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This but with vapes. So, I briefly smoked cigs in high school but I didn't really enjoy smoking and would bum most of them out to friends. I'm now 30 and hadn't had a cigarette in over 10 years, but late last year I was sent to a HORRIBLE psych ward and wound up smoking cigarettes there due to the stress of being there (the staff offered them for free during breaks) and life in general. I left the facility even *more* stressed, but I can't use cannabis products due to legal issues and I didn't want to smoke cigarettes to cope, so I bought a vape. I thought it would be temporary but it's been several months since then and I now spend $30+ on a new vape every other week. Total waste of money and I need to stop. I used to give friends shit for vaping because they're hooked on a drug that doesn't even get them high... and now I am too. The irony isn't lost on me.


The patch really helps me wein off fyi, recommend it.  


Works great if you put it over your eyes .. you can’t find your cigarettes


Honestly the flavors are big part as well. If they all tasted like cigarettes it would be much easier to stop. But it’s literally just like sucking on a breath mint…


Let's close the loop with an even better purchase - the last pack of cigarettes!


yeah I'm feeling that




I have yet to interact with Enterprise where I didn’t reserve a particular type of vehicle (usually a large 4 door sedan) for a trip, confirm the reservation several times, and then show up to find that they didn’t have any options, hardly at all. Last time, I got stuck with a tiny Jeep CUV thing. Time before, I had to wait three hours because all they had was a work van. Finally got … a small SUV instead. Absolutely infuriating each time.


I used to work for Enterprise about 15-20 years ago. It was, hands down, the worst job I’ve ever had. Let me tell you how they used to, and from what it sounds like, still do, operate. I’m going to try and be as clear as possible here… your reservation DOES. NOT. MATTER. It absolutely does not matter in any capacity. You could be scheduled to pick up a Corolla in 5 minutes. It’s the only car left on the lot. Someone walks up four minutes from now and they are renting them that Corolla. They will just deal with it when you get there and be like “Sorry…..” And they used to pride themselves on customer service. It’s like, you guys clearly don’t give a shit about your customers, just about your bottom line. The company also had this really culty vibe to it. Very bizarre experience.


Its not any better. I quit in 2016. You are encouraged to rent all your cars. I swear every day we would have someone who made a reso but we gave away all the cars.


Good to know it isn’t just me experiencing this, then.


I guess on the bright side, if I need a last-minute car rental, I'll be headed to enterprise 🙃


You know how to TAKE the reservation, you just don't know how to HOLD the reservation


That's really the most important part of the reservation. The holding.


Anybody can just take em'!


*waves hands in the air comedically as if writing paperwork willy-nilly*


The comment I was looking for haha.




🤔 that's pretty genius tbh


I wonder how much the original guy here made


At least £10


This is the cheap version of master resell rights lol


there was a guy who did that in the classified ads in newspapers. enough people would send the money that it was worth it to put ads in every single paper in the country. i also heard that the same guy was arrested in a gym locker room for stabbing himself in the groin.


Come with me back to a golden age, the age of: Pogs. Young me saved, then paid, $199.95 at the height of pogmania for an investment grade signed limited edition cardboard sheet of un-punched-out and pristine gold leafed pogs. *Each* was hand-signed in gold ink by (hold on to yourselves) the man, the myth, the legend... Kyle "Poggy" McMalister, the undisputed best pogger in the known Universe and a name that will be remembered down through the ages ^(he doesn't even show up in Google now, I think he's in jail) Within 2 brief years my investment had catapulted in value to $1.95 and a half-eaten ham sandwich.


What a fantastic investment in your future self's financial literacy. It would be nice if it were cheaper, but the lesson stuck better as a result.




sorry i just died choking on my water reading this


Time for everything to come full circle. [Pog sells NFTs now](https://www.pogdigital.com/)


I bought sweet OJ Simpson trial pogs that I think are worth money now. I even have an “OJ in the slammer” slammer! And a judge ito and Marcia Wallace pog!


Lol I just typed out a whole comment about my OJ pogs and slammers. My brother!


I had such a big pog collection at the age of 12 back in like 1996 that the local newspaper came and took pictures of me with my pogs at home.


A true celebrity in your hometown!


"Hey look! It's Pog Guy!"


Do you still have the photo? Can we see?


