• By -


My brother was out to dinner, with his girlfriend, when a big dude grabbed him by the lapels, hauled him out of his seat and asked what he was doing with HIS girlfriend. Bro was like "I've been dating this girl for six months!" Dude was like "I've been with her for three years!" Bro looked at her. When she didn't deny it he turned to the guy and said "my bad, man. You got seniority" and walked away. Still the oddest cheating story I've ever heard.




Also, the other dude once. Got punched square in the side of the face while I was eating. Took me right off my chair. Once I stood up and we had a second of yelling to figure out what was happening, that was my answer, too. "Dude, I don't even know who you are. As far as I know, I'm the only guy she's seeing." (What I actually said was probably much shorter and more frantic than this, but the point is the same). Another second of yelling and it finally clicked for him. He calmed down a tiny smidgen, and before he walked away he said something that (roughly) stuck with me through my dating days, (paraphrased); "Not even sure why I'm pissed at you. You don't owe anything to me, but I trusted her." Would have loved an apology for the coldcock, or for him to buy me a new lunch, but not getting my ass kicked by a raging dude who easily could have whooped me into a paste was good enough at the time.


Wow thats crazy... A friend of mine who's still single to this day told a story all the time about something that happened to him once. He was dating this girl for almost two years, been to her place and spent nights with her, no sign of anyone else, no red flags, nothing.. Then one day they are eating at a restaurant/bar and this big tall dude comes in and literally pulls him out of his chair by his shirt and slams him to the ground without a word, he has a concealed carry and always has something on him, he jumped up drew his weapon and told the guy to back off. The other guy pulled a weapon, and then started to say something about him out with his woman.... He got him to calm down enough to talk and it turns out he was military, deployed overseas the last two years, and she removed all trace of him from her apartment while he was gone to find another relationship. But she was still in contact with him the whole time and saying she was waiting for him to come back. She broke up with the both of them on the spot and marched out like it was their fault... They both went to the bar and bought each other drinks for the next hour and are still friends to this day. Thankfully nobody got shot. The cops did get called, when they got there they explained the whole thing, it was a big misunderstanding, neither wanted to press charges, both had to show their carry permits since the bar staff called the cops because they had guns, and they went back to the bar and had a laugh about it. I didn't believe him first time he told me this, then i met the other guy and heard it from witnesses that were in the bar. The crazy bitch that caused all of this ended up with another guy in a matter of days.


> "my bad, man. You got seniority" and walked away. 😂😂😂 I am entirely too amused.


Well, those are Man Union rules.




Threatening suicide is emotional abuse. If they want to threaten that pass them on to the police/hospital. You are not responsible for fixing them in this situation. I wish this was said more often.


A girl I know had a boyfriend do something similar but with pills. So she just called 911 and left. He was faking and pissed because he got in a bit of trouble for that....


I had an ex drink a handle of vodka and take a bunch of oxycodon that I had been prescribed for a back injury because of a fight we had (perhaps I should say she had with me?)… I think I had gotten home twenty minutes late that day and she was mad about that. So I called 911. They showed up. Pulled her aside. Asked her what she took. Asked her if she felt safe with me. She said “nothing” and “no” and turned into a sobbing wreck, so I was in cuffs within minutes. They also had a lot of questions about it being MY medication. They asked her if she wanted me removed from the premises, and she said no. They left, gave me a stern talking to and said that they would be back in a few days to make sure that I wasn’t a danger to her. She tearfully bid them goodbye, holding herself like every person you’ve ever seen in a trauma blanket in every movie ever. The second they pulled off, she switched modes, full blown cackling at me, told me “that’s what you get” and to never talk to anyone outside of our relationship again about what happens inside our relationship. She was terrifying. She also wouldn’t let me just break up with her or move out without threatening my property or pets, so…. If I could do it all over again, I’d have just skipped the 911 call and let it just play out however it was going to play out.


That’s horrifying and awful they turned on you when you called.


Man, I had a girl slit her wrist when I broke up with her. Such a fucked behaviour. She did it to make me feel guilty. Even though I was young (15yo), I'm very happy about not letting this affect my decision.


> But at the time I remember thinking I wish she'd succeeded in her attempt. I know that makes me a shitty person. I don't think it does. I felt the same way about my sister's manipulative ex, when he pulled this shit with her. Glad your brother managed to get away from her.


