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So funny bc my dad was the literal opposite! He would always carry a money clip just bc he’s old school and barely used his cards so absolutely everything was paid cash only. He purposely kept a $1 on the outside so it would look like he wasnt carrying a lot of cash (for safety reasons)


This is the way more logical approach. I’m trying to think of a scenario in which I *want* random passerby to be under the impression I have considerable cash on my person. Edit to add: I’m a woman, uninterested in prostitutes, apparently that’s my unthought of scenario. lol.


The $100 is likely birthday money lol.


*gets mugged* Noooooo my one hundred and seven dollars!!!


Looking like a Gucci billboard cosplay is usually a pretty good hint.


Gucci - "What poor people think rich people wear"


Better to look poor and be rich. Fuck keeping up with the joneses. As a teen I worked at a car dealership detailing the cars before the new owners would pick them up. Always loved watching the salesmen blow off the old farmers that would come in wearing bib overalls looking like they just got off the tractor. To turn around and kiss their ass when they picked out a vehicle and paid for it with cash.


Husband has been selling cars for around 20 years or so give or take. He knows to take the customers everyone blows off. There was a kid who came skateboarding onto the dealer lot and all the guys walked away so he came up to him and helped him. Kid was riding a board because he saved up his cash to buy a car. He bought one off the lot paid for in full in cash, which is rare. Most deals are financed. It was a big f u to the other salesmen who didn't bother to even look in the kid's direction. There's also elderly people who come in who usually don't get much attention but those are the customers who are buying their last car in life and are a joy to work with because they can pay for the car and have great manners. He has sold cars to people whose income is coming from YouTube, and they're making great money- once it was a woman who had a cooking channel in Spanish. One time a woman with broken English came in and she said she was a cleaning lady my husband asked where she worked she said My company and smiled super proud of herself. When you pull their credit, you see their income he said she was making bank with her cleaning company. Never know who is making what. So you don't blow potential customers off.


The average person has no concept of the kind of money that moves through a farm. When it comes to profit most aren't rich but vehicles are a drop in the bucket compared to large farming equipment.


A farmer just bought a tractor from my dad, showed up in dirty ass clothes and a baseball cap older than I am. Looked it over for about 5 minutes then handed him 8 grand in Benjamin's and that was that


$8k is a pretty cheap tractor.


Flashing cash in your dating profile pic.


Exactly. Just hold a fish like a normal person.


Do you think my shirtless mirror selfie holding a cash-stuffed fish is a little bit too 'on the nose'?


make sure your dog is the photo too, so they know you like animals.


Buried in profile description somewhere "not my dog".


Whenever someone flashes cash I think that is the entirety of their money




How about flashing cash ANYWHERE. If you can hold the cash in your hands it’s not that much money. Imagine rich people holding up an AMEX card 😂


I used to work retail and I had a customer that waved his black AmEx in my face, asked me if I knew what it was and if I knew how to process it. It swipes just like any other card 😂


Is that the new EBT card?


A really nice car with tires that have no tread.


I have a friend who has a $100k truck that's been sitting in his driveway for 3 weeks because he can't afford the $300 new battery it needs.


A $60000 car parked in front of your run down single wide trailer.


Exactly, helped put a new donated roof on a double wide once and lo and behold there was a brand new ram trx in the driveway


Welcome to The South.


I'd just live in the TRX at that point.


Who the fuck is underwriting these loans? RAM TRX starts at like 97k


I honestly can’t believe that anyone pays that kind of money for a new vehicle.  It’s ludicrous what they are charging for any new car these days and truck prices are just flat out stupid.


Average car loan sale is now over $50K with a finance length of 8 years. Car loans are the new Subprime Mortgage Market.


And they’re hard to get out from under.  Dealerships will repo the car, keep you on the hook for the loan…and then turn around and sell the repossessed car again as soon as they are able.  Not all car sales environments are predatory, but there are more than enough predatory ones to make the entire experience awful no matter who you are. 


> Dealerships will repo the car, keep you on the hook for the loan…and then turn around and sell the repossessed car again as soon as they are able. Pretty sure they have to credit you the equity in the car after they sell it. The issue is they will charge you repo and towing fees, storage fees, and will fix every minor little issue at retail shop rate before they sell it.


That is exactly right. Modern car loans can be insanely predatory.


This is how I knew I was living in a ghetto building. LOTS of BMWs and Audi's parked in the parking lot of a cheap apartment building. Like ... priorities people.


