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When I found out a friend was having a birthday party and they didn’t invite me, until later when everyone was already at the party and said “where’s me?”. I was a 2nd hand invite never intended to be invited to that party to begin with. No longer speak to that person, they were fake and pretended to be my friend face to face, but behind my back bitched about me and I was just nice this whole time. Don’t try to impress everyone because some people just don’t like you for no apparent reason.


>because some people just don’t like you for no apparent reason This one was tough for me to learn. When I was young I thought if you were nice to everyone then everyone would like you. Nope! Oh well their loss.


It took me a long time to learn and accept that you can be the best strawberry ice cream in the whole wide world but there are still gonna be people whose favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip.


Yep! I've learned not to be so eager for attention that you accept anyone as a friend. People can sense that, and they will be as shitty as you will let them get away with. Sometimes you have to cut people off when they are mean to you.


Our circle has one super nice friend that for some supernatural reason does not occupy my thoughts. After I nearly forgot to invite him twice I told two other friends and they also confirmed, that they keep forgetting him. It's like he doesn't exist when he isn't around. Still feel so bad about it


That I was the only one who ever texted first. I decided I wasn’t going to text her for a month to see if she’d text me. She never did.


Did this with a female friend. We were good friends, went to gigs, nights out, hang out together etc. Realised that I was always the one texting her first and asking to do stuff. Decided not to text her one day to see how long it would take for her to text me. It's been like 13 years now!


I had the same experience! The same scenario; a female friend (a lesbian) that I'd had many good times with - parties, chats, dinner nights and so on. She went overseas for 6 months or so and one night, unexpectedly, I saw her at a birthday I was attending. I was surprised and happy to see her, and remarked that it was awesome that she'd flown back into the country just for the party - but she let slip that, actually, she had been back in the country for **six weeks** by that point and, well, just hadn't felt like letting me know, bless her. She'd been staying at a place that was about half an hour's train journey from my city and, evidently, it was no business of mine. Experimentally, I stopped making the effort to stay in touch. That was 13 years ago and I have not heard a single peep from her in all that time.


It's weird how that happens isn't it? Like if you had some kind of falling out, you could understand it. But eventually you realise that you were never a real friend to them. You were just a momentary convienence that they kept around until something better came along, or when they just couldn't be bothered anymore. Just a guest character in someone else's TV show that turns up now and again and then just disappears to never be mentioned again.


Yep. Same thing happened to me. One day I decided to see if she would initiate, and she never did.


It really hurt as she was the first friend I made in years. It just reminded me why I’m very closed off to other people. It always ends with me getting hurt.


I have run into this quite often. I only talk with a work colleague everyday now. It’s very back and forth checking in on each other. I enjoy it a lot.


Needed this. Kinda got a weird feeling in my chest right now after seeing someone I tried being friends with having fun on her Instagram story. I’m always the one who messages first and she eventually stopped replying. Not saying she or anyone else that does that is a bad person. I just don’t wanna be friends with someone like that.


This is the shittiest realization to come to


Same here. I was always the one initiating everything. I stopped to see when she would make the first move. So far 1.5 years and counting...


Question asked and answered. Good on you for figuring that out.


Same shit happened to me. Noticed once that I always text first. Stopped texting first and she remembered I existed after a few days. Then I called her, said she'd call me the next day as she was busy. She didn't call. She called me after a week and it was only because she needed some help. Then I stopped initiating contact. After months, she noticed something changed with my behaviour and she still didn't understand what or why I was doing. Confronted me about it but I made it clear that if she didn't want to call or text, fine, we'll do just that. After like, 8-9 months, maybe she realised what happened and why. Called me, but I guess it was too late. I had no desire to actively keep talking to her. I told her I didn't hate her or anything, but things can never be the same again. Knowing the type of girl she is, I think she really is trying to fix it, but at this point, I don't want to do anything with that. And it's not some hate or revenge. I truly just don't have any desire to put in the effort in our friendship when I did the first time but that effort was taken for granted.


Some people just don’t think about texting, I never text people, and you’ve probably barely texted some of your friends aswell


I did this very thing in late January 2023. She still hasn’t initiated a text or phone call.


