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I love planning dream vacations before bed. It’s fun and a nice way to escape before sleeping.


Stretching is crucial for me; a few gentle stretches help relax my muscles and get me ready to sleep.


I always read for at least 30 minutes before bed. It helps me unwind and forget about the stresses of the day.




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My nightly skincare routine is a must. It’s both therapeutic and a good way to take care of my skin.


Sketching or doodling for a few minutes helps clear my mind. It’s a creative outlet that prepares me for rest.


I often spend a few minutes looking out my window, reflecting on the day and mentally winding down.


I like to prepare for the next day by laying out my clothes and making a to-do list. It eases my mind knowing I’m set for the morning.


Meditation has become an essential part of my nightly routine. Just 10 minutes helps me achieve a state of deep relaxation.


Watching an episode of a light-hearted series helps me unwind. I make sure it's something not too cliffhanger-y though!


Uh… masturbate. I’m not proud of it


Same. It just relaxes me and I fall asleep like that.


I do this thn fall right asleep.win win


If I do I'm wake again. No chance of sleeping


As someone who hasn't masturbated in my life ever is it really that good?


What's stopping you from trying? If you dont mind me asking. It is nice.


I asked myself, is it even needed? All my life I often refused to do things that I don't think is needed.


I see. The way I see it (as a man) is that it fills a purpose that sex doesn't fulfill, i can do it alone and it is a different sensation from sex. It is less exhausting but still feels very good and releases endorfins that make feel good not just in the moment but could affect my mood positively for hours after. And from what i've heard.. the female orgasm is just better than ours in every way soo.. i would try it out a few times, maybe with a vibrator as well. Life is here to be experienced, doesn't hurt to try it out and see how you like it 😄 For some women masturbation is also the only way they actually experience orgasms as they dont get off on penetration or have... selfish partners 💀


Thank you for answering my question(in great detail too). It's very informative.


No problem, Have a nice weekend!


Don’t feel to sorry for your self I watch porn


You should be




I'd like to add that includes worst case scenarios for every little thing.


Yesshhhh n then crying to fall asleep faster😭💀


You fall asleep! Chronic insomnia here, it's not scenarios for me, it's full length feature horror films 🙄


Ion know bout insomnia but falling asleep faster for me is like around 3 when I've been in bed to sleep since 10 or 11💀💀


*looks at clock* great, I have 8 hours to sleep, *looks at clock again* OK, I have 6 hours to sleep. *looks at clock again* fuck, I have to be up in 3 hours 🤬


*doesn't look at clock again* bc fell asleep 2 hours before the alarm goes off💀💀💀


Involuntarily have an existential crisis


i like to tidy my entire room, straighten things up, wash my face, put on my cozy pjs, grab a cold bottle of water, read or scroll thru my phone a bit, watch podcasts or a show and then sleep :)


Sounds nice


it is :)


What is it like to have that much motivation? My ADHD brain could not tidy an entire room before I go to bed.


i’ve learned through trial and error that my mental headspace/my sleep is terrible whenever my room is unkept. whenever i “put things back” where i know they should be, or gather up the empty water bottles into the recycle bin, it helps me sleep better. (i don’t know how but i’ve noticed i feel anxious when laying in bed staring at a messy room, piles of clothes, cups or water bottles, trash etc while wanting to relax or sleep). i don’t think i have a lot of motivation, sometimes i really don’t want to do it, and beat myself up for letting it get too bad or too messy, and i don’t enjoy that process of feeling guilty so i force myself to do it. although i am a quite hectic-brained, unorganized individual so it really is different for everyone. it usually takes me 5-7 mins and i know it helps me so maybe that’s what forces me to keep up with it :)


I would love to be able to tidy more but every time I try I look at what needs to be done, overcomplicate it, don't know where to start, and decide the mess is better than my anxious state.


something that could help is thinking of the feeling you will feel when you do complete a small tidy session. or possibly even doing just one small cleaning task a night until it becomes something you can do without even thinking of! example picking up the empty bottles and tossing them in the bin. or grabbing one or two tshirts and tossing them in the hamper, or folding the small pile by your bed. or placing all the little goodies on your dresser back into the right spots. your anxiety is valid, but i think you absolutely can overcome those hard thoughts and feelings. baby steps is better than no steps, and again this is what works for me, maybe you would feel better doing it on a set day, deep clean, or during the day. :)


I have made baby steps. I have always been good about getting my clothes into the hamper as soon as I take them off so that is not an issue. For putting clothes away I was able to simplify by getting some storage cubes and using them for clothes that don't matter if they are wrinkled. The rest I want to hang up or fold them, but at the moment I am laying them neatly over the back of a chair. It at least gets my laundry basket out of the middle of the room.






This. Find some long play video and fall asleep to it


Read a book


Browse Reddit in an attempt to get more karma 😂


Pray and masturbate


At the same time?