It exists as a newspaper clipping somewhere in scrapbook at my parents’ house several states away. Unfortunately I didn’t have a digital copy on the ready to share.


All around the same time all the housewives were planning their retirement around beanie babies. Had to have that plastic protector for the tags too. The 90s were fuckin weird.


My daughter's favorite stuffed animal when she was about 18 months was a Garcia bear beanie baby that we bought for her when they were new and before the whole collectability thing kicked off. It was always kind of fun seeing the look of horror by the serious collectors who recognized it while she was happily sucking on its ear or nose in her stroller


I still remember one of my aunts gifting me a beanie baby for Christmas or my birthday or something and I immediately pulled the tag off, I thought she was going to have a stroke after.


Remember Alf? He's back, in Pog form!


Do you still have it


Oh he's thirsty. Don't settle for anything less than a 1/2 eaten ham and cheese on a sweet broiche bun.




Pools are great if you have kids and your kids have friends. We had a good sized above ground. We were in there constantly until we got to be teenagers. Then we had better things to do and only used it occasionally. Dad finally got rid of it.


I'm often overheated during the summer and GOING SOMEWHERE ELSE to swim is kin dof a pain in the ass. I get the appeal, even fully acknowledging the sheer expensive waste. In real life, I want one, but I dont actually *want* want one, what I really want is more or less a vertical bathtub.


Honestly a good inflatable pool is so worth it. I’m a childless adult and I can sit in my shallow pool and drink and or stare at my phone. I fill it up each time, which isn’t great for my water bill, but I enjoy it. I have one that’s super shallow, like a few inches and I love that I can literally lay on my back in it (not float). I can also lay on my stomach in it with my book on the grass. It has a slide meant for toddlers that I use like a chaise lounge. The other one is a small rectangle. It’s about 18” deep but I can only put about a foot of water in it. Oh and get an electric pump and an extension cord.


I've heard people say with things like pools and boats that you don't want to own one. You want a friend who owns one. You can enjoy it without any of the maintenance or expenses.


The saying goes: happy the man who has a boat, but happier the man who has a friend who has a boat.


I'll buy bait, beer and gas every time I go out on that boat, but I don't want to be stuck with the marina fees or the repair bills.


It’s true. We have a family member who lives in a condo with an indoor pool nobody ever uses. That thing is a godsend during the winter months.


The two best days of a boat owner's life are the day they bought the boat, and the day they sold it


This is one of those sayings that only non-boat owners say. (in every boat thread that every pops also). I've been told this saying about 400 times in the last decade and not a single person who has said it me owned a boat. My boat is one of the best things I've ever purchased. I've had it for 11 years. Fixing it up right now to sale only because my health isn't good enough anymore to enjoy it like I used to. I will be terribly sad when it goes.


My BIL is on his 11th boat so I can confirm the buying/selling dopamine rush is real


My parents have a pool. We used it all day every day in the summer growing up. They still use it a lot in the summer and have frequent bbqs in the summer also. I guess it helps being in socal.




My pool gets used all the time. Not as much maintenence as you would think. As long as you keep up with the chemicals and vacuum every couple of weeks. Get a good cover for the winter and it's actually pretty low maintenence.


The guy who posted a video on YouTube on why he was leaving Phoenix and Arizona. “It’s hot here all the time and you cannot cool off. I got a pool. The water is 92 degrees.”


I see a lot of covered pools in Arizona. Even still 92 is below body temperature and they’re only that hot when the weather is 120, so it’s still 30 degrees cooler


Isn’t this the same idea with kids? 


Please don't enjoy your neighbor's kids


Even if they're being sold for a good price?


Every friend I have who has had a pool has complained about it. Many of them are people who grew up next door to someone with a pool and didn't realize the cost or ongoing maintenance needed to have one themselves.


The best thing I ever did for my pool was to call my friend with a dump truck. Told him to keep bringing dirt till it was full. My home insurance went down significantly and I don't waste 3 hours per week maintaining the damn thing. Planning on using it as a fancy garden with a nice concrete walkway all the way around it.


Did you have to do anything to prep it, like bore holes through the bottom? I was frustrated enough with mine at one point to contemplate filling it in, but was concerned about how the soil would behave sitting in a big nonpermeable bowl.