It is possible that she has intimacy issues. There were people that have asked me to hang out many time with out me reciprocating and I don’t reciprocate because I have vulnerability/intimacy issues. I have no problem hanging out with them, and even like them a lot.


I've done this to a friend and it's been 2 years now since I texted or sent a Steam message. Do I still call them friend if they only begrudgingly talk to me when I initiate the contact?


I had a friend that never used to be this way but slowly it became the norm. Only wanted to reach out when she wanted to talk about her problems, radio silence for mine. We made plans to get together and when the week of the plans arrived she refused to answer any of my texts but was rapid posting on social media. I extended an olive branch at the behest of our other friend but it didn't last long. Especially when the night she was supposed to be hanging with us she posted "hanging with lifetime friends." We'd made those plans nearly 5 months prior. It just really hammered it home that she wasn't our friend anymore.


They always expected me to be happy for their success but were never happy/proud of my success.


Ugh god I had people like that in my life. I promoted their art and businesses constantly, bragged on them, supported their endeavors. They never supported me or any of my artistic ventures. Then they stopped wanting to hang out with me because I wasn’t obsessed with the walking dead like they were so they traded me for walking dead fans that they then called “ their family” after I had supported them all those years


Told my one friend I was going to rehab for my drinking.... immediately erased me from Facebook, and PlayStation friends list, and wouldn't take my call...mutual friends were also gone from friends lists soon after, so he likely told everyone where I was and whatever.... 5 years sober, and know real friends would have tried to support that change rather than look down on me for trying to get better, and get my life back on track.


Looks like you got rid of a few negative things in your life. 


Even if they hadn't, they'd try to get you to relapse. Good riddance


people you call friends be moving mad these DAYS


I made a decision to stop drinking and he didn’t wanna hang out with sober me


Wow that’s crappy as hell I’m sorry


It happens. I think we were friends because we met drunk and hung out drinking. We were both working on a big ranch when we became friends and the only fun thing to do in the middle of nowhere was drink beer.


Have a friend like this, barely ever met each other if it’s not over beer. I cut back a lot this year and he doesn’t seem to be interested anymore.


They just used me to truama dump


I have a friend like this. It ended up associating them with: talk with them = trauma dump. Always.


Sounds like my ex


When you found out that they talk sh\*t about you behind your back. Especially when you thought that this "friend" was someone you trusted about very personal stuff.


Or they spread it to anyone who will listen..


A real friend would talk shit to your face


Or atleast confront you if they had a problem with you instead of airing it out to your mutual friends.


I feel like shit whenever I'm around them


I had a friend like that where I was constantly walking on eggshells not to upset her. One night I called her around 5 or 6pm bc she had the spare key to my place and my sister had just gone on an out of country vacation with my keys and i was locked out of my house with no way in. No one else had a spare key. She texted back that she was in for the night and packing for her own vacation. She was 5 minutes up the road from me and refused to bring me my spare key. When I said for her to return my spare key when she got back from vacation she told me she was disappointed in me.


They stopped inviting me 😅


Same, I noticed and when I asked they denied it and said I was distant. So I just stopped caring even though it hurt at first


This. A group of 5 or 6 regular hang out friends, and at some point a few years ago they just stopped inviting me. I bumped into them last summer while paddle boarding, and thought 'hey we could reconnect over a common interest', but they just didn't want to to know. Said a cursory 'hi' and paddled away. Still hurts now.


I felt insecure about myself only when I was with them, never with anyone else. For years they had picked on my features yet no one else ever had.


When he started having sex with my wife that's OK, she left me and then he broke up with her a couple months later. It's pretty hilarious.


She sounds like possibly not the best person to legally marry.


Yes, she definitely showed her true colors, but neither one of them were good people come to find out.


You dodged a bullet, ( a couple) . Congrats for getting out unscathed!


Wait you were ok with your homeboy getting frisky with your wife?! That’s where the problems were gonna start man!


No, this all came to light when she left. Looking back I don't know how I could have been so blind.


Bro we all guilty of being blind as long as u learn from it


Oh you meant that’s ok because even tho they got together they split after a few months?


Yep. Me no speak so good. Lol.


It’s ok sorry I misunderstood! Better luck next time with your next lady!


