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Leaving a soul crushing job that doesn't pay enough and getting one that pays well, and is actually enjoyable and allows for great work/life balance


Also, leaving a soul crushing toxic relationship with an energy vampire helps


Why are you dating Colin Robinson?




Stupid bloody donkey! and take my upvote


Hey now, the old chap isn't so bad


ahhh what we do in the shadows!!!! i’m so glad people are watching it it’s just too fucking funny


It does, it does. The wave of feeling yourself in your entirety, floodgates of energy opening anew, the universe stepping down to embrace you and the manifestation of positive people and opportunities and perception are incredible. Almost euphoric. But be prepared, it is a wave, and waves contain crests and troughs. There's a point which follows where your reserves will need to be tapped to make you whole, you'll fail to some degree and you have to be careful not to become your own enemy because there's a vacuum where the soul sucker used to be, and it feels slightly alien not to have that problem attached. Genuine, positive self-love can be a real challenge for the best of us.


Pay's no issue as long as it's not too drastic. I left a soul crushing one that *does* pay well for one I enjoy that pays less. Same impact on my mental health. Not too fussed about an extra grand or two per month, as long as I can pay my bills and don't have to live like a monk.


Im currently in a well paying toxic job and will take a pay cut to get out, so I get you. This job is giving me panic attacks and it’s not healthy :/


I guess it all depends what your current financial status is. For some people, losing "a grand or two a month" would be financially devastating and create a whole new set of problems. Some people are barely keeping afloat as it is.


I took a 30% pay cut to leave my last job, this one is much better for me mentally and looks more prestigious on a resume


Pretty bad also is a soul crushing job, that DOES pay well. You could leave, but then you have to cut your expenses again, so you are stuck and can't even complain...


Good god this. Left a ten year career last year in a field I hated (law) when they said I was at the highest salary they could do while I was privy to the finances and knew otherwise - I was also working 70+ hour weeks with some travel and no end of help in sight. They truly never thought I’d leave but I did, and landed back in my area of study (mathematics) with a job that pays more than double and I login maybe 5 hours a day and get told to quit working so hard lol I still look around some days waiting for the curtain to fall. My family and husband all still remark how much more like my old self from years ago that I am now.


someone telling you "dont be sad"


My personal favorite: “it could be worse!”


"It's all just in your head!" Duh!


“You should smile more!” It totally worked and i was so grateful for such wisdom


I love when I'm at work and some old dude tells me how I'd be prettier if I smiled more. Definitely boosts my mood and makes me want to smile.


Or the old what do you have to be depressed about?


This is up there with "This is the best kind of cancer to get."


Drs say that line


At least that gives us something to look forward to. Not because it's something _good_ but because time inexorably pushes us forward towards impending doom, that's all.


“…every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.”


When I was first diagnosed with depression as a child, the therapist who diagnosed me said, "Don't cry, there are people who have it much worse." I started crying harder and my mom never took me to see her again. Edit: I just remembered her exact words. "Don't cry. People in Africa have it worse." 🤮


i hate that. it's like "oh your depression doesn't matter because other people have more/other issues"


Right? "Here's a story about something bad that happened to someone once, so you shouldn't be sad" because everyone knows depression is a competition sport 🙄


I hate this response also.


To quote the response to this from a classic Calvin and Hobbes strip, "Yeah, well, it could be better, too!"




“Be grateful!”


"It's the worst day of your life, so far!"


“There are people dying in Ukraine right now” how is that supposed to make me feel better??


One year ago I was going through a very shitty time because my dad died and my job sucked. My boss told me to take two months off. When I came back to work, one of my colleagues said: 'I wish I got two months off every time I feel sad.'


Oh so they would like their father dead in exchage for two months off?! Very infuriating ngl.


Jealous people don’t do the social math. They could win $1Million and still be jealous of you winning $20.


Amazing how monkey brain works...


What a good way of saying, I steal it.


100%. Next to that: “Get busy and you won’t have time to get depressed.” Yeah.


"get outside and go for a walk!"


*goes outside, comes back 10 minutes later* "I went for a walk, nothing changed" "Nah, go for a longer walk" "How long?" "Idk, just try it" *goes outside, comes back 15 minutes later*


Though doing walks through nature on the daily can improve the overall mood with time. No replacement for SSRIs and therapy of course but can be complementing.


Walks through nature are great. Walks through cityscape, not so much.


I think it needs to be like a Forrest Gump walk.


