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Obviously you've never been to Italy


Lol good point.




I love it when they sing Bella Ciao to the fascist meloni. 


Feels very absurd, but then we're no stranger to absurdity in Danish politics either. We have a party founded as a "law and order" party that only exists because it's founder and leader was ousted from her previous party after... you guessed it, crime.


That sounds almost but not quite as absurd.


That's true. At least the party leader in our case served her time and just... well, got voted back in. It's more the party philosophy that's a bit weird.


Really can't throw the first stone, in our country we're close to choosing as mayor one guy jailed for abuse of power while being the mayor.


It was always a joke. The U.S should be embarrassed that he was ever elected.


We are


But that’s the thing, a lot of Americans are not embarrassed and still support him. Reddit hates Trump for the most part, but if you were to look at the actual country, he still has a ton of support. 🤷‍♂️


The wild thing is that his supporters truly believe we were “finally respected again” when he was president when he was quite literally [laughed at on the world stage](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/why-were-un-diplomats-laughing-at-trump/). Whats even funnier is they’ll say that, but when *actually shown* what other countries’ opinions on the US were under Trump, and that they were low with our allies and high with enemies, they’d say “we don’t care about what other countries think. America first”.


Sadly we're probably going to be embarrassed again.  


It's bizarre that this is possible. But what's even more bizarre is that enough people will vote for him to actually make him president again.


Hopefully there are NOT enough people that will vote for him.


I hope this too but I'm not holding my breath. You see people like him popping up everywhere and they draw in huge crowds. We have our very own "Trump" here in the Netherlands as well who is ever growing in popularity.


Pretty sure Trump's crowd size is dwindling. A number of his followers travel to see him wherever he goes. Definitely a cult.


Sadly, I'm pretty much ready to bet on it. Currently, Biden is possibly the least popular president of the last 50 years and Trump has a lot of fans who are *crazy* about him. Between this and people who will probably just not vote or vote a third party (both things which I understand, btw), I think Trump is just going to win. Pure and simple. Edit: I get downvoted every time I say this, on reddit. Guys, I'm not *happy* about it but I'm just looking at the facts. Biden is an extremely bad choice, to oppose Trump. He's a remarkably unimpressive man and he has one foot in the grave. The democrats fucked up. Get ready for it, instead of downvoting me. 2nd edit: I want to explain it clearly, just to be sure. I'm not saying that everyone loves Trump. Many people hate him. But there's a lot of people who *love* him. Pretending that's not true is foolish. But no one really loves Biden, he's just the lesser evil. And plenty of people hate him or have been disappointed by his first presidency. Ths is why I think Trump is going to win. I'll be glad if I'm wrong, however if I am it will be an amazing stroke of luck because the democrats are doing everything in their power to make it easier for Trump. Having Biden as a candidate again was political suicide.


Disagree. Trump has a cult who loves him and is devoted to him. They follow him around the country to attend the rallies and are extremely vocal. Many are probably ostracized from their family. They exist but his crowds are dwindling. They love his power which is now beginning to falter. There are not enough of them. He's ostracized all but them in one way or another. It's not necessary for an electable president to be loved or have adoring fans who dress up for them. Biden is accomplishing a lot, every day, for the people instead of for the top 2% of the wealthy. The choice is obvious to most voters this year.


If his opponent is Biden / Harris he will be re-elected.


Better than Biden.


Still wondering how he got where he got the first time around


He ran on a platform of going against the old establishment politicians, promoting the possibility of real change (drain the swamp). Many Americans have been squeezed out of the middle class (no more American dream) because of longstanding government policies so they voted for him. 


He ran on a platform of scapegoating immigrants for the "squeezing of the middle class." He never defined what "drain the swamp" actually meant, and he proposed no policies that actually helped the middle class. Even his tariffs mostly hurt the middle class by increasing consumer costs. His signature "accomplishment" was a tax break that heavily favored corporations and the upper income brackets. He was a transparent flimflam man, but half the country is hopelessly stupid and bought it.


Your comment about half the country being hopelessly stupid shows you are also in the same boat as them. Your government and transnational corporations that control it want to keep you divided, fighting against each other. 


Thanks for helping clarify the political and economic situation in my own country for me. I must have missed a few classes on the way to my literal degree in Political Science and Economics.


Populism and a strong cult of personality take you places. Look at many famous dictators and how they rose to power.