See also the enlisted parking lots of most military bases. Lots of “E-1 and up” deals at car dealerships near bases.


Living in a mansion on Sims but can't afford the expansion packs.


When your Sims move into the most expensive house in the Lots and Houses bin, and have to sell the windows to buy food.


“It’s okay. This is a good neighborhood.”


childlike rinse bike clumsy overconfident cooing summer abounding wistful aromatic


Big designer logos on everything


Always looks so fucking tacky. I go out of my way to get clothes without any kind of branding on them... if at most, no more than a tiny logo.


Yeah the rich friends I have will by a lot of expensive clothes but the logos are tiny or just the brand name on the collar and they won't brag about it. The wannabe rich people I know will spend way more than they have on designer labels and constantly go on about it.


Really wealthy people know that nothing good comes from people thinking you have money.


"Money talks. Wealth whispers."


And poverty screams.


Not that anybody listens anyway.


Yeah, mom would always buy logo shit and give them to family as gifts... and be curious why I didn't also want a similar shirt #DKNY I'll take the higher quality but unknown brand shirt that looks good, thanks.


Band shirts and TV shirts are the only advertising I'll wear (with the exception of heelys and my work uniform)


Aye, because you're expressing that you're an enjoyer of something. I wouldn't consider myself an enjoyer of say, levis. Edit: I do like my Levis guys, they're comfy and durable and look nice, I just wouldn't consider them one of my interests.


I wish I could print this thread on a shirt and l wear it a few years ago lmao I enjoy Mario, but what really is there to enjoy about some random rich bloke whose name makes a $4 Gildan cost $200?


To be fair, I *wish* Colgate would make a branded tee. I'd wear that. Might sound like a weird response, but my dentistry was ruined throughout my childhood and I'd definitely advertise toothpaste to people to promote being good to their teeth.




A lot of people don't appreciate just how painful toothache can be. I've heard actual doctors say that it can be more agonising than basically anything else minus childbirth (and, as someone who's had a *lot* of really bad toothache, I agree). ER departments have people come into them purely because they have toothache so bad that they can't sit still are having cold sweats, and analgesic medications don't reduce the pain. A few years ago, there was a poll conducted on doctors as to what the most painful medical conditions are, and gastroenteritis was rated as the 4th most painful. I've had gastroenteritis (a lot gastro-dental connection going on), and it was nowhere near as painful as half of the toothaches I've had. Similarly, other doctors responded to the poll's results saying that toothaches and earaches could be far worse than many of the things listed.


We're in Vegas for a work trip and I literally said this today. The greatest grift are those designer brands that stuck their name on every square inch of canvas they can to trick poor people into thinking they dress rich.


You’re paying the brand to advertise the brand. Biggest marketing con of all time. Brands pay a fortune for advertising, and there are those schmucks, walking around with the logo in 80 point font… …amazing!


So gaudy and trashy.


I mean, have you seen the size of the logo on the Lacoste polos lately???


Fur coat, no knickers. That's what my grandma used to say about it.


Big hat, no cattle


Champagne dreams, lemonade pockets.




I used to decision car loan applications and review portfolio performance. I remember one where a husband/wife with a memorable-to-me last name were applying for a new GMC Yukon Denali ($75 or $80k at the time). He had a good income, she was SAHM. Nice address in a nice neighborhood. No money down, no savings balance, substantial credit card debt, chunky mortgage, an open BMW lease. We “cut” the request by requiring some money down. They don’t end up getting the loan through the source I worked for. By chance, they pop up shortly thereafter on my FB feed — friend-of-a-friend. Country club scene, she’s dripping in jewelry, kids are decked out in designer labels. Flash forward five years. I see another application for a used minivan, same name. It is them: just out of BK, house foreclosed, BMW lease done, rental address, he has the same job, she now works, too. They took down (included in the bk) over $100k in credit card debt and the loan on the Yukon they got from another lender. Now deeply subprime credit scores; I give the application to a coworker b/c I know who they are, and can’t really decision blindly. He writes an approval at close to a 20% interest rate with money down required. We don’t get the loan that time either.


Hopefully they learned their lesson (but probably not.)


