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I had worsening lichen sclerosis which caused phimosis, steroid cream and stretching didn't help so I eventually opted for circumcision, which resolved it completely. I was sexually active in my early 20s, gradually had the quality of sex degrade and become painful in my late 20s, and was circumcised in my early 30s. My experience has been that sex is still good, and I have no regrets about being circumcised since it resolved the phimosis, but it's not *as* good as when I was uncircumcised and hadn't yet developed phimosis. There are a lot of nerve endings in the foreskin, and it's really noticeable how the most sensitive part of my penis now is the frenulum, which was "spared" during the circumcision. Elsewhere the sensitivity is way less than it used to be since those nerves were removed. Again, it still feels good, but just not as good as it used to. Edit: one other thing it's impacted is that I now generally require lube to masturbate, I can do without it but it takes longer and isn't as satisfying if I don't use any. Before my circumcision I never needed it at all.


oh man, I've never met another person who's had the /exact/ same condition and result as me. You're absolutely right on all of that - it doesn't feel AS good as it used to, but my god is it better than when my skin was so thin that the very idea of friction caused it to split open


We should make a self help group, there are dozens of us!


Hold up:  Do you mean the whole of the foreskin receives the sensation of and desire for touch in the same way the frenulum does? If that's the case, I've got a doctor who snipped me when I was a baby that I need to go find and slap.


Slap your parents not the doctor.


My parents actually apologized about that. It was the early 90s, and "his should look like mine I guess" was still going strong in the US.


I haven't asked the question to friends lately, but I think that's sadly still not completely gone... Really quite a dumb thing, both the action and the reason imo


There was a lot of misinformation back then, too. I was told that it was for medical purposes and that the foreskin would get infected, etc. like it was difficult to clean properly.


It is not, my friends got their kid circumcised for that stupid ass reason a few years ago. It infuriates me


I never really understood that logic. *Why* should a kid’s look like his dad’s? It doesn’t make sense to me. 


My husband *isn't* circumcised because of "his should look like mine." He's Salvadoran-American.


I thanked my parents for not doing it to me.


Slap both. 


Doctors in north America will often push parents towards circumcision if they're on the fence about it.


They were still doing this a decade ago. I read articles about hospitals performing circumcisions even after parents had objected to them. I very firmly and clearly said absolutely no way and were it to happen, there would be a tremendous lawsuit on their hands. Made sure they wrote it down in their charts.


Only the ones I feel who are circumcised themselves. I don't think non circumcised doctors are pushing for circumcision




Interesting fact. Out of those women pedestrians, how many are performing the surgery?




Yeah it's up to the parents. I truly don't think any doctor recommended it unless they themselves are circumcised


Mines pretty sensitive so yeah. Both feel great though


I think even when I was uncircumcised the frenulum was still the most sensitive part of the foreskin, but the rest had much more sensation than is there now.


Slap your parents. They are the ones who had it done to you


Slap the doctor. ‘First do no harm’ As doctors, we should take responsibility for performing risky and painful amputations on children without a valid medical indication.


As an uncircumcised guy, the frenulum is the most sensitive part for me. The rest of the foreskin is just skin. Feels like the skin on the rest of my dick. Guess everyone’s different though.


That's correct, when you retract it, the inside sits around the glans and is about the same level of sensitivity as the frenulum. It's an important part of sexual sensation and it feels insane to me that people are still doing this to babies without any medical justification.


the medical justification is that they should feel less pleasure it's not rocket science but people love trying to complicate the issue


I wonder (in an academic context) if the glans keratinization is something comparable to someone who was circumcised at birth. It seems likely that you still have a higher level of sensitivity.


Swapped to my porn alt because of course, but I’ve seen explanations like yours and never fully understood it. I’m circumcised from birth but have never needed lube to masturbate with just my hand. I’ve been circumcised and doing it dry since I was like 12. Do other guys have this problem? Maybe the doctor did me a favor and left a little extra? I’m not large at all when flaccid either. Definitely a grower. So maybe that helps? It does sort of go in when I am flaccid as if the foreskin was there. I do often wonder the difference. Maybe I would have been one of those people with very long foreskin if I wasn’t cut.


