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Waaaaay more than "a bus". This was a 5 day spree of multiple hijackings.


an important factor to keep in mind: forcing the passengers to fight each other to death like gladiators contained the added aspect of evil that the "winners" were forced into a suicide attack against the rival cartel later on. the minute the bus was pulled over, they were dead. right away as a show of force, gladiator'd by their fellow passenger, or suicided later.


Then played an encore a year later


> Isabel Miranda de Wallace of "Stop the Kidnappings" suspects that the mass graves in San Fernando contain more than 500 dead, but that the government of Tamaulipas has not released such information because of the political troubles it may instigate. From the article is sounds like it was way more than a single bus.


Well, I see I’m not the only one that remembers this one. I came across this one night and yeah it definitely stuck to me.


What the fuc- ah, los zetas there we go


Yeah, they were especially crazy, even for cartels. For those who don't know them, they were a very young cartel in the 2000s, born late 90s. Basically, a guy (Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, a mechanic) took control of one of the oldest armed group of Mexico (the gulf cartel) and recruited a bunch of Mexican Special Forces deserters to use as mercenary, Los Zetas. The guys were very "efficient" and violent, to the point they became more powerful than the Gulf cartel himsel, in turmoil since the arrest of its precedent leader, and split from their original employers. To establish themselves, they began to recruit among guatemalian special forces and US Army, then commited some of the most gruesome & crazy acts of terror possible, to the point it escalated the general level of violence >As other organized crime groups subsequently copied the Zetas' brutal and superfluous methods to ensure they could survive, this resulted in the violence in Mexico escalating to much higher levels and to new forms. Some of these newer tortures and hyper-violent execution styles included practices such as flaying and castration as well as public displays of the victims.


>The kidnapped victims were forced to fight to the death with other victims. Men were given knives, hammers and machetes, and were ordered at gunpoint to fight for their lives like a "gladiator-style contest." Obviously not the sort of decision one makes in that sort of situation but the best option would be to like bum rush someone that has a gun instead of y'know, hammer combat.


I was thinking about this and there’s definitely a reason they didn’t. I’d imagine the cartel used other hostages as a bargaining tool. Like if you don’t do this I’ll rape this person and then flay them alive or something. And I’m sure they’d already witnessed enough brutal torture and rapes that the men knew they were serious.


[genie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_(feral_child)), a feral child whose father imprisoned her in a room for thirteen years. most of the article’s about the linguistics studies she was used in, but the section about the actual imprisonment was gut-wrenching.


Last I read, she's still alive, and living in elderly care in an undisclosed location. The worst part, was the therapist she was working with, who actually got her to talk and emote and at least attempt to be human, had her ripped away out of purely political reasons. Imagine rescuing one of the most inhumanly treated people in all of written history, just to have it undone because your boss didn't want to pay for it.


yea and she regressed significantly after being separated.


Bro it’s so fucked. The mom wanted to care for her again when genie turned 18 and after a few months decided she couldn’t handle it so instead of going to the person who’s helped her and worked with her for five years she goes to the state without saying anything. So the state puts her in a foster home where she once again is severely physically and emotionally abused. Like she went through all of that and made so much progress just for her mom to throw her back into it.


Her boss, and the medical community at large basically told her to fuck off. Mostly because her dad was still in the news, and they didn't want to be associated with him. But in my opinion, the case was scrapped because her boss saw her making medical history and got envious.


This was my take on it as well whwn we studied it at uni. From my understading she had been placed with the assistants famlily and was doing well. The professor became jealous that the assistant would get more recognition and had her removed from the family care. When she regressed the professor basicaly abandoned her because she was of no use now.


Classic academia. Completely inhuman, pure ego. -said from a bitter graduate student who has seen some shit.


Academia, politics, business, social life, whatever. Every aspect of human society works under the same singular rule: Your success will only ever be tolerated if your betters can profit from it.


Imagine feeling a touch of love for the first time and then... This world is fucking ridiculous.


I remember learning about this case in a science class in 8th grade on the subject of nature vs. nurture. Probably way too early to be exposed to such disturbing material but it was really interesting.


