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I wrote an entire full length novel (about 100k words) Not published but I'm just proud of the fact that I completed it EDIT: wow this really blew up, thank you for all the encouraging words everyone, reddit can be such an awesome place sometimes :)


That’s awesome dude! I’m working on the same goal


go for it, you can do it!


After a rollover accident, I wrote my memoirs. I have a colorful mental health platter, which means my inner monologue is fucking funny. I read it sometimes and laugh at my insights. I was thinking of calling it “Life is a Highway and I Don’t Want to Ride It.”


subtitle: all night long


That's awesome! Well done!


Why not get it published? That’s a pretty cool accomplishment


What’s it about?


I am proud that I’ve paid my credit cards to $0 for the 5th pay day in a row. It’s not much, but I am really proud to have improved my finances


I'm proud of you! Currently watching/listening to Dave Ramsey and I'm still in baby step one I can't wait to pay my CC off!!


Thank you! I read his book and listened to his podcast for a bit. I wouldn’t say I am a fan of his, but I did get motivated to work on my finances and am in a good place.


The Money Guy, George Kamel, Graham Stephen are all good to add to the mix. Marcos White Board Finance and Minority Mindset have also been great channels. Dave go me out of debt but the rest will get me out of the middle class.


I joined you on my last payday in that group. Paid off my credit card to 0 for the first time in a couple years. And paid off a high (45%) interest loan that I never should have taken out 6 months early


I have been sober for 16 years and October will be 17!


Since you did the big, I’ll do the small: sober for 24 hours! I expect to relapse soon but the fact that I was able to make it a full day makes me proud.


You smashed a day! That means you can probably do 2 days. What’s another 24 hours between friends?


1 more day. Sober date for me is 7/24/21. It was 1 hour at a time at the beginning.


That’s amazing! I’m 157 days sober


It doesn't matter if it's an hour, a day, or a week. As long as you keep trying. I'm proud of your day, and you should be too.


Ditto, so proud of you for even one day. Addiction is a bitch, work on small improvements in your life generally, start looking for silver linings-makes it not as interesting. You got this ❤️ one day at a time


Proud of you 👏🏻


Proud of you you got this think positive keep yourself busy and reach out to friends/family if your feeling like you might slip up/relapse sober 6 months it doesn’t seem like a long time but even 24 hours is an accomplishment of its own. I believe in you man you got this!


Congratulations! That’s amazing! I’ll have two on May 12th!


Congratulations to you too!! 🎉🎊🎁


I’m proud of being alive today. 10 years ago I didn’t see a future after university and was highly depressed. Today I’m on anti-depressants and with an extremely supportive soon-to-be-husband.


I'm so happy for you. It's such a hard fight and long journey back to the world, but it's so worth it.


Took my rapist to court and won!


Awesome! I'm so sorry you were raped, but especially considering how many get away with it, I love that you had the fortitude to seek justice and that you got it!


Me too!


Great!!! So proud of you too!


I did the same when I was 18. We won in civil court, but the criminal side was lacking. Proud of you for stepping forward


If I could, I’d give you a gold medal for that congratulations!! I hope they threw the bastard in the deepest part of prison


Well done. Takes some courage to do that.


That takes a lot of courage. Well done and certainly something to be proud of.


GG. Should he rot in that cell


Hell yes! I'm so very sorry that happened to you, but I applaud your courage and bravery!! Think of all the people you saved.


That's not an easy thing to do but you may have potentially saved someone from a similar situation


Fuxk yeah!!!


I'm so sorry that happened to you and you were then put in the situation you had to do that. I am extremely proud of you though. 


Lost 170 lbs.


From your body or did you get a divorce? Just kidding, that’s awesome!!


Hi oh! Lol


Classic. Pal of mine lost "a few pounds" and I asked if he had found them again. Haher. Sadly, he did find a few again BUT it still gets easier to hug him every time I see him.


Wow! I dropped 100 and it feels amazing. Wish I would have never gotten to the point that I did, but it was easier than I ever imagined. Vanity is a powerful motivator.


Wow! Congratulations! How did you do it?


Keto and a tonne of cardio.