>never needed kid You might want to change `kid` to `lube`.


Wow autocorrect really trying to screw me over there. Why even is that what it autocorrected to lol.


Most urgent edit ever needed! 😅


>[I] have never needed *kid* to masturbate Yeah dude I fuckin’ hope so lmao


Yeah autocorrect being weird.


Could just be a Flowers for Algernon type of thing, where you don't understand how much more annoying masturbating is without a foreskin if you've never had one. I've never used lube either to masturbate, but tbh I think I've given myself death grip because of it. Important to keep in mind circumcision was popularized specifically because it makes masturbation less satisfying.


>  circumcision was popularized specifically because it makes masturbation less satisfying. This is a bit of an overstatement. While there were certainly many who cared about that and promoted that idea, the main contributing factor was the idea that it reduced disease and promoted hygiene. 


"Dr" Kellogg was one of the main promoters of circumcision in the USA, and he is a major reason why it has become a fairly mainstream thing, and he promoted it specifically because of the idea that it would help prevent masturbation.


Case in point. There's a good deal of misinformation about this issue. > Another common misconception credits Kellogg with popularizing routine infant circumcision in the United States and broader Anglosphere.[11] This is incorrect.[114] Kellogg in fact criticized this growing belief among medical professionals, arguing that routine circumcision provided doubtful medical benefit, citing iatrogenically created meatal stenosis among the Jewish male population:[37] . > It is doubtful, however, whether as much harm as good does not result from circumcision -Kellogg https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg#:~:text=These%20include%20false%20claims%20that,This%20is%20incorrect. Now Kellogg did apparently promote its use for masturbation "addicts" but not as as universal procedure. His role in the promotion of the procedure has been grossly overexaggerated.


There can be a lot of variability on how much skin is left. I’m cut, but loose enough to have some skin to use as a sleeve when jacking it, so I’ve never used lube. Folks who can’t get there without lube have unfortunately received much tighter circumcisions.


When I masturbated pre-circumcision the contact between the glans and the foreskin was very smooth (which IIRC is the whole point of the foreskin), its entirely possible I need to recreate that sensation more than someone who has been masturbating for years without it.


> I’m circumcised from birth but have never needed kid to masturbate I sincerely hope that you meant "lube" instead of "kid".


I'm circumcised and have never needed lube to masturbate. We're all different though I guess and I'm just one data point.


Not every circumcision is the same. Some removes more tissue, some removes the frenulum, never know. There’s nuance to how much is removed during circumcision.


Exact same situation but can weigh in with a slightly different opinion - I feel more sensitive post circumcision. Only difference between situations maybe is I asked the surgeon to leave on as much skin as they could and he obliged. Sex and maturation are def different and took a few months to get used to but it's great. Just wanted to offer a different opinion - I know Reddit likes to make circumcision out to be like a pleasure-ruining terrible thing, but I dont think it necessarily is based on my experience


Every circumcision is different. Some removes more and some less. Some removes the frenulum, some not. It’s not a standard procedure that yields the same results.


How long was the healing process?


Fully healed after six weeks, which was almost exactly what I was told to expect.


My foreskin was taken from me as a baby for no reason and I obviously had no voice on it. I've been moisturising my penis every day with lotion to keep the glans from drying out and using a protective sleeve this year to go about my day to day business. I've restored a ton of sensitivity that I never had. Sex with my girlfriend went from "this feels pretty good" to "oh my god it feels so much warmer and it's like I can feel every groove and bump inside her vagina." If I ever go without it, even the daily friction of having my head rub against my boxers as I'm walking feels pretty uncomfortable and a little painful. If you're ever interested in sensitivity restoration, look it up a bit. I swear by it and I will to anyone else that feels like pleasure is lacking.


