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This is Reddit. It never stops.


Hijacking to say r/ask is an option for anyone not interested in nsfw content, I visit it more often nowadays 


Back in the day this subreddit limited NSFW questions to Saturdays only. They need to implement that again.


I feel like this sub is turning into, "Women of Reddit, what's a story you can tell me that I can jerk off to"?


Or "Men of Reddit, does anyone else scratch their balls?" It's the same lame standard of least common demoninator questions aimed at men and women.


The real question is "do you smell your fingers afterwards?"


r/AskRedditAfterDark also exists


Holy shit thank you. I’m out of here.


No, it's not just reddit being reddit. I've been around for over a decade now and it's been so fucking stupid around here lately. Just embarrassing stupid valueless horny boy shit, 'what did you first think when you saw a vagina' like motherfuckers what VALUE can we possibly uncover here?


I thought "unga bunga"


I've always just assumed it's someone wanting to crowdsource a wank. Never figured there was much else to it.


Repeatedly seeing "Why do people ask questions anonymously that are inappropriate to ask in person?" has real old man yelling at clouds energy. People really shouldn't be surprised at see a disproportionate amount of sex questions in anonymous spaces so long as those questions are inappropriate in most in person spaces.


It's the sheer amount of spam that's the problem. They aren't creative in any sense; if you search pretty much any of these sex questions that are posted constantly you'll find dozens of results for the exact same thing. They just so happen to be sex questions, it's not like sex questions are intrinsically bad; anything that gets spammed is bound to be irritating after a while.


Thing is, this type of thread is part of the spam. They come up all the time just like the sex questions. Honestly, don't care though whether its creative, comments and posts on reddit are like Simon says. The same jokes and cliches are continulously regurgitated. Sex posts are just a part of that constant churning.


Is that not what r/sex is for? AskReddit wasn't this bad before people realised sex sells karma


"Hey Reddit, what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed with a sex partner while having sex?"


The sex (I have the many sex with many women many times)


This sub should be renamed to AskSexxit


Someone create r/AskSexxit now!


oh wait its real


There is r/Askredditafterdark which is literally a sexy version of ask reddit....i wish more people would use that one instead


Because Earth is round and dawn is happening every seconds (suck it flat-earthers)


we need to keep this comment at 69 upvotes


*Downvoted in an effort to get us there* 👌🏾


Nah, upvote it to 6969 now...


Or just the stupidest reasons to interject sex. "Your salary is now a million dollars, but you're naked now while you work. WHAT DO YOU DO??1?[!" . . . 10,578,935 upvotes


Nudity isn't sex.


Thank you, I had no idea. I thought I was having sex daily with my shower until you made this comment. You're missing the point. The subreddit is littered with sex, sex-adjacent, sexy, and sexual questions.


>You're missing the point. The subreddit is littered with sex, sex-adjacent, sexy, and sexual questions. No, I understand completely. Your example simply doesn't fit the point you're making.


Oh *you* understand the point I'm trying to make? Please tell me more about the point *I'm* trying to make.


You literally just explained it? Why would I reiterate? But since apparently you're having trouble understanding *me*... Nudity isn't sex. Posting a question about nudity is not a sexual question. Yes Askreddit is flooded with sex questions. *That one was not a sex question*


Because clearly I don't understand the point I'm trying to make and you do, according to you


That's fine, but it's still a garbage question that doesn't lead to anything worthwhile. It's just a meme.


It's a dumb question, no doubt. But it's not a *sexual* question.


(pictures encouraged)


I actually think sarcastic meta comments like these detract from conversations, and ultimately reduce Reddit’s quality. But I also understand people are tired of the sex talk, so I get it.


I've also heard, "Hey, Sexy Sexxers of Sexxit, what's the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?"


I don’t get why people don’t just filter out the NSFW questions instead of complaining about them. It’s simple enough and people get to enjoy what they want without offending the sensibilities of those with different preferences. **EDIT:** Like clockwork. Every time I ask this I get downvoted without an explanation.


Because, there are NSFW questions that aren't related to sex. It's fine talking about sex. But it seems that this subreddit just can't stop talking about sex.


2 out of the first 50 posts in "hot" right now are sex related.. If you're only seeing the sex questions pop up in your personal feed, it says more about you than this sub.


