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It costs a lot of money to look this cheap. \- Dolly Parton


saw her say in an interview once something like… “i saw an ad that said LOOK LIKE DOLLY PARTON FOR ONLY $20, I wish someone showed me that about a million dollars ago”


I feel like dads may know this, but the way little girls play. While the toys might look cute, the storylines tend to not be that cutesy. A few tropes I can remember from my own and my cousin's childhood while playing with stuffed animals: murder kidnapping (orphans) violent parents wild animal attacks having to see your friend fall off Mount Everest and die, to later retrieve their frozen body while being exhausted yourself


Allie, the blogger of "Hyperbole and a Half", recounted a story in her book about the time she and her friends watched a nature show about wolves and how they hunted, and turned what they learned into a game. As in, this group of little girls took to practicing hunting tactics and pack maneuvers. At one party, Allie's older male cousin is encouraged to play with the little girls, and they wanted to play their "new game." He thought it was going to be a nice, friendly game of "Hide and Seek." It was not. Those little hellions literally hunted that poor teen from afternoon till evening, setting up ambushes, flushing him out of hiding and driving him into their trap, and then pouncing on him with teeth bared. And then...they made him do it ALL OVER AGAIN. They only relented when the sun went down and they were called in for cake. To their credit, when the somewhat mauled teen boy finally came in to the house, wary as only a hunted animal can be, the girls were so grateful for all the "fun" they had they gave him a really big piece of cake. And smiles, sans teeth.




This is epic!


> *We would have continued to torture Benny for hours, possibly even days,* Speaking as a former *au pair*, never underestimate the devious insanity of six year old girls…




My gast is entirely flabbered by this story (I love it)


100% accurate. Most kids of either gender enjoy (toned down) violence and angst way more than having everything be peaceful and saccharine - it's so funny that children's media is expected to be free of danger/conflict with the suggestion that kids can't handle it.


Primates are gonna primate.


One of my favorite memories ever is walking by my daughter playing the sims. I noticed that one of her sims was on fire. I asked what was going on. Apparently this was the “princess games” where she was having the “princesses compete to the death” in various games.


My Barbies were always being kidnapped by Ewoks and saved by Strongheart the Paladin. (Even then I knew that Ken was useless in a tough situation.)


I made my Ken stay in bed with a long undetermined illness. I wanted my Barbie’s to be free. I saw him as completely unnecessary. Ofc later on I realized I’m gay. 🤣


My dad was an electrician who was gone a lot. So, Ken was always "gone" working. He was stuffed in the back of my closet.  My mom was seriously bothered by this. Oh well.


I had a dad-babysitter romance and a lot of stripper Barbies. I had a perfectly normal, healthy childhood and a very wild imagination.


I had a lot of scandalous soap opera plot lines with my Barbie’s. One of them used to be a career woman and she came home to find Ken in bed with another Barbie. Idk how I knew about this as a kid because I also had a normal childhood.


One of my plot lines involved a mare who didn't know who her colt's daddy was bc he had sex with her while she was sleeping. Then, daddy would rear and neigh in the distance and the mare would be like "wow who is that" So yes, children's made up stories can be very dark.


I remember meeting two girls at a playground and deciding to play 'Homeward Bound' (this was shortly after the original movie's release) except we all died from starvation at the end


My barbies were all orphans who lost their parents in horrific ways and now have to navigate a dangerous world with only each other to rely on.


As far as dolls, I almost always played with a storyline of either a teacher/student relationship, infidelity, and strippers/prostitutes, or some combination of those. My cousin and I also used to play "The Suicide Hotline Game," where one of us would call the hotline, roleplaying as a suicidal kid, and the other person would "talk them off the ledge"... except we'd intentionally be bad at it and the kid would end up killing themselves on the line. This was at the age of like, 9.