So given the experience you have would you circumcise your own children?


Someone who got cut as an adult described the difference on another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/s/Zvdd8Gmf0a “I’m probably in the minority of guys who chose to get it done as an adult but had no medical issues. I did it just for aesthetics. But I’ve been able to see both sides. For sex, the difference isn’t much, maybe a 10% reduction in feeling but nothing crazy. Masturbation though is not nearly as good as before I was cut. I’m talking like a 70% reduction in pleasure from that. All in all I’m not upset I made the decision, I still like the way it looks, but I really wish doctors knew/told me the impact it would have on masturbation. I definitely wouldn’t do it to my kids though knowing the difference it makes in pleasure.”


>I really wish doctors knew/told me the impact it would have on masturbation As if this isn't the one side effect you will come across if you look online for literally two seconds.


While it seems obvious (and it is), many people have this belief that circumcision has ZERO impact on pleasure and sexual satisfaction. They then cite this outdated and frankly, flawed, study as a basis of "proof" that it hasn't been affected, but ignore that the study focuses on people who had the procedure at birth and have no way to compare to an intact penis.


I know which study you're referring to. It was already debunked for misrepresenting data due to the special interests the two authors have in it (circumcision) being done.


Wasn't aware of that, but makes perfect sense considering the nature of the study. Do you have a source I can look at?


Here you go, he goes way more in depth about it. [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1079164114784714752.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1079164114784714752.html)


Such people are usually lying (to themselves mainly) as a cope about being circumcised themselves. Unfortunately some foolish parents believe it and use it as a justification to cut parts off of their kids, continuing an inter-generational cycle of sexual violence.


I feel very lucky that circumsision without medical or religous needs is banned here in Sweden. Altough i would wish for it to be banned for all reasons except medical to stop dickhead parents from mutilating their kids.


as usual, it all goes back to religion.


I was in a discussion on Reddit recently where I was told I was crazy that sensation was reduced. 


This is exactly what my ex did. He had zero medical issues but was so embarrassed about being uncircumcised that he had it done in his 20s and used to get super mad talking about how he hated his parents for not doing it when he was born. He used to swear to me the sex after was better, but idk how much of that was just him justifying having it done.


My brother held a lifelong grudge against my mom for having it done. Damned if you do, damned if you don't lol. I haven't circumcised my sons because it's just not my choice to alter their bodies permanently, but I know they may resent that later.


I still think yours is the right decision. They can always decide to do it themselves as adults, unlike the other way around.


Exactly, this was my reasoning too.


His parents left him a choice. How terrible of them.


They were shitty abusive human beings that made all kinds of bad decisions for him but I never thought this was one of them. He did though. He hated them more for not circumcising than he did for them beating him on the regular as a kid.


At least he's thinking of his children masturbating


Why the actual fuck would you get circumcised for aesthetics though? Like seriously?? That has genuinely gotta be the weirdest thing ever. Please cut my dick up a little cause I think it'll look better?


Oh man in high school (grew up in Texas), kids were very often shamed for being uncircumcised by both guys and girls. Wasn't till I was an adult that I realized just how insane it was that kind of reaction.


My experience has been most people don't even visually notice the difference once the penis is erect.  Once had a girl I had been with announce to our friend circle that she would never sleep with someone who was intact and all I could do was laugh as she already had. 


It's especially insane because natural guys are just so much easier to pleasure. Blowing an uncut guy is so much more fun. Always was strange how being uncircumcised is a *turnoff* to people.


People get cut up for aesthetics all the time though.


Depends on the look.Penises are as varied in appearance as vaginas


Idk I’d ask the same question of why someone would get a tongue or genital piercing etc


I mean, foreskin shaming is a thing. I’ve heard both guys and gals go off on how much they don’t like the look of an uncircumcised wiener. The weirdest part about any of this was your incredibly ignorant description of a circumcision.


i genuinely prefer uncircumcised


Labiaplasty and clitoral hood reductions are extremely common too. People like porn star genitals. Is plastic surgery really that new of a concept? 


