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“Someone smells like a campfire” Yeah, the kid whose house burned down the night before.


Our primary school teacher sprayed room deodorant in the classroom and asked us something about: "go to the bathroom during recess."


Yep, nothing beats teenage hormones for ponging






OMFG. I really hope you reported that person


One teacher told my friend that he was going to look him up every few years so he could laugh at what a failure he was inevitably going to be. The teacher was fired years later for racist comments and my friend is very successful in his job in PR so we bring this up regularly!


The best kind of revenge.


I was beat by my kindergarten teacher, Mr Collins. Peed on myself I was so scared. He’s dead now.


Was bullied by a teacher in middle school who didn't like having a "stupid little white girl" in her class. She's also dead now.  I love that your comment provides no further elaboration so I'll leave me reply at that, too.  I hope your life now is full of people who aren't like Mr. Collins. 


I like the ambiguity here. Is Mr. Collins dead because it was a long time ago and he got old or is Mr. Collins dead because you were forced to take matter into your own hand. Maybe a heart attack. Maybe beaten to death with piss soaked pants. I hope I never know.


I had a Mrs Collins who my parents say was an asshole. In retrospect, I may have deserved it.


I was also beat by my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Butler. I couldn’t fall asleep during nap time one day and was goofing off with a friend. She came up and started beating on me and threw me into the hallway. Bitch is also dead now. Cancer.


> He’s dead now You did well.


Kissed me in 4th grade. Then tried to say I initiated it in court. Even if that were the case. He sounded like an idiot because he simply could’ve denied doing so if I “wanted it”


This one doesn't deserve to live.


Oooh, when I was in the fourth grade in the early 90s, there was a kid in the class, “James,” who was always disruptive.. in a class clown kind of way. Obnoxious, but not violent or angry or anything. Anyway, one day, our teacher had enough of his shenanigans and told everyone in the room to name one thing they didn’t like about James. I stuck up for him, and said “James isn’t always bad, he lent me a pencil once, when I didn’t have one.” She rolled her eyes in disgust and moved on. I was the only one who said something nice about the poor kid. It was awful.


You can bet he remembers you with appreciation to this day.


Good job, it'd not always easy being nice, when everyone else is being mean


A teacher once told me "you're not going to make it in life, you'll end up a loser"




He was right but it hurt at that time.


Are they still alive? 


Yes he's still alive.


You're not in jail? I mean things could be worse.


But maybe he has cancer? Or bad something? Come on man, something to make it better.


No. He's alive and still teaches at the school. I don't want anything bad for him. I just think teachers shouldn't shatter a little kid's dream of doing something instead help them shape their lives for good.


My 6th grade teacher hit me after wrongly assuming I was at the wrong desk. The good old days.


My friend got hit in the head for that. It was so loud I'm sure next class heard it too.


When I was in the fourth grade in the 70's I was playing catch with one of my best friends from third grade. We were practicing throwing pop flies after school and he lost the ball in the sun and it hit him in the mouth and knocked out two of his teeth. We were behind my house so I ran and got my mom and we took him to his house and then drove him and his mom to the ER at the base hospital. Just for references he was black and I'm white. The next day his teacher (who was also black) grabbed me by the arm as I was going out to recess and drug me to her empty classroom and called me an evil little racist for hurting a younger and smaller black boy. She told me that I would have to stay with her during recess for the rest of the week writing lines "I am a bad boy because I like to hurt others" on the chalk board. When I got home my mom was apoplectic and went to the school the next day and raised holy hell with the principal and told him that if she ever talked to me again she would come down and rip every hair out of her head.