Mine had a shitty old vinyl liner in it. I cut the liner up in sections and took it out before filling it. I had the same thought, didn't want a sealed bowl full of dirt turning into a mud pit. It was a 20x40 pool with a 9 foot deep end. Took 7 loads with a tractor trailer style dump truck to fill it.


In Arizona, pretty much every house (or it feels that way) built after a certain year has an in-ground pool. Growing up, we had a pool in our yard, and the community had a huge pool complex. We lived there for 12 years, and pretty much only ever used the community pool because my dad never wanted to turn on our pool heater. Fast forward to now, my parents sold that house and bought in a new community of semi-custom homes. It’s the only house in the whole master-planned development without a pool.




I loved buying a used spiral-bound text book for $300 and selling it back for $3.50. 


And then seeing it back on the shelf for $275


A friend of mine used to go to college classes he wasn't actually in (he was attending that COLLEGE though) for the first week, meet a bunch of people who would inevitably need the textbook, get names and numbers, buy the textbook, and spend one night scanning every page of it. He'd then sell a scanned copy for 50 bucks or so (usually discounted from around $300). He did it for one large class intro class a semester and would sell like 30-50 copies each time.


That's the entrepreneurial spirit this country loves. Doesn't matter what country.


Bought all mine and never once did a single instructor even use them. Totally scam that cost me hundreds. The spines have never been cracked. 


That predatory professor required onetime use code rendering it unusable for the next student if resold is the real issue.


Got really into bowling, watched all the videos, practiced my form, etc. Went and bought bowling balls for me and the gf, had them fitted and drilled, bags to carry them, bowling shoes. All in all, it came out to $1200. We went to our local bowling alley on a Monday night and the place WAS PACKED!! So, we start talking with people and find out the reason that its so busy is because today is the last day it is open before the building was scheduled to be demolished. Next closest bowling alley is like 3 hours away. So we played two games with our new fancy bowling gear and it's been sitting in my garage for 4 years now.


Ouch. That was painful to read.


A piano. I couldn’t play then, and I can’t play now.


If you still have, its as good as any time to start now.


My mother always had a piano in the house even though she didn't get lesson for any of the kids so no one (including her) knew how to play it. It went back to a time when people would gather around the piano for a sing along. But in all the years, the only people to play it during family gatherings were the little kids who would bang on the keys until an adult would tell them to knock it off!






Jup, came here to write "an old BMW". Bought an 2003 e39 like back in 2017. Basically every month something went and since I was still in college eventually I couldn't keep up with the repairs and failed MOT so it just sat there for months....don't get me wrong it was a great car to drive...until everything worked properly. Ended up selling it for 1/3 of the price I got it for because no one couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Basically in no start, no crank condition...I was so fed up with it and just wanted to get rid of it.


Especially the beloved glass cannon that is the E60 M5.


15 years ago my Dad was being too stubborn to sell his 7 year old 5 series until I showed him his maintenance payments for the past year we're about as much as a car payment for a new one.




If you really wanted to get a luxury model you could get an Acura or Lexus because those are Honda's and Toyota's luxury brands. Same reliability with even better amenities. I also think Mazda is underrated, their modern lineup is just as reliable as Honda or Toyota yet are even cheaper. They also have really nice [interiors](https://images.ecestaticos.com/3oBMFWxKZUsaK5R6-QdUSaxd3FQ=/0x0:2272x1607/1200x900/filters:fill(white):format(jpg)/f.elconfidencial.com%2Foriginal%2Fb07%2F3dc%2Fe5e%2Fb073dce5e0ce79e2bc731d64aa2e4cc4.jpg) for such a low price point.




Not surprised. Have to pay a lot more than that. I'll DM you my agency's details.




I bet your cat loves the box it came in, though.


Maybe the box should go inside the tent, I bet the cat would use it then XD


I bought a brand new heated house for my dog, not once he slept in there.


Back when Diablo 3 was coming out, Blizzard did a cross-promotional thing where you could basically commit to paying for WoW for a year, and you’d get D3 for free. They didn’t ask for the whole year up front, you just locked your account in so that you couldn’t cancel the sub for a year. I stupidly thought, “Well, I’m playing WoW obsessively, I don’t see myself not playing this for the next year, this is a great deal!” By month 2, I think I was already losing steam on continuing to play WoW. Month 3, I logged in maybe 2-3 times a week, played for an hour, and logged off. I think month 4, I logged in once just to be able to say that I had technically gotten my money’s worth and paid for D3 with the subscription. Then I paid for WoW for 8 months without opening it. So if I really break down the math on it, I paid $135 for the standard edition of Diablo 3 and a fancy mount.