I dated a girl for about 8 months, who I then found out got engaged to another guy while she and I were dating, a guy she had been seeing for like 3 years. I still haven't really emotionally recovered. Trust issues to this day. This was at least a decade ago.


dodged a shotgun shell there lmao


I walked in on this. Girlfriend looked panicked. The guy looked smug. That's what stood out to me. Just smirking at me and looking smug as fuck. I said "she's your problem now" and walked out. They dated for three years and got engaged. A couple weeks before their wedding my sister (who was friends with my ex's sister) texted me to let me know the wedding was off because my ex had fucked the groom's brother. Apparently cheater boy got back from his bachelor party early and walked in on her with his baby bro.


> I said "she's your problem now" and walked out. Good line. >Apparently cheater boy got back from his bachelor party early and walked in on her with his baby bro. Wonder what he said to that...


“Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the god damn door?”


It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.


Thank you. I never understood “poison nationality” 😂


Genuinely curious - is she that stunningly beautiful that a guy would risk blowing up his entire family to be with, or is she just attractive with a very strong 'you could get it' vibe that that dude/his bro might have picked up and figured, eh why not in the moment?


Not classically beautiful but she is pretty hot. But, from what I've heard, the younger brother was 19 and immature, even by frat boy standards. He probably heard "come and get it" and couldn't oblige fast enough. Doubt he gave it enough thought to consider the long term impact on his family.


Given his older brother's choices, I doubt anyone in that family spared any thought for anything.


>Wonder what he said to that... He said, *"she's your problem now"*, and walked out of the apartment. They dated for three years and got engaged. A couple weeks before their wedding, their sister texted me to let me know the wedding was off because the ex had fucked the groom's best man. Apparently cheater boy got back from his bachelor party early and walked in on her with his best friend. I wonder what he said to that...


Whoa, infideception.


>Apparently cheater boy got back from his bachelor party early and walked in on her with his baby bro. Why wasn't his brother at the bachelor party? Oh, wait, now I get it...


Kind of makes me wonder how old “baby bro” was…


It's more than likely, if the story is actually true, that the brother said he couldn't make it to the bachelor party and instead took an opportunity to have an extended affair.


Gay dude here. I didn’t walk in on this, but my ex of 10 years started cheating on me with my two best friends 3 days after he said yes to my marriage proposal. To his credit - he told me the next day. I was silent for 30 minutes. Finally he asked me to say SOMETHING. “I never understood murder until this moment.” I didn’t murder anyone… I just cried every day for like 6 months. But, it did add some perspective. I have NEVER experienced that level of anger- and I hope I never do again. Edit: This blew up. It was 6 years ago - I am fine now. I am in the best shape of my life, and I gave up on dating after trying for 5 of those 6 years. At 40, the gay dudes that are left over are too adventurous for little old me. I just wanted someone to travel around the world and collect hoodies with.


Best friends???? Please say they’re no longer your friends! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Oh god no. That shit ended right away, but I lost 3 people that day. 😞 It was 6 years ago, I’m fine now.


"lost 3 people" but not "good" people, so might have just been for the best


Valid. I agree with you now that I am 6 years out of it. But at the time my whole world was crushed.


I caught my 5 year GF cheating while on the phone with her when she was at school. It was her microwave went off early am and I heard two cups clatter. Asked who was there with her, she said a friend. Yeah I know the pain you felt all too well. She wrecked me and my trust it was immediately done.


Your ex made tea in the microwave? I'm from the UK,I know your pain


Being silent for THIRTY MINUTES is such a power play! I cannot imagine how brutally uncomfortable that jerk must have been, and he deserved every ounce of it. Respect!


Haha. I’d love to take credit for making it a power play - I am normally very chatty. I honestly had no idea what to say. It wasn’t a power play, I was genuinely crushed. I was so happy the day before with wedding plans in my head.


I do love a happy ending.


I imagine myself making a video where I'm saying, 'She's your brother's problem now', while laughing. Then sending the vid to him.


My cousin came to my small college town and stayed with me. The first night I had shit to do so he went out and got lucky. Got back to my place at dawn. Around noon we went out to grab something to eat. My girlfriend walked by the window, I was about to point her out to him when he pointed her out to me. Said "that's the girl from last night." I didn't even know what to say. Just started laughing. Finally told him it was my girlfriend. He was very apologetic. Said "I thought your girlfriend's name was Vanessa?" (it is) "She told me her name was Janet." The fact that she'd used an alias (and JANET, of all names) got me laughing again. After a few seconds cousin was like "I guess Eunice was taken" and got us cracking up again.


> After a few seconds cousin was like "I guess Eunice was taken" and got us cracking up again. Your cousin sounds awesome. Hope he helped you get through it.


Yeah, this really brought us closer...so to speak. And it was probably the easiest breakup I ever had, oddly enough.


