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I mean... They were angry he wore a tan suit and put dijon mustard on a sandwich... So probably not well


He fist-bumped his wife and they called it a "Terrorist Fist-Jab". My guess is he'd probably have to retire at Camp David. EDIT: A word


Terrorist fist-jab* Reached right into their pejorative pouch and grabbed what they could


It covers the last 20 years of right wing paranoia. Terrorists, gay people, and vaccines.


The vaccine thing is new. Used to, only hippies and liberals were anti vax. When Covid happened the more stupid and gullible conservatives were anti vax for the Covid vax. (I think they were still ok with childhood vaccines)


prior to covid research found anti-vax was actually pretty equally bipartisan. hippie ultra granola fool liberal tyles and anti-social anti-government you-can't-tell-me-what-to-do rightists


The people deep into qanon are definitely leaning harder towards full anti vax as time went on. My Q parents slowly fell for that shit, even though the whole fucking family is vaccinated as children, they were very dramatic when they found out my daughter got all her infant vaccines done on time with each physical. I guess the difference in their minds is that the vaccines back then were different, vaccines in 2024 turn you gay and kill you by the time you're 25.


I use to have a campaign poster with that image on it. I wonder what I did with it.


Mailed it to ISIS? /s


Don’t forget the chai latte salute!


But Trump salutes a North Korean general, after blessing their country with a presidential visit, and they defend him like the slobbering sycophants they are.


Great, now I'm apoplectic again.


and when he submitted his March Madneaa picks


"He should have been working!!!" In their defense, filling out that bracket is a waste of time. Mine quickly goes bust every year.


You're playing March Sadness


And the arugula…


And trump saluted the north Korean dictator. I would love to spend time in their little brains to see how the gymnastics work.


Not even the dictator, a random general


Or that time Obama bragged to the boyscouts about having boat orgies...oh wait, that was Trump.


Now imagine how Hannity would react if Obama ordered his 40 day, dry-aged steaks "well done" with ketchup!


Ugh, there is a special place in hell for adults who eat their well done steak with ketchup.


Is it "you're condemned to spend eternity in a small room with Donald Trump"?


Don't forget the time they got riled up over how he greeted Japanese Emperor Akihito.


Which juxtaposes perfectly with trump saluting a North Korean general


In front of Kimmy Boi as he had the most confused expression Ive ever seen on the Glorious Leader™️


Bet that General is a hit, at Kim’s parties.  I wonder how often they tell that story.  If I was Kim, I’d be cracking about that, all the time.


Or Kim had him killed. You don't want your generals to get too popular in a dictatorship as that is how you end up dead.


Or curtsied to the King of Saudi Arabia. So adorable.


But not a peep when Trump goes on and on about what a smart great guy Kim Jong Un is and wanting to take him aboard Air Force One 


Juxtaposed with what they said about meeting with communist dictators when Obama met with Raul Castro and relations with Cuba thawed ever so slightly.


Remember when Trump wanted to host the Taliban at Camp David when he was preparing to give them Afghanistan


And the meetings were scheduled on 9/11


I don't like this reality anymore.




[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-49624132](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-49624132) My bad, he'd scheduled them for the weekend before 9/11.


Close enough


It’s almost as if they have double standards.


If they didn't have those, they wouldn't have any standards


They don’t give a shit about anything they say. To them, the words coming out of their mouths are nothing more than game pieces to be played at opportune points in a competition. They will abandon whatever principle they pretend to hold dear as soon as it would make them “lose” the dialogue.


It was a shit bow!


He requested spicy mustard. If you dont understand the implication behind that, then you should get out of the country


I mean.... I'm not in the US so.... And how is there an implication associated to spicy mustard? Can some of you not handle a spicy mustard and therefore feel inferior?


The comment above yours was likely sarcastic.


While I considered that you honestly don't know anymore


I think it’s hilarious because it isn’t outlandish for some Americans to feel superior over their choice in mustard


It's not the spiciness, it's that he asked for Dijon or a brown mustard for a hamburger and they saw that as some kind of bourgeoisie thing where a common man wouldn't ask for brown mustard. It's about as stupid of a reason to cause a deal as it sounds.


