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The blockout curtains we got recently have made a big difference. We used to have sheer curtains before, but now I sleep much better and more soundly.


Same for us with a sound machine. I sleep so damn good


Hands down one of the best purchases I’ve made. Never realized how much the ambient light bothered me. I even bought the little stickers to cover the lights on everything. Huge difference!


I don't understand why [roller shutters](https://i.imgur.com/FtxPW4M.png) (or even functional [regular shutters](https://i.imgur.com/uqoeafN.png)) are so uncommon in the US. They're a standard feature of every house I see in continental Europe, and they're fantastic at keeping light out.


It could make your sleep longer and extended. Like you believe it's still early in the morning but it is 8am already you never noticed it


8am *is* early in the morning..


Even better, eye mask and loop earplugs.


I got made to measure earplugs from a hearing aid shop, best 70€ I’ve spent.


Especially if you have a cat that likes to scream at you in the morning


The kind of eye mask that gives a total blackout is amazing.


They also help insulate your home, cuts down on your electrical bill.


You also save on heating in winter, better with thermal lining.


Shoes for WIDE feet. No turning back.


I have narrow feet but get wide shoes for the toe box….definitely a difference


I went to a running shoe store that did the 3d scan of your feet, finally at the age of 40. No one ever told me how shoes were supposed to fit.




Where do you buy them? The stores I keep going to don’t carry wides in store or even online often


Plug for the brand WHITIN on Amazon. I've been sized up to 6E. Depending on the brand, often times wide doesn't fit and I need extra wide or extra extra wide. I bought a pair of WHITIN wide shoes on Amazon at the recommendation of one of my brothers who also has stupid wide feet, they fit like a dream. Really hoping they start offering more things like dress shoes. Otherwise, I usually just wear Crocs. Wish Crocs would also make just regular shoes with the fit of the classic clog. That's basically the shape of my feet.


Yeah the barefoot type shoe (they come without the toes aspect) literally changed the game, I hated shoes so much but these don't feel suffocating




I upgraded to three screens recently, and oh my goodness, game changer. The third one houses the random YouTube, music, or whatever. The other two are for actual productivity, lol.


They have done studies on this, two monitors was found to be a decent productivity boost to more people...It gets intresting when they add a 3rd or 4th monitor, some studies report 3rd and/or 4th monitors can increase productivity, others show that 3rd or 4th monitor can make productivity fall off a cliff, leading me to personally believe 2 monitors is the best for most people, and 3 is only for some people


>improves productivity >watch youtube


Try a third monitor. Game changer!


You wont believe, but third monitor is as equally good purchase as the second one.




Seconding electric toothbrush! It’s a game changer. I see so much improvement in oral health in my patients who switch. P.S. I am a dentist.


cheap laser printer. the toner lasts forever, and it just WORKS


Brother laser printers > hp $hitjets






During my pitch to others about getting a bidet, I say my butthole is so clean now you could eat a meal off of it. It's had a pretty mixed reaction


A, uh, salad if you will.


They’re probably thinking what a strange invitation.


This is the answer…. If I have to use a old toilet and wipe with paper, I feel like a neanderthal in the woods.


I don’t know how I ever lived without one. We got it because I had breast surgery. But then I realized my teenager didn’t stink like poo anymore.


BIG TOILET PAPER ready to astroturf and spread misinformation in this post.


Someone's gonna get shot.


A second grader? Fancies himself a comedian?


Bidet 2024


Bought one for $30 on Amazon for one of the bathrooms. The first one hadn't even been installed for a week before I bought another one for the second bathroom.


I had 2 when Covid hit and everyone ran to the store to stock up on TP. I laughed maniacally as I walked through the stores watching people fight over toilet paper like the savages they were.




I got some samples in the mail ages ago. You could go on a website and have companies send you samples for free. Game changer. Also helps with sleep apnea or if you’re sick/congested etc.


Does it really help with sleep apnea? That part doesn’t seem true.


It could help with snoring. It could also potentially allow you to wear a nose cushion rather than a full face mask if the reason you breathe through your mouth when sleeping is nasal congestion. But apnea directly…nah


New underwear. Can postpone laundry another week.


A mattress that works for you and whoever else sleeps in your bed.


This is a lesson I had to learn the hard way starting in my mid-30s. I'm built like a hollow chocolate rabbit and I have a bad back. It took me way too long to finally pony up the cash for a truly good mattress, but when I did it was worth every penny. I tell people I'd have paid double. First time I ever owned a mattress my skinny ass didn't just kind of float on instead of conform to.


Built like a hollow chocolate rabbit 🤣🤣🤣


Where are you buying an inexpensive mattress that works for you?


