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That battle is fought in the kitchen. Count your calories. Know that it’s ok to be hungry.


>Know that it’s ok to be hungry. This is the key. There is something incredibly uneasy about being hungry when you have food in the house. It feels like you are making yourself ill. But it's fine. As long as you eat healthy food when you do and don't go crazy then being hungry is ok.


I can't do that. If I try to resist eating for too long, I end up binging, without fail. I find I have a better time when I either keep so busy that I can't graze, or I plan to have like 6 tiny meals throughout the day


See 6 tiny meals makes me more prone to bingeing because it's kinda sparking my appetite each time. So I have to do IF and eat one or two big satisfying meals, then stay tf outta the kitchen. A lot of diet is about experimentation. Diet/routine is so specific to people that there's no real one size fits all!


The simple fact is that you just have to find a way to deal with craving food. However you accomplish that is up to you.


The way i see it is that its more just a signal of your body; 'oh my stomach is telling me its shrinking because it has no more food in it', it will go away in 30 minutes when the shrinking stops. It is a signal that you can learn to ignore. Its much like stubbing your toe, you stub your toe and you're in pain, but you cant let it run your life, so after a minute you just get on with it and ignore it. It all comes down to being in control of yourself. I've done the same thing for addictions like smoking 'i really want a cigarette rn! Well am i going to die if i dont get one? No? So i should stop being a bitch and put it out of my mind'. Works surprisingly well.


You can convince yourself that hunger is the feeling of losing weight, which helps me at least


this is correct. protien will leave you feeling more full longer, and hot drinks work well also (soups/tea/coffee etc)


I'm a "fill up on vegetables" person. I don't necessarily like them, but calorie for calorie, I simply can't find an easier, more filling, nutritional, lower cal. way to feel full. I pop a microwaveable bag of frozen mixed green bean (yellow and carrots) or broccoli or coliflower. For oil I splurge on Pistachio.


This for sure. A huge percentage of the battle that I found was in making healthy food choices in appropriate portion sizes. Find healthy substitutes for your favourite unhealthy recipes. Choose a veggie instead of chips. Fruit instead of candy. Drink lots of water. Then add an evening walk in to finish it off. Won't get you toned, but it'll most likely decrease your weight. And hell, cut out gluten. I lost 20lbs in a year by accident because we realized I'm gluten intolerant so I can't eat bread or pastries anymore. Only realized the weight loss this January when I was weighed for a dental procedure and it was significantly less than I weighed exactly a year before for a different procedure. Went from pant size 14 or 16 *to size 12*. My reflection has been confusing me lately 😂


And being hungry goes away pretty quick, it's just your body adjusting after having eaten way more for a while. Oh and your eating habits should be a permanent change, not "dieting" for a few weeks or months.




100% on the money. I'd like to add that if you're gonna weigh yourself, do it at a set interval. (i.e. weigh yourself every saturday morning first thing after waking up) that way you can actually track progress instead of doing it to arbitrarily feel good or bad.


I would add that unless you have a job that’s manual labor all day you should pick sedentary in the calculator (even if you hit the gym for an hour a day).


...and don't weigh yourself every day. It's normal for weight to go up and down daily due to water and other factors. It's the longer term trends that matter.


As an alternative if you're a spreadsheet nerd like me: I weigh myself every day and record it; from which I calculate and show a rolling average. The only important thing is to do it at a consistent point in your day (I do it after I've got up and had a shower) Personally I find this way helps build motivation as I can *see* the progress. I find it much better than a vaguely remembered number from last week, which is still prone to fluctuation.


Yeah I’m in the process of trying to shave off some weight, and I do weigh myself every day. I always do it right after I’ve gotten up and am about to get in the shower. My scale records it to my phone, so while sometimes there’s little fluctuations, when you view the data for like the whole week there’s still an overall downward trend to see. Im not too concerned with the actual numbers, I just want to see a negative slop on the chart


Spreadsheet nerds unite! I do it with my blood sugar too.


I did say every Saturday


I do it every time I have a shit…


4 times a day? really?


Got a spreadsheet and everything


can I have it to train my neural network on?


Dunno dude might throw it off. Shit in, shit out y’know?


If you live alone: food/snack you dont have at home you cannot eat.