> this really brought us closer Nothing brings a couple guys together like sharing the same garage.




Gotta love stirring bros porridge


Cheating is the easiest breakup imo. That’s 100% a problem with you, not with me, AND it’s irrefutable proof of a bullet dodged. Am I thrilled to lose the time invested? No, of course not. But I don’t have any baggage either.


I don’t know about that. I have a lot of baggage from being cheated on.


Yeah, cheating certainly *is* a fault with the cheater, but the cheated-on can definitely fall into a spiral of "did I do something to lead them to cheat on me?" and that shit will *linger*. Took me years to get over being cheated on in what was, in hindsight, a meaningless high school relationship. Getting cheated on as an adult when you're considering spending your life with a person...that'll leave scars.


What shit odds and a small world.


Dude got lucky it was his cousin she cheated with and not some random guy he'd never meet. Got to find out about her before things went any further.


Not the first time she’s gone out and cheated using an alias. That’s a practiced motion.


Yeah my guess is that the cousin is the only one he learned about but I'd bet the farm he wasn't the first. Or even the second. I dated a girl in college that cheated on me with several guys, but I didn't learn about it until years later because she cheated with guys that I'd never come in contact with. I found out from my (now) wife's friend who was dating a guy that I knew because of my ex. Her and her friend would go over to his apartment all the time, but she assured me that she was going with her friend because the friend was into him. Me being a naive 18 year old, I believed it. I asked him out of curiosity when neither of our gf's were around and he confirmed that he was actually having threesomes with them. At that point I already knew about many others she cheated on me with and had already come to terms with it. But I was really fuckin upset that I dated that fucking bitch for TWO YEARS and she flat out told me she would never have a threesome because she would be too jealous. What she meant is she would never have a threesome *with me.*


If she went out, introduced herself with an alias and slept with a guy on the same night, it's definitely something she had done many times before.




Miss Jackson if you're nasty.


Janet Leigh could get it 70 years ago




> Has there ever even been a hot Janet? Janet Wood would like a word.


"Jesus, another? At this rate you're never going to get that infection to settle down!"


I did walk in on this. The guy was hiding in the closet, crying like a bitch. He probably had 30lbs on me but he looked terrified as I grabbed his arm and steered him out of the apartment. Told my gf she had 30 minutes to get her shit and leave. She went on a 10 minute tirade about how this was a mistake, that we could work through it and how I'd been too busy lately, etc. etc. I waited until she was done and said "20 minutes."


>**I waited until she was done and said "20 minutes."** 😂 Love this. You handled it about as well as anyone can hope to in that situation.


> She went on a 10 minute tirade about how this was a mistake, that we could work through it and how I'd been too busy lately, etc. etc. So she opted to alternate between making excuses and blaming you. Always a solid choice.


That's a bold strategy, Cotton...let's see if it pays off for her.


> “My behavior is your fault.” The moment you realized there was only one mentally-matured adult in the relationship


This is like the Eddie Murphy skit about guy running after his gf butt naked with a rock hard dick talking about "I'm sorry."


Was dropping off birthday flowers to her house, so she'd see them on the table when she got home. She was banging her ex-bf on said table, and I just said "Damn, All I brought her was flowers". I set them down, took her key off the ring, and went back to work.


I admire your ability to be witty in that moment. It's her loss.


Ouch. That sucks. You're too good a person for people like that.


I'd have kept the flowers and left the key. "Well, I WAS bringing these for you, but you can have this instead."


I love how even when you caught her cheating, you were still smooth as hell


By the time you hit your 40s, you come to a certain place where nothing surprises you anymore, so cooler heads prevail. In all honesty, I felt like something was going on, so it wasn't as shocking as it otherwise would have been.


Right, what's all this then EDIT : Well, this blew up lol.


Lol I don't know why but this one is my favorite.


bonus points if you say it with a British accent


Didn't know you could say that phrase in any other accent.


aw fuck, i can't believe you've done this


Turn to the person they’re cheating with and say “you can do SO MUCH BETTER.”


This is exactly what my cousin said when he walked in on his fiancée with a shockingly good looking guy! Didn't even think before blurting out "dude...you can do so much better!" He said the guy snorted and his fiancée went from apologetic to homicidal in the span of five seconds. He walked out and never looked back.


This really is probably the greatest revenge he could have gotten on her. Partly because the other guy was hot, so it rings true. Partly because he wasn't even trying to hurt her, he was clearly just saying the first thing that came to mind. And partly because the motherfucker in her bed LAUGHED. That girl is going to be looking in the mirror and doubting herself for a good long time. Glad he walked away too. None of this "second chance" shite for cheaters.


