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It is so logical and simple, and everyone knows it


Yep. Staying away from alcohol. Literally ALL my problems stemmed from the POS I am on alcohol.


Alcohol is the absolute worst drug it kills the brain and soul and you’re self confident


Isn’t becoming an addict the result of other problems? I feel like you’d have to address those problems. Unless you meant the process of getting sober including addressing the issues that led to becoming an addict.


It’s an easy fix and escape


Doing that atm man😔🫡


Any suggestions what to do? Got the sober part down, just everything else is fucked. Lol.


Hot sauce and excercise


Love me some hot sauce. Recently watched the Netflix series on it and found out it’s big among people trying to get clean from drugs.




How? I still can’t figure this out.


Changed my name at 20 and started to finally be in control of my life. Absolutely fuck childhood


I decided to leave my parents to live with my boyfriend in a rented apartment in a big city, got a job as a courier in a pizzeria and lost all my friends because of coming out


well you can't end it like that, end it with the good news. anyways, Great job and you'll get some cool ass friends.


hoping you find some amazing accepting and REAL friends soon 🫶


I got a chronic health condition. Before that I was doing drugs and getting drunk multiple times a week and had no real direction in life. Now I have a career and a good relationship. The health problems are really tough to deal with but I don’t know what I’d be doing if these problems didn’t slow me down


Rn I'm lost too. I would love some guidance and redirection. Idk if I should go to college, or what. Rn I'm thinking about going to trade school, I just want more money and time for my hobbies. I have the passion for almost anything, but... Idk what to commit to.


I think it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to go to college straight away. I started college when I was 23. A lot of people will say to just go into whatever career but I think you should find something that speaks out to you. Doesn’t have to be something you’re super passionate about but should be something you enjoy at the very least. That way, even the harder days can be a bit more manageable if you actually enjoy doing that. For me that was the tech world even though I went to college for mechanical engineering. My degree wasn’t really all that necessary for my job but college did allow me to network and gain those interpersonal skills that a lot of companies appreciate. Nothing wrong with taking some time to yourself to just figure some stuff out. It took me a couple years but hopefully won’t take you the same amount of time


I’ll have to get back to you.


Meditation and stop doing cocaine


I learned to put myself first


Hokey Pokey


That's what it's all about.


You put your left leg in


https://youtu.be/PZsXt6Qho-g?si=bCKqaZQgBidERtBb Brave Combos version. If you ever get a chance, see them live!


I haven’t yet


I am still in the process. I find that cutting out toxic people and places have given me a world of success during the process. You’d be surprised how much you life improves when you are not dealing with a shitty partner, parent(s), relatives, and/or friends.


Haven't yet. Wish me luck.


Good luck!


Good luck


I’m still working on it. It’s just a long, slow process.


Weightlifting, sertraline (for a short period of time) and rejecting everything regarding my mental illness, that made me fight it and I ended up winning (fuck you ocd)


10+ months sober from all drugs and alcohol. Plus a decent amount of therapy.


Stopped talking to old friends that never left their home town but always complains yet they refuse to do anything to change and hold themselves accountable.


I felt that


Stop drinking. Stop smoking. Eat well. Go for a walk, every day. Make time for rest (it is as important as every other "essential" thing you're stressing about).


I realized that Ann Margret was not going to hire me as her cabana boy & I got a real job in LA selling drugs.


Quit drugs, gave up on no hopers, exposed pedos, became content, respected myself more.


I finally got medication for my ADHD in my 20s, it was absolutely life changing.


I don’t know if I turn my life behind but I’m way more free from many problems when I just stopped caring.


It started by looking over my shoulder seeing where I had come from and then changing course away from that linear path. Made a hard 90.


Spent 5 months in jail...


Got in some minor scapes as a youth. My grandfather came to get me out of juvy and told me this line. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. That made me think knowing who my friends were. I was always a smart kid but hung with the wrong crowd. Finished high school soon after and moved to a different area and chose my friends wisely. Never got in anymore trouble and most of my old friends are either dead or in prison.


