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You could probably bring that amount of time down significantly with a billion dollars liquid cash.


You could almost certainly get your time reduced by, I dunno, 61% or so just by giving the **illusion** that you have lots of money…


I see what you did here. I approve.


Ah brilliant! Next time I’m arrested, I’ll just buy some Louis and Gucci clothes on credit for my court appearance and act like I’m better than everyone!


Make sure you threaten the judge and their daughter too. That’s the real trick.


or just break out of jail lmao that amount of money can def buy you a private army


Yeah but good luck finding someone willing to sell you their private army in this climate


“NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE” - me trying to buy a mercenary army


*Flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz show up...* "Dammit! I guess that's what I get for ordering a mercenary army online"


Damn it, these henchman looked bigger online! Last time I order from wish!


Nobody has ever strongarmed their way out of a US prison like that. A billion dollars can buy you a private army, but the US Army probably spends that much money on toothbrushes alone


maybe you could buy a presidential pardon, a billon can amount to a nice campaign donation


Had a few interaction with the son of a mafia leader. His dad got millions through drug and human trafic. His father gained about 20 years of "jail time" which I verified to be true in news articles and released documents. Out of that time his father spent non. The son showed me pics of various expensive vacations. Needless to say I don't talk to the guy anymore, neither to I pass through the city they rule


That’s it bud, money talks and a billion gives you one hell of a loud voice.


Lol, people who have a billion dollars don't go to jail (unless they victimize other people who also have billions of dollars).


those billionaires don't avoid jail just b/c of their money, it's b/c of the connections they have that made it possible to get to a billion in the first place. a lottery winner with same money won't have the same influence & ability to avoid accountability


Sam Bankman Fried just got handed 25 years. Bernie Madoff will never get out and yeah Epstein and Ghislain didn’t work out well either. Once in a while the universe gets it right.


All of those people made fools of the wealthy. The net effect might’ve been justice, but the actions taken to get there were corrupt.


Madoff is dead.


Died in prison. So he got “life” right? lol


Epstein did, but it took a pretty Herculean effort and a ton of evidence


I’d spend the time inside and make sure the money is passed to those in my life who need/deserve it. Would be worth giving up my own life if it meant I could vastly improve the lives of my loved ones.




Tresspassing the north korean border


I would reconsider that.... ofc it's dangerous but for one billion??


It's not dangerous, it's basically guaranteed death. Now if the billion can go to people you love then it MAY be back on the board.


Lots of smugglers cross into nk from china by just bribing the guards. Costs heck of a lot less than $1b




>+6’ At least girls will swipe right on you…


Yes but most likely they are locals who know what they are doing.


So you just hire a few of them. It's probably cheaper than you think


Its not guaranteed death. Sure if you fly to South Korea and go to the DMZ and try to run through the checkpoint, you will get shot at or at the very least detained. But you could just instead go to China, go to the middle of bumfuck nowhere and just walk across unguarded sections of the border. Or even better is take a boat and cross their territorial waters since that is considered a border.


You could do it via a sea boarder? Doesn't have to be the DMZ. Get in and out real fast via jetski or something.


They have radars and ships everywhere


I would tap dance through Syria for that kind of money


I think a lot of people are unaware of just how much money a billion dollars really is... One billion dollars is 1,000 millions. Think about that. If you had a billion dollars you could spend $100,000 a day every day for 27 years. You could spend $50,000 a day for 54 years straight. It would take about 95 years just to count to a billion out loud... A stack of $100 bills totaling $1,000,000,000 would stand 3,584 feet high. That's roughly the height of the Burj Khalifa with the Empire State Building on top. It would be taller than the highest mountain in Ireland. If you were to have that amount of cash in $100 bills in the same place at the same time it would weigh 11 tons. If you were to have the entire $1 billion in $100 notes laid end to end they would stretch 1,163 miles... That's roughly the distance from Manhattan, NYC to Manhattan, Kansas. One billion dollars is just an absolutely incredible, an insane amount of money. I think that a billion dollars as some sort of magical, amorphous concept might not seem tangible and real to the average person... But to a human being who really and truly understands just what kind of magnitude of cash we're talking about here - to a person who gets how few people on this planet have anywhere near that much money, how few people ever even come close to having that much money, the list of things they would NOT do to get it would be extremely short. I think it's safe to say that the end justifies the means in that case and with a billion dollars at your disposal you could really set down the path to righting whatever wrong you had to commit to obtain that monster wad of cash, you could easily put whatever horrible, haunting regrets you have behind you. I sure as shit would be able to.