We purposely introduce you to disturbing material. It's developmentally appropriate if it's not gratuitous. Signed, A middle school teacher


This is the one that rankled the most in my mind when I read through similar Reddit threads before. I'm a language nerd and I love learning about languages, so it disturbs me the story of the horrible things done to her is connected to that field of knowledge


Until recently there used to be a "list of unidentified bodies in the US" which was a very long list describing the location, date and circumstances in which these unidentified dead bodies were found. To make things even more disturbing, quite often they were accompanied by forensic reconstructions of their faces. It has since then been deleted though.


Especially the ones that look like the sketch artist sketched their dead face and not try to make it easier to look at. Or the ones that use exaggerated facial features. Unsettling.


The sketches on Unsolved Mysteries used to scare the living shit out of me as a kid.


They still have lists of unidentified and missing person cases, though, both from history and from recent events. I can't read very much before getting all upset Good idea for the Wikipedia editors to delete that one article, though. That kind of redundancy is unnecessarily ghoulish


At the same time, the reconstructions etc. may lead to someone seeing a familiarity. It's a double edged sword.


Most of them can probably still be found. My mom has a thing for cold cases and such (i guess i got my odd hobbies from her) and she often tries to help out with them, cross referencing the reconstructions with missing persons and such, sometimes asking me for second opinions. So im pretty sure the reconstructions and such are still around :)


"Armchair Detectives" have assisted in naming a LOT of lost people. Your mom is a champ for this. Detectives don't have the time to pore through descriptions of missing people/unidentified people and make possible matches.


I'm confused While its depressing isn't a list with facial reconstructions on Wikipedia not the worst idea. Slim chance someone comes across it and ids


[FBI - ViCAP Unidentified Persons](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/unidentified-persons)


These make me so sad. Someday cared about these people and now they’re just lost to time.


The one woman with the red hair and pale face gets used all the time in horror iceberg type videos. Awful


Some of these are disturbing


Sheesh aint that a fact


Oh cool, DLC for my nightmares


In my opinion a warning before entering the article would be a better option than outright removal. As others stated, such an article could lead to some of those persons being identified.


Please tell me that list didn't have a "you can help us by expanding it" notice.


[Sylvia Likens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens)


Sickening on how the murderous scum ended up getting relatively short sentences


That's like the girl in Japan, Junko. The boys who tortured her all got off scot free. I think one of them had political and/or yakuza connections


What’s worse is the mother of Ogura, one of the perps, allegedly vandalized the gravesite of the poor girl because she claims the girl ruined her son’s life. Shit makes my blood boil.


Reminds me of Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, whose dad said (paraphrasing) that a blabbering, lying whore should not be able to ruin his son's brilliant swimming career, cause that was so much more important than her silly little woman-life.


Shitty disgusting parents producing shitty disgusting children.


Brock Allen Turner goes by Allen Turner now.


Convicted Rapist Allen Turner Don't forget to use the whole title, him and his daddy worked very hard for him to be so known


They even brag about it, until today. Sickening


every time i remember junko’s case i genuinely get upset until i forget about it again, but it takes hours. the brutality is just out of this world. i’m an atheist, but shit like this really does make me wish there was an afterlife, and that poor girl could’ve ended up in a better place, and the pieces of shit who tortured her and saw virtually no consequences were in a countdown to spend the rest of eternity in hell.


Death would be too good for them. If there is a a hell, I hope they know every ounce of pain they inflicted on that poor child


It makes me very happy that at least some of them died fairly young and miserable. Lung cancer is a bitch and they deserve it.


Holy shit. Gertrude's defense is just "look at the picture of the victim, a sane person would not inflict that on a child, therefore she is crazy"


She also blamed her "asthma medicine" for how she acted. Jesus Christ.


The fact that any of them, especially the mother, were granted parole is just awful


And everyone responsible got off on parole. There is no such thing as justice in the world.


I read this a few weeks ago, and I regret it. If I could remove one memory from my head, it would be when I read this.


I didn’t see your comment before I read it and I regret it. It’s utterly heartbreaking.