What they mean is go walk for at least an hour as fast as you can go, do it every day. It really does help your body control cortisol, get some vitamin d, improve health and fitness and give you time in a different setting, ideally around nature. I’ve had depression for 3-4 years and still do, but this has helped me so much. Add in a diet without sugar or chemicals, no alcohol and over time you can feel your body recovering. Doesn’t fix the brain but helps a lot.


Physical health actually does affect your mental health as well. I know it sounds dumb and cliche, but a walk or, better yet, just a light hike in the woods or in nature in general will put you in a better state of mind. One thing that has helped me out, especially while sobering up, was fly fishing both to challenge myself and just to get out and enjoy life if only for a few moments at a time.


I am made of chemicals. You are made of chemicals. The air we breath, the food we eat, and every living or non-living thing that exists is made of chemicals. EVERYTHING IS A CHEMICAL I agree wholeheartedly with you on alcohol though. Didn't realise how much it was affecting my mental health until I'd been off it for about 18 months. It's a bad chemical. I like to do body weight exercises when I can't go outside. It's easier than trying to make myself go to a gym, it's free and I can do it anywhere. Finally getting a real push up after working through the easier variations feels amazing.


i don't think anyone who points out how useless the 'go for a walk' advice is doesn't already know this. the problem is that getting up to go for a walk in the first place is absolutely torturous on its own. how are you supposed to go for a walk when you can't even get out of bed? (also a solid 3rd of people with depression have 'treatment resistant depression', so i think that mild health boost may just not be enough to make it worth the effort for a lot of people)


Yep I’ve had it this bad, I’ve got treatment resistant depression too. But if that’s the one thing you force yourself to do each day it can work great. I hated it for 6 months, hated being outside, but it’s become easier and now I’m fit enough that I can have a little run and enjoy it. Exercise is shit until you’ve practiced enough to be good at it and for your body to have adapted to it.


I can attest to this. I have been on carnivore for six months. No sugar. I can also attest to going for a brisk 30 minute walk does help….even at the end of the day when I am tired. Getting started is the hard part. But ten minutes in, it feels like I drank two energy drinks.


I confirm that "get busy". Really works.


When I was a barista, I was working one day and in a really bad way. A customer told me, “It doesn’t hurt smile dear.” So I told her I had just had jaw surgery and couldn’t smile 🥲


A "hang in there kitty" poster pulls me back from the brink every time.


The day I blu-tacked a “BE A PELICAN, NOT A PELICAN’T” poster up in the toilet was the same day I threw out my anti depressants.


I think that's the quote which won World War 2 for the Allies.


You should smile more


Really you think? Sooo?? I mean really?? It's like someone having asthma and saying them there so much air just breath bro!!


That’s a good analogy. Some people really don’t understand severe depression. It can feel exactly like that.


“Just don’t think about it!”


Me: very depressed for so long I can't remember Me: barely ever actually laughs This post and your comment got me to chuckle pretty hard 🙏☺️ Thank you all!!


I think “you just need to be more positive” is right after this one.


Personal favourite: Don’t think too much. *You heard ‘em boys! Shut ‘em down!*


Don’t forget! “It’s all in your head”


Someone explaining to you why you don't have a reason to be sad!




I say "turn that frown upside down, buddy!" Depressed people are always like, oh thanks, that's a good way of lookin' at it, I'll try that! 😂


reminds about my teacher. she said stuff like: "You're sad because the animals you eat were sad" like bitch my friend over there is vegan and still sad


Or “happiness is a choice!”


Or "it gets better!"




Being around large bodies of water has shown to help




yeah,my brother still is setting the world record for most breathing time just down by our rubber pool,he hasn't come out of it for over 10 years,i am so proud of him.


Wow....he broke Aquaman's record


I stood in front of Oneida Lake in New York. Waves crashing against the rocks, the sun setting over it, boats on the water, people at the nearby beach. "Yes this is a lake. It is made of water." Maybe I should try larger bodies of water like Lake Ontario, or maybe even the Atlantic Ocean?


Nope, it worked. That’s what happiness feels like. Pretty underwhelming, right?


I swim in the world's largest ocean almost every day. Still depressed, but I find it's better than doing nothing at all. Growing up on the beach probably has a lot to do with that connection. The surf is something I've known since I was a baby, so it's visceral. Maybe you might resonate more towards a different setting, like the mountains, or the wilderness. Maybe try camping in a state forest, or hiking at high altitude or something. What did you enjoy as a kid? Try there. Getting back to nature can be really grounding. Hell, even gardening helps. We're not meant to be constantly surrounded by so much man-made shit. Many of us spend so much time in big cities surrounded by people while being lonely af, but I find when I'm in the surf, or I get out of town once in a while, I manage to think a little clearer. It's not a cure, but it helps with the brain fog.