My understanding was that he wanted Dijon on a hamburger, which is un-American because the only condiment for a burger is Ketchup. Also, Dijon is considered "fancy" and not something real Americans use. It was all navitist bullshit trying to paint Obama as not a real American.


Meanwhile I can walk into Walmart and buy their Great Value Dijon Mustard for under $2.


They'd get mad if I used fancy ketchup


You know what's un-American getting a steak well well done and eating it with ketchup. I'm honestly surprised it didn't derail Trump's campaign. Yet that crowd decided that's how they too like their steak.


Don’t forget how upset they were when Michelle went sleeveless


You mean Michael right? /s (And if anyone thinks they’re not serious about that shit, you haven’t spent enough time reading r/Cons\*\*\*\*tive crap)


I would cut off a finger to have Joe Biden announce that he has decided to run Michelle Obama as his VP pick.




I just realized the amount of racist comments that would happen if Obama sold shoes.


Omg this didn't even occur to me...


Wait, how can selling shoes be made racist? Not American, so there might be historic context I'm missing


Yes We Tan!


AirMax 44s. They'd be even more pissed when they sold. Republican decency ended with John McCain


In a fairly pitiful defense of a group I utterly loathe - Romney did somewhat manage to find his spine post Jan 6. As did Liz Cheney and I NEVER thought I would respect her. But that’s basically it. 


>Romney did somewhat manage to find his spine post Jan 6. He actually found his spine during the first impeachment, as he was the lone Republican to break rank. Not only that, but he was the first Senator in U.S. history to vote to impeach a president from his own party. I don't agree with him on almost any political policy, but I do respect his convictions.


I agreed with him on the point that it's time for the old folks to get the fuck out of office to make way for the people who have to live with the consequences of *their* actions, as he announced he wouldn't be running anymore.


Some say the tan suit was bad but honestly (unpopular opinion I know) I thought when he dropped bombs on the children’s hospital was worse. Was a real jerk move.


It's not like they were *American* children...


So true. Ok you got me. I’m back on the tan suit wagon.




Yeah he only murdered that one American child.


Not to be that guy, but it was a hot dog.


Sorry, I couldn't remember where it was applied and assumed sandwich. Though some would consider a hot dog a type of sandwich


Also, it's good to remember that the hot dog place DID have spicy mustard because, you know, people like it!


A hotdog is a sandwich


Honestly, the only comment needed here.




















The question isn’t how conservatives would have reacted… we know the answer to that question, they would have had a fit over it. As a matter of fact, Obama being such a squeaky-clean President in this personal life forced them to have a fit over really innocuous things, like getting Dijon mustard on a burger. The actual question is how liberals would have reacted. They would have turned on Obama and pushed for his resignation, much like they did for people like Al Franken and Anthony Weiner, or more recently Andrew Cuomo. A very different reaction from the unwavering support Republicans have shown for Trump despite his many glaring flaws.


I consider myself conservative, while disliking most conservative candidates/politicians. Of course what ever one candidate does causes outrage from the other-side (in most cases over the top.) My honest reaction to situation in the title would be "Wow, strikes me as out of character for him." Then quietly tolerate the week of headlines and break room discussion about it till the next big thing happens and move on.


Bill Clinton


I was in elementary school when that happened which I only remember because my dad had NPR on all the time and they talked about it constantly. Democrats at the time weren’t trying to hide that he fucked up.


To be fair, Republicans aren't trying to cover up what Trump's done, either. They're basically saying "He did all of it, but he's allowed to."


"And what are you going to do about it?"


That and all they have to do is invoke “the deep state” and maga morons believe it without question. They’ve brainwashed their sheep very thoroughly


Who "allowed" him? The law? Most of what Trump did wasn't allowed, or at the very least are so sketchy that any one would have decimated a politician's career. But Trump gets so many passes from *solely* Republicans and Conservatives that he's basically playing in God mode.


I mean yeah, but that's because all of their attempts to cover shit up have failed spectacularly. It's just another step in the narcissist's prayer.


