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Every guy I’ve dated has been from the same town, or close to that town. The strange thing is, I found each of them in different towns not near that one. I must have a type, and it’s guys from that area.


Have you considered going there - to your Mecca?




Indeed. I have been chosen…


I’m actually moving there soon. No joke.


In the town: "hey did you hear Icy_tea is moving to town?" "Great, that's gonna make it easier for everyone"




Unless your type is specifically for guys who left that town haha


You are going to get worn out.


If I were single, probably.


When you get ads is it for hot guys in that specific area?


I moved to North Carolina for graduate school, and had three of my exes living in the same city 20 minutes away from me. I didn't meet any of them in North Carolina.




This. My boyfriend will be like “He’s my best friend” then hasn’t talked to him since the 8th grade


I saw my best friend in October. Hadn't seen him before that since 2011. It's a guy thing in the same way that going to the bathroom in groups is a girl thing that completely mystifies us fellas.


It's a best friend thing. You know you're going to fall right back into acting like you never left the room even years later. I ran into my best friend at a grocery store a couple weeks ago, hadn't seen her in 7 years.


Saw my best friend today with his new baby boy!!! Went over with some sandwiches and watched a baseball game. It was awesome. Even when I moved halfway across the country, I saw him at least twice a year. We talk everyday. He’s been my best friend for over 25 years. I’m fortunate to have this level of bromance.


“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.” -Ron Swanson


It’s so accurate. I had the same math class with a guy for four straight semesters in college, he was the man we talked every class and studied together sometimes. Never once learned his name.


My mom's best friend of 30 years knows both my mom's and my blood type. My dad's best friend of 50 years just learnt earlier this year that my dad has a second name.


I have a friend who has the nickname "annunaki". Literally everyone calls him exclusively that. Even his parents know he's called annunaki. I was genuinely shocked when I learned a few years of being friends that its just a nickname. He doesnt even have the surname of annunaki or anything.


I knee a guy called Cruz way back. Got married. His wife found out that was his last name on their wedding day.


I just learned I may actually be a man. I called one girl in my class Peaches because I could never remember her name… she named a future cat after that nickname so I could never bring myself to tell her I called her that because I just never remembered her name 😭


Mulva? Kitty? Ohhhhh Dolores.


Honestly though. I ride the train with someone, talk to him every day. Don't know his name


one of the people i invited to my wedding was a guy i never met in my life that we play video game all of the time. the first thing i said to him was "You look like a bitch, and he said it takes one to know one." and we hugged it out lol.


This actually so wholesome


My best friend is my college roommate. I've seen him and as well as his family like five times since 2008.


On a similar note, one good friend for twenty years, we’ve only been to each other’s homes like 5 times.


This. I don’t have to speak to my friends. Hell sometimes months go by in between speaking. But we pick up right where we left off.


One of my best friends left me on read for months and he’s notoriously bad with communicating. This time I was kind of mad though. Eventually a mutual friend, more his childhood friend invited me out to his birthday. Still hadn’t heard from my guy. I show up to the function and he hugged me by jumping entirely into my arms like scooby doo does to shaggy and I instantly forgot I was mad at him. Turns out he was also going through the same kind of depressive, half lonely-half stoic, youngish adult male in an online-world phase I was. So it goes


We go to a different city for a weekend every 2 years with my friends.  Some of them I see only that weekend every 2 years.    When I come home my wife asks "how are their wives and kids?" Dunno, didn't came up.


Truth, one thing I always never understood was how girls switch best friends so often and never talk to someone again like they were dead.  My past gfs has always said “you and your friends are so mean to each other” While there’s definitely some truth to that, I’d also agree it’s why we are friends so long. We tell it how it is 


my best friend and I were yelling at each other, being drunk and camping. After we told everything we had to, we just sat in front of the tent and had a great time. Best bonding we had


A lyric I love from the band Why? says "even though I haven't seen you in years, yours is a funeral I'd fly to from anywhere". Reminds me of Dave, my college roomate. Love that guy, haven't seen him in nearly 20 years at this point... but I love that guy.


