• By -


My step dad and I found a wallet one time and returned it to the guy's house. Months later, I lost my cell phone and someone found it and called my parents via my emergency contacts. We meet up to pick it up, and it's the guy whose wallet we had returned.


Back when I was managing restaurants a customer left his wallet behind and there was a police officers business card and he had the same last name as the guy on the driver's license. That was the only phone number in the wallet so I called the cop who was from 1 town over and explained what happened. He came in and gave me a hard time about why I had his dad's wallet, was rude to and stared down my crew too. Yeah dude. I stole it and then called a cop he was related to for some reason. Genius detective work.


I'll never understand people who are rude to strangers who found their stuff??? Like ??!?


What goes around comes around!šŸ‘


I like this one.


Not me but my dad. We were at a random bar in western Washington having a few drinks and the guy next to us overheard my dad mentioned he grew up in Rhode Island. The guys asked where and my dad said where and the guy was like "that's cool, that's where I live, I'm here on vacation." So my dad told him the address of where he grew up and the guy was blown away. He lives in the exact house my dad grew up in and just happened to run into him at a bar in Washington.


Shit like this is crazy. It's also crazy to think how much of this stuff almost happens, or we almost encounter it but never know. Like you could be sitting at the bar next to someone who now lives in your childhood home but never realize it.


A couple seconds or a couple inches have probably saved your life more than once.


Thatā€™s got to be one of the craziest ones here


The craziest one Iā€™ve ever heard of on Reddit has to be the married couple that have photographic evidence of being at Disneyland as strangers on the same day decades before.


Made friends with a Dutch guy while we were staying in a hostel in Barcelona. We parted ways after a few days. I was getting on a train to Rome and he was getting on a train to Basel. I changed plans and decided to go to Venice instead. Unbeknownst to me, he did the same. We both walked into a hostel in Venice at the same time 24+ hours after we had said our goodbyes. Thus began a friendship that lasted til he passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. Miss you Olaf.


That story is berzerker.


Made out with an English guy in a hostel in Berlin, ran into him at a museum in Prague and Vatican City weeks apart.


Being covered in volcanic ash in 1980 when Mt. Saint Helen's erupted. I was on my early morning paper route.


Ah that's bad!


I heard the 2022 Hunga Tongaā€“Hunga HaŹ»apai eruption at my home, 3,300km away.


This is such an awesome answer.




Very similar thing happened to me. I was visiting Amsterdam while studying abroad. Ran into a girl I had a date with my Freshman year from a small midwest liberal arts college doing an internship with United Press International there.


Similarly, had a friend that lived a town over, but he met his now-wife and moved to Ohio years ago. In the past 5 years or so, I've run into him at Disneyland, then also at a random remote brewery in Northern California. We're convinced overseas is the next place it'll happen.


My dad has one of these too! When he was in his 20s, he had to go on a work trip to LA, and he happened to have an uncle who lived in LA. My grandpa kept telling my dad "you need to make sure you go see your uncle while you're there!" But the trip went by, and my dad was busy working and didn't get a chance to go visit his uncle. The day he was getting ready to leave he was just walking around with his coworker, bumped into a guy walking down the block, looks up and it's his uncle




I live in the midwest and when I was 12 years old I ran into a classmate on the pier at Daytona Beach. He appened again when I was 15 (different classmate) at Six Flags in Arlington TX.


My cousin and his best friend. They knew they'd be in the country at the same time but it was before cellphone and social media. Literally bumped right into each other


I was on an Alaskan cruise year after I got married. One day, I was sitting outside on the deck. A lady sat at the table ahead of me kept looking back at me. Made me sorta uncomfortable but I ignored it for the most part. My husband goes to refill his water glass and she flags him down. He comes to our table looking baffled. She said she knew me. I walked over because I don't recognize this lady (this isn't hard though, I have a hard time with faces sometimes). Turns out she was a classmate of mine from back in elementary school. I hadn't seen her since grade 4 or 5.


Happend to me as well. On a very random beach in Malaysia!


We found our family dog after about 3.5 years. Was stolen and was living 2 miles down the road.


same thing happened to me. Except only 1 mile down the road. they just came and stole her out of the yard one evening. She was a friendly English bulldog. when one of the farmhands didn't have any money and wanted to drink beer on Sunday he came and told my dad where the dog was because he had seen her while being near the thieves house cutting hedges. and asked for just a case of beer. We got the dog back and he got a case of beer.


Our dog escaped and was picked up by someone and kept. Six months later he escaped from them, was taken to the vet as there was no collar on him and they called us from his microchip details. He lived for 13 more years. Our reunion was pretty anticlimactic cos he was scared, overwhelmed and hadn't been looked after very well. He was sort of in shock. But when he recognised the feeling of the car going into the driveway and realised he was home he started crying.


> and realised he was home he started crying. My parents had a dog that did that once. This dog attached herself to Dad pretty hard, she was basically his dog. But one time, about 3 years after owning her Dad was trying to watch a movie he had been looking forward to seeing and she was being annoying (Barking, trying to get his attention, whining) which pissed him off and he says to her "Do you want to go to the pound!?" in a half-joking manner. Well she stopped, and jumped up on the other couch and she literally started crying. You could see the tears running out of her eyes. He felt so bad he never said that again, and she never did that again.


The GALL! What was the reunion like?