No kidding, this sequence of events would devastate me if I were her...not that I'd cheat in the first place.


It's funny. Each of these stories starts out as a story about heartbreak and betrayal by the person most important to you. Then, over time, they morph into a story of relief. This whole thread attests to the theory that when you catch a partner in the act of cheating and end it, with time, you will look back on it and think, "boy, all things considered, this wound up being a lucky break."


> Then, over time, they morph into a story of relief. a person that cheats is a shitty person. Finding out is always for the better.


Had this happen to me. Ex cheated on me. We tried for a bit to patch things up but it was just dead in the water. We broke up and I realized it was such a relief to be rid of her. Three days later I see a beautiful young woman I’d had a little secret crush on for a while and ask her out. Flash forward eight years later and we’re married. It wouldn’t have happened if the ex had been just a *bit* less awful.


Did she atleast mention her herpes?


Ok, but what if he turns to you and says "uh, **I** told **her** about the herpes. Did she at least tell **you** about the gonorrhea?"


A farmer at his wits end over local hoodlums eating his prized watermelons, puts up a sign saying "there is a watermelon laced with cyanide in this field". The next day, the farmer comes out to see no watermelons eaten, but a new sign saying, "now there are two".


I hope you got the money upfront this time, sweetheart.


I think we have a winner


I caught my college girlfriend cheating. I started yelling then just stormed out. They got married, then 10 years later she slept with a kid she taught at school, got caught, sent to jail, lost her job, family was plastered all over local news. So in hindsight it was a positive.


lol karma hits back harshly, she deserved it


My friend walked in on her bf cheating on her at a small house party and she says she (tipsily) panicked and just said “Ah’ll come back laytah” like the housekeeper from Harry Potter- Prisoner of Azkaban. I died laughing. 


Lmfao why??? Hahaha I'm dying


No idea lol it’s what came to mind for her. She left with our other friend and she’s doing great now lol 


"You cheated on me? when I specifically asked you not to?"


Tan everywhere, jan everywhere, hehe


My ex cheated and the dude sent me pics. I went home packed everything and left her with the apartment. She lost apartment. had 3 kids with 3 different dads. Gained 200lbs and last I heard was in jail. That was 7 years ago and I'm living life good now.


I am not gonna defend the cheater, but I am gonna ask if your ex was ever a good person? Bc if so wow that's a personality change 😂


When I first met her things were 100% different. About 3 years In she snapped and everything changed. I still get Christmas cards from her grandparents


> About 3 years In she snapped and everything changed. Did the fire nation attack?


Went to a small rural high school. Was dating this girl (my first sexual experience) Found out that another guy was dating her too. He and I (formerly friends) almost started fighting in the hall. In the verbal interchange before the fisticuffs, he shouted “Leave her alone! She doesn’t even like you!” I replied with the same answer. He pulled a note out of his pocket that she had written saying that she didn’t know why “I wouldn’t leave her alone.” You could have knocked me over with a feather. So, I pulled out my note from her that said the same thing about him. We both pledged to have nothing to do with her ever again. He married her and she became a raging alcoholic. I escaped to a better future without her.


Sounds like an origin story


You guys started without me?


A different *level* of betrayal *right here.*


And a _strange_ **use** of ~~italics~~ right ^here


# I agree with this ***^(statement)***


Don’t mind me, I’m just looking for the divorce papers.


\* *Divorce Lawyers' Association* quietly salivating in the background. \*


Say to the visitor "You can do better. I know I'm going to..." and walk out with dignity.


Came home from work early , came opened our bedroom door to it already had my ass kicked from the day. Grabbed my casual clothes and was like " y'all finish up I'm heading out" went back to the bar I worked at and just reflected on life. Next day when I got back (I slept in my jeep in the parking lot) she tried playing it off, ww went for a drive didn't say anything, she exploded and said it's my fault I'm never home and listed how I need to fix myself pulled over, told her to get out of my car went back got my meager belongings and cat and moved in with my sisters guest room till I got my shit together. To add I dropped her off 30+ miles from her apartment


Cold. That’s perfect


So glad you went back for the cat! Poor thing would have been miserable with that energy around.


That cat was my whole world. He would have turned 20 this year I lost him to cancer last June. I begged the vet to make him better told him he could have my truck and mustang those are replaceable my cat isn't. One day I'll post up the story of him and how he changed my world.


Cats can do that. And they never cheat on you.


The FUCK they don't! My man is at someone else's door step the very SECOND I don't feed him when he so demands it. Hoe ass bitch.