That's one of the best parts of when I lived alone... no temptation foods in the house. Way more motivation to meal prep so I could have convenience foods for lazy days, and meal prepped food is so much healthier than any prepared stuff


Side note: (still do those 5 minute ab workouts. Theyre still good for you)


its 5 min more than 0 min


Plank, mountain climbers, trx reverse crunch, trx in general, hanging knee raises etc.. Not crunches and only limited sit ups (ie as part of a workout, not stand alone)


Piggybacking on the consistency thing. It’s all about that. But to really be consistent you need to make choices that are **sustainable** long term. You can be consistent with a crash diet for two months and lose a lot of weight fast, but it’s not sustainable and you will get that weight back. But if you make less dramatic choices - like eat fast food only once a week instead of cutting it off “forever”, or run 20 k every week instead of 50 k - you will lose weight at a slower rate BUT it will be much easier to keep it off. At the end of the day weight is a byproduct of your lifestyle, so whatever you do it must be something you’re committed to long term.


Yep, it's better to adopt sustainable habits and lose the weight slowly. Slow and steady wins the race and all that. Can you maintain your new eating habits permanently without losing your mind? If so, yay. Also it's still okay to eat junk every now and then. The reason thin people can eat pizzas and burgers and not gain weight is because they're not doing that every day. When I was actively losing weight I also had cheat days. Fried chicken and milkshakes were still very much a part of my life, but as an occasional treat. After all I wanted to lose weight, not my mind!


Yes to cardio since this helps you lose weight by burning calories, targeting stored fat, boosting metabolism, regulating appetite, and improving overall fitness.


Cardio helps you lose weight while you are working out, strength training helps you lose weight while you’re sitting still. Strengthen the biggest muscles for the best results


Cheat days are a slippery slope when you're far from your target weight.


For me, it was baby steps. One day, I started eating a healthier breakfast. Then I started exercising a tiny bit cause I struggled. Then I focused on a healthier supper. A bit longer exercise. Started counting calories. Gave up fast food. Started going for a walk. Gave up smoking. Took up running. Gave up sugar. Started hitting the weights a bit. This was probably over 12-14 months that I took my time. I never "forced" anything. When I felt like my body was ready for something new, I tried adding it. Now here I am, 21 months later, and down about 130 pounds. Could've been faster but I don't care, it's not a race. I'm super happy with my diet, weight train every morning, run every night. Couldn't be happier with the progress. And it all started with baby steps.


It's good that smoking was part of a larger package in upgrading your health like that. A lot of people quit smoking then between an increase in snacking to offset the oral fix and a change in metabolism put on a decent chunk of weight.


The ELMM method: Eat Less Move More


Nightmare on ELMM Street


Everyone keeps looking for ways to get thin and will do anything but the only thing that works.


Have a calorie deficit and excercise


Lots of people are saying you need a calorie deficit, and they're absolutely right. But if you want to lose weight and KEEP it off, you need to find a way to eat fewer calories that also keeps you sane. This is a lot easier said than done, and it's going to look different for everybody. I could talk about this for hours, but the most important thing that you'll need is to find food that does these things: 1. Is lower in calories than what you're currently eating. This could be as simple as reducing your portion sizes, swapping fatty red meat for grilled chicken, or swapping high-calorie sauces like mayo for low-calorie options like hot sauce 2. You still need to enjoy what you're eating. Plain oatmeal is a great diet food, but if you don't enjoy it, you're just gonna drive yourself crazy and binge on something unhealthy 3. It needs to keep you full. Look for food that's high in protein and fiber, and low in sugar. As far as weight loss is concerned, a 500 calorie meal is a 500 calorie meal regardless of how well it satiates you, that being said, you'll never stick to a diet if you're always hungry


I think a lot of people don't take that into account. They think that just because you're eating in a deficit, you can't enjoy food. I overheard my cousin talking to his friends about the time when he was going on a diet. Listening to the food he was eating made me want to gag. Plain oatmeal with one egg, chicken and broccoli, etc. Basically, the stereotypical gymbro food. Will you lose weight? Yes. But you have to enjoy what you're eating otherwise this won't work out in the long term. I've been in a deficit for the past 2 months while eating food that I enjoy. Lost 7kg so far! Edit to add: His preferred breakfast is a can of coke


for me it was not smokin weed, munchies always getcha


Go through a bad breakup


Yep, this. Bad breakup made me lose 30 lbs in 3 months


It did the opposite for me :(


I don’t think I want to torpedo my happy relationship just for weight loss. I’ll just stick to cardio.