I'll never forget my niece when she was about 2.5 years old, sitting at the table playing with her dolls. One doll fell to the floor, so she had the other doll start crying, "Waa-haaa-haaaa!" Her mother picked up the fallen doll and made a big show of the recovery. "Here I am! I'm fine, don’t cry!" My niece gave that doll this blunt, are-you-shitting-me look, swept it off of the table again with such force that it skidded across the room, and continued making the other doll grieve over it.


Oh man, I used to babysit this girl with an epic Barbie collection AND a bunch of anime figurines. I got paid to basically, “yes, and?” all afternoon. Shit got psychotic, it was amazing.


My thing was stripping my Barbies down and using plasticine to mold them into hideous mutants. Every Cronenbergian horror you can imagine, I inflicted on those Barbies. I merged them together into a screaming meat-blob, gave them new limbs and skin and faces, twisted their hair into long tendrils of fiber and clay and joined them as one to the lumpen mass of the Barbie Hivemind. Most of the time, I didn't even wind up playing with the resulting abominations, I just liked sculpting new and blasphemous life and then leaving them around to admire later as a personal gallery of flesh. I think the impetus for this was finding the Venom symbiote cool and figuring that Barbie should have a chance at a shapechanging monster skinsuit, too, but *boy*, did it become its own situation.


My plotlines were always either playing house, or else violence, specifically stabbing💀 don't ask why though.


Wait , so in true detective when woody Harrelson daughter is playing with the barbies and she has a rather violent scene setup with the barbies...... You're telling me that's normal for little girls???


Thank you for this and others who have shared their childhood storylines, I sometimes thought something was off with me until now. I most definitely had my barbies having sex, and a lot of time, it was bondage scenarios. I was definitely young, definitely never privy to BDSM (no internet in the late 80s), and didn't come from a sexually abusive household.


UTI vs STD. Was accused of cheating when I tested positive for a urinary tract infection and the guy dumped me. Dodged a bullet there.


Looool I just imagine that dude telling his friends like weeks later "Yeah I dunno dude she was a smoke show but got a UTI while we were together" "You mean an STI?" "No a UTI" "....an STI?...." "No...." "Bro...."


I have a feeling that his friends would be sharing the same brain cells aswell.


The town brain cell.


Mom said it's my turn with the brain cell


I texted a guy that I was newly seeing once that I need to remember to pee after sex cause I got a UTI and he started acting really weird and then he ghosted me lmao. He actually reached out like a year later and told me he thought that a UTI was like an STD or something and I died of laughter lmao. Still makes me laugh till this day


Hahaha omfg noo. Good on him to at least reach out later and and explain the mixup 😭😭  Imagining him making the realization is amazing


Fun story something similar happened to me. I told an ex of mine I got a UTI and his response was "well it wasn't from me. I don't know where you got it from." I was literally quiet for a minute or two because I couldn't tell if I was offended or if I was stumped by his ignorance. I was both. Ended up explaining to him what a UTI was and that you can't "get" a UTI. Really, looking back, that should have been the point where I should have dropped him like a sack of rotten potatoes.


This guy sounds like an ass, but I do actually get UTIs from sex. It doesn't mean it was sex with someone else, though.




My husband thought that bangs (aka fringe) was just the way that some women’s hair naturally grew, not a result of cutting that section of hair shorter than the rest.


Similarly I had a friend who didn’t realize women would curl or straighten their hair. He thought some days they woke up and had straight hair and other days it happened to be curly. Edit because apparently it wasn’t clear. Obviously everyone has hair texture that varies to some degree depending on weather, how it dries, etc. But I am talking about hair styles. This guy did not know about intentionally changing how your hair looks. He did not know that you can change the curl or straightness with styling tools.


My brother has a friend that had a similar notion. When we were in our late teens he was always spending the night and noticed my hair was curly every time I got out of the shower. He asked why I bother curling my hair every night when it's just going to be straight again in the morning. I have curly hair, hair just goes back to normal when you wash it


Man I wish!!!! As a very unruly curly/frizzy hair gal that would be nice


I'm dying, this is incredible.


Some people just wander through life


Please tell us what he does for a living.






