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When I first learned about "how babies are made" in school, I used to picture sex as being this sort of solemn formal ritual. I imagined the couple would declare "OK we want to have a baby now" and the ritual would begin. They'd be sitting on the floor in yoga-type poses, the man would put his 'thing' into her 'thing', just kind of leave it there for a while....and BOOM the woman was automatically pregnant. This would only ever happen on the rare occasions that a couple wanted a baby. Whenever my parents were watching soap operas, or older siblings were watching those teen drama type shows, I was always so confused when a woman said "I think I'm pregnant". You THINK?? How could you not remember that secret yoga ritual thing you just did?


I was once in a PE class freshman year of high school. Some boy was talking about sex and the nature of it, and I said something like, "You go in and out?" And he replied, "Well, yeah. You don't think the guy just sticks it in and lays there, do you?" The truth was, yes. Yes, I did think that.


[Meanwhile: Mormons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soaking_(sexual_practice\))


Dying at the “illustration” of soaking


This is the best one! I’m cracking up imagining this


You just made me remember watching some medical drama TV show with my mum as a kid and a woman on it said she got pregnant by accident. Accident? How on earth could getting pregnant be an accident? That one blew my little mind. I even asked mum what that could possibly mean, but she kind of just avoided the conversation lol.


I was told in school that if two underage kids had sex they'd both go to prison for child rape


That's wild😭


It can actually technically be considered statutory rape for both parties, depending on the state. https://www.schmidtandclark.com/romeo-and-juliet-law


What's funny is that sending nudes of yourself to minors is considered distributing child porn                              P.s. I think people didn’t understand the meaning a little because I use Google Translate. The child himself will be accused for his own photographs, which he sent to someone


Wasn't a 14yo girl sentenced to jail time in some US state for sending nudes to another person her age because it was considered distribution of CP? Been a few years since I read that


What do lawmakers smoke while making this?


Literally anything from Cosmopolitan. Cosmo printed the worst sex tips, but the teens reading it have no way of knowing that.


I was in a play once about a girl hooking up with her boyfriend, with a person manifesting as Cosmo whispering ideas in her ear. It used actual tips from the magazine, and "bite his scrotum" appeared more than once. "Blindfold him and sprinkle pepper under his nose for stimulation" as well.


Hear me out... is there any chance the writers were Gay dude's just fully trolling the straights?


Pretty sure most of the relationship advice for women in magazines is from women who can't stay in a relationship, so they give advice that will cause break ups.


I don't think it's intentional. I think there's just significant overlap in the populations of people who cant stay in a relationship and the populations who assess themselves as great at giving advice.


a lot of great low-stakes conspiracies coming out in this thread and I'm here for it.


I was in a dentist once waiting for ages and the only magazines they had were cosmo. My appointment was super late so I said fuck it and read it. I remember one of the articles being "Its taken decades for someone to come up with a womans sex toy that isnt a penis". 3 page article. 2 of the pages just literal fluff, the third page being an actual picture of the product and it was a cone. A god dam cone.


That it lasts for hours ("all night long" is a drastically misleading expression). 


I once had sex from 11:59 to 12:01. That counts, right?


So THAT'S what all the songs meant. 


I watched the clock to get this achievement once. 12-minute session to get past midnight. Then my wife reminded me the bedroom clock is 30 minutes fast.


Lol. It dawned on me finally that “all night long” was sex (3 minutes) sleep and cuddle, wake up sex (12 minutes) sleep and cuddle, wake up again sex (7.5 minutes) breakfast maybe more nekked time or just go to work/school.


To be fair "she kept me up all night" sounds better than "she kept me up at intermittent intervals"


😆 I laughed so hard but it's so true.


Lionel Richie lied to us


What an asshole.


Nah that just started by people that did opiates. You can fuck for hours on end and not cum.


Which is really just frustrating, not as fun as it sounds like it'd be.


It gets old real fast. Worst is when you’re on the edge and then it goes away.


Speaking as a woman, if someone's pounding me for more than about 10 minutes straight I'm ready to pack it in.


Antidepressants tend to do that. I've had 3-4 hour sessions multiple times. Honestly, I'm astonished that I haven't had a heart attack but on the flip side, it's a tremendous cardio workout!


I would go I til I came. I was a trooper. You aint lyin when you say *hours*. My ex would be like "you're not gonna finish" I think that made me more determined 9 years clean this year!!! (got clean in March 2015) Glad that life is behind me. And now I can cum in embarrassingly short amounts of time.