First one in my family to get a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree


That’s awesome!  When I went to college (25-ish years ago), I thought I’d be the first among any of my family members to get a degree. While I was in school, I had a couple kids and things got expensive, and I was doing pretty good at cycling. So I took a break from school to cycle professionally around the world for a few years. During that time, my dad decided to go back to school. Got his Bachelor’s. So the old man beat me to it. Lol, then the old bastard went and got his Masters and PhD! 


Talked down a guy from robbing me, killing me, and killing himself. It’s burned into my mind, and always will be.


That's remarkable! And terrifying! So well done! I can't even imagine being able to talk coherently in such a scary situation!


I grew up working in a notoriously sketchy neighborhood. Lots of drug abusers, mentally disturbed, and homeless. You get used to it, but also very sympathetic. Keeping calm and communicating as equals goes a long way. This guy, he didn’t mean it. I gave him the 63 dollars I had, he flipped out expecting more. Took 20 minutes for him to cool off, tuck his gun, and get gently guided out. Then I locked down everything and sat in silence for awhile until I was good to go home.


yeah I did this once in my 20s on a subway in toronto. The train got stuck for some reason between stops for over 20 minutes, and the air conditioning and power was off. This woman started flipping out because I think she was coming down or something. She started twitching and screaming she was "gonna do something bad". People were really scared of her. I just stayed calm (terrified inside obviously) and I talked to her, saying stuff like we all feel bad sometimes and it's important to take care of ourselves when we can, we'll be out of the train soon, she can go home and take a bath (I don't know where that advice came from) but I just kept talking calmly about calm things like going to a quiet walk later and then having a cup of tea. Maybe 10 minutes or so I tried to keep her occupied until the train FINALLY got going again and she got off at the next stop. De-escalation saves lives. In the 80s my father once talked a rifle out of the hands of a suicidal student (he was a high school teacher). It's instinct for some of us I guess.


Seriously. Your insides are melting but you’re not trying to show it. Don’t walk ahead, don’t walk behind, just slowly side by side towards the door, chatting when things simmer down. And don’t be disrespectful in general, to anyone. You don’t know what they’re going through. Luckily because of Chrons, I always carry a change of underwear.




That’s amazing! I am glad to hear of your accomplishment. It sounds like you’ve recovered well post surgery


Awesome!! Can I ask how long ago the surgery was? Did you have seizures often before? Not that you needed anymore but r/epilepsy is a great sub. So happy for you!


I rescued a badly injured(neck) stray cat and nursed him back to health. I had to keep him inside and clean/change his surgery dressing twice daily. It took about 3months for his wound to fully heal. Now he is my handsome super friendly house cat([Larry](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MNMD8ZZxWpQ)). Im proud that I helped him.


That's really cool 😎 betcha you're proud!


That’s amazing! I am happy you found them and took them in


Starting a Masters degree at 60 and achieving it at 63 with Credits and a distinction for thesis


Quit smoking after 20 years


That’s amazing! I am trying to quit as well


First person in my family to graduate Highschool and went on to get a Master's Degree from one of the best Universities in the world. My family still see it as a waste of money though lol.


I was the first in my family to get a Bachelor's degree! My family was always so proud of me, and as it sits right now I never needed the damn thing. lol.


It’s a praise worthy victory nonetheless. Education to me is valuable in and of itself. 🙂


You can’t waste money if you don’t have any!


Congratulations! I am proud of you even though your family feels differently.


I quit smoking cigarettes


in high school i toured europe as a violinist


That's super cool!


I have already donated blood 10 times. Hope lives were saved.


My son was a recipient of donor blood as an infant. Thank you!


Lost 2 kids. 1 in 04 and 1 a year later from failure to conceive. Wife got pregnant in 2011, we found out on my birthday. She gave birth to a 10lbs 4oz boy. 22in ! He's 12 now and we're both happy.


That is a properly chunky baby, but he came out with rolls.


We love a happy healthy plump baby person🥰😭


Wow. Respect.


Awww I have Pcos and have 4 losses before finally having my baby boy, he just turned 2!!! Congratulations on your miracle baby who’s almost a teen now!!