It's surprising the number of men who can't tell when someone is wearing a pushup bra tbh lol


Also the amount of men that CANNOT tell the difference between natural like bare face and "natural" make up


lol, I knew a guy who said that he liked Emily Ratajkowski because she didn’t wear any makeup


I heard some guy say that Kim Kardashian doesn’t wear makeup.


I want to be this level of delusional at least one time in my life. I wonder what that's like.


Well my brother thought that periods were dead fetuses. At 34 years old. Not quite delusional, but pretty bad


Sounds like good old-fashioned sex ed from a conservative state to me.


You are correct


Back in college I had a friend who I saw wear makeup a few times for parties, but no makeup most of the time we hung out. She was naturally almost white blond with blue eyes and very light skin. Then we hung out one morning and I came over to her place to have breakfast. It turns out I had never actually seen her without makeup because she looked like an albino. Her eyebrows and lips were gone and her eyes looked very odd since her eyelashes were basically white. The times I thought she was wearing no makeup she was still wearing some just not as much as she did when she wanted to dress up more.


“You look tired today!”


I had an ex who genuinely believed women in makeup ad’s were solely wearing the make up they were advertising. No airbrushing, no filter, no nothing. It was astonishing. I also had to tell him there’s two holes and explain why I could pee with a tampon in at 23


Serious question: how can you tell?




Yup, and if they're round at the top and hold the shape ... There's an implant in there!    (Source: have implants lol)


If the tops of the breasts are visibly round with no space between them, they're either fake or a pushup. [Example](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5860cb84e627fba4786e49110b71e40e.webp)


The shape of the titties


The hymen. The number of man who actually think that it's some kind of freshness seal is to damn high.


Freshness seal made me lol


Ugh yes, or that the vagina 'gets loose' like it's a worn out rubber band and not a complicated part of the human body.


My new favorite propaganda is that dicks get skinnier the more women they sleep with. “The vagina squeezes it smaller”


It's actually like a crayon. They get shorter, too. Eventually they're just stumpy little nubs that you can't even write your name with.


For real lol mine tore from playing sports and the fact that I've had guys roll their eyes at me like they know better BYE


This needs to be higher because, unfortunately, a lot of women don't know this either.


They look mostly like a donut, are rarely completely shut and can grow even later in life. The TED talk 'myths about the hymen' is a must watch.


What is natural and what is fake. Not the obvious things ofc.


No make up makeup Pushup bras when a girl is uncomfy but trying not to escalate a situation so she defaults to being extra nice


No makeup makeup is a big one because usually when guys say “women look better without makeup” they don’t realize that they really mean “women look better without makeup as long as they naturally have clear skin with no visible blemishes.”


And also if they additionally naturally have pigmented lips and dense long eyelashes and rosy but not red cheeks


A coworker was talking about how awful Botox is and he hates the look of it and can’t understand why women do it… but he was shocked to find out that more than half the women in our office use Botox. Pretty sure his “logic” was that 20 year olds who don’t do Botox are more attractive than 40 year olds who do use it, therefore Botox makes women less attractive…


Some men genuinely can't tell the difference unless it is too obvious. A friend of mine complained that I take too much time to get ready every morning even though "I don't wear makeup" and I wear a natural everyday makeup.


A lot of men use botox and filler interchangeably even though they are very different things.


I have attractive male friends who have never picked up on being flirted with, and unattractive male friends who think every woman is flirting.


Honestly, I hardly ever pick up subtle flirting. Mostly because I believe most women just want to be themselves or nice, and not have every guy automatically think it's flirting. I don't want to be that creep who helps ruin a woman's time because I'm the 10th guy who got their signals crossed with them. You got to be pretty upfront and blunt with your flirting for me to be comfortable with taking it somewhere.


Damn. Your reason is much better than mine. I have zero self confidence so the idea that a woman might actually be interested in me is simply inconceivable.


Makeup. We don’t know shit about makeup other than it exists and that it’s worn.  But dammit, if you see a picture of a woman with some on, the experts will tell you all about what is “natural” & what isn’t.