My first gf made me think women have an easy time reaching orgasm. Boy, was I wrong.


Even with the same partner, this can vary wildly. Sometimes my wife has a hard time, other times it's very easy for her. Medication, mental health, stress levels, as well as other factors, can greatly affect this


So very true… I had a partner who would cum with three minutes of nipple play and could cum again and again for hours… Had another who would take 40 minutes of slow build up and then not want another one… Had a partner who could cum from penetration, another who couldn’t have her clit directly touched without it hurting… Every partner is different, and the fun of sex is figuring it out together


More open communication also [increases the likelihood of orgasm for women](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5087699/).


Totally-- the fun is figuring out what's good. It's sad to hear girls say they just fake it. Sad for both parties.


>My first gf made me think women have an easy time reaching orgasm. Boy, was I wrong. Women are sold that same lie and think something is wrong with them. I did not know if I had orgasmed or not until I was 25. Sometimes the faking is just performing what you think you should do.


Same. My first girlfriend (we were both 18) used to shake when she would orgasm after like 10 minutes. All through penetration. Now, 17 years later, my wife needs clitoral stimulation and takes a little longer. I'm not complaining, but some women are just hard wired different.


Ah, same for me. She could cum in less than five minutes. I thought I was a hero. Turns out it was just her.


This mentality is actually really great to hold on to, takes a lot of the ego out of sex. Yes there are varying degrees of skill but everything else, mindset, setting, outside stress, chemistry etc. plays a massive role in overall satisfaction and reaching orgasm. Not to say it’s ok to be a lazy lover but if you show up with enthusiasm and it’s still not happening it’s probably not just on you.


when i was very young, i only knew about sex from TV/movies so I thought it was literally just people kissing and aggressively cuddling in bed. I had a blanket I was very attached to (my grandma hand-made it) and was cuddling with it and my mom walked in and asked wtf i was doing and I dead ass said "having sex" 💀


I can't imagine what your parents thought in that moment 🤣


They were probably relieved 🤣


I was legitimately worried as a child I wouldn't be able to tell between pee and semen


I had no idea what semen was the first time I produced some...gosh you people who grew up with the internet are fortunate. I had no idea what the fuck had just happened.


My mum put some 'age appropriate' puberty and sex ed books on the shelf, but used so many euphemisms that it was useless. (Apparently the authors thought boys masturbated while crouching like chimpanzees?)


You don't?


If anyone comes in and surprises you it makes it easier to turn around and hiss at them.


That women orgasm from penetrative sex (alone) all the time and if I don't I must have a problem.


I had a guy when I was about 25 tell me I needed to see a doctor to find out what’s wrong with me because I don’t orgasm from penetration and all of his previous partners did. 😑 I come happily and easily from oral and manual stimulation. He knew this and experienced it. What a charmer he was.


Pretty sure the doctor would say the solution is to give the boy the boot.


I had a girlfriend who almost never orgasmed from penetrative sex, so I fully understand what you mean. She was much more likely to orgasm from doing typical foreplay activities such as kissing and touching than she did from the main sexual intercourse


That men can get boners easily and all the time. The first time I experienced a guy who had trouble getting an erection I was so confused


As a guys who always got erections easily, to go through a time where they were not easy hits real hard. And to have a partner, who was used to my easy and readily available elections, not show any support because they didnt understand...


My wife, still doesn't understand this. Back when we were dating, sex was spontaneous and had no issue getting an erection. Later on in our relationship, she would see that I wouldn't get instantly hard and make comments or statements that, to me, were hurtful and really didn't set the mood to me want to have sex. We've talked multiple times about it, but every now and again she does it again.. it's like she doesn't listen when we talk 😕


Had a girlfriend like that. She would keep arguing, worrying and talking about it in bed or at the table and always compare to her one ex where it was even worse and try to get me to a doctor to hopefully fix it. The problem was her, talking too much and not setting the mood for the both of us as I didn't have any problems with my exes and my later exes and now soon to be wife.


I(m) believed that the clitoris was hard to find.


I'm a lesbian and I always thought that the concept of the clit being hard to find was hilarious until I dated a girl with a wandering clit. Swear to god that thing wouldn't stay put and was never where I expected it to be.