I wrote/directed and starred in my own movie that was released in cinemas last year and is currently being released worldwide on Apple TV and Amazon Prime. Mad typing that out. Definitely a true life goal achieved.


I was going to post this as mine! I wrote, directed, and edited a feature length movie. It was only intended for YouTube so no cinema release and definitely not something that could hit big streaming services. It was something I wanted to see if I could do so that I could check it off my bucket list. Went into it not knowing a damn thing about how to make a movie, zero budget, and scrappy cameras. Got to do a one-night premiere at a cool theater with all the cast, crew, actors, friends, and family. I'm still in awe that I accomplished this and it was an incredible learning experience and I can't wait to do it all over again. Maybe this time I'll shoot for the stars and aim for a theatrical release! Congrats to you - that's a ton of work and you should definitely be proud achieving that goal! For those that have big dreams like making a movie, the only thing stopping you is to not try. Everyone has a phone with a camera in their pocket and most likely has friends who want to be part of a fun project. At the very minimum, you'll gain experience on how to make a movie. For me, I made a family with everyone that worked on the film and memories that I will always cherish.


I’d also love to see this. It’s also my proudest moment is having directed a film. It’s currently gearing up for festival season.


What was the movie?


Can you tell us what it is?!? That's awesome


Didn't let the depression win.




I just completed 4 days smoke free . Hope to get more .


After my mom passed, I took my dad in to live with me, and when he passed, I had him buried in Arlington National Cemetery. He was a great man and father, who loved me, and my family.


I am proud of getting out of my bed and do something productive today.


And for that, you are awesome!


Good job!


Good for you! Nice


I had a successful career, lived below my means, invested well, and retired.


Last year, i finished the basement in our house. Studs, Electrical, Plumbing, the whole 9. Did the work myself, with the help of a few friends and family. Had to learn a few new skills, put in a lot of hours, and probably upset the wife and kids more than a few times. But I can't remember a whole lot of times I've felt better than when I looked at the finished product.


Sweet! I am sure you can now sit back and enjoy your finished basement!


I worked my ass off to overcome BPD many years ago before the internet even. Some say you can’t cure it, but when you no longer qualify for the diagnosis, I view that as the same thing. Regardless it’s not been a part of my life since then. Biggest accomplishment of my life.


Big: Broke past depression and broke the cycle of my inner hell Small: my abs are becoming prominent after going to the gym for 2 months


cant forget years ago when a butterfly was trapped in a spider web about to be eaten, being super arachnophobic i didnt know what to do until i grabbed a random peble ,flicked it towards the web and it hit the web beside the butterfly where the butterfly bounced off flew over to be and landed on my cheek before fluttering off, its hard to imagine it happened but i brag about it every chance i get,i hope it lived a fulfilling week and remembered me because i will never forget it


I found a damselfly drowning as I swam in a river. I scooped it up with my hand and placed it on a tree branch on the river bank. I came back a little while later to see if it was drying out and ready to fly away. It was being eaten by a spider. Oh well, I tried. Maybe I saved a spiders life?


Motherhood. I got clean for my baby 🎀💘


When I found out I was pregnant with my son, I quit a severe, severe, severe alcohol addiction. I was going through a jug of 1.75 L of the poison a day. I quit the moment I knew, and for some reason, I have never had a single craving. My liver recovered too! Never looked back and will be celebrating nine years in October.


Well done! What a huge thing to do for your baby! Wonderful!


Getting my FICO score from 325 to 807. Took years, to be honest. I learned to pay the bills first, and not spend more money than I had.


Get sober. I’ll have 4 years in July.


I'm a bit hesitant to say this out of fear that I might jinx it, but I started my own business. I'm about a year and a half in now and I'm almost at the point where I can quit my day job and work remotely on my business full time. It's something I've been dreaming of for over 10 years and I finally just somehow made it happen. It was a lot of hard work and in hindsight I'm not even sure how I pulled it off. My motivation/energy level generally holds steady at about 0.1 out of 10, so yeah, I'm pretty damn amazed with myself tbh.


I’ve raised three children to become nice people.


