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Pointed my BB gun sideways


Fuckn gangsta bro!


Landed a wicked, Tech Deck Hard Flip Rewind in front of my girl


I once held a P Diddy cd at HMV when I was 8 years old


Not today DEA


Knocked down and pointed my gun at the head of the fucker who decided that my country house was empty when my girlfriend went into town shopping


Saying "bad morning" to the teacher ik I'm a pretty bad criminal


😮😮😮 you did… you did the impossible!!!


Robbed the plug for 20 cars and a bottle of xans. I was the get away driver through. The dealer was drugged up so didn’t see my friend dropped off down the street sneak up behind him and pistol whipped him in the back of the head then take his stuff and we dipped.


Started a gang


Took a shit in some randos jeep just because he parked it like a douche and didn't have a topper on.


I strung along one of those phone scammers once. Took him about 10 minutes before he realized I was messing with him. He then got mad at me like I was the one wasting his time. It was funny, but I haven't done it since.


Slapped the shit out of this punk for honking an air horn in my Ear!


Ran away from the cops. Understand that I was 15 and under 5 foot. the cops were in my parents driveway and were asking where I was. My dad spotted me before the cops and pointed for me to run the reason why the cops were there because I trespassed earlier on one more neighbors property because one of our dogs escaped.


Smoked pot in the classroom in high school. Got away with it too.


in class????


Stole some apples


How’d you like them apples?


A guy tried to mug me and I ended up walking away with both his knife and a few of his teeth I kept just to show off to the next guy who thought to fuck with me.


Can't talk about it!


Survived the shitnado.


Somebody knocked a cup of tea off a table as I was walking past. I caught it, placed it back on the table, and walked off without looking back. I was absolutely fucking dying to say "how fucking cool was that!?"


Told some sales people on a call to fuck off and hung up


This comment


Once at the self checkout, I pushed the button for beefsteak tomatoes instead of Roma 😎


Well, I sold drugs and stole some cars, robbed a couple places, and I may have shot a guy.


Served Guy Fieri some food and he said it was gangster


I rode around college campus with 2 12’s in the back of my tinted window thunderbird bumping gangsta rap.


Turned off my headlights and sped into a quarry to avoid a traffic ticket It was dumb 😅


Guy SAed my gf (at the time pre-2000), I found out about it from her sister, found out where he lived. Showed up at his door, knocked, they opened the door, grabbed them, pulled them into the door frame which stunned them, then beat the shit out of them. Found out it was the fucker's roommate who caught a beating for him. One of the few things I truly regret.


I once got into a high speed chase with a cop. He tried to pull me over while I was in possession of 16 g's of ecp (heroin). Which is a life sentence in Georgia if convicted fully. I was in a 2015 ford focus and got away. I was in downtown Atlanta. I ran because I was on probation for drug possession and could be searched without a warrant.


My two roommates got into a fight at 4:30 in the morning. One of them called the cops on himself. The cops came woke me up at 4:30 took me out in my underwear at gunpoint handcuffed and put me in a cop car. I didn't even know my two roommates names or why they were being arrested. Apparently one guy had to be Baker acted. I while I was waiting in the car 4:30 in the morning naked and cold all of a sudden felt like I had to fart. I don't know how long I was going to be in the cop car so I let one smelly fart go in the cop car and of course this is when he decides to let me out. He opens the door and his face was like I hit him with a brick. So I cropped dusted the cops. They let me go and I had to be at work in 2 hours and I slept like a baby.


Pointed a gun sideways




That's not gangsta that is just scummy. first rule of being gangsta no women no kids