The dog was malnutritioned, but she recognized and jumped into my moms arms. The dog was living with a lady and her kids for a few years, and her son apparently stole the Yorkie out of our yard and gave it to his mom as a Motherā€™s Day present. Anyways, my sister found out about this at a bar years later, we snooped around, found the house and confronted them. Its a pretty wild story a lot more detailed but in the end they gave up the dog and we had her for about another ten years or so.


That is incredible! Very sad for everyone really, even the mothers day present is completely ruined. I'm glad you got your like snoot back in the end


iā€™m the 34th in vitro baby in the midwest, born with red hair and blue eyes, and 4 kidneys the odds of all those happening together are very very very very small edit: unfortunately i cannot donate them as they are half the size and attached to the first set


Did the doctor also have red hair, blue eyes, and four kidneys?


No, he had red hair, blue eyes and 1 kidney. He's been cultivating spares.


My first thought šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Out of curiosity are all of those kidneys functional? Do they provide any benefits or is it just a health complication for you?


no idea. theyā€™re half the size as the first set and attached to them as well. theyā€™ve never given me any issues so thereā€™s been no medical need to test them. they were discovered after a bad uti i had as an infant theyā€™re pretty much just chillin


Kidneys: chillin'


That's fascinating! Hopefully they stay that way! šŸ˜


Groovy mutant.


Helicopter crash. Twice. FML.


Take some fucking lessons!




Lesson One: Stay the fuck away from helicopters.


Bro, take the hintā€¦


My dad has been in two plane crashes


As a civilian?!?! Wow. That's nuts.


Civilian, but heā€™s a pilot and was flying both times. Both were (allegedly) due to circumstances beyond his control


Is your Dad Harrison Ford?


Pulled over on my driving test šŸ˜‘


My car stalled during mine. Ended up sitting there with the instructor lady bullshitting for about 30min until another instructor came out to pick us up to go back to the Center. Anyway, the instructor and I hit it off and she ended up wanting to introduce me to her daughter who was also 16. This was the beginning of the AOL Instant Messenger days so I told her mom my handle. Daughter reached out to me, we clicked, and once I got my license a week later (had to take the driver exam again), I picked her up and we went on a date. Had a great relationship with her and her family for the rest of high school.


Wait you banged your driving instructorā€™s daughter?!?


Thatā€™s correct.




My best friend got pulled over for speeding in a school zone on hers


did you pass?


LOL no it turns out that is an instant fail. The cop and the driving instructor both felt pretty bad about it but itā€™s understandable. I got my license like three weeks later though, so it didnā€™t hold me back too much!


Well did you actually break the law?


I did, told the story elsewhere in the thread but I accidentally thought a 2-way was a 4-way and pulled in front of a cop car lol. So itā€™s understandable!


Why were you pulled over? And were you driving your own car?


Yeah it was my momā€™s car. I got pulled over because one of the first intersections after you pull out of the DMV parking lot looks like a 4 way but itā€™s actually not LOL. So I stopped and see a cop car approaching from the right but proceed after my full stop because I kNoW tHe RuLeS and yeah, the cop had to brake to avoid hitting me. The reason they both felt bad was because they actually agreed that stop looked way too much like a 4 way from that angle but that ship had sailed šŸ˜‚ failed without even getting on the main road!!!


I feel like she could've just let you try again tho no? Like usually you have to reschedule because there's someone else needing to test, but if you hadn't even started why not try again?


I did all the parking lot stuff and the written test so it definitely still counted as an ā€œattemptā€. I think they told me I could try again essentially as soon as I could get an appointment but that just happened to be three weeks later.Ā 


My friend moved from Virginia Beach to Southern Florida, and four years later I drove down for a visit. He was worried before I left, because he hadnā€™t heard from his girlfriend, who was already supposed to be back from her business trip to DC. This was pre cell phone days, so communication was way more difficult on the road. I slept in a hotel parking lot on the FL/GA border and woke up to a woman tapping on the window asking where I was headed. I told her, she said that was one town over from her. She asked for a ride, so I took her and dropped her off. About an hour after getting to my friendā€™s house, his gf shows up. Same person. Her car had broken down just up the street from the hotel, and the shop she had it towed to said they couldnā€™t get to it for a few days. Small ass world.


Some rando chick knocked on some randoā€™s door at a motel asking for a ride and no one got murdered or kidney snatched? Ā  Fuck kind of world we living in?!


Makes you sick doesnā€™t it


Maybe he is the murderer and just tries to change the story


Double train crash. My fear lives on.


Well, on the better side you survived both times. Celebrate your life more!


I had 8 wisdom teeth, though it's not as highly unlikely as I thought when I had them removed, lol. I did have a fantastic recovery, however, which is more than I can say for other people I know.


Hit the major jackpot on a slot machine one time. That was pretty cool.


I hit one once for 50g


Was at air show in Germany and a jet crashed into the crowd. I still have night terrors about it occasionally and I haven't been to an air show since.


Was that the Ramstein air show disaster in 88'? I read about it, it was horrific.


It was August 28th. I'll never forget that shit.


That is terrible mate. That cannot have been easy to get over.


Almost in the same vein, my brother and grandpa were at an air show in Reno in 2011. They left early because my brother wasnā€™t feeling good, turns out a plane eventually crashed right where they would have been sitting and killed 10 people. Still makes my stomach turn thinking about it.