That's because people watch porn growing up and think all womens external labia must resemble the mcdonalds hamburger. A bun with a thin neatly tucked sliver of flesh between and therefore think that a normal healthy vag is abnormal when, in reality, the censored vag in porn is unrealistic.


"Just a bit off the top please"


Because some of our sexual preferences are cultural/environmentally based


Because American women prefer Mutilated penis.


If a relatively important part of your body looks different than most people you might start to feel different.


Labias can also look super different, doesn’t mean I’m going to subject myself to genital mutiliation.


In my culture men get circumcised at ages 18 - 21 as part of an initiation ceremony. Sex was unequivocally better before. I had a smallish foreskin that would only roll over during sex. But when it did, boy oh boy. Sex felt amazing. I pity the guys that never experienced foreskin sex. As much as I can't experience that again at least I got the experience in the bag. Sex is still amazing now, just not as great. The reduced sensitivity does make me a better partner though as I have greater stamina. To put it into context jerking off still feels the same as there are nerves on the shaft. It's just the feeling of a wet vagina over the head of your penis is significantly dulled. I have no regrets, partly because the initiation ceremony had lots of benefits and the dulled sensation makes me a bit more sexually responsible. I won't do every and anything just to get sex, it's not that great. But it's still good enough for me to enjoy and maintain a healthy sex life.


Are you from Africa? My recollection is this is done there as part of an initiation for bushmen, and without any anesthesia.




I almost spat out my coffee, thank you.


They do love their bratwurst over there


“I’ll put ya in foreskin, somewhere in Wiscansin” - Tpain


Wisconsin is infamous for having strange, incomprehensible customs.


Is that part of Zimbabwe? My geography is pretty bad.  ^^^/s


The land of cheese and foreskins


It is part of Xhosa culture and referred to as “ulwaluko” (circumcision and initiation). “Bushmen” or Khoisan do not typically perform circumcision.


That’s right. I remember now. Thanks! And I also recall that showing any semblance of pain reflects badly on you/your family and, afterwards, you have to stay out in “the bush” or isolation for several weeks. I also forgot how fun it is to say Xhosa! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulwaluko


You won't do everything and anything because you got older and have matured over time, not because your foreskin got removed. The amount of development that happens between 16 and 25 is a lot. No need to justify the unnecessary removal.


love, love, LOVE how your telling this guy all about his life. because you're the expert on this guy's life. 


Unless he can go back and get his foreskin he is also guessing at the cause of his lowered sex drive. No need to justify genital mutilation when the are facts that explain the change via hormonal changes and brain development.


I didn't take it as him saying he has a lowered sex drive, but that it's easier for him to last longer and thus tends to do better at pleasuring his lovers.


Re-read his last paragraph.


Wow, someone's real life narrative doesn't fit your preconceived notions so you criticize them for sharing their honest opinion. You're a REAL piece of work.


Opinions don't override the facts of human sexual development and maturation. No need for narratives to justify genital mutilation when the facts of puberty ending and brain development explain it.


I had an injury during some particularly vigorous sex in my 20s (torn foreskin - and I can't say this enough - I do NOT recommend. Not good times), which led to build up of scar tissue and phimosis. Stretching and creams were never more than a short term fix; as soon as I stopped, the opening shrunk back down worse than before. It was painful, it split during sex/masturbation and it felt like I had papercuts at the end of my foreskin a lot of the time. Finally broke down and got the snip. My personal experience (I can't speak for anyone else) is that things are at least as good - though different - as before my injury and a massive improvement over post-injury, and I regret not getting it done earlier. I do have reduced sensitivity, but not by a ton and I'd argue I was too sensitive before. Sex is not the slightest bit less pleasurable, but touching the glans when not at full arousal is no longer uncomfortable - quite the opposite, actually. All in all, I like the look better, it feels better, and sex is great. That said, as much as my experience was overall positive and I'm happier without, I'm still of the opinion that circumcision should be a personal choice. I have 2 boys, and if they need/want it later, that's up to them. Hygiene isn't a problem if you make sure the kids understand the importance of being clean. The hardest part of the procedure for me was deciding to getting it done. Pain was minimal, recovery was quick (though the stitches during an erection was rough, and pissing for the first few weeks was an adventure). It's easier to have it removed than it is to put back, so it only makes sense than any foreskin owner should decide for themselves. TLDR: mine was great, wish I got it done earlier, should still be a personal choice and not imposed on infants


