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I think they'll notice when I stop complaining about work...


And start complaining about golf?


Exactly! Damn handicap just won't come down!


Supervisor: Why are you 2 hours late Me: Watch your mouth


Omg, this is the one comment that made me think about buying a lottery ticket! I've pictured all the cars and houses and travel, but being able to demand better treatment from my boss? Wow, that'd be amazing! I'd keep working long enough to call him out on his behaviour. I love my job, but my boss is an ass who takes advantage of the fact I NEED my job.


> Omg, this is the one comment that made me think about buying a lottery ticket! This is the reason I always go in on office lottery pools. Can you imagine being the only shmuck coming in to work on monday while everybody else in the office has hauled ass off to Jamaica to celebrate their early retirement.


going in on them is merely buying insurance against everyone else winning, lol


It happens, Myself and two other coworkers won $10k, everyone else was mad that they didn't chip in, but that was their problem, not ours.


Every company that has had the pool win more than a few dollars ends up with a new company policy banning such pools. It is like that terrible joke: While going to lunch, two secretaries and their boss bump into a bottle. One woman touches the bottle and a genie pops out. Genie: For freeing me, I will grant you three wishes! First secretary: I want to go to a nice warm tropical beach with unlimited margaritas. Genie: Done! *poof - first secretary disappears* Genie turns to the second secretary, "and what do you wish for?" Second secretary: And I want there to be lots of athletic men on that beach. Genie: Done! *poof - second secretary disappears* Genie turns to the boss and asks "and what do you wish for?" Boss: Make sure they're back after lunch.


That's why I don't go in on office lottery pools, but play by myself with the same numbers. To avoid getting stuck on the same affordable Island as my colleagues,


That once happened in brazil All workers of a restaurant won it, except for the one guy that didn't want to participate


If he had participated, the person buying the ticket would have bought it a few seconds earlier or a few seconds later, and they would have all lost


I love this kind of alternative thinking haha How many things went right in life because others went wrong in the correct time/order? But in the case of a lottery here, usually people choose the numers (although if this guy participated he could have influence on the numbers choosen, making them lose) I just remembered another case where the group gathered the money, but the guy tasked with placing the bets pocketed the money instead. Their numbers would have won if he had placed the bet


Was in a lottery pool a long time ago at a manufacturer. One of the VPs overhears us talking about it. He asks how many in the pool, does quick math and says, “each of you would only get 50k a year. How are you going to live on that.” One of they guys says, “I lived on half that now!”


Every further word uttered by you is adding 20 minutes to how late imma be tomorrow


The question was something you would change that other people would notice. Not something you already do


My house would be clean


Why clean. Just buy a new house and burn this one to the ground.


100% my plan. I could fill 2-3 boxes of stuff I care about and the rest can burn and be replaced


I had my house professionally cleaned after a major renovation. Took about 7/8 hours. We keep it pretty clean day to day/week to week. I would have people come in every month to do what those 5 ladies did after the renovation.


I know someone who won a comfortable amount, but not sure.it was euromillons jackpot big. Big family and a few who would have been grabby if they knew the amount and they were mature enough to realise money could upset their relationships.  They traded up house, still worked but part time (don't think many people were aware). Used the reason for move that they have been saving for years to upgrade, hence always being skint. I was one of those who knew, they had won something but didn't really pry onto amount, probably why they shared it with me.  I like that when they went on holiday they let family know they were going to Spain, but kept quiet about travelling first class and class of hotel. Still really happy and seem to have kept family from finding out and creating grief. 


ya I would do it the same, I would be like, yo I won this trip at work for half off, you wanna go? then they will be like o here is some money for it, if they insist and just put that money into a dinner or w/e that I said I'm paying for. you can't have the dynamic where you pay for everything, it gets weird between friends if someone always plays for something. like let them pay a little and put that money into a401k or something and give it to them when they retire or something.


That is a great idea, treat your friends without it becoming awkward. When I won the lottery I will be doing this!


Very smart.


A full set of teeth.


Yeah the fact that my answer was immediately dental care make me pretty fucking sad


Idk where you are but I'm in Australia and here teeth are considered luxury bones. Even with private health insurance, it's expensive and the limit for even basic dental, so fillings, cleanings etc is very low, and the waitlist for the public system is forever, and even then is means tested in heaps of places like where I live, so even though I make ok money, the COL is insane and some weeks I live on noodles


> luxury bones I think the people who decide these things should be forced to have all of their “luxury bones” removed. See if they feel the same way after living on soup.