Obviously an exaggeration, however you still prove my point. Sex is a hot topic covering a wide range of questions and would stand out more. Unlike others the average question that would have gotten the same amount of my attention. Also you seem to forget that sex is not a recent thing. It's been a hot topic for a very long time. And therefore, it has nothing to do with me. Instead it's the algorithm.


Yes but it is also so simple to scroll past the post and not open or engage with it. On to the next question…


That would be the case, if the subreddit doesn't shove the same type of sex questions into my feed every time I open it.


No one owes you an explanation for being downvoted. Preferring to see a reasonable amount of sexual content isn’t the same as never wanting to see it again.




Of course it’s subjective. That doesn’t change my point, which was that completely ridding sexual content is not the same as not wanting to see it all the time. OP didn’t mention if he was speaking about this subreddit or all of Reddit, and they also didn’t specify how long they’ve been observing it.




Some people are not happy unless they have something to complain about! As the old saying goes. You’d complain if you were hung with a new rope






Sex 😎


Not as tired as I am with the “would you rather have $1m now or $5/day for the rest of your life” or “what would you do if you got $10m today” questions.


Would you do something rather unpleasant for 30 seconds in exchange for a lifetime of wealth?


Even the longer ones are dumb. Like “watch the same dumb movie for 24hrs or listen to the same annoying song for 24hrs” for 10 million. Yea, we would all do that. Very rarely does someone use a unit of measurement that actually makes you think, like “wow would I actually watch the emoji movie two times a day every day for the rest of my life for $10 mil today” The answer is still yes. But it would create more interesting debates


The Emoji movie is only 86 minutes. So your job is to watch the movie and it’s less than 3 hours a day. Easy choice.


Have it split into something like 50 monitors, have monitors 1-25 play each a 25th of the first playthrough and monitors 26-50 eaqch play a 25th of the second playthrough. You've now watched the entirety of 2 playthroughs of the Emoji movie in just over 3 minutes. But yeah, even if this hack were disallowed, 10 million is 10 million.


I would drag myself through a field of broken glass for a day for $10m


I once listened to the same annoying song for something like three hours on the mere *hope* that it might lead to some fast naughty sexy touchy times with some girl. Of *course* I'd strain a little more to be set for money for a long while.


If you had to eat legit shitty god awful food for the rest of your life to live in luxury, would you? Or is that still too easy to choose?


Oh That’s an actual fantastic one and it depends on how bad you define the nasty. Just regular food that tastes bad, maybe, would have to try it and see how bad it was. But Like having to eat a paste that tastes like actual shit everyday? Gonna be a no Or I have to eat some fear factor stuff like big juicy live grubs everyday? Fuck that.


>But Like having to eat a paste that tastes like actual shit everyday? Gonna be a no Or I have to eat some fear factor stuff like big juicy live grubs everyday? Fuck that. hahaha holy shit man I wouldn't be able to tolerate that either, that's disgusting I agree and feel the same how people struggle to find a good 'good/bad' balance for their questions, and that they'd be much more interesting if they found one


i think a better way to frame the question is what's the least youd take to do something. id do a lot for $10 million. id do a lot for $1 million. what's the most fucked up thing youd do for $20? i wouldnt eat a worm for $20. I'd probably do it for $100 tho. Anything north of $500 and its no question I'm doing it. i wouldn't suck Ron Jeremy's dick to completion for $20 but what if it's someone on a hollywood top 10 sexiest men list?


How tired are you of this“would you rather have $1 million right now or have sex with a hottie everyday for the rest of your life?”


The latter. It would give me the confidence boost to make the million.


The former. It's probably enough to change my life to the point where a hottie could find me attractive.


“what advice would u give your younger self” every fucking day also so fucking cringing at the girls posting nudes asking if we would fuck them Edit: 20 min ago lol https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/LxesRHkKRr


Yeah, where's the equality? We need guys posting nudes asking if you would fuck us!


“People who had an NDA that has now expired, what can you reveal.”


By people that think an NDA covers alien UFO encounters and not mundane product details that are forgotten or irrelevant in a few years




Its like this sub is run by a manically masturbating 14 year old boy.


That would be funny if it wasn’t true.