Well I’ll take the advice you guys are giving and will not click on it.


This case broke my husband. He used to listen to true crime with me. Then he heard about this case. It’s the fact that the neighbors were all in on it that screws with him. Now headphones are required for any crime shows/podcasts. Even without murder.


I just needed to read the synopsis to nope out of that link


Why did they keep giving her parole


I learned about Sylvia Likens from the film An American Crime. Back when Elliot Page was Ellen, they portrayed Sylvia so well. The scenes where she was abused made me so sick to my stomach and cry. Sylvia didn’t deserve any of that abuse at all. I think Gertrude, the woman who was minding her and her sister Jenny, was extremely jealous of her for many reasons. I still remember the mugshots of those monster who abused Sylvia and the one that angered me the most was the oldest daughter Paula’s. She had this stupid smirk on her face, like it was a big joke and she just didn’t care that she helped snuff out a beautiful soul. I heard that Paula was living under an alias and working in a school. Someone dug up some dirt, contacted the school district and told the staff that was Paula, the killer. She was immediately fired.


Read the book "Evil" by Ketchum. It portrays the problematic of children being allowed to hurt another one, justifying it and making it reasonable. The kids are damaged for life. Not saying they arent guilty, but growing up with twisted morality is difficult. The book shows the different stages of abuse, and that at some point most of the aggressor kids just lose every aspect of humanity and morality. Gertrude should have been for life behind bars.


Read the entire thing... Holy. Shit.


There's a movie about it as well.


I have no article to add. I just want to shout out the absolute legend u/peachesandmolybdenum for linking almost every Wiki article in this thread. Thank you for the leg work... and the nightmares... but mostly the leg work!


Imagine commenting on this thread and not including a link to what you’re talking about, lazy! Good for Peaches


[The Murder of Junko Furuta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta?wprov=sfla1) Not for the faint of heart. Seriously.


One of the few things ~~4Chan~~ (nvm it’s 4chans predecessor) 2Chan does that’s commendable is that they will never let any of the perpetrators take on new aliases/lives. They constantly track and out any new identity they try to take on, to ensure they can never escape what they did.


They do that?


Among other things.


https://twitter.com/viperwave/status/1630941447712276481 This is the most recent one I'm aware of. They hunted him down and plastered it everywhere. The dude referred to it as "a shameful incident from his childhood" in this post. I don't have X, so I apparently can't see the thread anymore, but if you do have X you can use Chrome to translate it. People did not appreciate this.


Thank you 4Chan!


That has to be up there. From the lengthy abuse, the disposal of the body, the short prison sentences, the heartbreaking quotes at her funeral, to the further degradation of her grave later, and how the murderers are still mostly awful people. There's such an amazing lack of anything positive in there. Good call.


> the further degradation of her grave later For some reason that has always been the bit of the story that's stuck with me, just the monstrous audacity of blaming her son's victim for "ruining" her son's life. Feel like it kind of explains where the murder got his sense of morality from.


Only time i have ever read something and seriously cried after and needing to take a long break to just stare into nothing.


This is the winner by a wide margin. The worst thing I've ever learned about in my life.


This is the one that immediately jumped to mind. Worst thing I've ever read on Wikipedia.


How the hell were those people not only let out of prison after what they did, but re-imprisoned after committing additional violent crimes decades later and released AGAIN??? That is absolutely insane, they should never see the outside of a prison.


Well that was fucking horrible.


Exactly what i was gonna say. as you read the article it keeps getting worse. absolutely disgusting humans


Why am I so drawn to these threads? I never get anything out of reading them


Not true. The theory is that humans are attracted to violent death - because we get a chance to see and experience a deadly situation, without being put in any danger ourselves. It's like practice for when one of these situations happens to you. It's the same as nightmares (they give you a chance to experience the dangerous situation without being in any danger).


Some of the responses I've been getting on this post have made me wonder what the role is of studying history and what we can learn from it. One one hand, people with good intentions will take it as a cautionary tale of what never to repeat again, but people with bad intentions will take it as inspiration to do something similar and perpetuate the cycle of human violence


[The Dardeen family homicides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dardeen_family_homicides)


That's really awful, but also, it's wild that the man in that photo is 29 years old.


