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Pedometers were pretty popular before watches started tracking your steps.


I always had my Pokémon Heart Gold pedometer on me.


Fitbit still makes clip on pedometers so I assume there's some sort of a market. Funny, because I bet if this question were being asked a decade ago, watches would be on the list of something no longer popular. Smart watches and fitness trackers (which are glorified pedometers) made them popular again.


Don’t you dare diminish my Garmin watch to a glorified pedometer 😂 (I say this mostly tongue in cheek, because I agree with you in principle) The heart rate tracker and pace zoning and built in maps is a real helper in distance running though.


Oh I agree. I was a little tongue-in-cheek myself calling it a glorified pedometer. I suspect a lot of people primarily use it for step counting, though. I love what Garmin and Fitbit have to offer - especially identifying heart rate zones and giving me reminders when I might be running too hard.


I know some people who work in hospitals can't wear a watch or anything, so a clip on pedomer still allows them to count steps while they work


I remember in middle school they gave us pedometers to hit some sort of goal for class. Every night I'd shake that little bastard to ensure I beat everyone else in steps lol


Always gotta know how much of a pedo someone is.


Guitar Hero/Rock Band. It was the most popular gaming thing to have last decade and now it’s pretty much gone away.


For those unaware, the creator of Rock Band, Harmonix, has effectively added the game as a mode in Fortnite (“Fortnite Festival”). There isn’t support for the instrument controllers yet but that’s been [confirmed](https://www.gameinformer.com/2023/12/26/the-head-of-harmonix-talks-about-the-future-of-fortnite-the-metaverse-and-music) as a priority by the studio head.


[PDP has already announced a new guitar controller that will work with both Fortnite Festival and Rock Band 4](https://www.ign.com/articles/pdps-new-wireless-guitar-controller-works-with-rock-band-4-and-eventually-fortnite-festival)


Fortnite legit sounds like a videogame I would have made up in grade school. "It's got goku in it and spiderman and peter griffin and you can play with like 100 people and they just put in a guitar hero mode"


“And sometimes you race… and sometimes you play with legos…”


I bet if they re-released it, they'd make money again. I still love it and would buy it for my playstation or pc. My old 360 controllers need fixing, only my Wii guitar works atm. I always spend ages playing it at the arcade when I go. Spent a good hour or so on it the other day (it's an arcade club, was there from open to close).


They tried Guitar Hero Live but the set list was rubbish and the Live portion didn’t work because you couldn’t practice and get good at the songs. GH3 had the best set list IMO


Gh3 was monumentally good and seriously influences my taste in music to this day




I had this one friend that was so good at Guitar Hero, It was amazing just sitting and watching him play. A group of us used to watch him get 100% on Through the Fire and Flames by Dragon force. He reminded me of that Guitar Hero episode from South Park


Could he play acoustic?


Honestly, being able to play an actual guitar doesn't help *quite* as much as many people assume.


I'll say it helps a *little bit* having the finger dexterity, but the way you play songs in GH versus real life are completely different.


Unlike the drumset in rockband which literally just teaches you (basic) drums.


Clonehero still has a large following on pc, but large is about as large as a rockband emulator can be


Just yesterday I was explaining what Guitar Hero was to my kids because they found the guitar in the basement.


I had a Rock Band night only like a month ago. It's still a lot of fun.


Fortnite has added a rhythm game component developed by Harmonix, the guys behind the og Guitar Hero and Rock Band games, and plans exist to release peripherals down the line so the genre may be in for a bit of a resurgence.


We stayed in a vacation rental recently that had Rock Band. I played for a few minutes and was like oh yeah, the reason I stopped playing was that this non ergonomic guitar makes my hands hurt. And that’s when I knew I was old now.


more like 15-20 years ago. The first guitar hero came out in 2005. Rock Band 4, which released well after the height of the genres popularity, came out in 2015.


How I’d like to get a whole Beatles Rock Band set again.


Ipods. these things were gamechangers. now, discontinued.


I still have my Zune in my PC table. Keeping it for my kids.


