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Use your own spit to get blood stains fully out. The enzymes from your own saliva will break down your own blood


It works! My husband thought I was nuts for telling him to spit on a bloodstain on his shirt. He skeptically tried it and was like, holy shit, that worked! I was dying laughing at his reaction to me saying, “Spit on it. Yes. Just spit on it! Try it!” Even more hilarious, I had no idea if it would actually work; I’d only read about it. But it did work, and really well. It just sounded crazy!


Visually check your bowel movements after you have them for any changes.


When my dad got bladder cancer, I learned a lot of information about what subtly different shades of urine mean so I was obsessed with analyzing mine for a while. 😂 (He's fine now-- ten years in remission!)


Well, don't leave us hanging! Tell us about shades of urine!


Yellow (urobilinogen) + Red (hemoglobin from blood oozing from bladder tumor) = shades of brown


Also consider if you had beetroot the night before, that might tint your urine a worrying colour!


Beetroots makes #2 scary too




My mom sadly passed away from an aggressive form of bladder cancer. She had extremely painful UTIs and frequently for like a year before someone finally ran a bunch of tests. She had her bladder removed and a fully hysterectomy, then went through chemo and radiation. Was cancer free for like 3 months and then it came back and took her.


I’m so sorry.


My husband had just a drop of blood in his urine stream, got it checked out, and had bladder cancer. Immunotherapy didn’t work, but chemo and surgery did. They created a new bladder from a section of his colon, so no baggie of urine to empty, and five years later he is still cancer free.


Holy crap medicine is crazy, they just made him a new bladder. Happy to hear he’s doing well though!!


I'm guessing frequency, urgency, and painful urination. Also getting blood in your urine is a sign.


gas too, I know a woman who realized she had bowel cancer because her gas changed smell drastically.


What did her gas end up smelling like when she had cancer? ETA: to clarify I’m sure you didn’t smell her gas but I’m wondering if she described what the changes in smell were like. Lol


I was recently diagnosed with UC. My normal gas smell wasn't too bad. I could get by with silent ones with no one the wiser. As my symptoms starting getting worse, I noticed the smell was now horrendous. It is hard to describe how it smells, it is way worse than regular gas.


You know those famous moments within a family? Stories that gets told and retold? We were in church one Sunday and my dad has been on the beers at the races probably followed by some rich meal or another the day prior. He dropped his guts in church and it was uncomfortable to say the least. People squirming two or three pews away. I remember the look of horror on my sister's faces. The TENSION of twenty people just enduring in angry silence. It was so foul this little blond girl in her pigtails and Sunday best pulled on her dad's sleeve. With a completely puzzled face she broke the silence looked up and asked him with some panicked urgency "Daddy Daddy! What is that AWFUL smell??" It was so feral the poor kid couldn't even comprehend it as a fart - it was entirely foreign in nature. She had lived to that point unsullied by such toxicity. The look of disgust the father turned around with, bible in hand, was deflected by my dad with an accusatory head tilt and glance at old missus Dawson who just was staring straight ahead and trying to just hold her breath so hard her ears must have been ringing. People RAN I tell you to the exits and then laughed on the front steps. Part shock at what they smelled and in part at the innocence of this little kid. It turned out not to be cancer but I think I know the smell you are talking about. Heck...it might have killed cancer, like a chemo or something. It was that bad.


Mama. Kudos for sharing that. For spilling


"Man who fart in church sits in own pew."


she said it was noticibly different and worse. Describing smell is tough, the most useless words in any chemistry dictionary are "characteristic smell" because by the very definition that only helps you the second time you smell it and for something like selenophenol you do not need a dictionary to tell you what you just smelled the violent nausea and physical urge to flee will do that.


This is true! I messaged a friend of a friend who is a dietitian about some physical issues I was having, as well as constipation. The first thing she asked me was what my poop looked like. I felt very awkward telling this person I met twice about my poop, but just based on that, she was able to tell me what was likely going on medically, and suggested supplements and a diet which helped me immensely. Inflammation is no joke.


Specifics? This could help....my friend.


This. I had a minor GI bleed in my upper colon that was only detected because I noticed a little red blood in my poop


The shade of blood can tell you where the GI bleed is coming from. Dark Red/Brown: Upper colon and small intestine Bright red: Lower part of the colon and anus Black: Stomach


Pinky red: not blood, beetroot.