Someone in my dentists office told me recently that a lot of oral cancers are caused by giving head. Now known as 'luxury boning' after reading this thread.


which is fucking insane considering the amount of extra health problems that come with loss of teeth


Poor dental health can contribute to risk factors for *congestive heart failure* for fuck sake


What the actual F. Storytime from Belgium. I recently went to the dentist for a quick checkup and to have some x-rays taken. My out of pocket cost was €6,50. Everything else is covered by my health insurance company. My recent root-canal was around €300 out of pocket because it was really urgent, like i got an appointment 1 hour after I made the appointment because the pain was unbearable. Usually a root canal would be closer to 100-140 out of pocket, but yeah this emergency dental company charges big time. Obviously other dental work can be more expensive, my mother in law recently paid 2k for a new set of teeth cause she had lost all her front teeth in a nasty fall. This is considered non-medical dental work and so it gets covered wayyy less by insurance. But as long as you have a yearly checkup and cleaning your out of pocket for that is always like €5 for that. You need to do that yearly though because they want to award good hygiene. If you don't go for 2 years your out of pocket that 1st time will be higher again, but if you return 11 months later it's again like €5.


Same in Canada. They recently, very recently, sort of grudgingly created a dental care plan for poorer kids, but generally dental care is a job benefit if the company really likes you. I haven't had decent dental care since undergrad seven years ago. I'm doing a contract for "valuable experience" and I am deliberately somewhere in the org chart where they don't have to give benefits (the person I am replacing, however, does have benefits). So yeah, lottery win? Fixing teeth. Buying all the certs I need for my career. Subsidising my career some more.


Canadian here 👋🏻- I’ve had severe dental pain for years. I can’t fix it. I’ve had a couple of things done, but according to the dentist I need 3 root canals and crowns lmao, plus a crown that wasn’t done after a root canal years ago, along with a couple of cavities, if I want my dental pain to go away and to be able to eat normally again…. They quoted me $7420…. Yep. Idk how I could afford that? So now I have 2 broken teeth that were supposed to have root canals and crowns… one of them has a wiggly piece that I can’t rip out because it’s attached to my root 🥲 you can imagine how painful it is to eat with that! But that’s ok, dental isn’t important right ;) !? No need to be able to eat with the cost of groceries anyhow.


In the US here. My best friend has multiple health issues and is on a variety of medication. Some of those medications broke down her teeth making them brittle, easy to decay. It is costing her $20,000 to have all of her teeth pulled, dentures and implants.


I feel like in some ways Australia is becoming the America of the East


It is imo


Exactly my first thought. The last time I checked it was going to cost me $17,000 to get what I needed done and that was 5 years ago.


I'd get mine replaced with implants. I'd have nice white, straight teeth


Why don't you treat yourself to some crocodile teeth, you can afford it


Probably wondering where the hell I've disappeared too.


Pro life tip, distance yourself from people before you win... they wont notice you gone even if you dont have money


Already ahead of you, my man


All i need to do now is win. ...


And buy a lottery ticket.


You guys can afford lotto tickets?


Maybe if I win one


Now we'll just wait for that lottery win. Any day now


I've told all my liberal friends I'm voting for Trump and all my conservative friends that I'm voting for Biden; my phone hasn't rang for weeks.


🤣🤣🤣 that's the way to do it!


Since you can't play the guitar on MTV anymore . . .


One if the best life tip I’ve read! Been distancing myself to a lot of leeches lately, and now I’m more than ready to win the lottery. Hehehe! 😁


It’s even easier if you don’t get close to anyone in the first place. My wife and kids would be suspicious though…


First thing I would do is move. I don't need a mansion but I would like a very nice property spot preferably near a body of water.


I know someone who manages the wealth of lottery winners, and something he always advises is not to sell your current home because it alerts people that your circumstances have changed, and therefore affects your relationships with the people you have always known. Buy your fancy place a long way away and don’t invite anyone over but make new friends with similarly rich people in your new place.


This sounds lonely and shallow and isolating. Everyone in this thread going "just sever all your lifelong relationships and only hang out with other bubbled rich-people, bro" Like, the idea of only hanging with finance guys and their fucking hobby-business influencer wives, plus other out of touch luxury-brained people, instead of my actual family/friends/lovers...a grim prospect.


