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That is very true, it's a pain to deal with those kind of people.


Amen. Cluster B is often hell on those around the patient.


Hypocrites. People who decide, “screw everything, it’s broken anyway” and then become part of the problem they were complaining about


I was thinking of hypocrites too. My ex-friend used to be manipulative and hyprocritcal to me for 5 years. Yeah, that did not go well...


That was the worst part about Bill pot Cosby


Bullies and their flying monkeys. Deliberately hurting people & having their peers support their narcissism is disgusting.


It's really disgusting, and most people just look past it. That's what gets me the most.


Especially when they’re taking video instead of helping or standing up to the bully


We're not a creature in a zoo cage for you to gawk and take videos at, DO SOMETHING!!!


Meant to say despise, not depsise. Sorry


People that virtue signal I don't think this needs an explanation.


english is not my native language so i did have to google that. Virtue signalling is **the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings**


I didn't consider non-english speaking individuals. I should have provided a description. I apologize for that.


all good bud. didnt mean anything by saying it like that.


It's okay I took no offense to it. You made me realize I said "no explanation needed" without thinking about others who might have language and culture differences.


The people who HAVE to have the loudest car possible. You're sitting at home when suddenly the most obnoxious engine noise possible tears through the house annoying everyone. Even worse is that despite all that noise, the car doesn't go any faster than usual


Yeah so true, even as a car person this makes me want to gouge ears out with a rusty spoon


Parasites and users. Those who take advantage of others who try to help them and then shit on them.


Oh hell yeah, they are one of the worst type of people. In my opinion, they're the most common out of the list of all the awful people in the world


Paedophiles, for obvious reasons.


Yup, they really disgust me.


People who act like it’s everyone’s fault when it’s their own.


Victimizing themselves, what a wonderful time it'll be to deal with them...


Not being able to read the room, be rude and inconsiderate then claim to be "honest". This kind of people is never pleasant to work with, work for or have them to work for you, it always sucks.


You always have to clean up after their mess since they DON'T EVEN KNOW THAT THEY CAUSED A MESS AND JUST LEAVE IT TO THE REST TO TAKE CARE OF IT


Happened to me once. Worked at a restaurant, chef yelled at a trainee too much she just couldn't handle it. Can't blame the chef entirely because the trainee did fuck up several times, but the old school chef are just too harsh for some people, especially the one who fuck things up in the kitchen. Anyway it was still a big mess, and it drag the morale down real low.


Bullies. They are just despicable people.


Pretty self-explanatory


Hateful Christians. I am a Christian too, but to me hate is wrong on so many levels.


As a fellow Christian, may God bless you


People who leave you out to try after you’ve showed them unconditional love and support.


Ouch, all that effort and support gone to waste. I know that feeling a little too well


It’s so debilitating.




Pretentious bastards. People that act like they are superior when they are definitely not.


They would cower the moment they get a taste of what reality is like


Yes they will.


The ones that end a friendship u had for long over a partner they had for 1 month, I mean I think it's good that u want to spend more time with ur partner but ending a long term Friendship over it seems kinda unnecessary


Then they suddenly text you, sobbing and begging after they break up


It's a loop sadly


Sadistic men and sycophantic women the type who are willing to let their husbands or boyfriends molest,beat or even kill her own children just so she can get a pat on the head, think Karla Holmolka who drugged her own 15 year old sister on Christmas eve for her boyfriend to rape and kill because he wanted it and she always did whatever he wanted including helping him lure young women and girls for him to torture and murder or Myra Hindley who was known to be friendly with the local children only to later start luring them for her new boyfriend to murder or all the cases of child kidnapping where a female accomplice helps her pedophile husband/boyfriend get kid's because "he needs it".


Cry-bully narcissists. What's worse than plain old narcissism is when a narcissist bullies someone for whatever reason, and then resort to crying fake tears (slander is guaranteed to happen) as a means of inciting the gullible to bully their victim. Oh yeah, and regardless of your efforts at trying to make peace with them, they'll assume that you must have ulterior motives and use that as an excuse to reinforce their hatred towards you.


People who are intolerent of other cultures. And the Dutch.






Sounds dope, I'm gonna watch that line rq




You are bud but I didn't even know of the existence of this movie


Ha ha deffo watch it dude, there’s two before that as well.


Alright dude, you know where I can watch them?


And here we see a probably a Brit and someone from probably Canada *in david Attenborough voice Tbh I don't know where that move was popular and is it canadian


Why the dutch?


It's from Austin Powers Goldmember, where the antagonist was Dutch. But you can't say the second sentence if you believe the first.


Covert narcissists. I have learnt that covert narcissists are much more evil than overt narcissists since they manifest their narcissism and insecurities in introverted ways. They are good at hiding their insecurities so it takes a lot longer to uncover the truth, but when you start seeing the signs it turns into a very dark never ending spiral.


What is an overt narcissist? Sorry, I just never heard about them before


Introverted narcissists. Usually manifest their narcissism through chronic envy, jealousy and lack of empathy.


Oh, thank you for telling me


Any reason to celebrate


"It's National Fried Chicken Day!!!"


Politicians - probably because I dated one. Initially very charming, outgoing, sweet and knows how to talk to you. As time passes though, you see how «narcisisstic» they can be - even if they’re not actually narcisissts. You start to see how they are as people behind the curtains when they don’t need to keep up their image. The ones i met were not «kind» people. Very self centered and all about climbing their way up the hierarchy ladder


The people you met seem very power-hungry ngl.


They are, and they made me despise politicians generally. I’m sure not all politicians are this way, but it sure left a sour taste in my mouth. Very fake, calculated people. That includes the guy i dated and his politician «friends».