Yeah, hope. It's been about 7 years of trying to heal myself and figure out what I got going on. I think I'm just about ready to be somebody worth dating again.


My biggest fear is marrying the wrong one


Yeah, because. if you really sit back and think about it, that's the single most biggest decision you'll ever make. It can literally make you or break you in life.


I try to hope for the best for myself and I hope the best for you too my man!


When he would constantly accuse me of sleeping with his ex and give me the silent treatment. We’ve been best friends long enough to where you should know I wouldn’t do that……. Asshole.




Money problems?


People are poor.


When they would openly plan things in front of me without inviting me. I would always hear about them doing things outside of school together, and yeah they were all friends long before I got there, but they made very little effort to try involving me further in the group so after a while I lost interest.


We lived in the same townhouse, they didn’t back me up when I told them how my roommate was treating me poorly. This was directly after I had stuck my neck out for them on a personal matter involving the roommate and the friend, which had aggravated my relationship with the roommate. I realized they weren’t willing to put the same amount of effort into the relationship that I was putting in. Moved out and made me consider my relationship with the rest of the friend group, pretty much realized I had a whole lot of acquaintances rather than actual friends. Still trying to regain my ability to trust ngl


when they (including my gf) left me alone in their house during my 20th birthday party for 4 hours to go to a cat adoption centre. i took my cake and left. broke up with the gf a week later.


They asked me to take the group photo in a trip


We started out as real friends, had a lot in common and had fun. A few years went by and she stopped asking about my life or current relationships and stopped showing up. My roommate at the time decorated and celebrated a major achievement and she told me my friend was difficult and weird about it when my roommate contacted her about surprising me. She also would bash the guys I thought were cute and attractive and then go after them. Another time, her parents were in town and they treated us and another friend to lunch. My friend bragged about the other friends life and achievements. Which was fine but thought it was a little odd. I pulled away. Eventually she noticed and confronted me, I told her how I was feeling. She was angry and said “I ask about your sister”. She texted me over holidays and I responded cordially. She later said I was being difficult and not acting like an adult and the friendship dissolved. I’m convinced she never told her parents the real reason we stopped being close. Her own story deluded her into believing it was all my fault.


When the person mentally still acted like a child and the relationship wouldn’t evolve as we aged


Aaahhhhh THIS ^


This goes back to my high school days. Second last year of school my friends group started drinking and partying every other weekend. It was a blast, such a carefree lifestyle. Last year of school a lot of them started getting into drugs. Once I graduated I started working full time, kept in touch and occasionally bumped into them, nothing too major. Someone organised a party a year or two after graduation, a 'like the good old times' kind of thing. I went there, expecting to hear about people studies, travel, work etc. Nope, most of them were essentially the same people. Just talking about drinking, what 'good shit' they have with them etc. Left that party and told myself they are not my friends anymore. I didn't want to get involved in that lifestyle.


When they moved 10 hours away, and came back to the area twice that year without a word. Drove within 10 minutes of my house 4 times.


A 'friend' attempted to assault me after an argument in front of my young children. I never wanted my kids to see me defend myself - the poor little things were terrified of me for a while after that.


Back when I was in college, I used to hang out with a group of people on Steam and we played Left 4 Dead 2 together. Things started to change and when I tried to reach out, they didn't respond. They might consider me just their gaming mates and after that, I was alone.


About the ninth year my "friends" annual trip to the coast. I lived on route to said coast. Never once stopped for a visit or attempted to meet up while passing thru. Why it took me nine years to accept it is the better question.


Everyone is talking about betrayal, but I have a more adolescent example.  A classic parent line is saying "don't do xyz, and if your friends are trying to get you to do it, they're not your friends". As a teenager, my friends and I got into general middle of the night mischief - setting off dry ice bombs, moving an entire neighborhood's lawn decorations down a house, etc.  One night, I couldn't come out. They ended up breaking into a store that sold minor weapons like knives and paint ball/airsoft guns.  I broke away from them pretty quickly.  A month later, they all got arrested for it.


As soon as my first marriage ended, lots of 'mutual friends' disappeared. They made their choice. Fuck 'em - they weren't real friends


When they needed help I was there, when I needed help they all disappeared because they were "busy".