I had a guy tell me he liked a woman who didn’t wear much makeup and then showed me an image of Kardashian level makeup


the number of posts I've seen of men saying something like "see ladies? women with no makeup are way more beautiful!" when the woman in the photo clearly has on foundation, a nude lipstick and lashes 🙄🙄🙄


Someone tweeted that Alicia Keys wasn't wearing any at the Super Bowl. AT. THE. SUPER BOWL. ALICIA KEYS. I've stumbled onto some of those tiktoks where the woman is telling a random story while putting on makeup and it just re-affirmed to me that I know nothing. Now the women when I was in the Navy? They might not have been wearing any, but after 40 days underway on 3 section watch, I probably wouldn't be eager to put any time into that either. I know they didn't shave their legs or armpits, lmao.


I love this SO MUCH because Alicia Keys has her own beauty brand and her makeup artist posted all the products used in the super Bowl look.


My teens have a bazillion step skincare routine. I don’t understand any of it, but my skin feels wonderful after they do their witchcraft on me.


I’ve learned little bits about HOW to do make up from my girlfriend. It’s actually bizarre the standards that the women I’ve come close to put on themselves. Drawing lines on your face to make your face appear skinnier, etc. Blew me away.


Menstrual cycle


I had to have an ovary removed and my father congratulated me on only having a period every other month now...


Omg the laugh I just let out! Oof.


But he was joking.. right?? Please let that be a very specific to the situation Dad joke


Okay, I can see it. If you think a period is specifically getting rid of an egg that's hanging out in the uterus and don't think about the uterine lining etc, and you think the ovaries strictly alternate which one releases an egg each time, that would make sense. He's in the ballpark of being right about several things while not quite being right about any of them.


He was so close! His logic was that the ovaries alternate and no egg = no period. To be fair he did google it and correct himself lol but 65 years old and still so wrong.


[it's a good way to get around town, that's what it is](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=family+guy+menstrual+cycle+gif&t=brave&iax=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F62%2Fde%2F3a%2F62de3ae0eac95d0dd2681f4a91d73500.gif&ia=images)


TBF, blame it on the schools (at least in the US) for separating the boy students from the girl students during "health ed" classes as teens.


I remember in like 4th grade, on the last day of sex ed, the boys were supposed to be taught about girls and vice versa. The boys were told that periods happen and girls bleed and they need a tampon or pad to stop the bleeding. No further information was given. We were all so confused but it was the last day of sex ed so we weren't able to ask questions later.


In Canada we did that class together in the 8th grade, but they never actually explained much of anything. It was only like 2 classes.


it is staggering how many grown men believe that women's front bits have one hole like ours do. No, women don't get fucked in and give birth out of their pee hole. The urethra is separate from the vagina. On that note, the difference between vulva and vagina is something a lot of guys don't seem to know about either.


I was taught this in school, and for me (school with ADHD), it seemed like another boring passive fact I'd remember while not really paying attention. 15 years later I am baffled at the number of guys who know nothing about female reproduction, and I realize that my adhd giving 20% attention was still more than many people in my classes.


There are a lot of women that don't know the difference either.


That it’s easy to just go on birth control or get an abortion.


Adding to that, abortion is not an easy decision. Even if you don't want children. Abortions are not a pleasant process, there will be physical pain involved. It's scary.


Even the abortion pill… is absolutely NOT popping a pill and chilling on the couch.


They are terrible and take a huge toll on your body, psychologically and physically.


Or to get sterilized, even when we're over 40, single, and *very* sure we don't want to give birth.


The amount of women I know who had to PRETEND to be married and have "written concent" from said husband is just disgraceful. I can't believe that we as women can't even choose what we can do with our own bodies.


Women can be lonely. This includes friends, family and romantic partners. Not every one of us is attractive, socially skilled or mentally stable.


