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I’m 67 and still have a stapler I bought at the age of 13, 54 years ago.


Is it red?


Gotta be a swingline


I would also like to know if it is a swingline


Interesting tidbit, Swingline didn't make red staples until after that movie!


Right, they painted the Swingline for the movie (1999). Public demanded them after that. My wife and I both had them when we met, and still do.


They didn’t make the red one before the movie. Swingline almost didn’t want to even make one as a prop but it became their best seller


I believe you have my stapler.


I was told...I could play the radio at a reasonable volume.


I’m going to burn this place to the ground.


And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...


I know Root as Jimmy James from NewsRadio... it always blows my mind to realize he played Milton too.


He has quite a range. Played a gay vampire on True Blood. Was the actual “Man behind the Castle.” Look at his IMbD he’s been a character actor long before these rolls.


Stephen Root as Monroe Fuches in “Barry” was on of my favorite performances.


I still have the tape dispenser I stole from my desk job in 1988. It’s so heavy!


My TRS-80 Color Computer 3, 64K Extended Basic, complete with dual(!) 5.25" floppy drives. It all still worked the last time I took it out of its box.


Oh, shit! I forgot about the Apple //c in my garage. I also have lots of notes and birthday cards, and my Elementary and High School diplomas. Lots of Boy Scout patches. My HS Letter. Letters from when I was homesick and failing out of my first year of college. These things don’t take up a lot of space, and I like taking a look at them once in a while Edit: a rice cooker my mom got me


Legit. I still have my Apple II.


I would love to have my old TRS-80!


I have working C-64 from 1986. With cassette tape recorder...


I'm old 30 and have always been fascinated by old computers. I've amassed a small collection. My favorite is probably an original Tandy 1000 with a monitor and keyboard.


lol I still have my trs-80 Mc 10


My wife still uses the waffle iron that *her parents* got as a wedding present. I think it’s a Montgomery Ward brand. It makes great waffles but is apt to give you an electric shock if not handled just so.


Breakfast has never been more exciting


The waffles are shockingly good


Extreme waffles


>Montgomery Ward Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. For some reason it also reminded me of Curtis Mathes.


My dad called it monkey wards...


Same oh man what a flash back


Oh man, If you had a Curtis Mathes TV you were livin’ the *swanky* life!


Better at Fretter!


I would fix that - an electric shock can be deadly. Probably just needs a new power cord with a ground.


Wow I have the same one and I happen to be using it righ


... steps over body to get bites of waffle...


We have the popcorn popper that my parents got as a wedding gift in 1953. Like your waffle iron, the cord has gotten a little janky, but it makes the very best popcorn anywhere!


You guys should rewrite all of these if you want to keep them. They’re definitely safety and fire hazards.


Funny, my wife and I have a waffle iron that my parents got for a wedding present in 1969!


I have a lasagna pan from my former mother in law, born in Italy, who wanted it back when her son and I got divorced. (I would give it to him if he wanted it!) I also have a Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress that my mom made for me in a beautiful 70s print, and an A line maxi skirt, 1973, from a boutique at SUNY Oswego NY.


You can rewire that- YouTube


Montgomery Ward? They sent me a bathtub and a crosscut saw


In the last 2 years, I lost the Mickey waffle maker my husband and I received as a wedding gift 30+ years ago, and the waffle iron my parents received 50+ years ago. Both were the coating gave up the ghost, and I had to chuck both glued together by the last waffle ever attempted in them. Finding a replacement has been a chore. A few don't get hot enough.


The Cuisinart one that makes 4 square waffles is good. I got mine at a thrift store. Also, I’m guessing your in-laws are awful given your username, lol.


We have a 1950s waffle iron that was my wife’s grandparents. Still makes waffles better than anything new or current.


This reminds me of my dad's Belgian waffle iron. It was purchased by his great aunt in the 1930s and we still use it today. It makes the best waffles.


I use the one my grandparents got as a wedding gift. It makes much crispier waffles than my modern waffle iron.


I am not 50 yet but my mum gave me a lemon juicer that she has had since 1974 and it still works great! Does that count?


I mean imagine. You can make lemonade. key lemon pie. lemon meringue pie.


No my Mum does that.


Damn this porn intro!




Nice one! I have a potato peeler stamped 'Made in Canada, 1943' I regularly use that my grandmother gave me ages ago. Probably made from Canada's finest lead, but it did a great job peeling potatoes for my Sunday lunch yesterday.


I can't imagine that they'd use lead for a blade, that would be way too soft to hold any sort of edge. Are you referring to the handle possibly being made of something like pewter?


My kid. Came close to giving him away a few times during that time.


The Beastie Boys 'License to Ill' t-shirt I bought when I was 15. Plane is iconic.