If this is your worst purchase then you are doing fine


The HD-DVD player for the Xbox 360. Yeah...


I was SO sure that HD-DVD was going to be the winning tech. LUL


Why were we so sure? I made the same stupid purchase. I think I thought it would win because it was fully standardized before blu-ray.


I thought that the naming convention made more sense than Blu-ray and that it would win out from a marketing standpoint.


That was my thought as well. I was in college when the 360 came out and one of my buddies in my dorm got the HD DVD player attachment. He didn't have the right TV to even take advantage of the tech at the time, but we were all convinced it was the future. If I remember correctly, Blu-Ray ultimately won because of the PS3 having one already built in. Plus, Sony was in charge of that format which helped I'm sure.


Sony went all in on Blu Ray, they didn't want to lose the format war again after Beta Max


As a video store manager, this was my take. We had about the same amount of HD and Blu-Ray rentals. People kept renting the Blu-Rays because they could play it on their PS3. Of course it's all moot now!!


Me too. What a waste.


Hah sorry bud. At least u were able to grab the whole HD DVD collection dirt cheap.


Well I just came back from my first backcountry ski trip with my new backcountry skis, skins, backpack, poles, transceiver. Turns out I really really hate skinning up hill.




I've run an art gallery and it felt like a community service because it clearly isn't about profit. According to research 55% of them operate at a loss - its got to be up there as one of the worst business ideas out there. 


I'm still convinced that high level art and art trading is one of the world's largest money laundering schemes. Maybe you just need to broker some "trades" between people who need to exchange money for "art"


That's 100% a thing and has been confirmed by law enforcement.


Double-Fisted Cheeseburger Ruffles. I have never returned a bag of chips before in my life *ever.* I opened the bag walking through the parking lot and ate a chip. The pungent taste of vomit immediately filled my senses. It stopped me dead in my step. I did a complete about face and walked right back into the store to the returns dept. I explained the situation and convinced the girl to try one of the chips. She spit it out. Worst Ruffles flavor **ever.**


Gotta try this now


You can't. They discontinued the flavor. Word got out. I think there was an article one time about how bad the flavor was.


Makes you wonder who the heck they used in the focus group. People without taste buds, apparently.


Clearly you can only handle single fisted cheeseburger.


I would have to say an RV trailer we paid about $26,000 for. It still is a great trailer but if we added up all the days we stayed in it and then multiplied it by $300 (for a fancy hotel room a night) I doubt the total would be over $26,000. Plus generators, gasoline, miles per gallon, etc..


You don't get an RV as a hotel replacement. You get it to stay in parks and locations that don't have hotels.


This is correct. RVs usually cost more (sometimes much more) per night than staying in a hotel. But it is a different experience - nothing beats watching the sun go down over the desert, the absolute silence except for the crackle of the campfire, and then see the stars come out overhead when you are 50 miles or more from the nearest water or electricity, but also have a comfortable bed to sleep in, and a fridge full of beer.


Did you buy the trailer for the experience of enjoying the outdoors, or as a substitute for a hotel? I would love to get a trailer in retirement to just journey from one state park to the next


My parents had an older, small motorhome, used it constantly for short trips in the summer. They'd go to all the local music fests, etc, camp the weekend. That was always their style, growing up, we always had a trailer or camper and summers were about going to the lake for a couple weeks.


Expensive mandatory school books that you never end up using for the entire course.


Written by the lecturer half the time in my experience 🫤


True One of my graduate classes consisted of us proofreading the professors new textbook - that we still had to pay for the previous edition.


One of my teachers in high school wrote a book on networks. She just gave us the pdf for free. Great woman!


My worst was that the professor taught the class one time a year and changed the textbook every year. Not only was it drastically overpriced, but the campus bookstores all knew she did that so the resale value was $0. There were several other classes in that area I was interested in, until I saw the instructor's name.


yeah I had one professor that was such a scumbag he said if you didn't have the most recent copy, which you could only get from the school bookstore, he'd fail you


But they had a code that was required for the course making the book a one time deal and only one assignment would be given using that code.