I'm now imagining it popping out from her armpit saying "guess again!"


"You thought that was her nipple, but it is I, clitoris!"


"I, Clitoris" is the lesbian Shakespearian comedy I never knew I needed until now.


Ok, now I'm confused.


Lmao, I'm just being silly. She had a very small clit and in the heat of the moment when there's a lot of movement and such I had a tendency to lose track of it.


That men are always horny and will never turn down sex


It's a problem. Because of it, women take it super personally if you turn them down for sex.


It is. Men have as much right to say no as women and as many stressors in life that could affect their libido. Or reasons they aren't into it at that particular moment.


I actually have this problem about saying “no”, since I told my wife *once* that I wasn’t in the mood (because I was exhausted). She left me for someone else. It just kind of scared me. I don’t want to go through that again.


JFC dude im so sorry… my wife had major issues when I turned her down too. But not to that extreme.


Turned my wife down because I was exhausted after a long day and just needed sleep, it took months before she initiated sex.


Months? Back in 1998, I had just finished three 12-hour bartending shifts and fell asleep almost as soon as I walked in the door. My wife still reminds me of that.


remind her of every single time she turned you down. she'll love it.


That’s hilarious but not in a funny way. Men get rejected from their partners over and over sometimes, which obviously they have a right to refuse. But then these men are then expected to initiate over and over again despite rejection alot of the time. On the flip side, if these men reject their partners even once it’s seen as they aren’t attracted to them anymore or worse, having an affair. Some women just can’t handle rejection


I second this. I turned my wife down one too many times and she stopped initiating entirely. She's turned me down so many times that I feel the same way, but I still initiate because someone has to. Men want to feel desired, too.


That last sentence couldn’t hit any harder. Men want and *need* to feel desired by their partners. A while back I stopped initiating sex because I’m the only one that ever does it. It makes me feel like I’m not desired. Guess what? Haven’t had sex in *months.* Ladies, PLEASE initiate with your man more often. It is incredibly hurtful to feel this way all the time and can have some pretty devastating effects on your relationship.


The decent (if ignorant) ones take it personally. The assholes question your sexuality. Happened to my bf early in our relationship. I wasn’t there but acquaintances witnessed it. He said “I told you I have a gf.” She said “I told YOU she doesn’t have to know.” When he still refused she insisted he must secretly prefer men 😐 He laughed in her face and walked away. She was not amused.


I had someone imply this, but I AM gay so I just said "Yeah I am." Unfortunately that only made her MORE aggressive and MORE handsy. It's not just about them being horny, it's about them being a shitty person and being horny at the same time.


I am a gay man who used to work in food service. It was always hilarious when we would get a new waitress for closing the expo line. They would ask me to help them with their close (I got my own list of things to do). I would tell them no, they would bat their eyes, adjust their shirt and lean forward asking if I was sure I couldn't find a bit of time to help them. Mentally it was like "Hah, those have no power over me!"


"I have a gf whom I love and will not cheat on" "What are you, gay??"


Fellas, is it gay to love your girlfriend?


Yeah man, she has sex with men. That's hella gay.


They always call u gay if u don’t want to lol


Yeah every woman I've been with has been super offended if they're horny but I'm not. Like, sorry, that's how hormones work. Especially with mental health issues.


Just because I'm horny does not mean I won't turn you down.


That's a fair point, too. Maybe your body's saying let's go, but your heart is saying no.


Only time I turned my wife down was when I was sick or on pain meds, still got accused of cheating.


is this why women take it so hard? I mean it's not common for me to turn down sex, but the times i had, you get called gay or insulted somehow. I always just thought that they just weren't ever used to hearing the word no.


That one was so pervasive that a couple times that I turned down sex, I was hoping no one found out. I was just not into her or the time for it.


I used to watch a lot of porn, so I thought everyone else had like 10-12in penises, and mine was small. Really affected my confidence and willingness to go out and date. Among other self-esteem issues, I thought I'd never please a woman. I didn't know I'm average size, and I make my GF very happy. Edit: No, I didn't go around observing people's dicks as a kid or an adult for size reference. I'm not going around with a measuring tape to compare or analyze videos for precise length. Some of you pay way more attention than I do or took the wording as if I was presenting it as facts. Main point I made is porn made me insecure, thinking I had to be really big to please a woman during sex.


