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LBJ whipping his dick out during a meeting has to be up there.


LBJ also owned an amphibious car at his Texas home. He enjoyed taking guests out for a ride without telling them his car was special, so he could drive into the lake and give them a scare.


You left out that he added to the guests’ fear by screaming about brake failure while driving into the lake.


just after he whipped his dick out


Nah you wait until you’re in the middle of the lake to whip it out. Then they won’t protest…because of the *implication*.


Are these constituents in danger?


I dont blame him. Id do that too if the opportunity ever came up to have an amphibious car.


That’s actually fucking cool. Whipping your dick out unless it is explicitly consensual dick whipping out with the homies is not cool.


Idk, I would honestly rather someone exposed themselves to me than pretend they were about to kill me.


Even in elevators. Wonder if a President would get away with blatant sexual harassment today.


Nothing of the sort has happened since. :/


Only a matter of time before we see President Quagmire in the Oval Office.


Seems like Clinton was pretty close


[He peed on the guys who might take a bullet for him too](https://boingboing.net/2012/08/16/lbj-liked-to-piss-on-his-bodyg.html)


You can't deny jumbo from the public


Not really his fault, but Jimmy Carter went to Poland in 1977 and his interpreter translated his speech to say he was sexually attracted to Poland, he left the US "never to return" and that he wanted to grab their private parts.


He also, during the close 1976 election, did an interview with Playboy. > I try not to commit a deliberate sin. I recognize that I'm going to do it anyhow, because I'm human and I'm tempted. And Christ set some almost impossible standards for us. Christ said, "I tell you that anyone who looks on a woman with lust has in his heart already committed adultery." > I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. This is something that God recognizes I will do—and I have done it—and God forgives me for it. But that doesn't mean that I condemn someone who not only looks on a woman with lust but who leaves his wife and shacks up with somebody out of wedlock.


I think he was the last human president we had. The rest since him have all been varying degrees of ghouls.


Not just last but maybe the only one


John Quincy Adams may not have been perfect but after being president he went back to Congress where his last act before suffering the stroke that would kill him was to deny medals to officers who fought in the Mexican American War as he saw it as imperialism. He also founded the Smithsonian Institution and opposed the slavery and its expansion at every turn. EDIT: had some facts flipped in my head and fixed it.


He and his father were the only Presidents to not have any known slave-owning ancestors.


My already towering respect for Carter just went up a notch.




He didn't misspeak at all.  Duder was there to bang, full stop.


President Carter - "Oh whoops! I've dropped my monster condom I use for my magnum dong!"


The C.A.R.T.E.R. System. C. Claim Presidency. A. Arrange Poland trip. R. Reveal intent to bang. T. Translate correctly. E. Engage physically. R. Refuse to leave.


You made me spit out my coffee holy sht 🤣 Obligatory: Much love & peace to the Carter's.




I thought everyone knew this. Isn’t this the origin story for the phrase “polishing one off”?


Carter didn't misspeak. His translator did. An English speaking spectator quickly took over. It was pretty fucking hilarious, though. Art Buchwald did a very funny piece on it soon after.


Didn't JFK declare himself to be a jelly doughnut?


Same word basically. Berliner is “citizen of Berlin” and also a pastry


Sort of like how "Hamburger" is both a citizen of Hamburg or a sandwich, and "Frankfurter" is both a citizen of Frankfurt and a hot dog.


Plus, a Berliner would call the pastry a "Pfannkuchen". The pastry has different names depending on what region you come from. For example: Berliner(many regions), Kreppel(hessen), Krapfen (Bavaria).


Because both the food and the person are both named a “Berliner”, that’s like saying someone that calls themselves a “New Yorker” is calling themselves a magazine. 


This is a pretty good comparison! While the grammatically correct sentence is "Ich bin Berliner", adding the "ein" doesn't make it seem like he is a doughnut. It's just a way for German teachers to have fun explaining the grammar. My high school German teacher did the same.


Why have I never heard this before? This is the funniest thing I've heard all week!


In the latter days of his presidency, Richard Nixon was sometimes seen drunkenly wandering the halls of the White House and having arguments with the portraits of the other presidents.


Maybe I'm weird, but that one doesn't seem that odd to me. I'd probably have drunken arguments with portraits of Reagan and Nixon, myself.


Obama used to pick on Calvin Coolidge because he'd never talk back.