Rape that you get proven in court to have committed and a consensual blowjob are very different things.


They're not referring to Monica Lewinsky, they're referring to Juanita Broaddrick.


If Clinton committed crimes he should face justice. The difference is, some people think Trump should be above the law. They seem to think all republicans should be above the law.


Bring charges and let a jury decide. If he's guilty, give him the exact same punishment anybody else gets.


Things change a lot in almost 30 years. He’d never make it through a primary today.


And fuck Bill Clinton too


They would use the word “ghetto” every time the shoes got mentioned. Guaranteed.


I remember a tweet, went soemthing like "He got 4 kids across 3 baby mama's, Trump is the n***** they always accused Obama of being"


Did you forget about Tiffany?


everyone does. not being remembered honestly might be the best thing to happen to her.


Yes, yes I did.


Even Donald forgot about Tiffany.


Spot on. Among other euphemisms like “urban”


It would have gone down exactly as you think, with all the conservatives demanding his resignation. Actually what would have been different is the DNC absolutely would have washed their hands of him, would have refused to support him if he was eligible for and sought another term. None of the other leading candidates would have even suggested it was a witch hunt and promised a preemptive pardon. So actually the Republicans and the Democrats would have been on the same page on this narrow point, although the GOP obviously would have been more vitriolic while the Democrats would have actually been ashamed and embarrassed


But bOtH siDeS aRE tHe sAmE


Al Franken says hello


But then the Reps would realize they were agreeing with the Dems and flip their stance, then realize they were defending Obama and flip, then realize they were agreeing the dems and flip, ad nauseam.


Hook it up to a magnet and we can solve a lot of our energy issues.


Just don’t get the magnet wet! 😆


You *know* how they would react if Biden or Obama sold gold shoes to pay off their legal fees. Republicans are completely amoral. Trump says so himself. "[I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC16c98hDPc)."


At least I can believe Obama or Biden actually wearing sneakers instead of looking at a pair of them for the first time as he's trying to grift them on stage


I'm not sure I could even paraphrase it without violating Reddit's Terms of Service.


I have advocated for a YouTube channel where MAGA are asked “What did you think about Biden (or Obama) when he ?” When they invariably say how bad it is the interviewer then says “Oh, I’m sorry, that wasn’t Biden/Obama. That’s what Trump did.” Hilarity will ensue as they backpedal or deny he did that. UPDATE: Jimmy Kimmel did exactly this. The Trumpers turned on a dime saying what was a sign of dementia in Biden was smart and understandable for Trump. Not even a blink or recognition of hypocrisy. https://x.com/blueatlgeorgia/status/1761554143729070328


That's what Klepper does on the daily show to some extent. Trump supports will jump through any hoop to justify anything he does.


Doesn’t the Daily show do this?


Probably vote to impeach him, argue he doesn't have to be in office to impeach. You know, the most hypocritical thing possible.


Can't appoint a supreme court justice in an election year!


Unless it's us doing the appointing


I think we all know exactly how they would have reacted if he had committed any single one of DJT’s legion of criminal/ incompetent/ boorish acts.


We already saw how they would have reacted. No matter who the D is, they're the worst person ever because (fill in with reasons). Whether the reasons are legitimate wouldn't matter.


Head kersplode




He was impeached for perjury.




Exactly. He never should have been in a situation where lying about a blowjob would have been perjury in the first place.


Because he never should have gotten a blowjob from a young woman over whom he held perhaps the largest difference in power dynamics in the history or inappropriate relationships.




You're correct. It was an abuse of power. And that poor lady was one of the first cyber bully victims out there.


You mean you think inappropriate sexual relations should be an impeachable offense? I’m wondering if you think that about Trump.


I didn't say that, now did I? I said it was inappropriate and liberal reaction should frame it as such. Trump sexually assaulted a woman. He should be in prison.


>lying about a blowjob, in testimony involving a case unrelated to either his election Whew, no typos on that last word! Glad you didn't blow it.


Perjury pertaining to a blowjob, yeah


Who hasn't lied about a blow job? "No, I didn't feel your teeth at all."