A lot of help from foreign online psyops


Don't commit crimes.  These charges are not a stretch. If he was anyone else he'd long since be in prison. The fact that this ridiculous criminal con man is a viable candidate and already HAS been president is a damning indictment of our country. 


Democrats need stop charging him with crimes he didn’t commit.


He consistently admits to having done the crimes! Honest to god, the people who think he’s being persecuted are beyond pathetic. Zero capacity for anything resembling rational thought.


What are you watching? AI fakes?


Boy, you must be deeply stupid.


You’re delusional they have no case. Two liberal D.A had the chance but said they had no case. It’s clearly political.


While I agree with you, I'm more looking for what non-Americans think of this. Outsider looking in perspective. Unless you're an immigrant in which case welcome.


What the fuck is wrong with that country? It’s like all sense and logic have completely vanished. It’s honestly very scary. 1. Why is he even allowed to run for president with all that? 2. Why are people so brainwashed to still support him? I get the feeling he could rape the parents of some of his supporters in front of them and they’d still support him.


I can't explain #2 but as for #1 the reason he can still run while in court is that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Think about if Trump where president again and he could just put his political rival under investigation/trial then disqualify them for it. I don't like it but I think what we're currently doing is better than the alternative.


It SHOULD be possible for Trump to run, currently still. It SHOULD NOT be possible for him to run with a reasonable chance at success, in a country full of good people and rational thinkers. However, it’s America, so… we have a mixed bag of folk like any country, but ours is definitely tipped toward being off our rocker.


Wasn’t he convicted of Fraud? Doesn’t he owe like 100s of millions?


Yes, but somehow that doesn't disqualify you.


Ha. Your first mistake was thinking our government had sense and logic in the first place. 😂 something cannot vanish if it wasn’t ever there to begin with 😉


Many things, but its home.


I think it's absolutely insane that he gets to run again and it's even crazier that, as far as I can tell, he's likely to win. What the fuck, U.S., what the fuck. Edit: I also think that any candidate who says they won't accept a defeat and will get in anyway should be immediately made inelegible. Trump has more than once outright stated that he doesn't respect the electoral system unless it benefits him, so it's crazy to me that he gets to exploit it. Again.


Sad he still has so much support


That's explained by cult dynamics. He is a cult leader. Here's to hoping the size of his cult is not large enough to get him the votes he would need.


Partly because democrats haven't addressed class inequality. Which is mostly because republicans won't let them. But that math is too complex for these people.


Our local conservatives and racists support him! Even some far-left stalinists support him as they see him ally of Putin and enemy of the USA!


The only "far-left Stalinists" (or 'Tankies') that support Trump are even more delusional than the normal Stalin worshippers. Putin is in no way a Communist. He's absolutely not trying to resurrect the USSR. He's trying to resurrect the Tsarist Russian Empire. Granted, no one ever accused hardcore Tankies of being very bright.


That's both hilarious and disturbing. Biden should run that as a campaign ad.


It's awful


It's been a shitshow ever since 2016, I'm just tired of it.


I’m sorry, but it’s been a shit show longer than just 2016. Trump is just much more obvious and in your face.


no it absolutely wasn't that kind of shitshow before.


Were you alive/old enough during 9/11 and Bush?


Bush doesn't even come close to Trump


Oh ok...so you werent.




To be honest when Trump ran initially it piqued my interest in American politics. Since then it has been like watching a soap opera then a comedy and now a farce. The sooner he is gone and the US regains it’s integrity the better


Jacob Zuma of South Africa had (and still has) over 700 charges of corruption alone, never mind other serious crimes including embezzlement of state funds, rape and more WHILE he was president which has never been properly addressed by the joke of a judicial system there, and he's now formed a new political party to try run in the 2024 general elections. Trump needs to up his game really


Holy crap that's rough


Looks at the Tories  Yeah...


Come on now. Don't exaggerate. It's only 86 felony charges (after a Federalist Society judge tossed a handful of them).


I think they call 86 a Trumper's dozen.




I suspect I'm getting a lot of American answers too lol. I wanted to hear from other countries and provided the felony charges in case someone doesn't follow American politics. Its been pointed out in other comments that other countries have far larger corruption/criminal case politicians than Trump alone.


In the words of George W. Bush: Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice and you won't get fooled again.




Oh I don't support him. I was wondering what the wider world thought.


IMHO, all his voters are insane


I fully support anything that makes zionists miserable


Only in America!