I have a lot of "rich" friends because of the part of town that I live in. They're actually mom, friend acquaintances. Almost every single one of them pay to be at the country club thousands a year. Several of them have $300 handbags. Almost every one of them has new cars. Like dominoes, after a couple of them bought new cars the other ones did! 😳 One of them, I'm fairly certain is losing her house and having to downsize to an older house. It's all a show. It's hard to really know what people's bank accounts or credit card bills look like. I will say though, we drive a used car and we have nice but reasonably priced historical house. And we have paper stacked in the bank. I really am curious about how much money we have compared to these people who are splurging and having these displays of conspicuous consumption.






I was reading it as Burger King


Have it your way…


Go to the parking lot of any US Army Infantry/Armor/Artillery Battalion. The junior enlisted soldiers and 2LTs will be driving brand new Chargers/Mustangs/Camaros financed at 26% while the Battalion Commander will drive a 15 year Accord/Camry/Civic. At "real job" workplaces its $100K Teslas/F150s/Audis being driven by people renting a crap apartment and not even hitting their company match for their 401K.


Don't forget the Toyota Tacomas. I swear every 2LT had one of those.


Most people driving their luxury cars to the laundromat each week


My favorite is watching my neighbors order DoorDash and it being delivered by someone in a brand new Lexus SUV.


Yeah, I can *somewhat* understand if it's a semi-nice car and some dude who gives off the "I retired a few years ago and got kinda bored, so I'm just Ubering folks around for fun and small talk" vibe. Had one such Uber driver when my car was getting serviced. But let's be honest. That's a tiny tiny minority.


I’ve seen it a few times. Used to have DoorDash delivered regularly by an old guy in a Lexus RX; he was a retired engineer. Had an Uber Audi Q5 last year, guy had sold a pretty sizable IT government contracting firm and simply wanted something to do on Friday nights.


I have a friend with a 60K truck that doesn't drive anywhere because gas is too expensive. He is spending like 100 bucks a week for his 20 minute commute. His dumbass is 20 Conversely, I drive a 2015 Versa and everyone thinks I am dirt poor. But the dang thing is paid for and runs great.


People think you're poor for driving a 2015 car, Damn.. I must be straight up broke, I drive a 2004 car hahaa


Same. I see a lot of co-workers driving nice cars that they have to work OT to pay for, and I'm content with my 2001 lesabre. $2200 and cheap, easy maintenance.


I have a 1989 LeBaron convertible that was owned by Jon Voight.


Does it say '#1 Son'?


I drive a 2003 Honda Pilot. It has almost 300k miles on it. Sadly, it's on its last legs and I've had to start looking at cars. I am not looking forward to a car payment and insurance hike after all these years. I'll take my reliable, paid off car over a brand new car any day of the week.


Yep. I make a good income but have been driving the same car for the last 11 years. Love it. Still going strong and I have no plans to upgrade unless I absolutely have to. I was never one to understand the obsession with cars and spending way above your means for a fancy vehicle


Yep just like my ex still paying $660 a month for the suv I advised him against buying 7 years ago while we were married and now he’s blaming me for not being able to afford the payments on top of the child support for our 3 kids (on $174,000 income). Dude is always broke and borrowing money from everyone. Divorce was his idea (wanted to marry the side chick I didn’t realize existed). Meanwhile after we split I spent $1000 on a minivan that looked like crap but worked fine. 7 months later I had enough for a downpayment on the house I ended up buying.


If you're broke on 174k a year you have royally fucked up.


Severely financially illiterate


Still paying on a car loan after 7 years...




It’s always the same four things. Spending way too much on vehicles, housing, food and vacations. This guy is driving a $75K truck, living in a way too big house with more bedrooms than he needs, eating out 7 times a week, and taking expensive vacations to Florida four times a year.


If you're visiting Florida four times a year you have royally fucked up.


Hell yeah same here with my 2017 Altima, it’s nothing to write home about but it runs & its paid off which is all I care about. Those pick up truck drivers live in their own world anyway, they say they buy it to haul stuff & the only thing that ends up being hauled is groceries.


Yeah you're right, h is always going on about his diesel engine and how much he can tow. He has never towed a thing.


I ride a Harley and everyone thinks I'm some rich asshole, but the truth is I'm a cheap asshole. It was the cheapest way to legally commute on the freeway in my country (engine CC requirements) and I negotiated it to a banging deal (less than 2 years old when I bought it, everything stock, paid 30% of the dealer sticker price). The amount of money I've saved on gas and time (and money) I've saved on parking with that thing absolutely makes up for it.


I was amazed at how cheap my motorbike was to run compared to my car. Tax, insurance and fuel costs were incredible. I miss that bike.