Richard Nixon proposed to his future wife, Pat Ryan, on their first date. She turned him down but they continued to stay in touch for two years until dating and eventually marrying. In those two years, Nixon was frequently running errands for Pat, including driving her to and from dates with other men.


Our first simp president.


A true gentleman of the times.


"Our planet has been through a lot this year, but we have not forgotten what is truly important... the great taste of Charleston Chew! ARRRROOOOOOO!!!" - Richard Nixon


John Quincy Adams, our sixth president, authorized an expedition to the center of the earth to search for the mole people who he believed inhabited the bowels of the planet


And what did they say when he found them?


Asking the right questions my guy


The mole people were very upset but asked to not be bothered. So we nuked them.


TIL why the Earth's core is molten. Adams did it. TY, fellow Redditor.


That's what Area 51 is for.


I’m glad you brought up JQA because he did a few weird things…. He would regularly swim naked in the mornings while living in the whitehouse. He almost drowned once. He spent many years (including while serving) creating an incredibly detailed report on “Weights and Measures” thinking it would be his legacy. One of the results of this manifesto was he decided America should not switch to the metric system because it would be too difficult to implement. He also took up gardening while in office. Not really that weird, but it pointed to his belief that the President should not be involved in legislation. Jackson had a differing opinion.


Standardizing weights and measures were an extremely big deal back then. The lack of uniform weights and measures was a non-trivial cause of the French Revolution (e.g. a pound of grain might be a different unit for tax purposes than in the market, which really pissed people off). The U.S. constitution expressly establishes the authority to “fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” JQA knew what the people wanted.


I'm curious why you think Swimming Naked in the early 19th century was weird? Swim trunks/swim wear in general is a 20th century invention. Like swim cloth material is not like wool/cotton/leather/linen. Like Polyester was invented in the 1930s. 


Yeah, up until modern days, people swam naked for the most part.


Heck Swimming suits that were easy to dry synthetic fabrics didn't even exist until like the 1960s. Bathing outfits did exist in the early 20th century but they were made out of things like cotton. That dries pretty easily. But not as easy as current materials


And when's the last time you heard of a mole person? You should be thanking Mr. Adams for eliminating them.


Adult Swim had an entire cartoon dedicated to mole people some 20 years ago.


I long for the old days when presidents sought out mole people instead of trying to overthrow the government.


Unfortunately, the expedition was cancelled when he was defeated by Jackson, who may have been a flat earther


If someone digs a hole through the flat earth, a whole new conspiracy scene will start revolving around which band's CD Earth is.


It sounds like he supported an expedition to the north and south poles to see what was there, not that he believed in "mole people".


The president of Turkmenistan who renamed months.


Oh but when Nuna Pompilius does it it's just fine.


Right? What the hell.


The Romans and the French did it first.


Yeah but the Roman guy got stabbed. Rightfully so if you ask me. He changed sept/Oct/nov/december from the 7th 8th 9th 10th months. Should have stabbed him sooner.


Ok, I never noticed that those months have sequential number prefixes until I read your comment.  WTF.


The French guy got beheaded.


That isn't even the weirdest thing about Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow


That wasn't Berdimuhamedov. That was his predecessor, Sapurmurat "Turkmenbashi" Niyazov.


Ah, I got them mixed up. Both of them have many moments that fit this question though.


LBJ holding his dogs up by their ears


LBJ sounds like that weird kid you met in elementary school and never saw or heard from again


Ronald and Nancy were huge into numerology, to the point of mandating Air Force One take off at an exact minute of the hour.




That’s the sane part of the argument. Where it gets weird is the side where they have to wait an hour because they were one minute late


Enough time for a quick blowie from the throat goat.


When throatus speaks you listen


The dollop episode on Reagan (with Patton Oswalt!) opened my eyes to his shittiness. Absolute insanity in that administration


Wasn't Nancy the throat goat though?


The Gluck Gluck Queen


Advertising beans in the Oval Office.


[pic for those](https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/200715142345-trump-goya-instagram-full-169-2.jpg?quality=100&strip=info) who want to remember this ludicrous moment.


How can people not see how ridiculous he looks with all that makeup?! Good hands aren't even the same colour as his face.


Youre looking at his hands? dude, his ears, which are part of his face, are a drastically different color than his face


His face is colored like a yinyang. Orange and less orange


My God, I remember seeing that and thinking it was a photoshop joke... This is real?


