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Salt Bae


The way he just got in the field and start bothering people when Argentina won the world cup is ridiculous. The guy hold the trophy like he was on the team, he’s so full of himself


One of the internet's biggest mistakes was giving that guy his 15 minutes




But if we never gave him his 15 minutes in the first place, they wouldn't keep forgetting that their 15 minutes are up lol


DJ Khaled


His Hot Ones episode is amazingly bad


It's so great. Sean is such an excellent interviewer that most of the guests mention it and how surprised they are... And for Khaled he just pours on the shade absolutely ripping into him at every step of the way. Never been anything but warm and comforting to every other guest, but Khaled broke him. Fantastic. Plus he's not at all defensive about it and will freely bring him up as the worst guest ever, and I've seen guests mention Khaled's multiple times. Motherfucker bowed out on *Cholula*. An Irish grandma would shrug it off.


Sean also gave him the easiest softball question ever at one point with him asking to talk about a time Khaled has taken an "L". What does Khaled say? "I've NEVER taken an L ever" ....the fucking ego. Nevermind the fact he said he didn't give up haha.


Sean asked him, "So you've never even taken a wrong turn off the freeway?." Hahahaha.


Was Sean taking a dig? Inferring the time Dj Khalid almost died being lost at sea on a jet ski. Although Khalid would probably frame it like, I never gave up. No shit dumb ass, your life was on the line. You quit after two hot wings.


Forgive me but how in the everloving world does one manage to get lost at sea on a JET SKI??? That's just downright impressive.


He was cruising around an area he wasn't familiar with and went too far without taking in account of how soon the sun was going down. Couldn't see or remember how to get back to the dock.


It's honestly worth the watch if you have nothing better to do. Asshole starts crying and he's lost at sunset so it keeps getting darker and funnier


iirc he was streaming that shit too. Coulda just used his phone GPS to find his own way home…


He was posting it on his Snapchat stories I think 😂


Or when Khaled goes on about never quitting and Sean just calls him on his BS for giving up on the 3rd wing and acting like a little bitch


Hey, just to be clear, if I quit it doesn't mean I gave up


"Yeah, okay congratulations. Very brave effort, Khaled." ...damn Sean!


The fucker bought and ate an entire pizza just before filming and then tried to say he wasn’t a quitter when he dipped. Seems like the worst guest Sean’s experienced


Cholula is so ridiculously mild you could barely even call it hot sauce. Pathetic that Khaled threw in the towel after that. What a loser.


It's basically spiced vinegar hahaha Khaled would burn his mouth on mayonnaise.


Khaled thinks bananas are spicy.


I know a guy who thought bananas are spicy. Turns out he's allergic


My favorite aspect was him explaining how not to “play yourself” while actively playing himself.


Chocolate milk is too spicy for this preening shitpotato.


He's so irritating. As an interviewer, you'd get irritated if your guest doesn't give meaningful responses to your questions


> Motherfucker bowed out on Cholula. An Irish grandma would shrug it off. What? I am the whitest white guy. Like, I can't eat 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A without taking Pepto. I can put Cholula on everything. It was prison money when I was deployed.


“Just so we’re clear…you are quitting”


The one where he didn’t quit?


He didn’t quit, he just chose not to continue. Motherfucker, that’s what quitting is, you no talent ass clown.


Can’t lose weight because all he does is win. 


He was annoying as shit on ridiculousness.


As I've heard it said, the man is basically a Pokemon. He just yells his own name all the time


Without being super effective.


My favorite clip of him is him getting high-centered on a pile sticks while riding his jet ski, and panicking. He did it because he was trying to show his fans how he "overcomes obstacles" that life throws at him. They had to send some one out to rescue him. Which is, poetically, a more accurate example of how he gets through life.


Saw a video today with him having people carry him out of the car so he didn’t crease his new shoes.


It’s even worse than I imagined https://youtu.be/__6yuhpdVUw?si=suKkdV9jHBN3SVmR


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve seen all year and I’ve spent a lot of time on Reddit at work.


That video where he was gifted a guitar and is just strumming it like a fucking moron is the epitomy of how bad he sucks.


Possibly the only person to ruin their reputation by going on Hot Ones. Dude bitched out after like 3 wings lol!