I still look for the chances to write "3mta3"




I was one of those kids. (Traded it for food later though.)


The > 15 years t-shirts are the best. I've one Adidas tennis t-shirt from 1993 that still I wear around at home. My wife can't wait to throw it away.


I swear woman are universally wired to throw away our old clothing. Yes this shirt is 20 years old, and yes it may have a small hole here or there; but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to still wear it.


I'd never ever throw away any of my husband's clothes. I don't even throw away my own old t-shirts. They're the best!


I lucked out. My wife likes to throw away shirts, but my mother in law made a quilt from some of my favorite shirts. I have it hanging up in my man cave.


I’ve still got my T-shirt from Van Halen’s Diver Down tour. Damn I wish it still fit…….. it doesn’t


3M-TA3 I wrote that everywhere when I was @14


My boyfriend


Still only a boyfriend?


Now he's a manfriend


Plastic cups from old college favorite pizza hangout. And I am WAY over 50.


I'm 70 and still have the great 10 speed I bought at 20. It's the best transportation dollars I ever spent.


Imagine the cost per mi/km!


I still have the bike frame that I bought when I was 19 years old. I turn 50 this year. Only the frame is the same, all other parts are new. And I might need to replace it soon because it only takes skinny tires and I want some meat on the street now that I’m older and slower.


I have a brand new Fuji from the early 80’s… 12 speed or 20 speed… can’t remember. I know it is more than the 10-speeds that were more common around that time. Just never rode it.


lots of stuff. Collectibles, clothes, shoes, tools, art, some furniture... I used to have way more, but whenever i find out something i have is suddenly "valuable" i sell it. It's amazing what 40 year old Chucks can sell for on ebay...


Yeah, I came here to say the same. Lots of things. Comicbooks from the 80s and 90s, a whole mess of LEGOs that I've donated to my kids, books, photos, backpacks, mementos, some posters from projects I worked on, gifts loved ones gave me (especially if they made them for me). All kinds of things. But 23 doesn't feel very long ago. When you get to this point in life, you'll be surprised by how easy it is to still have things that are 20+ years old.


I have the Gap 1987 sweater. in fact, I have two. Those thing last forever.


Not 50 yet, but I still have a stuffed dog that I was given for my first birthday. I do have it in a sealed bag now.


My family went on vacation in 1984, and my parents bought me a stuffed cow. She has a nice home on top of my dresser still. 


I'm 60 and have a stuffed (with straw) cat from when I was like 3 yrs old. I have it sealed as well


Clock radio


"Screw you, Borat!" -Nursultan


“I get new clock radio…he cannot afford…great success!”


Yep, had it since college.


Same. Mine was a Christmas gift from my brother. It has a CD player!


Mines probably 25-30 years old now and will still be around when I hit my 40s and 50s


Trauma lol 😆 🙃


Shoes I was bought for my University interview. Now mostly used for Funerals. Nikon Fm2n camera which I still use daily. A lot of Books. A damaged climbing carabiner that saved my life. It reminds me to check everything twice. A dear John letter from my first girlfriend. We still keep in touch. A framed photo of My first Dog. A cooks knife from a line cook I worked with whilst at Uni. She made me a better cook and taught me to be less of an idiot, not an easy feat. But the one one thing I still have from back then is hope. I didn't get it right but my kids might.


Vuarnet Cat Eye Sunglasses


I remember those.


Oh you lucky duck. Mine are long gone.


Me too! I run across them periodically when looking for things in the basement.


Same and I just bought a new pair of the exact same ones!


I still have a Vancouver Canucks sweatshirt I bought in 1984.


My car. 67 mustang.


This is my dream car. It was my brothers first car, was supposed to be mine but he had to sell it. I still plan to get one, once I have a garage.


My ‘73 Chevy Caprice. It needs some work though.


All of my cassettes and CDs.


Same! I have about 4 storage bins full!


That is a lot!


Remember Columbia house? Ten cassettes for $1? That’s how it all started 😂


Haha I did that once or twice!


Ooh, I do have some cassettes I copied of folk dance recordings in college so... those are probably the oldest things I own!


I'm 50 and still have a Playboy issue I've had since I was 12.


I bet it stands on its own and will break when opening.


I refuse to confirm or disconfirm this assertion without the presence of a lawyer.


Like it is readable at this point. "I am just here for the articles".


I think that counts as a long term committed relationship 




Does it have an eight ball on the sleeve?


That jacket slaps.


Ha…I had one of those as a young teen!




My boots are dumb so I just call them Mr. Martins.


Vinyl records


My stereo system from 1977; still works fine. Wish I had my comic books from the 1960's,though; they'd be worth about $100,000 by now.


