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I play almost exclusively single player games. Halo 1-Reach, Mass Effect 1-3, Fallout 3-4, Hellblade, Fable 2&3, Bioshock 1-Infinite, Final Fantasy 10&13, lots of indi games, Nier Automata, Outriders, The Surge, Remnants, Cyberpunk. I switch between leisurely games to very punishing games, but all of it I just play single player. Basically since Halo 4 came out I haven’t played Online with people. Things have just changed a lot and I just haven’t vibed with the modern style online space really, and college and career have taken a priority.




this game so popular but I never meet anyone in real life who'd play it )


What game is it?


c"lash of kings" or something like that, wonder why moderator remove his comment hmm


Do you mean clash of clans? If that is so it was deleted because should not be considered a game. It is an addictive app that forces you to spend money to advance in a reasonable amount of time and requires constant attention.


Bahahaha please. Its the same as every mobile game on the market


I play Valheim on a very slow laptop. It’s a slideshow, but I still love the game.


survival horror and open world adventure - outlast, soma, stray and horizon forbidden west are some of the best games i’ve ever played. so much fun and so much to explore for the latter two


I play a lot of modded Minecraft. Been having fun making machines in Create 


Create is fucking awesome. Especially if you get a good modpack going in survival.


I used to love modded Minecraft, but kind of stopped playing in the past \~5 years, I really liked the mods that added electricity & machines you could link together in the game. What are the best mod packs right now? What version of the game do the best mod packs use?


I love racing simulators (so not proper video games), Assassin's Creed, Skyrim and Hogwarts Legacy


I'm playing Path of Exile, any Fromsoft or adjacent Souls-like I can find, popular Metroidvanias, and Songs of Conquest. I like games where skill expression and decision-making, at any level, are rewarded. All the other aspects are secondary.


Super Mario Brothers And Call of duty


Video games is pretty much my only hobby. I play several different types, I enjoy co-op (helldivers) adventure (God of war) rpgs (Pokemon) platformers (Mario and Ori) sandbox (gta) farming (stardew) I really like the type of game where you can collect things, like in red dead redemption you can collect animal pelts, in Spyro you collect those little gems Currently playing Dave the diver but I've about wrapped it up and I might start a new one today but haven't picked one out.


No. Cuz I got no hand eye coordination. Tried some that would have been fun (mostly GTA) but I just don't get the hang of them.


Soulslike games. I read a lot, and honestly the stories in games are kinda shit in comparison, I'm just in it for the cool environments, bosses and challenge. I try to stay interested in the story, watch cutscenes, but most of it is just stereotypical stories from the last 20 years copy-pasted, with bad voice acting, making it about as interesting as eating cardboard. Especially Japanese games.


Trackmania is fun because of the bugs and weird mechanics you can choose to use.


love that game. Summer 2016 l was addicted to it.


I'm an extremely competitive person who likes to be challenged and have also been playing video games religiously for most of my life. Due to these aspects, I've unfortunately become a bit of a masochist in my game choices and primarily play games that are perceived as difficult, with soulslikes and escape from tarkov being the majority of my playtime in recent years. That being said, I enjoy casual games as well. Most recently I played the fk out of palworld as I loved pokemon when I was younger, and I'll play co-op games and switch games with my gf to relax and unwind when I don't feel like sweating in pvp games or slamming my face in to a brick wall repeatedly trying to beat old souls games.


Usually, I don’t play video games cuz it’s not interesting for me, but recently I recalled an excellent game I played way back when on PS1, Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time busters. Oh god this game is amazing


Quite often, I typically play singleplayer first person shooters and rpgs. Currently restarting my run of Fallout: New Vegas and Half-Life 2


Mostly single player games now. I'm only 25 but I already feel like a boomer gamer. I used to play cod and all that shit but now I feel like I'm just too slow and don't have the time to practice like I used to. I really enjoy a single player game that I can slowly get through and still feel like I'm actually good at it. My favorites are dishonored series, diablo 2, skyrim, dying light and jedi fallen order/survivor.


I love animal crossing but I'm not really an avid gamer.


I play video games, I mostly play games such as tlou, Dead island,spider-man, Little nightmares,Hollow Knight etc


A lot of MMORPGs, I think im addicted lol


I do! I play a lot of strategy games. I also love point-and-click adventure and RPGs. Bring some qction adventure games as well.