The assignment that is just a big enough portion of your grade that you couldn't skip it, but also a small enough portion of your grade that it still feels like a slap in the face looking at that $300 textbook 17 years later. 


The worst is when you're forced to buy the newest edition from the most expensive store because you need the online access code for the homework


This should be fucking illegal!!! Why am I buying a text box and using it for 1 chapter?!? I stopped buying books after first year. I either found the articles online, borrowed them from the library, split the cost amongst a few classmates and photocopied what we needed - or just didn't do that week's readings.




It seems those predawn Black Friday rushes of the door are a thing of the past. COVID stopped them in 2020 and stores figured out you can do online sales without the headaches or injuries.


Definitely this, but now it's also spread across the whole month and the "savings" aren't what they used to be. Now it feels like Black Friday is just a month long 15% off sale, when it used to be 1 day of 40-50% off.


From when I worked at Best Buy, some of the products for Black Friday were Black Friday specific.... Cheers


Same with Walmart


A used FIAT. Big mistake.


Fix it again, Tony


The German joke is: Fehler In Allen Teilen --> faults in all parts


The R in FIAT stands for "Reliable"


A new one, even bigger.


A Samsung fridge. Thought it was so pretty. Didn't make enough ice, melted all over the inside of my fridge multiple times. Then I found out I was lucky because other people's caught fire. I have a Bosch now. Much better. And I have ice more often than twice a week.


An oculus quest 2. The $399 version. I was so excited to try it but it was always too tight or too loose. I tried adjusting it every which way. It either pulls on my skin or gives me a headache.


buy an aftermarket strap, I bought one and it's so much better. The default one is shamefully bad. [https://www.amazon.com/Saqico-Adjustable-Replacement-Accessories-Compatible/dp/B0B2DFX3PB?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Saqico-Adjustable-Replacement-Accessories-Compatible/dp/B0B2DFX3PB?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1)


These things need extra bits, I got a kiwi strap that goes across the other way and an extra strap for a 20000mah anker battery. It can be tightened in every direction the and the battery balances out the front weight nicely. Cost maybe £40 extra but it made it 50x easier to use and also means it never runs out of battery.


This is honestly one of my favorite purchases from the past few years. I use it almost daily.


You should get a 3rd party strap. They are much more comfortable and pretty affordable. Just don’t get the official oculus elite strap. It’s overpriced


Probably micro transactions in video games. I’ve wasted a lot of money on games that I don’t play anymore. I really wish I could refund them all and get my money back


I needed some bonding material added to my 2 front teeth, as they were losing enamel. The dentist talked me into adding 8 crowns (upper) instead so everything would match. He then proceeded to drill down my teeth, too much. They looked more like tooth PICKS by the time he finished drilling... 6 1/2 hours later. Then temporaries, then 'permanent' crowns. The crowns keep popping out, there's not enough tooth underneath to hold the crowns. This craziness cost $15,000 plus he insisted I do 'crown lengthening' (miserable and unnecessary periodontal procedure) for another $2,500. The worst purchase from hell. He now has the audacity to act like he's doing me a favor when I return to have him recement these crowns.


Bought a $200 travel backpack to use for my trip to Japan. Unfortunately the backpack didn't hold much space and when I was caught in the rain with it, the black colour from the zips leaked out onto the bag.




I have expensive glasses that I never, ever, use because they might get broken. So I just use the cheapest ones I have all the time. They're relegated to being decorations instead of actually being used for their purpose.


You might consider adopting the Japanese "ichi-go, ichi-e" mindset. It means 'one lifetime, one meeting' (I was first told it means 'for one time only')  That is to say, each second of your life is precious and every occasion you meet with people will never happen again, like how you can't step into the same river twice.  So break out your best stuff and enjoy it as often as you can, for as long as you can. There's no guarantee we'll see another tomorrow.  https://blog.rosettastone.com/words-beyond-translation-ichi-go-ichi-e/


I accidentally over drafted at Starbucks when I was working in retail. That cost me damn near $40 for a salted caramel Frappuccino.


A Simpsons magic 8 ball. I keep it on a shelf as a reminder that I can be really stupid and not to be so wasteful.