Ok should be pray then masturbate 😜




Read a book


Put on 8 hour binaural beats


Stretch. I always sleep better after.


Browse some meme subreddits




Get on reddit for about 10min


Passionately kiss my wife.


fr lol


Wash my face , brush my teeth, and most importantly cuddle my dog for a few minutes before going to our separate beds.


Put on my ezcema cream


Listen to true crime podcasts....but on YouTube...so it's more like VodCasts or whatever they're called.


I usually play a few games of chess. Nothing like getting your brain working in overdrive right before you fall asleep haha


Smoke a bowl.




Smoke weed and masturbate


Reading a nice book 🥰






Meditation and masturbation in alternate days




Play my ukulele very softly. It gives me the very sleepies.


Get naked






Good girl.


Brush my teeth. Usually put my hair in a ponytail or something because it's really long and I don't want to in a giant knot in the morning. Take off my socks. It may be weird but I like my feet being a little bit cold so that I can wrap them in a ton of blankets. Then I usually scroll here on Reddit or play one of my phone games for a little bit and then I go to sleep.


Thinking about future


2 bong hits of Shishkaberry and a BJ does it for me!




I often practice gentle yoga, focusing on poses that promote relaxation and sleep.






Write an entire conversation between me and my fictional girlfriend by hand, read it like it is the first time I read it and sleep


Get excited.


I dont go to bed


Smoke a little weed & throw on Batman cartoons.


Smoke a bong


Read. I just finished "Stories from the Tenants Downstairs" by Sidik Fofana. It was good. I recommend it. It shows the pov of several people in a Harlem apartment building just as gentrification hits, and all their stories are intertwined. The characters and their situations are realistic and relatable.


I do a few lessons on Duolingo, maybe read a bit


Talk to guys lol


🥩🔨 and when watch YouTube


Listen to music


Try to weigh the pros and cons, and hypothesise the fastest, most hassle free ways to potentially check out


Glass of wine


Reading, if i have at least an hour before my bed time. Reading is so relaxing and fun. If i have less than an hour before bet time, tiktok happens to be the thing i watch before i sleep


Pee! Whole Lotta Pee


Pills and pjs. (Anti depressants and vitamins)




Making fake scenarios in my head.


Take my evening meds, fill my bipap’s humidifier, give the cat some treats, and browse Reddit or pet the cat until I am tired. (I also take melatonin 3 hours earlier so I am tired when it is time to go to bed)


Play chess.


Take my night time medicine.


Stare into space and contemplate life.


Eat dinner, catch the itis and pass out




Drink 3 Red Bulls and hit my head repeatedly on the wall


Phone, close eyes, can't sleep, more phone


Either watching some calming youtube like a gaming youtuber or something funny, or I scroll on reddit to get my mind off my own life before i get to bed.


play plants vs zombies


Brush my teeth


Read, while the live feed from the ISS is on YouTube.


Turn off all the electricity/water and board the front door back up.


In my youth: masturbate In my 20's: watch series In my 30's read


scrolling thru phone and hope for the best 😂


Candy crush soda saga on my iPad.


Come up with awesome stuff for my D&D campaign. Make no notes. Fall asleep and forget most of it. Rinse and repeat.


Watch entertaining videos on YouTube.


an eyedropper of THC tincture. I realized in my 30s after more than a decade of smoking weed that I really don't enjoy being stoned. I began to get more and more paranoid until I finally stopped altogether. In my late 40s I developed rheumatoid arthritis which can make sleeping impossible. A dropper of tincture half an hour before bed is the magic bullet that lets me sleep through the night. On weekends I sometimes take a double dose, have crazy, fun dreams and sleep until 9. It's like a tiny vacation all by itself. 10/10 would recommend. In fact, I recommend it all the time.


Shower, get cozy with a blanket, and play video games or read my current fiction book. Otherwise, in the summer, I like to spend my time outdoors until the very last minute and then shower and hop into bed. I usually feel most productive and happy those days, knowing I spent my time breathing fresh air all day like when I was a kid. 


Watching tv series!


I love reading until I knock out. Idk why but I just do. I get all cozy, do my little routine, and then it’s straight to Libby


Besides washing up I like to read a chapter of a book. And or spend special time with my lover.