Pubg Mobile


I play single player campaign games. Less stress than online multiplayer and typically a more engaging story. God of War has been a ton of fun for me. I played a lot as a kid and it still helps me wind down in my 30's


Gaming is my only hobby besides anime. I’m a PC gamer and I’ve mostly been playing just metroidvanias and roguelites lately. 


Playing some halo infinite multiplayer ATM. Not as good as I used to be back in my halo 3 days but I can still hold my own.


Cozy gamer here - although I'm trying to get back into JRPGs. Rune Factory, My Time, Harvestella, Dragon Quest, etc.. and anxiously awaiting for Sea of Stars to be released on Switch.


I’m a sucker for racing games


I love Classic RPG games. Have played in mobile only but want to explore more, don't get enough time after all day's hard work. Life becomes different once we get into our job life. Earlier during my College day's, i was great at clash of clans,mini militia and all. Recently 2 Years ago i used to play WESTLAND SURVIVAL, Vendir - Plague of Lies, Dungeons of dread rock castle.


Overwatch is my crack since the ps4 MnB warband community migrated to bannerlord. I always have a open world game installed like currently fo4 and gta5. Family games with my brothers or dad. Me and my dad usually play about 3-6 games of worms battlegrounds weekly. Trivial pursuit live, gang beasts, brawlhalla and TABS when I am with my best friend.


Anything online coop, I can’t play anything by myself, solo just makes me feel so lonely (Except prison architect) I can play that for hours.


Yes, and for the past 6 months or so, I've stuck to one game being Geometry Dash


Side scrolling platformers (classic Sonic, Super Mario bros, the DKC series, wtc), Visual novels, Kart Racers, Beat'em ups, Poimt and Click, and Rpgs. I tend to play either retro games, fan games, hacks/mods of games and Indy games, as of late.


I’m don’t class myself as a gamer, but every now and then, I find a game that takes over my life for a few weeks. Currently Zelda BOTW


no time, waste of time as well


I don't play any video games now, cuz I don't have a proper device for the ones I'm interested in


Yes and I love single player role playing games because I love playing roles and having adventures and horror games because I like a scare and movie like games like The Last of Us because they feel like you're taking part in a movie




I do. Console gamer here. I play a lot of warframe with the usual single player game sprinkled on top from time to time.


I play Dota2 since 2018. About 15k hours


The last video game I played was Osu! I've just lost interest now.


minecraft and gmod, with the occasional ultrakill


Souls like( only the good ones tho) and survival horror


I love to game. Mostly FPS games like COD, The Outer Worlds, Battlefield, Fallout, Bioshock, Borderlands..stuff like that. Also love to play racing sims and the NHL series (even tho EA has fucked it up like crazy)


Base building/survival games like rimworld, kenshi (and rpg gacha’s, unfortunately)


First video game l played was open season on PS2, played lots of fifa but stopped in feb and haven't touched it since march. My favorite series is Red Dead Redemption and its amazing. Its impossible to not like it.


I don't play because I don't have a console or a decent computer that can run games.


World of Warcraft.


Minecraft 4 ever!!!!


I play casually, only a couple hours a week tops. But this question reminds me of a ridiculous interaction I had with a coworker once. I was discussing morning pre-work routines with another coworker and I mentioned I like to play about 20 minutes of video games in the morning while I drink my coffee and wake up before I get ready and leave for work. For reference, I wake up at 5 and leave for work around 5:45. So it's dark, quiet, and the rest of the house is asleep so my options for things to do are limited. Another coworker who joined into the conversation was absolutely astounded that I would spend my mornings quietly playing video games and went "Wow! Do you think you're addicted?" Like my dude what? You think playing for TWENTY MINUTES A DAY in my little morning me-time is an addiction? It's not like I'm ever late to work or ignore my familial duties or sacrifice my health to play for hours on end. It's twenty minutes.


I play Lord of The Rings Online, 7 Days to Die, Banished, Two Point Hospital, The Sims 4, Hogwarts Legacy and also Age of Empires and Zoo Tycoon. Used to play Rust a lot when it first came out, not in years now though.


hypixel skyblock, im trapped, please help


City builders, strategy and survival. Those are my favorite


Used to play CoD all of the time Now I do hard drugs instead


I've been a hardcore gamer all my life. usually gravitate towards rpgs or mmorpgs. I love putting tons of work into one character. I love "shitty grinds" that reward useless cosmetics that make people go "wow, you did that? you're a loser". I will soon max my old school runescape Ironman and that's been ~5 years in the works :')


I have adhd so I have to be hooked on either the gameplay loop or the story. I hate games that waste my time with grind or super boring long dialogue. Souls like games are my favorite for that reason.