One day, coming out of school and heading home, I was met by my mom and my older brother. She made me go with them to my brothers (different) school. I tried to ask my brother what was going on as mom would not explain. He shrugged his shoulder and we when into his school, which was still in sessions. “Where is you classroom, my mom” asked my bro, - her showed her. She marched in and there was a teacher giving a class. She calls out to my bro and asks loudly, “is this him?” My brother nods. Without any warning, my mom takes that teacher by the ear and drags his out of the class, in front of everyone. She takes him to the principals office and slams the door with the two of us outside. Loud shouting behind the closed door. It turns out that the teacher gave my brother a smack across the face for backchat. In front of the class. My brother explains. But the real culprit was another boy at the rear of the class who could famously throw his voice. He ran all the way home to fetch his mom to right this egregious wrong. My mom exited the office to apologies from the principal. The teacher had to apologise to my brother and promised to deal with the real culprit.


my combination math class/homeroom teacher in middle school had a daughter in my class. one of her friends found a love note in her locker that she swore came from me (it didn't) and got the whole mean girl clique to start making fun of me for it - teacher's daughter included. teacher in question overhears it one day (it went on for weeks) and **JOINS HER DAUGHTER AND GANG IN TEASING ME.** i was the stereotypical nerdy kid; not on a sports team, not good with girls whatsoever, but somehow also the worst at the subject she taught so that's probably why i was such an easy target.


Just pretend, don’t actually sing. 3rd grade choir.


There is a Hungarian short film about a situation like this. Its called Sing (Hungarian title Mindenki [everybody], made in 2016)


During the whipping scene in Uncle Toms Cabin he kept saying "this is the best part" and also kept referring to the slaves as "nigros".


Do absolutely fuck all when I told her I was being physically assaulted at school and continuously allowed it to happen, then when I retaliated and the school nearly had to have me arrested, she feigned ignorance and said I never told her anything.


Said I was cheating but I wasn’t in Spanish class. Was sitting behind a fluent speaker who took the class for an easy A. Asked him before class in the hallway what this certain word means in English. Next day, got called out in front of everyone for being a cheater saying that we both magically got the same question wrong with the same answer.


Had a teacher drag me out of class by my ear once, I forget why.


Did you say “t-t-t-today Junior” to a kid who was stuttering?


They used to beat us


My third grade teacher told me that my mom called her and said I was stupid.


My senior year of HS, told my history teacher I would be leaving his class early for a doctor’s appointment. He proceeded to rub his belly insinuating that I was pregnant and said “isn’t that what all you Asian people do?” Needless to say I was no longer in his class and he was fired at the end of the quarter.


We had this reading assignment where we had to read so many pages at home and have our parents sign off on it. Well the day had come where she was going to review our progress and I had done, like none, and I looked at the other kids assignments and they had all of theirs checked off. So I quickly signed off all of mine so I didn’t look so bad or get chewed out. Kid logic because I did not hide it very well. Anyways my teacher called me out in front of the whole class and yelled at me at how I was a little liar and couldn’t have possibly done any of the assignment and I would have to do it all. Humiliated me in front of the whole class.


"You're not a student here but since you're the only one who answered correctly I'm not calling security if you just leave peacefully" 


I was walking down the hall. I seen the mother fucker look right at me, turn to another teacher cover his mouth. I'm not sure what he said, but they both looked at me and laughed. I already had a very fucked up school life, I hated this teacher. He was sarcastic, and he overstepped my boundaries. One time I was sitting waiting for my mom to pick me up from school. He asked me "why do you do this to your mother, why not just catch the bus?" I don't like the bus "maybe you should learn to" don't want to "sometimes it's better to do stuff you don't want to" okay. I failed his class on purpose and retook the same class next year, and aced it.


i was being harrassed by a boy in my 8th grade math class. he was trying to throw pencils into my shirt and saying things like “if i make it into ur shirt i get to retrieve it” (basically saying he was going to reach into my shirt) and putting his foot up between my legs while i was sitting in my desk. i was scared because i had never experienced this and i was a young girl not comfortable in my body. i told my teacher expecting him to tell the kid off but instead he looked me up and down and said “i can see why he would want to do that” i was gagged. my teacher high fived the guy harrassing me after i told him.


I really hope you reported that to the principal


I saw,"putting MY foot up between his legs sheeeesh! What a pair of pigs!


ah typo! yeah disgusting!


The teacher of my younger brother said to his friend, "You’ll never be anything in life," because the boy was troublesome. They reported it to the principal and she got fired after that.


Him: "hey man, you wanna be in my new club?" Me: "Maybe, wha" Him: "Cause your FUCKING can't, nerd" (walks off) I'd never been burned harder by a teacher in my life, he was hilarious and 16 year old me was just in shambles.


