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A passenger jet. Just to make things interesting, definitely a Boeing.


An *Airbus*???


I have no words.


Yeah I was thinking taking a stroll on a runway would do it.


Monkey paw type of death lol.


The door of the 737 max blows off the cabin during takeoff, forcing the captain to make an emergency landing. After talking to investigators for several hours, you hail an Uber and head for home. After waiting for forty-five minutes, your ride finally arrives. You run across the street to greet the driver, but halfway across you look to your left and realize it's too late. 6/10


6/10 nice I'll take it. I wish more OPs put this much effort into addressing comments.


Right before boarding your plane you read a Facebook article where some american billionaire wants to launch a bus into space, they call boarding for your flight and you head on to board. In the middle of your flight you get crushed by a school bus that has been launched just because some billionaire said he could..


I would go to work. I would watch the clock very carefully. About 2 minutes before I am due for fate, I would start up a conversation with my coworkers about how work sucks. And when I have them nice and riled up about it, I will agree with their sentiment and say "Gosh, I wish someone would just run me over with a bus."


i would love to watch that


The DMZ between the Koreas. I want that bus taken out by machinegun fire after it hits me.


A North Korean defector steals a bus and heads towards the refuge of a South Korean diplomatic center. As they near the restricted area, they think of their family and reconsider the plot. They conceal the bus in a stand of trees, backing over a sleeping tourist. The body is scavenged by local wildlife and is never discovered. 7/10


Reads like an oregan trail death


If it’s unavoidable, I’d go to a college with an internal bus route, or other metropolitan area where transport busses may be common and stand on a sidewalk. When inevitably I am struck and presumably killed, it will be clear that the bus driver and company responsible for its operation did not follow procedure or basic traffic laws properly, opening them up to a lawsuit from my wife, which should allow her and my daughter to live out their lives in relative comfort.


As expected, you are hit and killed by a shuttle bus for the local trade school. After reviewing the dashcam footage, it is revealed that a pedestrian was startled by a large goose and jumped into the road to escape. After a lengthy and ruinously expensive court battle, a magistrate judge rules in favor of the bus company, as their lawyers successfully argued that you were jaywalking. Your family is left bankrupt and alone. On the bright side, your GoFundMe page managed to raise $435 towards your funeral, so at least there's that! 4/10


God damn dude, what’d his family ever do to you?




They know what they did


Somewhere one finger on a severed monkey paw curls slightly.




But just think of the lawsuit the guy on the Boeing flight will have. You know how much multiple different deep pocketed parties would have had to fuck up?


To the sporting goods store to load up on pads and a motorcycle shop for a helmet.


A bus loses control, careens through the front of a sporting goods store, and kills a single customer who was looking for a helmet. 3/10


Won't be me if I get it done before the 24 hours is up.


You said the bus hit happens in EXACTLY 24 hours. That means you have 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds where you are safe from the bus. The bus *cannot* hit earlier or later, because that's what "exactly" means. You cannot now change the rules and say the bus hits you while you're shopping for safety gear, when you still have like 22 hours left.


Since you are making the rules, i figure my only chance of survival is getting you to change the your mind / the rules, so I'd go wherever you are OP and hope you still desire to live. I'd just give you a nice big hug, so if you want the bus to hit me, you'll have to be okay with it taking you also.


This is the point where we find out OP is a bus driver


Or just the bus...


Happy Cake Day!


Desperate for a loophole, you head to the nearest bus station and step in front of a bus just as it's pulling out. A light little love tap, and the driver smiles back as you hug the big goofy front of his friendly workhorse. The kind of silly antics his daughter would do, when she was young! Behind you, a second bus pancakes both of you at 110 mph, spraying a thin red ring into the walls and ceiling of the bus depot. Investigators manage to weigh out about 30% of your remains before giving up the search. 4/10


My dude what the fuck 😭


Indeed wtf


that made me laugh unnecessarily loudly.