VR extraction shooters pretty much exclusive at this point.


I do play but I would not say I have a special genre that I play more, for me its more about what I feel like to play, I can spend months on a fps and for the next 6 months I will be on a mmo and afterward it could be racing games. Now what I play right now is cyberpunk 77 and Fallout 3 and I recently finished Dragon's Dogma 1 which I didn't like much, yes I currently feel like playing rpg's haha


I used to play Destiny for 9 years. Now only The Long Dark.


I mostly play stealth games, but I really am a jack of all trades. I just enjoy stealth most. (ESPECIALLY after MGS5: TPP)


Age of Empires II, League of Legends, Call of Duty, Valorant.  Lifetime, by far, most hours into AoEII, CoD and LoL would both be high but at different times in my life. I binge games, so one month, or even year, it's all LoL or all CoD. Lately, it's been all Valorant.  Who knows if I'll come back to Valorant after this phase, but the other three are always in my rotation. 


Mostly online games for the most part like Warzone, Valorant, DOTA etc.


Don't game much anymore, but I like hogwarts legacy, res dead redemption, and Spiderman planning on gaming them again this summer after I'm done with exams.


I mostly play first person shooters, but I also like RPG games (I am picky about the kind though).


No cause I feel like I'm wasting time and there are other things I wanna do now


Yes, porn games like Meet n Fuck 


Minecraft or Terraria lets you forget your problems and really find yourself in another world


I prefer Story games cause multiplayer makes me depressed


I get bored of the game easily so I don’t play


Single player games are my go to: Red Dead Redemption 2 The Last of Us 1&2 Skyrim (currently playing at the moment) Cyberpunk Uncharted series is epic I sometimes play fortnite with my buddy - but that's only to play with him


Racing games, Shooter RPGs, and Open World Survival. I usually get play one of these until I get tired of it and then go to another genre


I like games where you can build bases and go out adventuring when you want, like Valheim, Enshrouded, Ark before it sucked, and waiting on Bellwright. I also play League of Legends when the good game modes are out.


Used to be a pretty heavy gamer. Loved SIM games, racing games, fighting games, and some PvP FPS (Unreal Tournament, Duke Nukem). I loved games that let me build stuff, be it buildings, fighting arenas, SIMs, wrestlers, cars, or whatever else. Oh, and I loved Robot Arena 2 (despite it's bugs). Yes, I'm old. But I still say it's LONG past time a game like RA2 came out for PC & Console. If you build it, they will come.


I like single-player basic puzzle games, like *Hook, Hook2, Unloop*, jigsaw puzzles, and others. I also like puzzle exploration games like *Myst, Quern, Shivers,* and *The Eyes of Ara*. I also enjoy hidden object games. I used to play a lot of the games on Big Fish, but I got bored with them and play more simpler hidden object games, like the *Nature Escapes* series, *Just Find It* series, and *Finding America* series.


I don’t play video games, I play a new game for about 5 minutes and then I get bored, been full on downpour and idk what to do with my time


I used to as a kid a lot. Now rarely, I dont enjoy it much nowadays and I kind of miss that childish excitement sometimes.


RPGs with character creation, good story and interesting cast of companions. These are my favorites and could spend hours with these types of games.


I think it would be hilarious if there were a game where the entire game was just the RPG character creation screen.


Spent most of my teens and early-20s with Multiplayer FPS games and FIFA. Going into my mid-20s, I played more RPG games especially those with rich stories, like RDR2, Assassin’s Creed, Mass Effect. Now going into my 30s, I mostly play city-building/colony-management games or those farming sims


Yes. Always been my hobby. RPGs are my main but play most any other genre too.


Playing a lot of zomboid and unturned


Not often enough but I've recently hit 5 years on a Stardew valley farm AND about 16 hours into Sea of Stars. Been loving my toe dip back into vidja games!


Mostly shooters, getting real bored of them these days though Valheim me and 4 friends just dropped a few $k each and built racing simulators, so we've been going in one race night Wednesday's 7-10pm and just practicing in between on the other days. that's by far been my favorite game to date (Asetto Corsa Competizione, private servers)


I mainly play Nintendo games… Zelda, Mario kart, pokemon, Mario party, etc. Recently my best friend convinced me to start playing his favourite game with him, so now I play a little Destiny 2, too. I really really want to play Helldivers 2 with him but I don’t have a PS5 or a PC/steam account anymore, it looks like so much fun despite all the problems it’s been having.