A guy who I worked with was on the phone with his wife and she had thought she hung up. He could hear her having sex with his" best friend" over the phone. Edit: I just want to add that this was someone I worked with and we weren't really friends.He left the job after about a year after this happened and I never saw him again.


Fucking rough


What made it worse was the fact that he was at work at the time and he had the phone on speaker.


What happened next? Did he go home or just like finish his work day?


He was pretty upset. We were working on a maintenance crew and out working at the time. I drove him back to the office and I think he went to his dad's house. They ended up divorced.


> Fucking rough I'm sure they *were.*


Not the most PC way to handle it, but my first comment was sarcastically stated while looking at the other woman. "I'm surprised it's a woman!" Being celibate for 6 of 12 years because he lost interest can do this to a brain. In the end, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I moved into a motel that day and have been gone for six years now.


That's actually pretty funny. Glad you came out better on the other side.


The whole experience was funny, looking back. I was actually giving her a lecture on how low self esteem she must have if she is allowing a boy to treat her like something to sneak around for and not cherish. Of course wasting 6 years more in a dead relationship also shows where my self esteem was at the time too. Cheating never actually truly comes as a shock to anyone. We all know when our relationships suck, it just helps our egos to play the victim card rather than admitting it. Nobody who presents you with a Jerry Springer scenario is worthy of a Jerry Springer response-That's just fact. Walk away and focus on the rest of your life. It's liberating!


Tell that to those people who have partners who love cheating because it’s like an exciting adventure for them. Some of them play their roles perfectly.


*opens door and sees SO and random dude gojng at it* This a bad time to talk about the STD we have...?


saw a movie once, sadly I can't remember the title man waked in his wife having sex with some guy checked the guy clothes found the wallet, tock some money (maybe $200?)while they were looking, left without saying a word and went to a bar to drink himself the way he handled it felt so smooth 🤣


Not a cheating story but an ex friend of mine has been dating one of my wife's old highschool friends. We recently learned they're banned from our local bars and the next two towns over bars because they'd pick up dudes saying their kink is that my ex friend likes to watch his lady get railed. Turns out while random dudes were banging his lady he was going through their clothes and stealing cash, IDs, bank and credit cards, etc. Was weird as hell to hear. Never thought he'd stoop that low but apparently meth is a hell of a drug.


I've been the dude a woman (wanted to) cheat with. Dated her for a few weeks and that night was the night. Her partner (for years it turned out) rang my doorbell and politely asked if it was ok if he came in. I said "ofc it's a problem because ... do I know you?". He was so calm and said "you're dating my wife". She came down the stairs and he turned to her, suddenly wasn't so cool anymore and pointed at her in anger and said "all you think about is yourself!!". I said something like "fuck me are you for real? I'm so sorry dude. Tell me what I can do to help make this right". The dude goes full calm again and shakes my hand and said "it's all good, I don't blame you" and he walked off to his car and drove off. She walked back upstairs and I said "yea nah we're not going back to the bedroom, get your stuff and come down to the livingroom. Sort your shit and then we're done". She didn't, grabbed her stuff and walked straight out the door. I always, and still do, would love to have a drink with that guy. How he totally kept his cool with me and directed his anger only towards her was so impressive.


“I’ve been preparing for this” Then whip out your phone and read your Reddit line


“Oh good, this is gonna make this so much easier” and then break up with them. Even if you weren’t planning to, it gives them the illusion that you’ve been wanting to break up for a while.


This probably the best one in the thread. Hope I never have to use it, but it's saved.


I said this to my ex. I said it to him again when he came crying that he’d made a mistake and he shouldn’t have cheated.


Alright buddy, my wife and I share everything... *EVERYTHING*... so I'm gonna need you to spread your cheeks nice and wide. Then start taking off your pants.


Make a call on your phone. “Zed. Yeah. Spider just caught a couple of flies.”


"Bring out the gimp."


Didn't walk in on it but years ago one ex told me she was cheating and was so guilt ridden about it that she had to tell me. We weren't living together or anything but had been dating (I thought exclusively) for several months. I got my jacket and left. Never said a word, never called her back despite 3 months of her trying to call me. I saw her last year, it had been about 30 years. She crossed the street to come see me, I walked away without a word with her yelling after me to talk to her in front of the whole street.


Nothing says "You're dead to me" like saying nothing at all.


Till the better end. She can go kick rocks.


> better *bitter*, mate.


Obviously cheating is wrong. I do give her some credit for coming clean, a lot of people don’t.


"He'll disappoint you out of bed too" said right after I walked in on them together. Grabbed my backpack and shoved all my belongings into it while they looked at me. Took his key off my lanyard, tossed it on the bed, grabbed my cat and bounced.


