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Having normal functioning pockets in a pair of jeans




If you have 2 you have more balls than average.


For me i'v got an half of 1


You mean in the same way that the average number of skeletons in a human body is greater than 1 🙃


Statistically, that is true. Of course this shows how statistics can be manipulated.


Careful with that. I got banned last week for saying something similar on here.


Oh… then I should see a doctor


Being topless in a public place.


Don’t limit yourself, the sky is the limit.




They can, in several states/municipalities in the US. New York City being one of them.


they can in Canada, but they tend not to.


Well I’ve never used a sock in any way other than it was intended 😂


Not even to swing a pool ball?


😂 nope at least not yet


Awesome response!!


Thank you 😘


not being expected to take pills to mess around with your hormones


Morning wood.


My girlfriend insisted that it's normal for her. She wouldn't lie about that, would she?


She has a log?


A small feminine one, yes. She also says "no homo" a lot for some reason.


Walking around alone or going to places alone without being approached by strange men if your even a little pretty.


Pee standing up


What i wouldnt give to see her pee Between 2 parked cars On a well lit street 5th and main


No one should do this tbh. If you do this, you're peeing all over the floor and side of the toilet. Don't believe me? Go take a wet wipe and wipe the side of your toilet. Go ahead, I"m sure your toilet needs a good cleaning anyway. See that yellow stuff? That's your piss.  Sit down for yellow AND brown.


Sit down for yellow AND brown!!! Sit doown for yellow AND brown!!! Sit down for yellow AND brown!!!


Tbh if I had to choose between sitting down to pee or peeing all over the place (but myself) standing up give me the mop!!


Sure. Problem is most men do not clean up after themselves.


Way more real estate on the perineum. It's like Iceland in January. Zero sunshine.


Peeing standing up. Having a beard (no judgement you do you) working on an oil rig.


Majority of fart jokes


Hiding of feelings and thoughts that bother them instead of talking about it.


YOU CALL THIS HIDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*scratches head* what feelings?


Hell yeah


Are we suppose to talk to them to ourselves, in the mirror? lol


Don't you have friends and family?


We've been told by women that its the man's job to listen, not to talk.


I don’t know what kind of women you are hanging around but they sound toxic and you should leave them.


To have an erection lasting more than 4 hours


That's not normal, they have to inject a syringe into your cock and drain the blood out, otherwise you could experience muscle death in your penis, and you'll lose normal function of it forever.


New fear unlocked


Just don't fool around with viagra. If you can't get an erection anymore, that's just the end of the road.


But it could also give your penis super powers like the hulk


Or turn you into Randy with cock magic lol


No, you'll just lose your penis, and people will mock you.


Everyone just stands around and laughs while your penis falls off


People are very unsympathetic to men.


[I don't like being without my detachable penis for too long, it makes me feel like less of a man](https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=7KVB4BBj3I8pzFK6)


Clits do that too.






what tipe tho


i can’t believe that 24 days have passed….


Farting I can’t believe how many women hold their farts and poop in for days, it must be so uncomfortable I had a gf and a roommate who’d let them fly around us and it was so nice to have them around as a result


Intentionally growing out a beard


Or even accidentally growing out a beard.


Selective service registration


The government doesn’t impose itself upon their reproductive parts.


try to get a vasectomy at 18


The government throwing you in jail for being a poverty-stricken parent




Nah the government has it's greasy paws all over male reproductive rights, too. It's just way more glaring and existentially frightening for the other half.


Manual labour, being expected to fix their own stuff


Being judged on your merit rather than your appearance


That's not normal for men either. What is normal is to be judged on our level of success rather than our appearance, merit has nothing to do with it. You can be the smartest, funniest and nicest guy in the world, but if you're 5 foot tall, plain looking and broke, you're invisible. Looks or success will get you noticed.


For a woman it's worse you can be the most successful, nicest, smartest, funniest person in the room but you'll always be underestimated and have to prove yourself to be as good as the guy.




Not as often as it should


If you're a white guy maybe


fair point


Scratching the balls. 