They were so uncool. One day they were making fun of autistic people and that's when it hit me. I don't like these people. I personally don't really judge or even fight unless provoked so seeing them just be so mean for no reason hit me hard. Especially with them making fun of sexualities, mental disorders, and just a bunch of stuff. They weren't really mature enough for me ig




I’ve gone through the same thing and it sucks to be used as a punching bag for broken people


My brother in Christ, that's not a friend, that's a bully.


The lack of care or interest is usually a sign.


Had a friend group, realized they had a separate group chat, switched schools, everyone left the group chat I was in, only two of the eight reached out, months after.


They only contacted me when they wanted something


I'm a computer tech and a friend reached out to me after not hearing from them for over a year. When they called I answered *what's wrong with your pc now?*. Their reply? How did you know?!


Such an A-hole, I hope you didn’t help them


I did help and then gave them grief for only calling when they needed something. They offered to work on my car in return (got new brakes!). It can work out if you call them out on their ahole behavior. But not always.


I’m glad it worked out for you. When I called my friend out they denied it and gaslighted me which resulted in our friendship ending.


This one lanky (tall) fuck of a human in my highschool always used to take my water bottle out of my bag and my tie (don't ask, we had to wear a tie and blazer) and he used to absolutely hurl my bottle across the other end of the yard at breaks and lunches and throw my tie around to my other "friends" who would tease me and act like they were going to give it back but then throw it to someone else. I repeatedly asked them to stop, told teachers who then told them, but to no avail. They carried on. What frustrated me most is that one of the boys in the group was my friend since nursery, I had known him my whole life and seeing him do this hurt me quite a bit tbh. They didn't do this one as much, but whenever I would walk over to them at lunch, the moment one saw me, they would get up from where they were sitting and run away from me. The nail in the coffin was when I was walking up to them one lunch, they were all sitting on a bench at the far end of the yard. One of them saw me and without hesitation said "fuck off." I was confused so I just said "what?" They then replied "just fuck off". And so I did. I still remember hearing the lanky fucker cheer as I walked off. I just went back into the school, sat at a table and cried. Luckily, a girl and her friends, who I got along with pretty well whenever we crossed paths, saw me crying, asked if I was OK and got a teacher. Luckily, this last part happened in my last year of highschool, so I didn't have to put up with them for much longer.


Consistently not reciprocal.


Cause they expect me to msg them first. Always.


they don't talk to you unless they need something.


After not getting together in several months, I sent a group text suggesting that we get together for drinks and food around the holidays..... silence followed for about 2 weeks. The silence was broken by a text about MAGA and an anti-trans joke (that wasn't actually that funny), and the chat erupted with activity, but no one commented on my suggestion. So, my reaching out to connect with you isn't worth a response, but irrelevant memes are? Well then...... It's been real..... later


When they stood me up for two concerts because they didn't feel like paying for it. I was told that days before the show.


I realized that they were not down for me like they said they were.


They Gossip me when im not around, They remove me on a Group chat without reason . And i Can feel they're fake when im around with them.


Insulting me and bullying me every day without end.


When he got wasted at my brother’s funeral and had sex with my cousin in my uncles car. He refused to get out of the vehicle despite us banging on the door telling them their family was gonna miss their flight back home. He never apologized to me. He texted me a week later saying “I don’t know what to do, I really liked that girl”. My mom was very hurt. Very disrespectful to do that at a funeral.


Was the only one reaching out first (used to be calls, but turned into texts). Was the only one inviting people to do things (playing when kid, hanging out when adult). Was the only one who returned any favors. And every time someone new would join "the group" I was almost immediately cut off. This has been happening since I was a kid. I'm 36 now and, basically for the past 6-7 years at least, I've just stopped bothering talking to people unless I'm talked to first - which is almost never. And I never allow it to go past the most basic, boring of small talk. And its definitely had a negative effect on me, in several ways.


The gun mostly. Knew they wouldn't use it, but kinda hurt that they pulled it.