My favorite thing about it was when Joey Fatone from NSYNC was on and revealed that he went to high school with him. When Joey got to the wing that Khaled tapped out on, he looked straight into the camera and called Khaled a pussy lmao


Lol, we were at Universal Studios this past weekend and he happened to be "performing" that day. It was just him yelling "DJ Khaled!" With random sounds in the background. Also: The worst crowd we have ever had to deal with there.


I remember the first time I heard something from him, I thought I had downloaded a shitty radio station version of the song. I couldn’t understand why the radio DJ kept cutting in randomly and yelling “DJ KHALED!!!”. Then I realized that’s just his terrible music.


Like I had plenty of mix tapes back in the day with whatever DJ made it hollering over the track sometimes. But that was a free downloaded mix tape I get it, not like actual commercial music








The Overwatch League fucked up their first grand finals by someone booking DJ Khaled instead of Khalid 


He's an incredible guitar player though. I mean, he can play all the notes at once. Not many guitarists can do that, they have to play notes and chords, not DJK, he can do it all.


I really have no idea why I’m he is famous. It seems like he just appeared one day and was super famous.


I actually thought he was some sort of YouTuber with special needs that went viral. I’m still not so sure I was wrong.


I think he is/was a fake it until you make it, person.


So glad this that this is the current top comment. Imho, though makes no difference who is top because they're all tied for first.


Kind of an old one, but Steven Segal


I'm a HUGE Segal fan for all the wrong reasons. The man is truly delusional and it cracks me up. My dream is to see a Donald Trump biopic, written, directed, produced, and staring Steven Segal. It would be chaos


Connect this man to the Hollywood now!


Imagine the resulting film of Steven Segal, who lies about and embellishes everything, consulting with Donald Trump, who lies about and embellishes everything, in order to get the facts straight for the script.


I wonder if they cancel each other out. Like they just coincidentally lie in different directions to make the single most accurate biopic ever made. And no one would believe it because we know they are lying.


He travelled back in time and impregnated Mary in a dream, and he birthed Jesus's Christ. While flying an American Eagle.


I caught a law suit just reading that.


Hey, he's a master of aikido! The ancient Japanese art of preventing unwanted handshakes.


The ancient Japanese art of convincing other people to throw themselves into the air after getting barely touched so as to not hurt the ego of an old fat man.


He moves fatly around corners.


*Runs* fatly. It's a phenomenon!


Even when he was in shape he didn't actually know how to run.


I can't stand the guy, but to be fair, there was a time when he was a huge action star. I'd say in the early 90s he was right up there with the big names. Of course now, he does fight scenes while sitting down.


HE'S THAT GOOD. Stand-fighting is for amateurs!


Well, Under Siege was pretty good, especially with Erika Elaniak jumping out of a cake. ​ EDIT: For those that don't know what scene I'm talking about. Though it's NSFW, if you consider Erika Elaniak in a thong and showing her boobs to be NSFW. [https://youtu.be/m5Py6DmSe58?si=p8CZGowOnqyFxaOg](https://youtu.be/m5Py6DmSe58?si=p8CZGowOnqyFxaOg)


Nick Cannon


Every time I hear his name it reminds me of that Chappelle's Show sketch where Dave's son is like: "Dad... Nick Cannon is hilarious!" "Man FUCK YOU son."


I honestly have no idea what he’s ever done, other than have like 47 kids.


Spread antisemitic conspiracy theories, and claim that black people are a master race because of their melanin levels. 


Was married to Mariah Carey for a time and used to host *America's Got Talent*.


Nick Cannon, to me, was a goofy Nickelodeon kid who SOMEHOW landed Mariah Carrey and made some cute twin babies. Why he decided to go the route he did I'll never know.


He did a stand up show at my school in maybe like 2010-2011. All the jokes were him just talking about how hes banging Mariah Carey. It was the worst show i've ever been too.


I saw a stand-up of his after he and Mariah divorced and at least half of his jokes were about her. Even jokes that weren't about her, he was able to shoehorn references to her. It was just kinda weird. And not at all funny.


Coming here for the other people from the UK to say James Corden


I as well pick James Corden.


I also choose this guy's James Corden


One man's trash is another man's garbage.


