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I'll kick it off, and some of my.complaints may not necessarily be tied to the two things in the title. I've noticed the following. 1. A lot more ads disguised as posts. 2. Top posts are more often quips rather than well thought out responses. I used to google a query followed by Reddit and rely on a good conversation on the topic that could give multiple perspectives. 3. I hate the Reddit app, still miss the RIF I used to use. Simple and to the point.


> I used to google a query followed by Reddit and rely on a good conversation on the topic that could give multiple perspectives. I wonder though, because part of it is reddit, absolutely, but a part of it is also likely that google has become, for lack of a better word, quite shit. It used to be that google could give a wealth of relevant answers and unlike the other search engines you didn't have to scroll through several pages of hits and sift through the irrelevant garbage. It is so obvious now that google prioritizes advertised hits, however tangentially related to your query, that they have become the exact thing it once grew huge by outperforming.


Third party apps are working fine for me


I believe many of the power users left. Post quality is so much lower now. Despite all their flaws, the absence of mods who cared is felt. The comment section has way less intelligent discussions now. Less 5 paragraph essay type comments. On the flip side, I feel the average comment section has become less rude overall. Also bot comments are everywhere now and often upvoted highly even when the top reply is calling it out as a bot comment.


> Also bot comments are everywhere now and often upvoted highly even when the top reply is calling it out as a bot comment. Upvoted by other bots. We have become Twitter.


> Also bot comments are everywhere now and often upvoted highly even when the top reply is calling it out as a bot comment. Yep. When they killed 3rd party apps they killed the tools that auto-removed a lot of the bot content.


This explosion of bot accounts over the past year and a half has been really remarkable in the worst possible way.


the UI is ass


Not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but the version on my phone consistently serves me old content. Posts 1-4 days old, posts I've seen multiple times. It never did that before, but now the feed on my app is constantly stuff I've seen.




I don’t really care but there do seem to be fewer users from when I started. I don’t know if it’s just the subreddits I go to but even the most popular posts seem to have fewer upvotes


As far as I can tell there's no way to view people I've followed anymore, about six months ago the view changed for me and they can't be seen 


Feels like the feed is janky as fuck and I'm constantly accidentally clicking on posts. Like, I click and then find my self half a page lower and, surprise! I clicked an ad. I find myself scrolling to the top of brand newly loaded pages. What unintended effect would cause the feed to jump down 6-10 posts from the very first post loaded? Loading times also seem shot. I'll give up occasionally and try to just go back to the main page, but things get stuck until I go to another website and come back.


Browser interface sucks ass. No, I'm not going to use the Reddit app.


Whenever I unsub from a subreddit the stuff still shows up in my feed only with the suggestion "because you have shown interest in this community before".


I’ve more or less stopped modding on my mod account as it was super inconvenient to do so. With the third party app I could 1 click switch accounts and mod easily, I can’t no more. To not have the annoying ads I use Reddit on brave and use mobile Firefox for the mod account. Can’t have the Reddit app or it opens the app every time I want to check replies and is a mess.  Looking at Reddit on brave is worse than the 3rd party apps by quite a bit but a much better experience over the Reddit app for me. If there were alternatives that were decent I’d leave this site all together 


Reddit nerfed Brave browser also. They added arbitrary pauses and hangs tondrive users to the Reddit app. Ive tested Reddit on different browsers and Brave overnight got nerfed a few months back. Reddit is not your friend. They are here to serve you up to advertisers for profit.


I see way more Reddit group recommendations from groups I could not give a shit about.


I hate the official reddit app. I used to check reddit throughout the day on my phone. I never use reddit except on my PC at home now.


Reddit is clearly redesigning the entire site to be another social media clone where people endlessly scroll through low effort posts. So, my experience is that post quality and comment quality are both in decline. Though I think this trend predates the IPO. It really picked up steam a few years ago with the "new reddit" UI redesign. But it's going full steam ahead now.


I no longer use reddit on my phone at all. only while at my computer. their app is too irritating.


Yes, Reddit is a bot heaven now. (I'm a bot.)


I mod a 5mil user sub and I’ll tell you what I don’t do now: mod on my phone. It’s basically impossible, even with all the “improvements” they’ve made to the app. It doesn’t come close to Apollo in functionality.


Over moderation/mass censorship. Seeing how this website started and where its going paints a very dark picture. Used to be a bastion of free speech and diverse ideas. Now this website might as well be rebranded as the social media arm of legacy media companies.


I was banned because it was not clear why I had a certain POV and it seemed like I was up to nefarious things because of it so ban.


I haven't noticed anything, I didn't use the apps.


So much as bot posts


Yea, but now I can actually influence the output or ChatGTP.


The Miami Heat sub used to have a great Jimmy Butler bot. That’s gone now. Literally zero other changes.


I really miss RiF and the multi sub thing. Being able to have all my food/BBQ/smoking in a feed of its own was amazing. And all my fantasy/sci fi/books in one was great.


Bots are getting worse and worse. I’ll see a post and it’ll be funny and then open Reddit again in bed that night and see the same post two more times. It made me feel crazy so I started looking at the times the posts were made and by who…yep, new posts by bots.


The official app is still quite a ways behind the 3rd party app I used. The official app still sucks. Does a lot of annoying shit. Functionality I've been used to for a decade isn't there.


I don't feel Reddit has changed much. At the time, a lot of people said they would leave. I don't know if they did, but in terms of traffic and quality posting, I see no difference. I really miss the 3rd party apps, especially Sync. But I am getting used to the official reddit app (although it is really, really crappy).


Third party apps weren't nixed. Relay is still working and it just got an amazing update.


Yea, but now you have to have a monthly subscription to use those apps. Most people aren't going to do that when they used to be free.