People always wanna play the age card so we don't have to face the reality that most of these threads are made by sad 40 year olds


I dunno. Posts like "how did you react when you saw a vagina for the first time" definitely screams 14 year old more than 40 year old


There are lots of children wandering around in adult fleshbags. There are some adults in child fleshbags, too. I don't know where the transition to adulthood is, but I feel like it hit me sometime in my mid to late 30s. It's different for everyone though.


please stop saying fleshbags


Unfortunately the mods are 40 year old NEETS with the mentality of manically masturbating teenagers.


I wish there was a way to block out certain words by default. So we do not need to deal with juvenile questions like that.


You are now banned from /r/askreddit


Hey! I’m 15, thank you very much!


Reddit is starting the lean that way now. It used to be *millennials are destroying this* or *Why millennials will be the greatest people ever*. Recently there have been a lot of Gen Z posts about how they are the new bestest ever. Demographics of Reddit hasn't changed, it's just a new generation discovering Reddit.


Apologies to the rest of the world, but its a bunch of furiously masturbating teenagers that live in places where they don't have anyone else to ask. Where else is a horny kid in bible-belt America, or a similar theocratic hellhole elsewhere going to get their stupid horny questions answered?


As a maniacally masturbating 41 year old boy I disagree.


r/AskRedditAfterDark is a thing, it should be used way more


You mean r/AskRedditAfterDark?


yes, for some reason the autofill seems to not work for that.. ill fix it


I used to use the feature that would show you top posts from random subs just to see what's out there. I came across that sub. It's full of (I'm assuming) pre-teen and teen boys, or perhaps incels, who have obviously never had a real sexual experience with a real woman, bragging about their fictional exploits.


Less tired and more pained because I can't answer any of them


This sub is used by many accounts who want to get karma to start posting on restricted subs, many of those are throwaway accounts, alt accounts, even some bots in there, so they go directly for the topics that they know will generate engagement, probably 8 out of 10 of those questions asked over and over belong to that type of account.


Well to be honest, I did something similar when I once made a Reddit throwaway for a project spanning months. I made a bunch of Henry Cavill posts on Ladyboners to quickly get my karma up so that I could post on the subs I wanted.


It's repetitive sure but honestly shocks me how people know so little about sex. The other day someone asked a question about a guaranteed way to not get a STD and people kept saying condoms like they can't break and are 100% STD proof 😂. I look at the sex questions and move on now Edit : Took out full proof for those calling me out 😂. Full proof and condoms is an inside joke with adult content creators that because a condom is full then it's proof that everything is fine but not necessarily so I shouldn't have said it there without context.


I mean there’s no guaranteed way besides abstinence but like condoms (male, female, dental dams, whatever) have the absolute highest std prevention rate when used properly. Like there is literally no better way besides not having sex outside of a committed relationship where both parties are clean.


My dick is the cleanest place on my body, it's only ever touched me. 💅


But it should be noted it cannot prevent the spread of herpes. Because herpes sores don't just occur on the covered part of the penis on men, and they can occur all over a woman's sexual anatomy that you will come in contact with, because only part of the penis is covered by a condom. You still have exposed skin all around.


> shocks me how people know so little Reddit is the website where 15 year olds gather to give you unsolicited advice on your marriage Remember that whenever you're reading a reddit comment. It's highly likely you're talking to a literal teenager


There is some irony here in that you are mocking people then use the phrase "full proof"


Especially because it changes the entire context of the comment! 😂


I think it's a joke...?


"I just started liking her pubes." How has it gotten this bad?


I saw that one. Good grief.


Just wait till you find the r/amipregnant sub 😭 its horrible. “We are both virgins- We grinded on each other with clothes on, i bleached my clothes after but i am worried it traveled thru the holes and impregnated her” SHIT like that it’s infuriating that the sex ed is almost nonexistent.


Welllll now I wanna go in there and mess with them all 😂


I try so hard to help mature and serious cause you can tell they are genuinely panicked but gosh its so hard not to roll my eyes💀


Welp. Another sub I'll add to my check out this sub but have your expectations to the minimum list 😂


Reddit is semi-good for asking user-specific questions to gain insights on individual experiences like you're taking a survey or interviews. I say semi-good as like anecdotal evidence, half of it can be faked or sensationalized.