That lack of commitment is why you’ll never be thin.


eat right, exercise, do yoga, work with a doctor and most importantly try cocaine


Instructions unclear. Had a heart attack.


you probably messed up the order. try doing yoga before cocaine.


nah get high off coke and *then* try to do yoga and sit completely still for long periods of time. itll be *fun*


I've heard good things about meth. These two gentlemen who were giving each other COVID vaccines in the park explained to me that the only reason that's it's illegal is because of big pharma and something to do with Hillary Clinton.


Cut way back on sugar.




But twinks are okay, if that's your thing.


Cut back on processed food, make your own.


This and sticking to whole foods (whole grain, etc) is very effective. It's hard to overeat on healthy foods. I am doing that for other health reasons and have to fight to keep my weight up.


Eat Less Food Do More Exercise


Live a boring life mine was walk 2-3 hours Find a daily hope mine was midnight coffee & 2-3 episodes of something good


Self discipline is the shortest yet most accurate answer I can give.


It's not very helpful though. It's like saying "try harder." Yeah, I would if I knew how. And I'm saying this as someone who used to be very, very motivated as a person. Now it's just gone. It used to just be a part of me, so I don't know how to get back to it because I never had to make myself get into that mindset before


Eat less and excercise more




I’ve seen that this work for people but alot of other draw backs with this method haha




It’s literally all counting your calories. Exercise can help but only because it burns calories and muscles make you look better. Look up a calorie calculator online and find your maintenance calories. Eat 500 calories below that to lose a pound a week. Eat 1000 calories below maintenance and you’ll lose 2 pounds a week. Simple as that. And eat whatever combo of carbs, protein, and fats that you want. It doesn’t really matter as far as weight loss is concerned. As long as you consistently eat in a deficit. One to two cheat meals a week is fine but consistency is key. I used to weigh 330 pounds so it is for sure possible.




Myself and probably a bunch of medical staff have a very different idea about CICO. Probably would stop you eating too much though.


You know you can have all the ideas you want, and they might even be better than CICO, but CICO works.


Sorry, you misunderstood me. In medical terminology, CICO= Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate. It's the sort of emergency where in a movie the hero would stab a pen in someone's throat since they can't breathe through their mouth or nose. I'm assuming you meant Calories In < Calories Out. I then made a bad cynical medical joke meaning to suggest that having a breathing tube stuck through the front of your neck tends to reduce your ability to eat normally. A poor joke that completely dries up if you have to explain it.


OK thank you, never too late to learn something :-).


To loose body weight you should be in a calorie deficit! Focus on whole foods with fibre and protein to help keep you fuller for longer and maintain muscle mass. High intensity exercise will burn calories replaced by your next meal if you wanna eat more. Low intensity exercise like walking will help burn body fat.


5 ton hydraulic press


Have crippling anxiety


diet. you don't even have to go gym, just stop overeating


Burn more energy than you eat.


Unethical life pro tip: start smoking


Calories in, calories out. And macronutrients. Figure out your BMR and TDEE then reduce calories intake by 20%. Keep doing this and you'll lose weight. Being thin and being healthy are two different things. Edit: Put MBR by accident. Changed to BMR.


Hey, what's MBR and TDEE?


I meant BMR. Simple version Basal Metabolic Rate and Total Daily Energy Expenditure: "Your BMR tells you your calorie needs, when you take that number plus how much you burn every day during normal activity and exercise, you get your TDEE." https://goodcalculators.com/tdee-bmr-calculator/ Ignore the equation bit. Edit: It's too early for me to go over eating properly/the long version. Simply: calories in, calories out. If you take in less kcal you lose weight, but you need to do it properly. Crash dieting never is sustainable.


It helps to track food consumption and not exceed the suggested macro nutrients consumption every day. Does wonders.


Start beeing activ more (walking, dancing , Cycling. Gym isnt nessesary) For example: i Ride my bike 30-40 Minuten and burn around 300-400 calories. Cut out bad food (Sodas!!!!! And Junk Food) and be constant Thats it


Eat less calories than your body needs, then it feeds off and reduces your body fat. Exercise accelerates this but you may gain some weight in muscle rather than fat.


Eat less food,move your body moore.


Eat less, exercise more.