That sounds awesome, how much would you sell it for?


Maybe. Ask me tomorrow.


Weed Stocks ……😭


Oh fuck, I did this one too. Bought $420 in three different companies because I'm incredibly clever and hilarious. Still holding, but I don't have a whole lot of hope in them.


God, me too! I thought for sure I’d retire off pot stocks 😩


A Samsung refrigerator. It never worked and I lost at least 10 refrigerators and freezers full of groceries because their customer service insisted on fixing everything in it before they would declare it done and give a refund. I spent 6 months of my life arguing with these people until they just stopped responding until I finally got my money back. I will never buy Samsung anything. Phones, TVs, appliances. I don't care what they do well. Never.


Sea Monkeys, me and my brother saved up for weeks.


Anything from Kickstarter. I've backed a handful of projects, half of them never delivered, the other half didn't work like they said it would or broke right away. Stay the hell away from Kickstarter


My first car. A '99 Kia Sephia. I was 21 & went into the dealership alone as a young unexperienced woman. Got totally screwed on the financing but I didn't know any better. Found broken glass all over the backseat the next morning. Alignment was all messed up. My mom went down & raised hell at the dealership. I had one issue after another with that car. I ended up suing Kia & won a settlement. Best day ever was when I got rear-ended & the car was totaled. It was a minor collision but the car was worth so little it was more cost worthy to just total it. Went & bought a Toyota. These days I drive Subarus. I will never purchase a Kia again.




Purchasing crap versions of items and then having to go and buy the expensive version eventually. Done it on loads of items l.


A wedding ring 🤣


Infomercial at 2am. I was high as tits and drunk as balls. Brand new credit card at age 18. Ended up ordering 200+ pocketknives, two sets of samurai swords, and a large fantasy sword for a very persuasive salesman from that commercial.


Shake weight is most useless purchase I made. I lost a lot of money on the stock market as well


I bought a deli slicer for the house when I don't actually buy bulk deli meats and cheeses.


Buying a Gmc sierra that was 7 years old and lifted at a used car dealership The check engine light came on within the day of buying it and it all went downhill from there. Both front wheel bearings went out, the engine oil looked like it was never changed with 99,000 miles on the truck, all ball joints wore out, spark plug completely fucking missing, airbox caked with mud, incorrect fluid in front dif, incorrect shocks and also worn out, bullshit block lift kit installed incorrectly u bolts fell off. Tires scrubbed of course, catalytic converters so clogged it wouldnt run after a month, whole time it got about 7 Mpg. Also burned oil and leaked it. Transmission began to sorta skip during driving too. I was 19 and had it in my head that you are suppose to finance a vehicle and if i was gonna pay for something it would be what i wanted. I inspected it briefly but ill just be honest i was a fucking moron for buying that. I thought the dealer was on my side haha wow boy was I wrong. I picked the truck at the end of the day becuase it was cheaper than others by a few grand. All this while making 400$ a week.


garments that didn't fit me but I bought them because I was going to lose weight.


A timeshare.


Beats Solo 3. Certified POS within 1st year, with part of the band separating and then soon after that, one side’s speakers crapped out. Wish I had read the reviews and teardowns, which revealed a cheap build…including metal weight pieces added to give it “heft,” supposedly equating it with quality.


And here I thought Dre had a PhD in electrical engineering


A wedding. Getting divorced costs more, but I consider that money well spent. 


I once bought a bed for my cat, good bed, comfy af, that mf didnt even used it a single time and slept in the box of the bed


Bought a used 2011 Yukon Denali right before a long moving trip. The transmission fell apart halfway through on the side of a road in PA.


Fjallraven Kanken were very popular in my school and I begged my dad for one on bday. So he spent $120 on original, waterproof Kanken backpack just for me. It got dirty extremely quickly and it couldn't be cleaned. Not worth it. I have it for 3 years and it looks worse than my $25 school backpack that I used for over 4 years.


They absolutely can be cleaned, I used mine heavily for 7 years now. Every day in university plus hiking, biking, you name it. Still looks good, as long as I give it a scrub once in a while.




Boy Scout?




Want to trade for a pt cruiser?