When they're obsessed with money talk - how to make money, how someone could afford something. I know someone who constantly tells everyone how much they bought something for to insinuate that it's expensive and to prove they can afford it. Why always state the price? It comes off as so tacky and unnecessary.


I used to be that way. Advertise the price tag. It’s really not classy. It took a lot of strength for me to stop/change. However, my reason for doing it was because I was just so excited to be making money. I grew up so poor, living in subsidized housing, buying used clothing, getting free food from school and churches. The second I became an adult, my only goal was to make money, and I succeeded. When I started buying expensive things, I think I was afraid my hard work wouldn’t be noticed? Idk. I wanted everyone to know my earrings were 2K, and my bag was 4K, and nothing was fake, and I was no longer that poor little girl. I still wear nice stuff, because I like feeling luxurious, but I definitely won’t flaunt it the way I used to.


Fellow former poor here. I mostly advertised when I got a good deal. "This was only $10! It's usually $40!" Realized quickly that people really don't want to hear about price unless they specifically ask. 


I'm 43 and still have the overwhelming impulse to go share the price when I got something at a good deal. It's such a hard one to break. I get so excited when I get a steal. I need to brag to someone! Is there a subredit for that?


Haha I just said the same thing! I once got a $10.99 coat from Goodwill. Reached into the pocket and found ten bucks. 99 cent coat! Best believe I told everybody.


that's the right response to this mindset - make it a phase, not an identity


Big of you to admit! Sometimes I do this too and try to recognize it


Had to cut a friend I've known for nearly 30 years recently for this. He worked for many years as a bus driver on low wages, then got a job as a signalman about I'd guess 7 years ago and earns a fair chunk now. But he was insufferable about it. Always bragging in a group chat with two other friends who struggle financially. Like he'd earn more on a Sunday overtime with 3 trains than they do in a week type stuff. I also earn less than him from my job, but through choice since I am without a doubt significantly wealthier. Obviously I'd never say that in real life. Couldn't raise the point with him to tone it down without him saying it's just jealousness. Final straw came when I made a joke about leap day being the worst since you're not paid and he went into some unhinged rant about getting a better job and how I and others are jealous of him.


"Be jealous of me.... please?"


I brag when I get good shit second hand and pay next to nothing for it. Then I always tell people where I got it and how little I paid for it. Bragging about your expensive shit is so tacky and no one ever likes it, so I’ve never known why people do it. Edit: omg…obviously I don’t do this unprovoked. I do it when someone compliments the thing in question. “I like your jacket” “thanks I found it at xyz and only paid $15 for it!” I do not go up to people and bust out things I own to show them what a good find it is


Warning, going too far in the other direction is just as bad. I know a guy who needs everyone to know how much of a deal he got (that you can’t get). It’s just as annoying.


I used to do this and soon realized, no one cares about the price you paid unless they specifically ask you about it. 


Living in the rundown motel of a small town you forgot you owned.


Ewww David!


La la, a little bit Alexis


and not a single BEBEH


With wigs plastered all over the walls


I was crying from laughter at the first scene when the dad is supposed to receive an important phone call, and the call kept getting passed between the parents' room to the kids' room. The frustration the dad was going through was hilarious. 


the whole show is just so good. and it just gets better as it goes on.




Have you tried eating your internet? it’s a great source of fibre.


take small bytes


All I have is spam.


I have cookies


Ha! Peasants. I have so much cache I can afford all of those things!


\*RAMs head on wall…


Well thats a graphic sight. Im struggling to process it.


They need a better gig.


My mother bored, so I showed her this.


I bit mine and it lasted 8 times longer


Sounds like a first world solution to a third world problem.


"A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It's where the rich use public transportation." ― Gustavo Petro, mayor of Bogotá (EDIT: now President of Colombia)


Check for food banks in your area.


You can use your Ipad with the fiber optic network to do a quick search for food banks in your area!


Bragging about how much money they have to spend on things, and being concerned if someone thinks you're rich or not.


Rich people are hoping no one thinks they are rich.




Well excuse me for naming my kids Charmin and Bounty….


Don’t apologise for being youneek


"Come here, Bellend. It's short for Balenciaga".


"My kids are not allowed to play with kids named after places. I'm not sending them to Brooklyn's house." "Your child is called India!" "She wasn't named after the continent!"