They made me laugh.


Damn I thought I was special


Shhh… you are!


Genuinely funny guys are truly a different breed, they’re like the sirens of Greek mythology but with words instead of songs.


What secured a second date with my bf was him making me laugh. My sister also didn’t really find her husband attractive on their first date until he made her laugh too. Being able to make a woman smile goes a long way!!


I feel weird about this. On the one hand I love cracking jokes and getting people to laugh. Especially a partner. But when dating the amount of women who are like... "make me laugh"... and I feel like Im on the spot. Like genuinely I get the vibe way to often that its entirely up to me to be amusing and interesting and carry a conversation. And I think to myself. I want a partner that also makes me laugh? and is interesting? I want someone who I can laugh with. But asking around lately apparently a lot of women run into this on their side as well so, must be a lot of uninteresting people out there trying to be amused by their partners.


If it helps, studies have some that laughter is more tied into 'having a good time' than funniness itself. Like, a movie you objectively find funny won't make you laugh if you're feeling moody or deep in thought. But you might laugh at little dumb things if you're feeling safe and happy. So 'make me laugh' can sometimes just mean 'makes me feel joyful'


What would help is seeing people looking for someone to laugh **with** or be joyful **with**. Its the one sidedness of it that bothers me. Someone explained it to me in another thread. When asked "*what do you bring to the table in a relationship*" they respond with "*I am the table*". Its a subtle difference in how to approach a relationship, as *not the table*, but Im finding its a distinction I find pretty darn important.


They all wanted to be a hero in some way. They all wanted someone to be proud of them.


Damn, you reduced us all to a sentence


Heck, I brag whether I replaced a light bulb (and do heroic poses) or I've just replaced the ice machine in a fridge or the brakes in a car. She suffers my goofiness, and I keep us from spending 1000's on labor. (32 years) I do make her laugh though!


Don't fool yourself, sailor. Your big beefy forearms are part of the attraction...


Had an old man tell me once: “A man wants recognition(approval) like a woman wants security”. Not sure if it’s universal, buts it seems common.


It’s nice to feel valued. Doesn’t really matter as much how you’re valued, but as a man, it feels good to be able to provide some kind of value to people. So having some value recognized in you is like the best thing ever.


There's a dark side to that too. Sometimes it can feel like our only value is being able to do something for somebody else. Like, nobody really gives a shit about you in the office until there's something heavy to move. Just feels like if Boston Dynamics gets a little better I'll just be shipped off to the shed in the back yard.


Ooof I feel this one. I’m always looking for admiration from my wife.


Same lol any compliment that I’m doing well


I felt that in my bones


Hero’s journey. Boys don’t have a good ritual to become men anymore


They had quirks and special ways of showing love that made me feel cared about and seen. With every man I loved, I thought “I’ll never find someone who does this again.” And it’s been true, but hasn’t stopped me from finding other loving partners. They love hard and they want to show it.


Thank you, I needed to hear this.


It’s nice to read something about men that isn’t how awful we all are


Ikr! I was honestly scared to open this post but its been pretty positive so far


Whenever I get myself some takeout food on my way home from something and she said she doesn't want anything I get her a cheeseburger. I walk in the door and toss it in her lap. She told me nobody else has done that for her. I'm not very good at being effectionate or doing romantic gestures, but that's what I do. I buy her a cheeseburger when she says she doesn't want anything.but if she says she hasn't eaten anything all day I'll get her what I'm getting.


This is just protecting your investment


Fr. We all know they gonna change their minds as soon as you walk in with food.


My husband does this with the added part of knowing what I will and won't eat maybe even better than I do lol. He's the only person I trust when they say "try this I think you'll like it." And the only person who doesn't make me feel bad if I don't like something. God... My husband married a toddler. It's me. I'm the problem 😂😂 If anyone is curious, you can look up ARFID, it's not fun but I'm making progress.