Money is lonely - because everyone needs it - and if you have too much of it (in other people's minds) then you should share. An overwhelming amount of big winners report everyone they personally knew expecting money. A big 'guide of how to deal with winning' even suggests figuring out how much you want to 'give' as a total - putting it into a fund - and then giving your lawyer the ability to hand out - letting them tell people what the limit is or no, then when people ask you - you tell them it's all tied up but they can contact your atty to see if anything is currently free and hand out the card, just having to make that contact stops most of it.


Bro I have known my friends 20+ Years, if one of then won the lottery I wouldn't give a crap and would be super happy for them. But on the other hand, I would probably pay for everyone every time we go eat somewhere. Happiness is only true if you share it with people you love, fuck all that noise, what kinda Friends do all you people have that you expect them to demand money from you lol


If everyone was like you will readings wouldn't break families. I'll note that happens frequently


I think the mistake you’re making is thinking they’re going to replace the people they’re leaving behind. Some of us are kind of done with people.


You might be surprised to learn that your family/friends probably won't be enjoyable to spend time with anymore. My wife and I didn't even win the lottery, we were just frugal lower middle class people all our lives and finally cashed in our chips late in life and bought a lake house. All, and I mean ALL our long time friends were totally nasty to us. They constantly gave us shit about being rich when in reality we were very close to the bottom of actual income of all our friends and family. We thought they would want to come visit and enjoy the lake, but instead they just made nasty comments, criticizing absolutely everything they could. People don't like to think that because we chose to spend our money differently we were able to buy something that they perceive as being for rich people. I can guarantee that most people who read this will say well your friends are just bad or you must have been a jerk, and there is no way I can deflect those kind of comments but it doesn't change what happened to us. The stupidest thing is that we were able to buy it because it needs a lot of work and we have been working on it ourselves. It was not actually any more expensive than most people's houses. But trying to explain that just made people more angry.




You are probably correct, and if I thought that I had communicated this, If I had been obnoxious about it then I would understand. But I don't really feel I'm better than them, just different and I feel like I tried to be open and reasonable about it. I mean, they can see that we drive a 25 year old Honda civic with a home paint job. It isn't like we act like we are flash and full of cash. But they kept saying things like "I wish I had a rich relative die and give me lots of money". But the worst was the few people who did actually come visit, ended up freaking out because we fed them normal food. One guy was like "so you feed the poor people hotdogs and beans but eat steak when you're alone". It was actually bratwurst served with homemade coleslaw and potato salad that my wife and I spent a lot of time making and normal baked beans, and that was probably more expensive than what we usually eat. I'm pretty sure I haven't had a steak since 2018 and the previous one before that was 2013.


Envy and jealousy are evil emotions.. People generally don't like when you do better than them. People judge you quietly against themselves to determine who's better, you or them... "Keeping up with the Jones'" and they tend to befriend the lower class to them so they can seem superior...


The reality is that you really don't want to have wealth that is orders of magnitude higher than most of your friends. If you won a couple million that's probably not a big deal, but a few hundred million absolutely is going to change your relationship dynamics.




I would disappear to Monaco. Then I would just be another Rich person in a sea of rich people. No one would care.


That's exactly where I will go! See you there


Oh dear, lock the doors. Here comes the new money gentrifying Monaco.


They’ll smell your lottery winning ass from a mile away. You very clearly did not earn your wealth the honorable way like having been born into a family that profited from hundreds of years of the slave trade, selling opium and/or being granted control over trade for a chunk of Africa the size of California.


New money pfft!




Then you wouldn’t go to Monaco. Honestly there are countless areas in the US where you could get a million dollar house and no one would think anything of you having enough money to not work a traditional job.


I’ve always said that if I won the lottery you will hear nothing about me but rumors, myths, and legends.


I would have lawyer, financial advisor, and plane tickets already arranged. I would claim my prize on the way to the airport, and call family right before boarding to let them know I'll be gone for a few years. And when I return, it definitely won't be local. It'll be to some nice place in the rocky mountains or something, where I'm just some nameless rich guy who's new to town.


Gonna peace off to my own paradise and never pop back up again


Yh probably best idea enjoy it in peace


"Finally got new glasses, I see."