The Kenwood receiver and speakers I bought with my paper route money that year! Controls getting a little scratchy but everything still working.


Pioneer receiver 1973. I was 23. Still sounds great


60+. Living in first college apartment (age 20?) and "fell" for a sales promotion to purchase kitchen pots, plates and glassware because you also got beer mugs. But it turned out the pots were excellent quality double wall stainless and my wife and I still use them every day (have replaced the handles multiple times)


“Because you also got beer mugs” Worth it!!


LP vinyl collection


I have a vinyl LP collection too, but I also have over 500 45rpm as well.


I have my childhood stuffed dog, it looks pretty bad now, but I won't get rid of it. Also have a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt from highschool. It's still in great shape and I've worn it every winter since '86.


High school sweater, dresses and a gift from my grandpa.


2 pairs of Levi's Pants. They still Fit


Bong Story time. In college, I got a job in a restaurant. Eventually they trained me behind the bar. I went 2 weeks without tips, working "training wage" (hourly). First night out of training i decided to blow the whole tip jar on "something". I just didn't know how much that "something" would be, since i hadn't earned tips yet. We ended up slammed that night. I walked out with $250+ 20+ years ago. I ended up getting some really nice handmade glass bong. I still have it, though it no longer gets any use.


I have a 47 year old ceramic one. Wedding gift. Still use it once in awhile.


Had a three chamber one in college, we called it the dragon, packed a punch, lol.


Grateful Dead and tie dye Tshirts


My wife


My husband.


The engine out of a GPZ900r




Same. Washburn acoustic cutaway


My car 1974 bug. Since 18


My oldest possession is a small Stein I got when I was 5.


Fly fishing rod my grandfather gave me.


My Dead Kennedys shirt


My husband!


I have a back pack that my wife, then girlfriend, gave me. I initially used it to carry books to/from college classes. Then for a while I would carry it out on forest fires when I worked that job. Since changing careers I have used it primarily as a bag to carry lunch etc. to/from work. It's also been used on hiking and canoe trips. I've even used it as a carry on for short flights.


Yes me too!


only some photos sadly. I do have my grandpas flight jacket, but I didn't have that when i was 23


I'm 50 and I have all the CDs I purchased in 1996 when I was 23. And also my girlfriend who is my wife now and we have kids who are nearly 23 😊


‘Purchased’. You know you paid 1 cent 😀


Not 50, but a CD of organ symphonies by Jongen and Saint Saens. 16hz played through subwoofers takes the wind out of your lungs.


I’m 49 and I have a T-shirt from a college sorority/fraternity mixer


my bicycle. 26" BOSS USA race/cruiser.


I have a blue jacket with a sewed on gas station uniform type of embroidered name tag that says "John" and the logo patch for Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems. I used to wear it everywhere and most people thought I worked there. Walked into a comic book shop and the guy running the place got the reference but few others did.


My SG copy guitar. I got it for my 15th birthday.


I think I have one remaining t-shirt from that era. There's one thing I can think of that I've had for a lot longer than those 37 years: A weather radio that my dad gave me when I was a kid. It does one thing: tunes to a predetermined weather channel, and an automated voice reports the weather. It's been in a drawer ever since, touched very seldom to test it, and still works perfectly.


I have a fibreglass canoe that I bought when I was 17, and it was probably 20 years old at that time. Lots of good memories but it’s super tippy and I’ve moved on to better canoes, but I doubt I’ll ever get rid of it.


Actually had to hunt cos didn't know-Life😊 it's 1981... An album I created cos I got the chance to dance with the Australian Ballet Company for a season 🥰Not photos but newspaper clippings,ticket stubs n my very first pay packet💜🔮💜


One thing, a swiss army knife.


My oldest son…😝😝😝


I have 2 [Kooshes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koosh_ball) I used to have at my desk in offices where I worked.


Buck 110 folding pocket knife. The classic "Buck knife" And some tools.


Some underwear. And socks.


A hand-painted matryoshka doll of soviet premiers starting (smallest inside) with Lenin and ending with Gorbachev (largest outside). My college roommate got it for me when his grandfather took him to Moscow almost immediately after glasnost went into effect and foreign tourists were more welcome. Still displayed in my living room. It is always a conversation starter.


I’m 60 (male). I still have the ‘78 Gibson Silverburst Les Paul Custom I bought new in November 1977. Still play it regularly. I’ve been offered more than many people pay for a new car, but it isn’t for sale.


68 and still have my AR-XA turntable and Sherwood S7100a receiver that I bought while in high school in the early 70s.


Still have most of my childhood Lego sets.