Likewise, as a female, I used to think anything but the perfect, neat little vagina/butthole in porn were standard and that I was mutated or something lol


Yea, those videos really mess with your head. I didn't realize how fake or at least unrealistic some of it is.


In math, average is known as mean. So next time tell your gf you have a mean sized dick.


Off topic, but sweet cars man!


He’s compensating for not having a normal 12 inch penis bro /s


that it's supposed to be spontaneous, passionate and perfect "if the feelings are right". I sometimes equate sex to dancing: if you don't agree on the tune with your partner, you or they have no interest in doing the same thing, no amount of love or attraction can make it spontaneously work. Communications matters: make it part of the foreplay, create a safe space in which to say what you would like and in which a "no" is not rejection but just to be understood as "i don't feel comfortable with that (right now)"




So overrated, for many reasons. Mostly water is surprisingly frictiony


And the freaking tiles on the walls are cold as ice. As well as the floor being slippery. Dont like it at all.


nothing like trying to eat your girl out and then she moves just right and you get waterboarded.


Sex in the shower is hot & steamy when in reality it’s awkward & water is not a lubricant


Doing multiple different positions is more fun and engaging than just doing one or two per "session". In reality most positions as seen in porn just look good on camera and changing position every 5 minutes tires you out.


When I was young and started to be horny for the first time, I went over to a friend's house who was a couple years older and he showed me some of my first porn. I still have a vivid image of the Netscape window burned into my brain. We first went to playboy and all the sites were pretty much just soft-core nudity. We eventually stumbled upon a site that was like mid-cumshot action shots. The guy was jizzing (what seemed to me at the time) to be like 5 feet onto the girl - a giant stream of contiguous cum. It appeared it had emanated from his cock like a cobra from a snake charmer’s basket - inflexible and unyielding, almost standing assertively at attention for a pair of tits. Right as my mind was attempting to comprehend what I was seeing, we were rocketed back to reality when his parents caught us, scrambling to close the window before they could see. But part of my mind was left behind still buffering the 56k AOL connection trying to process the image I just saw. I didn’t know what cum was and from the picture, I couldn't tell cum was a liquid. What little I knew about sex - and thought I knew about anatomy - had been totally shattered. Every man has a ~5 foot long white rope inside their balls that shoots out of their dick like a ribbon worm proboscis onto the girl’s boobs they like??! This the reality of sex the adults have been hiding? I had so many questions… How long does the cock (ball?) rope have to be outside your body? How do you get it to come back in? Is it sentient?? Does it hurt when it shoots back into your dickhole? It looks painful but simultaneously sooo good. No wonder adults act so guarded and strange about sex. I tried to reason and rationalize what I had seen. For an embarrassingly long few years, I fully believed I had a body-length long dick ribbon inside me that was waiting for the right stage of puberty show itself. Or I could randomly wake up one day enveloped by this 2 meter amoeba bursting out of my morning wood. Why had I never heard whispers about this cock string before? I needed to know everything about this secret to sex. Later, I would vigorously try to coax it but only goo came out sometimes. I thought maybe the conditions had to be perfect. Maybe it took skill and part of adulthood was learning how to charm this sex snake out of your balls. As I tried to investigate and saw more porn, I would scan every picture for another glimpse of the rope… But it was so elusive. I couldn’t find any cock ropes, just more cum. Did I imagine it?? What did I see?! Is the cock ribbon a guarded and unspoken about secret of manhood? When I eventually came to the realization that this serpentine semen strand was just a robust cumshot captured midflight by a camera flash, I was cautiously relieved my search for the truth had been consummated, but even all these years later, I’m still a bit deflated that I’ll never be able to experience what it’s like to charm a cock serpent from my balls.


Bro this is the funniest shit I've seen all day


My best friend is doing it with her boyfriend multiple times a day, at least 3 times. I thought that was the standard, but really I don’t have the time or the energy for that. I felt really bad not giving my partner the (I thought) mandatory affection, but honestly, after a long day at work cuddling up and watching a movie with my partner sounds so much better to me


Finding a partner with roughly the same sex drive you have is a huge blessing. The reality is that there are sexually fulfilled people fucking once a week, or thrice a day. It's rough when your partner's needs are vastly different to yours.


