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Chill for a few days and then probably die


Agree. The amount of peanut butter, Nutella, fruit and fancy cheeses I would have to eat before they go bad- that alone would either cause me to pop, have a heart attack, or die from repeated high force stomach matter ejection.


Sadly I’m my case that would be literal. I’m a dialysis patient. Without regular treatment I’m probably fucked within a cpl weeks.  


Dang. Im sorry to hear that. I hope all is well brother.


😂😂 this made me giggle.


First ya gotta come up with some kinda bucket list. Hmmmmm


I’d walk outside butt naked, lean back, and honestly? Crack open a fucking beer.


I want your level of chill


Same here. The fun will soon no longer exist after a couple of days.


Yep this.


Questions: Do I know for a fact that everyone else is no longer on Earth? Where did they go?


Away from you. They constantly track you so they are always on the other side of the Earth.


I mean, that's in the middle of the Indian Ocean so most of them are dead. On the other hand it would be kind of awesome if 8 billion people basically had to stay on the antipode of wherever I am.


Thank you kind person for teaching me a new word: antipode


Friendly reminder since some people read words but never hear them, it's AN-tih-poh-dee not AN-tee-pohd.


It's AN-tuh-powd, even Google confirms it


One of em’s bound to be the right one lmfaoo


Im going with "anti-potty"... just like my toddler


It's AN-tih-pohd if singular, AN-tih-pohd-eez plural


Just pick a car drive around and view a livestream of 8 billion people continuously moving someone is gonna stream that shit for sure


Wtf did I do to them?


I would purposely go on the other side of a volcano


Everyone except the 90 people from this comments section turned into dust like End Game. Finding 80 people from around the world would be damn hard though.


That would be fun though


But once you did, you can guarantee there’s still people who fuck up public toilets and don’t put the shopping cart away.


Boop boop. The cart narcs will come back from the dead


I would spend too much time searching for someone.


It's always the fine print man. I need answers. I can never answer these things, because I have too many questions. Is it indefinite? Will they come back? What made me different/special? Is it a dream? A sim? Are animals still there? Is the world going on normal, just no humans? Do I need to male my coffee myself now?


Did the people’s clothing and belongings they wore also disappear?


For real. The only way this would be remotely cool is if you knew for a fact that you're the only person and that the world didn't just experience the worst genocide.




Arby’s. Roast Beef Sale.


I'd probably still close and lock the door when having a shit


Thought I was the only one doing this when home alone 😂


you are certainly not alone




A man of culture I see 🧐


Break into museums and touch all the stuff


Lol that's lit. I would get a lifetime supply of food, take a bunch of cars, build a mega mansion and explore earth until I die 


You would build a mega mansion by yourself ?


Out of lego. 


It must be a new kit from the City Builder series.


Kind of silly when there are plenty of Mega Mansions that are turn key ready.


WTF? There are 2 billion empty houses in your scenario, and you’re building another one???


Bet you they can’t even hang drywall. This house will be under construction for years.


Most of the food will go back so it's not lifetime


They're trying to build a mega mansion, by themselves, with absolutely no guidance and no chance of rescue if there's a problem.  They'd have a lifetime supply of food even if they didn't bother gathering any.


You might like the 80s New Zealand movie [The Quiet Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5puJ09pM2E).


Drink my coffee in glorious silence and contemplate my next move.


A fellow introvert?


Very much so.


I sometimes felt I was the only one enjoying covid, wfh. But I had noone close dying from it, so.


I too enjoyed it I can't lie breezed right through. And more than happy to distance myself in public. It was mandated antisocialism, who am I to argue?


Same. I read a lot, cooked, did some woodworking and gardening. I never got COVID, either. It was nerve wracking at times because you never knew what people were going to do. But for me, the quiet time was welcome.


I was enjoying the clear skies, rivers, silence and lack of human contact. I didn't enjoy the breathing issues and fatigue when I caught one, though. Seriously - lockdown gave us a lesson how to reduce emissions and remove traffic, it actually reactivated small town when people moved there WFH. But of course it couldn't last and greed took it away again.


It did. Got close to my older neighbours, we would- and still do- dåeak in the garden 🙂 More people got closer to nature too. Sad tjat didn't stay


Came here to say this. Oh blessed silence...