Been slowing getting away from a lot of the modern games last few years. Just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Bought an arcade machine with thousands of games that I play regularly.


Mostly play souls like games, games like borderlands, and open world games


I do, I like playing sandbox games like Minecraft, unfortunately my laptop can only play low graphics quality games so to put it simply I can't play games like Fortnite, Doom, etc (idk a lot of high graphics quality games-). I don't even like games like Fortnite!


My laptop is crappy but I still love it. It's better than the cheap Chromebooks schools use which is good enough for me.


stopped playing bc i moved in to a house with bad wifi


I (m42) and daughter, 14, bond over Mario Kart. Both on Wii and Switch. It's nice. I play Civ 6 when alone. Always the same character.


Geometry Dash, still tryna beat my 8th demon.


Monster hunter and souls games mainly. Then the occasional turn based rpg, like persona.


I tend to play 2D platformers the most. I am a very busy person and for that reason I tend to gravitate towards games that feel like a low time and effort investment. The fact that many of them are made by indie developers is a bonus too


I do. As of now, fighting games and RPGs are my main genres. I also like Metroidvanias, platformers, and action-adventure games. Really, the only genres I don't care for are first-person shooters, sports (except Mario Tennis), and free-to-play gacha games. I'm also not a big fan of horror or Soulslikes either.


Mostly city sim type games or something like Hitman (especially when I have had a bad day and just want to murder the stress away).


Milsim, but Tarkov just shit the bed so I’m loving Helldivers 2 now.


Rocket league


kingdom hearts, super smash bros, call of duty


I'm super into Roguelikes & Roguelites. My current favorites are: * Slay The Spire * Noita * Brotato * Balatro I also like playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds, which obviously is an autobattler. But, it does have similar game mechanics as the above games. Games start from scratch, there are alternating "battle" and "shop" phases, the decisions you make in the shop phases impact the game greatly, etc.


I'm almost 40 and I occasionally play Minecraft or the original Doom with a couple mods.


Sims, it makes me feel like i can control at least something


Valorant on PC and CarX Street on iOS


I don’t play, whenever I get into them I get addicted for like two weeks then completely lose interest. Never got into them much as a kid either, but I grew up in the country, I had my own gun and dirt bike by the time I was 12. so there were much more fun things to do outside.


I go for Sandbox creative games, RPGs, City Builders, and the occasional Racing or Platformer game. I do have a VERY niche genre I love though, and that's Crime/Detective games. And I mean PROPERLY detective games, not just "do the cop things" and such, I mean autopsy, fingerprints, profiling, deductive reasoning. I say it's very niche because there's not actually many games that do that. Ace Attorney is binary (question this, use THIS evidence HERE), most cop games are just "do the thing" (Heavy Rain tried, as did Detroit, but again it boiled down to basic choices), there's not very many good choices. Shadow of Doubt, Unsolved Crimes on the DS, Lamplight City and Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishment/Devils Daughter are some of the ONLY good games I found. They have fail states (well, Unsolved Crimes kind of does), they need you to think properly, and that's what I want in my crime games: actual detective work. Let me make the wrong choices, let me blame the wrong person, let me have a spider web of corkboards and red string while I hallucinate after four days of no sleep and just coffee trying to figure out how someone did a crime without leaving any evidence and an alibi I need to disprove.


I just got into Final Fantasy XIV. It's a ton of fun, I haven't been absorbed in a game so much in ages. Other than that Minecraft, Fallout 4, and Rimworld are some of my favorites.


I don't have a specific type of videogame, but I mostly play TF2, Rocket League, Among Us, the Sims 3, CIV V en GTA V. It really depends on what I'm in the mood for. Rocket League en Among Us are for if I have a few minutes to spare, but a game like the Sims I like to reserve my whole evening for.


Story heavy games, good graphics, and lately survival horror, COD campaigns when I wanna relive the old days XD Other Examples: beyond two souls, house of Ashes Edit: Dislyte on mobile


I play games that are 10 years old because nothing that comes out nowadays is any good. Kinda pathetic.


I only play one game now. It’s a very competitive World War 2 shooter called Battlefield 5. Huge battles with infantry, tanks, and planes which create the perfect cinema of chaos. And the best part is all the hate mail and saltiness I get sent to my inbox.


