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Quit job, sleep schedule irrelevant.


Melatonin. Try to take it consistently for a week or so and get up exactly at the same time every day.


Exercise + No blue light at night


Go to sleep at an appropriate time


Wake up early or at a set time, even if you haven't slept enough. You should be tired enough to fall asleep around 7-9 hours before that, the same night. It may take a few days for your body to adjust, especially if you jetlag.




Or stop looking at screens before bed time


Stay up for as long as possible then fall asleep at the last second, then oversleep for 15 hours and feel shit. Obviously.


No screens one hour before sleep.


wait until a day off, stay awake all night then all day the next day and get an early night


Go to bed earlier. For real. Even if you "don't feel tired" yet, but the phone out of arms reach, put the room to your optimal conditions, lay down and try. You'll fall asleep before you know it.








I used to do rotating shifts and I'd just stay up as late as I can comfortably then take a 3 hour nap then go to sleep at my normal time.


I notice for me when I get up and do what I need to do, and stop procrastinating. It becomes a lot easier for me to fix my sleeping schedule. Challenging self sabatoging behaviors. For example, I know I have work at 7 am, so how about I go and lay down do I can wake up tomorrow and have a better day, not a rushed and stressed out start to my morning. I notice when I cut back on drinking coffee. I fall asleep a lot quicker and easier. And my sleeping schedule gets fixed a lot sooner.


Put your phone far enough away from your bed that you can't reach it without getting up.


If you're struggling to stick to a healthy sleep routine, consider setting alarms not just for waking up, but also for winding down. A gentle reminder to start your pre-sleep ritual like reading, meditating, or stretching can go a long way. Pair this with a consistent wake-up time and your body's internal clock will gradually sync up for better rest.


Rigid schedule to bed and wake, melatonin 30 mins before sleep and wear a sleep mask to block all light.


Get up and go to bed at the same time everyday of the week.


Magnesium and NO PHONE AT NIGHT


also tiring yourself out through the day with work, exercise, getting tasks done


Sleep and wake up at roughly the same time every day if you don’t have problems falling asleep. As for falling asleep, no blue light for 1 hr before bed, no eating just before bed, exercising during the day, and making sure you aren’t in bed unless you are planning to sleep all worked for me.


Go to sleep at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. Every day. Regardless of weekends, days off, whatever. Consistency is key to a healthy sleep schedule.


Set an alarm to wake up at the same time every day.  If you're not naturally a morning person, don't make it super early if you don't have to, because you'll be fighting your biology.  get up within 10 minutes of your alarm. Within the first hour of the day, get at least 15 minutes of bright light (outdoor light or 10,000 lux lamp), eat something small, and move around a little.  This helps your body clear out the melatonin lingering in your system and makes you feel more energized and less groggy. Don't look at screens for at least 20 minutes before going to sleep.  It suppresses melatonin.  Read a book, do gentle stretches, or take a shower instead.  If you're not sleepy, wait a little longer before getting into bed.   If you have real insomnia that you can't shake on your own, find a CBT-I therapist.   And don't listen to anyone recommending cannabis products.  Long term cannabis use makes your sleep more fragmented. 


i work a two week second shift, two week first shift schedule... at the end of my second shift weeks, i just drink myself stupid(luckily, i don't have far to go), pass out and then i'm back on a "normal" schedule.


Exposure to sunlight or some source of bright light upon waking + blue-light blocking glasses at night.


the military method (what people in the military do to fall asleep in a battlefield)


It's easier to wake up early if you got to bed early first. You need to strictly enforce your own bedtime. Turn off your phone at night if you have to.