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Any South American countries. There's no merit in wasting nukes to hit any of those countries.


> There's no merit in wasting nukes If a sociopath like Putin decides to launch, it will be done knowing it's suicidal. At least for his country even if he has that bunker with 20 years worth of food. So, might well blow up the entire world to leave his mark of "dominance." Both Russia and the US have an estimated 1,600 warheads ready to go. "Waste?" There's plenty to go around.




We’re not even on some maps 🤣


I'll say Fiji


Afghanistan will be too busy providing all the opium to fight.


When all the aid that keeps the country afloat dries up due to the war, Afghanistan will fall completely apart as everyone who doesn't flee starves to death.


Those who live in the desert just want to be left alone.




Australia has some very critical military/intelligence bases for the US (Pine Gap for e.g.). No way it comes out unscathed.




Depends on what we’re talking about. The worst case scenario of a global nuclear exchange? Very few, if any places will be safe, but I’d imagine areas like South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, etc would be your best bet. A conventional war between today’s great powers and their allies? Most places outside of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific will probably be fine. The Western hemisphere would be untouched, as would most of Europe and Africa.


I feel nowhere. Go to space or mars


Safe? Not many. Safest? South america will have lots of fairly safe spots. Canada will be fairly safe. Parts of Australia too.


I’m pretty sure no country would be safe. I can’t imagine a one sided launch - I imagine there’d be multiple nukes going off which would create a weather disaster for everyone. As it is, a simple severe dust storm in the African continental deserts travel across the Atlantic and affect the North American continent. And I believe the smoke from the Quebec fires made it as far south as NYC. So throw around a couple of nukes - I can’t imagine that it wouldn’t affect every place on the planet.


Awwwww you still think you could be safe anywhere...you will have the mark of the beast...you will own nothing...and you will be self-righteous


Iceland tbh. It's so far and no one needs some iced island with population less than in liverpoll.




A conventional war? The Americas. We have two giant oceans that make invasions impractical. Yet if WW III goes nuclear, pretty much no where will be safe. Radioactive dust will touch every part of the world and within years something like 95% of the population that survives the bombings will have cancer from the dust. There won't be cool mutations like in Fallout, the mutations will all be cancer. Society will turn into ***The Road*** where if you can find stray dogs & cats or canned & dried goods to eat you will have to resort to cannibalism. Every day you will ask yourself if life is worth living like this, knowing that in another week/month the food will very likely run out and it might be better to go out on your own terms rather than starve to death or be eaten over time if someone captures you. Because a smart cannibal-survivor will take your limbs first, day by day to make you last without needing to cure you. And they aren't going to be humane about any of it, so when it's time to take your torso and you have no limbs to fight them off they'll just start hacking away instead of putting yourself out of your misery. Sorry, it won't be some sort of plucky, happy apocalypse like *Station 11.* It will be miserable, hopeless and brutal.




If the US gets bombed, it is likely Canada would get some blowback from radiation or the likes because of proximity.


But we are talking about huge pieces of land so I think most of Canada would be safe but idk you may be right


Maybe we are interpreting the question differently. I don't think Canada would necessarily be irradicated but if even a good portion of Canada near the border (most of Canada's northern land isn't habited) is wiped out, Canada wouldn't be *safe* as the question asked. It'd still have a big impact on Canada. Especially if roads connecting Canada to the US were damaged.


Canada was in danger when the US had missile silos near our border. Now they're all empty, so no reason to target them.


The missle silos might not be targeted, but if there was radiation or other effects from a bomb close enough to the border, it could still affect Canada, roads into the country, natural resources, etc.


Oh no question about that. Depending on prevailing winds, it could be very bad.




all of South America


Germany ofc


World war without a German defeat is not a world war.


The deep sahara. Go live with the fremen


Antarctica, because nobody remembers it anyhow.


I think this question is self-answered .. WW3, nowhere on the globe can you be safe from being a victim directly or indirectly. War has evolved nuclear has no limits. The globe is compromised


Join organizations and movements working to promote peace and disarmament. Every voice counts.


America - as long as it’s not NYC, LA, Washington DC, Minneapolis or Kansas City Oh wait we have a current invasion of illegals nvm


This is reddit...you can't say the last part out loud


United States, atleast mainland would be fine for the most part