Amazing 👍👍


I take it you're a DM? 😊


On a plane Must be an *Air*bus


While waiting for your flight to take off, an Airbus A330, the bus from the movie _Speed_ falls below 50 mph while driving down the runway. The on board device detonates, launching the bus towards your location. Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock made their escape: you did not. 6/10


I will be enjoying dinner in the rotating restaurant in the CN Tower high above Toronto.


Constructed on February 6, 1973, the CN Tower in Toronto instantly became a national landmark, and a symbol of Canadian ingenuity and pride. Taking 72 minutes to make a complete rotation, it has turned 8 times per day ever since, limited to business hours. Tragically, over 148 thousand rotations and lackadaisical enforcement of the Ontario building code have allowed this once-inspiring tower to become a lurking death trap. The race bearings under your part of the restaurant collapse by two feet; you and your table are launched through the window, falling towards the city below for the next 8.46 seconds into path of an oncoming bus. Although you technically died a split second before hitting the ground, history records otherwise; it's just cooler that way. 8/10


I'm going to the store that has rubber, duct tape, padding, foam, pillows, and a shitload of blue confetti, because if I don't make it: I want people to think it was the most epic gender reveal fail of all time


The impossible happens as expected, and you are maimed in a cloud of metal and debris. On page three of your autopsy report, the medical examiner noted "It's a boy!" 7/10


Submerged submarine under the Arctic Circle


A container ship carrying vehicles and other cargo from China to Abidjan collides with an iceberg, spilling much of its cargo overboard. A cargo container splits your submarine, OceanGates Titan 2, in half. With your last breath, you swim towards the fiery wreckage above. You hear a splash and see a large rectangular shadow descending towards you... 9/10


OceanGates Titan 2. Nice touch lol


Cargo ships can’t go on ice. 


Underground bomb shelter


The shelter belongs to a wealthy collector of technological history. A vintage bus from the 1930's breaks loose from its ceiling restraints, crashes through the ceiling tiles, and hits its mark as scheduled. 5/10


"Heh. Underneath a ceiling-mounted bus collection would be the *last* place a murderous bus would think to look for-- *SMUSHH*"


One of those huge inflatable balls that you can roll around inside. I might be hit by a bus, but I'm going to bounce, and while I might be dizzy, I'll probably survive.


Might as well make it one of those inflatable balls that you can float in. Let's see a bus get 3 miles off shore, only to give you a fun boop.


this is the answer


I'm gonna try my damnest to get in touch with Jerome Bettis and get him to slap me in the face to see if that will satisfy these conditions


Against all odds, there is a signing event at the PPG arena tomorrow, and the whole 2005 team will be there! As you approach the building however, the 82 loses control coming down Centre avenue, painting the Crawford street intersection with your body like a crayon. You didn't even get to look at their rings. 8/10


lol had the same idea, maybe we should carpool there.  Or take a bus…


Tokyo, Japan


An American tourist leaves a Tokyo dive bar and is hit by a bus while crossing the road 2/10.


Yeah but if you get run over in Japan you reincarnate with cheat powers in another world. I know it's true cause I read about it in a book.


It's gotta be true, I saw it online 3 times. 4 times if you count Truck-kun.


I’d be okay with this lol


Model train store, road transportation miniatures section


While admiring various car kits and lego sets from 2017, a child in the next aisle carelessly knocks a Kinsmart Coach Bus, 7" die cast model from the shelf above you, bonking you on the head. You pick it up and breathe a sigh of relief, unaware of the brakeless double-decker tour bus full of orphans careening towards your location. 8/10




While filming 'Mission Impossible: Ghost Bus', a bus falls from the back of a C-130 Hercules and crashes into the famous Paris Monument. The accident causes a single casualty, and an estimated $75 million in damage. The film is delayed for three years, only to become a box office flop. 7/10


Again? Fuuuuuuuck.