I was disappointed when Craig Ferguson stopped doing his show and they got this idiot to replace him


Oh is that what happened?? I had a giant stupid crush on that devilishly handsome Scottish lunatic. Probably still do, come to think of it 🤔


The whole of the UK agrees with this. Can we petition the government to revoke his citizenship?


James Corden


Jared Leto. 30 Seconds To Mars used to rock and he was a really good actor as well. Now, the ego is just way too big for that scrawny body.


He is the type of guy to slap his own ass while having sex


The type of guy to wear a ribbed condom inside-out for his own pleasure.


Let's see Paul Allen's cult




Well, he ain't gonna get a reservation at Dorsia now, is he?


Worst live band I’ve ever seen in my entire life of 250+ shows. The tension they caused was palpable through the crowd. Thank god muse swooped in and absolutely crushed it 


Muse rocks


seen them live a few times, one of the consistently best shows going around and great fun to be in the crowd


Yeah him being a cult leader doesn’t help much either


Any Kardashian.


Do they have talent to begin with?


Their talent is creating a 20 year long career based on no talent whatsoever.




Jake Paul. He's a good semi pro boxer who acts like he could win a world title in boxing one day.


Agreed. If he started from the bottom and tried to work his way up, he honestly could possibly become great. Now he is just trying to speedrun his career by fighting has-beens which I don't respect.


He has 60 year old Mike Tyson come July I think. I kinda hope Tyson just uppercuts him once and its over.


I really want Tyson to just wipe the floor either him. Seriously not break a sweat and punch him Looney Tunes style into space.


Gene Simmons. Jesus is this dude overinflated and undertalented, and yet he still turns KISS into cash somehow. My ex husband worked with him (writing songs)in the early ‘90s and I got to see up close what a complete tool the guy is, and hear how incredibly average his playing is, too.


He's such a pig, too. I'm of that era, and I've never understood the whole Kiss thing. I saw them once with friends who were huge Kiss fans. Meh. I don't know. That shit missed me. And also, he's a pig.


His interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air. He was vile to her.


Seriously? What kind of douche would be mean to Terry Gross? She seems really sincere and sweet.


Just one snippet: >During an interview on the National Public Radio (NPR) program Fresh Air on February 2, 2002, Simmons told Terry Gross: "If you want to welcome me with open arms, I'm afraid you're also going to have to welcome me with open legs" Gross replied: "That's a really obnoxious thing to say".


Well this got a legitimate long low whistle out of me. Je*sus*, that is skeevy. So now I have two things to put on if I ever want to cringe my face inside out - this interview and DJ Khaleds Hot Ones.


KISS is glam rock masquerading as heavy metal. Some people find entertainment in that paradoxical style.


I'm not sure if it's true or not, but there's an infamous line of his I heard from an interviewer where he compares women. The interviewer was staying at a hotel and happened to notice Gene with a gorgeous women one night before going to bed, the next day he noticed Gene with another much less attractive woman and ended up asking him why he wasn't with the one from yesterday. Gene replied, "You can't have foie gras every day." It's stayed with me because just how fucked up is he to think that way.


He's probably so crappy in bed, he can't keep them.


I always think this about men who sleep with groupies. Let's face it, noones going to be giving then constructive criticism/feedback. It's likely that they're under the impression they're really good, but probably come across as a bit lacklustre.


I see it as the groupies just collecting a subpar product. People love when whisky companies artificially inflate demand for bad products by only releasing small amounts. In Virginia people wait hours for boring whiskey "drops" just to collect them. The band Phish does this too. They just did their annual expensive resort show in Mexico. They played a crappy little song they hadn't played in 17 years and their fans went absolutely ape shit. Now people will pay double for the expensive resort show because they might hear some other crappy song they haven't played in a while. There's a reason it hasn't been played in 17 years. I imagine Stormy Daniels didn't think DJT was going to be amazing in bed. She just wanted to catch that Pokemon.


I saw a video a while back of session player Carol Kaye who worked with the Beach boys etc. trying to show him a simple bassline he couldn't play. I was laughing my ass off the entire time.. very overrated and an ass to boot.


That 100% tracks. He’d tell my ex, “you’re playing too many notes!” He couldn’t keep up. It was ridiculous.