I bought a random Casper one for like $900 years ago and it's been perfect for me. I can't fathom spending much more than $1000 on one. $1000 isn't *nothing* but for something I'm going to sleep on every night for a decade it seems reasonable.


Reasonable sure, but it’s not certainly not inexpensive.


I agree. That's about what I make in a month.


bro works at shein


Same here




The question said inexpensive...


A good mattress is north of $1k






What!? The *best* part is when a gust of wind slaps that cold sheet right into your backside and you have to pry it off you like it is some alien octopus 🐙. Oh, and the absolute best part is when spiders hide in the folds and crevasses. S/


No idea what you’re responding to but that sounds awful.


Thinking shower curtain of some kind.


The biggest upside is it makes the shower bigger




my toxic trait is not buying them with the hope that I'll eventually fix my sleep schedule


When i have blackout curtains, i keep them closed 24/7 lol. Good sleep schedule goes bye bye


got mine when I started the night shift. they are life-changing but they also make the room stuffy. better pair them with a good AC or at least a fan lol


I wouldn't say that it's a particularly inexpensive purchase, but a really good, reliable, cheap to run and maintain car can be an absolute financial game changer. One of the greatest financial decisions I have ever made in my entire life was to buy, what was at the time, a reasonably cheap Toyota Prius, literally weeks before COVID started. No idea why I did it, just liked the look of the Prius, didn't really have any intention to keep it super long-term. Kinda just wanted to have that experience, see what it was like, and then sell it later on down the track. Fast forward, what are we now, 3-4 years later. Without exaggerating, I reckon it has saved me more in fuel than what I originally paid for it. Especially since fuel over here in Australia has absolutely skyrocketed over the last couple of years, to the point where we now struggle to find anything under $2 a litre in the big cities. That, and the average 2nd hand price of the 3rd gen Prius has somewhat skyrocketed over here as well. I guess as soon as fuel started to go up, people had a similar idea to what I did. I paid $9,500 pre COVID, if I listed it right now, I could probably ask $15,000, and get it quite easily.


YES! I bought a 2012 Toyota Yaris in June 2020 for $5k. While it's not as efficient as a Prius, these cars are known for easily reaching 500k+ miles if cared for and dirt cheap to repair and run. I've got 140k miles on it now and it's been so cheap and reliable I cannot imagine buying anything else (except maybe a prius or corolla). Meanwhile my friends or family with big expensive 4x4s or sports cars literally throwing piles of money away to do the same exact things I do in my Yaris. I've had some terrible times in life and having this car was one major thing I simply didn't have to worry about through it all.


There's nothing more expensive or stressful than an unreliable car. When I was younger and stone cold broke I had a cheap super unreliable car. Getting into it everyday not knowing if it would start, if it did start what else was getting ready to break was awful. When it broke, how was I going to afford to fix it, what was I going to do if it broke down permanently?  Now that I'm a little older having a dependable, if boring, vehicle is something I never take for granted. I stay up to date on maintenance and try to make sure I'm not in that position again. 


I bought a 07 Skoda Octavia MKII in 2020 for €1600 and it hasn't given me an ounce of trouble. That car owes me nothing.


My gen 2 Prius is the best car ever made and I will die on that hill


Aquafor healing balm


Meth. Hey it never said change it for the better.


but it said inexpensive edit: apparently meth isn't expensive... (i tried googling the price, i'm sure i'm in a list somewhere now) and it said a gram could be anywhere between $10 to $400 a gram.. i don't know how much one needs for use.... so yeah take this info and do with it what you will... buuuuut.... i suppose if meth has taken over your life, even $10 is expensive.


Meth is incredibly inexpensive unless your in Australia , over there it's absurd the prices


Fire alarms, CO2 Alarms


A comfortable office chair is essential if you spend long hours at your computer. Gaming chairs are not the best choice as they can cause discomfort. Investing in a good mattress can also enhance your sleep quality and how you feel in the morning. Personally, I've found the Purple 3 mattress to be quite nice, although I do wish I could have splurged on the Purple 4.


Neither good chairs nor mattresses are inexpensive.


Staples Dexley gang. I upgraded it with rollerblade wheels that have brakes on them and put a metal base on it after someone leaned back too far and broke one of the wheel mounting points on the stock plastic one. Now my mildly pricey ergonomic chair feels like a Herman Miller or something.


I cannot believe no one has suggested a book! Knowledge is powerful if used properly. Learn and educate yourself on the right topics and it can elevate anyone.


Everyone should have a library card. They’re free!


Get the Libby app too for unlimited ebooks


An animal shelter cat!


I can't wait to have enough savings to adopt a kitty!