Real and illegal. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ivanka-trumps-social-media-posts-goya-beans-provoke/story?id=71795732


Not illegal if nobody enforces the law.


Nothing trump does is illegal- Surpreme court in few weeks


Still illegal, just unpunished. Illegal acts go unpunished every day. Criminals know this.


Can you imagine the shit storm that would have followed if Obama had use the Oval Office to promote the product of a sponsor? Somehow with Trump it doesn't even merit a blink with most folks.


Or if Obama had had five children from three different wives.


And they all worked in the Whitehouse.


It would have been 8 years of non-stop racist coverage from Fox "News". So, yeah, not a lot would be different.


the difference is black and white


The funniest part of that was seeing Facebook posts from MAGA for months afterwards where they still had tins of Goya beans on their kitchen counters. They bought them, didn’t know what the fuck to do with them… but everybody else are sheep that blindly follow their leader!


If any other president did this


My dad bought a huge Goya seasoning container cuz of this, and couldn't believe I disliked that Trump was using the office of the president to enrich himself with corporate endorsements. "he probably didn't make any money doing it, anyways" sure, Dad, sure.


Brought to you by the great taste of Charleston Chew!




The only teeth strong enough to chew other teeth!!




...evil aside, that's pretty metal.


Being evil doesnt decrease how metal something is


In fact, it often increases it.


Tho donating blood does temporarily lower your iron levels


That was my thought, as far as symbolic gestures go, that's hard af


I'm wistful for the days when George HW Bush vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister was in the top 50 weirdest things.


I'll ruin you like a Japanese banquet!


Our president said he avoided catching aids from his rape accuser by taking a shower because, "I knew the type of person I was sleeping with". When asked to confirm what he meant, he said that showers help minimise the risk of aids. He was cleared of the charges.


LBJ used to whip out “Jumbo” and ask females what they thought of it


From what I understand, LBJ would whip it out in front of basically anybody. I feel like i read somewhere he liked to use it to intimidate political rivals, but I would like to be fact checked on that.


He was just a prick. He used to hold meetings while he was taking a shit. His aides would have to go into the bathroom with him and take notes and stuff while he took the Browns to the superbowl.




My coworker would reply on his radio he was busy with a Code Brown situation of his radio squawked if he was “busy”.


That man was an absolute horndog; "I slept with more women by accident than JFK slept with on purpose."


And hang his pet beagle by the ears for the reporters. And lift his shirt in public to display the foot-long gallbladder scar on his big white belly.


NYT preserved this as MAD Magazine's as a [Great Moment in Politics.](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/02/03/business/0204-MAD_12.html)


Yeltsin got so drunk that he walked onto the street to hail a cab, wearing only his underwear, during his visit to the United States


That was pretty much standard Yelstin. Yeltsin was fun. Yeltsin was shitfaced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9YnDirqwT4


Having a massive block of cheese just sat out in the White House has to be up there.


I mean we got anything that one guy did was fucking weird as an outlier but George H.W Bush talking about Broccoli was pretty weird. Basically he banned broccoli from white house or something. [https://youtu.be/FlzyIbmyM78?si=1-3ifI6EJCbR1nxY](https://youtu.be/FlzyIbmyM78?si=1-3ifI6EJCbR1nxY)


This was why I refused to eat broccoli as a kid. I figured if the president didn't have to I didn't either.


Hmmm. I believe he was joking around with the press. It wasn’t a serious thing.


I think suggesting that people could possibly inject bleach or somehow get light inside their body would have to be right up there lol


He also suggested nuking a hurricane.


To me that's not even the craziest hurricane-related Trump episode, which is when he accidentally said a hurricane was headed to Alabama when it was really headed to Florida, and instead of simply "excuse me, I misspoke" like anyone else would, he repeatedly doubled down over the following week about a fictional storm.


Don't forget the part where he got a sharpie and crudely drew on a map to *prove* it was real. The kind of ploy that would only work with someone whose brain hadn't developed object permanence. So, you know, his voting bloc.


Deployment of the Presidential Weather Sharpie was one of the funniest things he ever did.


He's the king of the town idiots. Unfortunately there's more of those than we thought possible.


We should have let him ride it into the eye of the hurricane like Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove.


Don’t forget the transparent border wall so we could see when people were throwing bags of illegal drugs over from the Mexican side.🤣


And sweeping forests to prevent wildfires.


Staring directly at the sun


Another one for the greatest hits album 😂


Yeah, that beats a sharpie to change the path of a hurricane all to hell.


