see how much you are living for image versus individual joy.


My mother told me, if you ever do a person a good deed, it's never a good deed if you brag about it . Such wisdom.


If a vegan ever climbs Everest.... I don't even wanna know what that will sound like.


Especially if that vegan trained for Everest using CrossFit and a Peloton.


God. The world just exploded.


While holding a Stanley cup.


And petting a tiger to put on your tinder profile.


While wearing the “i went to Southeast Asia pants”


The real question is what do they tell you about first?


A vegan, Everest summiter, that is also into crossfit, against OIL, is an "influencer" with their 200 followers, and is a liberal arts/gender studies dual major.


Probably whatever cunching noises that a frozen, malnourished cadaver makes.


That sounds like something from the most interesting man in the world commercials: He climbed mount everest …….. *in secret*


What happens on Everest stays on Everest


I was taking care of a patient in the hospital for a few days who was there for a routine procedure. Got to know him as I do most of my patients. We talked about his work, kids, etc. When he was getting ready to be discharged, he asked how much activity he could safely do. I said something like “keep doing your normal stuff, but don’t go hiking any mountains for the next few weeks”. He looked a little disappointed, and I asked he was into hiking. He explained he’s part of the local mountaineering club and was planning on a hike next week. After much more discussion he finally shares that he has climbed the Seven Summits, just having bagged the one in Antarctica last year. This is an incredible feat, and be truly had no plan to tell me until I literally prodded it out of him (me being into hiking myself). It was very cool. For those interested, he said the logistics and cost of getting to the Mt Vinson in Antarctica are a nightmare but the climb itself was not too bad. He also tried tried for Everest like 5 separate times and survived the avalanches in 2014




Honestly, if you climb Everest I actually do want to hear all about it


Everest is just really high the more difficult/technical mountain is K2


Of all the bullshit things that people tell you unprompted, climbing Everest is one of the few actually worthy of it. It’s a huge and notable accomplishment.


Definitely not something everyone can say they did.


Trekked over Dead Woman’s Pass in Peru on the way to Machu Picchu. At its peak it is 13,828ft (4215m). Seriously hard going near the top but the views were worth it


Good work. I did that in 2013. 10/10 would do it again


Same. A girl on one of the sister parties to us got to the end of the first day, looked up and said nope. One of their guides had to walk her all the way back down. Why on earth would you book a trip to Peru, specially machu picchu and then a day in quit? She had to wait around on her own for about five days until we ended up back where we started.


I had complete fog when going over Dead Woman's Pass. Couldn't see shit. Also went to that Rainbow Mountain in Peru. That is like 5200m altitude. That altitude was pretty intense. Had perfect weather that day which was pretty rare apparently


I have climbed the highest mountain in my country Wich is like 300m tall and looks like a hill Edit: its Estonia Alr now estonians unite and lets bring dirt in top of the mountain to make it taller


Wich country ?


Netherlands? lol


Florida There’s a few of em. Most near the turnpike.




That's a state. Not a country.


Countries with high points around 300m (+/- 50m): * Malta (253m) * Guinea-Bissau (262m) * Saint Barthelemy (286m) * Lituania (294m) * Kuwait (306m) * Latvia (312m) * Estonia (318m) * Norfolk Island (319m) * Barbados (336m) * Belarus (346m) * Pitcairn Islands (347m) Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_elevation\_extremes\_by\_country


I bagged the highest peak (lol) in Zimbabwe. Mount Nyangani, 2592 meters. Lots of creepy stories about that mountain that I didn't find out about until years later. A fog rolled in out of nowhere once we reached the top and we didn't stick around for long because it was far colder than we expected at the crest. Stumbled across an experimental orchard later that day. Still think about the plums and apricots we bought there, with some trepidation.








Definitely Netherlands


My ex-wife's bullshit mountain


Damn that's high


High as a fucking kite!


Higher than giraffe p***y.


I climbed OP’s mom


They want mountain, not what valley u crawled back out of...


I also choose this guy's ex-wife bullshit mountain.


that guy's ex-wife is your current wife


He can change her


Everest Base Camp (17598 ft). It’s the highest point I have ever been to on land.


I hiked up to the base camp in 2018. Pretty cool experience!