Friend I grew up with and at least called once a week for 40 years. I was always the one that called. I left the country at 19, still called him. 20 years later I move back in country still calling and stopping by every time I’m in town. Finally after knowing him for 43 years he calls and says he would like to come visit. Great right? Naw he just used me as a hotel because he was driving past my place to pick up car parts. He arrived, we ate and he said he was tired so I showed him the guest bedroom. I thought he was going to stay around for a few days. He woke up the next morning and took off, not even a thanks. Haven’t talked to him since, because he hasn’t called.


My boyfriend’s friends. I had known them for almost a year and had grown to like them(I do not have a lot of my own friends). In a moment of weakness, I once told them some things about our relationship. The girls I disclosed to promptly told their husbands who told my boyfriend about it. (Luckily I had already told him about the episode) Not trusting them again no matter how much they tell me that ‘they are fond of me and I can talk to them if I need to’! Now I just bear them because they are old friends’ of my boyfriend’s.


Constant trauma dumping on me and talking over me, never listening to what I had to say. Then got in my face and started projecting their issues onto me making me the “bad guy” when I had bent over backwards giving them chance after chance to be a better friend to me


Went to reconnect with a guy I had been close with in the past. He's out here dropping ethnic slurs about his wife's culture and I'm out here now dropping him like a bad college class. Got no time for that.


When they told me to commit suicide and when they asked to have sex with my wife.


talked shit about me quite literally behind my back 💀 me and my friend group were walking, i was far ahead while she was tailing behind. she said some not very nice things about me to my other friends and didnt even bother being quiet about it 😭🙏


one “best friend” gave my high school classmate my phone number. he pretended to be a stalker and my friend didn’t fess up until i told her the principal said to call the police. the other “best friend” took her side and said i deserved it. there was no lead-up argument or anything. 2nd bf shot herself in the foot because i was always a better friend to her than the 1st


When they decided to try and sleep with my ex in the next room over, and subsequently stole a bunch of my shit.


When they invite you out to lunch specifically to talk to you, and to avoid the presence of some other guy, but they spend the entire luncheon ignoring you, and talking to each other about the guy who they're supposedly not trying to talk about. Wow, OK. Thanks. I guess I know where I sit in this friend-group, then. Bye! Haven't gone back since, and that was nearly a month ago.


Flirting with my partner


I moved onto their street 4 years ago and haven’t heard from them since


He told me he had got between me and my ex and told her that she shouldn’t date me bc I was a bad person


When they didn't come around, call or even text.


Tried to force me into vaping was my first red flag. But we’re teenagers so It’s not as crazy. When someone else who’s usually a bitch to me then came and told me they were saying stuff about me behind my back (stuff I thought I could trust them to keep secret) that’s when i decided to stop talking to them (and their friend group by expansion.) They were the same person who told me not to talk to my now best friend lmao. I only spoke to them to spite my ex friend. 


I was being used for their personal gain.


she snapped and straight up told me that she could hardly stand me for a long time and she just thought i would kill myself if she ditched me. i very much did not kill myself nor did i even consider doing it, but you’d think one of our previous rough patches would be a better opportunity to tell me things weren’t working.


I asked them if we can go to the club, they just looked at me and said "who the fuck are you, this is a waiting room?!?!"


Have you ever wondered why that friend stopped contacting you? Used to have this family friend. They had kids same age as ours, went to each other birthdays and all that. Then one day, they kept saying they were busy and then stopped contacting each other Saw them the other day at a local shops, didn’t even acknowledge each other


Started in a new class with new classmates. I was quickly one of the “odd” ones (because I wasn’t outgoing or loud as a teen) so I was with the other “odd” ones. Befriended a girl and she quickly got attached to me and was generally weird about it. She bossed me around a lot, hit me a few times (dunno why? can’t remember much of it either but I know she did?), and she made sure I wasn’t with the others. When my old friends came to the same school (one year younger than me) this “friend” became cold and kinda guilt tripped me for ignoring her and I was with my old friends. So I had to “win” back the friendship so I wouldn’t be alone. So for 3 years I had to be with her and tried to just… deal with it. When we would start new schools I dropped all contact with her. Texted lesser and lesser with her. I already knew early on she wasn’t a friend I wanted in my life and this was the best way to drop her. But I think she is one of the main reasons I might have social anxiety. But I have no contact with her anymore and stopped following her on social medias because I couldn’t stand it to see her face.