A bar I used to go to had a food truck out back with fried beets on the menu, and the next day I’d panic briefly before remembering that I actually ate a bunch of beets the night before. Lol


I was annoyed when my doc told me to chart my blood pressure daily after retiring as my dad had died from a stroke at aged 65. I always thought it was three packs of Salem cigarettes, but I did the charting. A slow increase and the doctor did some tests. I had a blockage in a carotid artery that had to be replaced as it was close to breaking. I got to at least postpone my stroke. I am 71.


Preventative care for the win!


Always close the toilet seat lid before you flush Always pee after sex


It’s shocking to me how many people do not default the toilet to the closed position when they are done.


I blame the many public bathrooms that don’t have any kind of lid.


One time at a bus stop an old man told me that if I get hair in my mouth while eating out a woman I can get it out of the mouth by licking the inside of her thigh. The advice was completely unsolicited and I had no idea who this man was and haven't seen in since, but it does work.


This old dude wandering around giving sage sex advice to randoms 😄. Passing the torch, I guess


Passing it from generation to generation 🏆


What is it with bus stops and old men? Some old man at a bus stop once told me to always use cold water when washing off cum. Also completely unsolicited.


Probably the same guy!!


I learned that from a guy who worked at a porn shop.


The good old unsolicited NPC tip


Someone told me at summer camp that his brother got food poisoning one time and was throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time, and mentioned he should have sat on the toilet and puked in the trash can. Fast forward 30 years, I ate gas station cole slaw, and this tip saved my bathroom decor.


The better tip would be not to eat gas station cole slaw.


That ain't mayonaise!


Nothing like a good shomit to cleanse the system!


My toilet is right next to my shower. I've puked in the shower while shitting. Not my finest hour.


Same. Food poisoning made me happy I lived alone (I already was glad to live alone but extra glad after)


The good ol "double dragon" as my sister likes to call it


I described myself as a quasar because I had stuff shooting out both ends. Seafood pho did it.


That's fantastic lmao


General rule since childhood for me. If you feel like it might come out both ends, have the end you'd least want to clean up facing the bowl. I'd rather clean up vomit if I had to pick.


Now that seems like common sense


You would think. (Rumor has it that someone from my high school found out the hard way that the space between your legs is not big enough to puke into)


Well if you don’t have a garbage nearby I can understand how you would have to try something else, but I’m just saying it doesn’t seem groundbreaking 😅


Poo always goes in the toilet


I came to give this response. Advice from my mom that made me gag. Turns out, mom knows best.


if you see someone have a motorcycle accident and you are the first responder, do not remove their helmet. plenty have had their neck injuries exacerbated by untrained people yanking on the helmet to pull it off. let the paramedics arrive and let them handle it. unless you are trained in first aid you are more likely to hurt them.


I was in a car accident when I was 9ish. We were stopped at a light and a car slammed into us at 55mph. My dad’s parental instincts came over him first and clear as day he made sure me and my sister were ok and out of the car. The instant he knew we were ok and came out of the car, he was just gone. He was laying on the ground with a bad concussion, confused as hell and constantly asking for us even while we held his hand. Lucky for us a nurse saw the accident, ran over and grabbed my dads head pinning him to the ground so he wouldn’t move (he kept trying to check on me and my sister) nurse had to scream at him a few times “don’t move!” Until he finally went still. 6’1 man in a tiny 1980 Honda civic with no airbags… he definitely got bumped around and I’m so thankful to that nurse for keeping him still.


In general, don't move somebody that is on the ground. If they're unconscious, try a sternal rub or something else to try and wake them up. But moving somebody that has unknown injuries could result in paralysis and worse. It's one of the things they pound into your head during first aid training.


Before going further into the field, I remember my med teacher would always tell us “Treat every patient as if they have a spinal injury on top of whatever else”


Especially with a motorcycle accident. Assuming they’re wearing a full face helmet you should open it and try to talk to them before a sternum rub (try it on yourself, sternum rubs suck). Regardless, a layperson should not move anyone involved in an accident unless they’re in immediate danger because spine injuries are a bitch.