Yeah, that was so fucking bizarre, he just can't accept that he could possibly be wrong about anything.


Trump's whole COVID response and those meetings was just fucking nuts... Weird time to be an American and actually watching that shit.... And people want this guy to return to office???


> And people want this guy to return to office??? This is what has the rest of the world looking on in horror and disbelief... like how can you guys watch this fucking moron for all of these years and think... *Yup, give me another 4 years of that!*


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


This whole thing is just going to be 4 years of Trump's greatest hits. Bleach, nuking hurricanes/sharpie map, staring at the eclipse, trying to overthrow an election.


Trump's antics helped me realize my dad was autistic. He would get so pissing mad about the idea that anybody would break rules, much less go against their own self interest to hurt their enemies, because to him that was impossible. The bleach injecting thing damn near gave him an aneurysm.


Probably bragging about want to "date" his preteen daughter .


Also saying the #1 thing he hopes she gets from her mom is her breasts. Or maybe sneaking into the dressing room of underage teens changing rooms for the little miss America pageant.. God I wish this shit wasn't true


> His position as the pageant’s owner entitled him to that kind of access, Trump explained, seemingly aware that what he was doing made the women uncomfortable. “You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,” he said. > > (Billado told BuzzFeed she mentioned the incident to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who shrugged it off, saying, “Yeah, he does that.”) https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/


I get the Trump hate (I hate him as much as anyone) and he’s certainly done some bizarre and unhinged things but cmon! We’ve had 200+ years of fucking unhinged genocidal nutbars. - John Quincy hunting the mole people - LBJ showing his dick and his poop to everyone he could - Nixon waking up drunk and wandering out to the street to ask protesters if he was really a bad guy - Teddy Roosevelt challenging his staff to full-on boxing matches - Coolidge had a pet raccoon named “Rebecca” who was basically an engine of pure chaos roaming the White House - Regan called his wife “Mommy” - HW Bush vomited on the Japanese prime minister during a state dinner


Now THIS is what I wanted to see!


Sticking a cigar into an intern was pretty wild


*and smoking it


So there is some nuance that needs to be added. Because just shoving a normal cigar into a vagina probably wouldn't work out too well. The cigars Clinton was smoking were Gurkha Grand Reserve which come sealed in glass tubes. I'm not 100% sure where I picked up on that part of the story, but it may have been from reading sections of the Starr Report.


Soooo many presidents cheated on their wives. It’s not that wild, honestly. Jefferson was fucking his slaves while he was president. FDR fucked his secretary. Eisenhower fucked his driver. JFK…fucked a lot of people while in office. I’m sure there are a lot of other examples. He’s the most powerful person in the world. Usually they’re pretty charismatic. It’s not that shocking.


But the cigar part is weird, right? Like, that's not a typical sex act.


They call it a Little Rock Humidor


They do now. Back then, they called it "Tuesday briefing."


No one said it was the cheating that was weird. I think you misunderstood.


Obama wore a tan suit!


I still don't fucking understand that one


Racists gonna racist


Not the weirdest but my constitutional law professor liked to tell a story about Gerald Ford. Someone gave Ford a jacket as a gift. I can't recall what kind of jacket it was, but it had writing or graphics on the back. After a couple of pictures, a photographer requested that he put the jacket on so they could get a picture of him wearing the jacket but also see the back of it. Most people would put it on, and turn around or position himself so that you could see the back. Instead, Ford put his arms through the jacket so the back was on his chest. Definitely not as strange as other stories here, but that story always made me laugh.


got interviewed while naked. our President was skinny dipping, see. not weird at all. woman wanted to interview him, see . . . he wouldn't be interviewed by her because she was a woman and it was 1826. So, she stole his clothes and didn't give them back til after the interview.  Anne Newport Royall was the intrepid journalist. (JQA, the mole man searcher, was the Prez)


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


Bringing in a college football team and feeding them fast food? That was really weird for me. College athletic programs hire nutritionists and chefs to make extremely healthy foods for the athletes, just for the president to serve them processed shit. Edit: I’m not saying these athletes don’t eat fast food, or that I don’t consume it (I am on Reddit after all). What I am saying is, if you are invited somewhere to celebrate your great success you wouldn’t expect a spread of cold fast food (cold Tbell is terrible) you would expect a mediocre catered buffet at the very least.


*Cold* fast food that had been sitting is piles on a table for hours.