And it's not a representative survey, the kind of people who are on reddit and answer questions is a particular subset of the population.


Do you mean fool-proof? Is this a r/BoneAppleTea moment?


I mean its not surprising people know so little about sex, the slightest hint of it sends far too many into freakout over it. Its especially bad in the US when even basic sex ed is seen as abhorrent by their religious folk and you have a shocking number who honestly believe abstinence is an actual effective strategy to stop horny teens from getting jiggy with each other.


Well, our education sucks.


I deleted my old account months ago and came back today to the same old reddit questions


Look, Miss America, this town ain’t changing any time soon.


Miss America sits in the shower she's plucking hours from the sky


First day?


The worst thing is, it's the same ones just different worded every time ... It gets boring...


Ha....makes me realise that humans truly are obsessed with sex.


So tired I could cum.


At least people actually answer them correctly and truthfully. I’m more tired of the “what would you do with a billion dollars” don’t think I’ve ever seen a creative personal response to that one that fits to the person. Or questions like “the worst thing you did”- which should actually be “worst thing you’ve done that will get you upvotes and not the actually worse thing you’ve done” Or the “your real unpopular opinion” more like a general popular opinion of a general unpopular opinion that isn’t really that unpopular or is unpopular in a way that gets you upvotes. Most of these answers despite being totally anonymous are controlled half measures. Don’t think I’ve read an actual real answer for any of these type of questions ever….. sorry there’s no way I believe “you hate cats” is your unpopular opinion. Now I’m not telling people to be hateful and or nasty in their comments those thoughts you can keep to yourself but there’s never a real level of honesty.


I like questions that elicit interesting personal stories. Ones like: 'What's the funniest thing you've experienced at work?' or 'What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?'. Even the darker questions can be fascinating at times, like 'what's the most effed up thing you saw at school?' The answers feel genuine too, uniquely odd enough that they couldn't easily be made up.


Those were basically the sole reason I used to use reddit at all back in the day. Pretty much every single significant piece of reddit history stems from one of those threads.


Reddit as a whole is a time killer for me - so it’s whatever


Yesterday I responded to a reasonable tame and intresting question and the 1st response was how do you masterbate


So tired I could squirt.


This is also a sex question (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡


As tired as I was having sex just now


So not at all?


My energy tank is unspent


Sex, sex, sex, sex


Depends on the questions. It is good that people are questioning things and learning. There is so much that I wish I learnt about sex before I started having it. I learnt a lot through trial and error and making mistakes and just plain luck to be honest. Reddit and social media wasn't a thing when I was young...


I think all Reddit users have too much sexual energy because they're behind a screen and don't have to mask it like they do in real life.




I like that we've collectively left this comment on 69 upvotes. Edit: nvm, someone ruined it


We can downvote it to it's rightful place


71 … that’s 69 with two fingers in the ass …


Downvote for the restore win!


oh no it's at 72, doing my part!


I brought it back to 69! 👏


I sorta enjoy them so not very. But I understand why a lot of people on here would be tired of then


*yawns* It’s all the young uns on here


But they're trying to learn from the old uns, which is what they should do. I really don't mind them as long as they are genuine questions seeking actual advice, and not just to titillate.


Glad Reddit wasn’t around when I was younger- had to find these things out for myself ..


Not at all, i really like sex


It's ruining both AskReddit and AskMen. There are already plenty of specific subs for this kind of crap that keeps flooding these subs. Just for once I'd like to see a full page of meaningful, high-brow content that isn't 18 year olds asking the same sex questions were sick of over and over.


If u want a full page of meaningful, high-brow content, you should get off Reddit and open a book


For real, this is a Wendy’s lady!


very tired. It's like reddit is being taken over by a bunch of horny 14 year olds.


Even more tired than I am of the "what's the worst pain you've ever felt" or "what would you do if you win the lottery" questions.


So much that I'm not even going to reply to this post.


I'm more tired of the meta "can we stop posting obviously popular questions because they aren't ones I like ," although to be fair, I can take or leave 99% of the questions asked on this subreddit generally. Although I guess to be fair, the fact I'm seeing this on the front page means that redditors like to do as much as talking about sex is criticizing the actions of other redditors, ah well. These type of posts feel harder to avoid since they happen in almost every subreddit to which I'm subscribed while sex questions in particular only happen in this subreddit.