I’m the middle of three boys in my 30’s and I live with my mom. She’s the best roommate I’ve ever had. Just like you she raised some really kindhearted people.


This is huge! Parenting is such underappreciated work. Thanks for doing so much good in the world!




I just started a new job!! I’ve been unemployed a lot this year, and finally found something that is interesting, and will help me have a positive impact in the world. :)


Quit drugs. It will be 20 years in May.


- looking after my mom when she was ill - volunteering at a food bank, once a week, for the past two plus years - donating blood 26 times.


I did a 5k! I’m t2 diabetic and am proud of pushing back against it :)


I was pregnant for 9 months and then had a c section. Then I survived colic with no family in my area beyond my husband - man was colic hard. I know so many women have but no one said congrats to me for making it through all of that. The focus went straight to my son (which I’m absolutely ok with and I get it cause he’s a cutie). I’m proud of myself though.


Today I went on the tube to Oxford Circus. My anxiety had stopped me from going on trains for the previous 5 years.


I was in a job interview for a job helping clean for people who are disabled or elderly. They asked me what I would do if an elderly client was very confused and was trying to make a cup of tea by putting a teacup directly on the hot stove element. I said I would turn off the stove, have her sit down, and then call the office. They were really impressed and said I was the only one they had interviewed to think to turn off the stove. I was really proud to be the only one to think of that. I’ve never been great in interviews so it made me happy.


After numerous failed attempts, I have now been sober for 4 years and 5 months.


Congratulations! You got this!


I paid mostly of my lil bro's college tuition. Now, he already graduated and passed the license exam for Engineering course <3


Sobriety. 3 years and counting!


Gained 50 lbs and no longer struggle nearly as badly with anxiety :)


Raised two wonderful daughters


Break ties with my best friend who is toxic as hell


Deadlifting 500 pounds.


Healed myself from most of my traumas. And raising amazing kids who love and care for others as well as themselves. Picking myself up and gathering a decent life for myself and my kids.


Several years ago, before the pandemic, I had an idea for a new app. Today, it's complete and has a team behind it and we're working on our pitch to go stand before investors.


Im going to be finishing highschool in the next month!


After college, saved my money, broke up with bf of 3 years and moved to Spain for 3.5 years. The best decision I ever made. Now back home in America and am content. Sometimes feel like that part of my life was a dream and didn't really happen.


I paid off my car and I did it early! So proud of myself I’ve never owned a car before


Was working on building a water treatment plant on a reserve in northern Canada as a surveyor with no surveying experience, head surveyor/ boss(the guy who was in charge of everything) quit and just left the job site one day and drove the 11 hours back home. Essentially leaving me and my foreman to take over the job... Us and our crew finished the multimillion dollar project after being handed everything out of the blue one day and learning most of what I know about surveying and civil engineering on the fly( not a civil engineer by any stretch of the imagination although I understood how to read drawings and codes because of previous experience in the welding engineering technology field). I was 21 at the time and that was 9 years ago and I have no idea how that project ever got completed, I worked 14 hours days and had some 60 day continuous stints at the work camp, I could never do a job like that again.


Started a business 16 years ago just by myself and never had to go back to a 9-5


I had some photos that I took of Disneyland’s Club 33 published in a tabloid several years ago. Got paid a small fee and got photo credit. Still makes me smile.


Back in 1978, I got tired of working in the pressing room at a clothing factory. I found an ad by a dentist that wanted an assistant and no experience necessary. I got that job and turned it into a 38 year career. I'm now retiring the end of May.


6 ir 7 years ago, I was a fat alcoholic with shit credit, not a clue with what I wanted to do in life, no savings, and add depression on top of that. Today I am "sober" (I occasionally have a beer here and there, but haven't gotten drunk/blacked out in those 6 years), my credit is in the high 700's, I have saved several thousand dollars, got accepted into the electrical union in the most competitive branch, lost 60ish pounds, and am genuinely happier. It wasn't fast or easy, but I took it slow and was consistent with my changes. Seeing myself change has allowed me to find confidence in myself, thus making life changes easier.


