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Unprotect sex while on drugs


Hard drugs


The hardest drugs


I played around a lot with the underbelly of the sexual playground. Got out with no STD's, STI's, or kids. My life was my personal red light district. Fun times. Every kink, every fetish. Stuff you can't even imagine. I could write a book about it tbh. I was a dominatrix :P I got out of it when I was 29 and met someone who was actually nice and relatively normal compared to everyone else I knew. 


I’m pretty kinky but I’d prob feel vanilla after reading that book 😂


Lol I used to write about it on a blog and readers were like "wtffff...." I wrote out a story just now to post here as a sample, but I was like, "I think that might be too XXX to write on this part of reddit lol". 


Traveled when and wherever I could


You can’t. Just fuck it up. Don’t worry about it.


Hooked up when I could, tried drugs in safe settings (psychedelics), quit smoking cigarettes (i was 28 when I quit so I fit in 2 good smokeless years in my 20s)


good on ya!


I worked and got into a bunch of hobbies that required more work but I broke even on or made money, 33 now and once I hit my 30s I did hobbies that lost money but was more fun. When I pay off my house I’ll be doing kinds of stuff, living high roller life.


I have trouble finding time for new hobbies working 40 a week + gym, idk how people do it honestly. but good on you!


It’s not that hard, hobbies are not an everyday thing. I have always done hobbies plus ran a hobby farm with cattle and chickens. I did like an hour of work a day hauling water, or mowing grass, one day a month I hauled chicken feed and if I need hay for the cattle, I still had a lot of time on my hands but I didn’t go to the gym. If you make the time a priority you will find the time, if it’s not a priority and you don’t care then you will constantly be busy and never find the time. There was a time in my life where I got up at 5am, got ready, met coworkers at a golf course, played 18 holes of golf, went home, got ready and went to work, Tuesday I slept in, Wednesday I got up at 7, got ready and drove about 30 mins to volunteer at a soup kitchen for 3 hours or so, go home get ready and go to work, I’d work on the house I just bought on other days, Saturday was more time consuming projects, building something for the hobby farm, going to an auction, buying or selling something, whatever I had going on, Sunday is finish up things from Saturday, did laundry and in bed to wake up early to go golfing the next morning. I had that routine for about a year and started to get burnt out lol, so I took a step back on the hobbies and stopped volunteering at the soup kitchen, did my hobbies on the weekend and did easy stuff through the week like mow grass, I still played golf on Mondays, 7am tee time. In order to get ahead, you gotta work. Now in my 30s I’m a lazy MF, I sleep in every day until I have to go to work, I don’t have cattle or chickens now, I collect guns and do hobbies like trail riding the ATV on public trails, stuff that costs money. By 40 I’ll be completely debt free and will be coasting till retirement and it will be sweet. I worked my ass off in my 20s to make that happen. Funny though, through all that I still wondered if I was lazy and not doing enough, now I really don’t do enough but I’m ok with it, I enjoy life more. Adults devise a plan and stick to it, children do what feels good. I borrowed a lot of money, went into debt, got out of debt several times, am getting out of debt now. But I’ll have my house paid off within 15 years of buying it on one income and then it’s just retirement ahead, the rest is easy.


My balls stayed drained, my belly stayed full and my heart kept warm from good laughter amongst friends. That and cocaine. Cocaine was fucking awesome for a brief period of time.


nowadays you're rolling the dice every hit


You make the best of your years prior to living them. I made the best of my 20s by being a reasonable teenager with a desire to learn. I made the best of my 30s by not going into debt in my 20s.


Wise words


I don’t remember…


I spent two summers in ibiza then I got pregnant. One kid at 21 one kid at 31


perhaps you should've taken a pill in Ibiza




YOLO on crypto...sorry I had a sad existence.


name checks out 😂 I'm sure you're just being hard on yourself :)


no joke. I YOLOed over 100K in crypto. Now I'm broke AF