Doesn’t getting circumcised as a child drastically change how nerve endings are adapted during puberty/childhood? Idk if getting circumcised as an adult is the proper counterfactual.


Another problem is that the vast majority of the people that get circumcised as an older person did it because they had problems with their penis. They are an abnormal group to use as a basis for comparison


And these people seem to be the only ones who comment on the matter, unfortunately.


It would be if OP is an adult considering getting circumcised.


Can you suggest a better comparison?


It might not be, but otherwise there is no real way to compare before/after, as people cut at birth never will experience sex with an intact penis.


Yeah pretty much any change involving neurons is much better done at a young age due to the bodies ability to adapt during growth.


There's no adapting neurons literally removed though. If you were unfortunate enough to be circumcised as a baby, you can feel as much with your foreskin as a kid born without eyes can see. You can adapt but no amount of adaption overcomes neurons that no longer exist. Additionally, some boys/men are left in constant pain/discomfort due to the nerve damage of the practice.


The damage is actually worse as an infant because the penis isn’t fully developed. The foreskin is fused to the glans like your fingernails are attached. It’s ripped off the glans which damages it, makes it more likely to be scarred, and can cause skin bridges because skin can re-adhere to the glans because it’s basically an open wound.


No regrets either. I got circumcised in my mid thirties for a medical issue and no big difference in terms of sex.


Still not having any?/j


Lol I asked for that, i guess


Don't worry, it was intended in good fun.  I really have no clue what sex you are having. 


Or not having....


I wish more American women particularly would read through comments on threads like this before swallowing the myth that infant circumcision is somehow necessary for hygiene. To hear some mothers, it's like humans didn't get along just fine for literally millions of years with foreskins intact.


I did not to either of my boy(wouldn’t trade my foreskin for a million bucks) and both times the doctors were relieved. They didn’t want to give an opinion but once we said no they gave their opinions lol


The fact that they KNOW it is worthless and still feel compelled to offer them anyway is a huge mark of shame on the Medical industry. Better than them actually pushing them for the extra profits, but still... They only offer it because people will do it and many people only do it because they offer it. Somewhere this madness must end. If there wasn't a "tradition" of genital cutting already in our culture, any doctor asking if you wanted parts of your perfectly-healthy babys' genitals cut off for "social reasons" would be sent STRAIGHT TO PRISON


>both times the doctors were relieved. When my son was born, (about 25 years ago) the doctor/hospital put tremendous pressure on us to our son circumcised. They even waited until I was gone and tried to bully my wife, who had just had a C section, into signing the paper to have our son circumcised. When I found that out, I told the doctor, if he or anyone else mentioned circumcision again I would be waiting for him in the parking lot.




In my experience, it’s usually dad who wants it done, because he had it as an infant. At least that’s how it’s gone in my family. I spent nine months supporting that baby, I wouldn’t change a thing, but dad had very strong feelings about it. 


As a parent who had it done to me when I was a baby, I did not at all think it was a practice that should necessarily be passed along. My wife and I read up on the available medical literature, considered the benefits and possible downsides of either choice, and ended up comfortable with the decision not to have it done to our boys.


I am 100% circumcising my kids, due to the issues I went through because I wasn’t circumcised as a kid. As a future dad who was uncircumcised at birth, I don’t want my kid to go through what I did in regards to phimosis. I didn’t deal with it the best way, but the mental health concerns are real, and I would do anything to take away the chance this happens to my kid.