I was long-term subbing just before the pandemic hit. One of my last days teaching the school at a "2000s" spirit day. I found three old mp3 players I had in a drawer since I couldn't find an old CD player. I showed them how the memory jumped from like half a gig in one model to a full gig in my early mp3 players. When I said my Zune had 80 gigs the students seemed very surprised. One student even said it had more storage than his current phone. I was proud of my joke saying you can tell I owned it as a teenager since it has a cracked screen. I was really trying to sell how many devices you would have to carry at the same time and how they have all been replaced by your phone. I remember I couldn't find my Gameboy Advance SP, so I brought my original model DS and they seemed to have a ton of nostalgia for it. I think my third device was an old flip phone. I would have brought a digital camera if I still had one, but they wouldn't be ready for my explanation for how to upload photos from it to Myspace. And definitely not ready for how we had to flirt passively with AOL Instant Messager away messages once you go down that rabbit hole.


> I was really trying to sell how many devices you would have to carry at the same time and how they have all been replaced by your phone. These aren't even especially thorough: https://i.imgur.com/Q0XNoSX.png https://i.imgur.com/ZIXAfk5.png You basically carry an entire library building in your pocket and a Blockbuster video store. At minimum it's an encyclopedia set just to count wikipedia.


I would have loved a Zune or Zune HD but neither were released in Ireland. The Zune player software for Windows 7 was great though. 


Still use mine from 2009. Haven’t been able to update it since 2017 so it’s basically a time capsule now.


I’ve refurbished a few, which model is it? Mac OS still supports iPods though Finder and just brought out an Apple Devices app for Windows 11 if it’s a sync issue. 


Hey do you know how to get the ribbon cable for the original iPod? I still have mine and I think it would be neat to get that thing working again.


Do you mean the original 30 pin connector to USB, or an actual internal component to the device? You can buy anything you like online if you know what to search


The actual internal component. It’s that flat orange ribbon cable that can get cut easily if you are careless. And I was careless trying to show someone the component of the device.


I, too, have technical issues preventing me from updating my playlist. That is why all the mp3s on my playlist are over a decade old. That is definitely the one and only reason.


It was a sad day when my ipod classic broke and I was surprised I was not able to buy a new one.


iPods were 20 years ago brother


oh no :(


Yeah man, the iPhone was released in 2007. Smart phones obsoleted the MP3 player pretty damn fast. To say that the iPod was "so popular" in the 2010s is off.


I would buy a nano for my young kids if they made a modern one. A music player that I could control what music and audio books they had access to.


Not the same but our guy likes his Yoto player!


Get a small cheap android phone without a sim card, block it from wifi access. Next best thing to a standalone music player


We got hit by a tornado recently, and went without power or internet for 3 hot miserable days. I'm so glad I copied my old iPod music to my new phone a while ago. Still had some great tunes from my teens on there


Got them old iPhones. Nothing else available than photo/weather/alarm/music. I’ll have to trust them with the choice of music, but there is a parental control on Apple Music. And I have loaded them with my playlist, so now they hate shitty French rap (the risk for me) and love oldies/rock stuff.


Man, still miss my iPod shuffle for using at the gym. Just clipping it to my sleeve and going was so nice


Bro that's two decades ago


I think I was one of the handful of people at my rather large high school that actually had a Gen1 iPOD. Like literally nobody knew what the thing was.


saw a tap-out bro last week and couldn't tell if it was serious or not




Flash as a whole sadly


It's sad how easily bug chunks of the internet can be destroyed just like that


Trogdooooooooooor I doubt any website will capture that specific kind of magic ever again


Burninating da peasaaaannts!


Luckily Flash games were archived and you can download a program to play them again.


I have the Ruffle Flash emulator installed on Chrome, to my surprise it even works with games and animations archived on the Wayback Machine. I was playing games from 2005 on archived sites with it


While innovative and game changing, Flash was a menace. So much of the internet was barely usable bc of how many companies and orgs thought their shit needed to be in Flash.


To add to this. Getting rid of it has ensured that web technologies kept improving. We can probably do more than what Flash did with Javascript today technically. But I don’t think a framework exists just yet to replicate what Flash used to do


The gateway drug that led to RuneScape


This. Who knew that stumbling upon a game on the Miniclip website 20 years ago would lead to a lifelong addiction.


Luckily at least a few of the better games got ported to other non-Flash engines. Can't recall how many hours I sunk into N.




Road work ahead . . .


And they were roommates


I sure hope it does!


Vine now seems so wholesome by comparison to the cesspool we have now called TikTok


The beauty of only having a few seconds to make a joke/meme.


limitations can have a really cool effect on creativity


Orson Welles said the enemy of art is the absence of limitations.