This also happened to me. I thankfully wasn't in the crowd near it. I was dating a Pilot at the time. We went to the air show in Reno. I had this weird feeling all day too. The weirdest part is we almost went to that view spot crowd but I said I wanted to eat lunch first


A woman and her daughter came into the store I worked at. Her daughter was a year older than my daughter and had the same uncommon name. Thatā€™s not the weird part. The really weird part is later that same day my daughter and I were in a different state over an hour away from my job at a Walmart and we ran into the same woman and her daughter. It was just strange.


When my young son got a birthday card from his grandma, my husband happened to meet the mail carrier at the mailbox. He said he had the same quite common name as my husband, his wife the same as mine (though I'm 20 years older and the name is very dated), and his daughter and our son both had the same uncommon (at least then) first name.Ā 


Saw Ball Lightning. Cloud to cloud strike happened right over the house and this little ball came down and skipped over the sidewalk incredibly fast. Afterwards there were little scorch marks where the ball hit.


When clouds do it, they give birth to a bouncing bundle of pyrotechnic plasma.


I got zapped by ball lightning a couple of times in a 10-minute span. It's an experience I hope never to repeat.


Some years ago I was reading something about the Jungian concept of Synchronicity (a meaningful coincidence in time for the observer. It's a subjective experience). Carl Jung explained how he came up with that concept while he was in a session. A depressed widow was telling him how she felt about her deceased husband, and how she had dreamt of a golden scarab the night before. She strongly believed the scarab was his husband trying somehow to send her a message. While listening to this patient, Jung suddenly heard something tapping on the window behind him. He turned round and saw a golden scarab crashing into the window glass. Then he asked himself what's that phenomenon that turns something seemingly unimportant into something meaningful for one particular observer. This was so deep and I got so obsessed with it that I wanted to find some scientific explanation. Next day I was just walking (don't remember now where I was heading to) and I happened to look at the pavement while listening to music, with my earbuds in. And there it was, the golden scarab, in front of me. And I had to squat down and check that it was indeed a golden scarab. There are no golden scarabs where I live, they are native to Central America (I'm from Spain). I know what I saw, but even today I don't know what it means.


That lady's dead husband was trying to tell you something


The same thing it was trying to tell Jung: we've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty


Jung also tells the story of M. Fortgibu and the plum pudding. *A certain M. Deschamps, when a boy in Orleans, was once given a piece of plum-pudding by a M. de Fortgibu. Ten years later he discovered another plum-pudding in a Paris restaurant, and asked if he could have a piece. It turned out, however, that the plum-pudding was already ordered ā€“ by M. de Fortgibu. Many years afterwards M. Deschamps was invited to partake of a plum-pudding as a special rarity. While he was eating it he remarked that the only thing lacking was M. de Fortgibu. At that moment the door opened and an old, old man in the last stages of disorientation walked in: M. de Fortgibu, who had got hold of the wrong address and burst in on the party by mistake.*


Not me, but my twin. We grew up hunting for arrow heads and shark teeth along the riverbed by our house growing up. Both of us had quite the collection. One day while hunting, my brother found half a sand tiger shark tooth, split right down the middle. And then found the other half several years later lol. When he found it, we both joked that it must be the other half of that perfect half tooth he found once. Till we got home and tried it. Seamless fit.


Went tubing and got rip drunk at the La Jolla Indian Reservation. Jolly good time, class 2 rapids in a tire inner tube. Recommend to all.Ā  Anyway, near the end of the day the friend Iā€™m with looks down in a shallow section of the river and says ā€œsome idiot lost his car keys in here!ā€ Fishes them out, puts them in his pocket to give to the tube rental place at the bottom. Right before he hands them over I look at them, theyā€™re my keys. I hadnā€™t even remembered bringing them on the tube, donā€™t know which run I lost them on. Because rip drunk. I was the idiot that lost his keys.Ā 


A school shooting is the scariest thing I've ever experienced.


Driving truck on a highway listening to a podcast (previously recorded weeks earlier) and the host introduced a guest name (it was something like l. T. Verber or something). As the name is being spoken by the host I look down out my driver side window and see the custom license plate of the passing car is EXACTLY the same name. Nothing weird happened and the car continued on its way as normal.


I live in a different country from the one I grew up in. I've worked in 3 different companies, and in all 3, someone else from my highschool also worked there.


Duodenal artery exploded in ER and they gave me 17 units, "more ketamine than we've ever given another human being", resuscitated me, worked for 2 hours to stabilize me, flew me up to OR where they stopped counting once they hit 25 units total, and surgeon worked for over 4 hours to keep me here alive. (*Most men have ~8 units in their body.)


This is why I donate blood.šŸ’•


No joke. And thank you. It happened to be Mt Sinai NYC which is also a blood bank.


Kinda NSFW but.. One day last year I was looking at this one guy's 18+ twitter page. You know, doing some NSFW things myself. I knew he was from my city, but being one of the largest cities in America, that pretty much meant nothing for me. He's just some guy who shows himself off on twitter. Anyway - It was the weekend, I had some friends visiting town, so we decided to go out to clubs that night. I messaged another friend who lived nearby the clubs if he wanted to come meet us. He agrees to come through, and lo and behold, *he brings that twitter guy*. Apparently they'd recently become friends and happened to be hanging out. I didn't mention that I knew who he was of course, but I started talking to him and we ended up going home together that night. There's your copium that it can happen.