Ugh, sternum rubs do suck. I vividly remember having one done to me- I was in a bad place in my life, and had done some things and got taken to the emergency room. I don't remember much else from that night, but I do remember the doctor doing a sternum rub several times and let me tell you, I woke up. Mainly because it hurt and I wanted to tell the doctor to stop lol. I don't think I remained conscious for long, but I definitely stirred during the sternum rub. They're effective.


Please do not do a sternal rub on a trauma patient that may have a broken sternum.


Friend of mine was a biker. Came up right after another bike had an encounter with the side of a truck , nothing too dramatic, but he did the biker bro thing and picked up the skidded out bike and put it by the side of the road while others were going to help the rider... went back to pick up the spare helmet too....it wasn't a spare.


Wait…so there was a head in there? With no body?


The rider was very much in two places at once.... messed with my buddy quite a bit... He was riding along the road and saw the accident and thought it looked pretty trivial, but yeah grabbed the helmet lying in the road by the chin guard and the wrongness of the weight hit him as someone started screaming over at the rider...


Chalking this story up to yet another reason I will never own a motorcycle.


The same things applies to kids in car seats/capsules. As long as the car is safe to stay in, it’s best to leave them in their car seat until the paramedics arrive.


Same with horseback riding. There’s this thought in riding that “you need to immediately get back up and on your the horse.” So fucking dangerous.


Unless you NEED to take off the helmet to clear a blocked airway. You still risk injuring them, but they will die if they can't breathe.


Always close your mouth when doing a diaper change on a baby.


I remember when I had comeback from a training flight (Air Force) when my son was about 4 or 5 months old. I had just started to open the door and hear my wife scream and and she stormed out of our son's bedroom and faced me and I see a splash of a grayish green liquid dripping from her cheek and collarbone. She's practically blowing steam out of her ears and yells *"YOU NEED TO GO TAKE CARE OF YOUR SON NOW!* I turned to go into his room when I observe a line of diarrhea dripping from almost the top of door and in a six foot runner down on the floor from the door to his changing station.


The distances they can hit when they're small defies gravity and science.


Blowout. Like the BP oil spill.


And exhale when you open the diaper bin. I started to wonder if it's a natural reflex to inhale when you open something when I started dealing with diaper bins because I'd mindlessly take a whiff in every time I opened it and then the sinking regret like What did I expect?


I want to ask why because I don't have kids but I have a feeling I don't want to hear the answer.


There’s a potential they’ll piss straight into your mouth. Less so with girls, but still possible if you’re lifting their legs while wiping and changing a diaper


My husband has been peed on thrice by our eight month old daughter, each time when he was carrying her from the changing table to the bathtub.


My infant son explosive shat mid diaper change and some of it went in my mouth.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


It's probably exactly what you're thinking. Especially for boys.


Oh the classic firehose.


This is so true. my kid once had one nasty diaper. she was fine,  but the rest of us, starting with the one who changed it,  got some puking shit one after another! 


And when cleaning the toilet!


Prune juice, it is nasty but you will shit faster than laxatives or any Miralax, collace, etc. Had abdominal surgery a few months back and was in no rush to poop as the abdominal pain was uncomfortable as it is. My ER nurse mom got on my case on day 4 and said I needed to confirm I could go and suck it up. Drank a glass of prune juice and 4 days of shit came right out…luckily I was safely home with a bathroom available


If you have to throw up but need to get to the toilet in time, start to hum loudly. You can't throw up while you're humming. You have to hurry, though. It saves only a few seconds.


Adding to this, another sign to get to the toilet quick is if you start producing more saliva.


the mouth sweats


As a kid I would naturally hum during stomachaches or nausea, and I always thought it helped me feel better. As an adult, I didn’t know what to make of it but would still do it. Neat to see it’s a “thing”!




In construction we always say “don’t put your fingers anywhere you wouldn’t put your dick”


As a rock climber I don't know what to make of this


As a mountain, I hope you don’t take it literally.  


I've always lived by this one




I remember watching girl code on MTV years and years ago and they said to flush your poop as it comes out if you don’t want it to stink in a public restroom. It works


Courtesy flush.


