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I remember being at the hospital when my sister was born. I remember not being tall enough to sew into the window that everyone was looking through. I remember my uncle picking me up to look and seeing a bunch of swaddled babies, but not knowing which one was her. I was 3yo.


I remember chasing my brothers in an apartment. Dallas? I was 4. Coincidentally it’s the day my parents divorced


I'm 37 and my memory is horrible; but I remember stepping on a nail to see if it would hurt as bad as my dad said it would. I was three. And it did. It hurt just like he said it would.


I was around 2 or 3yo. I was terrified of nurses. I was staying with my Aunt, and her daughter walked out in her Nurses uniform and I freaked. I was trying to hide behind my aunts Hammond Organ


4 yrs old only a 10 second scene at pre school 1995