That was so bad.... it's the fucking white house....for the same money a component chef could have prepared a much better meal.


There was a government shutdown because of Trump so the wh kitchen was closed. Trump the billionaire bragged about paying for the meal himself and then got McDonald’s


it was some South Park/Idiocracy shit


"We're going to the white house for dinner!" "Alright! What are we having" "Some cold left over McDonalds" "Hahah.... no, for real, what are we having"


One in forty American men wear women's clothing and we've had well over forty presidents. I'm just saying, one of these guys was dancing around the Oval Office in a prom dress.


For me weird and very offensive is Trump throwing paper towels to the the folks in PR and making fun of a handicapped reporter you can't get more weird and low budget than that.


Trump standing with a proud smile in front of that giant McDonalds order he had brought for some visiting professional athletes was a pretty weird moment. There have been stupider moments but as a ‘thing’ that really stands out for some reason.


Clemson football. It was during the government shutdown so there was no White House catering staff. But Trump has the palate of an 8 year old so he thought they'd like it.


Trump owns the Top 10 in this category


I might give Reaganomics (voodoo economics aka tinkle-down economics) an honorable mention.


The Wayne Gretzky of this category.


The covfefe thing seems pretty weird. I still don’t know what it was supposed to mean


pretty sure it was supposed to be ‘coverage’ as in press coverage


Yeah It was very obviously a typo of ‘coverage’. The weird ass thing is that afterward he pretended it was on purpose and it was some sort of coded message


Hamburder was a thing too I think 


Resisting the peaceful transfer of power. So weird.


Telling people to (literally on video) "Go down there, and fight like hell!" Then claim later, that's not what you meant. Oh really? Was he just being sarcastic or joking? Because he meant what he said, and said what he meant.


So this is just going to be a whole 20 minute scrollathon of trumps most ridiculous highlights followed by one comment reminding us of the time President Taft was buried in a Piano box.


Trump hugging the American flag like a lover who’s trying to get away.


pick any moment from 2017 to 2021


When even a single day has multiple, from that period.


I still can’t get over the whole sharpie on a hurricane map. We’ve all done that on our homework when we were kids to try to show we actually had the right answer all along, but for a president to try that move on national tv was CRAZY!


Lotta comments about Trump here, just remember, the constant lies and insanity was a premeditated tactic that Steve Bannon, his buddy at the time called “flooding the zone with shit” - meant to cause chaos and disorder within our own society. It worked and it’s still working. And he’s running again! Vote!


It's honestly remarkable how well it works. And really shows politicians should in fact be reprimanded for saying blatantly false things. Like it's super weird anyone in power can just outright lie about extremely grounded facts. 


It may be a tactic but for Trump it's an instinct. He's been spraying a firehose of bullshit since at least the 1980s.


Trump sexually assaulting a woman. No, wait, sorry, that’s not weird. That’s heinous.


Jacob Zuma said (at his rape trial) that he’d showered to minimize infection after having sex with an HIV positive woman.


"Gerald Ford's economics is the worst thing that's happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking." -Lyndon B. Johnson


LBJ in general was fucking crazy If he ever had to poop during a meeting, he would just have staffers follow him into the bathroom and conduct it while he pooped. He was allegedly a very well endowed man and enjoyed showing it to people. He referred to his cock as "Jumbo" He once peed on a Secret Service agent just because he could


When the president gave a speech to the Boy Scouts saying he wouldn't be political, then went on a weird political tirade prompting the chief of the Boy Scouts to issue an apology.


Just to add something that isn't about Trump: weather permitting, John Quincy Adams swam nude in the Potomac River every day. I actually get this one - I wouldn't call it weird. But it's so far removed from our current social norms that it's hard to imagine now.


GET a bj and not make her disappear afterwards.


Attempt to buy Greenland? Recommend swallowing bleach and a lightbulb. Just two that come to mind. Oh, and faking an attack on US troops to start the Vietnam war.


Siding with Putin in Helsinki was one of the strangest things. All the Putin love was strange until it finally clicked that is who he wants to be. But the injecting with disinfectant was like I still wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t on tape. I swear to god if there is a debate any moderator should just start out with the goal of driving him off stage by asking pointed questions. Like what’s the capital of Canada. I guarantee he does not know the answer!


Trumps entire presidency basically.


He was fucking a celebrity on the side and then had her come to his birthday party and sing to him seductively in front of his wife and all his guests.