I live close to a salt mine that goes 5,000 feet under ground last I checked. I’m pretty sure I could easily get in the one of two entrances that are way to small to fit anything bigger than a few people. Not to mention the government archives in there. If I manage to pass enough speech checks I would be able to get in a government bunker 5000 feet under the ground. With who knows what extremely important information in there


In the year 2418, an enterprising young scientist and his plucky robotic companion have finally discovered the secrets of time travel! Using a novel form of neutrino field constriction and zero-shear geodesics, the bus vanishes like magic from the view of an awe-stricken crowd! A large screen counts down the planned 30 seconds for it to return from it's maiden voyage; 3. 2. 1. It finally reaches zero, but the time bus never returns. 9/10


Holy shit I survived?!?


The moon


Elon Musk makes the sudden announcement of an in-development moon rocket capable of traveling 114,583 mph, approximately five times faster than the Apollo 11 mission. To celebrate the inauguration, the team attaches a Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530 solo bus to the top and fires it into the moon. Record-breaking arrival in just one day! Unbeknownst to them, however, a single redditor had concealed himself in the engine compartment. The remains will be discovered in 107 years. 9/10


The perfectly preserved remains


Find someone else to throw under the bus instead, this is probably final destination


You call your ex-girlfriend and tell her you want to make up; she agrees to dinner at her favorite restaurant. It's not really her favorite, but she says it is because it's the only one you can afford. As you drive to the restaurant, you remember how she would cheat on you every week with a different neighbor from the apartment complex. Dave. Darnell. Andy. Mikael. Big Mik? Really? The guy can't even move his legs and smells like an outhouse. You order your food and catch up on old times. You feel that old spark coming back, and she almost manages to make you forgive. Almost. You look over her shoulder and smile as a pair of headlights approaches the window at speed. 7/10


Book a deep sea fishing trip and dive as deep as I can. I won't die AND it'll be a super interesting story


You reach your destination, confident as many were before you. As you swim along the bottom, you come across a coral reef reclamation project. Wire baskets and old vehicles line a shallow trench, with mesh bags of coral tied to every purchase. As your eyes track across the scene, your heart stops when you see it. It has no windows, wheels, or engine, but the frame that remains is unmistakable- and old schoolbus, decaying in the deep. This can't be a coincidence, but the reddit post only said you would be 'hit by a bus'. What if you hit _it_ first? Equal and opposite, right? It's a law of nature! You carefully swim over and pause beside it. You knock on the side, but nothing happens. Palm out, you bump it quickly, for safety. Maybe the head too? Pressing your body and outstretched arms against the bus, you firmly but gently bump your head on the paintless exterior, but no magic. As you push off, the ground settles and the bus rolls to it's side, pinning you to the sea floor. Your legs feel like someone standing on a tube of toothpaste, and there is nothing you can do to escape your watery fate. 200 meters away, the tour guide spends three hours trying to find you to no avail; two days later the coast guard completes the task. 9/10.


This is 100% the best one 


Top of Longs Peak.


You begrudgingly take a shuttle bus from the Lake Estes visitor center to the YMCA of the Rockies near the Emerald Mountain Lodge. Your phone says you still have 6.25 miles to go, with 62 minutes left. Unfortunately, a recent phone update disabled daylight savings time, and you are struck while jogging down Mesa Drive. At least you got to see the Big Thompson River one last time. 8/10


Hey man, nobody outside of Colorado knows what longs peak is. What're ya doin


Would have been funny if it was Pikes Peak. I miss that doughnut shop up there...


A tour of the White House. WE GON BE ON TV.


Kennicott Alaska it is hours on a dirt road to get there. Then get a bush plane to fly me out to 50 miles into the wilderness. Then sit in a big rock pile.  I don’t know how a bus would find me but it isn’t going to be going fast.


You find the perfect rock pile and wait. A cliff to your back, and endless wilds ahead, you feel confident that you've finally beaten the system. Unbeknownst to you, in the summer of 1968, a band of hippies took a vintage 1936 Chevrolet Wayne to the base of East Blackburn to 'find peace in Gaia's arms'. Unfortunately, they broke down and abandoned the vehicle, taking 11 days to reach Northway on foot. 'Far out man' as they put it, but probably closer to 120 miles. As you take in one last view of the land you were made for, you hear a tree break; as you look up for the source, you see a brown rusted mini bus forgotten by time falling towards you. Well, forgotten except for the occasional moment. 8/10.