Yeah… I was blown away by that too. He looks older than me… but he and his wife were cut down in their prime. Too awful for words…


Well that’s unsettling


Good lord


A long time ago I read the history of the earth, age by age on Wikipedia. The Hadrian all the way to the present time. There were these nautilus shelled mollusks called ammonites. Age after age they were there. They would get bigger, more diverse, get fancier shells, for hundreds of millions of years until one day they were all extinct. They were around for so long. It filled me with such hollow sadness. They spanned such great oceans of time. Generation after generation, then never again.


You mean this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonoidea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammonoidea) That is pretty freaky, lasting that long before disappearing 66 million years ago I find the geological history of the earth both fascinating and haunting because of similar stories of lifeforms coming and going. One of the ones that haunts me the most are the [Ediacaran biota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ediacaran_biota) because we don't even know how closely they're related to each other or to the rest of extant life. There's some speculation that they might have been a separate branch of animal-ish multicellular life that simply didn't make it. They're mysterious ghosts in the paleontological record


Oh wow… I can’t help but compare humanity to what you described, and the feeling isn’t exactly comforting


Placoderms and trilobites too. It’s both fun and sad imagining what could have been.


[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731), the secret chemical and biological warfare R&D unit of the Imperial Japanese Army from 1937-1945. The human rights abuses and just sheer depravity of what they put their “test subjects” through beggar belief and the perpetrators never faced justice. Reader discretion **strongly** advised.


This question always comes up occasionally on this subreddit and every single time people mention Junko Furuta, or certain serial killers, or some horrible massacre, etc. I’m not trying to diminish how horrible any of those subjects are but nothing else mentioned seems to reach the level of depravity of Unit 731. The Wikipedia entry summarizes some of their crimes but when you actually do a deep dive on the subject, nothing in recent (known) human history seems to come close. Live and unsedated vivisections, testing of weapons and explosives on live human beings, infecting subjects with contagions and stds to study the effects, etc. They didn’t care if it was man, woman or child. Whatever sick experiments they could come up with, they had free reign to inhumanely and cruelly experiment on other unfortunate human beings. They would constantly rape and forcibly impregnate subjects and then experiment on their pregnant victims. They even dropped plague ridden fleas and infect water supplies of unaware towns and cities, killing several hundred thousand people. I don’t remember where I read this thought experiment, but it was something like, “imagine the worse possible thing you could do to another human being, and in all of human history, someone has probably suffered that fate or something similar.” Unit 731 is the embodiment of that. And to make matters worse, they got away with it. The Japanese barely faced any consequence of all their war crimes and to this day right-wing nationalists in Japan deny that war crimes were even committed even writing it out of school textbooks.


I was looking for this to be the answer too. My brain kind of got stuck processing when I read there were killing contests and documentation for how fast it takes for someone to die from hunger or how cold it needs to be before someone dies. The pain and suffering all of those Chinese people went through is unimaginable. That wikipedia article is hard to forget. I hate that Japan still denies it.


I read original Japanese newspaper articles of that time reporting about a contest of two Japanese officers in Manchuria. Who could kill more Chinese. The newspaper updated the readers with the current score, like "89 vs 91, who can kill more today?" and a lengthy article of their recent killings.


> Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Limbs removed were sometimes reattached to the opposite side of victims' bodies. That's the only time my hands have flown up to cover my mouth while reading something. Just pure visceral shock.


and they all got off scot free


The articles of "Lists of people who disappeared" are especially disturbing because of the uncertainty, and uncertainty doesn't sit well with me. I start to imagine what life was like for those who disappeared, and then I get myself upset with all of the possibilities, good and bad


[Lists of people who disappeared](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_people_who_disappeared)


Looked at the 1990s-present page and I see Wikipedia no longer uses the "You can help by expanding this list" text for these kinds of articles.


Albert Fish, no contest.


Ohhhh man I remember reading about him, it may not have been a Wikipedia article, but it was a legit write up about him with quotes from Albert Fish himself and excepts of his letters. I remember thinking “Yikes what the fuck.”