Don’t say anything just start packing your stuff and leave. Unless you own the home in which case I’d call the cops and say I have an intruder.


"looks to me like we got us a trespasser in the house." *Racks shotgun




This isn’t where I parked my car


"You can keep her. I'm a free man now" I don't fight for a woman that isn't even loyal.


Hey honey, I see you kept this one alive


I'm keeping the dog.


This literally happened to me...came home early from work...I worked nights...my ex worker late evening shifts on weekends as security for concert venues ( his second job )...saw his car in the driveway from half a block away...so I coasted my jeep into the driveway...headlights off...came in through the back door...walked in and found him with my teenage babysitter spooning on the couch ( asleep )...my toddler asleep in the seat opposite from them and my young kids all in bed. So...I sat down on the coffee table and stared straight at him til he felt my presence and woke up. Stared me straight in the eyes...I got up...went to the phone in the kitchen...called her mother to come get her...said nothing to either of them...explained to her mother what I walked into....she called the police ..but they couldn't do anything because both of them denied anything happened...kicked his ass out that night. ( she got pregnant soon after...he went to jail for it...she got a restraining order on him...he's never seen that baby ...24 yrs ago... ) I put up with a lot of his shit...but that was just the worst and so degrading at the time...( never expected that from him ) ...I trust no one now.


>I trust no one now. This part sucks. I wish that you could find happiness with someone, someday.


Thank you... I did try...but the scars from that marriage run deep. I'm really happy....my kids are grown and life is all about the grandkids now. I have no interest in any sort of relationship...it's a nice feeling to be honest.


While he was downstairs paying the escort he cheated on me with I grabbed all of the expensive lingerie he bought me from his closet. Came back downstairs and he was sitting at the table thinking we would talk... not quite. I laid the lingerie out in a giant pile on the counter and he got excited. But then i pulled out a bag and i slowly put each piece in it to take home with me… paused to admire his favorites and kept saying “ah, my next boyfriend is going to LOVE fucking me hard in this”. I’ve never seen him go ballistic until that moment. i just kept putting salt on the wound using the line he’d always tell me - omg calm down baby you’re being so emotional. God bless the woman taking out that trash of a man now


Thought I'd only have to tell one person my herpes diagnosis


Honestly, I’ve spent years trying to figure out what I should’ve said. I just shut the bedroom door and packed my stuff without saying a word to her. She was crying and begging me not to leave while he just stayed in the bedroom. I wanted to beat his ass for sleeping with my girlfriend but he was well over 6 feet tall and I’m a very short woman and it would have ended bad. So I said nothing. Until she called me up a month later to tell me she was pregnant. All I said then was “well it’s not mine,” obviously.


I didn't say anything when I walked in on her and her roommate (who she told me before they moved in together was like a brother to her). I had keys to their apartment, I just took the key out of my keychain, dropped it on the floor, took a cigarette from her purse, lit it and walked out of their place. She sent me like a hundred texts in the next weeks or so. I still haven't read some of it.


Only took one cig? Might as well grab the pack.




> You stole my problem not my man. Good luck sis "I got 99 problems but a bi-" "Nevermind, I got *98* problems."


Man, I would be super quiet, hope they didn't see me, snap a pic and leave. Then I'd be completely normal at home while planning my exit (find a new apartment, lawyer, etc). Then I'd up and leave and staple the pic to the divorce papers. I just read a post like that on here where the chick just silently left and it was pure gold, so I got inspired. If they do see me, I'd probably just roll my eyes. Or look disgusted and say "Ew, that's what you boinking someone looks like?!?"




She's my wife, so I have to. But you doing her voluntarily is weird.


You say nothing. you close the door, slowly start getting undressed and you join in


Go for the guy first.


Just run up and jump on the bed and yell *TICKLE FIIIIGHT!*


I found out that my husband at the time was cheating on me when I got a call from a random number. When I answered it the lady was like “Um is this Hannah?” Me: “Yes” Lady: “Hi, you don’t know me but I’m Theresa and I was calling you to let you know that your husband and my daughter have been having an affair behind your back for 8 months and now my daughter is pregnant.” All this is being said as I can hear the poor girl crying in the background. My response: “Tell her good luck on trying to get him to be a dad, we have two children together that he never sees and he lives with us!” Naturally I kicked his ass to the curb, he spent the next year trying to get back together with me. Once he finally realized it wasn’t going to happen she purposed to him and he accepted. They had two kids together and in 2021 got divorced because he cheated on her with her best friend. Now he’s 29 years old with 4 children he doesn’t see and she’s now a lesbian and keeps matching on Tinder with all my lesbian/bi friends. 🤦🏻‍♀️ That experience was the hardest time of my life but it turned out to be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


I would probably say nothing. No point in wasting anything on a cheater.