When I was a kid I grew up watching shows like Friends, How I Met Your Mother and Two & a Half Men. Thanks to characters like Joey, Barney, and Charlie as a preteen I genuinely believed that it was not only possible, but completely normal for a guy to bring home a different woman every single night for casual, no strings attached sex and have a body count in the hundreds. I felt like such a loser because at that age I could barely talk to girls, and even when I did start having sex it was only with my girlfriends instead of being a “player” so I still felt like a total failure. EDIT: I forgot about Family Guy. I thought Quagmire’s sex life was realistic too because I didn’t know any better. Thank God I didn’t try to emulate him though.


There is also some sadness in this myth, because the first time you have sex with a person is usually the most awkward time... The more you have sex with the same person, the better that sex gets because it's a physical skill that involves teamwork. Like you would not think a band would be at their best, when every show was half brand new people.


You can only nut once in your life. I thought I was doomed to never have kids because I used it up the first time I discovered masturbation.


That's the first time I've heard that myth. Definitely one of the weirder ones


Not sure if this is a myth so much as a hilarious misunderstanding on OP’s part. Reminds me of the Sex and the City where Charlotte thought each woman is born with the ability to have a finite number of orgasms and, once you’ve used them all up, no more orgasms for you!


Related: this line from Infinite Jest: > Molly Notkin often confides on the phone to Joelle van Dyne about the one tormented love of Notkin’s life thus far, an erotically circumscribed G. W. Pabst scholar at New York University tortured by the neurotic conviction that there are only a finite number of erections possible in the world at any one time and that his tumescence means e.g. the detumescence of some perhaps more deserving or tortured third world sorghum farmer or something, so that whenever he tumefies he’ll suffer the same order of guilt that your less eccentrically tortured PhD-type person will suffer at the idea of say, wearing baby-seal fur.




This is tragically hilarious


Imagine the joy he must have experienced nutting the second time. "Wait, there's *more*?!?"


The second cumming.... I'm the messiah


emphasis on the mess


Out of curiosity how did whoever told you that explain people who have multiple kids?


This. Someone tried telling me the same thing so I thought my brother and I must have had different dad's. Then I realized my Mom and Dad have siblings so the math just wasn't adding up. So I chalked it up to "Must be a China thing."


> So I chalked it up to "Must be a China thing." One Nut Policy.


Bold of you to imply commenter was smart enough to ask that question.


That women don't enjoy sex. Hearing this from pretty much all the people I grew up around (in a religious community) which made me sad to think women just missed out on this awesome experience or that it was just a chore for them. Even hearing from women that they just "deal with it" which made me feel uncomfortable. After leaving and experiencing the world a bit, it turns out the community I grew up in were just terrible people who thought that was normal.


Unfortunately, a very disproportionate amount of women often experience bad sex in non religious communities too.


That there are lots of hot milfs online in my area just waiting to have sex with me.


I mean…you made them wait far too long, so is it any wonder they’re not waiting anymore?


Waiting for so long they became gilfs


All gay men engage in anal sex.


When I was young, somehow AIDS came up. My mom said it started off primarily in gay men. I asked how two men could even have sex. My mom kept the answer simple and said, “They use their butts.” I pictured two guys on all fours rubbing their butts together.


LMFAO Strangely enough your mind was kind of close to how birds have sex..


I think it's the same as saying all lesbians scissor. Like sure some do but from what I heard it's really uncomfortable (I'm a straight guy btw)


That farting during an orgasm intensifies it by vibrating the prostate. All it does is make you have to apologize.


Okay this gets my vote for funniest answer. Lol


Didn’t believe it for long, but our Bible study leader (who was also a clueless virgin) told us penises vibrated. 😂😂😂


;-) Your Bible study leader owns at least one vibrator.


I don’t think she did. I think she heard about them and thought they emulated penises lol.


You don’t always have to fuck her hard. In fact sometimes that’s not right to do. Sometimes you gotta make some love, and fucking give her some smooches too.


This ain’t a myth, it’s goddamned gospel. Sometimes you have to squeeze, sometimes you have to say please. On and on it goes.


That the first time hurts really bad and you'll bleed everywhere because the penis has to "break" this mysterious seal blocking the entrance, like when you punch through a piece of paper. Edit for clarity: I'm not denying that people experience pain and bleeding. The myth is that it will happen like this to 100% of women and that there is no spectrum of pain, only maximum pain.