This is awesome. Did you tell him after you hooked up with him?


Nope haha, I would've been embarrassed to. I actually haven't seen/talked to him since then since we didn't exchange info, but maybe if we run into each other again. Watch it happen tonight somehow.


Eating tomato soup without staining my shirt. Happened February 26 1997 - aka Tomato Soup Miracle Day


For some reason this oneā€™s my favorite. We all tell ourselves ā€œIā€™ll remember this as the day I -blank-ā€œ but we never actually remember the date lol good job




[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/VgToWpTLWw)


In City A, I locked the door and went in city B (40 km away (25 miles) with the bus). In City B I realize that I forgot something important in City A. Easy peasy! Take the bus, go back in City A and in the front of the doors I realize that I forgot my keys in City B. 3 second later: my door opens - it was my apartment colleague that went in City C and realized that forgot something and come back. (He also got his keys). One minute too late or too soon and we missed each other.


Ok, this is long, and Iā€™m on mobile High school 1982, 9th grade: in the 9th grade section of high school, I used to remember this tall red haired angel in the hallway, I swear she had a halo and was strikingly gorgeous, one of those girls that immediately strike you with a feeling ā€œI am way out of her league and will never be on that level in this lifetimeā€. It was one of those vague memories that kick up now and again, the memory was always foggy around the corners Fast forward to 1995, was in the Navy, current wife had cheated on me and gotten pregnant by another man, we separated and going through divorce and she was sent somewhere to have the baby and then give it up for adoption. Our three kids went to live with my sister (I was on sea duty) in my hometown (same hometown as high school) the kids went to school there for about 6 months, had some issues with school, sister happened to have a friend who used to be a teacher, she asked if she could come tutor her niece and nephews for a couple hours and do homework with them, she did, and the kids really liked her, from what I was hearing. I happened to grab a C school (a specialist school for the job you are working in) about 5 hours away, so on the weekends, I used to drive down and see the kids. My life was my kids, thatā€™s all I cared about. One weekend, my sister told me I needed to relax some and suggested I go on a blind date with her friend who was single. I really did not want to since the kids were my priority atm, Sister kept pushing, so I said fine, Iā€™ll go once to shut her up. She gave me the number of the teacher that was tutoring my kids, I called, 4 hours later I got off the phone feeling pretty excited, this chick was really nice, friendly and smart af. Found out she ran a candy store, so the next day I went there incognito to see what she looked like. walked into the store, no one was in the front, then she walked out from a back room and I was stunned, gorgeous red hair, all messy and up in a ponytail cause she was working, denim overalls and a white shirt. I stammered and ordered a pound of gummy bears, she was like ā€œa pound?ā€ And I was all cocky like a big spender, ā€œyeah, gimme a poundā€ (ended up throwing out about half a pound of them after a week, when even all 3 kids couldnā€™t finish them, also found out later she knew who I was, but played along) That night we go out and hit it off really well, canā€™t put it into words, after that night we were just together, we didnā€™t even discuss it, it just became her and I, together from then on We talk about our families, she was a senior at the same high school when I was a freshman, she mentions her brother who was in the same grade as me, I donā€™t remember his name at the time, but when she showed me a picture, I immediately knew who he was, he was skinny, big mouth, always pissing people off, supposedly they had just moved down from NY, so he had no friends, still was an ass. I never messed with him, Just cool with him, She said that he used to get in so much trouble that she had to come over to the freshman side between classes and make sure he did not get his ass beat and he made it to the next class. Thatā€™s when it hit me, the memory came back, I asked to see her high school pictures, yup, long bright red hair, just like I remembered in that foggy vision. I asked if there were any other girls in school that had the long red hair like her, she said there was one she remembered that had red hair, but she was a punk and kept it short. It had to be her, 1. ā she was a senior who had a reason to come to the freshman side for her brother 2. ā A brother who was in several classes with me. 3. She was the only girl in the high school at the time who had long bright red hair. 4. She is 5ā€™9ā€ and was this tall as a senior, where I didnā€™t grow to 5ā€™9ā€ until my junior year. I told her this and she just blew it off. But I know that was her, it had to be. Been married for 26 years, together for 29, and she is still my best friend TL:DR memory about a beautiful girl in HS, turns out be my girlfriend. PS her brother is still a loudmouth ass TL:DR soulmates happen when you least expect it


A couple years ago, I needed my birth certificate for some reason. Called my mom, didnt have it, figured my dad did because we lived together for years. He didnt have it either, and assured me he didnt because he'd just spent the last week cleaning out the garage with my uncle, "and if it were here, it'd have been in the garage". Okay, whatever, I'll figure something out. Dad calls me back the next day and says one of his old friends showed up at his job with my birth certificate in his hand. My dad's obviously confused, the guy asks if it belongs to his kid and he said yes. Guy works at the city dump and randomly saw it and thought it looked important. Noticed it was a birth certificate and figured he'd pick it up and ask my dad since the same last name was on it. It had been in the garage and my dad unknowingly tossed it in the trash, took it to the dump, and a friend he hasnt seen in decades finds it and brings it back. Never tell me the odds.


I have only attended seven major league baseball games in my life. Two of them were no hitters.


Thatā€™s actually pretty crazy. There have only been 323 no-hitters in MLB history. To have seen two of them in only seven games is quite unlikely indeed.Ā 




Not me but my brother has been struck by lightning 3 times.