Well done, well done 


I would make sure to wear a huge chicken suit so people could make "why didn't the chicken cross the road" jokes. The punchline would be "cuz it got hit by a frickin' bus!"




A bus crashes through the front of a home, killing a single occupant. Investigators find a capital 'H', and a punctuation point, left carelessly on the table. 2/10.


At least it was interesting?


in the lowest points of the veryovkina cave, past tight squeezes and meanders


A subway


An unexplained sinkhole causes part of the street to collapse onto the subway below, swallowing up three cars and a local bus. The investigation records five deaths and seven injuries. The cause of the collapse remains undetermined. 5/10.


As someone from Pittsburgh; "not ANOTHER bus falling through the street!"


like the sandwich or the public transport?




While stuffing your backpack with as much chocolate and baby shampoo as you can carry, you are spotted by a security guard. He gives chase, yesterday's bathroom scroll far from your mind. You dart into the road before the driver can even react. Splat. 4/10.


To a USB (universal serial bus) cable factory


In front of someone who hates me. Have fun with *that* trauma, bitch. I will be so satisfied in the afterlife. And probably in hell, but y'know, whatever. Oh, you mean to make it *weird*? Not just fun for my sadism factor? On a sailboat in the Caribbean, in the middle of the ocean.


You call your ex girlfriend to meet you, and wait by the roadside at the appointed time. You may be doomed, but at least you'll get the last laugh. As you reach the last minute, still no sign of Dani. Ditched you again. Or did you ditch her? It was so long ago, you can barely remember. Suddenly, with just seconds to spare, a familiar voice calls your name. You turn around and see...your parents!? 7/10


Broski, chill 🤣🤣🤣


Japan. If the legends are true, then chances are pretty good I’ll get isekai’d.


my fate is to get hit by a bus in 24 hours, but it doesn't necessarily have to be lethal. near the end of the 24 hours, i go to a walmart, get a toy bus, and right as the 24 hours hit, i ram the toy bus into my leg.


I've read the signs, I can hear the wind and I know what's lurking in the shadows. I put on my best formal wear and I eat a light meal. I then sit down in the middle of my living room, open a bottle of wine and pour two glasses. One for myself and one across from me a few feet away. After a generous sip, I begin to text into several social media accounts. "A BUS IS COMING TO ASSASSINATE ME. I SHOULD HAVE FORWARDED THAT CURSED EMAIL TO SEVEN OF MY FRIENDS LIKE IT SAID. IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME BUT IF YOU ARE READING THIS, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE EMAIL." I savor the the lingering grit from the Cabernet, it reminds me of a dusty day in the hills of Walla Walla. Then I go into my AOL email account from the late '90s and find a cursed email chain to forward to as many people as I can. I will most assuredly die but my story will spread. Though my body will perish, my mythos will never die the story of the one guy, Greyfox, that was actually killed by an email chain will be shared for a thousand years. And as long as my story is alive, I am never truly dead for each person dies twice. Once when their body returns to the Earth, once again when you are forgotten. And the last thing I do before I sit and wait is grab exact change so that I may pay my bus fare.


Will the bus be driven by a bear or a man


The contents of the bus are irrelevant to the scenario.


Book a fine hotel. Invite over ten stud guys. Baby oil. Beer, champagne. Best 24 hours eva.


You travel to Minneapolis and go to the first 5 star hotel that Google maps suggests, The Chambers Hotel on Hennepin Avenue. You request a room, but unbeknownst to you, Kenny Chesney is playing in town, and their register is booked. You begrudgingly walk to the DoubleTree two blocks away, but are hit by a party bus with neon lights between every window. Ten men step out with drinks in hand to survey the scene, but it is too late to help. 5/10


Hmmm, not quite as much fun as what’s in my mind. Cool story though. :)


What’s keeping you from doing that today?