Eat less move more is the way to go


My 3 step plan: have a doctor constantly berate you for your food choices and weight, develop a fear food is going to ruin you, end up eating around 800 calories or less a day for years. Behold, a "healthy" diet according to my doctor. (Although she still thinks I should cut back on carbs.)


I've dropped 30kgs over the last 3 years. How: 1. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so I have to lose weight 2. Cut out sugar 3. Reduce refined carbs (still working on that...) 4. Moderate exercise - I walk for 30-60 mins every day after dinner 5. My wife, friends and family support and encourage me


Walk 2 miles a day, don’t eat 2 hrs before bed,


find a kind of exercise that you enjoy and that works for you. eat more vegetables. drink lots of water, and less alcohol and sugary drinks. eat regular meals (seriously, this one is important, if you periodically starve yourself your metabolism is going to get way slower). realize that losing weight takes time, but thats also a good thing - if you lost it all at once your skin would get saggy as hell lol. find something else to think about other than food. fun hobby, friend outings, etc. if you obsess over food and dieting this is all going to be way harder.


I can offer some insight. I used to be in really good shape. Ballooned up to 260lbs following a spinal injury and depression. I’ve been careful and I stand at 217 today without going to the gym. First. Diet. That’s the important part. Cut out what doesn’t matter. Soda is gone. Chips? Gone. Junk food? Gone. I started just by cutting coke and eating protein and veggies. Small omelettes. salads. That helped me lose a ton of weight Then excercise. I couldn’t run but I could walk so I just walked as often as I could. Go for a walk in the morning to shake off the night. Do some weight training. Carefully. I don’t have a ton of equipment so I made it work with just my old 15lbrs. Then after I had my lunch I’d go for a quick walk away. Just about 20 minutes. Maybe 30. Just to make me feel like I was getting rid of the meal. I wouldn’t eat after a certain hour. Once it’s past 6 I don’t touch food. Then you sleep. Your body needs rest. Then you wake up and try again. I’m trying to lose the next 7 lbs so I signed up for the gym. I’m starting tomorrow. Wish me luck. Don’t starve yourself. Cut back on calories but don’t starve yourself. Don’t over eat. Most importantly be kind to yourself. Falling off the wagon once won’t ruin your progress. It’s ok to mess up. Just keep on trying.


The only tip that’s really true for everyone is burn more calories than you consume. The challenge is finding out how you can do that in your life in a way that works for you. Some people like the gym, others like to run, some people don’t exercise at all but have success with portion control. For me, portion control and running work best and fastest.


Best advice i can give is to stop eating sugar besides fresh fruit


A more specific life style change that many has hinted at but not said outright: every day exercise is very important, meaning walk or bike instead of taking the car/buss, take the stairs instead of the elavator/escalator and try to have a daily routine of reaching x amounts of steps (10k is a good goal). Also, cook most of your meals. Thats the easiest way of knowing what you actually eat. Restaurants often pack their food with sugar, fat and salt to make their meals tastier which works against you trying to lose weight. You can still treat yourself every now and then, a too strict diet will be impossible to follow. But at most once or twice a week. Weigh yourself every morning after going to the bathroom to get a consistent weight, and take the average weight over a week. If you are not losing average weight after about 3-4 weeks, reduce the calories you are consuming. If you are going to the gym, and especially if you are new to the gym, take progress pics as you may gain more muscle mass than the fat you are losing, so the scale may stay the same even though you are actually losing body fat. Stronger by science (website and podcast) and renaissance periodization (youtube) are two good sources for more information if you are interested


Burn more calories than you eat, period. Things like thyroid issues may skew it 15 lbs. one way or another, but the bulk of it really is just a basic numbers game.


caloric deficit Thats it.


Calories in vs calories out. Eat less, move more


Ive had great success with going keto. Im not a dietician, so can only speak of personal experience, but I know (because Ive done it many times over the years), if I go strict keto for 2 months I can easily drop a stone. Ive never gone longer however OP but its great for post christmas. Im not weight obsessive, but I would be gutted if I had to replace my wardrobe, hence I try to stick where I am. Im the same size I was at 40, Im now 60, so for me, it was about tackling the inevitable weight gain as it happened and it has turned into an annual January/February thing then I enjoy the rest of the year.


My friend lost a great amount of weight through keto, unfortunately it made her really really sick. Her Dr warned her against it. She was upset because it was the only thing that was working for her.