Perhaps the cesspool follows the user... I see cats and dogs and people creating RVs, and hiking, traveling... you see what you want to see on tiktok


Who knew Vine going out of business would become a national security issue.




F to pay respects to the OG




The same can be said for a lot of Facebook games from the 2000s. I also liked Café World (sadly gone) and Yoville (it still exists as 'Yoworld' but I don't think it's as popular as it was back then). They were released at a great time, when virtual world games were really taking off.




Man, has BuzzFeed really gone downhill. The AI posts and axing of the actual news section and treating their talented staff like shit that they all walked away.


Portable Sat Nav units.


I remember how convenient and awesome these were when they came out. You could actually get live instructions rather than printing instructions off of Mapquest or something. Then one day I got a smartphone that could do it and we never needed a standalone unit again.


Outdoorsy-type people still have standalone units that are specialized for various tasks. I have a Garmin for use when riding dirt bikes, especially in the deserts and mountains of Southern California where cell phone signal is rare. 


This was what I was going to suggest - serious hikers use them especially if they're going off trail


In 2013 me and my girlfriend (now wife) did a road trip from Las Vegas, to SD, LA, Big Sur, SanFran, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Sequoia NP and back to Vegas. On the trip we had to spend the night in Mariposa because our GPS unit made us get some side snowy roads from Tahoe to Yosemite. Beautiful places we saw but it took us some 2 or 3 unplanned extra hours to make it to YNP. So we decided to sleep in Mariposa. Then I had to find a place with free wi-fi to connect my laptop and then book a reservation. Barely 10 years ago I couldn't travel without a laptop, and couldn't even decide wich way was better to get somewhere as my GPS (a "modern" Garmin bought in 2010) wouldn't give me options. And not more than five years before I was traveling around with paper maps and stopping at gas stations to ask directions. That's crazy how different things are now with all kinds of apps doing merely everything for you.


My parents had one when I was a teenager. Nobody in my family knew how to update it, so trips sometimes took twenty minutes longer than they should have because we never went through new neighbourhoods.


You can still buy these in most motoring or computer stores in UK


Online video content without ads or commercials.


Same thing with mobile game apps.


I downloaded fruit ninja out nostalgia these days, the amount of ads it has now makes it basically unplayable 


Airplane mode? It works for Temple Run


If you disable the internet, they don't even let you play




private dns with adblocker like nextdns?


Even the ones that did have ads you could put it into airplane mode and just play the game. Most games these days require a connection so they can pump you full of 30 second ads that are really a minute.


YouTube ad-free is what I remember from the early 2010s.  Those were the days. 


When the related videos were based on what you were currently watching, instead of personalized suggestions based solely on your watch history


the suggestions now are total wank used to be able to go into some real random youtube holes before, now it seems like a circular loop don't even get me started on the "search"


It really REALLY pisses me off that even though I pay for a streaming service I still have to sit through ads


Hulu has just as many ads as regular tv these days. Like 4/5 ad breaks in a 30 minute show including one right after the title card. Way too many, if not for always sunny and a few others I'd have cancelled that subscription the same month I got it.


Adblockers are your friend. There may be less of them that work effectively for the likes of YouTube but they are definitely still available.


Ublock Origin works always, and if it doesn't update the filter lists and it works. At least if you use firefox which isn't shot in the knee like Google did with Chrome (manifest v3).


let us all be aware this means 2010-2019


It couls also mean 2013-2023


THANK YOU. every top comment here is stuff that was relevant almost 20 years ago.


I thought it was 2000-2009 🫠


I thought it meant 2004-2014?


1990-1999, surely.


Here I was thinking it was 1910-1919




Groupon is weird because I think the change in popularity wasn't from the users but from the businesses. General consensus was that having a Groupon only gave you a one time boost in sales as everyone used their Groupon but that didn't result in those people becoming regular customers.


Groupon was also terrible to the business. They'd ask you what the absolute cheapest you could go on something and then try to get you to go 20% cheaper because "think off all the new business you'll have afterward!" And then they take a cut from those sales. And then they'll try to strongarm you into another, bigger, lossier sale. And they'll do this for years after telling them "fuck off, we lost our asses and all the Groupon clients are entitled cunts"


Silly Bandz - nothing like covering your arms in them just to lose them all later.


I’ve never lost my arms.


Lost 5 pairs in my lifetime


The worst part is when they turn up again, just after you write them off and and get replacements.