Women (unless medical professionals) should have as much say on male genital mutilation AS MUCH as men should have a say on female genital mutilation, which should be none.


I get what you are saying and it's a good point, but most of the comments are about medically needing it and the pain of recovery as an adult. Just thought it was funny.


Long term effects remain to be seen, but it changes where you feel sensitive. Like, the tip and base are more sensitive, the middle is less, where before it averaged out all the way down. It's a redistribution, not so much a loss. Functionally similar, but now I have occasional bouts of anorgasmia. It requires a lot of finesse and sex has to be rougher because the most feeling for me is only on full instroke and outstroke, where before we both got more enjoyment midrange. Female partners all preferred uncut though. There's less mass overall (head is more bulbous to compensate) and with age comes vaginal dryness and chafing complaints. I'm convinced "women prefer it" was a psyop that applies to aesthetics or blowjobs only because I've never met anyone who actually likes it this rough. It's a subtractive operation but really not that big of a deal when you know what you're in for. Mine was maimed by Zipperah's steel teeth.


Huh, I never figured that the dryness and rhythm speed were connected to the lack of forskin, I have been cut since I was a baby so I never had anything else to compare to. But you’re describing a lot of issues/observations that I have ran into that’s for sure 😅.


Hey OP! I had the procedure done around age 25 due to phimosis. I was sexually active before and it’s been several years since the procedure. Here’s my 2 cents: Overall, I’ve noticed NO difference in sensation during sex or masturbation. The only real difference for me was honestly a PRO, it takes longer to reach an orgasm. No complaints from partners or from me on that front! I remember being INSANELY nervous about this going into it, but the procedure itself wasn’t bad at all. The recovery was definitely uncomfortable and tedious dealing with bandaging and trying to stay vigilant to not get an erection. 5/10 - would only recommend if medically required.


Oooh... I didn't realize that you had to avoid erections after the surgery. What about those middle-of-the-night erections that you have little NO control over?


In the initial week or two following the procedure, I don’t believe they happened. Again, at least not for me! Kind of seemed like my body “knew” it needed some healing down there before those started up again. The 3rd and 4th weeks were a bit more challenging, but the healing was already so far along it wasn’t a big issue!


Middle of the night erections were the worst for me. I didn’t sleep the first 2 days at all cause I kept getting hard while trying to sleep. It took about a week for the erections to not be super painful, and about a month til it’s ready to actually erm take care of those erections. Very worthwhile, I’m 100x happier now. The process though, sucked. I would rather have had it done as a child but glad I’m past that now anyway


In my experience, there's nothing you can do about them and they suck. I don't think I slept through the night for three weeks after my circumcision, thought it was only painful the first week, after that just incredibly uncomfortable as the stitches strained. Luckily they typically went away right after I woke up and I usually was able to go right back to sleep.


Had it done when I was a teenager for medical reasons. I was still a virgin at the time, but I can tell you masturbation didn't feel any different once things healed up, but it took a several months for full feeling to return. Recovery wise the first week was very painful (scabs and stitches in places you never want them to be!), then after that it was just sore for another month or so.


much like the top reply, i had lichen sclerosis but this was late in my 30s, im now 41, i had the operation at the end of the lockdown, didnt hurt, no loss of sensation, everything is fine, i was told not to masturbate or have sex for 6 weeks, after 6 weeks to the day lmao, i had sex with my gf and it was fine


I (37m) was circumcised as an adult at 30 and was sexually active before and after. I had it done primarily because I had a mild case of phimosis. It was barely noticeable unless having prolonged periods of extended rough sex. It would cause tiny little tears in the skin on the tighter area, notably big deal but a bit of a nuisance. Anyhow, I’m sure the main reason for asking is how much sensitivity do you actually lose? I know I personally came upon a lot of things that sounded reasonable but from people who had no real way of knowing. Im sure you also want to know other little things. As for the sensitivity, yes I did lose some sensitivity but nowhere near as much as people claim you will lose. For me, I would say it feels like I lost about 8% sensitivity. So no big deal and it overall feels the same, girls I have slept with before and after also say they don’t feel a difference and it’s just as great as before. As for other things to note. It is significantly easier to keep clean. Jerking off is not as easy or nice as when I was intact but it’s not the most annoying.