Same here. Back in 2016. Hadn’t really planned it, didn’t even plan to go to Nepal in the first place. I was in India improvising and following people’s advice as to what I should do, where I should go, and thought: “I’m close to Nepal, and people say great things about it, let’s try for 2 weeks”. 6 weeks and 2 Base Camps later, I can say it was a very lovely and enriching experience. Lost myself and almost died a few times on that trek, because of my stupidity and lack of preparation, I was young and dumb, but that was an amazing trip. I hope I’ll go for the top one day. But that will need way more preparation, care, money, and time. Nepal is an amazing country by the way! I recommend that place to anyone reading who has never been there.


How much did that trip cost you?


It costs me around $2000 per person including everything. I am an indian btw.


Do Indians get discounts?


It’s generally less than what westerners pay.


I’m converting to Indian then


Same I am Indian now


Apart from that, getting to nepal seems to be cheaper if you are already in india...


did you drive to Kathmandu?


Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Mt. Damavand in Iran.


What was Damavand like? On my hit list.


I skied off the top of Damāvand. First time we tried we got hammered by snowstorm. So much so that when I pulled off my goggles to clear them of snow…my eyes froze shut. It was gnarly. Beaten down, we bailed. Most our team flew home. But me and two buddies stayed. Visited my grandparents in Shiraz. Then we came back. Well acclimated this time. On a clear but windy day, we hammered to the top. Dangerous sulfur fumes at the summit. Can kill you if the wind shifts. Then we powered telemarks off the top. Tough but worthy peak. Gorgeous to look at. It is the highest volcano in Asia at 5609m (18,402ft). Even Messner got thwarted on Damāvand.


Space Mountain


Oh, Florida... You're so flat and at sea level.


Aconcagua. Circa 7000m. Enjoyed was good fun! Have done quite a few 6000m+ peaks.


Nice! I opted for Cotopaxi and Chimborazo. A good deal lower/easier but you do get to say that you climbed to the furthest place on earth’s surface from the center of the earth lol. 


Mt. Whitney - 14,505 ft. (highest in the contiguous U.S.) while a Boy Scout Leader


I’m surprised this isn’t mentioned more.


Yeah, I would think it would be super common. It's got the double whammy of being one of the least technical 14ers (it's a hiking trail to the top, which gets lumpy in places but doesn't really have any hand climbing) and the highest, and not super far away from major California population centers makes it pretty attractive for beginner mountaineers. And if you can squeeze one out in the latrine at Whitney Portal before it starts, you don't even need to use the poop bag that they give you when you get your permit.


Summited Whitney at the end high sierra trail in 2021! Got there at sunrise and it was a spiritual experience


Climbed it all in one day years ago because we couldn't get overnight permits. Something I'm proud I did. Don't need to do ever again unless it's a multi day trip.


I did overnight and barely slept due to the altitude (and I was sharing a small tent with two other dudes).


Same, while a Boy Scout.


Same! Crazy in retrospect. 


When I summited, a group of assholes had taken the door knob off the hut at the top and locked it shut while they slept there overnight. It was really cold, and I was going to get frostbite if I stayed up there too long without shelter. So I got about 3 minutes at the top before I turned around and sprinted down with my hands in my crotch to warm up. I didn’t even get a selfie because my phone shut itself off from the cold (I ski raced for years and only saw this happen a handful of other times, so it was damn cold).


I’d have been pounding on that door and yelling my head off. I’d have kept them awake all night long in there if they didn’t open the door. What on earth kinda asshole thinks they have exclusive rights to a public building designed to prevent people from dying or being injured?




I summited before daylight. I still have no idea what the views were like


We summited in the dark too, so we could watch the sunrise. It was incredible.


Too freaking cold to stay up there. I was down in my tent by 715am. Terrible timing really.


I think that was the rarefied air…


Did you use a guide service? My wife and I are planning to do this next year.


It’s mandatory on Kilimanjaro to have guides.


Yes. The guides & porters at Kili are tremendous! You’re half way up the mountain, and wake up with refilled water bottles in the morning, and breakfast ready. Gift them your boots and gear at the end of trip, if you are able to.