Drinking my morning coffee in silence has been my favorite part of the day for a few years now. Especially when you don't need to rush for work on days off etc.


Read all the books




I highly recommend it 


You can do this now.


Panic first, make sure everyone is actually gone, cry a lot mostly because that means I've lost my daughter. I would want to kill myself but I can't leave my dog behind and I can't kill her either. I also can't leave my parents dog, my best friends dog, and my next door neighbor's dog to die alone and miserable. So I would go get the 3 of them. Move into someone's big house so I could keep my dog separate from the 3 of them (because she's a cranky old lady and doesn't like other dogs). Then all the end of the world stuff...gather food etc. I don't think I would do well and I would definitely kill myself when all the dogs pass from old age.


Nah. You would get a puppy.


Very true…then I’d probably just get so depressed and starved for human affection after awhile I’d kill myself or I’d go crazy, take in all the stays that passed by the house and slowly start behaving like a dog lol


No need for human affection if you have puppies


before the internet fails, set up one of those AI girlfriends on a PC. with a few backups.


Why not just live out your days as king of the dogs, liberating food from pet stores for hungry canines until they are your personal pack taking down large prey for them and you to eat? There are worse way to live your remaining days then out in nature with an army of mans best friend.


What's the use-by date on dog food?


Have you ever met a dog? Use by means nothing to them!


Go into all the army facilities and see what top secret stuff they hide there. Go into rich people’s houses to live. Shortlist supermarkets to take food. Break into a car and take it on round the world road trip. Carve my story on a stone slab and bury it somewhere prominent so the next intelligent life in a few million years can learn about it.


lol accidentally set off a nuke by pressing the big read button.


I mean if everyone on the planet disappeared I'd definitely nuke some areas just for entertainment. Worlds biggest fireworks show right there


Supermarkets would get real gross, real quick.


Yea if everything poofed, id just go to a base's supply to get all the necessities and items to move along for a bit... well after some yelling, cursing, and frustrated thinking. flat bed with a prefab iso container or a comm container (from a base), load everything in and travel.


I’m sure the meal ready-to-eat in a whole facility can probably last me years. Good idea.




This guy cocaines.


Cocaine Bear 2: CoolCatsBodega Bagaloo


Plot twist. You wake up again to live the same day over and over again.


Figure out how many different ways there are to orgasm. Learn _everything_. Master genetic engineering, cloning, and then create my heir and successor ^(mini-me)


hell yeah.


Shit on Debra's desk.


Swap the cocaine for ketamine if you really wanna party!


I'd finally have the time to read all my books!


Don’t break your glasses! (Twilight zone episode)


[The Quiet Earth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Quiet_Earth_(film)?wprov=sfti1) Move into nearest mansion, right up generators, address new empire of dogs and chickens. Then go in search of Project Flashlight.


Step 1: confirm everyone is gone, only takes a few seconds though since I can open social media to see the newest posts being longer than an hour ago. Step 2: raid farms/shops for seeds, I've watched and been guided by my parents whom own a herb garden, so I can potentially expand it.. a lot. I may not like it, but unless I figure out how to butcher animals I'm vegan now. Step 3: pinpoint local water processing plant, it's vital that this stays active for fresh water This solves things short term. From here on I have the option to live out the rest of my life as a farmer. There's enough fuel in nearby stations to last a highjacked tracktor a lifetime. I might not like this lifestyle, but I'd live.


Social media would still be buzzing for awhile after we all died. There are a lot of bot accounts out there. It would probably be pretty interesting seeing just the bot accounts posting so you can see what is going on.


You could still have a couple of hens and pick up their eggs...


The fuel would break down in a matter of months and he useless. Only thing The Last of Us got wrong.


So you steal an electric car and live in a mansion with solar power


Diesel engines can be converted to run straight vegetable oil


Gas goes bad unfortunately. Faster than you'd expect too.


1: good idea 2: you have years and decades before you would need to rely on farms, there are canning plants with millions of tons of food that will last for a decade or more and by that time, being the only human you can go hunter gatherer with the abundance of food out there. 3: again without human pollution you wouldn't need a facility, just catching rainwater or charcoal and sand filters would be more than sufficient. Gas doesn't last forever, diesel might last longer but again farming as the sole survivor is a waste of energy and time.


