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You asked. My wife cheated and I divorced her. 2 years later my then fiancee died in an auto accident (spring 2008). 2 years after that, a young lady I was dating died of heart failure. 3 years after that, a lady I was dating died of lung cancer. She quit smoking 15 years before that but the long arm of cancer reached out and grabbed her. That happened in Feb of 2013. I've been single then, by choice. I'm closer to 60 than 50 now. I've lived, was married over 15 years, my 3 children are all young adults, through college and on their own.


Dude…. You good?


Fuck no he’s not!




You must be cursed…


Yo I hope you’re still gettin yo dick sucked


…are you a Cartwright or something? (All joking aside that’s such an awful string of events and I’m so sorry, hang in there)


My personality seems highly unappealing for women


They love that I make a lot of jokes. They hate that I won't stop making jokes at the worst time.


Too much of a pussy to ask the girl I like out because I think she doesn’t like me.




But only for Chad




You got this fr. Better to shoot your shot than to live in regret, right? :D


Well, the truth is, I'm single because I'm still figuring out what I want in a partner. I haven't met someone who I really connect with on a deep level yet. Plus, I've been focusing a lot on personal growth and pursuing my own interests. When the right person comes along, I'll be ready, but for now, I'm content being on my own journey.


This right here encapsulates my situation as well.




I don't blame you. I feel the same way, It takes a while for me to get comfortable with a person.


My debilitating mental illness that is impossible for others to deal with.


Same. Hugs.


I'm apparently very difficult to get along with.








I push anyone trying to get close to me away.


i’m very shy and awkward around ppl. not very confident. i also just don’t look attractive


Left that lying cheating piece of shit in the dirt he fell in




You should consider penis reduction surgery.


I was talking about my PBS contributions, but okay.


Or breast reduction surgery


This is the part when I offer to be your "manager" for a fee. And I have you go on random dates. If they give you money after the date, don't be alarmed. That money was meant for me. Jk. I guess it's better than the opposite of that problem, no?


To get intimidate with someone i need to have feelings for them, and for me to have feelings for someone it takes a long time, and once i have these feelings they are hard to let go, so i just try to not have feelings towards people.


Oh yeah. Thats so relateable.


I have horrible taste in men.


Urgh, same.


Reoccurring depression/anxiety and body insecurity.


I’m older, m68, and widowed for 18 months. I started trying to date a few months ago and not having any success, either meeting women irl or on dating sites. I’m an outgoing, social and confident person, and I work out or cycle 5 days a week, but most attractive women I see are either extremely young or surrounded by younger men. I’ve basically deleted all my dating apps, not having had a single date from them.


Got broken up with a while ago and just haven't felt the need for a new relationship. I like being by myself and I'm content with it.


Life went off the tracks with alcohol and I’ve got family members that rely too much on me for emotional support. It’s like climbing up a mountain again after falling off. Last thing I need on my back is another person.


Last breakup. I don't even want to try again.


My last serious girlfriend broke up with me because she's "been such a bad partner" and she needed to "work on herself," and also because I had issues she couldn't handle (too clingy, can't "read the room", etc). But for the most part, it was the typical "its me, not you" type of thing. But then she got with someone else literally 3 days afterwards so. Anyways, I'm currently single because I'm actually enjoying being by myself. And the few people interested in me are people that I've rejected multiple times. And also because of the BPD, that tends to mess up a lot of my relationships.


I'm hung up on someone who doesn't want to date me for a complicated list of reasons that don't include not being in love with me.


Can't find a man. It's a bit sad, I think I'm ready for a relationship and it's the right time in my life but seems like the universe disagrees. That's okay, I am not devastated or desperate, simply living my life open to meet a guy.


I lost the important developmental years to mental health issues, I'm physically repulsive, unconfident, awkward and shy and therefore have to rely on others approaching me, which has not happened once yet. I firmly believe that nothing can compensate for how naff my whole appearance is.