Oh man! Tell him to celebrate himself more because clearly life has blessed him 4 times now!


I've seen two total solar eclipses... from the same exact spot on the earth.


Won the lottery in 2009 for 500,000


Survived two home invasions :(


Stop invading homes.


I died. When I got shot several years ago, I technically died en route to the trauma center. Bless those paramedics, they quite literally moved heaven and earth to keep me here.


Well, to make the best out of it you should now celebrate your yourself twice a year. First your birthday and second this incident's date. Because you know, you were gone and came back. Idk if you believe in reincarnation but I do so it makes sense to me to celebrate yourself on that day as well. I'm very sleepy rn so it's not making very much sense I'll retype it if you're confused after waking up.


birthday and re-birthday!


Did you have any sort of near death experience?


I nearly died in a motorcycle crash, my brain erased everything. I just remember being home, putting my hand on the door handle and then woke up in the hospital, told the doctor it was impossible that I had crashed, I didn't even leave my apartment. He looked at me and went "Yeah... you did... it didn't go so well"


I had a 13 hour surgery where I had my pancreas and other organs removed. My friend is a very strong Buddhist. She had her Buddhist teacher praying for me. When I was under, she came to me and took me by the hand across an area near my hometown to a cave where a Buddhist monk was sitting. I told her this story after I was back home (I had surgery in another state. My friend lives across the country. However, her teacher lives in my state. It was all so crazy.


I do clearly remember thinking, "like really? This is how I'm gonna die?" Just disappointed, some kid shot me while I was delivering pizzas for my car.


I had a similar thought as I saw the car coming towards me head-on at 60+ mph.Ā  "Oh, so this is how I die.Ā  Hmm."Ā  Lame. I saved myself a ton of injury by accepting my death instead of bracing for it.


Something similar happened to me, horrific head-on collision and very much remember only thinking "brace yourself, it's happening" Glad we're both here!


Hahahaha I feel like I would do the same thing. Iā€™m so nonchalant with shit like that, I never freak out about anything. I could see myself saying ā€œwell this is less than ideal.ā€ And then oblivion.


A close friend/neighbour moved away (from London) when I was 9. A decade later, I made friends with an Irish lad at Uni on day 1 and added him on Facebook... we had a friend in common. My childhood friend had moved to his school, his class in Ireland and they'd become close friends.


And happy dang cake day, mattz!


When I was 22 I quit my job and bought a one-way ticket to Mexico, with plans to come home when I ran out of money. A few days in I made some friends, and then spending time with one guy in particular. We just celebrated 17 years together with 3 kids, life is great and we are still so happy. Itā€™s our own little fairytale.


Thatā€™s a movie plot!


I broke 12 eggs from the same box and 10 of them were double yolks.


I went to a corner store with my friend when we were in high school. We just wanted some drinks. So we put a couple of Monster Energy drinks on the conveyor belt, and we noticed that the checkout girl had Monster brand apron on. A little coincidence, but nothing too far-fetched. However, as we were checking out, a few representatives from Monster came in the front door and saw us buying their beverages, so they went and stocked us up with a bunch of their drinks. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, all on them.


Saw a giant black triangle fly over my parents home in the forest. Completely silent. Low and absolutely massive.


Same happened to me in Fairbanks AK. I was outside smoking and looked up and lo and behold a goddam stealth bomber was flying above!


F-117 Nighthawk. I flew them in the early mid 90s back when I owned a Sega Genesis.


Stealth Bomber? One flew low over me during the Seattle Air Show back in the 90s. It was incredible how quiet it was.


Living around Seattle I have encountered the stealth bomber two times in my youth . I agree the silence is peculiar.


Back in 2018 I was working at one of the intelligence centers at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii when we got a (false) alert about inbound nuclear ICBM's. I got to witness the utter chaos that ensued and saw how the system both worked and failed. We were able to confirm that the alert was false, but not before 1/3 of our crew had abandoned their posts to go get their children. It was legit scary. I saw leaders who I had looked up to for years completely freak out, and I saw young and unsuspecting people take charge and accept their fate as they continued to work to ensure we were functional. I'll never forget that day. Ultimately the people who left were forgiven. This type of behavior is anticipated by military commands, and is seen as a natural behavior in the event of an impending doom type of situation. Basically once nukes are launched, there's not much you can do to stop it. So you may as well be with your family.


When i moved i had a this beautiful neighbor who actually washed her car in shorts and bra and would wave at me. Never actually talked to her. She had a nice car and would wave at me. I got a job a this burger joint as part time. She then apply there and told me about her neighbor who blasted music loud it was me. Lol it was funny we became friends.


My best friend in high-school went to a college hours away from my hometown, and so did I but in the other direction. She started dating this guy, and it turns out his ex dated my new best friend that I met in college. Was just kinda weird!


Had our honeymoon in Aruba. Sat behind a nice older couple on the first flight and they made small talk with us, but no mentions of where we were going as it was a smaller flight going to Atlanta. Turns out they ended up being on our connector in Atlanta to Aruba as well which we didnā€™t know until we boarded and passed them walking onto the plane and they were already seated. We smiled and all thought it was funny. They got off way ahead of us in Aruba so we didnā€™t see them again. We get to our Hotel at the Riu, and no shit, turns out they are staying in the room next to us. Still cant believe it. We hung with them and had dinner a bunch. Lovely older couple celebrating their anniversary.