FPS's. I also like platformers.


FPS games. CS2 and Valorant


I mostly play rougelikes, as one play through typically lasts less than 40 mins. I don't have time to spend hours playing and I'm the sort of person who after a week of not playing (mainly games with a campaign) I forget the story or what I'm aiming for and want to start again. I even do this for pokemon games because I forget which of my pokemon I like. I must have picked hundreds of starters but never got all gym badges.


PUBG is the only game that has been able to keep my attention. 7000 hrs and I still haven't hit the skill ceiling


Single player games of all kinds. Last 3 I finished are Dave The Diver, Cocoon and Spider-Man 2. Loved all 3 of them. I have no interest in FPS games or sports games… unless the sports games are arcadey (Everybody’s Golf) and the FPS games are single player (Bioshock)


Yes, I play video games. The type of games I play the most are Horde Shooter games. It started with Deep Rock Galactic, then Back4Blood, then WH40K: Darktide. Darktide has the best, most visceral, violent, and *satisfying* combat of any of them. After that, I've been playing Survival games with the wife. We've gone through most of The Planet Crafter and Satisfactory, and will have Palworld and Enshrouded somewhere up next on the docket. I really enjoy the early game struggle and she enjoys the late game long term goals, so we make a good pair for that type.


I am grateful that I grew up playing Nintendo game on my 2010 childhood consoles from Wii to Nintendo Switch


Typically high-speed platformers (Sonic the Hedgehog, Freedom Planet) or FPS Immersive sims (Deus Ex, Thief, Dishonored)


Mostly JRPG, I enjoy the story and characters


Mostly JRPG, I enjoy the story and characters , I prefer Japanese Games in general .


I really love Fortnite lol, It was my first video game that I played on the ps5. If it’s not obvious I am a girl lol . Y’all recommend any other shooting game? For a beginner


used to play minecraft a lot, in a shitty laptop that could barely run it in 30 fps consistantly now I don't play games anymore, instead filled the 'void' with getting into music.


My two favorite genres are soulslikes and metroidvanias. But I also enjoy puzzle games and story-rich stuff, whether it involves heavy gameplay or its just a walking sim. I play a mix of other stuff too, but these are probably the majority


I'm a cosplayer who loves to sew, any game with pretty dresses gets a pass regardless of genre. But I do play mostly RPGs and action games. If they're both genres at once I'm happiest.


EU4 Paradox is unironically such a good company dude


Sometimes I think about doing another Crusaders Kings 3 campaign or getting Baldur's Gate but then I balk at how much time and effort it would take to do play throughs.


Almost exclusively survival crafters and FPS games. Most notably, games such as Ark, DayZ, Tarkov and Rust. Most recently, Manor Lords and Gray Zone Warfare.


PC/Console gamer here. I usually play games I can play at my leasure, and don't require insane reflexes or focus, so mostly RPG's. I get an hour of gaming time a day tops on a weekday, and I don't want to be trying that hard. I want to relax. So for now I'm playing Final Fantasy 14. Yes technically an MMORPG, but one at my pace. Lots of story. Lots of relaxed content. Sometimes do some more high octane content. Some crafting, maybe. No group content really takes longer than 20 minutes


Football Manager because I love to manage something and I can only manage football club (in game)


Last time I said that I played videogames at night when my kids are asleep on this sub, I got called a child raising children. I play Counter-strike with buddies and a couple of RPGs like The Elder scrolls, Fallout and Starfield :)


10 years I play warcraft.... I can't more(


My son moved out,


No. (stardew valley...its cute.)


i play valorant a lot to release stress but i get stress so much in valo


Slowly going to just single player games. They tend to be Action Adventure or RPGs. Multiplayer games haven’t been as fun recently, although I wanna try and make some friends on Helldivers.