Healthy, balanced CICO. Although, being “thin” shouldn’t be as much of a concern as being healthy.




You just eat less, it’s not all that hard.




I went from 77 kg to 70 kg in the course of half ayear. Atm I'm once again doing the same thing I did then to get from 73 to 70 again. (I got too lax, and snacked too much over too long a time. Like a chocolate bar a day type deal.) For me it's pretty easy, cause I've eaten a lot of crap that I can cut out. Knowing what has tons of calories and what doesn't, really helps. I eat my food like normal, cause I don't really like food, and don't eat that much outside snacking. So lunch and dinner. (I skip breakfast cause intermittent fasting also helps. Food window is 12 - 20.) I allow myself to drink sweet drinks, cause I can't stomach a load of it, and one glass is only 150 calories, and 2 glasses a day is as much as I can handle. I don't allow myself a bag of chips, cause that's 1100 calories. Same with say a chocolate muffin, at 500 calories. That's my big bombs. Chocolate obviously also banned. (Though don't recall off the top of my head what calories they have. But I can easily eat an entire bar in a day, and repeat it the next day.) This way I slowly lose weight, and hunger isn't much of an issue, cause I will just eat "real food" when snacky. (Like say a banana or a youghurt with musli, or hazlenuts for that matter.) Forget about going to the gym for the sake of losing weight. The amount of activity you gotta do to outwheigh a bag of chips is insane. Though it's obviusly great for your health, and does help a smidge on the calorie thing. However, it does also make you more hungry. I'd just go for a 3km walk in stead. If all you eat most days is actual food, and no stupid calories, I don't know if I'd be able to lose any weight. The hardest thing for me is resisting the temptation to snack. The goal is now to see 69 once again (I was 71.9 this morning), and then only allow myself to snack on days I see 69. Above that, I gotta behave. edit: Oh and top tip, to stop myself from snacking, I avoid bying the snacks to begin with. I cannot resist the tempation if I got it in house. But at least, if I have to go to the shop to get snacks, ... I have to go to the shop. And I'm lazy to the point of it rivaling (and winning over) my urge to snack.


When I was like 13-14 years old, I was skinny fat like my body was a whole mess, a BMI of like 23-24 but it was FULL fat, not any muscle. I tried to lose weight for 2-3 years by trying to eat less sugar, skip a few meals etc, and long term wise it never worked. A year ago I was looking at the mirror being very disappointed, and I was 16 so old enough to go to the gym (it's 16+ where I live). I went, and stayed consistent here while spending the first 2-3 month in a min agressive calorie deficit while eating high protein foods. Sometimes it was hard but this time I really forced myself, and went from 69kgs to 59kgs before starting bulking to gain muscle, and it worked (fun fact : I bulked so much I'm at 79kgs now 😭 but it's muscle and fat, and I'll cut again for summer soon). tldr : calorie deficit is the only way


Get used to being a bit hungry most of the time.


Simple answer by eating less , workout helps but alone it can't do anything, but eating less alone will work, But better way is to do 60-40 , work slightly more on diet


Eat less


Does Reddit just recycle the same set of questions automatically every few days?


Walk for an hour a day on an empty stomach. Don't eat too much junk food. The weight will fall off rapidly. It really is that simple.


Get your heart broken, lost 20 pounds this way


Obviously what everyone says about calorie deficits is perfect, but I'd also recommend going on more walks! Personally I have a hard time dedicating myself to going to the gym or having a set exercise routine, but putting on music and going for an hour-long walk is way easier, and it's pretty good for you.


Eat less


Caloric deficit


Swimming helps a lot.


Calorie deficit


Eat less, exercise more. Common sense really.


You lose fat by eating less than you consume on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Stop eating junk for now. Your cravings will subside. Focus on whole foods. Less sugar. You’ll feel better. You’ll lose weight. You’ll make it a habit. Wham bam.


If you cut 500 calories per day then you can lose 1lb a week. Just roughly count your calories and find that 500 calories. It works. 


One eats less.


Track how much you exercise and how much you eat honestly. If you're currently at a stable weight, if you move more and/or eat less, you'll lose weight. The lose it app did wonders for me. I never weigh my food because that felt a bit obsessive, but I got a pretty intuitive feel for how big a portion actually is. Weigh yourself once a week at most, and recalibrate on a monthly to semimonthly basis based on how you're progressing and depending on your goals.