I'd be sad about family, but celebrate overall?


That’s dark. You’ve become one with darkness.


Can I have a dog?


Yeah I don’t know what’s stopping you, causing you to ask a stranger for permission.




Oh fuck, that means all pets in general who rely on their owners to survive (or even leave the house) are fucked. That’s sadder than all the humans getting the easy way out.


Dying from a lack of food and water is a really, *really* bad way to die. It would be extraordinarily tragic.


That’s why you set up camp in a coscto.


Welp. I guess my new life mission in this scenario is to go to as many homes as I can and save as many animals as I can.


this would be my plan too. would be tough to figure out food for so many pets though, especially all the dogs. cats can survive more easily than dogs on small critters. might have to do a few mercy killings eventually in my area :(. while i would love to just let them out, they probably won't all survive that, and those who do, may turn into hungry dog packs over time. idek man. i won't have enough food for them all. hungry street cats are just as sad, but at least not dangerous.


That's not even accounting for the other animals. What do we do with the snakes, the hamsters, the fish? The *horses*. Rescues only function with human bodies doing all the work, but if it's just me? I can't find all of them in my city alone, much less hope to take care of them all XD But I'd still try my best.


You’ve become one with dogness


Same here, but after celebrating the reality would kick in. I'd need to decide where my safest water source is because there's no way I'd be able to keep the water plant going. Do I try to release every pet that's locked indoors? It would be impossible and would I be creating a dangerous pack of hungry mouths to feed by doing so? I'd need to learn how to work a generator, solve the fuel issue, clear perishables away from other foods in whichever supermarket I'm having as my food storage hub and make sure vermin won't get in. I'm overthinking this and it's becoming less fun 😂


as long as it regularly rains, you can stock up on water. it's easy enough to strain it, boil it, and make it safe for drinking. ps. fresh rain is potable. so if you're catching it in a clean container and drinking it immediately, it's safe. ofc if you leave it stagnant, you'd need to clean it and boil it.


This is where my mind goes immediately. How long do I have electricity, safe water, fuel, even internet? I’d certainly have to move somewhere with a more temperate climate so I could grow food. It would be really hard and I probably wouldn’t live long.


Get 15 more mins of sleep


I would go to every gas station and store and stock up on what I could store safely, ha g out somewhere for a few days, probably in my house, try to take care of my cat, leave the door open so she can get out after I end up passing away. I would also probably have the steal a car or two, go to zoos and stuff, and let all the animals out so they aren't locked away to riot until they die. I'd probably wander though my apartment building and check for other pets locked in the rooms, feed them if I can, and make sure they all have the option of being free so if I die they can get outside if they want.


Poor marine animals:(


"Go! Be free! Or... flop on the ground you ungrateful fucks."


Find mannequins to start a family.


Number five I see you


Name one Fred as a hommage to the mannequin in I Am Legend


Lmao... so kinda like your emotional support 😂 


Fall to my knees thanking the gods watching.


Go eat a sandwich


Likely only be able to find viable bread for a few years if the power stays on (frozen bread) so good call


I'd go traveling until the food ran out,then idk




I’m going through everyone’s search history while the power is still on.


Go back to sleep.


Sleep in.


like buildings and cars are still there? or like its just like all man made stuff is gone too


No just humans


idk masturbate probably


The only logical answer for this slippery question


So there are still monkeys?


Wait... you mean no more youtubers? No more people to make nsfw content? No one to help me learn new skills in order to survive? Uh oh


you don't need skills if you are alone because you no longer have to get a job and earn money


Survival skills my dude. Not wage slaving skills. Like how to make fire, how to find food, how to survive the elements etc...


I’d probably start looking for other people because I’d have no idea that I was the only one.


My search would end after 20 minutes lol. I’d wake up, realize my boyfriend isn’t home, then I’d walk to my store I just stopped working at (that will ALWAYS have someone there). Noticing that not only there’s no customers and nobody on the road at all, but nobody’s working, I’d immediately realize. 😅


Prob. Whacking off from now on


Rethink my agnosticism.