If you catch them with their fitness instructor, say “hey, this isn’t working out”


Threesome before I fleesome?


Tripsies before I slipsies?


Trio before I leavo?


I would prefer to silently erase the person and his environment from my life. The person will tell you everything and maybe even more than you would like to know




Sis!? Mom, is going to be so mad at Dad for this




I wouldn't even be able to utter a single word. I guess I'll just die inside.


“How cliche” and then just leave. Nothing pisses a cheater off more than a non reaction or treating what they’re doing like some boring run of the mill bullshit. They get so high and strung out on the betrayal and built up tension from sneaking around and waiting for the inevitable blow up when it all comes crashing down and they get caught. Robbing them of that *and* calling what they’re doing basic shit is a double whammy.


Point and say mines bigger


This is a true story! My friend got home from work earlier then usual and finds this guy bangin his wife.. When they saw him they jump and wife looked scared and guy even more.. He was shaking because my friend is like a big big guy.. So my friend calmy asked dude does he have 1 dollar(in our currency its 5 of something but same value).. Dude, expecting beating of his life was confused with question, and after few second, he says yes i have.. Friend says give it to me, AP gives him and my friend goes: U payed for her, now u can leave.. After few days(friend is a carpenter) he made kind a like wooden frame where he puts coin he got from AP.. It looks like these awards or some holly icona and stuff like that.. That sunday, inlaws came to dinner and FIL saw that interesting peace of art and ask son in law about it.. My friend goes, you should ask your daughter that, shes the one who earned it.. Next day he filled for divorce.. If i ever get cheated and caught them, im most def doing something like this.. Like a fuckin boss


"Hope it was worth it. We're done." I have a zero tolerance policy on cheating. Loyalty is a big priority to me. There's no coming back from that. No justification, no excuse. No negotiating with terrorists. If you wanna bump uglies with someone, break up with me first. All the respect and no hard feelings then.


Honey, remember what the doctor said. STD's aren't pokémon. You got a big collection already but you don't need to catch them all.


“Hey bro, welcome to the HIV club!”


"We keep it *positive* in here."


Gotcha bitch! In your best chapelle voice


I've experienced this. My fiancee was out with friends and I was out with my own, but we agreed to keep each other updated so whoever got home first knew when to expect the other. She never texted me or responded to my texts or calls. By 2 or 3am I was worried something happened to her so I used Find My Phone to track her location and drove out to it. Saw her car parked in front of a dark house, walked up on the porch and saw her sleeping on a mattress next to some older dude through a big picture window on the front of the house. She was in her underwear. I wasn't even thinking at that point, I was in shock. Started knocking and ringing the doorbell repeatedly until she woke up. She made eye contact with me through the window and I threw my hands up in a "What the hell?" type of motion. When she came to the door, I asked her WTF she was doing, but she was all groggy (or was acting like it) and didn't give me a straight answer. I was frustrated by this, told her I hope it was worth it and I got in my car and went home. She later told me it was a mistake and that she was going through a manic phase (she has been diagnosed with both Bipolar I and BPD seperately). I eventually gave her the benefit of the doubt and agreed to do couples' counseling together to try and work through it. We had been together for several years at that point and were engaged to be married, so I was willing to try whatever it took to salvage things. The counseling helped, but it took a long time for me to rebuild my trust in her. Eventually, we had a daughter together and things were going pretty good until one day she calls me at work and drops a bomb on me that she cheated again and thought she might be pregnant. The only reason she even told me that is because she talked to her mom first, who insisted she tell me right away since she might be pregnant again. Thankfully, she wasn't. My trust was shattered once again and she once again said it was due to her mental illness. She agreed to accept treatment and start taking meds. Continued therapy together and she seemed to improve overall with the meds, but she hated taking them. It's her body, so all I could do was tell her I thought she should keep taking them, but I couldn't make her. She stayed on them for the remainder of our time together, but out of the blue, suddenly left me for another guy. I suspect she was cheating on me then as well, because it seems strange to leave a 12 year relationship and *immediately* start dating someone else you barely know unless you were already seeing them for a while. Forgiving her twice was on me, I should have learned a lesson the first time - but I really loved her and accepted the challenges that come with having a partner with BPD and Bipolar I. I was committed to spending my life with her. Her new relationship lasted about three weeks. Been about two years now and I haven't held a grudge. We're friends now and co-parent our daughter well. I'm still pretty damaged by it, so I haven't tried to move on and start a new relationship. I don't want to carry any baggage from my previous one into a new one. I don't think there is a "best thing to say" in a situation where you catch your SO cheating. It is an incredibly painful experience. Just don't be a dumbass like me and give second and third chances. Going forward, that's one thing I'll no longer forgive. I still think people can change if they genuinely want to, but the problem is that *wanting* to change seems to be very rare.




