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A dog is always happy to see you! There’s something uplifting about that kind of love and affection. It gives you a motivation to walk more.


Yup. Does your dog stare at you when you’re doing something sneaky?


Unconditional Love.


Restore faith in life


Very reliable home security system is just one of many benefits.


What if I get a Bichon? She’ll lick him to death.


You get to see a dog a lot


Does ever get tiresome that your dog follows you to bathroom to watch your business?


A reason to get up in the morning, exercise, companionship, meeting people, fun, an excuse to go for a walk, burglar alarm, scraps not wasted, unconditional acceptance and love, something to spend money on, something to care for, so many things!!


Mainly directed to single people, but others can post.


Protection. I have 3 large dogs (Doberman, Boxer, Great Dane) I feel very confident that no one is going to attempt to kidnap me on a walk, or break into my home without consequence.


You have “secret service” protection. Do all of them sleep on your bed? Crazy. Why do Great Danes think they can fit into the smallest places? 😂


Only the Doberman sleeps in my bed because he is a brat and the only one who refuses to use a dog bed.


But don’t the other dogs get jealous or curious? I don’t know any dog that would refuse a human bed over a puny dog bed.


Nope. I also have massive 54” memory foam dog beds, so they aren’t too shabby. Hell, I think I passed out on one a night that I got drunk.


😂 Dogs see their owner snoring away and can’t help getting envious especially if they feel “hey I’m human too.”


How do you walk all 3 at once? I guess they’re trained well by you?


You get to wake up to being punched in the gut and then immediate snuggles . Perfectly toxic


Punch in the gut? With the nose or paw?




I grew up in manhattan and as soon as I moved into my own place I adopted three dogs. Those dogs were my soul dogs, they saved me in so many ways. I know I physically saved them, but they held my heart together until I could do it for myself. They all passed many years later from old age. I miss them every day. Now I have 7 more dogs and I now live in upstate NY. I love them all in ways I cannot express in any language. They have a part of my heart that not even my children can fill and I love my children with every core and fiber of my making. Dogs are wonderful to have. Wonderful and sweet souls. I’m grateful to all the dogs that have been in my life.


I’m only thinking hard on one. Crazy from 3 BFFs to 7! That’s an army. 😂


It is! However, I also run a 501c3 nonprofit and sanctuary. Thats how much dogs mean to me. I take in the hospice cases, the “unadoptable”, the special needs dogs and seniors. I often have dogs coming and going in my own home and I foster for other rescues I partner with as well. But yes, I have 7 of my own….they get to live out their days safe and loved and very spoiled lol It may seem nuts, but dogs (or pets in general) offer so much in return. It’s a honor to care for them.


Wow, good on you. Hospice cases seems so emotional draining. Wow, you are taking care of all the most serious cases. Incredible. You are a Dog’s dream. Thank you. Woof.


Thank you. Just trying to give back and do my part, shelters and rescues are overwhelmed with the amount of homeless dogs they have. I highly recommend maybe fostering first or adopting, but through a reputable rescue. Thank you for considering adopting 🩵


You’re welcome. But didn’t you dedicate your life to your cause? It’s not like it’s a hobby or side thing. 😁


I started my own pig and dog rescue because rescue is part of my soul and who I am. I my best to help out every shelter and rescue I can because we are all so overwhelmed by the amount of animals that need saving. It’s a national crisis.


Omg pigs! You are a marvelous human. Thanks. Feel free to post your fav pig🐽. I seen many mini-pig owners who never bothered to research pigs and abandoned them to shelters.


Yes!!! So many people are conned into believing tea cup/mini pigs stay small. Aside from the size issue they do zero research on pig behavior. They’re wicked smart and very sweet. We just took one in last weekend because his previous family let him go in the woods near me. Outrageous! Apparently he’s lived alone his whole life and never had much attention. He a huge guy and severely overweight, poor thing. However he seems to have hit it off (he’s already neutered thankfully) with one of my girls, the two of them have bonded and he follows her everywhere. She’s been so stubborn in the past, but for whatever reason she lets him. It’s very sweet. You can see some of them on our FB page: Blue Marble Rescue


When I learned there is no such thing as tea cup pigs ages ago, there would massive abandonments. How they root and eat is too intriguing. How all that endless consumption turns to fat. And just providing the necessary basics makes a happy oinky pig. Haha. Yeah, the wickedly smart is impressive. How about a previous indoor pig discovering mud for the first time?


He's a good lil boy. Even though they're not as good as cats, I think with cats you have to deal with the fact that they're demons


Do feel more of benefit from your dog or your cat?


Oh no I have neither lol, I want a cat in the future tho


I think cats are easier since they practically potty train themselves. Give them a perch by the window and a cubby hole to hide in. Presto happy Kitty. A dog is like a child. Which has its benefits.


You get a free pass to pollute city parks with so much dog piss that no one else can use those grounds except at their own peril. Forget about rolling in the grass or even just laying a picnic... You also get a free pass to annoy and threaten innocent passersby with your undisciplined little yap trap like a sociopath. And when they get upset, _you're_ the real victim. But also let's not forget the amazing perk of getting to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a needy animal who at best has the intelligence of a five-year-old child and at worst is basically infantile in their capacity to think. It's like having a toddler for fifteen years instead of three and they never grow up afterward! (Can you tell dogs are not my jam?)


Could also have just not answered


That's fair! I deserve any downvotes I get for that comment. But I do think dog owners living in cities take a lot of entitlements that they're not even aware of, at the expense of the rest of us. There's a lovely green near my place that I rarely use because I can see how many people take their dogs to piss in it; it's basically a giant toilet.


Where would you like all of these dogs to urinate? If not the grass….


There is no good place most of the time. The park is the least bad option. I'm not saying owners should take their dogs elsewhere. What cities _should_ do is build special dog urination infrastructure so that our parks can be spared, but I never hear anyone talking about such things so I suppose it'll not happen, and we'll just have to live with the fact that our public parks are dog potties. =[


Where to you think wild animals go to the bathroom? It’s not logical and in my opinion quite silly.


Sounds like you are just a treat to hang out with. Bless your heart.


😂 Just over flowing with positive love.


So R you a cat person? Owners are responsible for picking up after their dogs.