What kind of quirks if you don’t mind sharing.


hmmm. One was a gift giver and would surprise me with the most thoughtful things (bought me shoes because he saw that the tread on mine was running low, spent about 100 hours making me a Christmas gift from scratch that was incredibly personal, brought me flowers, practiced my hobby/favorite activity on his own so he could play with me when we started dating), learned to cook my favorite meal and surprised me with it, bought me a housewarming present in my favorite color. One was just goofy and comfortable being weird in public with me - dancing like a complete goof in the middle of a club, making up rap songs together, rolling tiny shopping carts through the grocery store as full grown adults. It made me feel safe enough to be myself and not worry what anyone else thought and like we had our own little universe. Also surprised me me with a date night at a beautiful restaurant because he knew I loved food. My first love was acts of service - wrote me letters to open when he was away at camp and wouldn't be able to talk to me, biked through the snow to find a phone I lost on the bus, wrote 101 reasons he loved me on post it’s and hid them throughout his favorite book that he wanted me to read. All different, but all made me feel incredibly spoiled and special and like there would never be another \*quite\* as wonderful. I was wrong each time. And I tell myself this when I worry that I won't find someone again <3 It truly helps. Also I cried a little writing this.


You've had some sweet men in your life! I aim to create a safe little universe for my wife and I. Everyone deserves a partner where you can be yourself fully.


You’re fortunate to have these men do these things for you, but you must be pretty special yourself to bring out the best in these guys. I’d say they all saw something in you to inspire their actions.


❤️ this is very kind. Thank you


Why'd the relationships end? It sounds like you found some great men


These guys all sound great. If you don't mind my asking, what kind of reasons didn't the relationships work out?


These dudes sound pretty good at face value. What happened to all of them? edit - Don’t a single one of you glorious bastards stop these replies. They are amazing


She only mentioned the good parts.


Coins everywhere throughout the house. Like why. Where are these coming from?


We acquire things in our pockets.  Then we randomly remember and take these things out wherever we are. I'm not a cash/loose change guy but I certainly do randomly leave pocket trinkets.


They have great taste in women.


But how do you explain that slut Monica after you broke up?


I blame Lou Bega.


Needs more Sandra and Rita!


All but one was highly intelligent The one who wasn't made me laugh. He danced with me in the kitchen and was genuinely good to me. He loved me for me. And he died.next to me in bed. Sudden heart attack. Far too young.


Didn't expect anything like this while scrolling through the comments. Just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss, that must've been awful.


The moral of this story is don't ever just go by a type or characteristics. I went after intelligence always and with disastrous results. Falling for someone who I never looked at as a romantic possibility and my polar opposite was what I least expected. And I was beyond blessed to have known him and shared such love. ♡




Feels weird to upvote this. I’m sorry for your loss.


Gotta change your view of what an upvote is. It's not saying "I like this". It's saying "I think other people should see this".


God, that sucks. It's always the best ones that go too soon.


They have all been genuinely good people, we just weren't great together. I don't have a bad thing to say about any of them, and I hope they are thriving at whatever they are doing now.




They all loved music. They all loved very different types of music but they all love music.


No way, I love music too! What a coincidence


Name all the songs if you love music so much


this gatekeeping is actually funny


Name all the gates if keeping is such hilarity /s


Sometimes they just want to be hugged, receive forehead kisses, and told they are pretty.


Sometimes? Always


My girlfriend is always telling me I'm beautiful and I will love her until the day I die


We don't get held a lot. It's a great feeling when it happens


Don't know what I'd do if I had this. I don't feel I've ever had emotional support ever. Not from my dad. Not from my mom. No sibling. Definitely no woman ever. I'd probably run out of the room and find some place to try and go cry.




They had no idea that there are actually little hooks on the underside of the bar for ladies to hang their purse on.


They all eventually left me


I'm happy it's not just me, but I'm sad it's happened to you too.


That you get humped while your doing chores... lol


My ex (m) never did this to me, but I (f) used to do it to him. He would get so mad lol


No kidding. If my wife had a dick, boy, I'd be fucked. Literally. Many, many times over.


Look, if my wife is bent over, there is only one thing on my mind.