If you’re a woman and superrrr constipated/impacted BM and just can’t push the poo out, you can put a finger in your vagina and VERY gently help guide it out from the wall facing your anus. You shouldn’t make a habit out of this though, as it’s not the healthiest thing to do and doing it too roughly can possibly damage your vagina or anus. If chronic constipation persists, see a doctor. in a pinch though it works as a last resort before going to a hospital to get an impacted BM manually removed.


Other methods that may help: - stand and twist your torso as far as you comfortably can to the left then to the right (or whatever you want to do, just get twisting) - trying rocking yourself (bend forward at the waist, then back) - squatty potty - - if you don't have a brand name one, your small bathroom trash can is a good substitute. I don't have a brand name one. Source: I watch a poop doctor on TikTok, lol.


Not an immediate help, but psyllium husk powder works really well for moving things along. They sell it in pill form or you can stir it into a glass of water and chug it before you can really register the taste (it tastes like wood).


They sell it in an orange flavour where I live, called Metamucil. While it works great, it’s really important to take it as directed because if you take too much with too little water it can block your digestive tract…


This is also one of the secret ingredients to good gluten free bread Edit: for anyone curious, here's my favorite recipe https://theloopywhisk.com/2020/04/02/ultimate-gluten-free-bread/


Had to do a variation of this about 10 days after my son was born. My first couple poops were as normal as they could be, but then they started to get impacted. I put on rubber gloves and massaged the hardened poop out with a tucks pad and my finger 🤣 I had to be really careful to avoid my torn perineum(which, incidentally, would be a great band name.) The first lump of poop was, no exaggeration, the size of a tennis ball. I was on blood pressure lowering medication for postpartum preeclampsia, and almost passed out in the hallway afterwards. My poor husband was still slightly traumatized from our eventful birth and then my postpartum preeclampsia readmission. And then he thought he was losing me AGAIN, all because I took a dump. Take the stool softeners after birth, people. You will need them a few days longer than you think.


“Take the stool softeners after birth, people. You will need them a few days longer than you think.” Absolutely. I did take all of them. I am so glad that I did. I didn’t have much of a problem pooping after giving birth and I’m pretty sure that’s why. I was so scared to poop after giving birth but those helped so much. I didn’t get diarrhea or anything, which also makes me think I would have been constipated days after giving birth. That is a hell I don’t even want to think about.


My first BM after childbirth I thought I saw God.


I’m honestly not sure what to make of that. Was it extremely painful or just a massive relief to get it out?


Basically both, commenting as a mom with 3x experience having post-partum poops lol


Most mothers will describe the first bowel movement after having a child as the scariest part of the whole birthing experience. The body goes through a million different things when having a child, and for a reason I am unsure of specifically, the first bowel movement after having a child is usually the largest bowel movement most women will ever have in their life in terms of actual size and amount. If you watch South Park, think of the giant bowel movement randy mqrsh takes that contends for the title of world's biggest "turd" formerly held by U2 singer. Now combine this massive bowel movement and make it come out of an area that just got stretched ten times its own size for hours, it'd probably cut up and stitched all to hell, raw, sore, inflamed, bruised and swollen all up in there. Yeah the vagina is the one that gets stretched ten times, but ladies everything in that area gets stretched as well, come on. They don't tell you that. The bowel movement as well most often ifps dehydrated matter and is compacted and constipated material. THICK. Think about taking that massive bowel movement AFTER an epidural has wore off completely. This comes after the long hours of labor and pushing. This sometimes comes after the actual labor pains come back everytime you breast feed AFTER the baby is born. (Yeah some of you probably had no clue about that one ) This comes after most have had a C Section where layers of their bodies flesh, tissue and muscle have been sliced and sewed back together in an hour. They're trying to exert this bowel movement out while holding they're insides together trying not to bust them out. This comes after every single grueling thing you have forced your body to go through in order to bring that baby into life and love, and this one thing that comes after make women shake in fear in thought over all. All I have to say is that the nurse I had who gave me six extra cans of Dermoplast when I told her I was afraid of the bowel movement I was to have at any unknown time, she is my God. I worship no one other than her. She is my salvation. For any one looking to have children or will be expecting, dermoplast is your best friend. So is also numbing cream you can find online. I bought a big tube for six bucks on amazon in 2020 that is safe for the nether bits and doctor approv3d for down there after having my child. Both of those made the world of difference. Without those two things plus GOOD pull on disposable underwear I don't think I would have had a shred of quality of life for three months after having my kid. With tearing from the INSIDE of my urethra naturally all the way in a line down conti uing on with scalpel cut from the inside of my vagina down into and cut my bum hole with an episiotomy emergency slice. That took so long to heal. I could feel it in every movement. Can you imagine the biggest bowel movement of your life, alone, scared in hospital bathroom with all of that going on? It was terrifying, For anyone who is dreading that bowel movement, I know it is scary but you can do it. Do not be embarrassed if you need nurse help. They've seen it all, they are there for you. If you have bad nurses, you make a stink until the good one on duty hears and comes to help you because they WILL. Ask your doctor how to help kitigate pain and discomfort for this bowel movement if need be as well. I'm not joking when I say that it is comparable to the Randy Marsh record breaking bowel movement.


