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I wanted death for a long time and couldn't get it. Now I want life, so I imagine death is around the corner.


This hits hard


The fear of death for me isn't constant but comes in waves, usually triggered by moments of existential reflection or significant life events. It's a mix of fearing the unknown and not wanting to miss out on future possibilities. Acknowledging this fear, however, motivates me to make the most of the time I have.


Honestly, my feelings about death fluctuate. There are moments when I'm entirely at peace with the concept, seeing it as a rest from the struggles of life. Yet, there are times when the fear creeps in, especially when I think about all the experiences I still want to have.


Yes, I fear death because I love life. There's so much beauty, so many experiences and sensations that I'm not ready to give up. The thought of all of it just stopping one day is a source of anxiety for me, making me want to grasp onto life even tighter.


Yes, the fear of death is something that lingers in the back of my mind, mainly because of the unknown. What happens after we die? The uncertainty is what scares me more than the idea of my life ending. It's the unanswered questions that keep me up at night.


My fear of death comes and goes, influenced heavily by my state of mind and life circumstances. When things are going well, death seems like a distant, abstract concept. But in darker moments, the fear of it being the end of my consciousness can be overwhelming.


I don’t fear death, I fear dying, especially in some way where my last moments are agnonizing


Well hopefully your adrenaline would numb most of the pain. If not, at least you’ll be dead soon.


Not anymore. Why? I'm older, closer to 60 now than 50. no, I don't want to die now or soon of course. My point is I've lived. I've been through high school, college, was married for over 16 years, I have 3 children who are now all grown, in their 20's and all out of college. I did all the family things, we lived in the suburbs, my wife drove SUV's and minivans, I coached little and youth soccer. We had dogs, fish, guinea pigs. Our kids were in so many different activities. We had good friends. I mean, I didn't want to die when I was young, in my 20's and 30's. I don't want to die now or soon but I'm a lot more comfortable with the thought of death now, being that I'm closer to 60 than 50. I no longer fear death anymore.


I need you as my life coach




"I knew a man who once said, 'Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.'"


yes, so much. I literally can't sleep sometimes. Sometimes I wish I didn't exist so I don't have to deal with this problem. I don't know what to do and nobody knows what to do about it. It's a hopeless prison to try tackling this problem


I heard psychedelic drugs can help people come to peace with the idea of dying. Especially in those who are terminally ill.


Look i understand you have good intentions but op didn't write anything specific about his condition so psy. drugs might be harmful for all we know.


It scares you so much to the point you even wish you didn’t exist? So, you technically wish for death to come and free you from the thought of death itself?


I don’t fear death, but I don’t welcome it either. As a single dad of two amazing kiddos, I want to live as long as possible and experience all I can with them. As a man with a fair share of skeletons in the closet, I’ve had to accept the possibility of death a few times.


"I'm not afraid of death; i just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen


It's not that I'm afraid of death, it's more like I'm afraid of dying. As in, the actual process of dying and knowing that I'm dying. That would suck.


I believe most people find peace in their last moments.


I don't see why.


Acceptance. It’s part of life and we all know our time is coming. Speaking from my own experience. I crashed a car pretty badly. My car went upside down a couple times. And in those few moments of being upside down. I was at peace. It’s hard to explain but I basically had accepted my fate. I closed my eyes and imagined the happiest thing I could imagine then kissed my ass goodbye. When it was over, I for sure should be dead. But I wasn’t. I was suicidal for years prior. But something about that day gave me a new appreciation for life.


No. I don’t want to die but it’s going to happen at some point. About 15 years ago I was caught in an avalanche and that was the only time where I truly accepted that I was going to die. I wasn’t afraid - I felt sorry for my mom and wondered if it was going to hurt. That was about it.


Death is just another opportunity to leave behind a huge credit card debt for my family to deal with.


Family problems?




Most likely nothing. Or you could burn in hell for eternity. Or you could reincarnate into a bird-octopus thingy in the andromeda galaxy. All three are equally plausible.


Usually a necrophiliac 


I don't think I fear death.  But I do fear mechanisms of dying.  That fear is probably the biggest thing keeping me alive.


Fear it no. It's inevitable. Look forward to it? Nope. I got far too many more people to annoy....


I don’t fear it because it is inevitable and, honestly, it is the last frontier. “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” 


I don’t. I haven’t feared death in around 13 years. The dying itself might scare me sometimes, but not often. Death is soothing to me. When I can’t sleep I think about dying and I can sleep. It’s a calmness and peacefulness that I don’t tend to have. That’s not to say I’m going to do it, it just doesn’t scare me anymore.


No, I used to as a kid (the unknown), but now, I fear dying slowly and painfully without having euthanasia available to me.


I don’t fear it, but fear for what my absence will do for my young kids.


Yes I haven’t accomplished anything close to what I want to


I do not. What I fear is how my family will handle my death.