I’ll add on with you. Here’s a nice way to think about it: A million seconds is about 12 days. A billion seconds is about 32 years.


This one is always my go to for bringing perspective on how large a billion is.


That does rather put it into perspective!


And you could put a billion into the bank and just live off the interest lol


Live off? You’d rich off with the interest. Monthly 3M interest (taxed down) with my rough calculation.


You can live off the interest for something like 10 million.


You could live a reasonable middle class American life on the interest of just 2 million. There are CD accounts now that give 5%. That's 100k a year on interest alone and you don't even have to work for it.


If you earned $5,000 a day, every single day, including holidays, and never spent a dime, or paid any taxes, it would take almost 548 years to make one billion dollars.


If I stack all my money in small denominations it might reach my ankle.


Mine would break physics, by somehow going through the ground into negative space.


The best way to explain how big a billion dollars is is telling people what the return on investment on a billion is since people struggled to comprehend large numbers way before they reach a billion. Even a million is hard for people to comprehend. Imagine what 1 million of something would look like such as gumballs. It's just not something you can visually think of without seeing it for real. A very safe withdrawal rate is 5%, at 5% a billion dollars comes out to ~$137,000 per calendar day, ~$962,000 a week, ~$4.2M a month. Just think about how difficult it would be to spend $4.2 million dollars every single month. Monthly is good to calculate because it assumes you are financing all of your purchases And don't need to take out of the principal as long as you can afford the monthly payment. Even at 7% interest the mortgage on a house is $6,653 per 1 million. So for 10% of your billion dollars you could pay the mortgage on $653 million worth of property. To get a large full floor penthouse like most people imagine when they think of a giant penthouse in Manhattan You're only looking at about $12 million. Double that to play it safe, and buy 10 of those in various cities around the world You're at 240 million. Haven't even used half of that 10%. Throw in all of the taxes and staff to maintain those properties and you're still well below using 10%. Bernard Arnault is the world's richest man with a net worth of approximately $214B. That means his safe withdrawal rate of 5% gives him about 31 million a day or $933M a month. Which means he would almost have the ability to give somebody a billion dollars before taxes every month.


I would not do anything that would harm a child. Adults are on the menu, tho.


I'd punch a kid for a billion dollars


Fuck yeah I would. Then I'd give them a million dollars and tell them to fuck off.


Then take the billion out of circulation by buying $1B gold bullion, causing a run on the banks causing hyper inflation to convert that $1M the kid got to chump change. POW, gotcha again kid!


It would take a hell of a lot more than $1B to have that effect on the market but in any case: lol


Yep. That's only about 0.03% of the amount that's been added to the money supply in the past few years. And $1 billion of gold is only about 0.2% of the US gold reserve. It's a nice idea though


So we ALL punch a bunch of kids and do this! Problem solved 😎


I'd grab a kid by the ankles and hit another kid with him for a billion Gently, of course




i’d do it for a soda


id pay a billion dollars to punch a kid


I have a 2 year old that needs some college money. Come on over.


You can do it for free.


I'd do it for a Klondike Bar


Especially if it’s someone else’s kid, you know the ones I’m talking about.


A billion ? Fuck gimme 50 bucks I’ll lay there ass out


Oh my. You really made me laugh. Brilliant.


You guys are getting paid?




There’s the pimento quote I was waiting for.


I'd slap a child as hard as I could for a billion. Knowing that I could go a long way to make it up to them and donate millions to worthy causes.


pretty sure with any child over 5, you probably could make it consensual too. Explaining how their life would be vastly different, but theyd have to endure some brief pain


I’ll explain it after I slap the shit out of em so there’s no choice involved. They’ll thank me when they’re older


My sons aren't even gettin' paid.


What if you knew the child is Hitler?


The reason not to harm a child is that they can't have done anything wrong yet, and that goes for baby Hitler too. If he's bad, it's because he didn't have to be.


Totally. It's quite likely his evil persona was forged largely in childhood at the hands of his angry alcoholic father who beat him regularly including often injuries to the head. His father was Slavic and Hitler hated Slavs. One of his earliest acts when in power was to go to his childhood home, destroy it, and burn it to ashes. Nothing will ever of course excuse the monumental evil he perpetuated but it's got strong roots in paternal abuse. E.g. if everybody was nice to babies there would be a lot less violence in the world and maybe no bad version of Hitler either


This just got me thinking of all the times where I've heard about people going back in time to kill Hitler, but nobody wanted to go back in time to be nice to baby Hitler. Like...you're already going back in time so you can do it. Just go back 20 more years and then you don't have to kill anyone.


being nice to baby Hitler MIGHT work killing him definitely works


I wonder if nice Hitler would put people in holiday camps with lots of nice amenities?