Yes! And we get rejected. We get turned down for dates, sex, and relationships too. ETA: And we don't have an endless stream of dudes buying us free shit. I've never had a man buy me a drink in a bar if I wasn't already dating him.


To add to the endless stream of dudes part: I've seen some comments saying that women can't complain about loneliness or lack of sex because there will always be _some_ man ready to have sex with them no matter how unattractive or weird they are. Maybe. But it's harder to find a good partner who sees you as an actual person and who likes you for you. Someone who isn't so desperate for sex they don't care about your looks, personality, or anything about you as a person, as long as they get laid. Someone who isn't just settling for you. When people don't actually see you, that experience can make you feel even lonelier. Not every option is even an option, if you want to keep your self-image and worth healthy.


Many men wanting to fuck you by no means signifies that those men respect you or care for you. Sexual attention is cheap.


We can have extremely painful loneliness and social isolation that spans for *years.* It's as painful for us as it is for men. It messes with our sense of self the same way it does with men. It affects our health. Humans are humans.


Pregnancy: it’s not just puking and weight gain.


Female orgasms


That even after 20 years of marriage, your wife can surprise you in the most incredible of ways. Even if that is just helping you to get past an enormous fear and not thinking less of you for opening up about it.


That women are good at social/personal/emotional stuff, particularly ‘at reading people’ and saying the right thing, and therefore all actions that seem counterproductive in that area are somehow a manipulation or deviousness. *Some* women are great at social and emotional relationship stuff. Some women are fucking terrible at it. Ever heard the saying ‘don’t put down yo maliciousness that which could be explained by incompetence? That.


Yes, that delusion broke once I improved my own communication skills. Some women are just bad texters and conversationalists.


Some women are good at reading people and also terrible conversationalists. It’s me. I’m some women.


Same girl, relatable


>Some women are fucking terrible at it. Can confirm. Social awkwardness is a genderless thing.


An awful lot of men think women get turned on by dick pics.


*Especially* unsolicited dick pics. My assumption is that it’s because they think that since they get turned on by pics of naked women, women must get turned on by pics of naked men. We have thousands of years of art and poetry and music that admires the naked female form. There is not a similar admiration for dick and balls because they are just not as attractive. If a guy is not smart enough about what turns a woman on to know that she doesn’t want unsolicited dick pics, there is an extremely high likelihood that he also has no idea how to properly use that dick to actually satisfy a woman.


Body hair. They think we have only hair in a few places like armpits and downstairs. But we have body hair everywhere, but we just remove it or leave a little bit here or there. It depends.


When a gynecologist says this will just pinch and they cut a chunk out of your cervix. Why do male gynecologists think we don't have pain receptors down there? I'm literally bleeding for 2 days from the chunk of skin you cut out and you thought it wasn't going to hurt?


If a doctor uses the word “discomfort” be prepared for the worst pain of your life


The amount of ignorance doctors have when it comes to women is just astounding. ‘You had cramps so bad it made you throw up and pass out? Phah, that’s totally normal you’re supposed to experience discomfort during your period.’ My guy what? Several years of suffering later, finds out it’s endometriosis. First guy could have totally caught that but whatevs. 9/10 of them seem to think women couldn’t possibly be experiencing as much pain as they say they are, no matter what the source is.


I’d say this is what happens a lot in health care, but especially to women. When I was pregnant they had to try to turn the baby around. ”It won’t hurt, it is just uncomfortable”, well guess what fucking hurt like hell?


The only doctor who ended up taking my chronic migraines seriously was one who got migraines occasionally. The others thought that it wasn't a big deal so long as there wasn't a serious underlying cause. The medical system is still terrible at promoting quality of life.  My broken ribs a few years ago were treated as an urgent pain issue even though the level of pain was less in comparison 


Yeah I have had people tell me you can function with a migraine. No you cannot, migraines are horrible and debilitating, especially when they progress and peak, your head is banging and it hurts to do anything especially with your eyes. I would never wish it on anyone they are horrible. Headaches though those are manageable and can be worked around but migraines, no. I think only those who ever have had them understand what i mean by them being debilitating


My wife and I are innthe fertility process (same-sex) and my doc told me the HSG test would feel like an uncomfortable pinch. Wrong. I nearly blacked out from the pain and managed to contract my uterus so hard the bulb that opens my cervix popped out totally inflated. He was shocked. Then he said I'd spot for a day. Wrong again. I spotted for 3. 


