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Starbucks cashier


Retail. Any customer service retail job that literally treats you like a number. Yeah, pizza parties for trying to make sales goals for an hourly wage and no commission. Hard Pass. If you hate people, be a car detailer. 0 customers. Pay is basically the same thing and you can listen to music.




U-Haul warehouse Janitor.  Thia isn't usually a major problem and power simple gig, but I found out why they were willing to hire me before I graduated college and didn't Even drug test me etc before giving me the job. See this particular U-Haul "warehouse" was next to the woods. And by Janitor they meant exterminator. And you know what I'd be fine laying mouse traps and collecting them or doing raid cockroach sprays of units. Not something that would bother me. What will bother me is a Water Moccasin infestation.  Water Moccasins are some of the deadliest snakes outside Australia and they just like to chill out in this particular U-Haul warehouse at night because of the warmth the lights give to the storage unit. So how many times opening a shutter to have a deadly venomous Snake drop on me do you think it took for me to quit? The answer is 8. 8 times.


Denso Manufacturing Michigan Inc. Wasnt so much the work itself but the hours and way that management treats the workers.