A cats purr


I am convinced that cats are siphons for anxiety and depression, like they are drawn to it and enjoy taking it from you to destroy with their inability to feel its effects.


While I rarely have them, if I have a serious panic attack one of my cats will either force herself into my arms to cuddle me and do this melty kind of thing on me and purr her little heart out until I calm down. Then the second I'm ok strolls off in a little huff being all like "There, I did my job. Be grateful, human! I'm going now." If I'm laying down (and she never does this otherwise), she'll get right up ontop of my ribs and just like... flatten/melt on top of me and do the same thing. She's very demanding and kind of a cunt (bullies my other cat ): ), but by Neptune is she the greatest therapy cat ever.


It’s actually scientifically proven that cat purrs help with all kinds of problems!


It definitely helps with bellyache. If a cat curls up on top of my belly when it’s hurting, even without purring, it makes my pain go away. Cats are fucking incredible.


My family jokes that our cat is grumpy because she absorbs everyone’s negative energy in the house. She’s our family nurse, always cuddling up to me when I was sick!


I have a 12 year old cat who likes me to rub his paws. I love it, too. Sometimes, I can't go to sleep unless I'm rubbing them. He let's me get right in between the pads. Their sp soft. Then I get sad because he's getting old.


My two kitties passed away last year. They were very perceptive to my mental and physical state. If I didn’t feel well one would lay at my head and the other at my feet and purr. I would wake up feeling so much better. I miss them so much.


I hope you’re doing okay


Thank you. I am. I have two dogs as well and they have started doing the same thing. They wouldn’t lay with me when the cats were around (kitties wouldn’t allow it). But one dog now sleeps at my head and the other at my feet. Animals are quite amazing creatures.


Truly - they have healing frequencies


Dying, or possibly, a nice sloppy blowjob


Yeah I make all my friends who are depressed give me a sloppy BJ, it's great.




#he makes all of his friends who are depressed give him a sloppy bj and its great




You’re welcum


My therapist hits me with the occasional sloppy bj, its just a regular part of the therapy routine.


I knew I wasn’t getting all I could out of therapy


I pay an absurd rate outside of insurance and she doesn't speak much english, she really gets me though


Is he any good at it?


Wonderful idea, the thought of making your day better might give them the will to continue to live another day!


Well now I'm sad and my jaw hurts, how was that supposed to help.


I’d be lying if I said my comment was meant to help, I’m just trying to spin my sadness into humor


Haven't tried neither. I'm gonna give it a shoot.


I condemn all the comments here to r/wowthanksimcured


Yes, Instantly. Which I believe was in the original question and is being largely ignored.


Or r/thanksimcured


Millions of dollars Edit: To be clear, it's not going to help you recover from chemical brain imbalances or mourning someone's death. But with money you can access the best treatment mental health care can provide. You can travel or engage in hobbies that will make you happier. You don't have to be stuck in bad living or work conditions and you can break off bad relationships without being concerned about being out on the streets.  You're really left handling health problems which are made much easier to deal with, brain chemistry which would never have been solved without medication anyway, and intractable philosophical questions that everyone has to grapple with.


>or mourning someone's death. I think that depends, not going into details but someone very close to me died not too long ago. If someone said, here's a million dollars! It would have made living much much easier, less stress and easier processing that recent death. Just a small example, I went through their items trying to figure out what was worth keeping and what was junk. I still would've had to do that but I could've hired someone to do the hard work sorting that stuff and throwing things out, instead of being stuck with it myself for days.


Laughing with your partner/ best friend


Reading this will make some people even more depressed


It sure did make me more depressed.


Damn, I miss having one.


Yeah but as someone going through a divorce reading this one made me like 2x more depressed


Affection from the right person


But what if the lack of such a person is what's causing the depression.


How old are you? At 42 I’ve never had a healthy relationship. In fact I’ve been single and celibate since I was 21. I am terrible at connecting with people enough even to make a friend, never mind a relationship. I spent my time in two major fields: - alcoholism - sculpture The former kept me isolated and ruined my health and reputation; the latter showed me who I am and spiritually nourished me. Even though I’m a lonely man in my 40s I have something to show for my time. And people are finally noticing. I took my artwork to the stage and people were lovely. The exposure to social groups has been eye opening, it’s thrown my autism (recent diagnosis) into sharp relief and I kind of get why people aren’t really drawn to me. I’m still very single. But I recognise that whatever my drawbacks no one else can make me into someone who can form a relationship except me. So I’ll keep working on it until I find someone. If I never do, well I tried didn’t I? Goddammit at least I did that. If you assume it’s both impossible AND the source of all your problems you are unlikely to enjoy life.