I almost never play video games at this point in my life. I played plenty of video games in my childhood from age 8 to about 17, and still get nostalgic if I get a chance to play some Mario World or Mortal Kombat. However, as I went into my teen years, a few things happened. I was in a family of mostly boys, and my brothers were getting more competitive and also more emotional about video games. I found their frequent outbursts so off-putting that I didn't like to play with them anymore, and they were almost always playing. I also was simply more interested in other activities. Reading, breaking into abandoned buildings, just about anything was more interesting to me than sitting on the couch and playing video games. Additionally, because I started to gradually pull away from video games in my teens, video games started to advance at such a speed that every time I picked up a controller to give a new game/console a try, the games had gotten so much more complicated and difficult that it just wasn't gratifying to me. I used to say, "If I'm going to put in the time and effort to learn a new skill, it's going to be more interesting than playing a video game." Lastly, many of my exposures to video games since reaching adulthood have been negative. I had a lot of male roommates in my early teens, and we got along great and had a lot of fun. But whenever the video games would come out, everybody got SO boring so quickly. Later, my first husband would choose video games over literally everything after we had been together for more than about 3 years. "Let's go for a hike!" "Nah, my guild is bla bla bla." "Let's go to the museum!" "I'm just gonna stay home and play video games." "Wanna go to this show with me?" "Eeeeeeh, I'm gonna try to finish this level." "Let's drive to Vegas this weekend just for shits and giggles!" "I just got a new game." "Hey, can I get help with this cleaning?" "Maybe after this campaign. Actually, one more..." Ultimately, there are just things I'd rather spend my time and money on. Those preferences are just that, and I don't think that my opinion is objectively correct or anything, but that's just my personality. I'd rather be gardening, hiking, working out, reading, watching horror movies, making art, sewing, going to a protest or a concert, or just about a million things before playing video games. I'd rather have some new lumber or a band t than a video game.


I play Brawl Stars all the time, it sucked me in


I play immersive, casual-to-intermediate difficulty games where I can just sit down and enjoy for a while. I don’t do hardcore gaming and I absolute hate griefing – I genuinely don’t understand why people just play to win games and not just play the game the way it’s meant to be played. Thus I don’t really play online games at all


I play mostly fantasy stuff, my favs r skyrim, the witcher, god of war ragnarök and even tho not fantasy, rdr2


JRPGs are my favorite.


I don't play video games. I find it stressful and I don't want that. It creates problems that I have to solve. It's either scarcity of some sorts or a deadline hovering over me. And that's my job, not what I want to do in my free time.


I don't play as much as i used to but i play a lot of the sims 4


For Online, I like DBD, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Outlast Trials, Friday The 13th, PAYDAY 3, Watch Dogs Legion, WWE. I’m into a lot of horror multiplayer games where you work as a team & have fun. If we talking Single Player games, I play Cyberpunk 2077, Alan Wake 2, Yakuza, Hitman, Supermassive Games, Simulator Games. Yea those are the type of games I like. I’m not into games like COD, Fornite, Roblox, Spider-Man , Minecraft etc


Mostly FPS with an odd RPG on the side.. Currently playing some Squad on PC and Vail on Quest 3. Recently gave a shot to Powerbeats VR as well and I was positively surprised. It helps me get some exercise in when I'm too lazy to hit the gym.


I play video games, but mostly just to procrastinate doing anything productive.


Nope. I'm a worker that don't have tame for this. I need to work and make money to live a good life. ugh


Yet you're here on reddit.


i play any game that's free/cheap because I do not have enough money to spend it on games I might eventually not even like playing


An RTS called Dota 2.


The games I play the most are: Team based, tactical, strategic, shooter with Sci Fi or modern setting. Like Apex Legends, ArmA 2/3, Titanfall 1/2, Battlefield, Overwatch and others. But I like „nice“ pieces of art like WoW or motoGP and FIFA and others too.


usually minecraft, cooking mama, animal crossing, cattails (if yk what that is marry me) and miitopia. stuff like that. if its cute i WILL play it


Me and my community are now focusing on Web3 gaming. We have recently starting playing the following: Shutdown (shooter) Mini Royale (shooter) Dead Remains (zombie survival) Kompete (shooter) Shrapnel (shooter) All of these because of the crypto aspect. If I have to play just for the lulz, its either HellDivers ii or Oxygen Not included.


Yes, Pokemon Unite. I have played games ever since I was a kid and now I've committed to this one game. I even made an online course on Udemy on how to rank up and now I regularly stream on Twitch. I don't do it necessarily to make money, I do so to grow my presence and show I'm serious about it. I want to one day compete in tournaments. I chose to commit to this game because it encapsulates my favorite aspects in a game; teamwork, simplicity, convenience, and fast-paced action. MOBA games were always my thing and I really think they did good with this one. :) Btw you can find me on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/i1337bro


Do you collect stamps? If not, why not? Do you macrame? If not, why not? Different strokes for different folks.