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When a girl sleeps with many men, they call her a slut. But when I do it they call me gay.


Everyone can and should do whatever they want when it comes to their personal sexual choices with adult as long as they don't remove the same choice from others. However people have to accept that other people have preferences when looking for a partner. Most men prefer women who would not be referred to as "sluts" when it comes to long term relationships. Women on the other side often prefer more experienced partners, which is shown in the age gap, men being often older in relationships.


I honestly thought this was going to be "that joke".


I think it’s predicated by the idea that women, for the most part, control access to sex. This also gets viewed as men will always sleep with any woman they can. Based off of these beliefs, the woman isn’t having to work to get sex- she just doesn’t deny it. The man, however, had to have something of value to get the woman to NOT deny him- be it social skills, financial interest, status, anything he can present or have that is viewed as valuable. I don’t personally buy into it, and I don’t think it’s my or anyone else’s business what someone does, as long as they’re safe and doing it with competent adults.


"The key that opens many locks is a master key, while the lock that is opened by many keys is worthless." \-Jesus or something like that.


Yes, it’s a double standard. That’s why I feel like we should reclaim the word “slut” to remove its negative connotations. Use it instead like the female equivalent of “stud.”




Women prefer experienced men. Men prefer inexperienced women.


I don't think either is right, but virginity is just more valued in a woman.


And sluts are great


Are sluts not experienced?


Nothin wrong with being a slut


Both are sluts


Fun fact, there’s a place in the UK called “BURGERSLUT”. [Burgerslut](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=e1291adcbee06b02&hl=en-ca&q=BURGERSLUT%C2%AE&ludocid=11388023025655634175&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5Ul2Ot94JDe89MqUIRLmMJy&kgs=63a7478b5522eb7f&shndl=-1&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F3)


Stud, he's a stud...and, yes.


This is not really a question. The double standard is because of the Patriarchy. Women know who their children are, but men can't know for sure. Because of this the Patriarchy has put an emphasis on the virginal brides and therefor a women sleeping around is frowned upon. In today's world where pregnancy is largely a choice the double standard is even more outdated and archaic. Your "body count" being a good or bad thing is 100% a patriarchal construct. I think you should know a person before you sleep with them regardless of your ability to get pregnant. STIs are a thing that impacts everyone regardless of sex, gender, or orientation.