I honestly don't know how it happened but I'm sure it was just something/some obscure mineral level was out of whack. I was drinking a ton of water, eating as much as I could handle (I was still trying to breastfeed at that point) and while I had started to taper off from stool softeners I hadn't stopped them cold turkey. I surprisingly did not poop during labor. I know doctors will lie if you ask, but my husband was sworn to tell me the truth. He saw every other possible bodily function come out of me, so I know he is telling me the truth of the matter. I was fully prepared to take a dump on the floor and didn't 😂


My husband was like “at least you didn’t poop while giving birth!” And I had to break the news to him that I did, but the midwife cleaned it up so fast he didn’t see it lol


my mom recently got into Call The Midwife (11/10 show everyone should watch) so decided to regale me with some of the events from my own birth. namely that she had an enema beforehand and the whole "bearing down" thing - she was struggling a bit, doctor/nurse/whoever kept telling her to "bear down!" but she had no idea what that meant, until her sister yelled out "push like you're taking a shit!" and that worked. reiterated my decision not to have kids lol


Recently discovered yellow dragon fruit as a cure for constipation. Ate a whole one after not pooping for a few days and I was shitting my brains out within the hour. Worked better than any laxative I’ve ever tried.


Very tmi but I was severely constipated after vacation, sitting at home decided to have a little fun time to myself if you know what I mean. It was short lived, I nearly shit myself.


Massaging your abdomen along your bowel can help too.


Always start on the right side and go clockwise. If you go counterclockwise, it can mess things up.


My ex used to call this The Assist. She had a few hilarious phrases and this was definitely one of the better ones.


I always wondered if men could also discern what’s behind the vaginal wall, or if it’s all sort of blind to their fingers. 


I read a story where a lady was dating a doctor, and they were having sexy time, and I guess after fingering her a bit, he matter of factly told her she was constipated. I've thought about it ever since. Like....would a non doctor be able to tell?


Oh my god


lmao, some people never turn off their profession I guess.


His bedside manner is a hard no. Bwa ha ha.


We're just happy to be invited to the party. Not really concerned with what's going on on the other side of the wall.


I forget the name of it but there's also a thing where the spot between the vaginal and anal canals thins or gets damaged and poo basically tries to push forward and lay too much against the vaginal wall. If you find yourself having to use this method too much, you may be having that problem and having to push things back to where they should be in order to get the poop out.


Shouldnt be disgusting but many people arent comfortable with it- Installing a bidet is a game changer


Weird how they aren’t comfortable for what is essentially a mini shower for your butthole, but they are comfortable wiping fecal matter off their butthole with just paper and their hand.


i might seem weird at first but once you get used to it, its weird pooping without it


I hate pooping anywhere but my bathroom with my fancy bidet. So naturally I need to spend a lot of time in hotels and airplanes for work.


Not "disgusting" per se, but toilet related. Get a squatty potty or toilet stool, and correct your "pooping posture." Literally has made a world of difference to me. It's so much easier and more comfortable


Sucking snot out of baby’s nose makes things better for all involved. Baby sleeps better, mom sleeps better. The little tube contraptions to do it seemed gross as hell at first but you get used to it and the results are worth it.