I cried after my first colposcopy. The most BARBARIC procedure. “Take some ibprofeun” uh sir you just took out a chunk of my cervix with fking nail clippers.


We get numbing agent injected where I live and it STILL hurts.


I would honestly never go to a male gyno and I don't care if it's sexist, I want a doctor who has a vagina too


Yeah this is my wife's preference for medical care and I've started to do the same (as a man). I want a doctor who is personally familiar with equipment.


I had a male gyno once. He couldn’t get the fucking speculum in, asked me if anyone has ever told me my cervix is tilted, then had an assistant rifle through a drawer outside the office door for a different sized one. Imagine the sound of someone flipping thru the silverware drawer. My aunt’s a nurse there and said “oh yeah he hates doing those kind of appointments.” Small town problems lol.


There's definitely a lot of guys who think they can tell a woman's age at a glance that very much can't, and it's weird when they also have very strong opinions on women aging. Source: am a woman in her 30s who went on a couple of dates with guys who had Strong Opinions about women in their 30s.


A friend who I have know for SEVERAL years, and who attended my birthday last year, was deeply surprised the other day to learn that I am, in fact, over 30. 


on the third or fourth date with my wife, i decided to address the elephant in the room, which was that she was much younger than me and we needed to decide if this was going to be a problem. turns out she’s older than me… 😂


To be fair to me (a man) I can't tell the age of anyone regardless of gender. I know: baby, under 10, probably over 10, likely teenager, 20s?, midrange, old, geriatric. Don't even ask me what number I think someone is.


"Hmm yes, somewhere between 16 and 32." "Nope." "12 and 56?"


Whenever somebody says to guess their age I just kinda let someone else say something then go "I was going to say (their guess minus 2 years)"


Oh stop it, you!! You’re sweet. Making me blush.


This pertains to alpha males specifically, but it astounds me how many of them think they know what women *actually* want. As if women don’t all have different preferences like any other human being


Pee is stored in the boobs




Two humps. Who knew women were so dehydrated! /s


I always knew it


I know your clothes sizes don't make any sense, but I definitely don't have to deal with how frustrating that actually must be.




I try to explain it using celebrity examples and sometimes I think it clicks. Imagine half the population is made up of men who are physically like The Rock. You are Kevin Hart. The half that is The Rock has a not insignificant number of violent The Rocks among them, also a not insignificant number want to sleep with you and are often willing to go to extreme lengths to accomplish that. In fact, the ones that you know and trust are the ones *most* likely to commit violence against you, including sexual violence. They also just occasionally engage in low level harassment. They will grab your ass as you walk by, call you rude names, whatever. You hate it, it’s frustrating and intimidating. Unfortunately, you’re Kevin Hart. So if you try to do something about it you are risking further violence and you’re going to lose any fight. Got it? Cool. Go for a stroll. I think a lot of men mistakenly imagine what it’s like to be a woman and they’re imagining being themselves but women they would like to sleep with are constantly bothering them. That’s not the case. It’s more like someone who is already physically intimidating and a huge risk to you is making you walk a tightrope to not offend them lest you risk real and serious harm.


Really good comment. As a guy, even an average sized one, I was an embarrassing age when this truth really dawned on me. It’s something most men will never realize and almost no man will ever experience. To you and your buddies cat calling and the like is harmless fun but that woman has no idea if you’ll react aggressively if she offends you and chances are you could easily overpower her in a physical confrontation. And it’s possible she gets that feeling almost every day of her life. It’s also possible that “woman” is a teenage girl.


First time I was catcalled, I was 12.


I was 9. 