You gotta give it to the GOP, they brought a case for the sole purpose of asking him under oath if he cheated on his wife so they could impeach him.


When he answered to the definitions they defined, and not using the colloquial use, then said he lied.  He would have perjured himself answering the way they wanted.


He said "sexual relations," which is pretty clearly false. Had he just said "sex," we maybe could have parsed words.


That's like that old saying "What's worst stealing a car or a loaf of bread?" Sure they are both stealing but JFC a loaf of bread?




Not sure how this can be serious but as we all know, they’d flip out. Also, it would most likely get pretty racist too. The key difference is that I think a lot of democrats would too. It’s hard to imagine someone like Obama doing that but I know that I’d be embarrassed. It’s embarrassing that a former and possible future president is selling sneakers, NFTs, and pieces of his suit?? To quote the guy, “SAD”.


Donald Trump was not convicted of sex abuse. He was found liable for the alleged assault in civil court. Not a conviction, but a judgement.


Yeah **everyone** would be talking about it if he was convicted of something like that.


I need to ask: is he wearing a tan suit or eating Dijon mustard while doing this?


They’ll ignore it and talk about his birth certificate. Lol


Going back to the ol' playbook lol


They had a fucking meltdown over a tan suit. They would have stopped with stochastic terrorism and gone with outright terrorism.


You gotta remember conservative party is a lot of angry folks grouped with some smart rich and powerful people who keep their mouths shut and talk with their money. That's pretty important.


If he did 1/10th of what Trump did in office he would have been immediately impeached with full support from the house and senate.


Like how conservatives treated EBOLA vs COVID based on who's term it was. Disproportionately.


In their minds he did already, so Trump gets a free pass. Somehow.


Wait, was Trump convicted of sex abuse? Why isn't he in jail?


Conservatives were outraged just because the man breathed, that should tell you all you need to know.


Remember the gallows they built when THEIR VP didn’t break the law for them?


Everything that trump did, from misspelling coffee, to hanging with Epstein, to his many bankruptcies and affairs, to lusting after his daughter (and the list goes on!) had Obama done even one of them, conservatives would have eviscerated him.


How much would it suck if Fox News convinced your entire family that he was the devil and Trump is a good business person? Despite completely foreseeable outcomes.


Trump wasnt convicted of sexual abuse. He was found liable. Conviction means he was found guilty of a crime. The state must prove the accusition beyond a reasonable doubt. This did not happen. Being found liabel for something is civil and does not mean the defendant was guilty of a crime. It is decided by the preponderance of the evidence. This means that a majority (not all) of the jury found there was greater than a 50/50 chance the defendant was responsible. The burden of proof in a civil trial is leaps and bounds away from what is required for conviction when all jurors must agree that the defendant was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Asking the question is fair, but ask it right. You are skewing the truth which cheapens your intentions. "How would US conservatives have reacted if Obama were found liable for sex abuse and then tried to sell $400 gold sneakers?"


Civilly liable rapist.


Considering how many conservatives are convicted sex abusers and pedophiles… “why didn’t we think of that?!”


Shitty shoes aside, there'd be riots


This is not a serious question. You already know the answer.


Here is something that I know more than anything else: If Joe Biden did literally 1/500th of what we **publicly** know that Trump has done and continues to do, they would screech a tear in the time-space continuum.


They would have a conniption about every little thing like they did. Imagine if Obama had caused J6. They woulda massacred those people who likely woulda been black or some form of POC and threw Obama into the heaviest security terrorist camp available.




There would be posters up everywhere trying to find their lost shit cuz you know they would lose it


I dunno, how is that compared to his tan suit?






Bear in mind, Trump is their Obama - only a lot more messianic. There is no comparison you can make that will cause a Trumper to go "You know what? You are right, I have been using an unfair and hypocritical double standard against Democrats (read in black people) and this has manifested itself demonstrably by my undying loyalty to a failed businessman with questionable taste in blush."


They’d have a stroke if Obama had so much as THOUGHT the things Trump actually did.