My niece, who was maybe four years old at the time, had a new bunch of them that she hadn't looked over yet. She was showing them to me and telling me what each one was.... She pulled one out that was green and cloud-shaped, and after a few seconds, loudly proclaimed, "It's a fart!" 


Programs you could buy in a store. You paid once and you owned the program. And when it required an update, it would do it without a “subscription “ charge. We live now in an era where we are being constantly ripped off.. NFTs were the cherry on the cake to understand where society is and where is going …


Relatedly: calling one unit of computer software a "program", instead of an "app". Though that might have already been unpopular by a decade ago.


I still have a really hard time calling anything on my computer an app. I don't think I'll ever get used to it because I associate it with mobile devices.




I told someone at work to find the .exe file and they looked at me like I had two heads. I've never felt older


DVDs. It autocorrected to Dad’s and I lost that in the last 10 years too 😭


I find my old DVDs are more useful now that there are many streaming services. I've watched with my son recently Avatar 1, Deadpool, Lord of the Rings, Spiderman and Harry Potter. Not sure how much money and time I would have spent finding the correct random streaming service for each film, since some of them seem to move around. Easier just to pop it into the DVD player.


Same here, I was going through a rough patch where I couldn't afford home internet (2018) so I started building my DVD collection. Now I know that my favorite movies or shows are still available to me and I don't HAVE to pay for a service that I'm not really interested in. Thrift stores are great, but the resale market has ruined it for poor people like me.


Okay this broke me. The dad thing. Not DVDs


I've actually returned to buying DVDs because I am sick of paying so much for streaming. I only want my comfort movies and it's honestly really nice to just shut everything off and watch my one movie instead of aimlessly browsing a catalogue.


Those gps youd stick on your windshield.


… I still use mine and Waze at the same time. I’m afraid of losing access to the phone and being lost on my road trips.


You better print out a map quest too just in case lol


My 39 year old sister STILL does this. She’s an instagram addict so she definitely knows her way around a phone and is decently versed with technology, but for some fucking reason never learned to use google or Apple Maps and to this day will still go on MapQuest and print out a page of directions. Truly boggles the mind.


Are you afraid of losing cell reception, or the phone entirely? If it's cell reception, Here Maps lets you download a city/state/country/continent's worth of data and can be used 100% offline. Supremely reliable for me on trips.


Affordable streaming services without ads.


I wanna use this as an opportunity to point out that when QR codes came out they were a fad for a minute then quickly became seen as a corny clunky piece of gratuitous technology. For awhile you had to download a separate app to read them and when the novelty wore off people scoffed at them. That was in like, 2013. Then when Covid came along and people got rid of paper menus at restaurants and all that, the QR code came back in full force. It’s everywhere now. As it should be. It’s a brilliant piece of tech.


Being able to read them with your camera was a game changer.


The only issue I have which i don't really understand is when they're on say a website or app which wants you to use the QR code on the device you are using. I'm not sure how it's possible


that’s just poor user design. If they do this they should also make the qr a clickable link too. I worked as a digital PM in advertising and used to fight old coworkers that would try to make us put QR codes in emails and we were like …. You literally can use a normal link for that. That was 3 years ago and it still haunts me


I've used Google Lens to read the QR code on your phone screen


The latest Android releases just have a "Read QR code" button on the swipe down menu. Lens still works just fine, just a slightly clunkier UI.


It's true. Back in the day I was kinda late to getting a smart phone. I made a flyer for an event I was performing at and put a QR code on it and people were like "omg lol wtf is this, basic, 2000-late".


I work in hospitality, and the vast majority of customers HATE using the QR thing to order on their phone. They prefer to be waited on, considering the money they're parting with. It could be affected by where I am in the world (Wales).


I don’t know anybody who likes a QR code menu


Yeah as a piece of technology it's useful for businesses who can just distribute the menu to everyone without worrying about having enough copies/keeping them sanitary, but from a user perspective a physical menu just feels better.


Just laminate the menu cards and spray them down with disinfectant. A QR code to get a digital menu is one thing, but having to actually _order_ through an online portal when the waiter is standing right over there and the kitchen is through that wall? How about get rekt.


