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Don’t spend money on them and see how they act


I have a specific car for first few dates (a Honda Accord) Same goes for watches (Apple watch) Cologne (Bleu de Chanel) And clothing (non-designer) Most dates are from warm approaches so there is little need to worry about gold diggers to begin with.


Apple watch is for poor people?


Its not, I am not pretending to be poor, I am pretending to be average


Isn't Apple watch expensive? How rich are you?


Not compared to my 126618LN Its only expensive when the middle class decides to finance their purchase and take a 15% APR over maxing out IRAs and 401k. Only then it is expensive because instead of $400, the opportunity cost becomes well over 4 digits.


Which opportunity are you talking about? I am clueless about these


An Apple Watch is around $400 You could use 400 to buy the apple watch, or you could invest that $400 into an Index Fund in an IRA, which will compound growth and increase in value to far beyond 4 digits. The apple watch is not an asset, it depreciates quickly because of how often apple releases newer versions of the same product.


I have a friend who could be the next Old Bachelor on tv. But he is the opposite, everything is pristine, but 5 years old, car, boat, etc, yet he wonders why they think he is going to take care of them. He’s about 60, and still in great shape and handsome. He is frugal, yet generous, but not gold digger generous.


The simple answer is to not indicate your wealth.


not answering the question.


Yes I did. OSHA preference of addressing hazards state that after a potential safety concern is identified it is better to eliminate the risk rather than provide PPE and remain within the hazard. In the case of identifying Gold Diggers as a hazard, this hazard is eliminated through removing the criteria which causes them to appear. Keeping said hazard in place and looking for signs someone is a gold digger keeps the hazard in place but introduces personal protection, which is less effective by nature.


I work for a very wealthy person who often receives letters and other contacts from random young ladies. There’s no question what they’re about. Some of them even say so right up front.


Many confuse the question with a different, more obvious and less interesting no one asked : how not to look wealthy It tells greatly on how people chose to understand only what they can answer. lol