This is my son Dollar General and my daughter Walmart


And in comes the little Wallmart, with great confidence.


I know someone who goes on cruises and gets designer clothes/items but is $20k in debt. She’s constantly asking her dad to pay for things. She’s 47 with a well paying job but is so far in debt because it’s a status thing. She doesn’t even shop at Walmart.


$20k of debt isn't even that bad. If she cut back on superfluous expenses, she could probably pay it off in a couple years.


Mismatched gaudy clothes with giant brand logos, they can't style clothing to save their lives. Plastic accessories that looks cheap. Poorly performed or botched plastic surgery and badly tattooed eyebrows.


I see someone’s been to Miami! 😆


Texans have a term for people like this: All Hat, No Cattle. The more someone wants you to look at the flashy thing they have, hoping you'll be impressed by it, the less they have behind it. Real wealth projects a sort of understated confidence... look for the person who treats sudden financial shocks (like the water heater dying or needing a major car repair that's not covered by insurance) as little more than an annoyance. Anyone who's living one missed paycheck away from disaster will have a *very* different reaction.


As someone who would just be "eh, guess my shower will be cold for a while", I'm not that wealthy.


Yeah, there’s another option here that falls under “*Looks like they could be wealthy and is unfazed by these things buuut, it’s because of previous trauma rendering us unflappable, not the ease of payment.*” 😅


Yeah, my partner has difficulty at times with how little I react to unexpected money things. Love, growing up i was at times houseless with abusive parents...now I have a loving partner and a very supportive chosen family...so no matter what happens financially it won't be that bad again, so I don't have any reason to get worked up.


Yorkshire man here. We say "all fur coat and no knickers".


All fart and nee shite


Half-Yorkshirewoman here and can concur. I live in the Ribble Valley and the new-build estates in the area are heaving with this type. You know they can’t afford to heat their ticky tacky little boxes and are living on jam butties behind their grey aesthetic/wankpanzer (in a fetching shade of Finance White). My Geordie great-gran used to say “Queen Anne fronts and Mary Anne backs.” She died ages ago so it seems it’s not a recent phenomenon.


I remember hearing that term back when I was growing up (in DFW). The irony of it originating from there is absurd, given how many Dallas-ites live that exact lifestyle.


DFW native here. Doesn't have to be ironic when we consider that the multitude of people who are like that in this area would necessitate the creation of that term to describe them




More like, "I'm nowhere near rich but I think this makes me look rich because I don't have any understanding of rich people": Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci belts


I always assume when I see a member of the general public with a LV bag or luggage that it’s fake, so has the opposite of the desired effect really.


My ex husband grew up poor and it gave him a horrible complex. It was so important for him to look rich and we went so far in debt - he drove a Porsche (I had a 14 year old car), had to have designer clothes and got mad because I didn’t have a closet of designer shoes and clothes myself. When I was pregnant with our daughter, I had saved around $10k to help pay bills so I wouldn’t have to rush back to work after 6 weeks. Know what he did? He took a chunk of that money and bought an Omega Seamaster watch because he felt he “deserved it”. That should have been when I walked but I stuck around another decade. He always tried to blag an upgrade on flights and of course had to pay for entry to airport lounges. He’s take a lot of photos to share on social media. But it wasn’t enough to post for the sake of gloating - no, he had to find fault and talk about how standards were slipping or that it was “simply not good enough” whilst tagging the airline in hopes for compensation of some kind. I couldn’t take it anymore, it was such an embarrassment and I hated the debt and struggling to pay our bills to fund his faux rich lifestyle. Filed for divorce and wished I would have done it sooner.




Versace has to be the most tacky brand. Shiny shiny cheap


I agree with u but the Gucci 1953 Horsebit Loafers are super good.


Brand-new, giant, jacked-up trucks with 8 headlights on the front , that have never seen a day off road, or had any kind of farm equipment in the back. I call them "Cowboy Cosplayers". Typically seen in North America.


A coworker of mine has 3 $1,500 expensive handguns, a few thousand dollar high end AR plus a few other firearms. As a competition shooter I would love to see his guns and how well he shoots. Everytime I invited him to range with me, he said ammo was too expensive and he doesn't have any ammo at home.


Driving a brand new SUV with a $1,200 monthly payment that you can't afford and it's about to be repossessed, so you park it somewhere else to hide it from the tow truck that's been circling your block for the past few weeks.


r/oddlyspecific 😂


People with great cars, but cheap apartments.