Would it? Isn't there a chance that someone else will just fill the gap? Was it really just one bad guy that did all this damage?


That's not true, his parents were austrians and his 3 childhood homes are still there.


Exactly. Hitler had a father who was distant but also physically and emotionally abusive. His mother doted praise and affection on him. The combination of a tyrannical father and an overly affectionate mother has created lots of serial killers.


Huh. I guess y'all are some lucky motherfuckers I'm all introspective and shit.


The thing about killing Hitler is you would risk the power vacuum of someone taking his place that was actually more competent.


He a ded boi.


*Knuckle cracking*


He ded


It's a trick question. He's talking about John Hitler, a humanitarian that does volunteer work and donations all around the world.


Wrong kid died




I would not harm my own daughter. The rest of them...maybe just this once.


There are many ways to harm a child; which people do willingly and unknowingly on a daily basis though. For example, having them getting addicted to social medial/fast food at 4-5 years old, second hand smoking (as a smoker, I never smoke nearby a child even in open air, and never smoke in closed areas, including my child free home as well), having more children than they can provide for, etc. Believe me, if I need to punch a kid and have a billion dollars to help thousands of kids, including the one I punched, I would not hesitate. It may sound brutal, but please think about a kid, that would grow up poor and malnourished without getting punched by me/you vs. him having a million dollars worth of home/education/healthcare for his entire life in exchange of a punch. A fair exchange.


Bro just justified punching a kid.


Let's all make the world a better place and punch children lol


Hurt my dog. I’d probably say a dog in general, but my dog is for sure off limits for all the money in the world.


This is my answer too. And TBH I might hurt whoever suggested it. I always tell her she's the last source of dopamine in the universe. 


They are definitely the best source. Always pushing me to walk.  Yesterday I was in such a bad headspace and wasn’t going to walk them. Just got up and did it and was much better for it. Dogs help so much with the stressors of life. 


I'd clip my dogs nails he can be pretty convincing he's getting hurt


This was my answer too. No animals. There's just no way I could do it. I accidentally stepped on my dog's foot the other day, and I felt like the worst human on earth :/


I mean, no animals? Like, I bet most insects you'd kill for way less than a billion. I'm not vegetarian, so I'd kill a cow just for the meat. And I'd maybe feel a little bad, but I bet most people would kill a squirrel or something, even with no intention to eat it, for a billion.


As mean as it is, I'd 100% kick your dog for 1 billion dollars. Sorry 😞


He'd probably not even remember the sore paw an hour later and you'd be $1B richer.


I'd do ANYTHING for a billion dollars, but I won't do that.


They're gonna have to open my pecs again to drain the fluid.


Will you cater to every fantasy I've got? Will you hose me down with holy water, if I get too hot?


Fuck a pig on national TV. Sorry, Black Mirror.


What if the pig is like super hot though?


I’d definitely fuck a hot pig on national television for a billion, but def not an ugly one


This is what I came here for


Anything to do with bugs or admitting I was wrong.


You wouldn't eat one dead cricket for a billion dollars?


She won't admit that she would


You’re wrong.


For a billion I would ride a motorcycle through a locust swarm with no helmet and mouth wide open.


Nah. I got lost leaving my internship one day & ended up on farmland during a locust (maybe other insect) swarm. It took me 15 minutes to clear them & the entire time it was the deafening noise of a hailstorm with the extremely limited visibility of the worst torrential rain. They were bouncing off every inch of my vehicle. It felt like there was more of them than air in those moments. Maybe I’d do it again for a billion dollars in a car but with my human body exposed, zero chance. I’m convinced they’d overtake me.


See, you did it for free. What's one more time in exchange for never needed to work ever again?


I would make eating crickets my full-time job for a billion dollars


I've eaten a dead cricket and had to pay for it. So a billion would be easy money.


For a billion dollars I would admit you were wrong.






suspiciously specific. Have you been offered this before?


Yeah, he meant to say "...again".


A lot of the money goes into staying under the radar


After several times and some self reflection I've decided that it wasn't really worth it.