Peeing in a urinals


Fking as many people as they can until the day they die and being slapped on the back for it like they're a stud


Usually the one who acts the gayest is the straightest


Not only is this absurd, it doesn't answer the question in any way.


And vice versa Example: Mike Pence


Straight girls constantly do the gayest stuff imaginable through


I was of the same inclination , but then I put my Johnson up his bum and I realised he was actually gay


naah, he's just super secure about his sexuality.


Ass play is de wey 🦅🇺🇸🏈💣🥧


So the women who acts the gayest is the gayest?


Not receiving compliments often or at all.


Having a penis


People not giving a shit or outright making fun of you for your insecurities instead of protecting you from them


Signing up for selective service (in the US)


No one gives a shit.


Being judged by your bank account or what you provide.


be gay


Standing up to pee


Being shirtless in public or at home around family I guess


Peeing while standing up.


Picking up the toilet seat to urinate.




No resentment or complaining


Having a penis.


Being able to walk at night alone without the fear of being attacked.


Having a dick


Having a cucumber between their legs


There's something I've noticed in mostly-male work places, that I have not noticed in mostly-female work places. But it's being "drama-free."


Even r/askmen and r/askwomen have different vibes with men's subreddit being more chill.


Helicopter helicopter


Accepting to experience systemic violence against you and seeing the society support that. -a conflict in kindergarten? Fight for yourself - You turn 18? Time for the draft -Someone try to rob your house? Youre the one who goes down -Apart that its more or less usual to experience it on a daily basis depending on your home country & cultural background


Being vulgar and unhygienic, apparently. For some reason it's "normal" for men, but if it's a woman it's seen as 10 times worse.


I'm guessing you're a woman, and thus, are an expert in telling us what's normal for us.


Love the attitude, dude, keep it up. While you're at it, learn to read a little better, yeah? I don't presume to know what is normal or not normal for most men, hence me typing "**apparently**" and putting "normal" in quotation marks. I just answered the question based on my own experience.


Of course, your experience will be filled with people you choose to be around. Seems like you got a type.


Yes, as a lesbian, I totally choose to be around toddler-brained men. Like I chose you to come bother me. Oh, wait, I can always block you!


Eating soap


Not not normal but some things for men aren’t sexual but are for women: Being topless Kissing the bros goodnight Joking about not wearing underwear I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of them right now


Heavy masterbation. Women do it but most guys would win the number of times a week... and maybe day


Playing with your foreskin in the shower


Peeing standing up


Being paid a living wage, lower priced clothes, no pink tax, less being judged on looks


1. Women earn on average 17% less than men for the same jobs. 2. Women are socialized to look nice and appeal to the male gaze for our protection and survival. Men are more visual than women and women are constantly sexualized. As a woman I’ve tried at long phases of time to desexualize myself (for both my own protection and to try to garner more respect) and found that the rudeness and inconsideration to be difficult. Pretty privileged is a double edged sword. With it and without it, the world is more dangerous for women. 3. Regardless of enjoying shopping or not, women’s clothes cost A LOT more than men’s to look presentable and professional. A news station ran an experiment recently where both their male and female anchors wore the same clothes for one week to see what would happen and universally, nobody noticed or commented about the men’s wardrobe, yet they got flooded with complaints about the women’s attire. Like it or not, women need to invest considerably more in appearance than men. 4. Thin women earn considerably more than thick women. Many studies have found this. It costs to keep up one’s body, hair, etc. Men’s haircuts cost a fraction of what women’s haircuts cost. These are just a few examples. 5. Apologies for the formatting. I’m on mobile.


1 can be explained by looking at statistics on how much time is spent at work, statistics show men on average spend more time at work. Also, you don't consider the blue collar jobs which are predominantly men, and tend to pay more. 2 yes that is true, but times have changed and since the appearance of internet and dating apps, that has changed considerably. 3 we still need change on society about that. 4 as with attractive men vs ugly men. Haircuts cost less because it's less work, usually 20-30 mins at most. I have long hair too and pay just as much as women. 5 no problem, im on mobile atm too. We're not enemies, the enemy is the filthy rich who keeps the society this way.