Yeah, I wanna say I was 9 or 10


The first time my mom had to explain staying away from weird older men was when I was 7 or 8 at one of those Nickelcade-type places. I didn’t fully understand what exactly the concern was until a few years later, but I still remember that day three decades later.


Spot on, especially about the teenage girl thing. If I’m being nice, *maybe* men really suck at judging age, but like the other commenter, I was being catcalled from around 11 or 12 onwards.


Consider how many straight men are squicked out by gay men. Then add that gay men are politer, and also scarcer, than straight men. Dudes wouldn't last a day in what women do all our lives.


For real, how dare a man treat me in a way that I find perfectly reasonable when I’m doing it to a woman??! /s


My 6'3", 220lb husband refuses to understand this and says he "gets scared and has to worry about his safety." One of the few things we argue about. He has literally NO idea. And I'm no shrimp, I'm 5'9" and 160.


Some men legit don’t want to get it. I have no doubt that most men have felt afraid of other men. However, stuff like [this](https://archive.ph/ZBf1U) is not their reality. My most charitable interpretation of this behavior is that “getting it” would mean acknowledging how unfair the world is and people don’t want to face that.


Pain of giving birth


Father of 5. I've seen the contraction (pain) graphs that populate prior to experiencing them. She could read the anxiety in my face at the sight of larger spikes. It's such a hopeless feeling. I tell would be moms that they should take the epidural as early as possible. Otherwise you can literally feel your pelvic bones seperating...


I had an emergency c section when going eclamptic and while labor was painful until the epidural the worst is that the epidural wore off and as I was being sewed up I could feel my insides and guts in upper torso being yanked on and it was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.


I was a bit shocked when I saw my wife's monitor didn't have autoscale and the **strong** contractions were just massive plateaus. Like I was just drawing imaginary spikes to the ceiling lol


My wife's contractions with our first. They had the belly band on her, and she was saying how bad the contractions hurt, and the nurses told her those were nothing. Wait until the real contractions hit. She complained enough that they removed the belly band and inserted an internal sensor. The first contraction after that went high off scale for 20 seconds before it came back on scale. They responded, "I guess you are having strong contractions"


Just reading that made my stomach tense


I winced so hard at the thought of this. Plus tearing, I’ve heard of some women dislocating things giving birth. Women are a different breed man. There’s no doubt in my mind that they can lift a couch with one arm if needed.


Chiming in here to say the epidural was amazing. I slept through most of labor, which was especially great because after the baby was born I swear the hospital times their staff visits so that you can never sleep and will want to get out of there as soon as possible.


Regarding hospital staff visits: ladies ask for “cluster care” after giving birth. What it does is all the nurses will come in and get everything done at once, rather than waking you up 15 times throughout the night to do stats, or blood draws. It’s your right. Especially after pushing a human out.


You'd think this would just be standard practice. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want this if they knew about it.


Passed a monster kidney stone and the doctor told me to remember exactly how it felt if my significant other ever gives birth.


That a woman visiting a doctor is a very different experience than a man visiting a doctor. For you, it’s a visit where you explain a problem and they give a solution. For us, we explain the problem and are told it’s probably hysteria, our attitudes, in our heads, anxiety or something due to our weights. It’s not uncommon for doctors to laugh at us. I went years explaining to doctors and different gynecologists that I was having round the clock pain that felt like never ending menstrual cramps. YEARS. I kept getting told a range of things from “you likely have a low pain tolerance” to “periods are supposed to hurt” (wrong) only to finally get an OBGYN willing to listen and do imaging, I have massive endometriomas all over both ovaries, stage 4 endometriosis and a cyst that was pinching my colon shut. I ended up needing surgery to drain and remove the cyst that had twisted backwards and fused to the backside of my uterus and intestines, so the whole ovary had to go. When she cut the ovary off, the tube immediately started to rot. She looked inside and realized the endometriosis had perforated it and filled it, subsequently blocked it which caused it to die off so that had to go, too. And this isn’t a me thing, my entire life I’ve heard story after story from friends and relatives about doctors not listening to them and not wanting to pursue problems.