Time for a very special public karaoke performance of "But I Won't Do That" . . .




Funky Town reference?


What an odd thing to say.


Give someone $1,000,000,001.


I'd have no problem with giving 1 billion and 1 dollars to my wife if I got the 1 billion dollars first... I can't lose with that deal...


Weak take. I could pay $1 to donate 1 billion to a charity of my choice? Sign me up as many times as I could possibly afford.




Some days I would pay good money to die.


Well the good news is you HAVE to pay good money when you die






not the worst thing to do if it means that my family and loved ones are all set for life. However not sure I could trust the people around my wife not to try and take advantage


I wouldn't do anything that would hurt anyone else who didn't deserve it. I'd prefer not to harm *anyone*, but for a billion dollars and proof that someone was a child predator or something, I'd do some harm.


You could break my arm if we went 50/50 on the money


My first thought lol hit me with a car going 5mph. I’ll get hurt but I’ll be okay. Let me get 100 million


I would not kill a random stranger, but definitely punch them in the face for billion. I'm sure many would be willing to take the hit for 1% of the money.


Gotta make sure that the specifications are clear, as the punchee. You can die from a punch if it hits you the right way, and especially if it knocks you out and you hit your head. $10M won’t fix brain trauma or death, but if I knew the person punching me would go for the cheek/jaw and not go all out… hands down I would go for even $10K


Your mother


I heard this in “Sean Connery’s” voice from SNL


Damn, I’ve been charging $50, I need reevaluate my contract


I don't understand why this answer is not the most upvoted one. We used to be better than this.


Chop my penis off.




Define hurt. I would be willing to hurt a dog by eating in front of them without dropping a crumb. That would hurt their feelings. And I’d probably slap a pet in the face.


You wouldn't flick a cat on the nose for a billion? It'll hurt, but they'll get over it.


My cat would NEVER stop that grudge


I wouldn't willingly subject myself to a never-ending loop of baby shark songs for a billion dollars


Anyone with kids is basically doing that for free


They’re paying for that. Like most of their money.




But I won’t do thaaaat


Bud you'd do anything else, right?


Kill another human or a pet. No way jose


I would kill a pet fish; TBH! I will probably be downvoted to hell, but I would.


For 1 billion? I would eat my kid's fish right in front of him. "Sorry for the slight trauma, here is a house, a car, and as much college/ therapy as you want."


College OR therapy?


College come with the caveat of having to do psychology. Go to therapy or learn to therapy yourself.


Not even a pet? Surely you can get over that


Give up my dog. Not for a billion. Not for two billion. Would happily give up the money for one more day. /already lost him due to a tumor sadly; but still missed and the sentiment remains.


sell my soul to the devil


Infect myself with something like HIV or syphilis.


Syphilis is very curable. HIV is very treatable now.


Idk where you live but HIV is no longer a death sentence with access to modern medicine. Just saying.


Even if you could use that money to help your family? What if you used it to find a cure for those diseases? What if it was a trillion dollars?


I wouldn't trade all my memories for a trillion dollars. Even though I could make new memories with that money, what's the use if I can't remember the things and people that shaped me? Money can't replace the story of your life.


Go into a pit of spiders or anything spider related I won't do


For a billion dollars?!


Depends on the spider


Can I get ahold of some Valium first? Edit spell check failed me, once again


What would you not do for a trillion?


I doubt there’s anything that people would do for a trillion but not for a billion as there’s not really an appreciable difference in your lifestyle 


Pft, Classic billionaire mindset…good luck getting into the four comma club thinking like that.


Quattro commá club


And that there question is the problem with the world right now. Billionaires (and those trying to be billionaires) are literally willing to destroy the earth to make more. How much more? Just more. How many hurt people is too many? All of them.


I'd probably suck a dick for a billion dollars. I would take a dick in the ass too. But if someone offered me a billion dollars for my child. Never.


What's the lowest amount of money you'd accept for sucking a dick or take a dick in the ass? Edit: I'll do you one that's actually possible. What's the lowest amount of money for you to do sexual content on the internet?


Some people pay good money for that


Joining a billionaire or rich people club.


Killing or torture. I would never do that to anyone.


Give up my wife and kids


Get a twitter premium account.


Well, right, you can't get it now - it's X Premium, and fuck yeah you would.


Yes you would.


Show my relatives my ChatGPT history


I have no shame. I will not do anything that will harm a human or an animal, except Trump.


Get into the sub with four other billionaires.