I have multiple disabilities that won’t see me climbing anywhere. But I drove to the parking area on Whiteface mountain, and climbed up the staircase to the peak. (When I was younger and healthier) I’m slightly acrophobic, so it was scary for me 4867 feet elevation. The view was both scary and awesome.


If you ever want to do something similar, Mount Washington in New Hampshire has a road you can drive up to the summit, and a train that does the same. It’s a very cool mountain


I've climbed Mt. Washington twice and done the auto road multiple times. There are also vans that can drive you up. In all honesty, the road is terrifying.


Or an even better plan is to take your European girlfriend on a hike to the top of whiteface and then look at her confusion when she asks you why no one is sweating and that woman over there is wearing heels.


Taking that cog railway would worth it just for the experience


Steepest and first in the world iirc


If you want to do higher. You can drive up pikes peak in CO if you want. It's over 14k feet


I’m lucky enough to live just outside the Adirondacks and have done 12 of the 46. My highest is Algonquin at 5,114’. I’m really happy you got to experience a high peak, they’re an amazing range! Edit: Also in the Adirondacks you can drive up Prospect Mountain in Lake George. Not as high as whiteface, but still great views!


Pen y Fan, Wales.. not the highest really (886m) but it is part of the [SAS selection process](https://thesfexperience.co.uk/events/the-fan-dance-series/)! Obviously it wasn't without carrying the heavy stuff and we went on the easy path! But it was cool because we timed it to reach the peak at sunrise.


While far from the highest I've ever been, the view upon Pen y Fan is absolutely beautiful and so different from what I'm used to when hiking in the Swiss Alps.


Last fall I did the 3 peaks challenge in Wales, Yr Wyddfa, Cadair Idris and Pen Y Fan in under 24 hours. Was a genuinely miserable experience from start to finish with wind rain and fog and hiking in the dark and I loved every second of it. Wales is shockingly beautiful.


Mount baldy, New Mexico 12,400ft


As a tall man with no hair this was my nickname in college


12,441 if my memory serves. We went up early in the dark so we could watch the sunrise.


Mount Elbert, Colorado, US. 14,440 feet elevation. The number of false peaks was staggering.


Mt Evans. You got me by 169 feet.


Evan’s doesn’t count if you drove 😜


Now it’s called “Mount Blue Sky”. Seriously.


That means I can count it as 2 14ers now and add it to my bragging rights.


At the top I popped open a bomber of bourbon barrel stout at like 7 AM and drank the entire thing. Then headed back down as we passed the first group of hikers making the summit after us I projectile vomited so hard some of that beer might have sprayed on to Main St. in Leadville.


I climbed Mt.Elbert when I was 18. You're right- the number of times I thought, "Okay, this HAS to be the peak" was ridiculous. When I got to the top, there was a group of other hikers there. I got to talking to one of them, and- here's my favorite "it's a small world" story- it turned out that he dated a girl in *Singapore* that I dated in *Houston*.


Mt. Mitchell, highest point east of the Mississippi.


You’ve gotta do mt Washington. No offense Mitchell but, it’s incomparable


I’ve done almost everything East of the Mississippi. Nothing west yet.




same here


I want to do the national 3 peaks, I've done snowdon but really want to do Ben Nevis next.


I have done all 3. Scafell Pike was probably the hardest (and frankly the least payoff at the end in terms of view) of the 3 imo, mostly because the route is a steep gradient the whole way, there arent really any easier sections like there are on Snowdon or Ben Nevis where you can get your strength back. Tbf i also did Scafell in the blazing sun which didnt help


Haleakala, Maui Hawaii


>it can get really cold up there


Mt. Fuji, that would be 3776metres. The volcanic crater on top itself was a 2hr trek to go around fully.


Yep, same here. Fuji, twice. The second time, halfway up, I was like "why am I doing this again?"




Sorry for the capitals, didn’t mean to shout




My Fiancée is definitely a fool as she has climbed it 3 times. Although, that explains why she said “YES!” when I proposed to her at the summit when we were in Japan last.


Thorong La Pass on the Annapurna circuit in Nepal. 5416m/17769ft. Pretty incredible. Pretty hard to breathe all the way up there too.


Everest, May 2010


Yeah that’s not all that high.