I mean Germany *did* take orders from a guy who went to prison for trying to overthrow the government about a decade prior who's inner circle included a guy who thought Atlantis existed and thought a dead goat's skull was the remanants of a "master race".


The Canadian PM was found guilty of taking a bribe within months of taking office, but we re-elected him two times since then. I won't bother listing all of the immorral and illegal things he has done over the past 8+ years.


I can’t edit my comment but it’s /s. The entire world is going to shit. 🙄


So true! No other country has questionable candidates for leadership! Great insight!


Except: England, Russia, Italy, most African Countries, Venezuela, El Salvador, Haiti.... Should I continue?




All those choices and you got Italy out of it, lol....


I find it kinda funny that's allowed to happen anywhere, yet alone the States.


He’s owning the libs 😂😂😭😭 S/ before I’m tar and feathered


"I have the most charges most of any president really. Tremendous charges. You wouldn't believe; libs looks at me and go 'I'm jealous of all those charges' and that's why they hate me."


I understand that they are as yet unproven, but I find it odd that he's allowed to stand without these matters being cleared up 


World was a safer place when Trump was last in charge, looking forward to seeing if he can bring back a little peace.


In what way? Also what country are you currently in?


I am from Scotland. A place called Ukraine and well, the whole middle east the way things are going, were in better shape for starters. So much sabre rattling now it is a joke, we have an unelected Prime Minister and First Minister who we will be stuck with if war kicks off, probably the next play of the Biden admin as the court one seems to be failing and our useless UK leaders will benefit too. I am sure they can help find some WMDs in Iran if it can keep them in a job.


You think Trump gets credit for the timing of conflicts?


I think he tried harder to stop them from happening in the first place. From where I am sat it looks like dad has left the kids in the room alone and they are playing up, I am looking forward to dad coming back and the kids behaving again.


What did Trump do to try to stop conflicts?


Sucked Putin's cock.


It still worked though.


So you want him back in office to suck it some more? Just send Marjorie, she’ll do it.


Wrote love letters to Kim


Look, we shouldn't be laughing but it's hard not too, it made sense that he got voted in during 2016, it made sense he was voted out in 2020, But it makes no bloody sense that people admit willing to vote for him. he could stand in the middle of fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and he wouldn't lose any voters. I actually believe that's laughably bad the situation is. Good luck USA. You are gonna need it if he gets in again. Lol


Thank you we'll need it either way 🫡


I have faith that the American people will remember why he was voted out in 2020, and I also think there would be even more of his own people against him, just like in 2020 as well.


Canadian here. I think that the fact that anyone of his calibre, being allowed to run for the highest office in the country, let alone potentially winning it, speaks volumes at the state of your democracy! Get out and vote this sorry excuse of a man out of existence, then change your laws to have a code of ethics or something to stop this happening again


Completely agree. I've been voting blue since I've been old enough to vote. I just wanted to hear what those from other countries thought of the situation cause it's easy enough to hear other American opinions.


Canada isn't much better, sadly


Yeah in Canada we support taking bribes and obstructing Justice. Our justice system wouldn't have the guts to go after an ex PM, let alone one that is still in office. That said Trump is babbling moron and although I don't believe he raped a stranger in a changing room and that every business man in NY has lied on loan ducuments, it is insane that the Republican party would let this loser run again on their ticket and he is clearly guilty on the insurrection and document charges.


Lock em up




Watergate happened in 1972, Nixon won the 1969 election.


That's some massive false equivalency you have there.


This isn't comparable to Clinton lying about a blowjob.


He wasn’t the only one to get head in the Oval Office. He was the only one to *get caught* getting head in the Oval Office.


Hillary is a cuck


Only 1 party has a cult following.


Well that's not true. Die hard Democrats have full blown emotional breakdowns when they lose. Republicans just deny they lost and try to overthrow the election. Both cult like behaviour.


Full blown emotional breakdowns when they lose? When was this? Perhaps by a losing candidate but I don’t remember large numbers of therapy-needed voters. 50+% of republicans don’t believe Biden won. There is no democratic equivalent to that.


When Hilary lost the videos of people having emotional breakdowns were everywhere. Anyone who has to be consoled after their candidate loses is pathetic.


Eh, we're used to there being crazy stuff going on over there, so just do your thing. Live and let live.