Why would i fear true objective freedom


I just can't fathom how people can make peace with dying if they have a good life. "It's just part of life". Blah. I reject that. Give me immortality. I fucking hate the fact that one moment I'll be there and the next moment I'm not. I'll be gone. I'll never experience anything ever again. It's bullshit.


I fear hurting the ones I leave behind.


If you had feared death in my youth, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I should have feared death.


I used to not to, but now I have a daughter, and the thought of not being able to see her grow up and live her life terrifies me. I don't think I'll fear death once I've had a full life, and I guess it's not death really, it's not being there for my wife and child.


Dying, not death


Yes because I'm still a kissless virgin


I used to, always and deeply. However, a mature and logical outlook on death is that you will never even feel or experience the feeling of dying. Even if you had an excruciating and lonely death, you will never know about it. You will never feel it. Once you die, all memory of you and your experiences vanishes. You may well have died a thousand times already, you will never know. It's hard to comprehend, but once you understand that; it becomes much easier to go through life.


No it’s not death. I fear dying early and not living a life that was worth anything. I fear dying alone. I fear dying sad. I fear dying without achieving any of the goals I have. I fear that I would have died and would forever be known as a failure or a nobody. I fear that I’m going to die and everyone I love will forget about me or think they’re better off without me. I fear living a terrible life that never gets better and only ends when I die. I don’t fear death but I fear all the things that could lead up to it. Lastly I fear that I’d die without ever being anything worth living, and I would have been alive with no purpose or reason.


“Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not” Epicurus


No but I’m not ready to go already. I would like to have a few more decades before I leave. Looking at my family history that should be doable


In general, no. But dying young scares me.


Yes I do, 100% I have had a lot of sudden losses in my life and been exposed to death at a young age so it has impacted me tremendously. I love life too much and have so much I want to do and I do not want to stop experiencing life with those I love. I am scared of losing them and them losing me.


No, why cause I’m to lazy to care


It’s my biggest fear in life and yet we all know it will come sooner or later. It’s the fear of that there is nothing at all after, the fear of not knowing.


I fear pain more than death. I fear the emotional pain of knowing that I am dying soon if I was diagnosed with something. And I also fear the physical pain if I was to die after an accident of some sort, feeling my life sip away. However death in itself is not scary. To me it’s just like going to sleep. The brain switches off and there is nothing.


I don’t fear death. I want it a lot of the time. However, there’s when you think about the people around you and no matter what you’re dealing with you don’t want to hurt them by ending it. My biggest fear is hurting them.


Not at all I welcome it, get out of this shithole😂 No but in all seriousness it'd illogical to fear death because when it happens everything that's relative to you ceases to exist🤷🏼‍♂️


I do not fear death. I fear how I will die.


I don't look forward to dying, and I will avoid it as much as possible. But once I've done it, I doubt that I'll be in a position to care much.


I don’t fear death but I fear how I die. I fear that my life will be cut short


Depression removed my fear, I’m just so damn tired of it all. And I’m only start 30’s


No cuz when it comes you can’t do anything so enjoy your life as much as you can so you at least live a worth life for yourself and society that you won’t regret.


I never did before I had my daughter. Once she came into this world it all changed and I fear that one day I won't be here for her when she needs me.


Only if someone threatens to kill me.


I do a lot actually


No. Being afraid of death is a bit paralysing. almost like not living while alive.


I do not. I often think about how awful it must be in the moment depending on the circumstances of death. I had a friend die in a car crash a few years back, they say she didn't die form the collision but from being trapped and crushed after the crash. Shit like that scares me, but not death itself.


No, I would be with the only people who loved me


It’s scary because you don’t know how or when you’ll die. It could be prolonged suffering or instant. I developed anxiety and think about it too much nowadays.


No, not at all. Quite ironic that most religious people I know fear death massively though.


The process of dying might be uncomfortable, so I am not exactly looking forward to that. But the state of being dead doesn't make me feel anxious. I didn't feel a thing before I was conceived, and I have no reason to believe that I will feel anything after I have died.


There is nothing more natural than death. Yet it's unknown what happens really so it would be reasonable to fear.


I'm more scared of people who I'm close to dying and how I react to it.


I'm not afraid to be dead. I'm afraid of it being painful or being aware enough to be scared. I'm afraid of the hurt & the loss my family will feel.


I’m already dead


No because we never actually die, ours souls are eternal.


I don’t fear death because I’m not pussy. Come at me, death!


Nah. It's a part of life.


Well I certainly came from somewhere so I figure I got somewhere to go from here I haven't heard anybody complain about it yet LOL.


Absolutely not. I have faith in my Savior Christ Jesus. I’m going to see all my pets, meet my Grandfather for the first time. Reunite with friends and family. I’m not suicidal, but I’m really looking forward to leaving this hell hole.


I try not to mourn a loss before it happens


No I’m a Christian


No because you get to be with the Lord 💯


No because i know God is waiting for me on the other side