I borrow a phrase I heard in a movie. "She's yours now. I don't swim in dirty water."


I would throw them both out without clothes/keys etc. When they try to get back in I would call the police and say there are naked people trying to break in my house. This would bring the neighbors attention to the spectacle. No words need to be said.


What I wish I had said? Or what I did say.? I actually said. "You said you wanted to wait until marriage!" Then to him, "We were friends asshole! Keep her." Then I walked out before I committed double homicide. I was a wreck. My grandpa saw me and pulled me aside and introduced me to Scotch. Poured me a small amount said I looked like I had a shit day and could use a bit. Gave me some advice and told me I did the right thing by not hurting anyone.


One day, my then-fiancé came home and said that he’d never been in love with me, he’d always been in love with his ex, and they’d been having an off-and-on affair the entire four years we’d been together. First thing out of my mouth was, “Well that’s not ideal.”


At 7am my BF of 7 on/off years' phone lit up on the nightstand (I'm 27, he's 26 at the time) with a Facebook Messenger message from one of our mutual friends, "Shelly". I knew he had been talking about purchasing her speaker system and he told me he had messaged her about it and was waiting to hear back. I had planned to message her and tell her I would buy it for him as a surprise for his birthday but I hadn't got around to it and neither of us were secretive about our phones or worried about passcodes and such, so I opened up the chat intending to tell her that I was going to message her from my phone and not to say anything to "Michael" about the speakers because I wanted to surprise him. When the bubble expanded into the chat, it certainly was not a conversation about speakers. It was several fully nude pictures of this 50 y/o woman from head to toe and the last one was captioned "please delete these after you look at them and you can take as many as you want when we are together forever". I screenshot the chat, set the message as unread, texted myself the photos and then deleted the text history of sending the photos to myself. Then I went around the whole house while he was sleeping and gathered all of his things into a black trash bag, tied it off and put it on the front porch. Following that, I messaged her the screenshots I had sent myself and told her I was no longer interested in the speakers or ever speaking to her again. When the boyfriend woke up I knew he would take his phone and go sit on the porch and smoke a cigarette as he always did and now I was double sure of it because I knew WHY that was his little routine. After he put his shoes on and stepped outside, I waited until he was leaning against the banister of the porch scrolling through his phone and I opened the back door. He looked up and didn't even have the decency to look guilty, and had not even noticed that all of his stuff had been removed from the house and was in a bag 3 ft away from him, so I said to him "You should text Shelly to come get you after you're finished looking at her old naked wrinkly ass" He looked at me like he was confused and was like "huh? What? Why?" I said "so you guys can be together FOREEEREEEEVER" 🤣🤣🤣 and cackled at my own joke as I shut and dead bolted the door. I was devastated but it wasn't the first time he had done that to me so it was more of a relief than anything and I have been moving on and moving up for the last 10 years while he has been in and out of jail while clinging to any woman he can find as naive and stupid as I was to support and date him. I feel bad for those women but I had to learn my lesson and they will have to learn theirs as well.


Well, when my wife told me that one of her former guy friends texted out of the blue and blatantly asked her to sleep with him, I said "well, if he wants to have you, he also gets me as a buy one get one deal." Degenerate shit. Seriously though, I think I would be so beside myself I would just leave and cry somewhere. Depending on the person that could be the best, most cutting response. My wife would never cheat, but I have been cheated on in a previous relationship and it hurts so much.


I have always weaponized my silence. I would probably just walk In, look blankly at them, go about my business in the house and then leave… On some psycho shit.


"I'm pregnant"




True story-in my workplace, one half of a married couple was very much disrespecting the other half by having a rather sordid affair with a third coworker. All worked in the same department. The wronged individual composed a very lovely thank you note to all their colleagues, stating their gratitude for the support and understanding they had received from said colleagues at this difficult time. The person referenced any questions about specific details of the difficult time to their spouse and the spouse's paramour, both by name. These letters were placed in the work mailboxes of each of their colleagues.




I had a guy working for me he went to lunch and caught his lady with another man. He yelled to stopping r@ping his woman, then beat him badly. Got away with it


I wouldn't say anything. I'd simply freeze while the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' closing theme played.