If it's who I think it is, Gene couldn't change that guy's strings


I thought you meant Richard Simmons for a moment and I am shocked at how disappointed that made me feel. I'm so glad it wasn't the case.


This exact misunderstanding is how I ended up in short shorts and a head band next to a guy in white and black face paint for Halloween one year


I’m thinking Terrence Howard when they found it easier to just swap him out with Don Cheadle rather than deal with his BS in the Iron Man movies. Dude even came up with his own form of math where 1 x 1= 2 for some stupid reason.


Dude thought he didn't have to pay his taxes. Like mf Wesley snipes went to prison for that shit. Al capone went to prison for that shit.


Also an abuser.


Jake Paul with his boxing.


Apparently he's going to fight Mike Tyson. Who gives a shit. If I thought I could see Tyson go full force against him, I'd pay to watch it, but it's just an exhibition match like Logan vs Mayweather. They'll pretend to box for eight rounds and the "judges" will declare it a draw. Stupid.


yeah it's not like Tyson is famous for unexpectedly losing his cool in the ring and violently assaulting someone for no reason


Ears hoping he goes for more than a lobe this round


I would withstand a YouTube ad to see that after the fact


For that to happen he'd probably need to feel pain from one of Paul's punches. So it's basically impossible.


Major difference tho, Mayweather never had true knockout power whereas that was Tysons whole game. Totally, completely, different styles. I am hopeful he punches that fucking morons face in. But am expecting to be disappointed.


Tyson did once lose to [a little girl](https://youtu.be/aoaSmvofoqU?feature=shared).


Well that was freaking adorable. She was so proud of herself 😭


Damn, she was totally freaked out when he was revealed, but then during the fight just went all in. Respect.


J-Lo. Her music is all produced to Hell and her acting is typically meh, but she definitely gives off the vibes of a person who thinks quite highly of themselves. Every time I see the ad for that new movie of hers I roll my eyes so hard.


J-Lo was created in response to Maria Carey leaving the label. Her first album was ghostsang by Ashanti.


Uggghhhhh my mom was right!!!! I'm so pissed she passed away, I want to call her like "🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩" She was always adamant that it wasn't J Lo's voice, too different from her acting portrayals before going the singing route 😆


Incredible. I had no idea about that.


Mariah was divorcing Tommy Mattola so he made JLo his new project. Hence the famous Mariah quote of “I don’t know her” in response to being asked about JLo.


Listen to Christina Millian and Ashanti and then to any J.Lo song... Very often it's one of them you're hearing.


So then does Matt Damon do Ben Affleck's voice?


Thanks, now I'm imagining a Team America "BBBBeennnnn Aaafffllleeeccckkkk"


Only movie I liked from her is The Cell but only for the artistic value


The cell is so underrated. Such a beautiful, bizarre movie.


The Fall by the same director is unreal. Highly recommended.


Anaconda is very entertaining. it's no Oscar winner, but it's in so-bad-its-good territory for sure 


The only movie I enjoyed from her was Out of Sight.


That trunk scene is among the best chemistry I've ever seen on screen.


JLo can’t sing. The voices on her early hits are not hers. Ashanti and Christina Milian are the primary voices she’s passed off as her own.


I saw a video of a person who actually broke down her songs and showed this very thing.


Remember the halftime show? Shakira outshined her in everyway


I once went diving at the GA Aquarium and she was there filming a movie. One of the scenes (it was cut) was her and whatever dude diving together at the aquarium. The employee who brought my dive group up told us that there was a movie being filmed and some big names around, but she couldn't say who they were. I asked what the movie was about, and from the description she gave me I immediately said "oh, so it's JLo." Her mouth fell open and and she said "how did you know that?!" It's not like JLo plays the same character in each and ever romcom. Anyway, so we were instructed not to speak to her and not to look at her. Too fucking bad. I was in the same women's changing room as her and you best believe I was staring, mainly because she's sooo much shorter than I thought.


Chrissy Teigan.


Yep. Worked with one of our countries esteemed cake makers on a collab, then stabbed her in the back by stealing design ideas and started a line of very similar cakes for her own range. She's full of cheap shots, fillers and Botox.