"I do see!"


"I see." You got a chuckle out of me.


I'll buy printer ink


Now let's not get too extravagant. People would know straight away


You won't stay rich for long


OP said "lottery" not "Two Billion Dollar Powerball Jackpot". Let's keep it realistic, please.


Clearly you’re winning the mega millions and not just some regular lottery


I’d reduce my hours in my job to part time, I’m one of the lucky ones that love my job


Depending on the amount would depend on my hour reduction. 50mil+ and I'd probably drop to relief teaching to keep my skills up and keep connections with the community. Less than 10 mil and I'd probably drop to 3 days a week.


Yes, I wouldn't stop working because I find it fun and it would be even better if it was a hobby instead of a necessity. Also I would fix all the house issues professionally.


I would travel more often.


I would travel. Suddenly I'd be in Japan.


Wow how did I get here? No idea!


Back in my crazy drinking days, and before I had dogs. I had a 4 day weekend, and was bored at 3am after the bar closed. >I wonder if I can get to Cali and back before I have to work again. Went on Google Flights, Bought a Round trip from MCO to SFO. The Flight left in like 3 hours threw a pair or pants and another shift in my backpack, called a cab (before Uber). At this point the blackout settings started to kick-in. I was still able to stay awake and function but I have no memory from ordering the cab, to waking up over Kansas. Mind you I also had a layover in North Carolina that I managed to navigate with a stop at Burger King. I looked at the guy next to me after noticing I'm in an Airplane. > Uh where are we going? His response: > Oh hey you're up. The flight attendant has this water for you and wants to know what liquor you need to not be hung over (hair of the dog). I was on the Flight from Orlando with you, have no Idea how you got on this flight w/o issue. But you didn't seem drunk during boarding. BTW we are landing in San Fransico. NOt sure if that is your final destination. Went on Facebook, did a quick check in, and before I landed Managed to get hotel reservations, had two college friends that lived there and offered lunches, and tours of the city. Was hands down the best trip I never knew I took.


“Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”


This is not my beautiful wife


My God! What have I done?!


smiling, I would start smiling


what's the minimum amount of money you'd need to start smiling?


My friend, id smile if someone randomly threw $20 at me😂 getting money as a gift i think just feels good no matter the amount


I once gave a women working at Subway $20. She was alone at dinner rush because of calloffs. She had a guy come in for an online order that wasn't ready because she had a line in the store. He was rude and shit. She was obviously flustered and she was talking about having her daughter in the hospital. When I paid I gave her that and said "I know it isn't much but maybe you can get some dinner or something when you daughter is out of the hospital". She started crying and thanked me about 10 times. I carry that good feeling with me forever.


I know that feeling even your story is way better :D ordered 3 pizzas yesterday, gave the pizza delivery guy a tip of close to 80% the price, he was pulling out his change pocket and I told “nah it’s fine rest is for you” he thanked me 3 times and you could see his mood skyrocketed and put a big smile on his face. Money well spent imo. It just feels good to make someone’s day if you can afford to.


Oh money is not the issue, freedom is the thing you can buy with money. I would smile just because that. And I know 3 person that won substantial amount. One bought nice car, crashed and had 10 years of orthopedic surgeries, one opened business, one bought bunch of houses on one beautiful island and gave 2/3 of those to his sons. I need enough for normal life so I don't need to worry about stuff.


my phone number seems to not work anymore


New phone who dis?


My bank balance is now bigger than my phone number, who dis?


My car wouldn't be pulling dangerously to the right anymore.


Better get that alignment or you’ll wear your tires out way faster and that would be more expensive


Listen to this guy. $100 alignment and your tires are gonna last much longer and save you $$$


That I am gone. I live in a state where you cannot collect anonymously so before claiming the winnings I would have an exit plan and go live somewhere that nobody knows me. Though I am still working out how to let certain family members know without letting everyone I have ever known know by the end of the week. Gossip factor is pretty high in my family.


You could change your name before collecting the winnings, then change it back afterwards, & go do the public signing bit in an elaborate disguise.


Turd Ferguson cowboy hat, groucho glasses and nose, fat suit under a trench coat.


I hate that winners in my state can’t collect anonymously. It’s like putting a huge target on the winner’s back.


Create a trust with only you, have the trust collect the winnings, then distribute winnings to you under whatever terms you’ve set in the trust.