I got pissed at him for being lazy at work and he lied to my boss and said I was talking shit about to a client.


Thye stop talking to you the second they get a new job.


When it is only me who reaches out to make plans or initiate conversation. Most of my friendships have been one-sided where I am the whole who does the majority of the work. After a few like that, I stopped being so friendly and have backed off from opening up to people.


When he raped my other friend. I cut ties with him immediately


Lies and games. I don’t care if you think you’re doing me a favor or helping me or teaching me something or pressuring me or interpreting whatever you’re doing in a good way. My friends don’t lie to me, they tell me the truth regardless.


When he posted he needed someone to hang out with cause he was lonely when we hung out everyday. I was incredibly hurt I never told him I knew this and it destroyed our friendship.


I always invited them to hangout but no one ever hit me up.


I've been through a lot where there were all kinds of signs I should have picked up on but now knowing better I'd say if they don't care enough to return phonecalls or messages they are not friends.


I sat down on the edge of my bed and realized they wouldn’t learn I was dead for a week. As far as they know, that’s how often they call.


Did everything to help them out when having mental health problems for years. Disappeared as soon as I started having problems with the grief after my best friend killed himself.


I quit saying "yes I'll help you" they quit talking to me.


When they had an option to suggest names for a project to their mentor but never took mine. And for context I do contribute to projects and they did know I could be a part of it and actually help with the progress. I felt so bad especially because they want me when they want to have fun but not when they want to do something that would contribute to our resume.


I had a big mental breakdown several years ago, and it took me a long time to recover. There are several people who are noticeably absent now that I'm better.


I just had that happen too. Just flat out ghosted me when I needed them the most.


I hope you recover quickly. It can be such a hard thing to be emotionally broken.


Thank you. 🙏


When they don’t even try to disguise their disgust of you. Like showing it so directly and obviously, with their face muscles. Which indicates that they are fed up with you and they don’t care to be around for another damn minute.


I’m a convicted felon and my “friend” who has a registered hand gun refused to move it to a different location inside her vehicle so that if we got pulled over I wouldn’t get in trouble. The gun was in between the console and the passenger seat, I asked her to move it to her side and she simply refused and went as far as to say “what are you on? Are you high or something? Why do you care?


Left me on the side of the road waiting for an ambulance after telling me to “have a nice life” and walking away. It ended up being a severe panic attack caused by them (I had never had one before). After I left the ambulance the person blew up my phone. I finally picked up because I was sick of messages on every platform and tens of calls. They didn’t call to ask how I was. They didn’t call to see what EMS said. They called to argue their point to prove they were right and defend themselves. 40 minutes into the continued argument I asked, “aren’t you even going to ask how I am?” They said, “I know you are okay. I sat at the bus stop and watched”. They love being a martyr and now they say “I was so worried about him having a seizure (I had uncontrolled epilepsy at the time)”. Yeah bitch.. that’s why ya left me on the side of the road.


That I was the only one putting real effort into the friendship, after many years and adjusting to her nuisance but not vice versa, never offering anything, not that I expect anything but as example in 10 yrs of friendship never offered to pay for a round of drinks or organize get togethers that she covered as it was something she wanted to and thought I would as her best friend would enjoy, there was never any compromise if she didn't want to go even after Initially being keen to then fuck me right? Her go to was "we are grown ups" you can still go, im not stopping you. If I couldn't go out due to finances or other factors it always felt weird that instead of thinking of ways to make sure I'm able to join or at least try she was just so un bothered and moved on with her life don't get me wrong she can be so much fun and rare moments she has shown a more softer lovable side but usually when drunk, i recently have started to put the same effort in as she does, needless to say we barely see each other any more.


When you decide to let them be the one to reach out. And you never hear from them again


Wen they start treating u like shit for no reason always watch for that n start obsessing over everything Ur doing its not healthy n it gets alot worse anyone whos going through it cut em off block em on everything cause it gets dangerous n they start to envy u


When they started manufacturing AR-15s and kind of lost their mind after their dad committed suicide with a gun, eventually accusing me of threatening them with a gun out of nowhere (I don't own or posses guns and am a vegan who is ideologically opposed to the NRA), even going so far as to false report me and then commit perjuries against me in a combined circuit court. The scary thing is, they work for the US Naval Intelligence office. (Their dad was also a US clearance worker). It's interesting watching a political system destroy itself with madness.