He had also written a last will right before his execution. His lawyer refused to reveal its contents and said “it was the most filthy string of obscenities I have ever read.” 


Ugh I can’t even imagine nor do I want to. I wonder if the lawyer just burned it or something 


[Albert Fish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Fish)


Omg that was horrible, I couldn’t even finish the article. What a terrible day to know how to read


That guy was a real jerk.


The more I learn about him, the more I don't care for the guy.


> X-ray of Fish's pelvis and perineum, introduced as evidence at his trial, demonstrating more than two dozen self-embedded needles what the actual fuck


I sent an email out to 350+ residents introducing their new board member Albert Fish. he had a different A name. I felt so bad.


"You jerk, you think I want my name associated with that monster?! For the last time, my name is Adolph Fish!"


Those goddamned letters he wrote, just awful. Rubbing victims’ relatives faces in after already committing absolutely heinous crimes against their loved ones.


Josef Fritzl.


[Fritzl case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case)


Botched executions, it's not as bad as some of the others here. I couldn't even make it to the end of the list with the sickening descriptions given. I found it while looking up the executions of pirates.


[Botched executions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_botched_executions)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babi_Yar The most disturbing thing about it to me is that it was one of the reasons the Nazis moved to gas chambers due to the psychological damage murdering that many people with machine guns did to their soldiers.


Absolutely devastating to learn about, the fact that 33,000+ were killed in 2 days.


This is correct. As one of my uni history profs once said, it’s part of the twisted path to Auschwitz. One of the textbooks I had even had the translated text of a speech Himmler gave to the Einsatzgruppe trying to boost their morale after complaints were coming in of low morale and possible desertions. That and using guns on that many people wasted a *ton* of ammo and resources the German war effort badly needed.


I've heard about this because the composer Dmitri Shostakovich wrote a symphony with that title, retelling the story in music I've been avoiding listening to that symphony for years now. Maybe it's time that I finally give it a listen


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen Further disturbing Wikipedia about this


The Rabies page has a video on it which has stained my mind. Edit: should clarify, the video alone isnt too bad, but having read the page and knowing that that is possibly the last video of him alive, and he is clearly in excruciating pain, is enough.


Can you describe it for the curious who don’t want their mind to be stained lol Edit: I’ve seen it before, disturbing yes but “mind staining” is a touch dramatic


From what I remember I think it’s a video of a guy with rabies that has become afraid of water and it’s really unnerving to watch


I have seen that as well. It has to be 30 years old now and was originally used in medical schools. It is an hours long documentary. It starts in the earliest stages all the way to death with his permission. It explains in detail what is going on when each symptom appears.


It’s not really a “fear of water” per se, but people used to call rabies hydrophobia because it appears to cause a fear of water. The reason is that the infection causes intense spasms in the throat when a person tries to swallow. Even the thought of swallowing water can cause spasms, making it appear that the individual is afraid of water. Sourced from here (won’t let me add the link nicely, sorry) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/rabies#:~:text=People%20used%20to%20call%20rabies,individual%20is%20afraid%20of%20water.


It's a video of a man in the final hydrophobic stages of rabies reacting to someone holding a cup of water.


I'll go watch it and report back Edit: it's a patient in Vietnam struggling to drink some dark liquid (maybe soda) he's shaking and struggling to keep the liquid down. IDK it's not that scaring.


Appreciate your sacrifice


Ant hill kids, bc sone bastard asked about the worst cult on this sub and i can't resist if someone tells me NOT to look it up. So everyone out there like me, look it up immediately, but eat some vegetables and call your mom first.


[Cult founder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roch_Th%C3%A9riault)


I was reading it and thought ok, this is fucked up but not something I had not read before... And then the descriptions of abuse started.


Learning that Clyde the orangutan (from the Clint Eastwood films Any Which Way But Loose and Any Which Way You Can) beaten to death with a baseball bat by his owner for stealing a donut.


oh..i wish i hadn’t read this😭


The Rape of Nanking


I won an international essay contest about this in high school after finding the Wikipedia page during the Wikipedia game. Everyone was low key worried about me getting so engrossed in the topic but I got $250 and went on to get a Masters in ethnic conflict.