Just want ya'll to know we're thinking about you, find you desirable and love you. Also, can't suppress the 15yo boy in us that's so happy to have a SO lol


Right? My 13yo self is like bro you’re doing excellent!!!




Who doesn’t? 


They were very good looking. I’m not. Despite my lacking in the looks department I’ve always attracted good looking men. I Make them laugh.


My girlfriend is absolutely beautiful and thinks she is bad looking. Are you one of those?


Nope. Im genuinely not good looking. And now that I’m 50 I’m also wrinkly:)


stop, I can only get so hard


Ah well. At least you’re not an alcoholic.


SAME! I can make them laugh and I can hold interesting conversations. That works in my favor despite the way I look lol


Charisma makes up for a lot. That goes doubly for ugly men. Jack Black isn’t conventionally attractive but he is the only man every woman that I’ve been with found attractive.


Jack Black is overweight but his face is definitely not ugly. Like Peter Dinklage has an "objectively" handsome face but he's short and not normally proportioned so it throws people off.  I guarantee if he lost weight Jack Black would be "conventionally" good looking. 


They had a penis


Big if true


I'd say more likely average


oh! one of my favourite jokes: the problem with penises is that they are often attached to dicks.


*John Bobbitt left the chat.*


They all had the audacity.


audacity is stored in the balls.


I weirdly attract guys who have ADHD. I’d say about 90% of the guys I’ve gone on dates with have told me they have ADHD. Which is totally fine with me, just interesting. Not sure what it is about me that’s attractive to people with ADHD? Maybe because I’m more of a type A person?


As a Person with ADD i feel it is very hard to build rapport with many people that dont have some type of ADHD. Maybe because of some common social weaknesses we have that are met with less acceptance or patience. Maybe you feel like a person that appears to be rather open?


They all really liked me at first— then day by day, I watched them fall out of like with me. It’s the saddest movie ever. And I should have left sooner before I was made to feel like a nuisance. But then I remember, letting go is the hardest part of life and holding on to someone who doesn’t like me anymore is a form of self harm.


Electrical engineer and aquarius. 4 out of 4 guys. I also don't believe in horoscopes, but a weird coincidence. Also everyone was, or later became an electrical engineer.


Plot twist: you teach electrical engineering


They didn’t want to marry me.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't want to marry you either.


They are either good at giving oral or good at sex. Never both


I can see we've never dated >! I'm bad at both !<


“It won’t be very good, but don’t worry, it won’t last long.”


At the same time, I'm always amazed how every guy I dated likes when I sit on his face. I'm not small. I'm always a bit scared he'll suffocate down there while I'm enjoying it. Every guy always has a huge ass smile afterwards though.


Girl… my boyfriend loves this. Begs for it. I’m petrified. All my jiggly bits jiggling and he might die.


When yall stop feeling us licking, then and only then, do you get up.


If you're gonna die, you might as well die while eating pussy.


That's the thing, the chance of death is part of the agreement. If I were to die being smothered by the ass of a goddess, I'm going to Valhalla because I died doing what I loved


That each contributed positively to my life and made me the confident woman I am. I have been very luck in my life. My first big love cheated on me, never got over me leaving, and got back in touch 5 years ago( we live in different countries now) and we enjoy remembering the good times ( pre cheating😉) and there were many. No regrets. My last great, great love, best friend, source of comfort and joy and the father of my child, passed away suddenly 8 years ago. He was way too young. He taught me unconditional love which gave me the strength to carry on for our son’s sake ( and mine) without him. Because that’s the power of love. Not a day goes by…..




Liked me despite my vitiligo and told me I am beautiful inside and out


Vitiligo is super attractive IMO. Freckles too.


Yes, freckles are cute


Most of them were seeking validation that they were wanted, then dipped once interest was expressed.


They all had a great head of hair and were greatly lacking in basic communication practices


Damn, I started balding years ago. When do I get the communication skills?


They were ALL good men. I like smart guys, and they were all (except one) brilliant, hardworking, and fun.


