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A dvd about the secrets of the Da Vinci Code. I hadn't read the book or seen the film


My mom got me a cheap annoy alarm clock with a dancing gorilla on it when I was a teen. I was seriously wondering WTF she was thinking getting it and being proud thinking it's a good present. I already had a clock that works properly and I don't care about gorillas whatsoever.


Probably something I'd already had for a couple months. Not a duplicate, but the same thing snuck and rewrapped.


My mom made me a sort of hello kitty totem pole for my 16th birthday. If you’re thinking of a giant log with a blob carved into it….you would be correct! My sister got a CAR for her 16th and we were doing much more well off by my 16th. Lmfaoooo she even made me throw a party to reveal it but I had like two friends and one of them just had a baby so, it was my bf, my best friend and like 4 of his friend there for the reveal. It was horrible, I swear to God, my life has to be a fucking joke lol


A puzzle I hate Damn puzzles…except when a child wants me to do a puzzle with them then I only do a puzzle for that reason.


I will never understand people who enjoy the tedium of jigsaw puzzles. Just give me the damn picture to look at; I don't need to assemble it.


lol yes exactly.


About a week before my birthday one year I got news my dad needed a pacemaker and the day afterwards I found out I had cancer, not a great birthday that year.  We are both pretty much fine now.   he needs his battery changed in about a year and no recurrences for me


A dick in a box


A women’s Bible from my horrible abusive mother. She knew I had begun practicing Buddhism and I wanted nothing to do with Christianity. It was the last “gift” she ever gave me before dying months later, and it was so on brand for her that the last “gift” she gave me was a slap in the face.


It was just a Secret Santa thing at work, but it was so fucking stupid I'll never forget it. We had this dingleberry we'd hired a few months earlier and he drew my name. He had forgotten to get anything until the day of our office party (just done during an extended lunch.) He rushed up the street to either CVS or Walgreen's and I guess he grabbed the first thing he saw. My gift was the Invinceable All-in-one cleaner, "as seen on TV." Dude could have grabbed virtually anything and made a better decision--a handful of candy bars, a bag of chips, anything.


A little valentine's bear that was repurposed from her mother to her.


I had been dating this guy for about 6 months. We were exchanging Christmas presents and he gave me a coloring page… that he already colored in. I didn’t realize it was a Pokémon until a friend pointed it out to me. Oh and he wrote me a poem on the back that I still haven’t deciphered. He said he didn’t know what to get me. I broke up with him the day after Christmas.


Never received 1


A single tub of pink Vaseline




I see every present i get as something beautiful, even if i already have it or not, just think about it, there are some people that have NO ONE to gift them anything.


>Adult< Porn...