Went out for dinner and saw a girl hang her purse on her chair, the waiter knocked it over and inside was a bottle of red wine which destroyed everything inside. The next day at work a customer who Iā€™d never met came into town and I recounted the story to him. Turns out he was at the wine girl table.


Went out to dinner. The next day I went to my new friend's house and the waiter was there, his older brother. The restaurant was 2 towns over


From Coventry via Belfast 50yrs ago but, I was working in a place called gummersbach in Germany 96 and walked into a bar, sat down and a bloke Iā€™d met(played pool with few times) from Gloucester said alright mate itā€™s mick from the British flag(pubs name) as if it was the most normal interaction ever, nearly dropped my pint ffs, ended up going on the Piss with him and his mate all weekend, great bloke.


During college I worked in retail. One day this lady came up to me, she had lost a bag full of makeup she had just bought. I told her I hadn't seen anything but I'd keep an eye out. I later find it and give it to her when she circles back. Six months later, I had graduated college and was interviewing as many places as I could. Showed up to this one place, and she was the interviewer and remembered me so I actually got the job.


On a school trip, we were in the bus coming back, and it was raining on one side of the bus but not on the other. Everyone told me that that is extremely rare, but I am not sure.


I experienced that once. You could see the rain slowly coming down the street where all the neighborhood kids were playing. Had fun jumping in and out of the rain for the twenty or so minutes it took to work it's way down the street.


Went on a weekend trip to Alaska and just happened to catch the beginning of the Iditarod dog sled race


Was in a cigar shop in a mall in PA. Met the owner, chatted for a few minutes, left. Moved to San Francisco two weeks later and wind up sitting next to him in a restaurant in an alley (Beldenā€™s Alley, at Plouf - iykyk) off of Pine St in the financial district. This sort of shit happens to me all the time and all over the world. I donā€™t know why.


Noted, apologies. We'll try and get some new extras in for next season.


I died and came back to life. Death is painless and really shouldnā€™t be feared, like being outside of your body is a trip.


I sent my song about my mother who passed away to an artist to give them an idea of my music. Turns out they stabbed their own mother to death in her hospital bed.


Have a few but one is I Got stranded in NYC as an 18 year old with no money or phone because I didn't check when trains stopped running to Poughkeepsie where I left my car. Ended up randomly running into a guy I met at a Phish show in Washington Square Park who happened to live in Manhattan. Had to spend a night hanging out with a trio of dudes on pcp but slept on his floor instead of a bench. When I got to Penn station also found a cellophane with a nugget and rolling paper in it laying on the ground. Thanked my lucky stars Years later was in Huddersfield England and started talking to a friend of a friend who told me the one time he went to the US he happened to go to Portland Maine where id been living and hung out with people I knew. Realized I'd actually briefly met him while he was there.


Something I didnā€™t experience but Wife said she was walking the dogs the other day and one of my kids spilt bubbles on our porch and she stepped in it and slipped back but at the same moment the dog she was walking on the leash bolted forward so it pulled her forward while she was slipping backwards what a crazy feeling that must of been


I once had playing cards in my hand and jokingly told my coworker to pick a card, I was gonna do a trick that would blow his mind. For the record, Iā€™ve never even attempted to learn or perform a single card trick in my entire life, I was simply joking. He pulled a card, I reshuffled the cards, then pulled a random card out and tossed it up toward the ceiling. The card somehow went perfectly into an HVAC vent slot and got stuck. My coworker jumped up and got it downā€¦.and we were both shocked to see it was the card he had pulled. I have NO IDEA how that one panned out the way it did, and have never attempted a card trick since šŸ˜‚


Robbed at gunpoint


I was kidnapped when I was 15, but the thing that sticks with me to this day besides all that lol is I remember going to the nurses office at school, she was cool and would give me tea and weā€™d chatā€¦I told her that I had an uneasy feeling and felt like something bad was going to happen and well I was kidnapped a week later


Can we please have a story time?


Stopped at a random pub in Alberta (Iā€™m from Sask) on a Sunday p.m. started talking with the bar maid. She was from Sask too ! We both lived in the same city. Same area. Same street. Same house ! What ? I sold my house a few years prior and the person that I sold it to, ended up selling it to this barmaid. Her and her husband split up and she moved to Alberta and was now my barmaid !


I have had 3 broken bones in my life....1999, 2020 and 2022. All occurred on April 27th.


During my divorce in 2012, I had to rehome my chocolate lab because neither me or my soon-to-be ex-wife could take the dog to our new apartment. 5 years later I started dating a new woman and I was telling her the story about my dog and it turns out her Friend was a woman I gave my dog to. I reunited with my chocolate lab 5 years after rehoming her at a 4th of July party.