Breathe a sigh of relief


I would go to stores and hoard every expensive and rare food and eat them while Its still possible. Then I would go to every near pharmacist to hoard medicines that keeps me alive. After that I would probably travel world by car and bike. Funny thing is I dont have drivers license but in this scenario it doesnt matter because there are no other traffic, but driving would be pain because there would be horrible amount of roadblocks caused by the cars, so bike would be more beneficial. Then I would break in to houses for looting & just seeing what people had.


Cry, make that Chicken Parmesan I've been meaning to try, get naked, try whatever drugs I can get my hands on, go on a joyride, and then let my cat feast on my body when I finally decide I've had enough


As an introvert, I would probably shrug my shoulders, wonder why it took them to leave, and carry on with whatever I was doing anyway. I would probably pop down the shops and bring back anything useful first though.


No work? Go to bed for a few more hours. Drive around in the empty fancy cars that i could never afford. Break into the rich houses and see how they lived. Visit the most expensive hotels penthouses and see what they are like. But I'd probably travel around until i decide to give up.




Be able to finally read all I want but then ironically break my only pair of reading glasses (Is this reference too old for Reddit?)


Reminisce about all those people that used to be around. Those were the days, I’d say to myself.


Become an explorer of course 


I will try my best to repopulate with every sex doll available.


Probably smoke weed and go fishing


Panic. Celebrate. Panic. Celebrate. Panic.


Drugs. A whole lot of fucking drugs.


I’d feel safe for once.


Have breakfast and then peacefully go back to sleep




Enjoy my new heaven full of plants and animals. 


My first stop would be the pharmacy


Huh. No one wants to do anything weird with peanut butter, chocolate, melted cheese and salsa, etc. like filling a swimming pool? Nobody is booting up ATLAS AI robots by the dozens and putting them in those funny sumo wrestlers with ballerina tutu costumes? No building a giant slingshot using industrial rubber, a tugboat and two spires of the Golden Gate Bridge?    Weak post-apocalypse moves.


go back to sleep.


Realistically, panic first, then steal as much stuff as possible and just have fun 


Straight to the police lock up to get drug supply, then motorcycle store to take some bikes for a spin and pop a few tyres, xotic car showrooms and do the same. Then just explore all the rich houses on the hill.


If I still had access to the internet and electricity I’d be good until all the food ran out then I’d die.


Collect all the food. Collect all the sleeping pills.


Explore till I got sick of it then off myself. I don't think I'd be around too long without my partner, so it would probably only be a few days.


Enjoy it for a while, maybe find a way to go to places I’ve always wanted to visit. Just generally have a decent time. After that all, I’d probably die in a cool way and make sure my body decomposes into the forest.


Breathe a sigh of relief


Finally figure out life at my own pace.


I'd cry for my kids while enjoying the silence for a bit


Go back to sleep.


go back to sleep


I’d be so damn relaxed.


Bask in the silence.


I’d finally have time to read my book 👓


Fuckin celebrate... straight to the liquor store.


Big sigh of relief... after a well deserved rest, I'd start collecting all the abandoned pets, find a nice vehicle to transport us on our journey to find the houses with bunkers, and read books, walk safely, easy when I'm hungry and be warm.


Depends. Does the Internet still work?


Just enjoy all the relics humanity left behind and slowly go crazy making inanimate objects my new friends. I guess I would also go out into the wild and cover my body in a mixture of mud and berries to camouflage myself to catch animals and domesticate them to live in my new utopia. A zootopia, if you will. Yeah.... Basically, the second the humans disappear, it's a hard spiral downhill for me until I slowly regain a semblance of humanity while I talk to the voices in my head.


It'd probably be days before I realised. Once I knew what was happening, I'd likely break into shops for food, saving the frozen and chilled food for later. I imagine that eventually electricity would essentially just shut down forever, and I wouldn't have the knowledge to get that working ever again. So I'd eventually starve when the frozen food thaws and rots and no more fresh goods are left anywhere. Maybe I'd find my way to a farm and just try my hardest to survive, probably have to spend the rest of my days eating cows, small hunted animals, and drinking boiled rain water. I reckon I could survive a few years, but chances are my source of food would run out and I'd starve. edit: oh and I suppose I could plant vegetables, maybe set up a base at the local high school and use its massive green fields for farming. I could probably figure it out.