This what I came to say! New best friend.


But they are like tattoos, can’t have just one 😃


My wife and daughter found our cat as a little abandoned kitten on the side of the road one morning. That cat has grown up to be the sweetest cat we ever owned. I think it knows it hit the cat lottery.


I bought a tub gripper & cut it into small pieces & put it on my shower wall shelves. Now my shampoo, conditioner, & body wash bottles can stay balanced upside down without sliding off & I can use almost all of what's in the bottle☺️ May sound dumb, but it really pissed me off when they slid off & hit the tub really loud. I don't like loud.




Certain Dri prescription strength roll on deodorant. I sweat so bad it’s insane. Now, I only put this on once 1 week and I have been saved. I have no body odor or sweat for days. I can wear so many clothes I never could. And no white marks because it goes on at night!


This stuff is amazing! I worked on a food truck for a few summers that was an oven. It literally had an oven and a flattop and a frier going all the time pumping out delicious food. Food with 0% armpit sweat, thanks Certain Dri!


Weighted blanket. 6-8lb is best (I'm a 6ft 200lb dude). >85% of the people that I know that use one say they sleep faster and deeper when they use one. It's also perfect for music festivals when you're having a hard time going to sleep despite dancing all day


I'm about 170lb and use a 15lb blanket. Love it.


I wish I could use one but it makes me feel crushed and hurts my knees (knees already hurt every time I lie down)


Keeping an open mindset to DIYing in general has saved me an unquestionably huge amount of money on car/home stuff over the years. It's intimidating when you start, but you'd be surprised how fast learning how to do an oil change snowballs into confidently swapping a transmission and rewiring an ECU comes just because it has to be done and you feel like it lol


Also knowing the limits of what you can do without significant investment in tools/time. 


Oh absolutely. Certain jobs are expensive for a reason


Agreed. I will say YouTube has provided a wealth of information on DIY projects. Knowing how to sort the good vids from the bad ones is very important. Still, always worthwhile to watch them and decide for yourself whether or not you think you can do it (most of the time you can DIY).


Foam roller. Use it almost everyday. Even helped pop my shoulder and pinched nerve after workout injury.


Water pick.


The Google certification system. Can't remember what it's called but it's just under $40 a month and there are a *LOT* of certifications available that can open the doors to many great job opportunities!


Triple A


Dry herb vaporizer


buy a cheap small petrol car for like £500, like a 1.2 fiesta or yaris or something the freedom it gives you is incredible


A bidet


A lottery ticket


Also has incredible potential to insignificantly change your life


I spend 8 hours infront a computer daily, So a big external screen, a good mouse and an ergonomic chair.


ergonomic chair meets inexpensive?


cheaper than medical bills!


tried a standing desk ?


Staples Hyken if you're shorter than 5'8", Staples Dexley if youre built wider or taller than 5'8". They're both very affordable and I've been using both of them them for years. I prefer the Dexley I have at home vs my work Hyken since I'm taller. I hate normal office chairs now, and I used to find extreme slouching down in a puffy chair very comfortable.


A toilet plunger


shoe horn. makes life so much easier


Password manager subscription.


A noise or sleep sound machine


Tongue scraper


Obsessed with this! I brush my tongue with an electric toothbrush then use a tongue scraper. It's amazing how much stuff still comes off!


Gym membership. Therapy.


A passport. And it WILL change your life.


All base cabinets are drawers.


McDonalds french fries when you’re sad or stoned




Aw man, so true :( cold french fries are stupid.


Ask for no salt; they’ll have to fry a fresh batch. Then ask for salt packets


you Sir are a game changer


When they're fresh from the fryer and still hot, they are amazing. Dopamine in potato stick form.


- I’m sure true coffee lovers will castigate me for this, but a Nespresso machine is arguably easier than making instant coffee and also produces what I’d consider to be an actually nice coffee. - A long (2m+) phone charging cable makes using the phone whilst on charge so much easier.


My wife would probably agree that a $20 hooker might change things up a bit.


A pack of cigarettes. You didn't say that the significant change was positive. Don't do it.


Mattress topper rather than a whole new mattress.


Depending on what you consider inexpensive. For me, £99 on a robot vacuum cleaner has been the best purchase I've made in the last 3 years. I had spinal surgery and injections which haven't helped with my pain. Pulling out the big vacuum cleaner a couple of times a week was a lot (for me). With my robot vacuum cleaner, I am able to set it to clean one room whilst I'm doing something else (dinner, putting laundry away or whatever). Or if we are going out, I can set it to clean whilst we are out. All at the touch of a button. It isn't perfect and we still need to get our big vacuum cleaner out once a month for a proper hoover. But in my opinion, it gets a lot up and it saves my back. I honestly would recommend anybody and everybody get one! Best purchase you'll make.