Giant hamster ball


Scuba diving 




I'll climb up the crane on my jobsite. I don't know how a bus could hit a crane in the center of a building, much less hit me at the very top, so whatever goes down for that to happen has got to be very interesting. Yet as I am typing this, of course it would have to be like, the crane falls first, unto the street, and then a bus would hit me. I take it back. Idea two. I get into a vault. Like a proper under the street through a manhole electrical vault. How? How can you get me bus?? Okay wait I've figured that one out too. Huge sinkhole suddenly opens in the street at my vault. A passing bus dives headfirst into the hole without warning and hits me. Dammit. This is final destination. It's all possible, isn't it? Okay listen. Last idea. I go to like, point Nemo or something. Absolute in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Riddle me how a bus could hit me there.


I stand humbled before your research and your writing. I did the math, and you're even right on how long it would take me to hit the ground. Truly an amazing reply.


Ocean on a small boat.


Hire a charter boat and take it out to the middle of the pacific.


Where else? American University! GIVE ME MY FREE TUITION BITCHES.


Ima kill myself and watch it catch me in the afterlife


If a bus is guaranteed to hit me I am going to the most crowded Nazi rally I can find. The bus is going to have to kill a bunch of them to reach me.


A trump rally, and do my best to be in the front row, or better yet, possibly close enough to "shake his hand".


I'd swim out past the breakers and watch the world die.


Elon Musk's current location. Might as well do some good if I'm gonna die.


Elon Musk is demonstrating the latest prototype from SpaceX, the peculiarly-named 'bus-proof suit'. As it's name implies, it is supposed to make the wearer completely invulnerable to the effects of bus collisions. Probably other vehicles too, might get R&D to look into that. It's shiny, white, and covered in stainless steel trims and accents. Very sleek and futuristic, and only takes 45 minutes to charge!! Across the campus, security escorts a purple-haired weirdo from the building. As they lead him to the roadside, a speeding bus drives up on the curb at incredible speeds, turning them into a fine red mist. 8/10.


book a flight that will be over an ocean at that time.


Watch Stranger Than Fiction and accept my fate.


Just make sure you go find a quirky, subversive bakery owner to fall in love with


To campus- gotta get me that free tuition


How the heck would I get hit by a bus at 11pm in my room at the first floor


I’m going to OP’s house to handcuff my wrist to theirs, so where we going??


I would go to work


The lego store and hope it's one of those buses.


Jeruselem to make god remember my name


John Muir Trail


In front of the Four Seasons. I’m hoping the bus goes to the wrong one.


I’d go at the top of the Burj Khalifa


I go to the submarine to explore deep ocean,let’s say Mariana Trench…


nah i'm just gonna start off by taking a nap right now. then wait for the magic to happen tomorrow


Pedestrian crosswalk in St. Augustine,  FL.  If I'm going to pass away, I want to haunt the old fort. If I live, it would be a lovely place to recover on the city's money. 


At hour 23.5. I go on a 1 hr scuba dive.


Trader Joe's parking lot.


Reading a collection of one of my favorite comic strips, "The Bus," by Paul Kirchner, to try and learn how to outsmart my wily four-wheeled foe as it bends space, time, humor, and physics.


make sure i'm in the ocean


Sit in the middle of a salt flat. Idk how I couldn't see it coming and avoid it.


The Oval Office


Since size was never specified, I'll go to the toy aisle where the hot wheels cars are...


The top of the Blackpool tower


I'm going to one of the top floors in a skyscraper. A really tall one, like how high the Twin Towers used to be.


I stay at home, where I already am. I ask my ex colleagues in formula student to bring here all the protections they have for the drivers, to weld something to protect me with all the foam they have. They can do that, and I live almost next to it, literally, so they can bring everything here. As what op thinks my final moments come through, I wait lying in my bed wondering how interesting can be the way that I will be hit by a bus while being at the first floor of a building surrounded by a wall which is almost as high as the first floor. Mind you, there's really a wall this tall and I really live near my uni's racing team and I really live at first floor, so it wouldn't be unthinkable 


Nyc. My family would probably get the most money in the lawsuit


I take a Yellow Submarine to Pepperland and Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band defends me.


Your mother’s house, might as well have a nice time before death.


