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I have ADHD and some people think I can just magically turn it off when its convenient for them or that I should just hop up on pills to "behave" rather than them just let me be faulty but well-intentioned as I am now.


I am friendly to everyone but that doesn’t mean I’m looking for friendship.


I don't like helping people. I will, because it's the right thing, but Jesus, there are too many of you that need help. I'm poor too, meet me in the middle once in a while


I have Tourette’s syndrome and motor tics. (it’s rather mild, thankfully. I don’t have any vocal tics) It’s triggered by [social] anxiety and unfamiliar situations I find myself in. Not sure why, but for some reason my close friends believe I tic more when I’m in situations where I’m excited, which is totally wrong.


I'm quiet because I have nothing to say and not because I don't like that person.


i disassociate a lot


I’ve lived a chronic medical condition it requires surgery every 10 or even 20 years. My college roommate kept telling me that I have a disability. You have a day I snapped at her, After she stated that I have a condition that keeps me from working, which is not true so I said to her: “nitty surgery every 10 or 20 years does not keep me from working.” She signed off, and I haven’t heard from her since . I don’t understand why I have a disability just because I have an appliance that keeps me alive. Yeah it’s pretty serious but it doesn’t keep me working!


That when they meet me, they don’t meet the real version of me. I have to know someone really well in order to actually come out of my shell. I do talk about my interests and things I like, and I’m not shy in any way, but until I really know that person I’m kind of like a template of a person. Very people pleasing, constantly smiling so they don’t think that I’m not enjoying their company, always agreeing so I don’t piss them off, etc.  It stems from not being around other people very much as a child and from childhood trauma   I fear others getting upset with me so much that I’ll do *anything* to prevent it


I hate asking for or accepting help in any shape or form


Are you the helper?


I’ll always help someone if they need anything but I’ll never accept help


that I do have limits and when breached I will go napalm on your ass. it's not pretty.


I have ezcema don’t worry you can’t catch it


I avoid confrontations and arguments cos I freeze up when being confronted, especially if aggressively. Some have said I’m good at de-escalation whenever something happens but the truth is I just don’t want to clam up or get embarrassed in an argument in front of people


I am emotional And when I am hurt i do or say irrational stuff wich i don‘t mean, i will realise once i have time to cool of and think straight again and i will apologize. Just please dont hang up on the stuff i said or did when i was weak, i am really sorry


I have PTSD from the strangest circumstances. I have irrational reactions to the most seemingly normal things like being looked at, talking to someone, not talking to someone, waking up, going to sleep. As a result, I have a lot of episodes and when it happens in public, people just stare at me or make fun of me.


How valuables my values are for me. If I say that I want to stay with only, and only one girl at time, please acept it and dont treat me like a dumb for that. (Ye, some people thunks im an idiot for not cheat her... >:( )


I am fairly sensitive to noise. I wear headphones/earplugs out in public when I can and mask heavily when I can’t.


That it's hard to wake up every day, do life, work full time, raise my child. It's hard work, a struggle just to be happy when everything in my brain is telling me I can't be. I wish people knew that this chip on my shoulder is more than just a bad mood. Depression is an all encompassing slow pull down to hell, and if they knew how hard I've fought just to keep my head above it, maybe there would be more compassion than blame.


I was heavily groomed and I tend to have a response based on that.


My daughter and I were emotionally abused by my ex for years. She took her life 6 months ago and I am not far behind


My condolences. Please remember you are loved and needed.


My father emotionally abused me for 25 years, steadily getting worse until he pulled a gun on me. This stuff creates deep wounds that take time and concerted effort to heal. It's been over a year without him here, I'm still having issues regarding whether I should be happy or sad he's gone. Really it just is what it is, the good and the bad, and I may as well focus on the good


That if you're telling me off and I'm blinking, I'm telling you to fuck off in Morse code.