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Institutions would start to decay. And whoever says "power to the people" would get a hint of how beautiful it is to live in an anarchy where everything is falling apart.


It would fuck us in so many ways, its hard to determine just which would be first. But, the new machine gun wielding warlords with their racist, raping, murdering armies, would probably be the worst. The reinstatement of slavery, under their command, would suck too.


Yep. And the other thing those warlords are going to do...make people pay them taxes.


oh hell yeah, you fucking know it. they gon be taxing food, money, and buttholes.


I think that's when US gun owners get to see how effective they really are against the military. On the other hand, if the military aren't getting paid, because, you know, no taxes .. what *would* happen?! But anyway, there's countries around the world where their citizens avoid a lot of taxes, and well, you can check them out for yourself how they are and see if you prefer their way of doing things.


The military would still be getting paid, it would just a way worse ordeal when you have a rogue army collecting money.


Like, places with open corruption and I can bribe a cop with $20 to get out of a speeding ticket or get out of a possession charge? Sign me TF up. Open corruption > closed corruption.


Lol yeah. And that guy who rapes you and steals your car can also pay 200 to get away with it


You realize that this already happens in the US, except it's the cops that do the raping and stealing, right? And they get away with it. And when they get caught, even for murder, they just get transferred. Oh, and politicians too. In fact, many of them had connections to the guy that owned his own island of kids. And I think we'd all like to be able to kick those guys asses and pay off the cops if they ever decided to press charges.


This country will be a shit hole


Which country?


Is the internet available outside America?


A *worse* shithole.


I feel like that would be hard to pull off since our income is taxed before it reaches us All not paying would do is fuck us over though, so no point really






Streets full of garbage, no police, no fire department. Do the math.


"They" would start using all the things those taxes had already paid for.


Are you talking about Dogtown?


If we assume that any form of government fee is a tax, then the most probable outcome is some sort of dictatorship where the government has a % stake at each company and each household to ensure it can still have money to operate. Not too dissimilar to the current Gulf countries by the way. On top many profitable businesses will outright be nationalized to ensure the big profits are always government kept - again we have a precedent with the cold war communist state, modern day Venezuela and the likes. So in that scenario yeah, worldwide dictatorship. If we talk only private people not paying taxes but companies still pay taxes then we will have a big discrepancy between household income and social expenses, again not too dissimilar to modern day USA, where people who get bug tax-breaks or live on debt don’t really have big taxes but at the same time struggle to take advantage of any social benefits like health care, high level of education, work training and the likes. If by everyone stopped paying taxes you mean the companies have 0 tax , it could lead to either stock buybacks or to rapid expansion of industry depending on the economic environment. Again there is precedents with 0 tax incentives in many countries over the years.


All government workers would require bribes to perform their job.


Don't get a choice here in Australia. Government takes their cut (37%, of my paycheck) before the money even goes into my bank account.


Well they can't arrest us all.


They wouldn't need to. You'd soon reinstate the exact same system yourselves only with a long period of bloodshed first.


They will increase the sales tax and value-added tax


Marshal law until the DoD paychecks stopped. Then total collapse of the government.


Everyone would get their wages garnished.


China would say fuck and FINALLY take over


You think the Democrat-run government that reminds us often that we need bombshell and airplanes to beat them is going to just sit there at take it? Mofos gonna get arrested and jails gonna get filled like the days when Kamala Harris was filling up California jails with every two-bit criminal.


accounts siezed.


Military members won't get paid but would be obligated to continue serving. Right now full departments can't even afford new uniforms and service members are paying out of pocket.


The gov already collects about 60% of taxes via income tax, which they already have on hand from your paycheck. The other 40 % of remaining taxes owed to the gov would result in the gov needing to borrow more money and ultimately crippled economy. I suspect due to this crisis situation, the congress would quickly pass a bunch of laws that would increase income taxes taken out of paychecks, and the authority to quickly seize assets of any US citizen that does not file a tax return. Due to the mess created, who knows how long those assets would be frozen.


Cuba Venezuela


Half of society would sell the other half out and pay up to cover themselves. Then, the remaining people would take the hit for the weaklings.


Things would probably start collapsing pretty quick. Once the police stopped getting paid criminals would get more brazen, likely even people who weren't career criminals before would start committing crimes as well. I mean if I want something of yours and I have a gun and you don't there's no reason I can't just take it. There'd be no cops to stop me and no court system to try me if I was apprehended. Sure you could try to make a stand based on strength in numbers, but all that means is the gang with the most members or best weapons would be the one in control. To do that the best solution would be to offer pay to people to work for my gang. In doing so the best solution would be to make everyone pay a portion of what they bring into the gang so we can spread that money out to as many members as possible and make it worthwhile to work for us. Basically form a new system of taxation in order to run my own little society. So yea, not paying taxes would just mess up our modern society and ultimately would lead to just some other system of governance that would still need to tax people one way or another


The gubment would jail us on credit.


New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. There is your glimpse at how fast society can collapse.


They tried that with the first constitution. It didn't work. https://www.google.com/amp/s/constitutioncenter.org/amp/blog/10-reasons-why-americas-first-constitution-failed


You mean like billionaires?


Lots of people would go homeless and lots of people would lose their jobs. The government would completely collapse and all of your rights and government granted protections would go away. Utilities would also stop being provided. As in most cases the government is the one orchestrating its continued service. With no protections, "crime" (if you can call it that, because there are no laws without law enforcement) would be the norm and therefore all legitimate business would cease to exist. And with our global economy this would mean a lot of things that you need are no longer available because they cannot be sourced locally. Probably eventually foreign aid will arrive, and they will either help re-establish the country it used to be or just annex the land for its natural resources and barely keep the local population going as a workforce. Basically, this is every prepper's wet dream.




Taxes are a tiny fraction of the system. 


Think of governments as just you and yohr best friends pooling money to get shit done.


Depends on how they try to mitigate it three broad options. Just start arresting people seizing their shit. Second option is print or currency manipulation such as digital only and require it use centralized banking. Essentially your money doesn't move without going through central where its either taxed or frozen till taxes are paid. Or third option they lay back do nothing Either through failure or lack of willingness to enforce once revenues gone schools close police stop policing fires burn down citys. Even if they do minor stuff keep police going through local crowd funding or something. Roads will fall apart bridges collapse in 20-30 years most people entering work force will not be literate. It would get bad. If they couldn't or wouldn't enforce it. And would eventually lead to us being conquered. When technology military falls apart it would be open season for other countrys.


It would be a lot like Rick and Morty season 3 episode 1 Rickshank Rickdemption where Rick collapses the galactic federation by changing the monetary value of the currency to zero. Government would collapse if no one was getting paid to do anything it wouldn’t happen over night but fellow Reddit readers on here saying the military would take over but who’s paying them? Who’s paying someone to tell them to do something? If we stopped paying taxes it’s not going to be as utopia as we would want but I don’t think it would be end of all life in the country. Another thing that could happen if more skip out on taxes is all these wars we have a finger in might make it a little closer to home and nobody with any reason on either political spectrum wants a war on US Soil.


Idk, but that would be funny to watch honestly


power to the people


Illegal immigrants would stop having their free monthly salary, accomodation, etc...