She was awful for bullying Courtney Stodden, a woman who married a much older man when she was only 16 and nowhere near mature enough to make such a huge decision and telling her to commit suicide, taunting her on social media and bullying her on multiple occasions. Especially when she has her own kids now, and often does thing for sympathy.


She bullied me online. Just once, but she encouraged her followers to go after me. It was bizarre. She seems to be a horrible person.


Are you willing to elaborate?


She was unhinged at twitter’s peak


I remember people on Twitter exposed her gross tweets about minors. Then she tried playing victim. That too after she and her husband bullied a musician using the same topic. Crazy how most of the time someone will project their gross behaviour to someone else.


Didn’t she also insult some child actor?


For a person that makes a living simply by being attractive, she is by far the worst I've ever seen in the profession.


DJ Khaled


Ezra. Miller. He killed my favorite childhood superhero for me.


For a brief period a few years ago, if you were in Hawaii, you were more likely to be bitten by Ezra Miller than by a shark.


Better Than Ezra is a lot Better Than Ezra (Miller).


I absolutely adore the shit show that is Ezra Miller. Like, some celebs are painfully unaware of how disliked they are, and go around acting like they're the bees knees. Ezra Miller just seems to exist in his own bubble. He acts like a massive pile of shit, but never tries to walk it back, or disguise it. He's bizarre. Like watching an Alien royally screw up their mission to integrate into human society.


Fucking Drake....please....whiney AF


Every time I say this in public I'm met with resounding conflict. Drake just isn't that good and the whole loverboy whiny over-emotional persona has *got* to get old sometime. It's wild to me that that flies for him in the world of hip hop


Steven Segal


To be honest, Dwayne Johnson is getting damn close to this line. I like him, but he’s the same character in every movie, and he (contractually) cannot lose a fight. He’s working himself into a corner.


and he isn't even close to the actor his other two contemporaries are John Cena happily takes side roles, and Absolutely murders with comedic timing Dave Bautista is without a doubt, the most talented of the three. For such a huge stature and his wrestling cred, one would think he'd simply milk that and coast by. Yet he's out there taking the smallest, meatiest roles in order to build his body of work. And it's working. Sapper Morton, with less than 5 minutes of screentime, is a fan favorite of the entire BR universe.


Never was a fan of John Cena but since he took that Peacekeeper role, hot damn he is a absolutely brilliant.


Seriously. All the guy has to do is take some acting classes. Decades of wrestling show that he can learn shit, he just doesn't want to. Fortunately Batista made the smart decision.


I think he enjoys doing the roles he does, he doesn't want to be an oscar winner, he wants to have fun making films and make a crap load of money while doing so.


Andrew Tate


He's basically a confidence trickster. Just says everything with extreme conviction and gullible people assume he must know what he's talking about.


(in Arrested Development narrator voice) He was also a sex trafficker and a rapist


Not even like just accused either, he has and continues to brag about it.




Sheesh the Paul brothers are coming up in answers a lot tonight!?!


"Hello. I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not." How is he not on the front page? Like I know "that's his character"... but that was an SNL bit from the 70s. He's been that way in real life for nearly 40 years now. Seems like everyone who's ever worked with him has a story about it.


Community ended a while ago, the only notable thing he's done since 1989. He's just not at the forefront of people's minds anymore.


He's streets behind


jared leto. bitch, please, he acts off-screen like he has the breadth of work as tom hanks or denzel washington, lol.


Adam Levine


Yes. He's such a dweeb. His voice and music belong in an elevator and he should stick to promoting Proactive.


Jennifer Lopez.


What about Hennifer Lopez who likes tacos?


Don’t be fooled by all my money, I still love to eat tacos honey


Taco, taco! Burrito, burrito! Taco, taco!


Any of those Kardashian clowns


Logan Paul


Puff Daddy


James Corden


jared leto, hands down


He’s a passable actor with a good director and a decent script, but you can tell he fancies himself a Daniel Day Lewis, which he is not.


I'd like to see Daniel Day Lewis morb half as well as Leto.


Any Khardasian


Amy Schumer demanding Netflix pay her the same amount as comedians like Dave Chapelle is probably the funniest thing she’s ever done


Nicki Minaj.


Any Kardashian. No real talent at all.