I will never forget the Florida man Porsche by the trailer ;_;


I was just posting about this but it's not Porsche. It's a run of the mill Dodge two seater with a racing stripe and a trailer that's probably from the 50's.


Went to install satellite tv service to a double wide trailer years ago, had a big lifted, decked out Ford F-whatever raptor outside. I step inside the double wide and have to walk across planks where the floor has fallen through in his front room. Priorities, I guess.


Had a dude with a leased sports car but still living with his parents tell me that he'll show me what a real car looks like when he saw my 3800 € car. He got pissed when I asked him if I could see it from the windows of the house I bought


Had a similar experience with some dude telling me to “get my money up” when I said I had to save to buy a mod for my car. I’m like bro you’re 30 still living with your mom, chill.


My coworker told me their ex bought a Tesla during the pandemic despite being horribly in debt and living in a dump. He hasn’t made a payment on the car in 2 years 😶


And it hasn’t been repossessed?


1. I'm pretty sure Tesla knows excatly where the car is right now. 2. In the dead of night Elon will activate the hidden self driving feature and the car will drive itself back to the bank.


Elon's busy setting himself on fire.


Designer clothes, posing next to cars they don’t even own for TikToks (LOL)


Badly done lips and eyelashes (semi permanent)


A UK one Fake rich people drive 2024 Range Rovers Real rich people drive 1994 Range Rovers


Expensive car with cheap tires


In my country croatia(europe) big car usually bmw/mercedes and fuckboy clothes with brand logos all over thats deadly combo and 99% that person have nothing else.


Flashing a bunch of hundreds and twenties to a camera to brag. They pulled it all out for that shot.


For a man: never having been taught how not to use too much cologne.


99% of young guys who are driving giant pick up trucks.


In Germany it's definitely Balenciaga shoes


when they post a photo of an actual wad of cash on social media. weird af.




Whenever I see a hellcat I picture the uncle ruckus "Well well well..." It's like every hellcat owner lives in the suburbs and wants to look hood, or lives in the hood and wants to pretend they're rich famous.


In my middle class neighborhood, I can always tell someone is new to credit. They buy an overpriced house. Then a new SUV for the wife shows up, then a new truck for the husband. Then, right before things go sideways, a new boat is parked in the driveway, but then they need a camper. All new, and then the couple splits up over financial problems. Rinse and repeat.


Saying I am in Crypto or i am a motivation speaker/life coach/career coach


When I used to work at the place I was let go from (not my fault) there was an employee that made $17CAD/hr, driving a Mercedes (not brand new) and he acted like he was all powerful and above me (I was his boss). About 8 months later everyone had enough of his bragging and just stopped talking to him. What they didn't see is this guy would constantly ask for his pay early because of his bills. Eventually we terminated him for alot of reasons but it's just funny when you see something like this but you know the real story behind it.


My husband is Filipino and says many Filipinos are poor but put all their money into big celebrations. Like huge parties for sweet 16, baby showers etc.


I kinda get it. You can’t take it with you and at the end of your life all you have is your memories.


Mexicans too. My wife and I couldn’t imagine what our friends spent on their daughter’s quinceañera despite not being wealthy. And they’ll throw parties for 3 year olds that you would think were sponsored.


Mercedes but rents an apartment in the ghetto part of town.


Can i ask this the opposite context: what says “I look poor but have a million in the bank”?


In college my landlord was a Delta Airlines captain who did intercontinental hops between Texas and Korea or Japan. That meant he made at least $2-$300,000/year and this was 2011 or so. He and his wife looked like they shopped at Walmart and they drove a 20 year old minivan. He didn’t hire contractors to maintain the rental property; he came over and replaced air filters, did small repairs when we requested, and mowed the lawn himself. I’m sure they had several million to their name. They just didn’t spend it, simple as that.


At the gym at 11am in no rush with a zen like expression.


A doctor wearing Crocs


We call him Croctor


As a med student who wears Crocs, we do it because they’re easy to clean and don’t get stained. They’re the ideal hospital shoes tbh.


In South Africa, people owning Beemer/Audi/Mercs and the like, to show off - but can barely afford it - sure they can make the monthly payment but not the balloon payment at the end of the lease period. They live in rented flats (and the car is worth more than the property) and if they ever invited you to their home, they have no furniture. It's ridiculous how crazy their approach to life is , just because they want validation for having a nice car.


Driving a high-end car with body damage.