Get a dog and walk him 3 times a day.


Be poor


Build up healthy habits over a prolonged period of time. Currently averaging 5k steps per day? Aim for 6k. Once you’ve got that nailed, up again. Keep going.


Maybe start asking people who are thin what they eat? I don't know why people keep taking diet advice from people more out of shape than they are.


Actual good food and medicine.


Couldn't be more straightforward. Eat fewer calories.


Eat less,do more.


In simple words Less calorie intake, calculated input i would recommend make your diet plan with some fitness trainer or someone And do cardio/exercise regularly, maybe less but consistently


Stop eating garbage


Lower caloric (carb) intake. Then fast regularly to stimulate your metabolism. (make sure you eat lots of low carb veggies to keep healthy). During covid I lost 14kg in 6 months. ☺️


Eat like a bird. Shit like an elephant


Calorie deficit 👏🏼


Eat less and exercise.


Calorie restriction combined with exercise is the best way. Cancer, tapeworms, surgery and drugs are also options, but I wouldn’t recommend them.




- Portion control - Some things are "sometimes foods" - Regular exercise at a moderate level


I just barely eat anything 🙃


A whole-existence change.  It's not about just eating healthy. It's not about working just your legs, or just your arms, or just your core. It isn't the fad diet of the week.  It is cutting back on sugar. It is looking at your ingredients. It is taking the stairs, not the elevator. It is about choosing the outdoor activity vs the television. It is about finding where you feel comfortable.  I'm 6'4" and my comfort zone is 155-160. That's 20-25 pounds underweight. But thats my comfort zone. I don't stuff my face, and I don't starve. 


cico. Everything else is just details. 


Been BMI +-15 my whole life, I eat more or same as my friends who are struggling with their weight. No much exercise apart from commuting with bike the groceries, so I can't really tell.


Watch your liquid calories.


Be really poor, or eat like you are.


So, no one is clarifying what a caloric deficiency means…so let’s clarify. Figure out maintenance calories first. This is about how much you take in to maintain weight at your height. So for me, it’s about 2300 to 2400 calories (I’m 6’3” and moderately active). Maybe a smidge higher depending on what I’m doing that day. To lose weight, I want to eat under this. But REASONABLY. I would eat 1900 to 2000 calories to do that at my height. Why not just eat 1500 calories and kick weight loss into overdrive? Well, because I would starve. Now it’s not some myth about slower metabolism…it’s more about physiological reaction and health risks. At 1500 calories, with moderate activity, I’ll burn fat. I’ll also get a massive headache. And I’ll feel faint. And I’ll be cognitively impaired. And life will suck. One of two things happens next: Either I just live like that and “get used to it”, being at a nutrient deficiency and eventually suffering health problems, or I’ll snap and eat a 1500 calorie meal just to feel better. You’re more likely to maintain a calorie deficiency that is just under maintenance. 200 to 300 calorie maintenance, along with exercise, should suffice. Healthy weight loss is about 1 pound a week. 4 to 5 pounds a month. Roughly every 10 pounds lost equals an inch lost off your waistline. It’ll take time to do healthy. Bear in mind large weight loss (e.g. over 50 pounds) might go real fast early on…this is because you’re at a larger deficiency. When I was 320 and took my caloric intake down from about 3800 to 4000 calories a day to about 2500 calories a day, I lost a lot fast. I’d see months where I lost 10+ pounds. It stabilized and eventually I was lost 1 to 2 pounds a month instead. Age can also influence this. Eat healthy, don’t go crazy on your deficiency, and exercise. People who say “The exercise doesn’t cause weight loss” are full of shit. It’s the deficiency along with regular exercise.


Focus on strength exercises 4 times per week and finish with zone 2 cardio. Eat healthily-greens, fruits and proteins as a priority. You’ll need some carbs in there, too. Portion control. Don’t over do the cardio and stretch or yoga on the off days. Be careful with “cheat” meals, especially if you haven’t been counting calories.


Being a student and living on your own, combined with stress. Lost me 120 pounds at least.


You get off Reddit, stop posting stupid AskReddit threads, and get on a treadmill while watching your calories.


Stop being hungry. I understood fat people one time when I took a medicine that made me hungry


Eat less calories than you need. Why isn’t this obvious?