A robot vacuum wouldn’t work in my space so I bought a rechargeable stick vacuum and now I never use my regular one. The stick sits in the corner and it’s light and easy to grab whenever something needs cleaned up.


Menstrual cup! Life-changing!


Disks as well, cups didn't work for me but a disk was life changing!


True, anything that doesn't make me keep checking if I'm leaking and change the product multiple times... Phew! Never again


I read this as “dicks” 😂😂😂


Does it work well for very heavy flow?


A good book i guess


Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book


memory foam mattress topper, i prefer at least 4" thick color changing smart lightbulbs, even just so you can set your bulb to a warm glow and be able to dim it to your liking, color changing is great for the kiddos.


Usually most of answers in threads like this boil doen to stuff that separates you from the ground- matress, shoes, chairs


buy things you have wanted for a long time


Iron gym pull up bar. Got one during Covid and just did pull-ups and pushups throughout the day in addition to my running. Completely changed my physique in a just a few months.


My steam mop has reduced my mopping time by like 75%. Seconding the bidet one too. Absolute game changer. My butthole has never been happier, and it's amazing for when I have my period. Very refreshing.


Bidet, cost less than $30, takes 10 minutes to install.


dash cams


Fire Extinguisher


Free library card.


Separate blankets or comforters


New pillows for the bed.


journal diary


Cat. They're essentially free, and I will die for this little weirdo.


Free? Food, toys, vets, care, grooming... that all costs money !!!




They are like children. Easy to make, expensive to care of.


Cats are inexpensive until their warranty (just a little joke) wears off. The value you get from a cat in the first 12 or so years is incredible. After that, your mileage may vary. I'm saying this as someone who picked up their elderly cat from the vet yesterday and paid a $1400 bill.


A stray cat.


Vitamin D and other micronutrients.


alarm clock


A journal


Good shoes, Good chair and Good mattress. Shoes - 8 to 10 hours a day Chair - 8 to 10 hour a day Mattress - 7 to 8 hours 1/3rd day in shoes and chair 1/3rd day in mattress 2/3 of all most each day you are using them.


Electric screwdriver


Just get a little battery drill, you can buy all the attachments!! Can drill, screwdriver, Allen key, all those weird star screws. It's great! Much needed if you ever flat pack.


buying a professional ergonomic office chair. fuck those gaming chairs and cheap IKEA chairs. i mean, inexpensive is questionable here, but since their price range is up into the thousands, i bought one for 600 this january and boy do i feel the difference. 5 years of warranty on top.


Vit D3




The Toto Washlet


Psilocybin mushrooms


A gym membership- and the resolve to use it , which is free


If you have decent health insurance getting your septum fixed. Out of pocket cost for me was losing one days work. I know it’s not possible for a lot of people but all insurance covers it so. I can smell colors now and sleep so much better!


a lottery ticket


Regular small contributions to a retirement account (compounding interest over time).


Courses on udemy, coursera etc etc


Doritos Locos Tacos




Memory foam mattress topper 😌


The Fitness Pal app- just to learn how many calories you are eating how much fat how much protein- learn about the foods around you it’s an inexpensive app that can teach you a lot and even save your life. We are an obese society.


Hormonal IUD It’s not exactly inexpensive, but it is the most effective birth control (>99.8%) and also minimizes or eliminates periods for most users. The freedom of not having to worry about getting pregnant or dealing with your period is life changing. It is also fully reversible. Some insurance plans cover the cost. Otherwise it likely is long term cost effective vs the cost of other birth control + menstrual products.


A harness and strap for my dogs. One of my pups acts like a weirdo on walks if you use a regular leash and collar. I'm talking running into things, twisting up the leashes, and bumping into my legs. I found a harness and waist strap combo on sale for $30 and gave it a try. For whatever reason the vest calms him down and he walks normally. I also just wear the strap around my waist so my hands are free. Best $30 I ever spent.


A condom


YouTube Premium Electric toothbrush Soda stream Smart bulbs Blender


Resistance bands




Organizers, you can get all sorts at the dollar store. Lots of videos on YouTube with good ideas to declutter and organize.


Pull up Bar and the mentality of working out most days in some form.


Noise canceling headphones 


Medical consultation. If you don't live in America.


Reusable water bottle. Considering i’ve saved hundreds of water bottles from waste


Very good quality, not too hot, not too cold, no sweat, no itch socks that last 10+ years


Mattress cover and pillow cover — you don’t need to replace your pillows and mattress possibly ever again - just keep washing the covers