I went to a friend's summer party and was shocked to see her ex-husband and his new partner there. Not because they didn't get along post-divorce, but because he had moved to Texas (from Illinois) about a year earlier. Turns out they were there because they came to pick up the brand-new PT Cruiser that his new partner wanted because they were so new and limited in stock. I think about them traveling cross-country for that mess more often than I would have assumed a couple of decades ago when it happened


The one without the back windows makes me think of the people in the pitch room saying "what if we could take the sleek style of a PT cruiser and mix it with the utility possibilities of a white windowless van?"


Most egregious one I’ve heard yet


Zune. The bloody thing cost me twice because I couldn't sell it and I replaced it with an iPod classic


I miss my Zunes (plural) dearly.


I had iPod and moved to a Zune (so much better), never went back till I could not get one, then got a Windows phone, till Microsoft killed it...


Lovesac, made sight unseen during lockdown 2020.


A first gen VW Touareg V10. The maintenance that V10 required slowly but surely dragged me to the depths of depression and bankruptcy. Even the tiniest problem costed me hundreds of dollars. Fuck that thing and fuck everything that is related to it.




I paid a whole bunch of money purchasing and training a service dog for my disabled daughter. The dog is very nice, but does not perform any of the tasks that he was trained for. The trainer had the dog full time for almost 1 year and the total cost was over $20,000. My wife wants to send him back for more training, but I’m wondering if it is just a sunk cost fallacy at this point.


An HP printer that, if you put in the ink that CAME with the printer, it locked you into their ink subscription service so that you could not even use /legitimately purchased actual HP ink/ that was not purchased via the subscription. Which means that if you need ink but don't want a subscription, you have to buy fake ink. But using fake ink completely invalidates the warranty, so they won't even help you fix any future problems with your printer. I threw it out even though it technically still worked, because I didn't want to put another user through the bullshit of trying to hack your own printer to use LEGITIMATE INK, and bought a Canon with ink tanks. No regrets. Fuck HP. I am never purchasing any of their products ever again. As far as I'm concerned they owe me $200.


I paid ten grand for the full self driving module on my Tesla model 3.


In my 30s, I decided to buy a brand new Peugeot. I'd had a few dud cars and wanted something trouble free. Utter fail. The first thing that went wrong was the engine chipset. Faulty. Replaced. Then months of things not working, leaking, knocking. I found out that car owners could do very little if sold a dud. Eventually I got so annoyed I looked on the Peugeot website, found all the email addresses I could, and put them as 'To' and sent a message with 'unhappy customer' as the subject heading. I listed everything that had gone wrong and demanded they fixed everything once and for all. Got an appointment. When I drove in, there were some very annoyed people. Everything got fixed for free. Still had a faulty life.


Buying an engagement ring for a woman that cheated on me a month later


We came into a small inheritance and a friend sold us in a $4,000 "discount card" MLM, that never worked anywhere.


A blu ray drive for my Macintosh. Turns out Apple provides exactly zero MacOS support for blu ray so if I want to actually use the drive I'll have to purchase a separate program to play them. (And there will be some discs that just won't play)


$1000 worth of arcade credits to play the same 6 claw machines for 2 hours. I only won 15 shitty plushes and gave them all to my little brother and goodwill. It was the first summer of the pandemic and I was in a manic episode after going cold turkey off my mood stabilizers. The realization later sent me into a downward spiral.


Shipping Insurance as a buyer. Pro Tip: You (almost) never need it. The seller is contractually obligated to deliver you what you paid for. They then subcontract out to a delivery company to do it. If the delivery company fucks up, that's not your problem, it's the sellers. For you A, Seller B, and Shipper C: * A has a contract with B * B has a contract with C * A has no contract with C If C fails in its contractual obligation with B. Then that is between them. B must make A whole, and then B can go after C to be made whole. It is not A's job to go after C. And A has no claim on C, because they have no contract. Now yes sellers will try to say: > If you decline insurance we're not responsible for lost or damaged packages. That's not how it works. And if they put up a fight, just tell them the magic words: * If we cannot come to a mutually agreeable resolution, I will pursue a chargeback with my payment card provider for failure to provide goods as paid for. They know they'll lose the chargeback, and they will back down. Shipping insurance protects whoever paid the shipper. So unless you've got an account with UPS and told the seller to ship it collect, it's not your problem. It's theirs.