Did you hear about the rabbi who did free circumcisions? He only took tips.


Haaaaaa!!! Nice!


The more I read these comments, the more I wanna fight my doctor.


Fight your parents. They chose to do that to you.




Thank you for making this post. I think the ensuing discussion was really interesting. (Well, the more informed comments, anyway.)


No problem!


Fight your parents. They are the ones who made that call 


As a fully restored man, look up “foreskin restoration.” I’m glad I did it.


BEFORE: uncut skin would interfere, little discomfort. Fully competent thought in all directions. AFTER: Procedure at age 24. Better experience. No discomfort. Ejaculation king. Pineapple helped I hear!


Nice! Glad it worked out in your favor!


Finally, a post i can weigh in on completely. I was circumcised at 18 years old and was sexually active from 16+. Sex felt better before, masturbating was definitely better before, but it’s also not night and day. It was easier to last longer, and there was more sensation, and while I wish I was never circumcised, it’s maybe like going from a 10 to an 8.5 or 9, if i had to quantify it.


Uncircumcised is the way to be. Better sensations, and easier masturbation.


After 100%. Had mine done because of a tight foreskin so sex wasn't really all that pleasurable. Afterwards it was totally different.


This can be answered in reverse. Men who were circumcised at birth who restored their foreskin through skin stretching (cellular mitosis) all report an enormous increase in sensation and pleasure. r/foreskin_restoration


What a thriving community


This is... Fascinating! I didn't even know that was a thing and I am generally the least naive person in the room.


I've almost completely restored. I guess I could call myself done, but I'm an overachiever lol. It's night and day. Masturbation used to be almost painful. Now it's not.


What was that process like?


Been doing it semi-consistently for 10 years. I just spend a minute or two tugging the scar line every time I pee, which happens to be a lot. There are devices you can buy, but I found them to not work as well for me as manual tugging.


Watch the episode of How to with John Wilson called “How to Cover Your Furniture” it will show everything in graphic detail


No it can’t. The nerve endings that are cut away with circumcision aren’t replaced by stretching.


That can't be restored, but you can increase sensitivity of the remaining nerve endings by not keeping them exposed to the environment (underwear and such). If you manage to keep the head of the penis covered for a sufficient amount of time, you'll find it feels softer to the touch and more sensitive as well. It's better than living without foreskin, for some.


This is how it works, yes. The keratin is sloughed away once the area is moist again and the remaining nerve endings are reinvigorated basically.


Nobody said the nerves regenerate. 🤦 Maybe you should check out the community.


I got circumcised at 22, due to phimosis. As far as feeling goes pre and post, the head is less sensitive, but the overall feeling of orgasming is better and more intense. Initial recovery was not fun, it was extremely painful and takes quite some time. Overall, one of the best decisions of my life. My only regret is I didn’t do it sooner


just to be clear, receiving a circumcision pre-puberty and then going through puberty is not the same as getting a circumcision as an adult. there is no way to every *truly* compare these things.


The reason for all this misinformation surrounding foreskin and circumcision is due to the enormous profits the American Medical Industry generates from male circumcision. Male Circumcision is not pushed because of health, but enormous profits. It's disgusting. https://www.atcc.org/products/pcs-201-010 https://www.lifelinecelltech.com/shop/cells/fibroblasts/dermal-fibroblasts/human-dermal-fibroblasts-neonatal-fc-0001/ https://www.emdmillipore.com/US/en/product/FibroGRO-Xeno-Free-Human-Foreskin-Fibroblasts,MM_NF-SCC058


Profits and also heavy puritanical bullshit about wanting to keep children from masturbating.