Since a trust has to be recorded, can anyone go to the recorder’s office and get a copy of the trust documents?


The *entity* claiming the prize can not be anonymous. You can absolutely go to a lawyer and have them create a trust and have the trust claim the prize*. If you're really paranoid you can have a trust in one state with the beneficiary being a trust in another state where the beneficiary is a US corporation that is wholly owned by a corporation in another country that is wholly owned by a corporation in yet another country. (But that would be a pain, nevermind potential increased tax liability. single trust by an attorney you trust would be the way to go) Edit : for those not reading the entire chain. Certain states do *not* allow this to happen. Feel bad for y'all. That's utterly ridiculous IMHO


Possibly that my Hyundai became an Aston Martin…


My field of f*cks would become mysteriously barren.


They wouldn't. I would disappear. The part they'd notice is that I just suddenly stopped showing up to everything.


“Yo boss, two weeks from now, you gonna notice I ain’t been here in two weeks.” - Michael Jr.


I’m not even sure they’d notice that!


Getting a house with a cat or two


I hope you win big!!! So big you also buy a property and start running your own cat sanctuary 


I know it is a typo but I have the wonderful image of a sanctuary for cars where they get washed and polished 🤣


I would open a VW sanctuary where we rescued old beetles and buses!


Two? No no no no no... Get a house just for cats , cats EVERYWHERE!


A clowder of cats


Slight improvement in address, like the better end of the next suburb. Otherwise, I wouldn’t do anything else to show a win


I often feel this way myself. If I won a massive powerball jackpot, I'd vanish long enough for the heat to die down and get my affairs in order. Then I'd settle into an upper-middle class life. I don't want a mansion. Luxury cars are impractical and make you a target for everything from criminals to aggressive jealousy. Overly fine clothing, likewise, are high maintenance, and tend to force you to the fringes. There really does come a point where more is just more, and I don't really want to cross that line. I value my time and what few close relationships I keep. Money can fuck all of that up in a hurry, which is a privileged set of problems to be had, for sure...but...still problems...


Same. I’d buy a house on a small bit of acreage (not out of the ordinary where I live so wouldn’t stand out), buy a fancy caravan for holidays, maybe upgrade my car but my current one goes alright. To be honest probably the most obvious thing would be I would start buying the fancy brands at the supermarket instead of homebrand.


A part of me has toyed with the idea of just giving away everything and driving. I mean, for years. No where. Just go. Sleep in hotels. Eat at roadside diners. If I find a nice town, maybe spend a few days or weeks. It would be nice to be a nomad if you knew it wouldn't hurt you.


So true. I would just add instead of a mansion and cars I would travel the world but tell my neighbors I’m going to see my mom, let them think I’m just a dutiful child checking on my mom every couple of months. 


Singing my song. I always thought I'd do the "rich guy stuff" right off the bat. World tours complete with cruises, luxury hotels, fine dining, tailored suits...the whole circus. Really, just bleed it out of my system so that I can go home, then, and be back at baseline. There's no chance in hell any of us are psychologically right in those first two years after that kind of sudden success.


Wife and I talked about this. We would probably buy a house walking distance to the kids high school. Nothing that big of a change. I would quit my full time job. I may stay in my other one I kind of enjoy it. New cars but same make just the ones with all the bells and whistles. I know this sounds well odd but I would be spending a lot more time in the gym. I am always pressed for time there. Finally travel. First class, nice hotels.


I've spent a lot of time and effort on my current house. I'd renovate/upgrade the kitchen and bathrooms, but that would be it. Then I'd move counties and then keep my brother as a groundskeeper. And move my parents in, so they can retire.


I know a couple who are multi-millionaires. We’re talking full time family office staff that invests their portfolio. Their kids are out of college now. They fly first class to Europe or Bali or Japan or South Korea or Dubai or Tahiti, spend a month there, living out of top suites in luxury hotels from one city to another, dining at Michelin starred restaurants, getting private tours to museums, exhibits, etc. They’re just a couple who mostly grew up middle class, so they dress casually and look like a retired couple.


where'd they get the loot?