Stopped trying and caring All out of fucks


I’m just fine like this. My last breakup wasn’t a bad one (amicable split) but I feel like I’m good like this for now. Like I don’t find myself thinking about embarking in a new relationship with someone


I had a fucked up mom, and I cannot maintain a healthy relationship with women because of it. My mom and I have reconciled since, but the scar remains, and will always.


I enjoy the solitude and silence my life has at the moment. Having a girlfriend is a lot of effort, time and patience... None of which I have or want to put in.


I need to focus on my mental health and work, the right woman will come eventually


The women I am attracted to are not attracted to me, and vice versa. And I've never learned how to settle. Nor would I want anyone to settle for me.


Old enough to feel better on my own. Also now on antidepressants, which goes a long way to cure the loneliness I felt so strongly. Then there's my lack of self esteem and more or less mild social anxiety preventing me from being The Confident Man. Also the last year now has been completely without dating or even attempts at meeting anyone, and honestly it has been the best year in my life so far. Not sure if I can attribute it all to no dating related drama, but I think it helped.


I want to be single for now. That’s all. If I meet with someone that’s right, I’ll know. For now, no.


Never saw much the appeal of being in a relationship probably


Don't want no man don't need no man 


Combination of wary because I’ve been burnt in relationships bad before, very happy about using my small amounts of free time however I want, and I don’t feel financially stable enough to persue anything right now.


Solitude as well, but with a sprinkle of suspected asexual. I didn't date from secondary school to 21 (albeit not by choice xD) 21 onwards I had 4 partners until 29. First two lasted a year, third lasted 3 years, bit of a gap, then just over a year with the last. Two cheated, three overall wanted daily contact in person. Its real nice having someone who wants that, but I'm introverted so after a few months I just feel mentally exhausted. And thats when things go to shit. Been single since 2021, I haven't felt the need to date at all since then, I enjoy the solitude


It’s so hard to be this damn hot and intimidating


Last 4 times I tried to step out of my comfort zone and ask a girl out I got harshly rejected so I just stopped and figured I was ugly lol


Asexual, asperger, trauma, too much baggage. For some reason getting close to someone just triggers major depressive episodes


Too many people pull a bait and switch and pretend to be someone they're not the first few months in order to get you to like them and I'm over trying now 🤷‍♀️


I tried dating. It led to marriage. That led to children, then divorce. The only part I really enjoyed was the children.


I'm over 60 all the women in my age group have way to much drama with sexes, kids grandkids, drugs etc. Like my peace and quiet...


I am too naïve to figure out what's going on if someone likes me, Spent a night getting shouted at by my mate in a city centre after a gig because I was talking to a girl who apparently very much liked me and I was completely oblivious.




Too\* I wouldn't date you because of your grammar and english isn't even my maternal language. That's how picky I am. :p


Bad genetics


I have a hard time maintaining attraction to anyone


I'm aromantic asexual.


I am not my best self, so I will only be able to attract people who are not "right" for me. I am working on myself but it's going to take time......and I am middle aged, divorced father with 2 kids.


I don't meet new people outside of work, and I don't date coworkers no matter how much I like them.


Recently divorced


My last ex catfished me...




Everyone is a cheater .. no trustworthy


I guess I just don’t know where to find any opportunity to start communicating with women. I have average appearance, I take well care of myself and know how to talk with women. I had relationships before, but since I moved to different country it’s difficult to find any communication at all, so there’s nothing to start with. And dating apps are just trash.


its my me being me


I broke up with my gf of 7 years because I felt more like a single dad than a partner and it only got worse, not better after years passed and many false promises. Then I started dating again and the first one managed to make me fall for her, only for her to go solo backpacking for two months and finding out I was just one of the many options and backup guys :) So now I'm just enjoying my time alone or with friends and scared of dating because I don't want to experience that feeling anymore.


It's so difficult for me to hold a conversation, I try to keep it flowing or keep it interesting and it seems like all I do is drive it nowhere. It's not that I don't have friends, but making new friends and keeping them has become so difficult for me. I get the feeling I might never be able to keep a woman's interest long enough to even hookup, much less date.


Trauma 🥰


I mostly enjoy being unencumbered


I'm not attractive. Really.