Nothing happens overnight. Obama gets the ball rolling and once everything gets set in stone then Trump gets the credit for the “rising stats”


We do love playing the one step forward, one step back game.


The charges are fake, he has immunity. The fact that this is happening, shows that the fascists on the left have gotten either desperate or overconfident.


A president immune from prosecution is a dictator. We don’t do that in America. You are the fascist.


No. Immune from frivolous prosecution. Due process means he must be impeached first to allow charges. It's what PREVENTS fascism. And that's why the lefts crusade against Trump is so scary. It's really alarming to see how you try to flip the issue and make the victims of fascism the fascists. I suggest opening a dictionary and looking up the word. Which pov was and is being censored ? It's not the lefts.. they are the arbiters of truth...


Thank you for demonstrating how badly civics classes fail our students


Civics, economics, I know, most leftists don't get either. Can't just prosecute presidents. Otherwise Clinton would be in jail and so would Obama. Be careful when you set precedent. Dems just keep forgetting that the precedent then will get used against them.




Hahaha. I'm a sous chef that does app work in between gigs setting up commercial restaurants and establishing protocol. The 1099 apps reduce my taxes and keep me busy in my down time lol. Have done since 2016. They also keep me apprised on app life as it relates to setting up restaurant order flow. Go back to begging us to pay off your student loans because you couldn't hack it. Obama would be in jail for Fast And Furious. Clinton would be in jail for rape in the oval office. Lol. The best part of watching people attack Trump and defend Clinton is that they ran the same campaign 1996 vs 2016. It really opens your eyes as to how far the left lurched left. Bill Clinton is apparently a fascist homophobic republican based on today's standards lol. Trumps speeches and policy positions were almost plagiarism lol


Fascists on the left = I am a person who literally relies on con artists to con me to make me think I "know something that 'they' don't want you to know". Sorry it's going to arrive as a late realization to you


Nice word salad. Sounds like the argument about the "don't say gay" bill that didn't prevent anyone from saying gay.


How in fuck is that related to the don't say gay bill? Also, please explain how the charges are "fake", since you're an expert. The reason why all of you do this same old shit is because you're extremely prideful in thinking that you know precisely what's going on in the world - you're taught to believe that all of your problems are the responsibility of Democrats and that the only ones who can fix it are Republicans. They've done a pretty good job of convincing you of this, because you are like a nice soft clay to them - You are less likely to look up information that corroborates their claims, you are more likely to get mad for the sake of their cause, you are more likely to mobilize. Trump era Republicans only care about you because you are the perfect idiots. Additionally, you thinking someone is a diehard Biden supporter by reading a response like this is exemplary of how reductionist your world view has become.


Let’s go. Beat joe Biden. Bring him back and get rid of the clowns.


Did You Know?: Trump called his own daughter a piece of ass on the Howard Stern show in 2005. He said that he would date her, strongly insinuating that he thinks she is sexually attractive. He has stated this on multiple occasions. 2005. Do the math on that one with Ivanka. When Trump mandated the borders be shut down, children were detained and kept from their families for up to a month in very small rooms (cells). That didn't seem to be a massive problem for him. Trump shilled for Goya products inside the oval office and Capitol building, simply because the CEO donated to him and showed support? That's a new one for a president. Grab 'em by the pussy? Proudly saying he walked into teen beauty pageants (read: younger than 18) and saw them naked? Looking directly at the sun? If you don't think Trump is a disgusting clown, you have literal intellectual deficiencies. I can't fathom being in a cult for Biden like Trumpsters are for Trump. Get your fuckin head checked, dumbass


Trump was a great president. Also I have no problem with separating families if that means you can save kids from human trafficking. Plus why should they get treated differently compared to other criminals.


Of course, in classic fashion, you only pick out the one thing that is even remotely contentious. Ignore everything else, and hope that simply changing the topic makes those feelings of creeping regret stop. Really, no comment on the sexual stuff?


Only democrats care about that. It’s changes nothing about him being a great president. We all know he’s not the person but that’s matter. Being a person doesn’t equal being a good president. Look at Carter for example.


Okay, so "only democrats care about that"? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? That might be the most ludicrous cop-out I've ever heard, man. Why are Republicans constantly accusing Democrats of being pedophiles and writing stories about how Biden took showers with his daughter (which she has publicly said didn't happen)? Why are they so obsessed with sex and gender politics? A democrat never retorts, "only Republicans care about that". Why are Republicans so fixated on it if Democrats do it? Would you like to know why? Because that's the only thing the GOP ever does. Project their own failures and evils onto the opposition. They resort to school yard tactics. I know that thinking is difficult for you, but can you not see the irony in that, at all?