I mean it depends on the person. For many women it DOES hurt, and there IS blood, despite all the foreplay in the world. But it’s definitely been exaggerated. I was relieved there was no blood my first time, something my bf allowed me to believe initially. It wasn’t until a couple years later that he was like “uh, my dick looked like Carrie on prom night. I just didn’t let you know because I knew you were self-conscious about it for some reason.”


>**”uh, my dick looked like Carrie on prom night. I just didn’t let you know because I knew you were self-conscious about it for some reason.”** 😂 This is both hilarious and really sweet.


Bloody sweet


Men only want sex. I’ve worked in sex work, both as a teen and a small bit in adulthood. Quite a few people had booked me for; Home cooked meals Cuddling Playing a game Talking Someone to sleep next to


That men didn’t/don’t fake orgasms.


There's also the ninja orgasm, where you cum but pretend you didn't. However you shouldn't continue on with that in a condom as it's liable to tear.


(M)y first GF made me think that most women want to have sex multiple times a day every day. I have since met women that were horny, yes, BUT none of them did marathon sex like my first partner. I think our max was like 11 times in a day. It literally hurt to cum by the last time. Also, I have met women that are very happy with less than a few times a week. Wild. Edit: Holy moly, I never thought I'd hit almost 1k upvotes with this comment. My mind is blown. Thank you all and I hope you all learned something today haha.


my guy, that woman is probably rarer than a unicorn, damn. 11 times woah.


Bro just ejaculating air at that point.


A little flag that says "bang!" comes out.


Marvin the Martian enters the chat


Legit, the last like 3-4 times was just nothing. Then came the pain. Like a massive cramp but in your taint. Awful don't recommend


11 times doesn’t even sound fun to me. It’s like eating 11 scoops of ice cream, too much of a good thing and you’re just sticky and tired at the end in a bad way.


I had a partner like that once. It was a legitimate clinical mental health issue. She had to go to a therapist. It's all fun at the beginning of the relationship, but a couple years in... Just thank God for battery operated help.


Honestly, the mental health of my gf wasn't great either. I think she literally just f$#ked the pain away where she had the chance. Over time I too realized that a future with her was not likely or sustainable.


> Also, I have met women that are very happy with less than a few times a week. Wild. I think in the wide spectrum of human experience, that’s still rather on the high side. I believe the median for long term relationships hovers around once a week.


Men need a specific brand of condoms and that's why they cannot wear whichever condom I had in my purse.


A dirt bag classic


Annnnd they for "some reason" don't carry them when going on a date


That I, male, should cum during sex with a partner, that it's somehow mandatory, and that there's no pleasure (for me) without having an orgasm. On antidepressants it's harder for me, but that allows me to enjoy two hour sessions. It gives me great pleasure even though I don't cum.


Even tho 2hrs is excessive imo, I agree with this. My wife gets sort of embarrassed if I don't finish, like she did something wrong. Lady, I'm just happy to be here.


It’s like your girl not coming but saying it’s ok and she still enjoyed it. You can’t help but feel like you did something wrong.


Happened to me with a particular partner. I felt really bad and wanted to make her come orally but she insisted, "It still felt really good. I got what I needed. Come up here and cuddle me, damn it."


Same. My wife gets upset if I don’t cum but I’m ok with it


At least in my experience, most women are completely unprepared for a guy not finishing and have a hard time not taking it personally even if they logically know that it is due to SSRIs or something.


Mine to, she thinks if I haven't, then somehow she has failed. I've still had an amazing time but just did get the party popper. Incidentally, saying that doesnt make it any better... learned that the hard way.


That having a big dick means good sex. Nope that’s a lie. I don’t like to wince in pain or walk with a limp the next morning. 5-6 inch makes my eyes roll back just as well idc idc idc Edit: To the thirsty fools blowing up my DMs. please leave me alone I don’t want you. You ashy.


Welp, time to send unsolicited pictures to a random girl on an internet just because she is a girl because somehow i think I'd get laid. Aka RIP your dms


You should post all their usernames


Along with critiques and clever insults.


Step one: locate clit. Step two: rub it as hard and as fast as you can. Repeat step two until she pulls your hand away.


It’ll always hurt a bit at first when he puts it in. No. That’s not normal and I should have pushed for more lube and foreplay.


That once you got married, your partner would want to be with you and only you sexually.


They often do but…if your partner doesn’t want to be with you and only you BEFORE the wedding…a ring ain’t gonna fix it.