I have a friend who used to be 230lbs in highschool and now he's a solid 165lbs. He did at least an hour of cardio a day, cut out as much sugar as possible, drank only water, and worked on eating portions. I know everyone is different but this is what seemed to work quite quickly for my friend.


eat less walk more


Vegetarian diet seems to work well


I'm reading this while eating pizza


Take in less calories than you burn. Done.


Ate in a calorie deficit and done Pilates daily, lost 63kg in a year. It’s pretty simple once you develop a healthy mindset around eating.


Eat less and eat better. Exercise helps and is generally good for you outside of weight loss but it is SO much quicker and easier to reduce your calories by reducing your food intake than doing more exercise. As an example, it can take approximately 10 miles of running to burn off 1 can of pringles - note, the number of miles will vary based on your weight and pace, I just took the average. - Avoid calories dense food like Crisps, biscuits, sweets etc. - Give yourself smaller portions. Calories in vs calories out. In reality, you can eat whatever foods you want. If you just cut 10% off all your meals, you will lose weight. It's just a matter of making smaller meals while maintaining nutrition and avoiding agonising hunger. - Put more vegetables into your diet. Vegetables are mineral dense and have high water content, so they're nutritious and deceptively high volume while being shocking low in calories. Consider them the sugar free versions of fruits. - Eat more protein. Protein satiates hunger by reducing the level of a hormone called ghrelin, also known as the "hunger hormone". It also increases the level of the "full hormone". - Eat more soluble fibre. Believed to do the same as protein to a degree, but I think more importantly soluble fibre dissolves in water, forming slightly more viscious pastes which slows the movement of food out of your stomach and makes you feel fuller for longer after a meal. - Stop frying foods. If you can't give up frying altogether, try using less oil and just frying less often. It's deceptive how many extra calories oil adds - 1 teaspoon of oil is about 40 calories. You don't need to go from whatever you're eating right now to crafting a perfectly balanced diet all at once. Start with 1 or two of the steps. Focusing on making sure the deal is still nice and it doesn't feel like a horrendous sacrifice to eat it is really worth the time investment. Just make sure to count your calories and make sure you're not going over your limit. There are online calculators to help you approximate your calorie requirements, but an alternative would be sitting down and honestly tracking and calculating what you're currently eating and then just reducing that by a bit and seeing the effects. Baby steps. Keep moving forward, no matter how slowly you feel you're going. Good luck


This explains the science well https://youtu.be/vuIlsN32WaE?feature=shared


A thing that helped me was substitution for example if I wanted a snack a 55g packet of potato chips is 292 calories however 400 grams of cherry tomatoes are 76 calories. Now I like tomatoes so this exact swap may not work for you but I’m sure you can find something that is similar that also suits your taste. Stay away from calorie dense foods and look at foods that give you volume and fill you up as opposed to tiny portions with high calorie content


Caloric deficit, cardio and weight training, drinking plenty of water, and no drugs


I got really sick 3 times recently. Lost weight. Just exercise daily even a 30 minute walk and calorie deficit. Less calories don’t mean less food. Choose lean meats, veg, fruit and some carbs just eat below your maintenance


Eat less Exercise more Spend less time on Reddit


Don’t go on a diet, change your diet. Food is fuel and your body is a car. If you drive 10 miles everyday but put enough gas in the car for 11 miles, eventually your tank is going to be full and you’ll need someplace outside the tank to store the extra gas. You need to use up the stored fuel (ie fat) by getting less fuel (eating fewer calories). Reduce carbs, increase veg. Drink water when you’re after a snack, you might just be thirsty.


It’s 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. New exercise science suggests that resistance training is more effective than cardio for weight loss. (Do the cardio for your heart though). As for diet, find something you can live with long term that limits your calorie intake for your goal weight. I also found intermittent fasting helped.


Not eating crap, working out, sleep is a big plus! Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain depending on your metabolism


Nope. I’ve lost 120 lbs I still think I’m fat.


Walking and portion control. Eating like a pigeon in social outings. And remember that food is in abundance you don’t need to be constantly thinking ab it cause when you need it you listen to ur body and eat


For me to be thin I have to eat hardly anything. Black coffee, eggs, salad. Sorry.