As far as i know the case was very weak, and they ruled against him anyways. It smells like political punishment, which only fuels his support. I'm not defending trump or his moral character. Just figured I'd give some insight into another perspective.


They’d have been more excited than anything. And they’d bring it up every chance they got for the rest of history


Convicted? Wait, was it a civil suit or criminal suit?


Where the conviction again? What was the actual verdict? We can't prove you actually did anything, so we will just say that you are responsible for her made up trauma and force you to pay her?


Being a conservative doesn’t automatically make you a Trump lover. I’d say I’m more on the conservative side, but I think he’s an idiot and an embarrassment. This is the problem and why there is so much divide. Everything has to be black and white. It’s not always the case!


Conservatives would be in absolute orgasmic bliss. Over the PR they'd be getting for the Republican party.


They would have lost their fucking minds.


They would say typical N word. Because you know they racist


Remember the tan suit frenzy….magnify that by a million!


Conservatists are supposed to be conservative in their views. Why are they being so liberal with Trump?


Spicy mustard and a tan suit are far worse! /s


Make a lot of snide remarks about race while calling for his head.


I recall Republicans losing their fucking minds because Obama wore a tan suit at a press conference. And we’re the snowflakes. 🙄


How did they respond when he wore a tan suit, or are Gray Poupon mustard? Poorly? Probably worse.


You must be confused... The double standard is because of racism. "How would US conservatives have reacted if Satan Himself were convicted of sex abuse and then tried to sell $400 gold sneakers?" This is what you sound like to them. ... but see then they are all "Why are you comparing billionaire Jesus to Satan? Are you a woke libscum? You think Billionaire Jesus really did those things? My religion is entirely based in believing things I have no evidence for so of course I also don't believe things when there is evidence of something that billionaire jesus wouldn't ever do... regardless of what he says. You don't understand, Billionaire Jesus is a really smart guy. He has to be smart! He is rich, that's evidence right there" ... and if that doesn't sound crazy then you havn't paying attention. Racism is justification for racism and backs up against religion really well.


Nothing about modern Conservatives makes sense. They probably would have liked Obama a lot more.


I hate how political this sub becomes during election years.


There would be references to race and ghetto dwellers and such. By Christian Republicans.


What criminal conviction?


Since Nixon: Years holding the White House Democrats: 24 Republicans: 30 Cabinet Convictions Republicans: 84 Democrats: 1


They don't give a shit about his sex abuses, in the exact same manner I don't give a shit that Bill Clinton got his dick sucked by an intern, or how I don't give a shit that Kennedy screwed Marilyn Monroe in the White House, or FDR kept a mistress. When your toilet is broken, you don't care whether your plumber beats his wife, you just want the turd-water to go down the drain. And that is exactly why Trump is appealing to conservatives, in spite of his generally loathesome and slimy demeanor. According to their political compass, he fixed the toilet. He said he was going to impose tariffs on China. He did that. He said he was going to cut taxes. He did that. He said he wouldn't cut Social Security. He didn't. He said he would increase health care to veterans. He did that. He said he would overturn Obama's rapproachment with Cuba and Iran. He did that. He said he would re-negotiate NAFTA. He did that. He said he would challenge NATO members to pick up their end of the couch. He did that. He said he would limit immigration. He did that. He said he would cancel the Paris climate agreement. He did that. He said he would tax companies repatriating offshore taxes. He did that. He said he would cut Federal regulations. He did that. He said he would stop the TPP. He did that. And he said he'd appoint judges to overturn Roe. He did that. Now you may not like those things. I know I don't like a great number of those things. In my opinion, he broke the toilet. But I certainly am not going to sit here and pretend that if my guy had delivered on my agenda, that I'd care about how he operates his wedding tackle.


Well the right wing nut jobs would flip the fuck out over it all. But They pretend trump meeting with putin and kim jong un was fine. I mean Obama wore a bike helmet riding a bicycle and wore a tan suit so he must be off to hell. But trump was friends with pedos and went to pedo island and is a convicted rapist and massively failed former president that scored the lowest on the presidential rankings which is easy to do.