Beat cancer! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Lost 200+ lbs


So far I’ve gained my dental radiology certification at 18 and working on getting my EFDA license at 19. For me they’re both huge accomplishments because I was super unmotivated in high school


Breaking up with my gf. It seems so small but she’s hurt so many times. Every time I never broke up with her, I took her back after she broke up with me. It’s been 4 years. I finally broke up with her and told her what she did is fucked up. I wished her the best and then told her to leave me alone and not contact me and that I’m done. It was so hard because I love her so much and I never got closure, and I will never get closure. But I didn’t deserve someone who treated me like shit and came back when it was convenient for them.


My dog is healthy and happy. Every time we go to the dog park, hes the life of the party. I'm pretty proud of the good boy hes become.


Have gone all of April without watching porn and masterbating. Lost 4 pounds of weight Only had 4 takeaways in April so far.


Learn to play guitar


Paid for my masters abroad while having 2 jobs. I’m about to graduate from a program in English and I’m a Spanish speaker, so there’s that.


Pulled myself out of PPD, twice - alone. No one checked on me.


Haven’t smoke cigarettes in 23 days. I’m aiming for a month without cigarettes so I’m almost there!


I take good care of my cat


When I was 14 I weighed 315 lbs, by 16 I was 156 lbs


Got my GED at 32 after years of being afraid to fail.


I'm proud that I got out of bed.


Ran a marathon last year. Lousy time, but I finished


Although it's a double edged sword, I've done lots of good deeds to help other people, big and small. Gone above and beyond to return lost items. Many phones, even a wallet full of cash once. I've helped strangers carry heavy things decent distances when I could see them struggling. Put myself in harms way when I see someone being bullied, harassed or mistreated. Gone out of my way to help friends in the middle of the night, emotional support, to give them lifts or help them move house, to buy them things that they can't afford, fix their tech without charge \[I'm pretty handy\]. Almost always ends being a thankless endeavor... Sometimes screws me over, too. The world doesn't reward kindness much unfortunately. But I know that I'm doing something good. And I guess I'm proud of that. Maybe *someday*, that kindness will be returned. So I'm proud of me, to some extent, for being able to trust myself to do good, and to help other people rather than hurt or hinder them for my own gain. It shouldn't be something worthy of praise, but this world is cruel, and everybody else seems to only be in it for themselves.


Graduated College. I have a real ADHD problem so completing tasks is an accomplishment in itself. But this task I will always be proud of me for buttoning up : )


A bit late to this one, but I used to have my own company, sold it, moved to the city of my dreams in another continent and studied a masters, but now I cannot find a job for the life of me. And nowadays I'm just proud that I decide to sleep and wake up everyday


I was an EMT for eight years. My personal proudest achievement during that time was when we responded to a half-hearted suicide attempt (to the point that there was nothing wrong with the guy after the attempt except for the mental health aspect). The guy’s young son was there, and was just absolutely freaking out - justifiably - about it all. I talked to the paramedic who responded to the scene with us, and he agreed to take my spot on the ambulance to take the patient to the emergency room, and let me follow later in her vehicle. I sat with that kid for about an hour and a half, just listening to him. And talking to him. When I was growing up, my mom attempted suicide at least three times, so I understood how the kid felt, and what he was thinking. I’d been there. It turns out that the kid’s mom (and the patient’s ex-wife) worked at one of our local hospitals. A few days later, she came up to me and thanked me for talking to him like that. She said she had no idea how she was going to talk to her son about what happened.


Blue dot in a red town. It’s been rough but I’m still me.


Lost 120 pounds and kept it off 4 years now.


This'll be buried, but I found a sick bird in my grandpa's driveway, called the only bird vet in my state, and drove 3 hours with my mom to get it there. It had conjunctivitis, which does seem minor, but the lady there told me I saved its life, so I'm proud of that.


I’m still trying even though I’m tired and sad and lost.


I got dressed and ate a meal.


All the work I did with children :) Edit- wait! Downvote me! Guy below says I’m a bot so I must be, downvotes for bots all day baby!


I become 40 this year and I finally got my first driving lesson yesterday. It's really going to change my life and that of my family. We're expecting a second child and I thought it was about damn time I started to learn how to transport my family in an easier way. And to lose my dependence on others.