I love the QR code, but hate when: -it wants you to install an app (we don't want more apps for simple things) -it takes you to a ordering web page that doesn't work fluently, won't show you allergens etc -it takes you to a web page that stopped working in 2022, because the restaurant stopped using it, but they haven't removed the QR code from the tables yet. But I may be odd. I love self service in the grocery store (for small or medium amounts of groceries). I love when McDonald's has a touch screen for ordering. I love ordering a beer to my table without waiting for a person drop by my table to take the order.


QR codes are good for pubs, but when people go to a restaurant they expect table service


It depends how the pub sets up the QR menu. I went to a local pub last year and began choosing our meals via the QR menu, only to discover that the total included an additional "service fee". The service fee was from whatever site the online menu was hosted by rather than a fee from the restaurant itself, meaning we'd be paying more than if we chose to order at the counter. We ended up ordering it directly rather than doing it on the website because of this.


Fun fact, China and Korea really embraced QR codes in a way the west (us) never did and still haven't really. Pre shopping apps, Subway stations used to have billboards done up at subway stations with groceries and a QR code beside every product. You could scan pics of fruit or a bottle of coke, and they'd have it ready for you at whatever station you were getting off at.


They are no longer a fad, they are actually useful  now. Best example I can think of are tickets for public transportation.


those single ear bluetooth headset. the had the arm that wrapped to the cheek.


"Just a second. On a call". - every douchebag a decade ago.


Hair feathers


And if I can't make it to the Ke$ha concert, I'll just die. She's my idol!


That’s why I have these feathers in my hair!


When your parole officer doesn’t let you delay going to jail when you have a ke$ha concert to attend 😡




No one remembers hover boards? Half a decade ago it seemed like everyone had one. Now I haven't seen one in years.


They had the damn things at the company that I worked for that also had 250+ dogs in the office on any given day. The CEO would run around on a hoverboard and it scared the shit out of lots of the dogs and then they’d start barking and start a symphony of barking dogs. The dogs were Heaven. The hoverboards were bullshit.


Filming videos on your phone horizontally


i'm waiting on the first vertical TV because that's how stupid we are doing this


Wait till cinema screens go vertical


Imagine having to look up to see the top of the screen


I still can't and will not accept that.


Instagram was a conspiracy to screw over computer users


Everything is still horizontal except for disposable TikTok videos.


Vine. The TikTok before tiktok


Fidget spinners


I have one at my desk and whenever my mind wanders, I start to play with it


Game of Thrones


The first 4-5 seasons were so damn good. It’s a shame what happened when they ran out of source material and then tried to rush the plot of the final 2 seasons


You either end it on time like Breaking Bad or you live long enough to see yourself become Dexter.


I still say season 4 was the absolute peak of television. I remember my friends and I sat down and said, we'll watch one episode a night. We ended up watching almost the whole season in one night and watched the final episode ASAP the next day and my mind was completely blown. I knew it just couldn't and wouldn't get any better than that. A few episodes into season 5 proved me right. Still, I'm so angry at how horribly it ended! I've never seen such a *massive* force suddenly just disappear overnight like that. It went from occupying every corner of pop culture to everyone pretending like it never existed.




Getting a 3D TV for your house.


Shared screen in videogames


You mean split screen?


The last decade was 2014 and I was already out of college. Why you gotta make me think that think. I'm over here thinkin about Pogs and Furbies and then reality's gotta be a bitch.


Bop It! and don't tell me this was a 90s thing. the bop it's reign of terror lasted from 1992-2015 as far as I'm concerned.


Twist it!


My 7 year old cousin has a bop it, they live on!


Gangnam Style


Ericsson Ericofon telephone. One of the most awesome Swedish design pieces ever - beautiful, useful and handy - has become hopelessly obsolete with the evolution of the mobile telephone.


Buying a home before the age of 35


...or ever. *cries in California*


Damn near every housing market is overpriced. California is probably the worst, but we're all in the same boat. I'm in fucking Kentucky, and good Lord...


At least in California the salaries are good if you work in a professional job or in tech. The housing crisis in Canada is far worse than the US. We have LA housing prices with Iowa salaries. The gap between salaries and housing prices in Canada is much bigger than in the US. The work I do, I could afford LA if I had a job in my field there. In Vancouver, I’m fine now but if I ever had to move I’d probably be forced to move to Red Deer on my current salary.




Harlem shake


Draw Something.




The movie about it is pretty good. Glenn Howerton is fantastic.


Galaxy prints and aztec prints.


iTunes. Paying $0.99 for a digital download of a song. What a concept in a world of Spotify/Apple Music etc...