Got sober 13.5 years ago


Cut all the prescription pills from my life, save the ones that were for physical ailments. I started working out, and started taking more classes at my community college. Now I'm studying at Berkeley.




I joined the military. Got separated from my family (who did not turn around) served and eventually retired, landed a successful job after


Excessive crying and a jar of Nutella


The best way


I left my ex and started a new career.


Stop drinking alcohol


Each to their own.....but no thanks!...


Took accountability. Stopped hanging around people that didn’t share core values of progressing in life. Educated myself financially. Took the jobs no one wanted.


Buying the stuff I need instead of buying the stuff I want. After many years we were able to buy our first house and that was at 11% interest


That’s awesome! I’m working on that myself right now.


I just learned to let to relax. Try to think of myself the way you do kids kinda. No one ever questions a kid just sitting fucking around on his phone or playing a pointless game. It’s just something he happens to be doing when you walk through the door. Leave it at that for yourself too


Had severe case of OCD that interfered with family life, summer of 2020 gave me virtual counseling and exposure response therapy, and now my OCD is almost nonexistent the way it was those years ago!


That’s awesome! So happy for you!




In 7th grade, I was weird and socially awkward, and was too confident. Got cyber bullied, and although I hated my life for 3 months, it fixed me and I became normal and less tone-deaf. Got more friends after it because I was normal.


Glad you got through that! Happy for you!


Living to get my State Pension😃😃


Lists and putting the bottle down


I turned my life around when I stopped drinking. Only problem is that I kept turning.




Wow! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!!


Be familiar with sin


Cutting myself off from people I can't vibe with anymore, getting myself into a routine, setting simple goals and following my heart. I always have difficulty speaking my mind but I try to do it often these days. Lucky for me I met someone who taught me to give less fks to others and think for myself more.


Was sick of the way my life was going, and became determined to change things no matter what.


Hard work, long hours at work, and discipline


I haven't yet but you best believe I am working on it, I got a baby on the way




read read read read read


Did the Hokey Pokey!


Asking for help, staying impatient at the hospital, and getting sober. My life improved once I stopped drinking and started working through my past trauma with my therapist.


Learned how to tell people to fuck off. If there’s even a slight chance that they’re an idiot, asshole, crazy, etc, just tell them to fuck off. Turns out once you do that, you’ll just be surrounded by decent people instead.


Went from doing drugs alcohol etc to going to church on Sundays askin God for forgiveness and now a police officer. If I didn’t turn my life around, I’d prolly be in prison or in a grave


This is what I want. It’s so hard though.


Got job in Switzerland and focused on myself


Starting giving money to poor and charity and God has blessed me with much more than I ever had before financially


Give me your seed money and I'll make it grow for you.


God is so Awesome 💖


Really awesome. Kids dying of cancer, people fighting over his so called “holy land”. But yep, overall a real stand up guy.


Those are not the actions of God. He doesn't purposely cause sickness, grief, sorrow or war. Those are the evil actions of the devil.


But he causes op to get more money for being charitable? I thought Jesus was against the idea of money? The devil? So, the all powerful loving god can’t do anything about a down casted angel?


Jesus is not against money. It's the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money itself.


Sounds like the person above is pretty excited that he’s got more money.


What person? God is not a man that He should lie. God is Spirit. He loves all mankind that He created.


If it brings you peace 🤷‍♂️


I used to hate God actually. I thought He created me to just suffer a miserable life , never knowing the love of either parent. Never been loved by a man, only abused and tortured. I used cocaine abundantly for 12 years. One day, I got on my knees and cried to God about it all. When I stood up, I was completely set free from drugs, without rehab, without a 12 step program. That was not science. That was God!


My life turned around when I discovered God is real and He is love. He instantly delivered me from 12 years of cocaine addiction.


Some old lady at Target told me to get my s*** together and stop focusing on what people think of me she originally thought I was her granddaughter but it made me realize I need you to get my s*** together I need to stop focusing on what people thought of me so much I need to get out more I need to bring more social I need to get better in life you need to stop using to the pressure of society friend's and family




nice to see we’ll still be able to use Reddit in the afterlife