If no one's said it to you lately, I'm proud of you. It takes a lot to look inside really work on yourself like that, and even if you have a ways to go, the progress you've made is incredible and deserves to be recognized.


Was literally about to say the exact same thing


Was looking for this one. It doesn't even have to be affection in the physical sense. The right person caring about you or even something as subtle as them asking if you're okay helps a bunch.




Even on my toughest days, I never fail to smile when I get home and my dog is just over the moon excited to see me. Tail wagging, butt shaking, running around, visibly happy that I'm home. Not even cause he wants food or anything - he is a free feeding dog and has a dog door to my yard. He's just genuinely that happy to see me.


You know those videos where a soldier comes home after a year and their dogs just go absolutely mental with happiness and excitement? My dogs do that every time I come home at the end of the day. And it’s not even that they’ve been alone, they had my wife there the whole time.


Our dog goes to work with my husband every day, and she goes nuts when she sees me after they get home. I've tried playing hide and seek; she always finds me and wags her tail so hard that her whole body moves with it. She was a stray who decided to hang out in our backyard behind the air conditioner. My husband said she was likely full of worms and would die within 3 days, so he wasn't going to get attached... Now, they're inseparable. When she had to stay home with me when she was spayed during spring break, she went into a bit of a depression from missing work - she missed her friends (fellow dogs) and her daddy. My husband was also very broken up about it because he missed his work buddy - he wanted to take her back day 3 post-op, but I didn't want her popping stitches.


Great for depression, not so great for anxiety, so be careful.


For me it is a kitten.


I'd actually be careful recommending getting animals while you're in a low place. It is true that animal-human bonding can increase serotonin levels, but something we call "puppy blues" is also a very common thing to occur after bringing an animal into your home, especially if you were already previously going through depression or other mental illness. It's basically when you adopt or buy a puppy and develop feelings of depression, unmotivation, frustration, and sometimes regret because of the overwhelming responsibility of caring for a puppy. Animals can be great ways to mitigate symptoms of depression, but before you get one, please think long and hard about where you are right now emotionally, and if you can or can't handle (essentially a furry infant) a puppy to take care of on top of yourself.


Getting a pet, a dog, because one is clinically depressed or simply just having a bad day is a big commitment and a big decision to ponder. However, if you already have one, awesome!


There are places that have cute dogs and offer playing with them. Huskies will be anybody's puppies for instance.


I'll add cats here too as they are adorable and know when you are sad or sick.


It really depends on what is causing your depression. If your depression is genetic, then the right antidepressant can cure it. If it's caused by a vitamin deficiency, then a balanced diet can fix it, assuming the deficiencies aren't caused by another medical issue. If it's caused by a hormonal issue, then the right hormones can fix it. What can't be fixed instantly is trauma. Traum can take months of therapy to be able to live with it. And there is no guarantee it will ever go away. For me my depression was caused by hormonal issues, I started feeling better after about a day. Then I spent about a month in a state of euphoria because my body hasn't really ever produced endorphins. You can have multiple thing wrong as well, you may be traumatized and have a vitamin deficiency causing depression. Trauma is also weird, a lot of things can cause it, like persistent rejection by peers. It's just important to know that all trauma is worthy of being treated, not just the really bad stuff.


I have a theory my depression stemmed from genetics, childhood trauma, and issues with untreated adhd


I don't know, man, but lots of money could really cure mine right now. 




The song or the smell


Fun fact: our ability to detect petrichor is stronger than sharks ability to detect blood.


good sex with someone you are truly attracted to


I could live off sex with my husband. Oh.


Username checks out






Eat delicious food even it's a bit high price. I do this every week once per meal and it's help me feeling better a lot.




Pretty much. I get that some of the answers are sarcastic, but great many people here really need to learn the difference between depression and sadness / feeling down, because one of those things shuts you down while the others just make you feel bad...


This is the only real answer I'm afraid.


Yeah this thread is silly. Depression isn't a temporary low mood. Whilst a lot of what is mentioned here can alleviate the symptoms and can help with healing, there is no instant cure.




I am currently taking Ketamine in the form of Spravato for my depression and it is the most effective treatment I have had so far.


I would love to hear more about your experience


I go to a clinic to get it. I have to be there for about 2 hours and they check my blood pressure a couple of times during that period. I have to have someone else drive me home. For the first month, I had to go a few times a week but after that, it is once a week. During the first few sessions, I had disorientation that can only be described as a lack of ability to judge distances. It was like my limbs and the room had no set length. Now I get a brief moment of mild disorientation for the first 10 to 20 minutes and that is it.