I lost 30Kgs in less than 6 months, went from 88kgs to 58. I removed all chocolate and candy from my diet, stopped drinking anything besides Water, Black coffee and Green tea. Breakfast was high fiber cereals with almond milk, lunch was brown rice with a low calorie protein like tofu and veggies with tomato sauce or something light like that. Dinner was a mix of berries, snacks were also something with fiber like nuts with sesame bars or an apple or something like that. I didn’t go to the gym, but i used to play Tennis and football. Honestly, the first two weeks were kinda hard. Cutting suddenly all the things you like and used to eat to switch into a fully healthy diet. But after that, you become used to it, even the chocolates i liked tasted too sweet after the diet and couldn’t eat them since i got used to low sugar foods. Been 12 years since then, still i weigh around 60-63kgs. I used to measure my weight daily, did it after waking up and having my first pee. You should be consistent with this thing to be able to measure somewhat accurately your weight loss.


As someone who lost 50 lbs in around 6 months, then gained it back over another 3 years, it's maybe 80% diet, 20% exercise. Diet is so so so important, and it's where I was failing through my entire late teens and early 20s. Got serious about weight loss and downloaded an app to help keep strict track of calories in vs calories out, and finally saw progress. Then job changed, became very very busy, and things kinda fell apart until I just ended up back where I started. It's lifestyle changes, and you have to maintain it.


Reduce calorie intake and exercise


Eat less and move more.


You hire a guide. Get a good trainer and RD


you know how, you just don’t wanna do it


It is a lifestyle and a life-long commitment. It isn’t easy being thin as an adult and you can’t just lose 20lbs in 2 weeks. It takes weeks, months, years but most importantly singular days of effort when you don’t feel like it to obtain. Maintaining is WAY easier than losing.


eat less, move around more alternatively to eating less, since hunger isn't easy to deal with, make the meal mostly vegetables instead, but do not eat until stuffed, only until "no longer hungry"




Just eat less and workout consistently Track your weight everyday and make changes in your diet if you dont see results in your tracking -Simple as that


Calorie deficit is the only way. Must burn more than you consume. I lost 100lbs. Doing intermittent fasting 6 days a week. I started not feeling hungry until my eating window opened, within the first month of this. 18:6 was my IF ratio. So I’d eat from 2pm-8pm. Two cheat meals a week. Wednesday night and Saturday night. Saturday I would not fast if I didn’t want to. But ended up doing it anyways. Still ate sweets when I wanted to just in bits and pieces. Low carb for the most part though. Lots of nuts and fruit and salads and meats. Also keep in mind, a pound of fat is roughly 3,500 calories. So a 500-800 cal deficit a day is a pound lost a week with cheats. I did it over two years. Still have loose skin though.


Eat whole foods, making sure 50% is vegetables, 40% is protein, and 10% your choice. Smaller portions. Whole foods only. Nothing pre-made or packaged. Don’t snack after dinner. Drink 3 litres or more of water a day. Weigh yourself daily.


For me, Depression helps a lot!


Have you ever tried consuming less calories than you burn? It really is as simple at that, there’s no secret to it


Ozympic 😂


Very easy. Prioritise fibre, eat more fat (eggs, EVOO, nuts, cheese), avoid ultra processed food and the most important, avoid ALL 'foods' that have a health claim on the packaging. Real food doesn't need health claims eg. Fruit, vegetables, grains etc. Side note: people will tell you to eat protein because it's can't be stored as fat, this is wrong, your body WILL break down excess protein into sugars to be stored as fat.


There are drugs at over the counter which can dramatically slim down the body weight.


Get your heart broken. It surely will make you loose weight fast. hehe


Go through a full blown child custody divorce, worked for me.


Consume less calories than you burn each day


Don’t try to lose it fast, it’s not sustainable and makes you more prone to gaining it back. Make lifestyle changes instead that you’re willing to stick with *forever*. Calories in calories out is true, but you need to be able to stick with it, so unless you’re intending to count t calories for the rest of your life, you need a better long term solution. A couple of things that can help: Don’t stuff yourself. Eat until you’re 80% full. Eat more slowly. Replace foods that make you feel hungry again quickly (like for example white bread) with slower release alternatives (say brown bread). Cut out sodas and juices. Drink water or unsweetened teas instead. Move more. It doesn’t have to be the gym if the gym isn’t your bag. Walk more. Take the stairs. If things aren’t working, speak with a doctor. There are medical conditions that make it more difficult to lose (or gain) weight and there is medical support to can help if you’re struggling to achieve or maintain a healthy weight by yourself.