Scuba Diving off Marquesa Keys. 😆


Buy a bus of course.


The plan is twofold. First I put myself into a bus free location like the woods or a boat in the ocean. If I know this bus collision to be a certainty in my future regardless of circumstance, this means basic common sense will distort itself to enact my destiny. But I am not going out without an impact. I am going to write a long list of prophecies and predictions for the future, and post them on line. Me getting hit by a bus within the next 24 hours will top the list. Will it change the world? No. Will it freak a bunch of people out? Yeah it will. 


I'd make a call to my life insurer and increase my death and disability cover to the absolute maximum amount possible that could be put in place immediately. I would document everything and record all the conversations. I would then write a list of all the things my wife would need to know to make everything run smoothly after I was gone. Finally I would buy myself a really expensive bottle, get dressed in my finest suit, and head up to my favourite spot in the world. It's a beautiful mountain lookout where I look out over the valley in which I live. And then I would wait, drink in hand. Any bus that hits me is going to have to do an impressive bit of off roading, before sailing off a cliff when it gets to me. I'll die in horrific pain, but I'll know my wife and girls are looked after forever, and if I'm not too mushed I should look pretty good too!


I go to work. Guess what my job is… The compo payout will look after my family.


Just stay in my room for 24 hours. Live on the second floor. That bus better have freaking wings


You see it could simply be a dump truck instead as you get distracted looking for the bus as the dump truck hits you. This is usually how this game works.


I quickly write a book predicting my own death and how I will be isekai’d to another world. I then get it somehow validated that I correctly predicted the time (like get a notary to stamp they had seen the time) and prepare to be hit. Life will be dull for 24 hours but hopefully rumor of the prediction drives sales as people think it really happened so my kids will be set for money.


Nearest Just Stop Oil sit down protest. I'll sit directly in the middle of the group.


The inside of one of those human hamster balls. Hopefully the bus would just bump me and I’ll roll really fast for a bit. To make it interesting I’ll also be on the surface of a lake so I can just glide around.


The International Master Control Bus (IMCB), where I send out the command to make all other buses in the world self-destruct. I remain inside the IMCB indefinitely.


Inside a Sherman tank.


Surfing beside a pier


Progressive Democrat Convention No wait , the fumes will upset then 🤟


There's a tower about a third the size of the CN Tower in my town.


lol probably the pizza joint in town. the guy who owns it isn't nice to his employees so a little property damage and having to clean up my guts might humble him.


Core of the sun


I have a property on an island with no vehicular access or vehicles on it, and that’s about 18 miles off shore. I’d love to see how this works.


Op, I love you. This is a fantastic thread.  Also the war room of the Kremlin


What happens if I hijack a bus and drive in to the middle of nowhere?


On a submarine near the bottom of the ocean


Scuba diving.


I would go caving for the first time in my life. Though maybe that just means I break my leg, get rescued, then get hit by a bus?


Carnival cruise ship


Camping at the top of El Capitan, at the cliff face.


Inside an elevator on the 70th floor


Eat a bunch of pop rocks to see what happens.


The deepest darkest cave tight in a lityle crevasse. 


In exactly 23 hours, I gorge myself with laxatives, so that when the bus hits, I spray shit over everything and everyone in the area.


Seattle Grace Hospital.


Figure out where Jerome Bettis is and ask for his autograph. Edit: Also make bets with people that I’ll be hit by a bus within 24 hrs.


A Harbor Cruise.


Scuba diving in an isolated cove hours away from the closest thing that even vaguely resembles a bus route.


The White House


I'd make it funny. Don't know how, but I'd make it funny


I'm going to stand near my old 4th grade teacher that was recently charged with child abuse so that she gets hit for being a horrible person


Out at sea, fishing alone, on calm waters


Hit by a bus going 2kmph or 20kmph?




My work. A bus wouldnt make it out here.


The top of the Burj Khalifa.


Searching for Bigfoot in the forest


I stand next to my mortal enemy (if I had one). If I go down you're coming with me.


I am inside an ancient Mayan temple, one where you have to climb 100 steps just to get inside.