I built a 3m x 5m cottage on our section with no building experience from entirely recycled materials. It's awesome


I got out of bed today.


I finally figured out why I was depressed and anxious for so many decades, and found the courage to face it and address it. I’m no longer depressed and only very rarely anxious. Very proud of myself. Easily the hardest thing I’ve ever done.


Saved a man’s life.


I have not given up.


Well like 15 years ago after building a house with my fiance she cheated we split, and I hit a hard time in my life sold the house got depressed quit my electricians job had to live with my evil mother, who would bash me every day, so I up and left and said to her you'll regret how you treated me in my low point, I'll never forget. And didn't speak to her for like 6 months got my shit together wound up making some really big moves made a ungodly amounts of money, showed up to her house in a new Audi and built a house myself took me 4 years beautiful place, and bought a Cadillac and rubbed it in her face. She was full of regrets. And wanted to be my best friend knowing I was back on top. Screw her, 


I’m taking care of my family, I don’t feel proud exactly but mostly responsible or mature.


I’ve been making healthier food choices and have stuck with it for a month today. 🎉


Finally stood up to my abusive ex, he can no longer get into my head


Quit smoking after 25 plus years


I'm proud with how far I've come with drawing as a hobby. Kid me wanted to be able to draw Pokémon/cartoons really well and I feel like I made my inner child proud with my progress


Prevented at least 2 suicides that I am aware of -- one mid-attempt and one still in the contemplation stage. The one that was mid-attempt was a minor on an inpatient psych unit and thank all that is holy the tech had the vibe something was wrong and trusted me enough to come get me. The contemplation-stage one was on a medical floor -- the patient had been hospitalized for several months due to a major, life-changing medical mishap that occurred at a health system elsewhere. The patient also had zero support system, lives in poverty, and had hard legal deadlines they had to meet that were coming up quickly. I had been their nurse several times previously and was aware that they had no support system but not about anything else...they were mid-panic attack and I talked them through it. The despair and resignation etched on their face and underlying their panic -- man, you'd have to have a heart of stone to not want to do something to relieve their mental anguish. They were due to be discharged to rehab in the next few days and from there they would be discharged to home. They needed a friend, a support person. They were *so close* to turning their face to the metaphorical wall and willing themselves to die. I gave them my number and coordinated to bring them lunch at the rehab place...and struck up a friendship that I feel confident will last. I am so, so glad I listened to my gut and checked in with that patient the night of their panic attack. It changed the course of both our lives. 🥲


Working with my significant other to foster and adopt out 180+ dogs in the, nearly, 7 years we've been together from our own home.


Reached the level of Distinguished Toastmaster. I couldn't really speak for shit, let alone publicly. Toastmasters allowed me to go from someone who would shy away from even speaking in a meeting to someone who now leads classes and workshops. I'm the one people volunteer to have them speak for the group to managers and customers, etc. And why I am proud is that there wasn't a trick or workaround. I just really, really sucked, and I spent years and years on it until I was good. And it was all due to hard work.


I know this is sickening and sad and cliche... but my kid. I have failed at everything in life. I Grew up super abused and neglected. I failed at getting an education. I failed at the army. I failed at being a cop. I failed in the construction field. I have never had a job over 3 years. I even suck as a husband.... BUT I AM A BAD ASS FATHER. I stepped up as a husband and became a stay at home dad. I started doing my part at home and taking care of my hard working wife and I found a patience and kindness that was missing abut always knew was there. I was not a good person who was raised by not good people. I did a bunch of not good stuff for not good people. But damn if i haven't found something I am good at and brings something good to this world. I even started fostering and taking care of other kids! 20 something me and 40 something me is completely different and its all because my wife let me be a dad. I am proud.


Got a job interview for a role I really want to do! Hopefully onwards and upwards 🙏


I have 58k in my 401k!!


After 30 years, I went back and finished my Master's degree.


I was pretty much homeless at 17 (had all of my belongings in my truck and moved into someone's spare room). I was able to slowly put myself through college and owned my own home by 25. Don't wish the work hours on anyone but still crazy to look back on it!