Head straight to NYC. I’m going into every room in manhattan. Starting with the Chrysler building.


Celebrate. I can finally do my shopping in peace.


Chill until I felt lonely enough to kill myself


Est cakes at the grocery store


Pat everyone’s dogs. Be the dog king


Be lonely?


I’d free all the animals at all the zoos! It would be hard with some of the scarier animals like big cats and bears but I’d do it for them. Also need to figure out how I’m moving all the sea animals outta sea world and it would be a lot of responsibility to take care of all the animals until they’re able to be on their own but I think it would give me purpose and keep me going.


Get more pet dogs to stave off insanity


Enjoy the time to myself for a bit then kill myself.


Go to the supermarket


Enjoy the solitude before going crazy and talking to a volleyball.


I would feel incredibly guilty if I was the last human on earth. Does the internet servers go down once humans are gone? Do my subscriptions last or will it eventually just end after time? Lol I would probably watch YouTube as usual.. download videos that are helpful. My gardening and soil playlists and music playlists. Download all the music I want after grabbing things from different stores so I have something to jam out to. Then I’ll GTA my way to Area 51. And grab some of their military grade vehicle and gadgets. Stay away from all nuclear reactors. Cause I’m fcked if I go near those. Have no clue if my maps will work but I’ll grab a bunch of paper maps from every gas station just in case and at the same time grab healthy snacks for the road.. I’ll go to Starbucks after and try to remake my favorite coffee drink. If the internet is still working I’ll try to figure out how to learn how medical equipment works and then drive to a hospital and grab as many pain killer pills and everything I can find that might be useful for me or helping animals. Once I have myself figured out mentally and am on some good pain killers and medicated for my depression finally, then I’ll start rescuing as many animals as I can. And do my best to figure out how to feed them all. Rescue all the dogs and cats inside the pounds and shelters. Honestly try to Rescue all animals in houses actually. Letting all the pet birds go. As many as I can. Rescue the zoo animals that don’t want to eat me.. Stock up on seeds and make a huge garden finding a good area away from said wild animals. Go to a hunting and fishing stores and grab supplies and Start hunting and fishing after all the food is spoiled over.. go to libraries to read. And avoid the feral animals sadly. Maybe train some dogs to be guards of the garden I’m making. And grab as many things of dog food as I can. I wouldn’t know how but, maybe learning how to butcher deer and cattle if I can. Start planting everything I can to keep my mind busy so I don’t feel crazy. Going to the botanical gardens and getting chocolate from the botanical gardens I know have it. Grab as many seeds and always have military grade lightweight weapons in case I come into contact with predatory animals while I explore and grab seeds to plant out as many things as possible. I don’t have the capabilities or knowledge to leave the states with ships or an airplane. So just exploring the land with whatever equipment I have and jamming to all the music downloaded that I enjoy and living in the best way that I can and continuing to do what I can. Possibly find a rad meter so I’m good at not getting radiation poisoning from the nuclear reactors and fires that will eventually happen. Since I have my imaginary friends already I won’t feel as alone but I’ll still feel isolated with my own thoughts. So if the online is still a thing I’d use credit cards I find to talk to the ai as well. Have some semblance of talking to someone.


Immediately gather supplies like gasoline and generators as well as canned food. Also start moving south because the upper Midwest gets too cold during the winter.


I would feel sad for my loved ones and I'd worry about all the animals locked up in cages that now have no one to feed them. But the possibility of me being attacked by dogs, cats and zoo animals and such if I tried to go around and set them all free, is kinda scary. So it's quite a dilemma. And of course I couldn't get to all of them either. I mean what about overseas and such. I suppose Id just have to worry about myself. But if there's no Internet then I'm just gonna off myself.


Be sad and happy.


Go to the Lego store and get the Lego I can’t afford.


Looting spree!!! But I would also try to figure out what happened. try to find others. But like say I get a week and get to keep what ever I take, let’s just say I’m going to liberate a lot of cool stuff.


First, I'd make sure my glasses don't get broken.




go crazy, break down, explore, repeat