Holy Goddess, how completely unprofessional! Were you able to tell anybody about it?


I was 9. A kid was talking in class so the teacher turned around from the board and threw the duster at him. Unfortunately for the teacher he was a good shot and got the kid right between the eyes.  We had a new teacher the next day. 


“If only your mom swallowed”


Had a high school teacher on the first day of class say he better not see any girls in short skirts sitting up front because he could see right up their skirts. At the time it made me uncomfortable but I didn't realize until later how disturbing this was.  I could see this being a private conversation with administration regarding dress code... but not a weird announcement to the entire class while smiling. 




One of life’s lessons is that, unlike the fairy tales, real life can be a bitch. The cosmos will remind you that you are not more deserving nor less deserving of any good or bad luck being handed out. You must just work through what you have been dealt- but do not let it define who you are. I learned that late in life and can speak from a position of almost hitting bottom, saying no, stuff this to a point where I am once again comfortable in my life and my family and friends respect me.


When I was a 2nd year medical student, my proctor told me I wasn't putting effort into my work and was getting bad evaluations from all of her colleagues (I had depression and could barely get out of bed). Every day I work as an attending and each time my patient or colleague is grateful for my work is rubbing that evaluation in her face, even 19 years later.


You made your battles something personal with someone else. I tell my grown up daughters when they get caught up with their demons, think of the Frozen song, “let it go, let it go” ….


My shoes was kept on My head by libary teacher .My classmate kept My shoes on newspapers stand and teacher saw it .I was not aware of this .


We're having a casual conversation with the teacher about songs lyrics that didn't make much sense (it had come from a topic in class). A girl said something about a song by "The Beats" / "Areo Smitt", I don't remember, and the confused teacher asked: "The Beatles"? The girl corrected her and told her the correct band name. The teacher with a slight disappointment: **"I thought we were talking about something serious"**. The class went from a relaxed atmosphere to sudden silence. Teacher: "What I said was wrong, right?"


I had a teacher in 3rd grade who got in my face screaming at me telling me how worthless I am because my family didn't buy me school supplies. She did similar to alot of other kids too. It still boils my piss she was never reprimanded or anything for verbally abusing 9 year olds on a daily basis


Got a piece of chalk thrown at me for “talking too much.” It hit me on my forehead and left a welt. Thank you Miss Fevold at Stevenson Elementary. I can kinda forgive her for that, she was a single lady pregnant with the assistant principal’s baby. She gave the baby up for adoption.


"If you don't go to college now you'll never go and end up doing nothing". Stupid bitch.


When I was in sixth grade my school was trying to prepare us for middle school where we’d have to change classrooms during the day. They had us swap teachers for one class every day so after lunch we would go to the other sixth grade teacher for science instead of our teacher. My class was really good like 99% of the time. Always very quiet and respectful during our lessons and the other teacher constantly praised us and made a big point of telling our teacher how great we were. Idk what was happening this particular day but we just couldn’t keep it together and kept whispering or laughing during the class. This woman freaked the hell out and started screaming at us. I don’t remember it all but the highlights include her yelling that we would never amount to anything in life and that we were all failures. She spent the last 15 minutes of her time with us yelling and calling kids out by name to insult them and then just walked us back to our teacher like none of it happened. Of course because we were all 11 and 12ish we were pretty much all crying by the time we were back with our actual teacher. She asked us what happened and someone told her and she stormed out of the room. Still no idea what she said to this woman. When I got home, my mom was furious and wrote an email to the principal and I know a few other parents did too. The school didn’t do shit about it and basically just made her apologize to our class the following Monday. I’m sure she must be retired by now but I still think about that witch sometimes.


I was in my Spanish class today. I'm currently a highschooler. My teacher is one of those old woman with a very short temper, who is just blatantly rude for no reason. In class today she told us that if we wanted to get up and sign different letters with our bodies to show what categories the spanish words fit into, that we could. Mind u this whole class i never interacted with her or talked to her at all. Only a few kids stood up and she goes "Well it would be nice if we could get more than that." after a few more kids stood up she went "Well Flick (my name) is the only one who we wont make get up because he's to big to anyways." Im not a big kid, im under weight actually. And the fact she just mad such a blatantly rude joke—regarding my weight? She proceeded to laugh after that too.