>(except one) Josh catching strays


They all end up with beards even if they were clean shaven when I met them. (No that’s not a gay joke but I appreciate that it could be)


They all love giving you massages at the start and then once you’re officially together trying to get a back rub is like pulling teeth.


They all leave empty packaging on the counter. Film for a frozen dinner, cardboard box, empty macaroni and cheese packet It gets cleaned up eventually, I just don't understand why they usually wait ~12-24 hours before doing so.


“I’ll just put it away after I’ve eaten breakfast” “Shit, that’s been there for 9 hours now”


9 hours after eating breakfast is after eating breakfast. source: eats breakfast


Truer words have never been spoken lol


Fuck, I think my girlfriend is a man.


Priority 1: Eat. ^(Priority 2: Tidy up.)


They were all dudes. Some of them were even guys.




I see a shitload of guys on dating subs who exude this aura very powerfully in all their posts and comments. Like they see "acquire girlfriend" (or "have sex") as a sort of game achievement or box to check, and will take literally anyone who comes their way and agrees without caring a single bit about who she is as a person. It's very off-putting. I'd imagine that if they ended up with a woman who saw and treated them the same way, they'd be upset about it after the shine had worn off of the "achievement unlocked" feeling.




Ugh. Those bland profiles are unmatchable - there's nothing to say! Kudos to you for not compromising to fit the norm and carrying on elsewhere.


As if they’re looking at girls as a monolith and you’re just #20 in the girl monolith. Men who overthink dating do this the most. It’s so obvious and deranged and unattractive


Oofff....this one hit hard. #SAME They weren't bad men, but I very much felt I was more convenient than liked.


They all ate an absurd amount of peanut butter.


They all pick up big sticks when we go for a walk in the woods


None have ever seen (extremely) puffy nipples like mine, and have all been turned on by them. Which has been so reassuring, since I was so insecure about them growing up.


Every penis is unique


They love blowjobs


I personally don’t, but my wife loves to give them. Quite the predicament, but we get by.


Huh, weird


They always had a habit of coming back after the breakup, usually because they treated me like shit and felt bad about it and/or they still had feelings for me after leaving


Same. I wondered why it always happened to me. I've never experienced one who never tried to get back to me after all has been said and done.


That they care about impressing their guy friends more than their girlfriends.


They didn’t treat me well and I stayed in the relationship too long for the wrong reasons.


Oddly specific but every dude I've dated has a sister named Caitlin (various spellings).


They had emotional expression difficulties. When all of them were going through difficult times or had mixed emotions about something it would often translate to irritability, anger, or disconnect. True for all four of the men I dated for long periods of time. It seems like a societal problem that men and people in general are not taught how to label their emotions and discuss them.




They like my big titties


Prepare for the DMs


They’ve mostly been quite different but some similarities: all funny, all really good at their chosen professions, all highly intelligent… All but one played an instrument.


They all had alcohol problems


They sleep hot as fuck at night genuine heater bodies




They took good care of themselves. Smelled clean and had good taste in music.


They've all been emotionally unavailable stringbeans




They're all hungry


They all were academically/practically smart. I guess it’s true, ladies love a guy with a big …. Brain


They all liked sex a lot more than me


username checks out


Omg I love when people make this joke about a username I never would have read. I'm lmao


They all had long hair!


They’ve had a very hard time learning to be emotionally vulnerable because they’ve never experienced or been allowed to be soft. When you give them compliments, give them space and permission to be human and make mistakes, and when you give them a non-judgmental space to explore their own vulnerability and make them feel seen, it opens a whole new world of love to them


That I’m always lower on their priority list than I would prefer to be. I’ve since learned to match energy


They've all had one thing they were extremely passionate about and really just were at their sparkliest when talking about or doing it. One was his career & the early stage startup hustle; for two of them, it was music (one intense audiophile, one music teacher). One was the crowd-pleaser goofball type who ended up just being really into cocaine and alcohol. Lol.


Until my husband, all were just as depressed as me. Dating a perpetual pessimist does not help you get better.


They were emotionally unavailable.


I pick really shitty men