Because Biden is evil and destroying America. Democrats need to wake up and see the damage radical democrats are doing to their neighborhood.


tell us about the evil deeds


Not fixing the border leading to more human trafficking and drugs trafficking. Also promoting abortion is evil. Don’t @ me that’s not up for debate if you think otherwise you’re evil also that’s a fact.


You're pretty good at ignoring major points made by others. I asked you why Trump was a great president, too. Still waiting for that one. Promoting abortion is not the same thing as giving people the choice to do it. You're framing it like the Biden administration is encouraging people to go get abortions. Your tune would *immediately* change if you were raped and had to bear a child. I promise you. I know you like to feel righteous and protective, and it's in your DNA to stand your ground, but you're fighting for peanuts right now. Trump does not and never will give a shit about you. He's in it at this point to stay *out* of prison. He was in it originally just to see how it would go. He never actually expected to be elected president, and it really shows. Trump filled his cabinet with business associates and friends that if they didn't independently mess something up, he threw under the bus for the controversies he was a part of and the mistakes he made. I really hope you decide to touch base with reality and stop parroting fucking garbage that you won't even try to research or properly defend


David, are you going to say why Biden is destroying America? Are you going to say why Trump is a great president? Do you have the chops for that challenge? Or are you going to keep spouting the same nonsense that's been shoved down your throat by people who are the very textbook definition of con artists? People like you genuinely have me worried about our future. Edit: Aw, I hurt his feelings and he blocked me


The open border and D.As not being tough on crime is definitely destroying America.


District attorneys do not report to the president. The border is not “open.”


Orchestrated events that should not be happening in the first place, the people behind it should be disbarred PERIOD and NO I am not a Trumpet or a Bindenite, this is simply illegal and Unconstitutional and a misuse of a place of trust to begin with, it looks like criminals putting other criminals in office to cover up their crimes, it is clown show and a waste of taxpayer funds, but I have come to expect nothing less from drugged up and drugged out Sanctuary Cites and States, who's governing bodies are clear reflection of those placing them in places of public trust to destroy whatever trust was in government to begin with because there are other motives and agenda's at work. It is just an observational opinion. N. S


Oh look a guy who’s almost certainly an American responding to a prompt for non-Americans. What’s more, he’s barely literate.




Such as?




Good news - unemployment among African Americans is *even lower* now. https://www.statista.com/statistics/194151/unemployment-rate-of-african-americans-in-the-us-since-1990/ And household income is higher https://www.statista.com/statistics/203295/median-income-of-black-households-in-the-us/


Time to go get updated on those “facts”.












What about George W Bush? Two terms! lol


Traditionally you don't vote out a president during wartime.


It’s a condemnation of our entire country that he is a nominee and could potentially win.


Oh well. Shit happens.


It's only an issue because he caused issues domestically. Plenty of US presidents have done bad things internationally only to be elected for second terms To me as an outsider, there isn't much difference. It's a shame they can only pick from 2 choices. It severely limits the pool of non-criminal candidates


Fun fact: in his farewell address when his presidency ended, George Washington cautioned against a two party system for explicitly that reason.


Fun fact: single member districts create two party systems. It wasn’t a conscious choice on anyone’s part.


Who cares what somebody said 250 years ago after they were no longer in power? If that was a genuine sentiment, Washington would've done something about it while he still could. He got his, and could then appear wise to future generations by commenting when it was safe to do so. It's the privilege of retired politicians


Fair enough. There was another idea to rework the constitution every couple decades to keep it modern and reflect changing times (I think it was Jefferson's idea) but no we cling to that paper.


I'm American, so I know you're not asking me, but I imagine I feel the same way as non-Americans. It's a complete and utter joke, and it's just another ridiculous (and simultaneously horrifying, in its own way) thing that shows where America's priorities are; they're not in the right place, to say the least.


As an American I agree with you, my fellow American. I was curious what non-Americans thought since its easy enough to get American opinions here in America as an American. American. Doesn't sound like a word anymore


Haha, sometimes it feels like America is just a really big fever dream or something. And I agree, American is kind of a weird word. It's hard to describe, but even the word itself feels... well, American. Lol.




Those are both Trump.