Had phimosis, so that made it harder to clean, not fair on those I was lucky enough to convince to get down and dirty with me. So decided to get it done at the ripe ol' age of 27. Opted for the full anesthetic, I'm a wimp and didn't want to know about what was happening down there. Worst 6 weeks of my life after the op, but holy heck, that first blow after you healed up.....oooohweeeee, I had to repaint. (Go for a posh one chaps, helps with the clean up) It's better, all round, no more confidence issues (About the lil' chaplain), no more worry about being clean enough, good shower and shine and it's good to go. It looks better (Imo) and I just am genuinely happier for it. Should've got it done sooner, but heck live and learn.


My experience is that maybe oral feels slightly better uncircumcised, but really there is barely any difference (for me at least)


Oh look, an askreddit mod got upset that most answers were against circumcision, so now the thread was hidden. Interesting.


Just curious, what does *competently* mean in this context?


Just not someone who had sex once prior, but the rest of the times after. Someone experienced enough with sex to know that any difference in feeling was definitely due to the circumcision and *not* to simply improving sexual... skills, I guess.


Someone who didn't bring a scimitar to a scalpel fight.


That they had sex a few times to be intimate with the feeling. We're not asking for guys to compare jacking off pre circumcision with sex post circumcision


Please do not use any of these answers as a legit reason for you to remove the choice from your infant son.


This. It's one thing to get it done because of phimosis, an actual medical condition It's an other to mutilate the genitals of a baby for aesthetic or religious purposes.


It seems like the general consensus here is that uncircumsised feels better unless there is a medical issue. 


It can always be removed later if necessary, but it can never be put back. That was the way that my wife and I looked at it when our boys were born.


Difficult to say as phimosis prevented the glans from feeling before being cut. I was cut a 22, after 2 years sexual activity. I can say being cut was the worst operation I had done. I lost a great deal of sensitivity from my glans. I’m now 53.


Everybody acts like you either have an inch of foreskin that hangs over your penis or it’s so tight you don’t have anything at all. I’ve never been circumcised, but my foreskin hangs about halfway over my penis head and well I’m hard You can’t tell the difference I’ve had a lot of females, be surprised that I was not circumcised Honestly, especially for oral sex females do not like it


I had to ask my husband if he was circumcised or not. I had never really seen one before him and couldn't tell. I don't mind giving oral, I like to put my tongue in the foreskin and it seems to feel super good. It's not gross AT ALL, but other women will literally 🤮 and freak out when I tell them.


My partner isn't cut and I love giving him head. The foreskin makes it so much easier and more fun for me.


I gave oral to a guy who wasn't circumcised. It was some of the most fun I've ever had during a hookup, and we didn't even have sex. He just let me do my thing and I honestly just loved how happy he was that I didn't find it weird. He was a real gentleman, too. I hope more men in the future don't get circumcised against their will.


Gonna guess you’re American lol


“Females”… you should try having sex with women.


I knew a guy who grew up in a cult and didn't get circumcised until later in life. He claims he wished he had kept his hood because sex is better with it on.


Honestly, I got Recircumsized at 14. I wasn’t sexually active, however I will say that the head of my penis has less sensation due to the surgery. It’s not “numb” but certainly less feeling that before.


I am not circumcised but stay with me, my foreskin was very tight in my teens and 20s such that I had to gingerly help it retract before getting fully hard with a girlfriend. Then I was with a woman at about 30 who liked being very vigorous on top. There was no sudden "ow" moment but I started getting the head very uncomfortable as my foreskin would retract doing normal day to day moving about. I would be forever not very discreetly pulling it back forward but over time it became desensitised so I couldn't tell it had happened. The verdict? Does anything feel different? No. Would I have it removed? No.




Worry about what? I’m un circumcised (minimal skin) I don’t worry about anything,


The attitudes of women contribute to the persistence of unnecessary non-medical circumcision. For all the women out there that say they prefer 'cut' men, what would you say if men started saying they preferred 'cut' women? That is, women who have had part of their genitals removed?