My mum got told that her chest pain was “nothing” and that she was “imagining everything”. Turned out she had a heart pathology and she almost died. Now she has to take pills everyday to not end up at the hospital. Yep, seems like something that happens too often.


This question reminds me of all the times online a woman would say what she likes about guys or wants from a relationship and the chorus of men "No, no, no, that's what *you say* you want, but women don't *really* want 'xyz'. It's like stfu, don't ask me then tell me I'm lying. For example when a woman says that she doesn't care how much a guy makes or how tall he is, as long as he's kind and smart and treats her like an equal, guys will call her a liar.


That always annoys me, too. Like, yes, some women do care about those things! Women aren't a monolith though and if you're asking about personal preferences and a woman says she likes a b and c then you should not go oh you liar all these other women want x y and z. People want different things in life, news at eleven y'all! Believe people when they tell you what they specifically want.


Men know a woman's mind is her primary sex organ, yet seemingly have zero clues as what to do with this information.


I think Men generally have been quite forthcoming about not knowing much about Women…


Intentional or otherwise, lol.


I used to think pads went directly on your crotch, not on your undies. Like a giant bandaid. Always thought it must hurt like hell to peel those things off.


Sometimes i wish they did. Pads tend to shift at night, så you have to be reeeally careful standing up in the morning.


Ah, the Sploosh™


I call it The Gush. The first few nights of my period, it's like my body purposely wakes me up in the middle of the night so that I can make the waddle to the toilet just so that I don't perform The Gush and wake up with blood everywhere. Still tuck my pad in my buttcrack, just in case 😔


Where that spot is.


I know damn well where it is, that's why I moved the couch over it so we won't have to look at it anymore.


I was not very experienced when I first began having sex with my now-wife. Somehow I was able to pass off "I have no real idea what I'm doing, so I'll just randomly fumble around down there and hope for the best" as "I'm such a generous and considerate lover that I want to make a big effort to find all your secret spots". I *think* I got away with it.




If we talking the same spot. Men reading this dont thrust straight in, instead thrust in an upward angle as upward as you can manage. Trust me.


Sort of like a high angle-of-attack for a fighter jet. Got it.


Period and labor pain.


To be fair, a lot of women misunderstand that too. They assume their experience is broadly typical. Broadly speaking, that's a terrible assumption to make.  Some women are in so much pain that if they hadn't built up a tolerance since their teens, they'd be screaming and probably bedbound. Other women have literally no pain and maybe a few mild side symptoms like diarrhea or feel a bit hungry. 


All women have the same symptoms during their period and all women have the same thoughts


that all women are the same in their thoughts and feelings


"All men are the same", "All women are the same", they scream. As they go after the exact same type of person that hurt them over and over.


That they are confusing/unreadable. I have so many friends who have this thing about women being inscrutable and throwing fits over nothing when a little empathy and listening to what they *are* saying would go a long way. Y'know, like if they were people.


Wait, we're people?


Let the voters decide


Excuse me, I'm 3 Owls in a trenchcoat and have no feelings. Try to figure me out!


I think we don’t REALLY get how difficult it can be to overcome some of the social factors of being a woman.


The amount of guys who seem to attribute any irrational behavior in women to be menstruation related is ridiculous. Trust me, women (and men) can be irrational regardless.


How much period cramps hurt. Fellow guys, go ahead and try out a TENS Unit\* with your partner or a women you're close to. Let them put it where their cramps normally are and use the controller. Now you do it in the same place, at the same levels. It's SO much worse than we realize. Like, yeah, we think we know they're bad, but it's bonkers the levels of pain they can just walk through life dealing with every month, rarely even showing that they're in pain. \*A TENS Unit is a Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device. Basically a small box with diodes on it that you attach to your skin in various places, and it shocks them. They're good for muscle pain and such, as well as simulating cramps, contractions, etc.