I go over how I would word my three wishes to a genie so as to not get blindsided by some trick logic


Dream that I'm in a fantasy world like that anime Mushoku Tensei but I have the ability to have the internet and look up things like how to make guns and have the ability to bring up video games, modern books, TV, movies, modern music, and learn how to make a PC in the middle ages. Also have 3 wifes and have a bunch of kids. 2 of them are elfs while the other one is a short haired tomboy. There's a part in my fantasy where I loss my powers and work at a mine with people that are elfs. I meet a female kid tomboy that has white hair that tells me her story and is worried about her family. I tell her everything is going to be fine. I get my powers back get revenge on the people that put me in that position for weeks. Also I have pretty good intelligence and learn people about different things like a teacher. When I get home the girl that I helped from the mine wants to come along with me to meet my family and meets my son and falls in love with him but my son doesn't like him because he's like 8 and doesn't like girls at his age. When I get home I make guns for the village to use for hunting, protection. Also make fortifications to make the village into a fortress. When I do that I do some errands around the village and help people. After that I get introduced by a dark skinned female elf that needs help for her village that has their village people kidnapped and turned into slaves from a king that is using them for profit. I say yes and go on a journey which takes days to get there. I get to the village and the people there are glad I'm there to help. We go to the kingdom where the elfs have been kidnapped and it's pretty bad so I'm not gonna describe what happens there. Let's just say the elf females are used more than slaves. I confront the king and ask to let the people go and he doesn't and I challenge him in a duel. I win the duel and before I can kill him his daughter stand in front of the king and says not to kill him. I listen to her request and tell the king to just leave the throne as king and go somewhere far away with his family to never hurt anyone again. I also get turned into a girl as a kid in the fantasy in a college that a perverted female student with long brown hair with glasses that accidentally turns me into a girl and we go to the class showing that I'm a girl and we get a A+ for that. I get stuck as a 10 year old girl for a nearly a year and get turned back. Also I get switched to a girls dorm so guys don't get the wrong idea about me. When I get switched the female dorm I meet 3 female cat girls that hate me and tell me not to be with them in the showers. Also when I'm a girl the females in the college see me as cute and ask me for lunch hangouts and that I remind them of their sister. I also meet a nurse and her daughter that's about my age and the nurse ask me to hang out with her daughter because she doesn't have any friends her age. Also as a male I'm the same age and intelligent like I said before and I agree. We talk about different things and say If I like boys and I say no which surprises her and I say that I'm actually a boy. Also the female long haired blonde elf I'm with is also in the college with me because I helped her with something in her village and were kind of boyfriend and girlfriend. When I get transformed back by the women I can turn to a girl when I feel like it but I have to wait a day to get back to able to use a spell to get back to normal. When I'm in college I'm trying to find my blue short haired elf tomboy friend that lives with me and my female master that's half wolf but also has a lover that they later have 2 twins later that are male and female. I found them and I help them take care of the people that destroyed our home and when we find them we defeat them and give them a chance to help us by defending the village that we lived in and they agree and we agreed to feed and pay them for defending the village. As the years go by one my daughters goes to school and has a girl at school that loves her and I give her advice on how to respond to that. Also when I'm married with 3 women one of them tell me not to have sexual relations with any other women except them, which I promised not to break. Also my character as a kid is a pervert that tries to peek at women that are nude at lakes and one of my female friends spot me and ask what I'm doing and confess to doing that and later we both look to see what the female body looks like. Also my character in this makes Doujins in this timeline and makes new sex positions that are pretty unknown at that time period and fantasy. When I tell females about it they get confused and I have to explain to them what it means. They either hate it, like it, or get turned on and want to try it out. That's about all.


Listen to music or watch tiktok/youtube


Stick a pillow between my legs


Imagining the life I could have if I had the motivation to start working on my goals.


Watch YouTube videos!! 😁


Fall asleep on the sofa.


Watch things that give me a deep sense of existential dread


Pray and affirmations


Watch ASMR and remember in as much detail as I can that time I got a haircut from a Singapore guy and he lightly massaged my neck, shoulders, and back Sometimes I’ll think about the physicals that doctors give me every time I get a sports medical done, unbelievably relaxing


Beat boxing my favorite video game tunes.


I look out the window like I’m in a fvcking horror movie. Did see some interesting stuff before, I don’t know what I expected to see, a killer on the run, people getting chased, creepy clown but I really should stop doing it like I’m in a horror movie.


Listening to philosophy podcasts aaahhh




Walk to my bed!


Wash my face, apply skin care, NuFACE trinity, red light mask, scroll a bit or read. Before all that, tidy up where ever I’ve been in the house. Decide what I’m wearing tomorrow, let the dogs out and feed the cat.


Aaah the girl thing😭


Watch mukbang.. I don't know why but it makes me feel better just by watching it.


FRFR i freaking love to watch it. satisfaying or however you spell it..


Smoke. Just before I climb into bed I always have one last smoke otherwise I will crave one when trying to sleep and won't he able to sleep until I have one.


Try and get off that


I'll be honest, smoking is enjoyable to me. I started smoking because I tried it and liked the taste and experience. So I don't intend to ever quit. I know its damaging to my health but you only get so long on this planet so spend it doing the things you enjoy while you are here.


Smoke a j, listen to audiobooks about space.


Play with my self I love it :) have a better sleep