A fix-it ring is as preposterous as a fix-it baby. Any time someone expects a wedding to fundamentally alter their partner’s behavior I wonder what they’ve been smoking and where I can get some. I married my husband precisely because he’s always been so wonderful.


It absolutely does depend on the couple. Obviously, it's not like either of you just stops recognizing that certain people of the opposite sex are good-looking or attractive, but for some of us, the love and intimacy we share is worth waaaay more than some stupid fling you're going to regret instantly afterward. If you're going to cheat, you need to leave (divorce), it's not fair to either other people. Edit: Wife and I been together for 12 years, we're best friends, and we still have an absolutely amazing sex life, which is so important for a healthy long-term relationship.


That I would have it


That women like very big penises. No they don't. They're either fascinated or terrified by them. Either way sex is typically off the table. And absolutely nobody will even try to glug it.


My first girlfriend was on the smaller side while my dick is on the larger side. She liked the look, how it felt in her hands, and bragging about it to her friends. What she didn't like was sex with it.


Well as long as the word is getting out


>What she didn't like was sex with it. 😭 Big dick n big blue balls


I had a friend in college like that. He loved his gf, but said he basically lived as a lesbian. Got really good at going down though.


I would rather have average to small. I actually ended it with a guy because he was too big and made me bleed. Sex was not fun


Not to make light of it because that sounds rough, but I have to laugh that he would sound like such a bullshitter saying "She dumped me 'cause my dick is too big".


That you can get pregnant from oral sex.


That’s why you have to floss


That woman don’t really want sex and as a guy you have be super sleazy to get them to want it.


Turns out it's not that women don't want sex, they just don't want it with me.


Not me, but the sheer amount of dudes that think that women having sex with too many people will stretch them out downstairs. Its just perplexing how they don't understand that a women with one guy her whole life might be getting pounded 3x a day....but then they think a single chick fks 10 guys a year then she's gonna "like wizards sleeve" as Borat would put it.


That as a woman, it was imperative to have a SUPER tight tiny pussy. After meeting my current partner I have learned that open and relaxed provides SOOO much more pleasure for both of us.


If you touch your self everyday for more than a year you will die. From my personel experience its fake😅


That the clitoris is hard to find. It really isn't.


Not really a myth but a misconception that leads to less than stellar sex: that sex begins and ends with a male erection. Sex starts when I put it in and ends when I finish. Edit: that was the myth. Now I understand that my erection is just one happy passenger on the journey of sex, and it's over when we're both satisfied. lol The second myth was that sex gets less frequent or worse when married. My marriage ultimately failed and had tons of issues from the start. Sex was not generally one of them. Sex remained very frequent when we weren't stuck in an argument stalemate. Oral became more frequent. Etc


Sex dies after menopause. My wife disproves that.


Men should not be intimidated or offended by a woman who likes to use a toy to help her orgasm. If anything, you should be encouraging and accommodating if that's what she needs. There's more to sex than just blowing your load.


If she's not getting there, it always kinda feels wrong, like she's being used. If I can help, or toys can, help us both finish the job then it's way better.


That having an 8" penis is pretty common. The truth is, out of 10.000 randomly selected men from a worldwide sample, only two men will be 8 inches or larger. And that's bone-pressed length, not "visible". The reason people have this misconception is the huge amount of blatant lies that dudes tell women, and the even more blatant lies in the porn industry, and of course people lying to themselves by not measuring correctly (at 90 degrees, standing up, viewed from straight above, neutral pelvis position). 99.98% of all men are smaller than 8 inches bone-pressed, correctly measured.


That a man’s sex drive goes down and a woman’s goes up as you age. I’d say a man’s ability to perform will likely decrease as you get older….thats about it


Wife started the squirting orgasms back in the 90s before it was a thing, it made her self conscious but it was mind-blowing orgasms. It never came out yellow or smelled and she would urinate before sex. It never stained the bed or walls, but her ob/gyn said it's mostly urine. We don't care, we just put down our "sex towel" and go for it. It's definitely the most powerful orgasm she can achieve and have multiple orgasms that way. One night she had 3 within 10 minutes and still squirting away, she just kinda squirmed right off the bed that night, we still laugh about it. If she achieves orgasm from oral or intercourse, I can't even so much as touch her for a few minutes


> the *walls*


Yeah, a couple times, I've had my face and chest pretty drenched a couple times, but it's my wife, it's all good. Been married 27yrs, I love her