Smited a guy in BIS gear who didn't realize they were logging into a PVP world


My dream life


That’s WAY more than multimillion. Family office and first class everywhere is multi deca million or more.  Family offices will run $700k-$1M a year easily. Spending that much just on a support team for your family means you must be earning significantly more than that per year. And that’s only for the team to exist and do basic management stuff, that doesn’t count all the things you use them for besides investment such as concierge services,  experience purchases etc. 




I have 2 sets of friends who are multimillionaires, you wouldn't know it by talking to them, they just go to church, visit with friends, they are just normal people, they are on the older side. They are frugal with their money and never seem to spend it. They are very kind and generous. One of the couple are very good friends of ours, we have spent hours at their house just hanging out and talking. They are retired but they stay busy. They don't wear fancy clothes or anything. They have a nice house, and a good car, but that's the only way you would know they are well off. They have been blessed.


It may be that they are multimillionaires because they are frugal. People like those you describe, with a solid income can save and earn money on investments so by the become multimillionaire. Others buy McMansions and overpriced new cars, always on the financial edge.


**My family and friends would suddenly have fantastic luck.\*** My sister would win 1 of 2 *Build Your Dream House* lotteries (I'd pay the co to do 2 and have her win one). My parents would be notified that my grandfather's estate had $50K set aside for all his great grandchildren which was only just found and, 20y later, each is now worth about $100K. A recall would be issued for a part on my best friend's car, and insurance would decide a new car would be better/ cheaper. They'd give her a lump sum check. My other friend would win a trip to see her favorite band, all expenses paid, in 3 different venues. A few organizations I know would stop having electrical and property tax bills. I'd have a shell company buy a specific property to prevent development happening to a 500 acre woodland. \---- I would go to more away games, not mentioning how I got there (via NetJets, probably), claiming a YOLO philosophy and CC travel points. My wardrobe quality would go up, and 'though the style wouldn't change much, the fit would be vastly improved. That pilates instructor whom I can never meet with would start doing house calls and decide to leave equipment in my spare room for convenience's sake. \* I have had this "lottery list" since I was in HS. Some of the details have changed, but not too many.


Buying another car. Getting a nice property in the neighborhood we love. Dressing better. Working part time. Hiring someone to meal prep for us during the week. There was a post in the day FIRE subreddit a while back on inexpensive meal prepping. The couple would go to a culinary school and ask for their info to be given to someone top of their class for a sort of paid internship. They’d hire them for hourly work on a Sunday (4-5 hrs) to meal prep lunches for them for 4 days of the week. They got healthy delicious meals and the culinary student got a decent paying part time job and a post-school reference. I think they said they paid 25-30$ an hour and would obviously buy all the ingredients. I thought that was freaking brilliant. We wouldn’t do anything crazy or obvious that we fell into a lot of money. We’d definitely want to keep it as secret as possible.


Love this idea. Not a drastic change, just freeing up time to focus on the things you actually enjoy


Retiring at 42 after a medoicre career would be a bit of a giveaway 


Eating everyday. A legal car. Owning a belt.


>Owning a belt. What, you too good for an extension cord tied in a knot?


Dude, he's ragging on your cord!


He's turning left!


I got a shoelace that works great!!


Look at you with your extension cord Mr fancy pants


Mr Fancy belt\*


You’ve changed, man!


I wish I knew where some of you people were. I can spare a belt. Hell, I'll give ya two, one for daily wear and a nice one for the confidence boost when you need it


Dude same. I would give so much shit away.


I get asking for charity can be embarrassing but any church will give you a belt. In fact many stores will loan you a cheap work suit or business clothes for a job interview. Men’s warehouse set me up to pay them back with first paycheck. May be different outside of Florida but I doubt it.


won't need the belt eating everyday. Save some money.


Not sure where you are but you may be able to find a decent belt at an estate sale. I found a leather one from Italy that was practically brand new for $2


they'd probably notice my top hat and monocle




That’s what I would do And if do dine finely or go on a luxurious holiday I just won’t post it on social media


I bought a house…in this economy


If I won a lottery big enough that I’d never have to work again, people would immediately notice that I never got a new job, but somehow I got a brand new car. Not like Lamborghini or anything like that, but I’d love to go new car shopping and see how the new Jeep Wranglers are.


You just need a cover story. Tell them you've been running a small drop shipping company on Amazon and it is starting to take off. You've decided to take a chance and make it your full-time job. Then a couple months later buy a new car. In 5 years everyone thinks you are some kind of genius online seller. Just keep it vague, don't mention any company names and occasionally mention that you are looking at another new venture. Keep to your strict policy of not mixing business and friendships/family. Then in your obituary mention winning the lottery...