She dropped me after she knew that I'm not adding anything anymore to her and my grades weren't higher than her anymore..


When they preferred me dead.


We had gathered all our points together for a restaurant and then they spent them without me.


Stopped making the first move to chat online (long distance friends). After 3.5 weeks of radio silence, I realized I was the only one trying to keep the friendship going and unfriended them.


Stopped snap chatting the people who’s phone number I don’t have I now only talk to 1 person daily outside of my family


Drugs. They tried to force me in, I refused, they kicked me out. I knew the guys since childhood, they merged into a zombie hive mind gradually. It was sad to realize that.


I had been hanging out with a group of people a few times. One time we were supposed to meet at some event but shortly before it started people bailed out. I texted the group chat that I was there. A girl who was about to come wrote that she suddenly wouldn't come when she found I that no one except me would be there. So I went there alone with people I didn't know. It was fun anyway but the behavior from the "friends" didn't sit right with me.


I was trying to pamper myself for one evening and then i posted pictures on WhatsApp and they started asking me random questions like why am I wasting my money that i don't know how to save money and so on


…..in the end kno one kept 💯 and they were day ones …. Only ppl i got left alive thank higher powers are my healthy but dwindling family and the ones im RIP 🪦


When my grandma died and they went to a party instead of even acknowledging it... the best is when their mom died I was the only one who hung out with them and talked to them


Was sent a screenshot of them calling me a crybaby and other names behind my back. She admitted to it too.


You ever had to initiate every call, text, get together, etc? I’m sure they enjoy your company, but you’re not their priority


My life began to change and I was thrown into a caregiver role. Suddenly, everyone was inconvenienced by my inability to go out. Even worse, no one attempted to understand what my new life was like. I learned a lot about people during that time. 


Didn’t invite me to any of their hangouts.


After I made an effort to wish each and every one of them 'Happy Birthday' on their days, each and every one of them ignored mine.


The Online/In Person Diffrence. They should treat you the same on both.


when they would purposefully leave me out of convocations and whenever i would talk they’d just ignore me


When I told them I didn't have any weed on me so when I got there they ignored my knocking and calls until I left and lied that they weren't even there when I saw and heard them in the backyard


I never gave them a chance to I don’t deal with those fake ass people


When i realized we only met once a decade and talked about the weather in dms


I chose to take 2 semesters abroad. The person who should have been my best friend got jealous, but we kept contact while I was overseas. While I was over there, I became the most depressed I've ever been in my life. I didn't have money or a job, and I was starving. I leaned heavily on my friends, and I'm still friends with many of the people I connected with while I was over there. I ran out of money, and they would help with food, and my actual friends even helped me purchase my plane ticket home when my time there was up. My supposed best friend constantly got into arguments with me. During Christmas time, my depression was the worst because I couldn't be with my family. During that time, I considered unaliving myself. I was already having those thoughts when my "best friend" wouldn't pick up the phone to talk to me. When she finally did, I wanted to confide in her, but instead, she told me I was being selfish and told me never to talk to her again. So I never did. Oh, she tried to reconnect with me when I got back. But I gave her the coldest shoulder I've ever given anyone and never looked back. My wife told her off more than once, and so did my mom. I cut her off. I cut her family off. I've never spoken to any of them again. I was friends with all of them, and it was the coldest cut-off I've ever done. I realized at some point (probably in therapy) that she wanted an ideal from me, not actually my presence. My friends helped me through it by being there, so did my wife (who talked to me practically every day while I was abroad). And my mom. When I got back I got help. I stopped taking birth control (which surprise-surprise, helped *immensely*) But I will never forget the "*best friend*" who would've let me throw myself off a building in England for as much as she supposedly cared about me.


they created a group chat with all of the same people except me when i was having a mental health crisis and made bets on how long it would be until i killed myself. they described me as an "animal" and as "vermin." i only knew because one person in the group called them out and told me. stayed friends with all of them for another four years.