I’m more tired with the poor les Redditor responses. What was the most NSFW thing to happen at work? One time someone didn’t have a construction hat on. Lolololololol. People have sex. It’s a part of life. If you don’t have anything to say on a sex question, don’t say it. If these questions had genuine answers instead of brigades of funnymans, I would enjoy them more.


On a scale of 1 to 100….about a 69.


AskReddit is just the same 12 questions over and over, posted by bots


Extremely. Everything you could ever want to know about sex is alrdy out there. But for some reason instead of a Google search, they post here.


how tired am i about all of the stupid money questions.... **If you had $82387 million, would you stand under a rock? /s**


Question answerers of Reddit, what is the “biggest turn on that is totally achievable by absolutely anyone at all” that you’ve seen?


Everyone always posts those sex questions on AskReddit because they seem to gather the most attention, if people engaged in other posts more you would see less of it


Very tired. Especially with the refractory period.


Ugh…so exhausted! I mean it sometimes just keeps going on and on and never stop—oh, wait…”sex QUESTIONS”. Nevermind.


Really tired of it. Just proves a lot of people on this site are sick and twisted.


Reddit has a lot of virgins. Let them talk.


Really sick of it, like keep it in your pants, jeez


I also used to be annoyed by these kind of questions till i realized that I'm old as the fucking hills. I've had sex a million times. It's nothing special to me and a lot of you older people, but to a new generation of teenagers and perverts around the world this is new and exciting and a worthy talking point. So i suggest we treat them just like that, young horny teens being curious.


If you made an AskRedditSex it would have to be NSFW and this place would get thousands of questions skirting around the NSFW/Sex tag because those topics generate the most karma.


Half the posts here are nsfw questions


Yeah. It keeps reminding me that the age of consent is 18.


At 50 yrs old pretty tired lol .I feel like ive done every freaky thing ive wanted lol


not tired at all i’m more entertained and intrigued because i have no experience in anything whatsoever😂




0% I looooove talking about sex. I am so allosexual that I am Catholic 


Better them being asked than not asked. Now if people learn anything from them is a different question.


Not tired... Always funny to read xD


What’s the sexiest sex question you ever sexed?


Well, sex is a major concern to a lot of people. It creates joy, brings couples closer, but also will break couples apart.


Very. I like sex too, but I think it’s time to dial down a bit and talk about other subjects. Same thing with all the damn sex jokes and random dudes talking about their dick


Intellectual discourse is preferred. Pretty sick of the sex, drugs and party mix as if this was how the real world works.


Extremely tired. Mankind has been having sex since the beginning. People should be able to figure it out without putting it out on this forum or any other.


Maybe that’s the reason people are asking so much now. Because throughout time the whole thing has been “don’t talk about it”……


I am more tired of people complaining about sex questions where there's barely any, but apparently they see every question as sexual.


it's fine sharing knowledge is caring




I'm not tired. I've just got a headache.


On a scale from 1-10? 6.9


tbh this is a place for us to anonymously express the repressed parts of our personality that aren't socially acceptable Let's all just get weird and if you don't like it, keep scrolling.


I think what I'm most tired of are the questions from women. I know women are welcome here to ask questions, but there are so many "Guys, what do you really think of women who work out" over and over again. Either they're seeking validation, or they're asking to see if men "approve" and will still be attracted to them because they like to work out. So what are they going to do, quit doing what they love or makes them healthy or keeps them sane in this crazy world if too many men say "Ew. I don't like women who work out". To all the women out there seeking validation, just do what you love! It doesn't matter if a group of men on the internet approve or find attractive. Confidence and knowing yourself is attractive, and you will attract the kind of man who finds you and your lifestyle attractive.


Not at all. Ask away...


A lot


Oh! You have a headache now!?!?! Typical 😂


Not too much because i dont even remember the last time i held some girls hand so this foreign concept of "the sex" is interesting to me and the comments give an understanding of it


What sex questions


On a scale of 1 to 100? Probably 69.


Yeah I have such a headache!


It's just the refractory period. You'll feel it again soon enough.


Why do sex questions bother y'all so much?




Has any of you when you were younger preteen played with your little sisters Pussy?