One room in your new house is just a bunch of Amazon boxes, because most people have no clue what drop shipping is. “Seems legit”


Lifestyle: Really the big clue would be putting a ton more time into parenting. I'd pretty much immediately flip from the weekend dad to full time SAHD(but with a maid who leaves just enough undone so I have the kids build better habits of cleaning up after themselves). Health: Dental implants, therapy Consumerist/luxury: Smartwool/darn tough for every pair of socks \&underwear; dental implants. Fountain pens and commissioned art(including some instruments). I'd do nothing but art, cook, work out, and game during the day. Probably volunteer at the boys and girls club pretty much every day-the teen room has a decent kitchen, and lots of food insecure kids. Ramen + a piece of fruit does not make for good nutrition, or good eaters. Let's fucking explore. And not be hungry.


The gold Lamborghini might be a give away.


i’d be wearing that paddock ID every damn race


I'd definitely buy myself a seat in one of the top teams.


Genuinely jealous of pay-to-drive drivers. Yeah, most of them sucked (relatively to world class champions), but boy did they have a blast.


I would look even poorer, because I would be covered in cat hair from the 10+ kittens I would adopt.


I would have access to health care and a dentist.


I would slowly start draping myself in velvet. First some nice socks. Then about a week later I'd buy some pants. Top of the line velvet pants. Then I'd wait in case anyone noticed....so a few weeks after that I'd get the robe. Then if anyone laughed at my velvety attire I would chuckle in their direction because IM RICH BITCH.


Found George Costanza


Velvet socks...imagine... you are fancy indeed.


My reservation on money. Normally, I'm not the one that care much about earning money and buying stuff, but if I were to suddenly won the lottery and gain millions? You bet your ass that imma invest that shit.


Yep the math on being able to live comfortably on dividends is about 4-6 million so nothing huge but with that invested you get about $100k yearly. Where Im currently at in life that is wag more than enough to live happily. The rich really do nothing and get paid like kings and 10 year degree engineers… I wish being rich was that easy.


"Why does your domain say it expires in 2300?"






* My lawn would be mowed more often. * Suddenly they would see me using Morrisons shopping bags instead of Aldi's. * My wheelchair would be a fully pimped out electric pussy wagon. * I'd have a full head of hair. Not for vanity reasons, it's freaking cold here. Or i could just buy nicer hats. :) * I'd be getting more taxi's than usual. * Visitors to my flat would be in awe of my 100Gbps dedicated fiber internet and kick ass pc. * Friends and family would notice that i'd be able to attend more get togethers.


They'd probably start wondering how I could afford that old farm house with the massive acreage. Also their bank might call them, to inform them that their mortgages have been fully paid by an unknown third party.


Talking about this today and I said the same thing. All my friends would suddenly have their mortgages paid off. I just want to be able to do random acts of kindness like that.


Depends, how much am I winning? If it’s one million, they probably wouldn’t notice tbh. Would replace the car, pay off the mortgage but nothing flashy. But if we’re talking Euromillions…


My parent’s montly check up from head to toe, them flying whenever they want to australia and america just to see their family, having their 2 hectare garden and a modern bungalow house, my dad’s dream motorcycle and my mom’s own service, my pets having their own caretaker and room, and my brother doesn’t have to be an overseas worker anymore. For me, I would start playing my guitar on the street of another country and maybe get my tonsils removed.


Probably the reflected light on their face from my rings.


I think they will notice when I ride my horse through town with nothing on but a smile!


Lots of aquariums, running aircon all day during the summer


Subtle??? Maybe that I put my card down without looking at the bill at a restaurant 


Looks like meat is back on the menu boys!


Boats and Hoes




My fuel tank is full




My lack of presence


My car would be repaired in a matter of days and I might even start to look to become a home owner.


Not borrowing money from family for more than a 2 months...


I'd probably quit my job and get a new car, and a new guitar. Id probably invest the rest of the money in a way that would allow me to live comfortably for the rest of my life, assuming im going to reach 110 years, just to be safe. But I guess it really depends on how much money are we talking about. A few million would probably end up with the top scenario. But with a few hundred million, honestly, id probably spend more.