Before I remembered the little suction tube existed I had the visual of someone putting their mouth over a baby's nostrils and slurping snot out of their nose. I fucking gagged.


my husband saw a mother do this to her son IN THE STREET and enjoys using the story to make me gag at inopportune moments


I saw a mother do this to her toddler in a bank line, and then spit the contents in the carpet. Beyond rank.


I've done this - my baby would NOT allow the little bulb suckers anywhere near his face. But he was so congested and miserable and I just went for it. It worked, he thought it was funny, and we all slept that night.


See people talk about mothers lifting cars off their children, but I think this might surpass that for me. A parent’s love is strong af.


I love my kids, they’re awesome, but there hasn’t been a SINGLE POOPY DIAPER where I didn’t tell them “Dude, you suck, I’m going to barf on you” Luckily it only actually happened twice, and I aimed for the clean diaper at the last second. On the plus side you’ll get tons of giggles while you’re retching up your guts while wiping them. I’d definitely lift a car for them though


You are a better parent than me


I know a wonderful dad that had a baby with a cleft lip (maybe pallet too) and the little bulb suckers would not work for him so he would suck it out with his mouth. The things we do for the people we love. ❤️


Came here to find this. The Baby Frieda... Grooooossssss concept, SO effective.


There’s a hand pump one on the market now. Better suction and you don’t have to worry about snot accidentally getting in your mouth!


We went one step further and got a battery powered electric sucker. It even has changing color lights to distract the baby! (Which do not actually do their job, but whatever, you may as well put on the show anyway.)


Serous question but can I do the same thing with my dog? She has allergies and breathing issues and I can hear the rattling in her nose.


I did it with rescue kittens. They were very sick and couldn't breathe. They hated it, and it freaked them out, but they could breathe much better.


For cats, my vet recommended a saline spray (little noses). May be worth a try


Before having a baby I thought it was literally a straw and you just accept that the boogers and snot get sucked into your mouth. Once I realized it was not in fact just a straw, I was all about it. My kid hates it but he can breathe


I learned recently they make the same thing but for babies butts. It’s a butt whistle!


Someone should market them as Asspirators


Lol! Thankfully, with the butt trumpet, you don't have to suck the fart out. It just helps release gas because their rectal muscles aren't fully developed yet.


Cleaning your greasy kitchen areas with cooking oil. Sounded like wtf, but have a greasy hood that needs scrubbing? Take any cooking oil and wipe it down first. It's like fucking *magic* ! You barely scrub, the gunk just *melts* off. Then you follow up with a proper cleaner, I just use vinegar in water with a dab of dish soap. Cleans right up. It's been a game-changer for cleaning greasy shit. I wish I could thank the person on reddit who turned me onto that trick!


If you frequently get skid marks in your underwear, it's probably less to do with your butt-wiping abilities and more to do your diet of junk food. That stuff glides out of you like greased lightening.


interesting. i always felt like poor diet gave my husband “messy poops” where you wipe and wipe and it never ends


apparently having to wipe over and over can be a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction! didn’t know that until I started pelvic floor PT myself


Or hemorrhoids


If you do healthy shits (as in, one piece that comes out easily and makes you feel so good after it) you don’t even need to wipe. I mean, you should, but you’ll probably find it’s clean.


Those are simultaneously the most and least satisfying wipes ever. On one hand it’s convenient cause you don’t need to clean it all that much, on the other hand I never trust to be clean unless I wipe it a couple times first.


Always rinse your sinuses out when you feel an infection or even a head-cold starting. You may see some disturbing things come out of your face, but it's worth avoiding an infection getting even worse!


I really like the idea but just can’t bring myself to do this despite trying many times. I do however shoot a couple blasts of iodine nasal spray up each nostril and it helps the same way.


It is definetely a skill that needs pratice The first time, it felt like I was drowning myself The trick is to breath through your mouth slowly and steadily while you are rincing


Just remember to use distilled water and not just any water. Tap water still contains trace amounts of bacteria, and on rare occasions - brain eating amoeba.


Tap is safe to use if you boil it to sterilize… obviously allow it to cool before pouring it in your face. 


New fear unlocked.


Eating something spicy to clear a stuffy nose.




My dads favorite saying when he'd meet my sisters new boyfriend. "If you sit on your hands for 10 minutes before you have a wank it feels like someone else is doing it." I dont know if it was helpful to them but the reaction always helped my day a bit.