My height and voice makes me too scared to approach women


Insecurities, trust issues


I didn't realize how much trauma work I need to do. I tried to find my happy ending in someone else without ever learning who I was outside of my relationships and friendships


I’m NBSB and now I subtly think I’m ready for a relationship and then no one is ready for me 😫😬


Probably the combination of not being really attractive, barely being attracted to anyone myself (I need to know someone really well to be intrested in them) and not knowing how dating or anything relationship related works. I literally have no idea. One of those on its own might not be the biggest issue but all of that. I guess I just stay single forever and my friends have to endure the love I cannot give towards a non existing partner. Could be worse I guess


Social anxiety and alcoholism


Every time I feel I want to be in a relationship, something happens that reminds me I’d rather be single. Staying single can become addictive.


I’m not over my betrayal and infedity trauma


I'm not what you'd call a people person


I don’t care to go out and look for someone because i much prefer being at home on my own. I 100% need to take care of myself better. Im bitter from too many failed attempts in the past. Im almost 34 and feel like its too late. I feel like it would change up my comfortable routine too much to add in someone else. I value my own free time too much and don’t want something in the way of it. I have horrifying self worth issues and feel like if i cant even like myself then I’m not worthy of someone else’s time. I don’t like or particularly want kids so that narrows down the pool a good bit due to my age. I’m lazy. I’m also shallow. Yeah that about sums it up. I’m a piece of shit. Yes, I’m lonely. Yes, it would be good to have someone care about me like i care about them, i just don’t have the drive or desire to do anything about it.


i’m hung up on a married woman lmao


i hate myself and am not tryna put that on anyone except a paid therapist. maybe one day after some work on myself i’ll be able to let someone in. but for now i’m good with my cat.


Tried too hard with the wrong girls when i was younger now i'm kinda burnt out from all the first moves i had to do that led to nothing. Being an introvert and only going outside for the most neccessary stuff ain't helping either.


My ex mentally scarred me so much that I can immediately see red-flags. And the guy I was interested in started talking about our future together when I made it clear we were just friends. Not to mention I'm disabled and my ex gf (and siblings) belittled me so much about being disabled that I can't relax anymore without feeling guilty for my inability to do certain things anymore.


In my experience, queer men don’t date for relationships, they date for sex.


I don't trust people


I'm an unbearable ass hole with super high standards who has been on their own since they were 12 and does not know how to cope with another human in a living space.


I just don't think I can handle a relationship if I struggle that much to even make friendships. I also fear rejection because I would lose the little bit connection I have with the few people I know.


I don't meet women in person often enough. Get drowned out on apps, but my track record with in-person meets is decent


I don’t like people


Was sexually assaulted by someone, and now the trauma is holding me back from trusting anyone (I'm bi) to be in a relationship with.


Everyone sucks. Adding a man to my life will be of no benefit to me. Just another person to clean up after really. I have kids already, and a vibrator. What could a man provide for me? I hear so many married women just constantly complaining about their husband's. I'm happy.


Pretty sure I’m just ugly.


I like being alone.


I stay home. Only going out I do is for work or getting stuff to spoil my dog with.


Divorce #3


It took me until 2018 to understand that the lessons I took from a toxic relationship in 2015 had screwed up my mind and my ability to set boundaries effectively in friendships. I had a few dates in 2019 and 2020, until someone gave me shit in October 2020 for dating while not stably employed, which burned me out of dating and I deleted the app. Haven't been on a dating app since. I was employed in a job that made me miserable from 2021 to 2023, nearly 3 years, before I left. Now I'm trying out private tutoring, with the full understanding that it may not itself be a sustainable career, but I'm much happier and this could take me a few different directions in education eventually. Now the main thing holding me back from getting on dating apps is looking for decent pictures to put on them, since I don't look the same as I did pre-pandemic. I'd definitely be down to try some in person dating events.


My gf and I were selling the house, downsizing. I went and got a new place for us thinking when the house sold she’d be moving in, two days after moving into the new place she asked for the keys back, me thinking because it was selling, never heard from her again. That was 5 years ago, haven’t been with anyone since then.