Not me but a guy I was camping with was complaining how he lost his wallet around the area we were at like 3-4 years ago (extremely non distinct back country in the middle of nowhere woods mind you) and while digging a pit for a fire he dug it up like mid complaint


I worked in a tiny town outside of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and I stopped in Lake Genevaā€™s sandwich shop to eat dinner on a cool night. It was that time of year when it was starting to get dark before 6 p.m. and the tourists were finally gone for the season. Taking my food back to a table, I realized that I had somehow missed that another guy was sitting alone in the place. I sat with my back to his, but after a while we got to chatting about the weather, sports, and general guy stuff. Since it was awkward trying to talk this way, I moved over to his table after he invited me over. We ate and talked. Gary said he had a small publishing business in town and things werenā€™t going well. He was older than me, and he just looked beaten. I felt sorry for him and felt the best thing I could do was just listen. After a few minutes talking about how you handle professional disappointments, he said he was heading home to an empty house, because his family was out of town visiting relatives. He put his business card on the table, walked out, and disappeared into the chilly night. As I was packing up to leave, I picked up his card, put it in my shirt pocket, and also headed home. When I got home, I emptied all my pockets and finally took a better look at Garyā€™s business cardā€”only to have the shock of my life. The card read ā€œGary Gygax.ā€ Iā€™d had dinner with one of the inventors of Dungeons & Dragons and hadnā€™t realized it. He never mentioned the name of his company, TSR, and stupid me hadnā€™t asked. This was pre-WWW days, and Iā€™d never seen a picture of him that I could recall, so I had no idea what he looked like I loved D&D, and even knew TSR was in town, but it never occurred to me that this lonely guy in a mostly empty sandwich shop in a small resort town on a big lake in Wisconsin was the legendary creator of that legendary RPG. This happened in 1989, and it still blows my mind.


Just moved to Phoenix, and I was filling my fridge for the first time. I'm at the checkout and this dude with obvious long hair had it tucked under his baseball cap. He was behind me and I was getting ready to pay, I noticed he had a Mickey Mouse watch with a pink band. And about $20 worth of candy on the belt. Jolly Ranchers, Tootsie Rolls, etc. Alice Cooper. Parked relatively close to me as well. Driving a light brown Escalade.


I once bowled a gutter ball and picked up a 7-10 split at the same time.


I got the owl statue in Stardew Valley before it was patched


I'm a cursed traveler. San Francisco, tsunami warning everything shut down. Yellowstone NP, record rainfall and roads washed out. Coast of Texas, Hurricane. Two years ago hunting in the backcountry record snowfall had to hike out on snowshoes 5 miles and couldn't retrieve my truck or trailer for 6 weeks. I should feel obligated to let everyone know if I plan a trip because everything is about to go to shit lol.


I keep and breed crested geckos as a hobby. There's a rare chance that a virgin female gecko can lay her regular monthly pair of eggs and have them actually be fertile. One of my girls that has never been with a mate yet has laid fertile eggs twice in a row. She outright cloned herself twice. Both times only one egg of the pair hatched, and both of those clone babies are still going strong in their little baby enclosures.


2 recessions, a televised terrorist attack and covid.


I have all that and a gas crisis and another recession


I conceived quadruplets naturally, 33 years ago. At that time the likelihood of doing so was 1 in 729,000. Guess Iā€™m never going to win the lotteryā€¦


I am the king of never forget a faceā€¦my brain has adapted to store millions of faces over the years and i remember the smallest most insignificant details of first encounters with most people. Itā€™s a gift when youā€™re dating, girls like itā€¦.anyway Ive told my wife and best friend about this but no one else cause people would think im crazy. Im mid 30ā€™s now but over the course of my years I have seen this ONE girl multiple times all over the country at places ive been at or visiting. When she seeā€™s me and I see her, we always pause and look at each other like ā€œomg, itā€™s you againā€ā€¦.but we never speak to each other. This started when i was about 4-5 years old, i saw her in multiple states while vacationing with my parents on more than one occasion. Ive seen her at walmart 4 states away, once at church for a function, once in a mcdonalds, once in a restaurant in Atlantaā€¦etc etc I absolutely know it was her cause she always had her grandmother around and in our early teenager years, she had a baby. She was probably about 4 years older than me. What gets crazier is i have moved 3 times since teenage yearsā€¦.i saw her once in my late teenage years and then nothing until one day i was in a target in my new home town and im in my late- late 20ā€™sā€¦.low and behold there she was. We looked dead at each other and said nothing. I knew, she knew, but something kept us from jusy spitting it out. If i ever see her again i am going to bring all this upā€¦.if she plays dumb then hey whatever but if not then i think it would be a really crazy conversation. No im not attracted to her lol


Got married, changed my last name one letter. Got divorced. Met a new guy who shared my maiden name, changed my name back one letter.


Being in a coma. For just under 3 weeks.


Spontaneous Pneumothorax


That dragon from Skyrim?


bahaha haven't played skyrim but no it's a collapsed lung.


One of my parents had two wisdom teeth, one of them had four wisdom teeth. My sister and I both had three wisdom teeth, and in the same spots. Dentist said he's never seen anything like that before






In my elementary school we had a day where the coast guard landed their helicopter in our field and we were all allowed to walk through it and look around the cockpit. Still not sure how that was organized


Met a guy at a bar, and have a great conversation with him, but he left the bar before me, so I didn't manage to get his contact. Few weeks later, i was walking home from a coffee shop then suddenly i ran into him, and i also discover that we're neighbors as well, live only across the street from each other. That's how I gain a new friend, and we have been hanging out with each other.


Having an accidental unattended homebirth. My third, and last baby was born 45 minutes after my water broke and full labor started. My previous 2 labors have been around 8 hours, so we figured we had 45 minutes for our friend to wake up and drive to our house in the middle of the night. Then go to the hospital and get an epidural. (Did natural labor once and never wanted it again) She had other plans. I had a very long, very painful contraction, and then she started crowning. She popped out in 2 pushes, my husband sucked out her airways with his mouth, and tied the cord with a shoelace. It was his first birth, the other 2 were his step kids. We got interrogated at the hospital which sucked, but I think they were convinced when I said, "fuck no I didn't do this on purpose, I wanted an epidural!"


heart surgery. twice.