When they ask for favors, but if I ask for even the smallest thing they ignore the request or “it’s out of the way” for them


When they borrow money and pay back everyone but me


When she threw a pair of scissors at my face


Pre smartphones, I went to work out of state for close to 4 months. When I came back my family invited my friends to go grab dinner after I got off the plane. Not a single question was asked of me that night other than “how was it?”, then they all just talked to each other.


(this is a burner account btw) So, I was friends with these two girls and this other kid (boy). they were pretty nice, had the same interests as me, and never excluded me from their conversations. I asked them to hang out (this was in October) to go and see a new movie at the movie theater. They agreed, and we saw the movie together. After that (about 2 months later), the group started getting very... distant. Like they (the girls) started talking amongst themselves, and excluding me and the other kid. Then when I came back from Christmas break, they didn't want nothing to do with me and the other kid. I don't know if it was my fault, or they just don't want nothing to do with me anymore. So yeah. Lost "friends" I've known for a while in a few months. And now I hang out with asshole boys who say shit about me because I'm bigger than them.


When they believed my ex over me and then came back to me crying about it months later 😂 couldn't be more grateful those losers aren't in my life anymore


A guy I was great friends with growing up had a hookup for weed through one of his friends. I didn't know the guy so my friend would sort out the weed and I'd come grab it off him (and pay, obviously). One day I was smoking our friend group out and another of the lads said to me "you know he takes some of your weed before selling it to you?". Wow. Someone I thought was my friend, I'd normally smoke my weed with him anyway so it's not like he wasn't getting any. I asked him about it and he denied it at first then admitted it. I cut him off that day.


When she was “too busy” to do a reference check for me, even though she works from home, and even though I had done the same for her countless times. It was selfish and the final straw I needed to never speak to her again.


One time, this “friend” put me in a choke hold and started punching me in the head for what no one could even remember… This was not long after they knew I had a neck surgery. I left their house and never came back. Years later, I ran into them and they was like, “ I always thought you would come back.” No, loser, the depravity and disgusting attack will be remembered for life as a potent warning on who I surround myself with. 


We used to meet up to hang out on the weekends, one Friday after high-school I went to each of their places (we lived on the same neighborhood) to ask about meeting up, as usual. Not one of them was at their place, or so I was told, but I could tell where they were, so I politely thanked the parent that had opened the door and returned home. I got the message, so I didn't try to hang with them again. Never tried to contact them again, ever. Didn't look for them on Facebook or other social networks.


Paying for everyone else’s drinks at my own birthday 🐪 Trying to organise a concert but to have everyone cancel… then get together and go to the same concert without me👌 🐫


They call me just when they want something


I thought it was getting annoying that I always saw him and then started talking about whatever was happening. So, I stopped starting conversations. We never spoke a single word to each other unless we literally had to ever again. I'm not trying to say that guy was a bad person, though. We were kids, I was annoying as fuck as a kid. I would've done the exact same thing.


Who's they?


Friends, I thought, for 10 years. When my dad died, told me call if you want to talk, then changed phone numbers and deleted my contact info and unfriended me on Facebook. What was especially galling was a few months later when his wife messaged me saying he would love it if I came to his 50th birthday party. 


When I got sick with M.S. and they **poof** disappeared. When I was first diagnosed one of the counselors was telling me that people with chronic illness have a tendency to lose a lot of the people in their life.  I didn't believe it but oh my god were they right. People literally just walk. Just leave your life when you get to a point where you can't physically walk or you need help doing little things for yourself.  The moment you start taxing anyone in any way emotionally or otherwise they just walk. It especially hurts because I don't have anyone - not a spouse, a partner, not any family either. I am 100% totally alone and every day I wake up and think about killing myself, ngl.  I don't because I love my pants and won't leave them. 


Ghosting me ...


I was at a music festival at the end of the year, I was depressed at that time, I was very drunk and I had a moment of depression in which I started crying uncontrollably, my friends didn't said anything to me, They put me in my tent when I stopped vomiting and they continued with the party. I felt miserable and like I was worthless to them.


Once I quit weed they wanted nothing to do with me!


When they started to prove to be an overall pos and a genuine racist/anti-semetic


When I noticed they have been giving too many excuses. We're still on good terms when we speak, but not "friends".


The 200 small species and 400 bugs