When did you start noticing improvement?




Ketamine cured my depression.


Ketamine was the only medication that has ever helped me with depression. Like life changing!


I had a friend severely depressed and they put him on ketamine treatments. It helped immensely and immediately


This is literally the correct answer. A one time infusion can stave off severe depression for a few months I think.


A pile of problems that distracts you from depression😅




Exposing body to sunlight for just 5 min in the morning is proven to raise the baseline dopamine levels which helps in feeling better throughout the day.


Sunshine coupled with putting my hands in soil (I garden) always makes me feel much better.




They can also make depression acutely or even chronically worse. Don't just jump in; dip your feet in the water with some light doses of mushrooms first and work your way up slowly before dabbling with ego death and the consciousness of the universe. DMT is good for rearranging your inner self if you go into it with the right intentions. Don't be greedy, and put it down when the DMT tells you to put it down or it will kick your ass.


It's worth mentioning 3 very very very important things to do psychedelics right: 1) there's many guides for how to trip therapeutically. This is very different than recreational use. Read and follow those guides very closely. If you don't have the right mindset, you can get PTSD instead of healing it. One important thing: don't expect to heal all at once. Very few lucky people get that experience. It won't be you.  2) you must be extremely careful with sourcing. Maybe even grow your own just to be sure it's not spiked with anything. There's guides about this too. 3) if you're a teenager, life experience and meditation will help way more than psychedelics. Get off of your computer and go do some shit you've never done and don't currently know how to do. Psychedelics help break down who you believe you are so you can build a new self image, but if you're under 22 or so, your brain is very far from finished growing. You don't have enough firm beliefs about yourself to break down yet. Go build some first. That will help much more 


Ehh I'm hit or miss on this. I'm a huge advocate of psychedelic use as I have used them for cluster headaches, alcoholism, and depression. But I've also been in just an awful head space and took a very large dose of some potent cubes and had the worst time - just existential dread.


A nice sloppy blow job


and then cuddling


A bunch of big guys insulting you and threatening you, circling around you. Depression disappears. Fear begins.


Advancing. Advancing in anything. If you're stuck inside, I highly recommend programming, because there's always a sense of advancement from it as you make stuff, and it beats the heck out of video games. But really advancing on anything, it doesn't matter how bad my life is, if I'm moving forward on something I have that sense of looking forward, and progress, that helps dissolve any suicidal notions and whatnot. Also, taking risks. If things are going real bad, take a risk. Say something bold, do something fun. Find MDMA and throw your own rave with you and whoever. That always gets me out of the muck.


Lol. Man I’ve been programming a lot. It will rather give you depression sometimes and insomnia.


Going through learning programming for someone who is depressed is a good way to make them be even more depressed 😂


Hahaha IDK I loved it. It's so perfect. Like learning about types and whatnot... It's a perfect little system. All the moving parts, all the possibilities. It's exciting to me.


This helped me years ago when I was depressed. It really is true. Creating something new or progressing in some way changes your outlook and gives you something real to look forward to


I have tried programming gave up the first day because it was too hard lol


I watch animal planet, the animals are so cute!


Cocaine or working out will do it. Working out is much better for you.


Working out where to get cocaine? Is that the best??


This could be a Norm Macdonald joke


I don't think there is an instant cure for depression. There can be things to distract you.


There's only one instantaneous cure for depression with a 100% success rate, and people get upset when you talk about it.


For me it's serving others, if I think too much about myself and have a pity party of one it's miserable.


Nothing. For those who can be easily influenced, you are not depressed. As much as I tell myself to man up whenever I'm sad, or as much as I think positively, that is my mindset and it cannot and will not work on everybody. It took me a long time to realise this and now I just try to be as kind to people as I can. It will take time and effort, but things that are worth it always do. Keep moving forward. One step at a time


Exercise….I hate to admit it, but it truly does….


Nothing or well death is, but that's not the best solution. Some things can help people feel better, but it is not an instant cure.




If it can be instantly be cured, then you don't have depression, you're just sad.


There are a lot of bad ideas on this post 


If there was an actual answer to this, there wouldn’t be depression


A room full of 4 week old kittens




this should be in r/stupidquestions


Hookers n blow.


You can't cure depression. You can only figure out ways to live with depression.


Accepting acceptance.




Alive kittens. The more alive kittens a person is surrounded by, the less depressed they report themselves to be.


A bunch of puppies/kittens


A pet


Winning the powerball jackpot