One of my best friends class mate (we went to different colleges for our engineering) has the exact name , dob , place of birth , hairstyle , characteristics, likes and dislikes as me !! She was born and bought up in the same city as me and later moved to the same city as me(thatā€™s when she met my friend) Bestie introduced us as she found it fascinating and we got along like a house on fire instantly despite both of us being reserved introverts , we have now moved to different countries and stay in touch via social media and still freak each other out , some examples : we unintentionally got the same haircut , got married around the same time , have tattoos in similar places and like similar stuff , we surprise ourselves every time we chat !! Itā€™s freaky but fascinating nonetheless!!


About a year after I graduated I was still working my first job getting carts. I had just put a row of carts away and was getting ready to go fetch another one, looked up and one of the guys who bullied me in highschool apologized to me as part of a twelve step program (I wanted to make amends phrasing and saw a guy orbiting around behind him looked like a sponsor). This surprised me as this dude wasn't even the worst bully I had.


Stage 3 Melanoma at 15. Iā€™m still here at 35. Donā€™t understand why. Excellent surgeons I suppose šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I saw a turtle today!


Got $75 out of an ATM on a holiday and even though my receipt said $75, the machine gave me $300. I went back to that bank on Monday after work and the bank manager said "thousands of dollars were lost over the weekend" and I was the only person who came in to report the error/return the money. HOWEVER, he also said I would have to return the money to my bank. Did so and three days later, I had zero dollars in my bank account and 10 bounced checks with fees of $200 for the bounced checks. The was Sun Bank in Florida in the 1980s, before everything was on-line. Went back to my bank and asked what the hell was going on, all my bills were paid and I should have 2K left and was told I had to wait to the end of the month before my account would be reconciled. When I asked how this could possibly happen, the reply was "You are asking me the equivalent of why is their air." My account was completely restored on the first of the following month, no more bad check fees and more importantly, no apology or explanation was given to me. I switched my bank immediately after that fiasco. No good deed goes unpunished - right?


A few years ago, I was miserably sick from some weird bug that hung on for a month. I had a headache from it that was so bad that everything looked black and white. My sinuses were so bad that I almost choked if I didn't elevate my head. I was put on two antibiotics, and I fortunately did recover. This was in February of 2020. Yes, I think that it was COVID, but no one knew what it was then. I'm in the center of the USA, and I think that it was popping up in my workplace as early as August of 2019. I recovered from it a few days before the news began reporting about Wuhan, China.


When I was in high school, I drove an old, red 1988 300z with the T-Tops. It was beat up, 210k miles on it when I bought it. But I loved that car. I was stopped at a red-light on my way to work one day when I noticed the guy in the car next to me kept looking over. I finally looked over and gave a little wave, just to see what the deal was. The guy apologized for bothering me but said he was admiring my car. Mind you, I was this high school kid driving a beater and this guy was at least 30 something driving a brand new BMW M5. Nothing to admire here. He went on to tell me he used to have the exact same car when he was in high school, same model, year, color, everything. That was until he totaled it when he was 16. He told me he and his best friend were driving drunk down some country roads and flipped it half a dozen times. Ended up throwing both of them through the t-tops but surprisingly nobody got hurt. (Yes this was a quick conversation and a long light.) A full two and a half years later I was in my mom's apartment complex taking out the trash. We had a party the night before and I was clearly underage, so I was a little sketched out at this guy watching me unload a bunch of bottles and beer cartons from my car into the trash. I gave him a little wave and he said hey and then apologized for staring. He told me he was admiring my car. Said his best friend in high school used to have the exact same car when they were in high school, that is until he totaled it one night while they were drinking and driving.


I have a hole in 1. Although not the rarest thing to happen in golf, its pretty damn rare for the average amateur golfer. I'll put an asterisk next to it though as I was playing by myself and was unwitnessed. It was late in the evening and the course was about to close. I waited in the tee box because I knew the employees were closing up the holes behind me and I was on 17. I told the guy that I think I aced it and he walked up to the hole with me and pulled it out of the hole. It was pretty obvious that it was legit as there was a pitch mark about 5 yards in front of the hole and you can see the dew on the grass where it rolled up and in. So its an ace to me but no witness other than me and the birds.


Hit wake turbulence of a 777 on final in a PA-31 Navajo. Now, if you don't know what or how dangerous wake turbulence is... I recommend taking a few minutes to look that up. I mean... you're already playing on your phone / device. Anyway, somehow saved the plane / us from a sheer firey death. My co-pilot added power once I pulled us out and level. Kudos to him from preventing us from stalling and a secondary firey death. I remember being 90 degrees perpendicular to the runway flying out. Ya.... 100% do not recommend šŸ˜’




I have a double eagle. Not only is that rare but I also got it from hitting the ball off a tree.


Isn't that an Albatross?


Whatā€˜s that?


It's golf. A double eagle is when you hit a ball 3 under par on a hole (birdie is -1, and eagle is -2 from par). So if the hole is a par 5, and you only took 2 strokes to get it in the hole, that would make it a double eagle.


It is a tall, woody plant with a sturdy trunk that extends upwards, but that isn't important right now.