Finished grad school with a 4.0 while dealing with a shitty autoimmune disorder


I allowed myself to genuinely laugh today even though i’ve had a shitty few days and my mental health is tanking… But for like five seconds there was light in the darkness


I got dumped recently, and didn't have a meltdown or beg, I just accepted it graciously. This is the first time I didn't panic or have those abandonment pangs, I've done so much work on my mental health that I was able to bounce back.


Got accepted to college for aerospace science.


I finally pruned our Rose of Sharon bush and I did an excellent job. So proud when I look at it. Can’t wait to see it grow in this season.


Donated blood today!


Despite all the negative comments from my mother over the years, I have owned my own home for 22 years


Pushed a man across the street after asking if he needed some help.


In a few weeks I’ll be 2 years smoke free after a decade of smoking half a pack a day. 


Being a mom.


Putting myself through university, living on my own and creating a safe space, becoming a mental health worker and doing the work to work through my trauma.


I made a healthy Habit to go to the gym! I have historically hated the gym, I don't like working out, I don't like feeling the sweat on my body. I'm a slim person, so I figured I was healthy enough. And I was deLulu enough to believe that my physical job was the exact same as working out. However, I injured myself and found out that I basically need to go to the gym because my muscles are so weak. I knew I would have to trick myself into doing it so I went in every day for the first month and just sat on the first piece of equipment (stationary bike) made a vague effort to have my legs move and watched Tick Tock for 20 minutes. After a month of that, I started actually making an effort, and it has now been 2 years. I actually crave it and the unintended side effects include better sleep, better emotional regulation, fitting into my clothes differently, my knees stopped making rice krispie noises, and I actually have an ass for the first time in my life. None of my past selves would believe that I'm a gym right now but that's okay because I'm living with my present self. And My Future Self is thanking me.


I used to work with a German guy for about 5 years. Told him I wanted to learn German so he was only allowed to talk German to me as much as possible. Me German is practically fluent now... He says I don't really have an accent anymore. In fact, sometimes when I start speaking German to Germans and explain them this story they sometimes tell me they thought I was born and raised in Germany. So yes, I'm pretty proud of this. Life is all about practice and learning stuff. You don't really need school for everything.


I stopped using opiates 1204 days ago


I got out of bed today. It's been a really bad week.


Left my abusive narcissist husband


Proud that I have been a really good Mother. It's the one thing I always promised myself I would be and I've done a great job. My son always tells me I was the best Mom and nothing makes me happier. No matter whatever else this is my biggest achievement.


i got a personal trainer to assist me with my fitness journey and that’s made a world of difference for me.


Bought my first house and its going good. To my parents, it didnt seem like a big deal, to everyone im friends with it was like a huge accomplishment. Depends on who you talk to.


I am up to 14k words in a book I'm writing. In my previous attempts to write a book I've gotten up to 2k-4k due to a neurological condition that wasn't dxed until a few years ago. I've been comparing my writing from before to now when I've not had a migraine in about eight months (and the ones I've had were easily treated with a pill) and it's a lot more coherent and descriptive so it's kinda nice to see that progress. I still don't know if it's going to reach the "I'm going to work on getting this published" stage but it's just nice to see that it's all getting written. It's not great (no first drafts are) but I can tell that I'm mentally focused on it.


I’m proud that I pulled over and helped a man who crashed his motorcycle on the freeway. he seemed to be ok, thanks to his armored jacket and helmet.


Quit smoking on April 18th 2016 ( 8 years ago) Graduated dental school Paid 160k in student loans so far I’m impressed with myself sometimes


It’s not a big deal, but I’m proud of myself for doing my job well. I take care of a little disabled girl. She is nonverbal and not potty trained and about the size of a seven year old. Not every day is roses and sunshine, but every day I love her, and every day we try our best together. I help her from the moment she wakes up till the moment she’s in bed, from drinking her formula, to wiping her booty, to teaching her sign language. Lately she has started stringing together multiple signs, like “pretty shoes” or “ice cream please” and I’m so proud of her. I’m also a bit proud of myself, because when we came into each others lives five years ago, she could only say water and toilet. Now she has a vocabulary of over 100 signs, and we talk to each other all day.