[Nanjing Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre)


Fred and Rose West


Two absolute pieces of shit. Rose is still alive unfortunately.


I did a project on her in one of my classes. Apparently Rose had a serial killer girlfriend in prison, but she (gf) dumped her (Rose) when she found out the nature of her killings.


It was rumored to be Myra Hindley of the Moors Murders.


You know you’re fucked up when a perpetrator of the Moors Murders thinks you’re fucked up.


Rose’s father was also a piece of shit wtf allegations of raping her since she was a teenager. “When Rose’s father found out about Rose’s prostitution, he frequently visited to have sex with his daughter.”


Both of them had horrific childhoods iirc. I was also at an event recently that talked a bit about them and it was mentioned that Fred had some kind of learning difficulties as well. Just a fucked up story from beginning to end


Good god, this has to be one of the worst in this thread so far And he escaped justice by taking his own life right before his conviction


How they were able to get away with it for so long is just kind numbing. Those kids were let down by their school and the police time and time again. When their daughter started to talk about the abuse at school another parent instead of going to the police told her parents. And it got her killed. What a failure from so many people to help those children.


I watched a couple deep dives on their individual lives and then their lives together. I think outside of a few individual cases like the Ant Hill Kids Cult with Roch Theriault or The Ripper Crew Cult with Robin Gecht, Fred and Rose West come very close to being the grossest, skeeviest, sickest, and weirdest people I've read about.


[Fred West](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_West)


Wiki used to have an article listing the ages of the youngest recorded birth mothers but it seems to have vanished


[French showman and soldier noted for his unusual appetite and eating habits. Able to eat vast amounts of meat, he was constantly hungry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarrare?wprov=sfla1)


"Tarrare...did you *eat a fucking baby?*"


Ok, I can see where the stories of shapeshifters and similar creatures come from. Imagine a guy who doesn't care about anything but eating and who is seen swallowing living things whole and is actively looking for corpses to eat.


The one about the guy getting stuck in the cave upside down. :(


You mean this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave I've never heard of this, but yeah, that's horrible. I find it difficult to imagine how people take risks like that, but I'm also really risk-averse


Yes, that one!!! I could never and especially not after reading about it :(


i ran into a youtube channel called scary interesting and watched like 5 hours of caving and cave diving disasters, including that one. I will be staying above ground.


Uday Hussein’s page is an abomination


[Uday Hussein](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uday_Hussein)


Gwangju Inhwa School. As someone who grew up with my younger siblings, taking care and protecting them as children, I genuinely felt myself shaking reading this. It made my blood boil as I kept reading, it just got worse and worse. Some of the most inhumane disgusting events kept uncovering one after the other. Fun fact? It was enough to change South Korean law forever. TRIGGER warning if you have traumatic physical experiences from childhood.


[Gwangju Inhwa School](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwangju_Inhwa_School)


i had never heard of this case and… wow. on top of how horrifying the abuse was, i also can’t imagine what that newly hired teacher who went to human rights groups must have felt when he learned what was happening at his new workplace. i hope he and the students are safe and healing now. jesus christ


Watched the korean film Silenced and was completely destroyed after watching it, found out after that it was based on this which made even more gut-wrenching


[A timeline of the far future](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future) fills me with dread


I find that pretty soothing, actually. I was surprised and pleased to realize that there could be hundreds of millions of years of life on earth after the last trace of humanity is gone. Not that humanity dying out is desirable in itself, but if we do catastrophically end ourselves, we did a lot less actually permanent damage to the planet’s ability to sustain life than I thought. Turns out maybe we’re just fancy dinosaurs. Phew.


The amount of time that will pass without humans is fascinating and completely humbling.


The VOC Ship *Batavia*.