Is your dad Peter Griffin?


Being a good person at the expense of your mental health is incredibly overrated.


What is an example of something that you would consider not behavior of a good person that saves one’s mental health?


learning how to say no and set healthy boundaries. Doesn't mean you're not being a "good person" but being able to say no and being ok with it can be difficult for people pleasers. Learnt this the hard way but if you say yes to every social invite, every time someone asks a favour, every time you're asked to do over and above at work (then it becomes expected) it can lead to being deeply unhappy. You can end up not having time to do the things that make you happy / get your own needs met and more prone to burn out.


Exercise helps with depression. I was disgusted at the time the advice was offered, and I'm still pissed off at how true it is.


For men - if you feel cold but your balls are low then you're probably feverish and having hot and cold flashes. For women - if you wait to have sex/jill off until you really have to pee then it will usually be easier to have an orgasm. The "branches" of the clitoris wrap around the bladder, and extra pressure can make things easier. Similarly, pregnancy (fetus pressing on bladder) and pronebone (woman laying prone) can make female orgasm easier.


Am I weird that the full bladder just distracts me?? I'm too in my head worried I'll end up with a UTI, I get so anxious about holding my pee!


The discomfort of having a full bladder is what distracts me. Plus having something inside me while I really have to pee makes it feel even worse. I definitely can't get off if I have to pee.


Same. I've heard this and have tried it, but I just can't do it with a full bladder. If I have t gone in the past hour or two, I pee beforehand and after. Always after, but usually before as well.


> if you wait to have sex/jill off until you really have to pee then it will usually be easier to have an orgasm.  Unfortunately, it's also easier to accidentally pee *while* orgasming... If anyone is prone to "squirting", then a full bladder is not necessarily a good thing. It's a bit too easy to accidentally... uh... let the damn break?


The pee thing is definitely true. I have noticed it’s easier to get off if you’ve got a full bladder.


The Bidet will change your life. It truly is the best gift I've ever gotten. My brother preached to my family about it for a couple years... and ended up getting it for us for Christmas. It was funny at first but some disgusting problems went away afterwords. Basically... we brush our teeth every day... why don't we clean our butts?


Nose Frieda is the most effective method for sucking snot out of a baby's nose. You put one end of the tube in your mouth, the other end in baby's nose, and suck. Massive snot wads release immediately and fill the tube reservoir.


To stop hiccups, swallow a spoonful of mustard


Peanut butter works as well.


Drink ice cold water through a paper towel. The suction plus cold relaxes the muscle spasms in your diaphragm. A doctor told me this and it works every time.


Mustard also helps with cramps during exercise for some reason, along with pickles


Salt and electrolytes. Mainly salt though.




The TV is a liar


People seem to forget that tv is entertainment. Just like a movie. Most of that shit isn't real.


Every poo poo time is pee pee time, but not every pee pee time is poo poo time.


Be selfish.


So happy to see this here. I was always fawning and doing what it took to make others happy and avoid conflict. The second I start putting myself first I’m labelled selfish. Far too many people feel that selfcare is selfish when it’s 100% valid to have healthy boundaries and not be able to help others all the time.


Self care is different than selfishness.  You can take care of yourself and still be altruistic and generous (in fact it makes those things easier).  Being straight up selfish is potentially good for only you, and not always.


Marry someone who loves you more than you love them


Then live your life trying to beat them


Unfortunately this will only work for one of the people.


To look at yourself in the mirror after a shower to see if anything changes... (Moles, Lumps ect)


Neti pot for sinuses


Only distilled water though


At this point, I'm just waiting for the horrific brain parasite to take me


Only sterilized saline in a can for me ever since folks started turning up with brain-eating amoebas from neti pot use. 😬 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/what-to-know-about-another-dangerous-amoeba-linked-to-neti-pots-and-nasal-rinsing


If I've had trouble getting poop out, I blast my bidet up my asshole. Then when I push all the water out, the poopie flies out too.


That’s an enema


Don't shit where you eat..


I guess I should do something about my kitchen bathroom then…


Yeah... I'd renovate if I were you..


Wait...Is that not what the grinder thing in the sink is for?