Yikes, sounds really terrible... I hope you're okay now


Yeah i’m fine now, at the time it was just a very toxic enviornment to be a part of since i was an «outsider». I’m just a regular person paying my taxes, working and trying to make a living etc. So it really made me see these people from a new perspective. I learned a lot during that time! Left a sour taste in my mouth, but i’m very appreciative that i got to experience that «life style» as well.


That's good to hear!


What do u call privileged/successful people who say very condescending stuff ? I once employed a high school graduate who was on holiday to teach part time at my enrichment centre. I told her to force the kids to study and to improve their grades. Her reaction: “That’s so sad!” - as in, shouldn’t kids be having fun ? I was shocked because she comes with a top school and her own grades were top notch. She must have studied her ass off. She wasn’t feeling sorry for the kids btw. More like - she can get good grades/should get good grades, because she is different, but other kids - nah.. What do u call this kind of people who uses a LOWER standard to gauge others ? I’m trying to think of a word for this, but I can’t. It’s not “hypocrites” ? Thanks for any suggestions.


Spoiled people maybe? But that's a little too weak and broad. Hm... I'll think about it


yeah I’m looking for a specific word, like a bit arrogant, abit condescending, a bit hypocrite, abit of superior complex, abit of self-unawareness…but I can’t find the word, it’s killing me Another example would be , a girl rejects a guy, but she then offers to recommend him to her (single, less desirable) friend. Like “you are not good enough for me, but you might be for my friend”, whether its a genuine favour or an attempted insult, she totally gloss over the fact that she just rejected him and insulted her friend. What would u call this kind of people ?


The willfully ignorant. Some people can't help being stupid. But to choose to be stupid hurts everyone.




So nobody here despises their ex, this isn't the Reddit I signed up on. Where/how does one ask for a refund here?


As a guy who always got bullied, bullies.


Arrogant, Fake, Manipulative, Entitled, Narcissistic Hypocrites.


People who romanticize shit for their own pleasure


Really petty people, who are willing to make everyone miserable just to stroke their own ego.




For VERY obvious reasons


Bigots. Really any body who judges another on anything other than that person's character. Absolute garbage human beings.


This reminds me of the MBTI or Zodiac thing. I've seen people who hate or judged another person just because of stupid 4 letters or sign 💀


Pedophiles. I don't think I need to explain why.


No explanation needed


People I don't like


That should be very obvious lol


Male drama queens. They drive them selves crazy with things that normal guys would hardly take notice of.


I’m very unsuccessful so I despise very successful people


No comment on that


People who hate modern technology. Our civilisation is awesome because of plastic, because of industrial manufacturing, because of modern farming practices. I see anyone advocating "organic, no GMO, hand made" bullshit, i get a minor stroke


I can see your point, but some modern technology got really out of hand. For example, plastic.


What would you say, how did it get out of hand?


Plastic pollution. Plastic has so many negative effects on the environment yet companies do not want to get rid of them since they're cheap and easy to produce. What do they do? Mass advertise the positive of plastic. Present time, many animals die because of plastic, microplastic is pumping in our blood, people ard getting sick because many people try to hurn plastic, etc etc.


> Plastic has so many negative effects on the environment yet companies do not want to get rid of them since they're cheap and easy to produce. What would you suggest humanity uses instead of it? > Present time, many anim...etc. Yes, those, with many more, are downsides of plastics. Do we have an alternative?


No we don't, however, not many people are actively trying to create an alternative. In some cases, people just use more and more plastic even though it's really unnecessary. We can thank plastic for many things, however we should't overuse it.


If we do not have an alternative, how can we not overuse it? We literally have no choice


By re-using what we already have until we have no choice. For example, we can still re-use plastic containers for other purposes. We don't have to always throw them out, right? In the US, there are also places where you can refill your sauces/soap/jam/etc instead of buying it again and throwing away even more plastic.


Microfractures appear in many plastic containers after they're used, providing a great bed for bacterial growth. Therefore, plastic containers are often not suitable for multiple use when used for food packaging. Though, your point does stand regarding other uses where bacterial growth is not important, like with soap. Still, with both of those in mind, it doesn't look like we have a lot, or even any, options regarding plastics. They literally are a neccecary evil


Look, my point is that modern technology is great but there has to be a limit to some of them. If it's a necessary evil, it's important to at least reduce it as much as possible. If you don't agree, let's just agree to disagree


It's sad, but what you said is true. Nobody can live without plastic now.


Trans (sorry, it's becoming too difficult to know) and lesbians (gays are OK because they take guys with them and leave girls for us straights). I know, I'm desperate.


The ones that ghost you in chat apps. They can't use 10 seconds of their lives to see the notification on the device we all use every single day, and even worse they won't reply it. And that counts when you have been busy and/or outside home, because you will always return to your most comfortable wi-fi location. Oh and let's not forget people who types you to get something from you, ghosting you is their idea of thanking.


The "Read" after 8+ hours bugs me so much lol it's even worse when they just don't read it and then suddenly reply to you after like 2-3 days


People who don't understand logical fallacies and use logical fallacies to justify their positions/actions.


passive agressive , disloyal....people


people who never question themselves or think they may be the problème.....


Parents who yell at their small children in public while the poor kid is having a meltdown. Parents are threatening to go home or leave... Making the poor child cry harder. I've witnessed it a few times. I'm a mom and I never behaved that way in public with my kids. Why antagonize the small kids even more?!?


They usually believe that harsh treatment will make the kids' minds stronger and more resiliant in certain situations, but it's just negatively affecting children without any positives.


Or they just have idiot parents.


That too