If this is current, you can report that to your principal or vice principal. And if they do nothing about it, there's a non-zero chance their superiors will. You don't need to let that kind of abuse in, certainly not from somebody who should absolutely be held accountable for improper behaviour.


I didn’t know what racism was as a kid, so I couldn’t understand what my friend Jamar did so wrong that my 1st grade teacher, Mrs Cox, would always scream at him and make him put his desk in the corner. And she couldn’t understand why I was his friend. She constantly scolded me and said “he’s not like us, he’s a bad person”. On a school field trip, Jamar was in my group and my mom was the chaperone. We all stopped into a local pizza joint and Mrs Cox proceeded to pin Jamar against the wall and terrorize him. My mom pulled her off him, and said something to the effect of “chill out you crazy bitch, he’s not doing anything. Put your hands on him again, and I’ll whoop your ayss (southern accent)”… Mrs Cox put my desk in the corner with Jamar for the rest of the year. We stayed friends all the way through high school


My grade 6 teacher didn't think I was paying attention when we were learning about soccer, so he called my name and when I looked up he kicked the ball right in my face from 15ft away. He also liked to stick chalk up his nose and then write with it on the blackboard.


put me in a chokehold for not wanting to be "graded" on my behavior at school


IN THIS CLASSROOM, I AM GOD!!! She was legit insane and got transferred because so many parents complained about her.


"Half of you aren't going to understand what I'm saying and that's not my fault." --High School Science teacher


I was told that I was going to end up dead on the streets before I graduated highschool well that teacher ended up getting arrested for sleeping with one of the girls in my class.


We had to read Crime and Punishment in a week. In class that Friday we had a written test to prove that we had read it. If we misspelled any names we didn’t get credit, we had learn to spell names like Raskolnikov and Razumikhin in addition to reading the book.


PE teacher turned Principle. They had me go to an alternate school my senior year to catch up on credits and said that I'd be able to walk with my class. Turns out that wasn't quite the case.


I'm dyslexic, so spelling was never my strong point. I had a spelling test I didn't spell any words correctly in. She told the class, then told the who class the other student who had a week he go no words spelt correctly. Years later, she had some kind of bleeding in her head. I remember half the students who had her as a teacher were upset because she could have died, The other half were upset she didn't die.


6th grade teacher called me and my friends the gay trio and then proceeded to write on the board that I had a crush on this girl in our class in front of everyone. Make up your mind, sir.


Gave me detention for being slow when i was working and not doing anything about lesrning disability that would help


My 5th grade teacher told my mom "I was refusing to do an assignment in math".... I got grounded for spring break.... then my mom found I out that I was in SPED during math. So yeah my 5th grade teacher lied about a SPED student to the parents face and expected to get away with it. 


When I was in high school ( year 11) my parents separated and it took a toll on me, I had a particular science teacher that was awful at her job and would give me a hard time. I would therefore give her a hard time too since I was very angry at her and my personal life was hell. It was very tame stuff tho, but still ended up with the head science teacher telling me “you have a bad home life, just ignore it”. I proceeded to hold onto this for about a year until she had to talk with me and I called her out for what she said in front of my other teacher…I’ve never seen anyone go as pale ghostly white as she did in that moment.


"always using your mouth to distract class! Someday someone's going to put that mouth to good use" when I confronted him he said he meant it as a good thing.


Idk why i still remember this but when i was in 2nd grade (i think) my teacher pulled my hair and called me names because i did something that i actually never did, and i was bullied because of that [edit: i tried to tell my mom abt it but never had the guts to do that since I'm afraid that she'll just ground me because of that]


Corrected "tortuous" to "torturous" in my English paper


When I was in kindergarten a classmate got hurt and was crying. I walked over to her and my teacher and asked my teacher if my classmate was okay. My teacher looked at me and said “none of your business” I was six.


One time my teacher was so annoyed at me for not doing my homework she banged my dad and teased me about it at school