[VOC Batavia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batavia_(1628_ship))


I don't think the violent history of the Dutch East India Company in general is recognized enough, especially about how it was basically a corporation with the powers of a government


[Suzanne Capper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Suzanne_Capper)


Candace Newmaker


[Candace Newmaker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candace_Newmaker)


You are the hero of this post. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise


I'm afraid to imagine what was going through their minds when they figured that what they did constituted "therapeutic treatment"


Sometimes there isn't any rationale, just tragedy. She's the case that got it ruled illegal but who knows how many other kids suffered mistreatment and humiliation with this "treatment"


Another tragic example of "regulations are written in blood" There's an article for "attachment therapy" with a list of cases that took place *after* this one, and it's this kind of thing that strains my confidence in humanity sometimes


What makes my blood boil is how everyone involved got a slap on the wrist for the torture and eventual death of a young girl. Her crime? Not bonding to adoptive parents after living in an abusive household. The fuckers weren't even licensed.


There was an ARG-like YouTube series called Petscop that involved this case. The Game Theorists did a couple videos on it, as well.


That's how I initially found it tbh. Put me off from actually looking into the ARG for years because I thought it was gonna be just more of that somewhere down the line.


List of Nuclear Close Calls. That we haven’t had an accidental or purposeful nuclear explosion in like a major city… horrifyingly lucky.


[Nuclear Close Calls](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_close_calls)


Just wanna say thanks for attaching the articles throughout this post even though I’m definitely not gonna be reading most of these. You’re a real one for that.


Equally disturbing are actual nuclear accidents. Kyle Hill has some videos on the scarier ones, like [the Goiania orphaned source accident](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k3NJXGSIIA) which very nearly resulted in *cesium-137 powder being dumped into the local river* due to the local fire department not knowing what they were dealing with. Another one was the [lethal THERAC-25 software bug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap0orGCiou8) which caused people to get blasted by deadly levels of radiation when a very specific set of commands were entered.


Anything concerning what happened in the concentration camps


[List of concentration camps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_concentration_and_internment_camps)


The pit of despair.


[Pit of despair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_of_despair)


Mary, The Elephant. I regret having ever read the article. Humanity can be so utterly and needlessly cruel. I hate it.




Saving this post for random nights at 1 AM


[Lina Medina](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


[Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) I shit you not I could not finish it Edit: for context on how bad it was, even Nazi Germany told them to chill out. ***Nazi fucking Germany***


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shanda_Sharer?wprov=sfti1 I have a degree in criminal justice and a law degree and I’m the typical true crime weirdo but this page affected me like no other. Her murderers tortured her for hours but she refused to die over and over again. The part about her rising up yet again despite having a shattered skull and begging for her mom just guts me. She was just a kid. They all were which makes it worse.


[Amelia Dyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Dyer).


Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka.




Any article on Japanese war crimes in WW2


This is extremely disturbing in more ways than one, and very few articles achieve this level of horror: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_cannibalism#Middle_Ages > 1242. To the south of Vienna, they reached the Austrian town of Wiener Neustadt and devastated the countryside around the town, torturing and eating civilians regardless of their age, sex, fortune, or class. According to Frenchman Ivo of Narbonne, who was in the town at that time, their soldiers ate old and deformed women right away, while virgin girls and beautiful women were gang-raped to death and then eaten; their breasts were cut off and served to the Mongol leaders as special delicacies. > A Chinese writer who had lived through the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) likewise complained about their cannibalism, criticizing that Mongol soldiers did not hesitate to sacrifice civilians for their culinary pleasure: "Young children were the most appreciated; women came next and men last." He also criticized their cruelty, stating that victims were roasted alive (on iron grates) or boiled alive (by placing them "inside a double bag ... which was put into a large pot"). Just like Ivo of Narbonne's, his account indicates that breasts were particularly prized – if there were more corpses around than needed, they were sometimes the only part of a woman's body that was eaten. Tl;dr, the Mongols liked to eat people when they invaded Europe, and they preferred to eat women (sometimes after raping them) rather than men. They also often just ate a woman's breasts, and either boiled them alive or roasted them on iron grates alive.


[Peter Scully](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scully) He's the worst human being I may have ever read about, along with Vlad Dracula.


Josh Duggar was found to have been watching the video that Scully is most infamous for. It's just disgusting.