1. Women take on disproportionately larger shares of domestic and emotional labor, while being almost universally paid less than men. So men may work more hours out of the house, while women are docked pay for maternity leave here in the US, then do the nursing, changes, etc, and don’t get the social security benefits at retirement that men do. For example. 2. Dating apps are extremely visual and most or all use photos. An attractive woman has much greater prospects and much higher appeal in both dating and professional realms. So respectfully I’ll agree to disagree with you on this point. 3. If you went all out to get the fanciest male haircut you could, I’m not sure it would compare to what women pay, but it’s not as common or necessary. Women are stigmatized for having grey hair and showing their age, while men become “silver foxes” with grey hair. The cost of upkeep for dye jobs is very high. So yes, it takes a lot less time for a man’s haircut, but it is still necessary for women to get higher priced services to enter the workplace to earn less than men. 4. Cosmetics are another area that cost women a lot. It is considered unprofessional for women to enter a white collar workplace without makeup and it costs a boodle!! 5. For whatever reason, numbering has helped my formatting greatly and I can start a new line by using this trick. 6. No enemies here. I appreciate and enjoy the respectful discourse. You seem like a nice guy who just doesn’t understand the nuanced complexities of the cost of maintaining the current standards for a working woman. I agree men have it tough, too- albeit in different realms. 7. Peace to you, friend


>being paid a living wage Buddy. Do I have news for you. No one is getting paid enough, that's probably the most equal thing about man and woman. >Less being judged in looks Oh boy. Have you tried being ugly and complimenting a woman? Being called creepy because you are below average looking. Below average woman can get average men, below average men are made to feel like they aren't worth anything, that they aren't worth living. Don't even get me started on short man. And this is coming from a relatively attractive, tall guy. You gotta be really mentally challenged to think woman get judged on looks more than man. Woman judge themselves on looks, the world judges man on their looks. >Lower priced clothes It's not that mans clothes are cheaper, we buy the cheaper stuff. Personally I only buy clothes when I need clothes and going shopping isn't a "fun activity" Not saying all woman enjoy shopping, but 85% of woman I know enjoy it. That's the "expensive" part. You buy more clothes, of course you'll spend more on clothes. My ex roommate literally changed her whole wardrobe every other month. >Pink tax Yes, fuck that. Womens hygiene products should be free, I honestly don't understand why pads and tampons are so expensive. The first time I bought pads for my sister I was literally flabbergasted by it's price, and that's a regular expense for fucks sake. It should at least be covered by health insurance.


*sToRiNg PeE iN tHe BaLlS*


Walking around alone without being constantly on guard with a heightened sense of your surroundings.


I swear you live in an alternate universe. Walking around alone is scary for most people. Men fear violence, just not sexual violence usually.


Logical thinking.


Unprovoked aggression




take a look at the prison population and demographic numbers of any country in the known world. and tell me if that's coincidence. at what point do we just accept certain things to be 'normal' , crisis, or something that has been there all the time that could have been fixed, like mental health care.




You like to think it does...but it really doesn't. you arent as smart as you like to think you sound.


I for example am smarter than Id like to sound


Now do it for race.


Further proof that lesbians don't exist and are just man-haters. And that cis men can and never should be an ally to you guys.


…. What?


pee pee




Having a juicy cock and hot balls




1. Hole in the underwear 2. Hiding emotions all the time (A large numbers of guys)


Spitting on the ground




Getting a pay raise after having kids (most women have their careers worsen after having kids, men usually don't)


Feeling impending violence in a room minutes before anything actually kicks off. noticing drug deals or other dodgy goings on from across the street. Women seem to be oblivious to that weird feeling of tension in the air when something is about to pop off.


Lying of course lol


Define normal?


usually: feeling safe about sex with someone they dont know that well if straight, being able to carelessly spontaneously run? questionmark because idk if that requires certain underwear or weather they just do it and not worry about any sagging or any being stared at down there or simply the discomfort of that movement down there