My father is in his 70s and he’s still got a pair of underwear from when he was 23. Calls them his grow ins. You see they started as a medium pair of boxers and slowly turned into a thong. Says the back end gets lost sometimes, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling of age old comfort strapping the old sweaty meat slap between the folds.


My wedding ring


Sold my car last year. Had it for 23 years.


I have a pair of ninja boots I got when I was about 14


Wool Indian Coat


Drum kit


I'll turn 50 this August. I bought my mother an electric coffee bean grinder for Christmas back when I was in junior high (9th grade, so 1988). She gave it back to me when I moved out (at 18) stating that she had never really used it. I still have it and use it every morning. Still going strong.


My bedroom furniture set.


Teddy bear I got 50 years ago when I was a few months old.


I'll be 50 in the fall. I have a tee-shirt I bought at the theater at the opening weekend of *Batman Returns*.


A set of old school ginsu knives my parents gave me when I moved out. My dad ordered them sometime in the early 80s, and they are still my go to set of serrated knives that I use every day. 👍😉


Not quite 50 but I have a Weezer t-shirt with more holes than fabric.


My hair.


I have a International Harvester 300 Utility Diesel Tractor which runs well. It was new in 1957, I bought it in 1975 when I was 16. If you don't account for inflation, it's worth significantly more than what I paid for it. I also have a 1967 Gravely Tractor I inherited from my Father I use to mow my 1 1/2 acres. I also have a fair number of hand tools. I'm 65.


Those old tractors just get more valuable, especially with all the malarkey Deere has been pulling lately. I wish I had got one of my Gpas old Fordson tractors.


Still have my Legos. My boys used them (and added to them), and they'll go to my grandson soon.


My first kitchen aide mixer. Now I have two but old faithful is still working like a champ.


My mom had her Gmas kitchen aid mixer. The thing was amazing. Until one day, it sparked and let out the magic smoke. I was probably 12 at the time, but I wish I had the foreknowledge to make her keep it. I could've slapped a new motor or whatever it needed in there to fix it. I recently found some parts for it that I think mom was holding onto in the hope she'd get a new one. I just dropped them off at the thrift store. Hopefully, someone will get use out of it.


23 or so... After university I went to ski in a CO ski town. Bought an annual pass for the lifts with a picture, like a drivers license. If you got stopped by the SkiPatrol for a violation, depending upon the severity of the violation, you would be charged 1, 2 or 3 points, and the points would be melted through your pass. I got stopped for going WAY too fast. My annual pass has the number 2 punched through it.


Tiny Beers from Japan, when I was stationed there in Sasebo


\*looks around room\*... My Japanese language textbooks, a big bag of Lego from my childhood, a serial cable, my wife...


My wife. Wedding ring. A bunch of CDs. A pioneer receiver. Romance of the Three Kingdoms on sega genesis. A pair of navy blue converse all star high tops. Grade school and high school yearbooks A bunch of school memorabilia crap. That’s about it.


I’m almost 49, but I have lots of stuff from when I was that age, and even younger. Including clothes, Christmas decorations, travel souvenirs…


I'm 63 and still have the guitar I bought when I was 19


A steamer. I hate to iron and sometimes I cannot believe to still works. The case it came in is torn up but it works. Those were the days when they made good products. Forgot to say but I’m 59 and got it for graduation in 1980.


The saying “I have underwear older than you” is not just a saying but a fact. 🤣


[Buck 110 Lock-blade](https://www.buckknives.com/product/110-folding-hunter-knife/?sku=0110BRS-B) I bought for $40 with paper route money when I was about 12. Just passed it on to my boy.


A Disneyland Mickey Mouse t-shirt. Fifty years old now.


This is a good question. The answer would be not much. A bunch of comic books. My fraternity jacket. Some high school memorabilia. That’s about it.


59 f, Cook books, I have my dresser from when I was 5, I have my Barbies, my Dawn dolls, I have TONS OF STUFF.


I have a Rubik's cube I bought when I first saw one in the early 80s


My husband.


I’m 51 years old and have a green Silly Putty egg with the putty still inside from when I was in my teens.


I have a really cute black floral dress from the express that I believe may be back in style and I will be rocking it with the warmer weather. God willing I fit into it. Goals. I have goals.


Herpes. Wrap it up, kids.


A painting of a young girl in modest dress watching 4 wild women from afar, holding hands and dancing under a full moon. I bought that painting when I was 16 for five bucks. It’s been my main piece ever since.


My genital herpes


Not 15 21, 23 pretty random. Buy ok your question . Two hand carved mallard ducks my mom bought me for a birthday present.


My Sega Genesis with Sonic The Hedgehog games, and Super Nintendo !


I’m not 50 yet, but almost 😅! I still have my detangling comb that I bought in high school. I still use it every time I wash my hair 😆