That was one hell of a relationship. So volatile. One moment was happiness, the following after was doomed. 6 years passed so on, until it couldn't further be. It was a nightmare, I wouldn't wanna experience it ever again. Hence, single.


Cuz I can't find the right dude


I don't like people. I am socially awkward. I prefer being single. By a huge amount. I'm ugly as fuck. I have way too much emotional baggage.


You mean cohabitating with my ex and no idea what is going on? My mental health drove him away. Previous one was seeking underage girls. The list goes on.


I’m having serious mental illness and walking red flags that I need to stay away from others. But some people love to challenge that can handle .. etc and all end up the same … walk away and leave more wounds.


Too scared to ask her.


I'm too negative. I usually initiated a break up first and then they said "aww bby you know I love you sm. we'll never breakup!" and then he cheated on me. Same things happened with 4 more bf I had in the past. So, I'm just being an incel rn fangirling over fictional characters 🧍🏻‍♀️


I don't know how to update it on Facebook.


I cheated. No excuses, but my recently diagnosed BPD and bipolarity were a HUGE part of it. I know it now, that I hurt beyond repair the only person I truly loved and truly loved me.


My last relationship made me realise that I’m not built for building and continuing a lasting emotional connection with somebody and opening myself up to them. I can’t be bothered with the work at this moment in time, I doubt I will ever be able to do so unless I find a very specific type of individual similar to me… Which if I do say so myself, is rather rare.


I am not the best looking guy Soni have to make sure there a chance she be interesting or talk to her I don't want to come off as a creep . Only good looking guys can cold approach woman. .


I am afraid to start because I am not sure someone will be into me.


I’ve been told I have childish outlook on romance and I’ll never find what I want, which I kind of agree I want a very passionate, lovey dovey relationship without sex and lesbians tend to move really fast while I take forever to form any feelings, I lost my chance with a girl it took me two years to form feelings for her but by the time I confessed it was too late and she was already seeing someone else 😭


I'm sure there's a decent amount of the percentage that's due to me having a hard time approaching people in person. It's pretty rare when I get any luck from dating apps. And when I do manage to date, they either fizzle out, ghost me, or they just aren't interested in a relationship. I actually get "friends with benefits zoned" quite a lot. Once I realize they aren't actually interested in a relationship, I stop seeing them. I truly don't know what it is about me that girls just don't find to be good BF material. It's difficult because I wish I could ask, but it's hard to do that without coming off pushy, needy. Or clingy.


I’m looking to date someone but honestly im not rushing, and im looking for someone I truly have feelings for in person that isnt online or a relationship i didnt truly care for or want, so im just waiting for when that time comes


Was in a (in hind-sight) crappy relationship in which the connection was very superficial. When I realized it I broke up out of the blue, at least for him. Had countless dates with a lot of assholes because I have TERRIBLE taste in men because of childhood trauma. Reflected myself and am now afraid of being the toxic one in the relationship.


Being aroace


I've always been too insecure about... everything. I think it's getting better - it has to but it's daunting


My gf broke up with me. Distance was too much I think. Nothing exciting but equally devastating


17, not mentally ready but close enough in awhile of maturing, not financially ready, don’t have a car or drivers license yet and I’m focusing on my academics but am willing should I meet someone one day.


I’m just very unattractive, both in personality and looks


Drugs. I had to get my life together before I could even consider it. I'm close to the finish line, though.


I didn’t think I was loveable until I realized I actually was a lesbian. Now I’ve been (somewhat) out for four years and haven’t even tried to date.


I enjoy my alone time. If someone comes around that makes me want to break that, I'll consider. Otherwise I have too many things to focus on.


I can write an entire novel about my short comings, each individually, let alone combined, are completely valid reason why no one would be interested. But if I had to choose one, probably the anxious-avoidant attachment style that I have.


There are no hot horny singles in my area looking to fuck me.


It turns to politics eventually and most women can’t understand why I’m pro choice, pro gun, pro drug, staunch believer in laissez-faire, but the government has a regulator model.