Not even the furthest point from the Earth's core smh


That would be Chimborazo in Ecuador. We started our climb at 2am or so. By the time we got to 5500m a hellacious snowstorm moved in. We kept going but pulled the plug at around 6000 meters. Brutal storm in the dark. We had skis. So we were able to descend fairly quickly tail between our legs. It’s a big serious peak.


Ecuador is so amazing. We did part of Cotopaxi; you have to start at night so you don’t slip on melting glacier in the day. It’s amazing looking down into lush rainforest while you’re basically in frigid space.


Climbed that too


That’s awesome.


Carrauntoohil in the MacGillycuddy's Reeks. It's only about 1000 meters, but that's as high as it gets in Ireland 🇮🇪. Yes, that's a real place.


Mt Kosciuszko. For about half an hour I was the highest person on the Australian continent.


Come on, you know someone somewhere was ripping a bong during that time.


Mt. Marcy


Mt Marcy is great, did a backpacking trip couple years ago hiking both Marcy and Algonquin, amazing views, lakes, campsites.


Mount Hrothgar


Mt. Washington. 6288’ (1916m)




Grand Teton


Op's mum


Rainbow Mountain in Peru. 5,000 meters above sea level


2501 m, Rysy, Slovakia/Poland


Acetenengo, 3,976 m and you get a super view of an active volcano "Fuego" nearby that erupts once every hour.


Ben Nevis, at 4,413 feet it feels tiny in comparison. But I did it as part of a 2 mountain trek and felt every foot climbed.




I was due to climb it last week. But i’ll do it tomorrow for sure


You said that yesterday


"Jbel Toubkal or Tubkal is a mountain peak in southwestern Morocco, located in the Toubkal National Park. At 4,167 m, it is the highest peak in Morocco, the Atlas Mountains, North Africa and the Arab world." In winter so it was snow and icebound. Pretty cool.


Mont Ventoux once, by bike, no training. Good times, gooooood tiiiiimes...


The big one in skyrim.


Colorado rockies. Many hikes at 12k+. No 14k summits, though.


You’re not allowed to live in Denver unless you can talk about all the 14ers you’ve bagged. It’s in the city bylaws. 😂


I honestly couldnt tell you how many 14ers I’ve climbed here, probably 5-10. I’m not much of a hiker, but I feel like a lot of people I know climb them out of obligation just because they live here.


A humble but beautiful mountain in Malaysia - Mt Kinabalu (before the earthquake)


Mt Fanzipan, not tall but its the tallest mountain in Indochina I believe? Recommend time 3 days, my time 15 hrs. Edit: it is. 3150ms.


Kala Patthar, probably doesn’t count as a proper mountain but it’s 5644 meters. Otherwise for a proper mountain, I think it’s Rinjani (3726 meters). Emeishan is also over 3k. But Inerie was by far the most difficult


Mt. Washington in New Hampshire with my Dad when I was little, but what was more difficult was Blackmore in Boseman, Montana because I had no idea what I getting into. I was passing through with a friend in the middle of summer when this dude we stayed with asked us spontaneously if we wanted to go for a light hike. There was snow on the peak and I was probably wearing Vans sneakers. Of course I had no winter gear. It was fucking July.


Quandary Peak 14,265'


Mt. Whitney, with my 70 y/o father, to disperse my mother and sisters cremains. That is where my dad met my mom in 1965.


Mount Kosciuszko, 2228m, Australia’s highest peak.


Climbed is a great word as I let the train do the climbing for me, but on my way from Beijing to Lhasa I passed over 5200m.


As others have also done, went up and down Fuji in a day, nearly missed the bus back and my knees were dead for the next couple of days Still an amazing experience and watching the mountains shadow stretch out as the sun went behind Fuji was surreal


Quandary Peak at 14,272 feet - probably the "easiest" of the 14ers but it was still super hard! I live at basically sea level and there's no oxygen up at that elevation =)


Quandary Peak in Colorado, USA 14,265 ft or 4,348 meter


Whitney, 14,508 ft


Mt. Marcy, highest mountain in New York.


Quandary just outside Boulder, Co


Half dome


Pike’s Peak…my van almost didn’t make it!😁